Ofl i J I I! I " V '' V V i vol. ::xd Pries, 40 Ce-ta a lentil. .CONCORD. N. C MONDAY. JANUARY 30, 1911. Blngle Copy, i Cento. NO. 179 J 'IS: ; " jI L.J III A 13DNIQHT UUEDEa AT BUD GOODMAN'S NEAR-BEES STAND. Another Mysterious Killing Added to -tiii Already Big List in Cbrm ' Two Ken Under Arrest Coronsr'i adjourned nntil this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Wbea Motley and Plott fame to the eity they went to the City Cafe and Motley gare Mr. Robert Sulher, man ager of the business, hie pistol,' a "32 magazine Colts and asked him to keep it for him. , Those , who were ia the Cafe Mate that both of the men were under the influence of li- qoori'lott fteimr more eo tban tbe other nan. Tbey also ; state that Motley insisted on Plott going back to ibe beer stand with him bnt this he declined to do. whereupon Motley returned. Plott stayed in the cafe ' Jury gifta Testimony No Cine as for some time, and it is said that be to the Perpetrator Develop. , eriad ral times Deiore .; leaving .v.. ,,,.;,; ..iinere ana at umesiaiaea ireeiy 01 we Just on tbe eve, of the- passing of , . ... , Am t il m !. j U I tuuiuvl uu 0 va est vuivjv inivs first fc, of the new JSJA Ti -ZL iw7. . o'her times that be was not there. He tins county, when S idner Barrier a w dronk fc h6 wM fc young white man o Bmorton, fa . . polieeuian that if he did not Ul w ho would be locked np and he near beer aland abouf two miles from ... .v. ., , -the eaty on tho 'Mt. Pleasant road, ,Iihra nla f about 12 o'eloek Satprday night, v . - . . mnrnin t lh. fno nf tll. ril ouerux jaoocycuu ai uuihivu kiwi - ,vrAi, di went innneUly "ml about, thirty feet from where murder. Qn aeeount of the M Barrier was shot. The revolver was ue omce oi coroner vm, fonnd by Charley EarnhardL who necessary vo arouse .- M a number of other people visited m tuwuvuoo owu 8"' w .rrv., n. -.-.J.k a. jae owuuuiieu ALi-vo n.vuwi . j w.ii u j who quaUfled an4 nt onee proceeded h Z7TZ r t Sk& aurTwf. onTckllLt S" tt'lto&iS l0,Wl" AW .if. morning who this firm was elosing out TMTa f-nHZ UU tock of fire-arm. at a greatly re- . Luther Byles, E. W. Eidenhout and IL J. Phillips. duced price on account of the recent fire, but at the time he purchased no bullets &nd this is the only hardware uuiuer JTBuiuuger, tx. jx. vjwuuiu,i . . ,;i -v..i .n tl.l . ft . J - T Z I"VIC 1U UP IiJ UH KU. ..IMS. BJAO John Blaekwelder were the witnesses KTIV"; " v examined. I Safrii, Motley and Plottr'1;,;... ;r ' ' 1 were not examined, V The ioUowing is , the substanee of H. A Goodman's lr "'r Z""'uuvai? -iii -.. .- r...- . - persons, r - . --.sr.-.v . . lostiuiuu; . . - - - ."... . I 4 -nWBnl(iif vf thi. nniiAr wont "Barrier came to the near beer K., .u. - ' ' ' ; stand early in the night and remained " '"V""," IIZI t Wamu T 1 Am. " In " I wgul "Uw VII wU T IW SJJ. UOU HilUIUQV fist Bid f Am AM f ilAnflitiin i rt evening I asked him -if be would XZr:" mOaerve the trade, and ho onsented ; " " ' rv me wii. iu ' u tms of this county and have a num. .10 uo so. fur several uuun uum-1 . Mi . , ; -k.wi.i i..:-r ber tft, people-visited the near beer JTIil : stand and Barrier was kept busy as- f . ""5 u? No- 2 township and Plott from No. I . ' i. i.V, ; iu .t township. - They are both occnpanU . ..... ---t-"- or tne eanie oeU In the jail. TliAeo wlui ramatnaJ Lean ' I.uth M 1 . . . . Penineer. who caino to the .tend with L'S 6B8T'Krinni,pe' 4T bt 21 y of age and po weldejv Robert Goodman, Jiw Plott Mgged and affable na- and GeorgOvMotle, who were sitting .nu..u uj u. - ... - of being rather wild and reck ess. He tVIITUOHUVII, hDIO mOmnJ ao Tnna 0A Hfa Mamiit ll ,...t QA 'i I " uwmvu AoOj VHin lV duos MIOUUO gagea in a rawer peaieo nrgumeni w c,annimyBr; f v:B tMmtMn hA to whether ;v the - proposed railroad with Wg Mrviw Um mrougu o.