it i::: tZTO EirAD rxr; ,Z3 B. fc- I ..wr and ProprUtor, LocU Tilifhona, Ke. 78. TeUphona, He. 14. iZZSCZIPTlOX BATES. .One Tear c;. -uK. . $140 Three Months una . $L20 .40 "pTJELISHESVa AKKOUaCEJUax. Aivertiainr rales can be hsd at the r. Piim far ehanses Bast be in Cardt of Thanks. Resolution of Bwpect, and . milar article : are ' charged at th rate t 5 cent pej tw. aah in all eases. : Entered s second elaat mail matter April 28, 1910, at the poStoffle -at WnL V. C under the act ox a. 1879. On of the otty and by mail Unfair Jawing price o tb Evening Trio- - nil -will nroraii: One Month - -25 Six Months .... 1JH .Twelve Month JOHK L OGLESBT, City Editor. Concord, N. C, Jannary 26, 191L A BOND ISSUE. An editorial in Wednesday's Char lotte News in regard to a proposed bond issue makes interesting: reading, and just now it is applicable to Con eord, as a bill has been introduced at Raleigh to allow the Water and Light Board of Concord to issue bonds for $50,000. It is all right to make pub lie improvements when they are need ed, bnt at the same time, it. is also ad visable to look into the methods of spending large amounts of money. We reproduce a part of the News' timely editorial for the benefit of the Con- eorj public. The News is anxious to hear more details of the plans of the bond ad vocates. What means are to be adopted to in crease revenue to such an extent as to -J meet heavily increased interest bur densf And if such plans are formulat ed, where is the million to be spent exaetly where and how f Also who is to handle the amount f Will all sec tions of the city share alike the vast investment of improvement funds t These are matters about which the av erage voter, who pay the freight de r sireg to know. The city needs im provements. There is no doubt of this . and the News yields to none in its de- i tire to see the pressing needs supplied. But, before we bond future genera- .'. Hons, -is it not the course of wisdom to ait down and soberly count the eostf Supposing all property in the city were assessed according to its true value, would there be any necessity .for issuing one million dollars in bonds T which these needs can be supplied, The News favor bonds that is for specific purposes, and under certain conditions. As stated before, is is a matter upon which it is almost im possible to form an intelligent opinion until more light is thrown upon the subject. - - - A very bad state of affairs seems ' to exist in Albemarle according to a , j dispatch, in the Charlotte Observer of this morning from that place, and the same condition exist in other . place and would be made public the officers only had the nerve to en- 1 force the prohibition law. We con gratulate the good people of Albe . v marie on having an officer of the law in Justice Ewing, who, on learning of ' the situation, did hi doty in arrest- . ing the guilty parties. , , ' , Tare Delightfnl ' Entertainment at , sMfc Pleasant ThlaWeek. , --, -t Three number of the Lyceum course v provided by the Collegiate Institute . and. Mont Amoena Seminary will be given in the Auditorium-this week. The first of these will be the dreamy old legend of Rip Tan Winkle which clings -to the American people more closely than any other written story. " This will bo presented Jannary' 25th - by Herbert A. Sprague, who is ably ' assisted by Floy Mahan Sprague. Mr. Spragne is regarded by American ' . critics a worthy, successor to Joseph Jefferson in hi masterly interpreta tion of Rip. --:; ' :''' , r " On' the evening of the 27tb and ZSth, -linnitwu A. Williams will appear 1n Kmg Henry IV and Othello. Mr. ' Williams is a Shakespearian scholar - of international re put. and is certain to please in hie interpretation of the - great dramatist. Lever of high class entertainment will appreciate the-en-' tir program, -f 23t2t-d6t Old English Squire Daluped WiU Or der for Loavae. -far Oawai Moefey. aaaeter of Bollee- toa Ball. Sorto-oa-Trnt. Eatlaaa, aaa found himself ewddaoiy bereft ot his wonted peace and hia larte estate overwhelmed wtth the clanMroo Im portunities of Ue world. Sir Oswald recently aanonnced : his tntantloa to start a national bread re form. Tb Btewfaac led methods ot saUUn(a4 tb artificial noavemtrtttons white bread. aecordU to the BoUeston squire, were rulnlax the teeth of pe pl and nndeiaalnlac tbdr health.) Be pwposed. tbecefore, wtth hia nxue tea aiU n the tM of tt bater ec aoUeeton TllUra b prodace a whole aaeal loaf of th saving itcrfcctfcsi of Encnah bread la the day prior to false teeth, Indigestion and appendkitls. ' ; treiw btuseaier Uya. .