fa 1 0 v' v yVvj i , M 1 . , "r v. V VOL XXIi Price, 49 Ceuta a.l&mtk. CONCORD, N. O; THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1911. Slngla Copy, Casta. N0-1S2 iA L..J. L ilia COEONEi'S JTUB.T &ETTJ&KED A , VEBDICT TESTEBDAY TO . THIS EFFECT. , . . .... .-v. '. After a Thorough InverUratioB. Jury ; Comes to Thlt Conclusion : and -' Goodman is Arrested Tha, Testi Boay I Detail . The coroner to jury bold a furtiier investigation yestenday in the Barrier murder, ease and after examining all the men wtto were at the Dear beer etand and several dubera who were not presedt when the murder vu ciuuuwieu, nut Trer rsuea in uruer that every posnbla ae eotrld be aa- irartnient Ww Miaii ae.f aVrauai knJnaiA of the lUStdmony the jury returned the following verdict f "That Sid Banner earn to his death by pistol shot in the hands of one Kobert Goodman." 'The following as tha testimony of tbe rmportar wnieaBes examined: ' x Jiat Plett'a Testimony. 4. a Wfco was at tbe near beer stand when tihe uhaatma mwamd - John Safrit, John BUckweUer, Lu . tber Penningeb George Motley, Bob r and Bod Goodman, Sid Barrier and Did you bare any trouble wkh any. , One! '.- . -. .v .'..-,.- ' I never-had a cross word with any- 1 Who did have trouble t ' u wm uwnnr nui n intra mm - pirte and Motley said something to Blackwebfer, bat apologized for it and mover made anyone road. . At the time the shot was fired who were Uhe people inside tbe stand T ' Bud Grtndman, J, T. Plot, George ; Motley,, PeMiinger, Blackwelder, Sa int and Conard Lipe were all inside. Trt . ., . l t m - vuo wereon sneouonoeT isra UMxtmaa ana cna namer. , . nmrt -were uiey 1 . , r . ' Jnst outside tohe door.- - Were botfr togetberf - " T ; . - Did you see 'anyo'ne shoot T I seen tbe flash of tJie run. , ,Wl dVyon think did the ttliootingt , A mak Bob Goodman done it. ?Vfasi position, was Goodmtfh and - Barrier etandimr when tibe bot was "'firedt; . f 1 Tbey were in a struggle when the Shot was fired. Barrier fell and left Gomdman standing alone. v '.Wtiib si)e was Barrier on. when they . were standing? , , , Goodman wis on the riglht hand side. ' ' ' ftreflt . - - , - ' - I was just inoidef. (- ( I' Did tiiose fellows (have any trouble 'on ttieirfeifeT ' : Safrit and Sid had a IMe trouble. - ; Did Dob and Sid have any trouble f .-.Not that I know of exept Bob took pirn out. ' 1 ' ;. Did you see anybody have a pkftol tlhereT " Yea, two. George Motley and Bob Goodman. ; 'Were they loaded T " Njinfuw iiuwt uau vr nih wia one Bbb had was. Did you 'have a conversation about apitttolt I wen. , be mowed it to me m the roadt : ', t ' ., Did he have it out in the beer stiandf ; i. .- ,, .-No, sir.' - v ' Wihat did you do with yours t ' " I did not have one. -i :-: ' At hhe time you saw Goodman's pistol were you in the roadt Was no on there but yon two! No, sir. . - Do you know whether Bob's pistol was toaried or notT ' ' I don't know except. what be toldJ me. . 1 How come him to show ton the . . pirfholf - - - 1 " . v Bob told me to walk up to his sis- terls with him and while there be akd CKiarJpy Earnhardt for a pistol - and comriiig back he allowed it to me. Do you think you would know what kind it wasT No it was in the dark. Do you think yon would recognise - t'he pistol 1 -I don't know, I think I eould. What did be say wU a be allowed it to Tout - He said "I got a pistol" and pulled it out of one rocket and put it back in another pocket: " K - . Ilad his trouble started before he went to get itlbe piftf T No.' Vv - ' Whr do you think be went after tSie t)ut)lt I don t know ; he was jnat going and tnkm me to walk up Uiere with him. Did Hob try to tbk Sid out of the