-0 .own8U.p wto.u nui , The fenl wag yte, af. t Jn il Rimorlmn nr nni RrnAr I . . . .. . . .7 J 3 l ,u i V. , 7.j " " ternoon at 4 o'clock at Kimertown, iannfaruiAii f hair rhA Mllwiad It Oil nrYVm. 1 . " ifted to build the station and Safrit diffArtftd vitli bim. WhiU tha' two and Motley wentout of the store and were hitching their mule to bnggy. "As the discussion continued both men displayed signs of anger and J they would have to get outside, where- S!' Jud ""f0,.88?,' noon Barrier arose nd challenged P"" ?FW wd Soh!I 0,t Kirril on An h AiitsiilA with ilim 1 -""f iub .nj -hu .Mnmmt sfi StMo. CTJp to the noon hour the ma i,. t h.-i,.iun Mim.inli chinery of the court had been set in sifting on a barrel about tbe eenter of u the store, but Barrier continued We "i the.rf1rt-Tery ffw tte wrnr tn th. nnnp Jnat as ha ilamurl uw vv w nuio auu ura WV u5 a..; a . w ... 8n lcreaiea unusual interesitv it. at. miHi) f-f.iiin-l -iue ioiiowuig compose toe grana against a buggy wheel. We inwne- H" r , urtViTS w i ' ' diately mated to his assUtance and --5rl,hJ?JS?' .. T n a.i a Jaa awa. I l O. . 1 UllO, A. A. VBiUWBU, Barrier he fell in my arms and said; P,5'i:-i!:'H!g!S'i',S 'Bud. Iam.shoti am going to die,' JSr" v5; M and he bid : hardly . uttered these S; 8, ' PS?.n JaV11, ,a.j. k.fAM i,. .,;a oaoe, v. j any. vvuuam. onears, 'On- account of the dai-kness of -uu ; V V"lS J .rji ; , DEATH Or 13. W. P. CA51T05, JS Cabamu.Tonng Uaa Die la Balti more After an Operation for As peadickia. . . - . ' ' Mr. W. r. . Cannon, 'Jr, died Sat urday evening at 7 o'clock at Balti more where he was a student at the Universtity of Maryland, after an ill ness of three days of peritonitis. .Mr. Cannon was taken ill early Wednes dsy morning with an acute attack of appendicitia and rnabed to a hospital where he- underwent an operation by one of the beet surgeons of Baltimore, Peritonitis developed and his condi tion grew gradually worse until his death Saturday evening. His parents received a message early Thursday morning advising them of hii serious condition and his father went tamed lately o Baltimore ; -y u s J When , his father arrived all hope of Ms recovery had been abandoned by .'the physicians, and, although ' be was conscious ' and recognised us father, his condition Was critical that, he died a few hours after Mr. Cannon arrived. -:-x'. "On account of tha popularity and bright promise' of the young man the first news tr illness brought count less inquires from scores of people tn the city and throughout the county concerning his condition,"? evidencing the esteem and inendsnip of scores who anxiously awaited a report from bis bedside. Frank.. Cannon, Jr-" ws a quiet, reserved young gentleman, a lover of hu home and ins friends and went about among his associates, always mainfestingand kindly, yet "unpre tentious manner, and was known as what war termed a iuiet young man. bnt beneath his outward reserve was a strong and magnetic personality. In Braoefnlly summing up the life of ibis young man, whose untimely death in the beaty :, and ?"handsome strength of young manhood, it .may be said he was a Christian young gen tleman, a pride and joy to his parents a' blessing to his brothers and nis friends, and a prince among his kind. ,i At the time of his death he was member of the Junior medical class at the University of Maryland, having completed (lie first two years of study at the University of North Carolina. .Ue-wa?e2 yeewef go.