- for to first day 8lr Oswald eonlned his pnrpoae to supplying sample loaves to th villager stout BoUeston HalL Then vged by outsiders, be consent ed to forward a sample loaf to any body In the country who sent three psnc (0 cents). Scarcely had th an oncment been made when telegraph boys began to stream to Rolleatoa Ball, and the next poet brought th biggest mall ever seen on the estate. Sir Oswald had a shooting party at hia hones end wished to go out n lit tle, but this became Impossible, and th guests wer compelled to shoot alone, while the astounded squire was bottled np with a flood of telegram and letter asking for whole meal bread baked In the old way. Compelled te Cancel Offen After a few hours' struggle, during every moment of which they say i the squire became more perplexed and distracted, be dispatched telegrams to the newspapers withdrawing his offer, saying that the little stone mill and th village baker already had more than they could do in five years. Sir Oswald and a clerical staff are busy returning money to. the great landowners who wished to start sim ilar enterprises on their own estates and to health societies, millers, bak ers, doctors and all sorts and condi tions of men. However, the master ot BoUeston, who Is one of the few really typical John Bulla left In the country, with sawed off top hat, mutton chop whisk ers,-broad face, abort, . thick body, knickers and top boots,- hope even tually to help other carry bread. re form to success. Te Ktw C ;'..-., L-, 1 : and Peoiacbia, Fla, Ac t et lUr-U Grs ClbraU4CJ, rbr ary 25-Et On aeeount of th ILtsZ't .Qre celehratioBa at New Orleans, La Uo- bue, Ala and feneacola, 11, Feb ruary 23-23, the SoaiWn- lUilway will sell round trip ticket at follow ing reduced rate. - Concord, N.- C, to New Orleans. La, $23.70; Cooeard t Mobil, Ala, xiiuu; concord to i'eoiacoia, ila, $19.00. - , . - , , .Ui Ticket ea sale February 21st to 127th, inclusive, with final . return limit March Uth, with privilege of an eztensioa of final limit tntil March 27th, by depositing ticket with jont sgeni sua payment ox on noiiar. Ap proximately low rate from all other points, ' - , For further information. Pullman reservations, etc, call on any agent, or write, v 1L TL DeBDTTS. T. P. A, Charlotte, N. C. TO ADVEETTSEES. To insure ehang of advertisement. th eopy must be m by 10 a. nv each day. . Our rate are based on' weekly changes. Additional change will be charged for axtra. ' . A BeUanh Oongk Ibdlcbi la a valuable family friend. Foley Honey and Tar fulfill this condition exactly. Mr. Charles Kline, N. 8th St, Eaaton, Pa, states: "Several member of my family bar . been cured of bad cough and eold by the use ox Jf oiey Money and Tar and am never without a bottle in say house. Soothe and relieves th irrita tion in th throat and tossen np the eoild. I have always found it a re liable cough care." Sold by Cabar rus Drag Co. - ;,-;y - : BISMARCK MEMOIRS HELD OP. Volume Criticising Present Kaiser Se cret Until Hie Death. It is announced from Berlin that the third volume of Bismarck's memoirs will not be published during the pres ent kaiser lifetime. The first two volumes were published some years ago. and contained many "Interesting revelations concerning political event of the period of Bismarck's official ca reer and many aide lights on the his tory of those times, The third volume Is known to oon- tala an unfavorable account of th present kaiser, written In connection with the circumstances which led) to Bismarck' dismissal . from . office i in 1880, two year after William IL ac cession to the throne, when , the Iron Chancellor conceived a fierce hostility toward the young. Impetuous ; mon arch. - Some uneasiness ha been caused at th German court from time to time by rumors that Bismarck's heir i In tended to publish this volume In the near future. , The