f ft Sit t t -. . . f tf f -A VOL XXIi Pric. v f ?... prj .... J. Li I i L -Lit rV " " ' ' FLOOD OF PETITIONS TZZT TESTS IN BOTE HOUSES. . Want Local Option la Nw Hanover Speaker Down Qealea Pefltlon for! , 1 Another Colored laborer in Boom - - I No New Bills in SenaU. -.' ' ; Special to The Tribune, r '. ' i Raleigh, February 1. A flood of petkJm on the subject of near beer : and the handling of liquor by elube were presented, in both bouse today The Senate finally , passed the jHoke ' 'county bilL , ,-, KeUvMn presented bill providing that if cne-tidrd of Ae voter in, any , - town of New Hanover eounty petition for open saloon under local option , , plan tbi aMennen roust license appli cant whb pay one thousand dollars V for retail and two thousand for whole; sale license. - Not a aingle new bill was presented , in the Senate. 'Among the new House bills are: i To create a enromittee to investigate ? tin need of the feeble minded of the "Stat and report, ; Relating to sufficiency of notice in . '''Speaker 'Dowrf announeo? that be wa compelled Kb deny the petition of ' ninety members of the House and all tfie clerks of tfce House for the ap- nointment of another colored laborer. beoMies Hie quota is already full and he i euro another is not needed." ' HA lane calendar of unimportant bills wae disposed if. 1 " (Vfeman iwesonted a bill for relief 0flLE.Millsv , : " , , To Increase Fay of Legialaton. , ti," Kill lv Rowator Graham to r'oline, provides that Section 28, Ar ?v;i 9. Ka triken out and the fol- lowing inserted in lien thereof: - - "Section 28. The members of the - Tnslatnre for the term for which o .. v ; they are elected, shall receive as com- nensation for their eervicea .the sum V- of live hundred dollars ($500). They shall be entitled to receive ten cento ilA both while coming to the ; . - . - - eeat of government and when return- r inz borne, the distance to be computed by the nearest lin or route of travel. -, fThe compensation for tne presia ing officer of the General .Assembly , ahall be ten (HO) per aay ana mu 'eage. Should an. extra session of the l General Assembly be called the mem- bo shall receive one hundred (V 00) dollars and ' the presiding officers ' like rat of compensation, as provid . ed above, for fcb da$ of the sessioq ' " That this amendment be nbmittel at the next general'Veotion to.be - quailed voter of th Sia'e, ete." LLEWXAJ1 Body of Kissing Editor la round Near " ' Hamlet;, ';;;: The body of Editor James A. Cro "martie. of SoDarton. Ga., wbo diaap- peared from the hotel' at Hamlet No 'r. vember 9 last, waa found Tuesday af ternoon in a swamp three miles from Hamlet -bv hunters. Hip personal possessions, including a considerable - eora of money, were intact, and there . wmio evidence of foul play, but bow he met death and how. long be has been dead have not been ascertained ' . Oromartie was on hia way to vunt relatives in Bladen county, this Mate, ' and stoDoed over at Hamlet to ehange ear. He disappeared ' during the nipht. and thonffb hi three aona enured that Section for a month,, no (rut of hia movement eould be - fnnnd. - Idanti-fteation was .fully tabliahed by a relative. Searcher had wweed wilbia ten feet of hi body. The report several weeks ago that Cromartie had been found in the woods in- a demented condition near ' Ellenboro laten developed to have ' been a ease of mistaken identifica tion. K ZZoderjt Crusader. On next onday' aflierooon at . o'clock Dr, J. N. McCormack, of Ken- tiiokv. will address " the Cabarrus Ooontv Medical Society and on Hon' day niht will deliver a publioleotur in the Worn hovute n tli prevention of disease, and to inatruot the general public regaJrding the work, mkftiom and una or ine imenwcai pruianniou C" -r 1 A riw on tLIrd past. 49 Cent a Koala. GOLDEN WEDDINQ. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Ritchi EippQy Celebrat th Fiftieth Aanltrsary of Their Marriage. Th celebration by Mi, and Mm. GearR . Richie, of No. 6 township, of b fiftieth anniversary of .their I waif delightful occasion. - II tu an ni delMgtf ill decastoa. . It w an vent of more than ordinary interest, Air. and Mm Ritchie are botU-Well known all over fche eounty and have a great many friends. The gnesta began to arrive at 11:30 'clock in the morning and continued to come in nntil after 4 o'clock in the afternoon. During the glad occasion 00 gneete were present. Of the ten liv ing children of Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie nine were present, the abbent one liv ing in California, . There were also present 18 grand ichikkren. - Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie had born to them 11 chil dren and reared all of them to adult At .1:30 o'clock as many a could do ao aBsembled in the parlor of the houe where a short; eervice wae held by Rev. J. J. Long, Mr. awd'Mra. Ritchie's pastor, aesisted 1y Rev. Ed ward L. Ritchie Jfneir son, of Burke's Garden, Va. To the eurpriae of the bridal" pair two very fca ndsome leather rocking eh airs were brought in, and Mr. Long aaid that he had been requested by the children to present to heir father and . mother each , a rocker, with the request thai the re mainder of metr dAy be spent in and comfort. To the mntlher there was also presented very beautiful Idfmg as an "emblem of eternity," said Mr. Long, and to the father was given a pair of gold cuff buttons with 1861-1011 engraved on each, and also handsome cold headed carce These gifts were made as a alight evidence of (the. appreciation of the sons and daughters, for the kind and tender came given tbera all flhese yearn. - , Mir. and Mrs. 