bee by f reel IV 1 e l.nd hold of him." Where was Bai rtndang when the; went ont the done t s . . . I Behind the eoutier. . - ' v Where were you t , ' " - In front ot tha eminteff' " Who else was in frurd of the rxnin- George Motley was iritting on a barrel just in front of ma. - Wtrn tuera a mule aod buggy out- adet . Yes, mins was. . ' Where did yon go when the shoot ing oeenrredf ' " . To Charley Earnhardt 'a. What did you teU him t I toM him Sid Barrier was ahotT Did you tell him who shot himf "No, bs didn't ask me. : -. Had Sid and Bob had any trouble during the niglT No, smt; not that I know of. Who went with you to Bernhardt 'a after the shooting? I went by myself. What did you go there fur? ' To tell him Std was shot. Was the boy drunk much? ' Near, beer was all I saw drank: didn't eee anybody drunk. . Was Sid drunk? He was dunking; we aU were. Was that an automatic pistol Bob Borrowed? .w'r" ft was just a pistol.. . - Who was the closes person to the door when the shot was fired? There wasn't any differe op e-v be tween Saint and Blackwelder. Who caught Sid when he fell? Nobody caught him. Did you see him fall? Ye9.-.v;-.:,:y'--'' Did be flail on hits back? Who' was the first one to reach himf Bud Goodman: he ran out and said Bub was shot and then said it was Sid Barrier. ' .What did Bob dot : : He stayed there with the rest. r' , Was Sid trying to figl Bobt DWnU Sid call Bkb a t Not that I heard:V''.-''-r Who wen with ,yout ?A v George MoUey.. :.: : ' r Who caraa biek wiih yout ; ' J ' . I came back" by mj-selr. . ' v v What did you do woth your pistol t didn have any. :--.;;'ij';j : . Qaajm. !SaWTia1ia:: Tell ofi.the kffrfr that' happened' Jim Plott and', went to Ithe gang to hire a man and come. back by the near beer stand and stopped. Saint and Sid Barrier got adto a scuffle and Bob Goodman run and grabbed, Sid and hey kept seufluing and said be was going out and Bob said "take hiin out" and jnst as llhey got Ito the door I saw a flash and Sid fell right at Bobs feet. Bud. waa standing right behind, the counter ami ran ont the door and aaid, "Bob is shot" then Whb was m we beer stand before u was tbe nrst time 1 was ever there and some of them I didn't know) but vPennxnger, Blackwelder, bafnt, Jim Plott, Bob and Bud Goodmanjfcn- other feMow I dadn know end my self. 1 , Where were yeu when the shot was nreai - About the middle of the store. Where was Plottt Standing behind tine eounter talk ing 10 Bud, who was tring to get us to siB-y an nigiw ran nun. Who shot Sid Barrier? , .. Bob Goodman shot hun. . I How did ha fall? - . 1 He fedl backwards with his head oKaani the dW. j What dioTBob do when Barrier fell? He jurt stood, there end looked t nun. " Where did Bob got If he went anywhere I don't know it. What did you tell SUteriff Honeycutt that night T .- I told him I was innocent and could tell wJio killed Kid earner. Which side of SM was (Bob on when tfbesnot was fired t ' ' I don It know. , , 'a Did von see sinv Distal t ' No sir. . . ' lAd you have one? ' '..(' Yes sir, a numer 25 Colts that bought from Mr. Chamley Bitehia Sat urday morning but never had any ear- traigca in U. , What did you (do with it t I left it at the City Cafe. ' Why did yon do What? 1 Vhought they nught senron me and anrest me for carrying conoealed weapon. 