announcement now made Is Intended to banish such fear and make It clear that Bismarck's Judgment on William IL will noti be given to the world during the kaiser'! reign. .,-y-,;; SWISS HAVE ELASTIC ROADS; j"-a;,fe'- I ill. ':'iK--:'- .'9-' Tar Cested Qrsvel Proves Inexpensive . Lasting and Nelaeleea, , 'i An interesting experiment ha been gaad' with promising results at en ncn, L Bwusenana. - rme gravel, us grains averaging from ons-twentfetb to one-twelfth of an Inch In diameter, the whole carefully freed from earthy; substances, was coated In a revolving dmnf with tar. These pallet worst . then carefully dried and hardened and after eight or ten week were spread during dry weather In a thick layer upon a prepared roadbed and rolled. - The road thus formed la Inexpen sive, possesses a certain elasticity and t nid to withstand well the effect of heavy traffic The desirability ot a slightly, elastic road for saving wear and tear and suppressing noise Is evi- ar -t r f i T It is s'l tUt t--e tpriri i L.ia-pe t-tt f ure tj 1 -ts anj t eat. r If y In tlt. in t-jtm wat f y voulJ ... troia -t n.ul tu) Wi-la'txyj make every ajrt to take a trip ta Europe at ooecf Would yon not t wiihng to spend year laatoant taZzA the cur t But yon need; not rleav horn for these distant springs Relief ia right her In your own home town I - .JL-niBipiSiiraaa of Ou of IV inter- green, Thymol and tSr ingredienta as (wnpennded only in a IK Dt Pre scription -will fcrinf Instant nelief to that -terrible. bumicg lies, and leave ibaskin a smooth and healthy u that fa child. If yon hat not already tried it, ft at least a 25 cent Vittl today. Wo assure yon of instant relief. Gibson Drug Start. . ."See tteeuy josngsnanlw'aat k h rearing f -That la a monocls. my child.- - "And -wbr-doea he weas only one alaaar. . -Oee, bat jou'have & mean'dlspcel tlonl - Wouldn't yen taave hia on of toSMWtthrOevsiand Loader. ' - jCUUtml VTk an Ekkly. , Mother who valu their -own. com- fort and th welfare of their children, should never be withoat a box of Mo ther Gray'o Sweet Powder Xor. Chil dren, for use, throughout th season. They break np Colds, Cure Jsveriah- nes venaupauoa,. x seuuuy -Headache- and . Stomach Trouble. These Powder never faiL iSold by all -dm ir stores 25. Don ' accept any , , . . . , ' 1 111 v suo&uiuie. i,a xrias pacaagn-.wui sent free, to any mother, whs will ad dress Allen S-OlmstedVU Boy, IL T. ror Eont Five room ootiage in een- ... tral part of town; city water. Ap ply at Tribune office. - : ,il7-4t-p HTt Ton Tried -POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY'S VANISHING CREAM For Those Chapped Hands and Face? This is an ideal Skin Cream, con taining not a trace of grease and does ot promote the growth of down on the face. It is instantly absorbed by the skin and can be used freely at any time without a-jnry to gloves or cloth ing. ,...,.., This is only one of the many good things to be found in our toilet article department. : . GXBS01T DRUG ST0BE - The Eexall Store REI.lEi.lBER! My apeelalty , in doing work that others, can't do. . - Give me a trial witkoay FRENCH DRY : CLEANDta PROCESS and will prov it to yon. " J. B. ALEIAKDE3, Proprirtor. .9tepbont Ko. 115. Thp. ' of medieine is done with absolute so-, - curacy in our Prescription . Depart-' ment, and the quality . of all drugs used iof the very highest grade. . The3 physician 'rMeeesa in the treatment4 ' of difficult ease depends on the purity and freshness of the drags. : , . . . I 3 i AH Prescription filled by a Registered1 T H E P E O P LE S D H U G C oi THE PdPULAR'TLACE. ! """"" "j"" T" Ji-. UJl J "The -decisive clean cut nun of. afhlrs ' Di-i!:ers estl Professional will lilr.J - Bolld cocscrvatlsn combine J with style tr.J iin3.Ul!arls-la tlzzslSCJXLOJSS MOD r-ELS v.hlch we pictore here. ' t.They ccne in neat mixed weaves that are exactly- suited to the men who will wear ' these suits, ' ' cThe8e are - - Two of the ' NewlWr v Models o the -SCHLOSS - BALTIMORE CLOTHES. : There are Many -iother .Models for.. '. Men and . "Young men. .