i 1 but Liorarj . - ; Pr'.,. O C :.U ft : CONCORD. N. a. SATITPAY, Fr.rr.UARY'll, 1911. Single -Copy. S Cm.'. NO. 130 . . ... i Lai.0 TO dNCS OWN CHAiTHLS xzzzo wro inrr.rrrsj wit - eon cmciirj nr . s KimmAXT. - .: r ' Negro Captured ft l&urion Proves to Be liurfarer of Eliertf llmaford WoekAio.-'- v---;;.;, J-." Special to Tho Tribune. ' "..'. Raleigh, February ll."r-Tba negro Louie West who murdered the Wil son Seer week ago,waa landed a the penitentiary at BakigltOua after, noon. He was brought here by offi cer! from near Maxton, where he wee captured today. . r. " ' ' - -r LLEWXAM. lUia Hire Turned Thousands f Eyes Sooth ward. A the mult of exhibiti made by the uutUera Hauwsy and affiliated line a) t axiom fain and expositions in tbe- north and sreet-Jast fall, the They met to consider, the P" industrial department of the bill ft the support aodoal'-7 ino-pernee ot several mainUnftiiM Atnn.w.11 j.-v.l "wussBa people woo are interested A new bill by Pharr provides for eon Training School, at Concord. , oouin wiui e view or loonng mdl Mr. J. P. Cook, rtairman of the " ,7"." v IT . board of trustees and editor of the " V . 7v , , TuulmTl XT,. . nniift. inM nf tiu: Mmw. .., Pittsburg land ahow, the Illinois The House diaeueaed and finally set Lri. this echooL" Be ssM the fu fwr' Pgfield j the Wiseon Mmml fnr Unnif fh. . h. v. i .t.. .w 'e lair, At 'Milwaukee, and the tie bill enahlinf town, to amend their three year, earing for the wayward ZiAT, . V . , - and unfortunate bove. Th. i-rf fbit were rwed to the aggregate fare Senate Paeaea 111 to Enable SherlSi to go jDuide Court Honee for Jorora. . .' Special to The Tribune. EaJeigh, Febrnary . U.One-Uurd legialatnre' went home today. The aee- eion at a erhole not important. by incorporation of negro amtal Training aebool by Charlotte parties. iAAt iiAwST, y orr a flalx m tnillioa Deaole. ae- Senate passed finally the Hon, bill CrintioT orti: 'l h jort eompUedby the ti t am , ... ... I ' r " 1 I.nl a. J -1 f 1U. anaoung aneruu 10 go ouisiae 01 met now Eirppoeed Bedgeraat Had CHaea Stateeville Xandmark.; .J J X -Ti Tuesday evening a wire waa - re ceived in Stateeville from -the con ductor on No. 12, who said a pae eneer on - the " train waa waving - a nistol and acting . disorderly, nd asking that officer be sent to the Btation. - Policeman. Kerr and Dep ut v Sheriff. Gilbert; responded but did not get to the .station until the train was in and the supposed ,oei- liswrent had disappeared. ... The man was described as wearing a white sweater and when the officers returned up town they found a eitiren enswerint the description quieuy eating a luneh in the Greek restau rant. Walking in on him, the officers told Mm he was under arrest. At the same time one of them passed his hand over the stranger's pockets and felt -a bulk wUdt be was sure was a 44. t... lilt nnAu4 WMnATI VII UUI' M 11CU 1U. .ufrpmu " " 1 " brought to light, lo! it was on of these glass pistols that the newsboys sell full of candy. A bystander aver red that ha heard the fall of the offi cers' countenances out on the street. The supposed desperado; who had stopped to change ears forr Taylors ville, "was somewhat indignant but when told the conductor had reported him tho matter was dropped. " , . rheyUyTe "rZTlC M in department of the eourthon and ng jurors from simply ask for .an appropriation of I 3' bystanders on direction.of the judge. W Uonnment to Woman of tha - Con- !l' ."tlIA .'T.J Ohio-VaUey exposition in Cincinnati '' lit..- tu X. ... .J . ;. . i uu w inti in turwu .w.t xor mi im. i- , :t.:i:i;. a av. day. appear, to indict that Jto ZMZTu tounn sronse siaiue vt grace vapitoi !.. we one who nas twwa,w od.-. n ,i,;k;. ::;,. Square will be a monument of that vieiousness, mendacity, and vices of L , ... 