1 Was Bob and Sid mnd when they went out the door? - Yes ithey were fussing. Sifrit'a Tasttmnnv. - You were at the beer stand Satur day might? ' Yea. " State whalb happened before, shootangf ; ' We were aU sitting around house having a geneitol conversation. We got to italkmg about the railrokd and I told Sid nobody would know where the railroad would go until the bonds were iwoed. Sid flew up in a pawion and purfied ma against the door. Bud said wa would have to go outside if we wanted to fight and Sid diaNeoged ma and went out the door. Who went out with hunl r I ran H cay but I (think little Boh Goodman was tanding near the door and Sid slapped him on the shouMer but I can't say tfta be went otft with him. : v ' Where were Bb and Sid when the shot wa fired t 6id was just on 11m outside of the dons. - . '; , '.' : ' Where waa Bobt ' I iust don't know. I saw Sid slap ft Am on the shouUetbnt I can't say he went out. : v- ' : ; Who were on the ineidie when the shot was-fired t - " -. 'r. Bud, Blackwelder, Pennioger. Iipe and myself. . Tho were on the outside? ' I couldn't say. - WaH anyone outaidef Not that I khow of. Before the shooting occurred waa thietra -anyone at the beer stand be sides those you have named t , PWW and MoUey. Where were they when the shbot-4 ing occurred? : ;" " ; I can t tell you. If they were in the stand I have no recollection of it. At the time of. the shooting who were closest at the door? ' - Bob and Sid were ctosedt and Bud and I were next. ; - Yon heard the shot V ? 1, Yes sir; but I never saw the flashw 'Who did you see whlen you got on the oirfisiwe? '.. I only recollect seeing Bud laying the dead man down. ; ' ' -- Did Sid and Bob hare any trouble? ; Not that I know ot. :.; .. : Did Bob try to put Sid out f - -I au't say; it might be possible thiat he slwved hin whim he put his hand on his shoulder. - f Did you see a pistol t r v . I sewn Mr. Motley's but he said he did hot have any cartunilgee for it .What kind was it?:- ;-;A:-f';.v ..' Automatic 25. ' " 5 ?V '" : 0. 0. Earnbardt'a Tastimony. Did anybody come to your house Saftur&w. nisht t .. : :.- Somebody - came after ' the killing but I did not let them in. He said his namajpail'ioi thine to tell me. X tokt him to tell mo from Whe outside. He said a mule was ahot down there and about that dme Canard Lipe seM tfhat it was not a mule but Sid Barrier that was ahot. Was Bob Goodman at your house! ttbat night? -No sir; not that I know of. ,Do you know Jim Piottt : No, sir. -Did Bob Goodman and Jim Plott come to your house thaft night t Not that I know 01. Did anyone borrow a pistol . from you that night. V No; I haven got a pistoL You found a pattbl next morning? Yes..'. Where did you find it t . In the field across from the near beer etand.- ,Do yon know whose pistol it wast ' No.. ' A 'kl -f Was .the pistol loaded t ' . 1 Yes; four loadls in k. ' ' Where did the pistol get Itot - Bud sent his little brother, Rosie, over there and told me that he want ed to see it and I sent it over to him Jim Blackweldor's Testimony. Who was at the. beer stand Satur day nichtt " I don it know all of .them: 'Bud Goodman. Bob Goodman, Gonard Lipe, Sid Barrier, myself and three other men I didn't now. ' What do you know about the kill ngt Not anything. - " You were there, were you not t Yes, sir. ' i v Where were yout 1 ' ' At the back of .the store. '-' Where waa itibe pistol ahot from t rln front of the store. , Who was out there t ' I can't rnrne anyone except Bob Goodmah who was standing at the right of be door as you go out with his hands in fats pockets and wthen bid went out he caught hold of Bob and pulled him. Sid was in front pulling Bob and just as Sidf struck the ground a shot was fired.v Do you know bf anyone else on the outbids? I flon It know. Who Were those inside at the timet All I know was Budi, Pennioger, Sa- fnt. Line and miyself. Where were the strangers at this timet t . r I don't know. , , Where was Bud Goodmnaf -' Beiland the counter by himself. Did you see a pistol theref Kn mi. Had