-'Mrrtadrwy Buchanan, a classmate and intimate friend, came with the remains last night on train No. 29, as a represen tative of the class. The funeral was held this afternoon at 1 o'clock at the. home, conducted by Rev. J. E. Summers, and was at tended by an nnsualiy lage- crowd. The inrerment Was made at Poplar Tent. 'inn Bin is EIBI SENATOR HABT&ELL'A - BOND BILL PASSED FINAL EEAD- DIG T0OAT. TheHarteell passed final WET Grand The coroner's jury met this after noon at 1:30 o'clock but no new evi dence was submitted and they post-' poned tbe trial until Wednesday at 1:30 o'clock. v " ' ' " V: f.'': , ' . The Snperior Court. -;. Cabarrus Superior court opened this the night J was unable to indentify the dead man, "and .thought that it was my brother, Robert, and called to someone to bring a light. When the HrIiI was produced I saw that it was Bidney Barrier. 1 told rlott and Motley, who had their buggy to go to the chain gang eamp, only a short Bromley, J. M. Fisher, G. A. Jenkins, W. L. Holland, Lawrence Kluctz, W. N.; Helms, T. L. Sides J. D. Crisoo, C A. Kluttt, T. A. 'Honeycutt,W.:tH. Harkey and J. R. Pless. ' . ; Holtoa WiQ be Confirmed This Week. The nomination of District Attor- distance away and" 'phone to the city n7 Holton,' which has been held up and notifv the officers. Thev went m the Senate, is likely to bo con- tn the eamn but said the irate was nrmed this week, iwnteo Mr. Tom cloed and they proceeded to eome to Pence to Sunday' New and Obser the citv. In the meantime two ocher ver. Mr. Holton arrived in Washing- tnant; wnt tn nntif the officers I ton and conferred :with the North Goodman's testimony was substan-lwHwna oeuaiora, asunng tnem tnai tinted by the other witnesses in everylne had ben misquoted ith reference important particular with the excep- to speeches that he had delivered in tion that the other witnesses, exeeptliueasi xnorun varouna campaign, it Robert Goodman, would not t(tata had been charged that : Air. Holton that Motley and Plott were on thelnad attacked the memory of the late oiir;l nf the stare at the time of Nudge Mernmon, and citizens of tbe the killing. They all said that they state, but be denied thi and pro were not sure of this fact. - -v. . Jducedjiewspaper accounts of his cam- When the officers went to the near paign utterances to snow wat.bf.tiad leer stand to make the investigation ben falsely accused. Special Meeting of N. .0. Olaasia. Salisbury Post, 28th. - L ' A large attendance of ministejrs and laymen was present at the-special meeting of the North Carolina Classis in Faith Reformed church 'yesterday afternoon. , The. pastoral relations of Rev.' L. Tearick ' and the , East Rowan Charge, comprising the congregations of Lower Stone, Urcinus, at Rockwell and St. Luke's was dissolved. i The request of the latter two "to be constituted a separate charge .was met by the appoimnent of a commis sion consisting of Dr, W. B. Dufctera, Revs. C. B. Heller, M. M. Noacker, W H.. Causey and Lenta. This committee met subsequent to adjourn ment of Classis and determined to hold services and confer" about the situation, at Lower Stone, Tuesday, Feb. 14th, : at,10:30' a. m. j at Luke's ; the same. day at 3 : p. m and at Rockwell it night.- The time for the annual meeting of. Classis wag changed to Wednes- aay,i:,May,i3rd.ii:S"v':'.' The call 'from Uilead ; charge to Rev Dugan C, Cox was confirmed and a committee was 'appointed to in stall him. ; Mr. Samuel : J. Kirk was accepted as a worthy young man for the Uospel ministry. , . xv To Pay School Teachen More Asha- tHIw'b Polka Commission Abolished Amending, the Divorce Law, Special to The Tribune. Raleigh, January 30. The Legisla tare assembled at noon. bond bill for Concord reading in the Senate. ' : New, Senate bilk included the fol lowing: For'. Teachers "Training School in the mountains. . To make from 7 to 5 hours for vot- ing.