'n .. or other appropriate character) na- all the sorry characters he meets up Uv.. in nnn 4 -innn A ' .a? it. . . -J.L . : T .A it. .1.1. j. 1 . I . .w.wwv VCIHU. . .O- services of the women of he South around this boy and save him.. At itMthlTiA tothe, I , Cat'' - Oen; Jule this school they teach that, boy bat ?J?? m rifes tsnrts ensau Waace .IVWMU ftuv ItU W ""ft"""" anna wr antava uuwet VUI V. raised for that purpose set the wheels him a gentleman. well, in morion. We may now look for the yearly consummation of the planon of the most laudable and deserving of undertakings, Near-Beer Obsequies Next Thursday, "The Senate has set as the special order February 14fch; the Bouse bill tees, spoke briefly about the school Uteratul ' were distributed showing the opportunities for profit in other lines of agriculture in the South. . The Ground. Ini Tritoda. Kansas City Star, . ' V'- The irronndhoa saw bis shadow Tuesday, a black cat erossed the road at midnight, a dog howled at mid- Dlgul, miooujr rayyvi mwt I JH ,h. Ain A fnnt nf thm rab bit 'killed by a red-headed darky in the churchyard in j the dark -of ! tho moon, the goosebone , was mighty i thick, the husks irrew heavy on the ; corn, the squirrels were terribly busy with the nuts. Friday fell on the thir. ; teenth latt month, a man left the ' house -wibout his morning paper, went back after it and forgot to sit down in the room before leavnig, ther base ball team saw a cross-eyed girl on the way to the grounds, it passed a loai of hay and nobody -rhnr his hat on top of it, a screech owl came, hanging around the Louse, there was a ring tiiitnd the -n t; s m.n walKtd uniif a ladder and mti a ediar door, an umbrella was opened in the house, somebody closed the gate that had been left swinging,, friends let a post separate them, :three lightswere got off one match - . However, as -your nncle Cyrus Ice land observed, the smoke goes up the chimney just the same, tes TZAr;a ccroci WC CP TUB SOUTHERN. Has Hearing Before Oommtttea eallte r . Af proprU-Jat Raleigh Times, 10th, The joint eommitUe oa appropria tions heard the disenssioa for refor-1 Imatory - last night in tho senate chamber. Hart sell bill fori the support federacy. by the railroads of the southeast. were among those most interested at vh into closer Wisconsin state fair. The exhibit of need of the school. They are now ta tins- s v- pnbhslung tho Uplift, and-Uwre is York at faiTinterested thousands no better publication in North Caro- wh v.j mu.i dmi .f lina tbaa thi aianfcfi-Jt-. tii, thl mlet r wv. tt a t i mi. t . i a--" j r- - " " r. ii . wyer, one oi wie irus- goath. Thousands of pieces of ter June first) of the sal of near- and the personal work of Mr. Cook. to prohibit any further licensing of The school has grown under the influ beer and kindered soft drinks, etc.lenee of Mr. Cook and he alone de- The Senate eommittee has amended serves the bonor. It is not a jail, but the bill with respect to the percentage i a saving institution. Provisions must of alcohol which soma medicines may be made for its proper maintenance. contain . ine " original - bill oeing so - oenator uarsteu said no was a stringent in this particular as to tend neighbor of the school, and told of to debar the sale off most of the best the good work it is doing. Supposed Associate of West Held at lCazton. Special to Orensboro News. . Wilson, February 10. A negro sup- Each bov posed to be Dav Young, the negro preparations now sold ' in the drug goes to school half a. day and works associa'te of Louis West, the outlaw, stores. , The passage of the bill as tne otner balf. They have ample plav wno mtiruered ttnentr Mumtom at amended will necessarily send it back I time, and also' have a militanr drill! Wilson a week ago tonight, was cap- to, th. Bouse for " eoncurrence, but leach weeW It aceepta boys from all tured in a negro restaurant at Maxton, that will be a mere matter of form over the State, not just