'Ritchie then received the Congratulations of tlteir friends after "which dinner was announced. The dining room was moat tastefully decorated in old and jrrewii with yel low streamers festooned across t'be ceiling, mingled with fern. .-The din ner was a most tamptaqg otie,'andaoa efofed of meats, aalada, cakes,1 piokles. ohves, icelery and many other good things wh)cb would tickle itha palate of the moat fastidious epdeure. Many beaottOul preteents wera re ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie, 'an attestation of the love and friendship di those who were so fortunate as to be remembered by tbem on this occa sion'. At a late hoiw the guests de- pdiJteA wWhjne the happy couple manv years yet of happiness together. Mr, Jmo. A. euther Kept a register w1wi all euesw- were asked to in scribe their names. ; Those besides the children from a distance were Concord : Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Young, F. JL Smith,. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Col trane, Mr. and Mrs. Jno A. Cline, Mr. and Mrs. C, W.Swink, C. F. Ritchie and family, Mrs. M. K Barrtep, Mrs. R. A. Brown, Mrs. M. B. StieUay, Mrs. J. BiSherrill, and Obas. E. Boger. Charlotte: Mr. and MjtS John U. Barrier and grand -danghter, Lexington: Mr. and Mrs, Henry Propst and Mm. C. W . Tnce. . Mt. Pleasant: Mr. and Mrs. V. U. Heilig, Rev. and Mrs. J, H. C. Fisher. After dinner a ptKCograpn was ta ken df Hva entnire party present . by Mr. T. C. Newman. Federal Judge William T. 'Newman of Atlanta, Monday morning sustain ed (he semi-weekly Atlanta Journal's demurrer and quashed the indietment brought ; by the Federal grand jury charging V conspiracy to defraud the government." Attorney Ackerman, acting as special assistant to the At torney General, had conducted a pos tal investigation there and had in dieted The Journal for mailing cop ies at one cent a pound which he con tended should have paid a four cent rate. , , - 4 '.. yi. -i . 1 l "1 11)1 '.!.'. . Olga Nethersola'the great actress. waa highly , insulted in Rihmond the other night. She stopped at the Jef ferson, but when informed that she could pot take her doggy with he? to ber room she erew imffy and left, but after trying all tho hotels and being refused she came hack and her pet -had to be pot in ad ontho!isa all night to sleep alone. It was an awful shame a measley shame, say the Greemtboro Record,' ' - ' OUR BILL NTS FUND. Mrs. J. W. Cannon 25.00 J. W. Cannon 25.00 Time . ............... 6.00 Tribun ............. Q.00 Cash ..-.......i........ 10.00 Cash 25.00 Total ...... If 95.00 For Sale Tba residence of the late J. B. Caldwell , Jno. K. Patterson Co. . . 12tf CONCORD. N. C WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1, 1911. AT THE OPERA HOUSE. f The McDowell Player Her Fabrnary 5t for On Weak. ' Manager. Bykn take great pleas ure, in announcing the opening of the McDowell Player at the opera bona on eetffe Monday night, February 5h. In offering this attraction to tba pat-: ran of th tjouM we nndewtand lie ha secured one. df the most artistic, clean and most amusing attractions ea the road... . ' -. This company is not like the nsual popular price stock company but u a dramatic .miuaoale eombininff the strong dramatie featorej of the for- mcr wit the tuneful and eatehy mel odies found in the bees class of m ros eate comedies. . ! ' J The company is headed by Hapfly Hal Price, a young edition of Johnny Say. Mr. Price . will be remembered for his clever work, in the "Isle of Spice" last season. Since then he has bcea playing the United Vaude ville time and Mr. McDowell deserves great credit for being able to eecu-t - 1 1 v , - . , . uon TuuBDis joy maner. v. '-. i J Miss Mabelle Carle the leading lady is a talented artist and has the audi ence with her from the time the cur tain risea -anti! it falls. - i Baldwin Spears, the leading mail, was for years associated with the Tan- faeuser Stock Company, of Milwaukee. Mr.. Spears certainly was born foi a leading man as he is one of thorn large, handsome fellows with tho4e pleasing ways that win the audienci His love scenes are handled with fche greatest delicacy while while his emq tional work is done. with