--,,; The Asheville Police Commission was abolished. Lt the House Spain hour presented a resolution calling for a committee to recommend better equalization pay of State employes in the interest of school teachers,. Purpose is to cut salaries of best paid clerks and in crease pay of school teachers. Re ferred. By Norman, bill amending divorce lair M as to allow divorce after sepa ration of -ten years, even if children are living, provided tbey are 21, or are married. Av long calendar of unimportant bills was disposed of. LLEWXAM. lBa Themselm Naked. J A poker game was raided at Cadr iliac, Mioh., Saturday night, at which the police found two of the players, youthful ones, stripped naked, their clothing' heaped in the jack-pot on the table, v' ,. " los . id the game, but at last they got good hands at the same time. So did the winners of the evening. The two losers soon parted with what lit tle money they had left, and then one started the Teal fun by casting his necktie into the pot. This was the cue. Dollars, shoes, coats, pants, shirts and underwear followed. 'They were wondering what next to bet when the police called. Opera Should be Patronized ' .. and EiiMvraftd, Grand Opera is the highest attain ment of vocal and dramatic art. It requires long years of endless study on tbe part of tbe artist and rep resents many thousands of dollars in ks preparation. Who of us do not admire Wagner, Botner, Boy, Vetdi, Maecogri, and dozens of other famous composers, both of ibe olden and mod ern schools, who have given to the musical world such beautiful verses as Parsifal, H Trovatore, the Bo hemian Girl and Cavalleria Rusticanaf But whai of the words of art without the singer to present an intelligent rendition of the score t Singers who have worked cheir way to, the front rank by endlesg application and study until tbejr brain fairly broil Then again the grand opera singer must have temperament, personality and a keen conception of the artistic; in other words, "many are called but few are chosen." We have at the opera house tonight the English Grand Opera Company assisted by their own ladies' orches tra, presenting Mascagni'e master piece, Cavalleria, Rusticano, and Offen bach 's amusing operetta, The Rose of Auvergne, and in conjunction with the opera an orchestra recital of fifteen minutes preceding the opera, which certainly is a most alluring program. The company has been- carefully selected from the best grand opera talent available and if all reports from the towns and cities where the organization has appeared , are true, the musical treat of many years is in store for the music lovers of Concord and every available seat should be sold. The cast comprises: Mr. William Nickon, late leading tenor of the National Theatre, Berlin, Germany, Mr. C. Pol Plancon, bari tone of the Boston Opera Co., Miss Host ha Hymon, prima donna two sea sons at Hammerstem, grand opera. New York; Mis3 Hellen Dickson, two seasons prima donna, creatore s Band, and Miss Ardix Ellworth, con. tralto. The ladies' orchestra is a distinctive feature. t - - PERSONAL MLSmOjr.- Mr. James Sbepard spent yesterday in Laurent, S.C . Mrs. L, D. Miller, of Mt. Pleasant, is visiting friends in Hickory. . , Mrs. E. C. Bernhardt is spending tbe day ia Chariot tU. Mrs. R. W, Stokes, of Charlotte, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. E. J. BrsswelL Misses Alice and Janie Haugbton, who have been visiting Mrs. E. J. Braswell, left this morning for Ral eigh to visit friends. ' . i ' Miss Margnrite Brown, wbo has been visiting Miss Lois Brown in Winston-Salem, will return home this afternoon.'