anyone had any trouble be- ftreliist ' Yes, I had a few words with p fel low they tell me was Motley. . i Did Bob Goodmun and Sid have any trouble t -. ' J Not that I know of. ' Could tliese strangers have been in side and you not notice them? Yes, sir j it eould hare beea possible. Were yon all dmnkt I waa drinking soma. . Before Sid fell did anybody catch bimt ' ,1 - ... I doot know.. - ; Ware Bud and Rob' the only ones you saw when yon went on the out- aidet--'- . :, I don't know when I went outside: I was looking down at the dead man. Eari Blackwelder was called but tes tified that he left the stand at 10:30 o'clock, before the killing occurred. ' Oonard Upe's Tastimony. -. '.Who waa at the beer stand Satur day nigbtt ''..A.-' a- :--.: Seaford, Pennineer, Bob and Bud Goodman, Blackwelder, Motley, Jim Plott and myself. Was any trouble going on? Sid and Safrit had a racket about the Railroad and Motley and Blackwelder had a few words. There was a shot fired there, wasn't t beret ' Yes, sir. Where was H form? The outside. Who was inside at this timet. Bud, Blackwelder, Saflrit, Pennineer and myself. Was any one else inside? I can't say whether Plott and Mot ley were in there or not. Winers waa Warner when be was shott He stepped out the door. Who was nearest hdrot Rob Goodman. Can you tell us the position Barrier and Uoodman were in when the sliot was fired. Bob was standing at the door and when Sid went out he hooked his arm Lin his. '- Where was you when the shot was Bred? I wan standing abouf the middle of the counter. .. Ik Where was Bn4 Goodman f Sitting on a barrel near the stove. Where waa Motley t I don't know. Where waa Piottt I;dont know. ' Do you remember if iber were in- fcidet - k 1 uon't rememDer. - Who was on the outside after you trot to the door after tits shot was Bud, ' Blackwelder. Mot-lev and Plot. ' ' Do you know who shot Barrier? No air. ' ' t the the it was that was fired t No, sir; I have no idea. ' Had anybody had any trouble up to that timet Yes, air,; Mttley and Blackwelder had some-heated words and cussed csri other." - -'.',! After the shooting what did you dot I told Plott and Motley to go to the chain gang and get a doctor. ' They cams back in a few minutes and I told them the boy was dead and to go to town and get tbe sheriff and coroner. At any time during the night did you ask Plott and Motley to spend ehs night with yout Yes, sir; I did. Motley called me off and told me be had about $75 in 'his pocket and asked if there was any dan ger in going to town. I told bam no but if he iwas afraid to come over and stay with me. Bob Goodman's Testimony. Were you at the beer stand Satur day ought ? Yes. Was there any trouble t No, sir. Did anyone have any wordb. John Safrit and Sid. When ihe ahot was fired where were yout Standing at the door. Who wes nearest there T - Oonard Lipe,- sitting on a barrel. Did you and Sid go out together ? No; he tried to put me ont. Did he have hold of you when the shot was fired 7 No; he lie 1 let me go. Who were irnnide at that timet Bud, Safrit, Blackwelder, Peraun- ger and Lipe. Who were on fhe outaidef Motley and Plott were all I know, How near were they to the door? I ean'c tell you; they were hitching their mule. Did you leave the beer grand and go anywhere before the ahooung? Kn air. Did you and Plott golo Charley Karnlbaraitls? No, sir. How come Sid to have hold of yout He tried to jerk me out and caught hold of the door. i Which side were you ont Leftside. . - j Which way did h sound of the shot come from? From right where tbe snub was bitWied. . Who did you see on the outside? Nobody but Peoct and Motley. -Did you see the flash? No, air. , . . - Immediately