strength amj sincerity.. The heavy or villian is done b Howard Race. Mr. Race has made 1 epecialty of this line of work for yearji and the ease and polish with which he portrays his sinis'ter roles makes yot demise the character. It . also foroefe you to admire the artist's work. v. -4. The chorus ita made up of : pretty hapely maidens UiaJt sing catchy songs and do many pretty sVps. This to the beat . cosivmcf) oliorus on the road as .L. . tti n . a iiney mnxe ti wmpiere cmwges aunnf tne - week.: , jv' ' . V sSl The oitening play will be the 'Ref) Dagger,'?, a story of the life itfthi South.. :'i' - ':f.,: fS'ANearaJTXscaiel J. A. McAuloy, Walter Smith 'and Wafter Lackey, prisoners in the coun ty jail, camo near making their, es cape Monday night. . They succeeded in pulling one of -Tie -iron bars from the window, and .were using this to prize (the others out of place when they were duacovered by Jailer CUroe. Mr. Cline heard a noise in the cell and on going to investigate found the men rn the act of removing the bars. His di&oovery was timely as they would very probably made their escape in a few minutes. V ' : This is the second offense of this cliaracteir against McAule and Smith, the first being committed about Hwo weeks ago in the lock-up at Kan--oapolis. After being arrested on a minor charge they set fire to the cell. There was a small quantity of straw on the floor and. tho men set fire to this but the blaze was discovered be fore much damage .was done. , They will be tried on (these charges as soon as they are given a hearing on the previous offenses for which they were hrst arrested. , -v , 1 Death in a horrible manner came to four persons while walking Monday an Market street, the busy thorough. tare of Philadelphia when a sign on building near Tench street, blown blown from its fastenings by a high wind, crashed down upon them. The sign was about 20 feet wide and 10 feet high and stood on the roof of a foufratiory building- in the heart of the ' retail.; shopping district The street was crowded, it beine the noon hour, 4 Without an. instant's warning the sign, which was old, was wrenchej from its fastening by a iierh wind and fell to the sidewalk. By a decisive vote the , House of Representatives fMouday afternoou declared its bel'uj ihaf the location of a criminal refornitory within 10 mile of tlic 'flone ami tomb af George Washington at Mount Vt men, Would desecrate a national "shrine. Our Capital, Surplu and Profit of $150,000.00 furnish ample mean not only to assist the business man, bat to protect his deposits. . ' ', . Ton ar cordially invited to plac your account with this Eank. TWO DCPORTANT BILLS. To Prohibit the Sal or Handling of Intoxicating Lienor by Any Club or Organization Law aa to Mental Anguish from Faflnr to Bacatr Telegrama. ; . ; ; " ' '. Following is the text of two very important bills just prtaented in the senate. The first by Senator Brown, of Columbus: v 1 A Bill to be Entitled an Act to Pro- , hibit toe Sal or Handling of Lv toxicatiog liquor a by any Club ' or Association. The General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact: Section L. That any corporation, club, association or person who shall directly or indirectly keep or main tain by itself or himself or by asso ciation with others, or f Who shall in any manner, aid, assist or abet in keeping or maintaining a club room or other place where intoxicating li quors are received or kept to be drank or for barter, or sale or distribution or for division or use among the mem oes of any club or association' by any means whatever, or where the members are allowed to keep intoxi cating liquor in lockers or in storage devices of any kind, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 2. That this act shall be in force from and after July 1st, 1911. The following bill is by Senator London, of Chatham ; A Bill to be Entitled an Act to Codify ' the Law as to Mental Anguish from Negligence in the Trans mission of Telegrams: The General Assembly of North Car olina do enact: . , - . Section L All telegraph compan ies doing business in this State shall be liable in damages far mental an guish or suffering even in the absence of bodily injury, for negligence in receiving, transmitting or delivering messages. -:;,. . - i - Sec. 2. That nothing contained in this act shall abridge the rights or remedies now provided by law against telegraph companies and the rights arid remedies provided for in thig act shall be in addition to those now ex-isting.- ; . - t '-Bee S.