-',' : OVK BILL NYE FUND. TTotley returned with them but Plott il. diued to go back.' After tbe tes timony had been concluded the Sher- Both of the North Carolina Sena tors were urged to prevent the. con Brmation -of tbe district etorney who itf. at the instance of the coroner's was recenly nominated for a fourth ' . . . . li 1 . A 1 T"l jury, arrested Motley, who was at tne inquest. The jury decided to arrest Plott also, and he was found Sunday term by the President,', but they- are satisded with Mr. Holton disclaimer and will place no obstacle in the path . . .. . . i L i.:. - i: l it.- o i morning about o o ciock at a uonsei". us iuiuihu jr ms oeuan. r nr Funr ft Bost store, a short dis- f nee from the pnmp station. The I Mr. R, K. Black has returned from ' o men are now in jail. The Juryja week's visit to Northern markets, - Mrs. J. W. Cannon. J. W. Cannon Times Tribune Cash Cash Total - t 25.00 25.M 5.00 . Si 00 10.00 ... 25.00 $ 93.00 Celebrates Birthday. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Parish enter tained at their home at White Hall, quite a large crowd of relatives and friends on Saturday, - January 21, that being Mrs. Parish's 50th birth day. Those present - were: Messrs. D. G. Bost, D. M. McDonald, C. A. Myers, Pink Dry, Tison Furr, George Purr J. M. Barbee, Charlie Smith, Smith Parish. Among the relatives was a cousin from Haywood county. Lindley Conine. After a splendid dinner was served they all proceeded to the frotn yard and had a picture taken. There were 45 present. We spent a delightful day at the home of Mrs. Parish. ' X. Honor Roll of the Fisher School for . - Month Ending January 20th. k Rosa, Myrtle, Lena, Katie, Aanna Daisy, Susie, Mattie, Elsie and May Kluttz, JlaffMaud and Marie Fisher and Bessie Soger, Dwight Adam, Ray mond, Hubert and Get as Kluttz, Brit tan Wilson, James .Taylor, Ralph Bost and Udell tarter.4 -, Other local matter on third page. C T ip irt s oafsrioit, Of UnTT-OPEN if, - CHKUNQ JCCOUHt WITH TUt MONBT. i rocr two wac- UUT TO HAft ON HJND-lUtT DM DAILT THt 4MOVS1 NEEDKV. WHBTHBR. 1T I A HOVSBKOLU ACCOUNT O FOB BVSINSSI MVOSU I Other local matter on third page. . ; f FOR RENT. . r -Several desirable cottacei ia cootl neighborhoods; convenient to schools. ehurohes and business part of the city. v , JHU. IL. PATTERSON a 00.- , CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 Surplui $3P r Per' Cent Interest Paid on time Per Cent Interest Paid on Time Deposits. i FOR SALE OR RENT. Modern 9-room two atorj house, la good neighborhood ; has beautiful lawn; fine garden; lot 70x200 feet Will sell on easy terms. - JNO. K. PATTERSON ft OO. J ARE PARTICULARLT DESIRED by thia bank which endeavors at all . times to learn the needs of the Farmer, Merchant, Firm, Corporation and In dividual Depositor and meet them in a helpful manner. -, Our Capital, Surplus and Profits of (150,000.00 furnish ample means not only to assist tbe business man, but to protect his deposits, v ,. . Ton arf cordially Invited to your account with thia Sank, place The Cabarrus Savings Bank. The Clearance is Over But . we are showing lots of real -good bargains in Dry Goods. Notions, Mfflmery. -Ready-to Wear Goods, . Men's and Boys' Clothing and Shoes. A look willconvince you .that, we can save you trpiey. ; ? : "" ''.- - - - - - - ' "' Make Your. Headquarters at "Si. L'Parfls -.C.

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