tafter the rend-tin of the verdict, Robert Goodman waa areJted by Deputy Sheriff Propst aad placed in jail. , ; ! . , The grand jury is aw Bearing the evidence in the ease but on account of the number of witnesses it will hardly take aetion before tomorrow'. Plott and Motley, who hare been in jail. were released this morning as there was not evidence aufoeient to hoed them. They were represented by Montgomery ft CroweB. Senator L. , T. Hartsell, and ex-Judge F. L Os borne, of Charlotte, are eotmsel for Robert Goodman and Attorney W. G. Menus represents the State. A True Bill Found Against Goodman. At 2:45 o'clock this afternoon the grand jury found a troe bill for mur der against Robert Goodman. ' 1 OUR BILL KTE FU1TD. -ssssssBssasBl '' 'V Another $26.00 Added to ths Onwiig Fond Today. . fill I 1 . M ikA-AA . i ne nwKisome sum oc sza.uu mam added to our Bill Nye fund today, Mr. J. Locke Erwin being the contributor. The fund now stands: ' Mrs. J. W. Cannon ..$ ZSM J. W. Cannon . 2S.M Times . . &M Tribune -- 5.W Cash ; ... 10.00 Cash . 25.00 J. Locke Erwin . 25.00 Total r .'..$120.00 in certalu lova'Jtlaa ta tbe eld they put salt In the ooffla bafara at lowered luto the grave. Thai ts tts survival of aa aacteat castesa was once universal. The tsstasi out of the Idea that Bataa hatat 1 because it la tbe symbol at I Hon and Immortality.. . Lather Penninger's Testimony.. Were you et the hear beer stand before, the shooting occurred t Yes sir. Did tlbere seem to be any trouble? Motley and Blackwelder fell out. Who ejse had any words t Sid and John Safrit. Did you hear the shott Yes. . Where was itt I suppose it was on the outside. , Who was on the outside? (Bob Goodman and Std had just stepped on the outside. Who was on the inside t Mis. Safrit. Bud. Blackwelder. Line. Motley and ftattt. Who were outside f Sid and Bob had just stepped out the door, v . 1 Wjhere were you gtJandingf Back nean the door. Can you give the position Sid and Bob were in at the timet Sid had thrown his arm around Bob when the iwent out the door. Who killed Sid Barrier t I dont know. Did you see him fallt I saw him fall but eouddn 't tell who it 'was. iv ' V Where did you go after the shoot- ingt . - . v.- -Vv,,:- Mduey and I went to the chain gang and tihen came to town. Who else came? Plott and IipeT Bud Chwumaa'tTestimony. What time did the shooting occur t Twenty minutes to 12 o'clock. -Tell how it occurred. Just a little before that time Safrit and Barrier had Home words. I told them to be quiet or I would put them out. Sid dbred Safrit out of the house and started to the door. My little brother waa standing near the door and as Sid went by ham he touched him on the arm or on the hand I can't say which and stepped out the door and just as Barrier was atandmg on tns ground a pistol cracked." i was standing behind tbe eounter and rush ed out and caugnt iJamer m my arms. Who were inside at the tune? Line. Pennineer. Blackwelder and myself is all I remember. -.' At that time who were on the out sddet .Vv Motley and Jim Plott were stand ing on the ouhside to the left aa you go out. ..." ' Do yeu know who fired the pistol f No sir; I do not. v : -; Did you see a pistol that night f I saw an automatic pistol. Who had it f v . Motley. . ' Do you have any idea whose pistol Spring Tailoring Opening Friday and Saturday, February 3rd and 4th On the above dates we will have with us a Special Representative of Mayer9 s All- Wool Tailoring Co., CINCINNATI- With their immense assortment of new, all-pure-wbol fabrics. Come and select your Spring Suit and have your measure taken. ' t A perfect fit or no sale. Satisfaction guaranteed. - - ..