-9 - jT e;.::::a:i & fetzer co. H Harriman Record.: W. C Fink, who has been manager of the oleal office of the American Telegraph end Tele phone company for over two years, has been promoted and will go to New Orleans to take charge of that dis trict Xhfi first of the month. Mr. and V.;. link have made many friends d" ' ' t 'isr residence in the city' who, , 7 are glad Mr. Fink has r a well merited promotion, J s rry to gee them leave ITar- -t Railroad Built Quickly. An eighty -nine mile railroad In North Carolina, In the construction of which no wood was used, recently was com pleted and opened for service In fif teen months from the time work was started. r. ,.?.::;., . . Poley Kidney PUbi Are toni in action, quick in results A special medicine for all kidney and bladder disorder. Mary C Abott, Wolfeboro, N. H, savs: "I was afflle ed with a bad east of rheumatism, due to uric acid that my kidney-failed to clear out of my blood. I wa so lam in my feet, joints and lack that it was agony for m to (tea I used Foley Kidney Pill for three day when I wa able to get np and move about and the pain were t'l fone, Thi great feat r1 - " ij r ..Uon I owe to liky LI 7 1. 1 end reeoirimcn,l J'ia to t-f t ir " t 1 I,ave.' -CiAl I j C. " .-: 1 Vrt Con. :iy. LADIES' XOAT SUITS DRYXLEATaED , AND PRESSED We clean Ladies' Suite aa .we da menWremove all - spots, freshen ujj both color nd fabric; raise the nap, . press and shape- them - so as to . make ihera look -Jike new. - Charges are reasonable. - Let ussend for yours. , "1 s ' - - VACUUM CLEANING MID Trj-SSIT.'G rCLU3 OUAEANTEED BTEICTLT TCSE EUCVTTTAT TLCU2. 1 1ILSE3 THE ' WINTER'S IDEAL BREAKFAST TCCD. h n urn m. . , . ';:l.JM li- . J 1 II3i'C2ilL"ESTATE ! Cna A nm honaa.nnd-nantrv on Itoeky Eidge road at Yoang-IIartaell mill j lot 01120 feett (700. Una o room none ana pntry on Green treet at Toung-IIartsell mill ; lot fifl120 feet: tSOO. . IZ acre In Ko. Xi townsup, arc miie txronr cny; two mwrj, o mm dml!in Mind tenant honaa and out. bnilding dOOearing young nursery ornu trees, u acres suuwer; ouoay m fl50perscrc , i C5 mrrrm 6 vst sailfta SOnth of ConOOrd at s bargain on easy terma, . wwasa- 'fiisnnnniBwaBSSr snsr wssrsBBBssnnnf fW M . M. W t r-Zotiday IHrtHt. Tninv ' J-ZHJ alii English Grand Opera and Ladies' Orchestra , ' . llASCAGri'S HIirOETAL ' - Gavallcria AN - CHCCTI3 CriVALEY Trc. " lTy i KZZZTT.l C "13 CI- TTTA t r- wd 'enr s - skin disease. Tnat'a'tnt pric of HUNT'S CUZE, nnd'tt to bolntcly guaranteed. ' ) JQTBSOX DXTJQ STOPS Q!yPre:3G-t I nave purchased outright a' drr preparation for cleaning ladies' gar ments that I guarantee to give satis faction, or i will make no charge for the work. I am sole owner of this preparation and on account of the ex client satisfaction it ha given I make this proposition to th 141ie of Con cord and vicinity: Send us any ar- -i- i i 1 - ucies or garments yon warn cleaned and after we use this dry cleaning preparation o nthem if they arc not entirely satisfied with the work I will make no charge. - -, , . . ' ' , Respectfully, ' ' i O. B. FOWKLE3. Pvonrlttor. Phono 188. - - tzo. r. r.". :CCPA5T t -.. , -rVetit 11:7 V."3 E tzr Yoa Tlrjr.':i c ytzr taclache, ttrt-r-' :'-:":-r:Liinsys, cor. '" . :" J.'C:::::3 v;!j txl I -, r -! .: --rs : - '-i t.z Importance - ot High- Grade Sanitary Plumbing. Good Plumbing is en of th roost important feature abont a bout. Ten cannot hav to many safe-guard tat the health of your family end your, aelf. Therefore tb slight cost of the BEST Plumbing will in , raTty be health assurance aa well a a saving in renaiv bills. ,Y1-,;. 8ANITART PLTJ1IECT3 Ca Phone s:t dentisthy I am now - in ths Morris building, over th Cabarrus Savinps Bank. SEABQAJU) AIB UXZ EAUJ.2AD. Charlotte, N. C, January ft, 1011. Chonire of schednln KF!AP.OARn AIB LINE, effective noon Sunday, Jan. 15. Westbound trains, leave Char lot te at follows, daily : , ; , . Ho, us, daily, 10:10 a. m. ? , r ' No. 47. dailv. 4:45 o. m--i Eastbdnnd, daily: -::-J' I v i No 40, daily, 5:00 a. m. s No 48 daily, 7:30 mm. . - 1 .-no. , uauy, o:uu p. m. : No. 132. daily. 6 :55 o. m. Trains arriv in Charlotte "a fol lows front th east 1 j J No. m, 10:40 a. m. " , ' , No. 45, 12:01 noon. ' ' No. 39.10:50 n. m. Arrive from the west; Vo 40, 10:15 a. m. ..'No. 132, 6:55 p. m. . .... ' T 1 --t T Trsvc'ii'j 1 1, '.jc-ncr t 0. S. LEAKD, D. P. A., r.ii it. c.