from Cabar-1 county, not a great distance and" there is - absolutely no question JQjs county. He declared the refor-l from i. ie scene of the crime. Young of the early ratiflcsnoTi ot! the newlmstion ? h 7r flutv of th - In.." ..... j. . v. . . . I il. r; u ,i ' Battle Over Divorce Bill Imminent "Tt lTw woma .? SOTTvT7S - . U IV ilJ15 BU1HMI1.. ' . " .. I .". llO. .IOTA .fWU17U. buu nmcu 'i ne next zew days wiu.. witness a I c ,w v di ..u i..jiio m tn ih tMmutv t w;iunn Th. debate ,pver pending measulres the leaislature wouU be verv lihuml negro failed taive a connected ac- PEHSOHAL METTIOS. ; ewsi Soma af the People Sara and Else where Wha Com and Oa. , Mia. Jenn Coltrane is spending the dsy in Charlotte. - Mr. T.' C. Newman will spend to morrow in Durham. Miss Ada Craven is spending the day in Charlotte. . :; i- Mr. T. J. White is spending the day in Charlotte. Prof. Charles Rankin, of White Hall, is visiting relatives in Salisbury. Mr. W. J. Weddington is spending the day in High Point Mr. T. P. Moose,' of Charlotte, is a visitor in the city today. -. Mrs. M. M. Caldwell, of Wilming ton, is visiting at the home of Mr. E. V. Caldwell.- , . - - Mrs. J. P. Fisher has returned from a visit ot relatives in Spartanburg, s.c.. - ' Mrs. M. B. Morriss, of Newport News, Va is the guest of Mrs. J. P. Cook. Miss Vida Mooney, of Elizabeth College, . Charlotte, is the guest of Miss Mary Cline. " Miss Jenn Howe, of Carrollton, Ky., will, arrive Monday to visit her aunt, Mrs. D. B. Coltrane. Sheriff and Mrs. J. F. Honeycutt have gone to Winston-Salem to spend Sunday withJMrs. Honeycutt 'a father, Mr. W. O. MeU-hor.v Mr. I. V. Moon and family left this morning for Asheville,' where he will assume bis work as assistant. superin tendent of the Asheville district of the Life Insurance Company of Vir ginia. . Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Klittti,' who have been visiting at the home of Mrs. W. C. Boyd, have returned TO their home in Salisbury. Tbey were accompanied by Master Meredith Boyd. ,- .'Mr. Charley Davis, -who went to Cohimbus, Ohio, several days ago, has returned to his home here. Mr. Davis failed to stand a satisfactory medical examination and, bis appli cation was reported unfavorably, v tlar. NOHTH CAXOLZXA Km : , i ' i . i Items of Zntarost from all facta af 1 tha 014 Rortk Mata, The drug stores of Washington are giving away tobacco seed in order to get the farmers of Beaufort eoonty . to plant a erop this year. ' ; ; ' The Burlington Newa aaya W. T. " Payne, of Graham, killed the. biggest bog it ever beard of. It weighed .70S pounds, and, the News remarks, ''was ' as big as a horse." ' s .7'r Petitions are being eireulatad to form a new county out of portions of Lincoln and Gaston eonnoes, with btanley, Gaston county, as the eonnty seat. - Nearly every town and eonunnnity in the State will have one or mora . .. representatives at Raleigh next week to attend the good roads meeting on the 14th. : . : v ... The Senate committee on education has decided to report favorably the" bill to establish farm life schools by providing $200 state aid to every county raising a like amount for building and equipment and providing for its maintenance. Charlotte people have bought the Patterson Springs property near Shel by embracing 100 acres valuable land. The property was sold under a decree of court by commissioner Max Gard- ner. The property is situated on the . Southern railway and has a hotel on. it. After a new census taking of Hen dersonville, made by six public spir ited citizens Thursday there was found to be 3,705 living there instead of 2,818 as the" government, census ,w gave. Many people were found who never saw the enumerator for the gov ernment, but were eager to get on the I. list.