-la aH-.aetioas"-under, Uii act the jury may award such damages as they conclude resulted from negli gence of said telegraph companies. Sec. 4. That this act shall be in force from and after its. ratification. ; The liquor -in-club bill many be strengthened in committee or in final passage, or it might be killed. It is a debatable question, as yet. LUSWXAM. Tho mail merchants of most South ern States will meet at JNasnvutc, Tenn. on February 28th to protest against the enactment of a parcels post bill. The call for the convention has more than five thousand signa tures and the opposition to the meas ure will be pressed in a most vigorous manner. . ' l If IT S A QVtSTlOH, ; OJ SAFBTT-OrVl A , CHECKING JCC0UN7 MB Tilt MONBT rou rmo mas u r to a Art, on HAND-JV3T DJ DAllX THI JNOUNt SUDPD. WHtTHtX ; IT'I 'A HOVUMOLD .ACCOUNT. OK rOH tVSINfSl WVOSU CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 , 8nrpltti 30 0' r Far Cent Interest Paid on Tim Par Cent. Interest Paid on Tim J , Deposits. . ; : '" If ' . I , ' V J St . ' 1 r . ARE PARTICULARLY DESIRED by this bank -which endeavor at all . time to learn the needs of the Farmer,'. Merchant, Firm, Corporation "and In dividual Depositor and meet them in a helpful manner., ' .'. 1V TIic Cabarrus Saving JL J 4 ' Teats um PERSONAL KENTION. Soma of U Fwpla Her aai Bs . whar Waa Com tad Go. MiW Janie Patterson is visitinc rel atives in CbarkJtU. . Mrs. A. J. York is cpendimr the day in Salisbury, ; Mirs. R. E. Chne has gone to Gaff- ney to visit relative. - - Mr. J. P. Cook faaa gone to Raleieo on a bnsinea trip. Mr. A. M. McLean, of Gastonia, is a visitor in Urn city today. Mrs. C. M. Ivey and Miss Elizabeth Ranriom, her guest, are spending today in Chariot. Mr. and Mrs. returned from a J. B. Womble have visilt to relatives in Goldston. Mrs. J. L. Ludlow, of Winston-Salem, is visiring tier daughter, Mrs. J. F. Cannon. Mrs. , V. C. Parish and daughter, Benniee, are visiting at the home of Mr. Frank Pharr, at Rocky Ridge. Mias Rena Munzler, who has been visiting Marjorie McEachren, has returned to her borne in Charlotte. Miss Geneva Parks will return this afternoon from High Point, where tflie has been visiting her water, Mrs. tA Freeze.. Rev. W. H. B. Sarney, who been the guest of Rev. C. P. Mac Laughlin for seveiul days, has gone to Hickory. He will later return to his home in Pennsylvania. An active campaign is being carried on by the North Carolina Board of Health, with the special physicians and agents who are paid by the Rock. efeller Hookworm Commission, and the past year hag witnessed no let-np 111 the war. A summary of the work done, and the results accomplished, show that Dr. Rankin, Dr. Ferrall and the medical profession have been ear nest and vigorous,, in both trying .to anrnse the co-operation of all the peo ple and in providing treatment for children in the school and in the home. . , 1 The Clearance Sale is Over But we are showingllots of real good bargains in . ' : ' . - ' ' ' '. ,1 "'"..'-..'' ---- - -" - Vt . ' '. - . : -; Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery, Ready-to V ear Goods, Clothing and She: A look will convince you that we can save you money. .'j'. : '''r'-' '.-' -' '"VVl -'-U .3 O-Y' Make Your r Headquarters at. 11 1. FarHls Q Co. f r) . . NO. IS! NORTH CAEOT.rU XT71. I ' . - Ita of Xntorsat from all Para af , tba Old Kortk fltoto. The Legislature has cased a bill requiring the sheriff of Aneoa eoaatv to keep bloodbonnds. Chapel Hill went the lerislatsra to give the Southern Railway tba right to taKe up its steam track from Ini- vetfaty ataUon to khat olaes and : build an eleetria Iinattt Durham. . In Montgomery eonntr ' - SuDerior Court la week Ben BeaW a white man was convicted of incest and as sault with intent to eommat rap. Fifteen year in the 8tat prisoa in tba first cae and Ive in th aeeood . was the sentence he received. .Wad en bo ro merchants are anxious ly awaiting train service over tba Winston-Salem Southobund. . 'Many ears of fertilizer have already bean sold and it was expected to be able to ship over the road. A number of -men are at work surfacing the road- bed and getting ready lor rains. ' Telemon Smith Cuyler a prominent Atlanta cotton broker, wbos mind is said to be impaired because of recent : . financial reverses, disappeared from a train between iRntherfordton and" Charlotte Tuesday morning and ha thus far succeeded including the offi- ' cers of a hall dozen counties who are trying' to locate him. Gen. J. S. Carr has introduced in the legislature an act which has as its object the exending of state aid . to counties in road building. . Th chief provision of the bill provides that the state shall furnish a eompe- fent engineer to supervise th wort -' of road building in those eonnti which do not have an engineer em ployed regularly. The pesidency of the Presbyterian College of Charlotte, has been offered to Rev, Dr. J. L. Caldwell, of Pin . Bluff, Ark., one of the most forceful men in bis denomination. Dr. Cald- .. well hag the offer under advisement -at present ,and will give bis answer to the trustees of the college at an ' , early date, it is believed that the offer will be aceeped. j Other local matter on third page. tes.

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