- : Wadesboro has not experienced so , disastrous a fire in many years as the one which destroyed property to -the amount of nearly $100,000 Friday ' morning. Onehakf of one of the best business blocks is in a mass of emol dering ruins, and two of the largest business establishments.' lost their,' en- tire stocks, with ouly half insurance. ; hot. ed in jail, which is guarded by an armed posse as a precaution. Officers from I ayettevule are en route tq Maton in an automobile to identify tne prisoner. :: .v-, ;.; Items from China Grove Eecord. Miss Emma Frecre, of Coneord, is E. W. Ed- designed to amend the present divoroo with thft j, for it ig joing tauen count of his mbyements and was plac- bm referred to in thiaeorrespondence .. GoVernor Jarvi.' declared that one the other day, but -with regard to two of the functions of the wtate is to others, one of which is yet in process tK a -j i "r.T IT' v7T j rr " wtcution oi tne enmmax act, :v"W0 tvauua UOO WWVU 1U ,UO lUUlUS Ui UB mnaf itA UA 1ia - 1 a, J at.. Senate Judieiary eommittee for moreerimina, .nH ,11 lnnw th.t , than .ton Avwcntni vfMnKH ...lumlvl . . . o J : . j if T T'T aV V.r la noy is Chnst-Uke." He asked that I ;uer sier, mr than a week, tor wit: tho bill which , ini, 81H)DOrt tl , m. wards, v. - : places tbe man on atf equality with Uoboo. that is doing so much: - Chas. R Dayvault, of Plant City, "-"6 Kanresentative Knainhmir .aaUmuI owing 19 hw umess oi nis xacner, well as the bueband-to seeure i di- ,,, boy must Mformed g -iauA has decided to remain bere until about vorce for a single aet of adultery. It hl thV eertainlv ha cannot b.9 of March. - mrumoredin legislative circles that form.d Jn th nibihtiu h. XThe Superior Court of Eowan aa.;. veil ;ii Hua, :av i " v vu v I - . . . - . li. . FZ r vpoB1 gang. He declared that the r"1 y o ol Jf eb- the Senate asdid the five year, (in- jaekao ,5,1-1-- sui . UJruary. Judge C. C. Lyon will preside able asset as well as a necessary asset fo?Lthe JJ ia Salisbury, of the state, and we thould look after mBy Kimball iwent ; to , Salisbury it.. ' - - : Thursday morning to take temporary stead of ten) in the separation bill, , Legislative lire Points. The State Highway Commission bill having met with -an nnfavorable re port at the hands of the eommittee ia probably doomed, although a fight will be made for toe adoption of the mi nority report. The report of the eommittee on- in charge of the Concord Telephone ex change in Salisbury. Mr. Kimball has been in charge of the China Grove Surprise Birthday Party. Mr. anil mn w m mv-m w.m lagreeably surprised on last Monday ."?'wo 5? ig weU morning .Whenv their relatives d h"1 ."" pwuuou. friends cama rushing into their pretty ...r'Vvr..rrr,rrr-wVu: little eountrV home in bnwia. . In New York City. Monday -was VUIUUIAIO XU.1 . I "rf J J f - O son's, in No. 3, which is his place for chnnging horses on his trip. The horse was as well as usual Friday evening, and was found dead in the stall next morning. It k supposed that it died of colic. It was valued at about $100. . ons ana eama&es to th birtbdav. There was alTmi SuHivan. the Tammany politi bc erowd and'a lone taMe of nic eian, made many a poor soul happy, . i ....- - .11 1L. 1 ai. T , l - in iiMndail nr .nWMnt. Jn-inJ. awg w t-i;veryone seemed "? tag thKoonce me. and one of "l-eiij k. a j.v-i.- ..7 i -lainner was gene.?-tha v&nntt ooula Uocka to a nne of wretched humanity line infiAMHAa Aanjuiie,11 Am cVU. ennmirrinir nlM'M rioV. i iyers' iwtn Dinnday. xners was a nt llainuJ 1- fl.; fi. 411 1 ""'"fi uv. .U W.BWr n AAA IVBUit Hail Carrier Irtnbergei Loses a Horse. v Mr. 0. T. UmbergerAjmral mail ear Yierun mote Nb. 2, lost one of his horses Friday night of last week. Ha kept tlte horse at Mr. M. A." Emer- y,e wamest debates of the aession ?1D,ner. l-Sened'. ths yonng peoule Conor Eoll of White Hall' SchooJf or - V Uonth Cnding Fabraary 10. " Principal's room Helen . Taibirt, Vendetta Horubuckle, Larkin Parish, Amanda Parish, Anna Bell Smith, , Callie Lee, Minnie Joyner, Ilassie Joy ner, Elwood Joyner, Connie Gray, s Primary Room Frnnkie Horn- buckle, Sadie WhijerLola 'drier, Guy Tailni-t. - ': ';, .-. rhillip Mills: the negro . wife-mur derer from Transylvania county, paid - the death penalty in the electric chair in tlie state's rrison t 10:30 o'clock 1'riday morning, in the presence of I'e 30 spectators which the law al lows. It was the second time the death (n ulini appliances of the North Caro lina prison have been nsed and there ' was not a hiU-h in tbe terrible affair, Tlie Rockwell 1'ercantile Company, t 1" H-kwell, Rowan county, is to dis ' ;ne business. The stork, to r v llh a site and store building, ; s e ' 1 ( 1 1 tion at tbe pice of ; :.:y February .;:h. win ensue... reached neZ Tlaubiect wTS hd tneirotnres made iiTbuggies 9 for many block.:. In lint j." 7.. ,! 1 a.V ana in irrouoa about the nlaa. while waa a man who was once a multi- Mi w uju, u a reponea.1 A. 7V: ".7Z m;ilinn.i t,nt lt .11 1.5. .ki. vaeaa va mjtj ipOA VJ WCIW m?aUIlg Mgt w t " ' LLEWXAM. banjo, playing the fiddle and done-" Well atreet. linff. Mr. . Mvara has been marriiu. I ' two years and this is the biggest sur- v'iney are seuing a new Kind 01 BILL KYE HEMORIAL FUND, Urj A. B. Pounds Add Ten Dollars pri.M "f" tD vnin ked hia V. A these parts-ringing li- wiiiuai evuu avu yvuMf I v- iji. . s . 1. . 1 1 nnm . A mah . Iwa anI a half i-hifHai and fihariff Honeycntt $5 Today. .yeg.M . . . , c A M- ' Ifuli was locked up the other night Our Bill Nva mmnrii) YnnH tinwl ' h'.:-. 11 111 land his neifl-libom in the nails adioin. amounts to $159.18, the latest oontrib- , 'Mrs. 6nobberIy-Why, , it'o quite ing declare that he sang from nine at utors being Mr. Arthur Pounds, who the most rediculous thin ever. The night until four tbe next morning gave $10, and Sheriff Honevcutt also Wa of ber trying to break into so- without stopping. Even this is an gives $5.00. The fund now stands: leiety when her husband has never! improvement on fighting liquor. Ma. 4. W. Cannon.. . .$ 25.00 ,TOn oeen waiciea. -. urcensDoro Ueeord, J. W. Cannon ..w-. 25.04 Times 6.00 Tribnna . fi.00 Cash ; 10.00 Cash .. 25.00 J. Locke Erwin 23.00 C. W. Swink -,....,..;..- 8.00 C. F. Ritchie ..;r-,". 10.00 Boys at Training School -... 9.18 Arthur B. Pounds 10.00 J. F. Honoycutt .....:...;.- J5.00 AB PASTIOTJIAHLY DESIRED by this bank which endeavors at all times to learn the needs of the Farmer, Merchant, Firm, Corporation and In- dividual Depositor and meet them in a helpful manner, i, j l Total $159.18 j On f ti!to1 Siirnl-i. ami Vmfilm a" Thirty-five of the forty-five appli-Uien nn on i ,. ... ,i . r r a m,viww iuiuuiu auiui uioaua uuv caoii ueiure mo cuprerae voun were I , . , . ,, . . . .. -m . announced Thursday as having passed on,y to M81at the business man, but to T7 IchlV VT1 " miWMafill BTmintintw Inst Xfnn.i, iDrOtect his deDOsitS. . 14 Vi-4 til f t4.0 and licenses to practice law have been ' ' iflnuod to them. Non. of t!ie three ne- To a cordially invited to place grocs who an:e3 WPr "acir ' ful. ,. . your acconiit ir'-li tl!a I::.5t...; .' fcl New Novelties. ....In Notions! In- this line we are showing new things every day. We will be pleas ed to have you look every day..:, t l ;. Wash Braids in all the New Spring Colors ' . 5c yard and up. All widths in Bias Bands and Linen Tape. Pretty line of all kinds of New But tons for coats, suits and dresses. . 8pecial values In Pearl Buttons at .5c,10c,15c t ; Wash Beltings- in i new designs of White and Colors at 10c, 15c, 20c a belt : Another lot of Patent Leather Belts ; 10 and 15c :fjd gloves new lot just nt .mite, Tan, Black, aiaes B.l-S to 7.1-2 ; and every pair guaranteed to give sat- isf action .$1.6d.and:$lJ5b.r.'.- , Long White Kid Gloves in 12. 14 and 16 Button Lengths. . , w - LET US SHOW, YOU. - -t