f 1 f v"' V' v VOL XXIj Price, 43 Cett ft H:tVX concord, h. c tolt iay. fhuary ic wit Untie Copy, I Casta. ycNO. 194 r1. IN EOrrS 23. Day e for Discussion of rw-rara Ufa Schools Discussed la Senate. glacial to The Tribnna. Raleigh, February 18, No-vote yet on Boyd en administration buiMinj bill. After discussing-it two more hours today tha Senata took op spa tial order for 12 o'clock, -which dis placed tba Boyden bill and proceeded to diaenae farm life schools, , No new bill of importance were introduced. : The House today set February 23rd "as special order for all labor billa an ; favorably reported, but with minority report. Tbie includes Bettleehild - labor bill and a big fight will be made then, i'rv-;;; Z -'A y - ' Boyden Bin Tomorrow. : ' Special to The Tribune" V'vi, Raleigh, February 16. 2 :05 p. m. In order to facilitate its passage a con ference of Senators wilt Je held Vhia afternoon on the Boyd-n administra tion building bill."' .The vote will be '-taken tomorrow.; No-action was taken on the Farm 'Life Schools. The House referred the Home bill to appropria tion committee. - h 7 , , LLEWXAM. &AX27APCLX3 KZXS. - The '.'Carrying Partoa" fitm Dolor Bnrlnas-T. 1L 0. A. Work Tba Kw Becren'T Other Itami ' of Xntaraat - Since our last writing oar town has not been idle.' Our "marrying par-J eon," Her. w. T. Teibirt, fiaa tied several knot and Rev. W. B. Shin, It hough burdened with the pastorate of four eborchee and tha anpennten deney of tha graded school has found time to tie several knots, also. But at were in the minority. The surprise we should at this late hour give the names of all the contracting parties, would fee considered "stale , newa. Suffice it to aay that Cupid has head- quartera at Kannapolia. Our T. JL. C A. haa entered the State Bowling League and is taking considerable interest in this sport, The alley's haa VI been repaimd and v BILL NYE MEMORIAL FUND. Mrs. J. W. Cannon..,..... . 85.00 J. W. fisnnoa ln. .... . ... 25.0C J. Locke Erwia 25.00 Cash . 25.00 Frank L. Smith : 15.00 v Arthur B. Pounds 10.00 Cash 10.00 C. F. Ritchie 10.00 Boys at Training School .. 9.18 r Timea ' - . 4 8.00 Tribune W0 . C. W. Swink 5.00 . J. F. Honeycutt 5.00 Total ...:$174.18 Burned Han'a Hair to Find His gar- , ' ingaf$ll ' NeWvlSjckEebruary yATortife by : Are waa resorted 4w y Durglice who broke info tba rooms . of Joseph WislAoek, cobbler,, in Williamsburg today in theiri determination to make him reveal the hiding place of his pitifully small: hoard of savings. 1 It waa not until the two relentless men bad burned off .Wishnoek's beard and hair and had blistered his -face and neck with match flames that the plucky, little man revealed that bis small store of 12 was hidden in the mattress on which his torturers had him pinned down. ..At the hospital . where the cobbler had his' painful, but v not fatal, burns dressed he identified two young own whom the police ar retted as the pair who had tortured ;. and robbed him. They were held for the grand jury. WC2TT ALLOW SALE OF CZEL Senator EartaeH Say XI la lapoasTUe to TaQ if diet b Intoxicating UrntQ After It Has Been Drank. Kews and Observer, 16th. There waa great interest yester day in the discussion of tba near beer biu. It waa geoerany suppoaed that there would be little objection to it and that those members who were op posed to it would merely record their votes in opposition, as they knew they ITT. FLEASAST KEWS. f the aevsion, however, was the amend ment offered by Mr. Baaaett of Edge combe which would have been a greater blow to State prohibition tban to bave continued the near beer nuis ance. The amendment authorized the aale of non-intoxicating eider in any quantities. Senators McLaughlin, Mar tin. I Fart sell and others showed how are also equipped with new supplier! impossible it waa to tell if eider was jnereu a pool tournament m ine pool intoxicating until after it had been r 3 . wi I . . . ... . - room every oamruaj nignv. . i.ne drunk and Senator UartseU aald thai gymnasinm is attracting much atten- thk bill would eue more drnnkness ttion now. Tha physical eommitteel.nd evil than all 6f the near beer sa- met Thursday night of last week ik! I loons, and in this be waa right. passed on gymnasium suits which will , Senator Hartsell who had been a ordered at once, and an exhibition. will nmoAmtinir ttnm in CmumrA. be given early in Marcb, . . showed the open door that would be Mr. xi. ..w. uwen, our new x j. made and waa vigorous in opposition A.' secretary, is a real live man, and to the Basset t Amendment and de has become very popular with our dared that . this amendment offered people, all of -whom are co-operating hv tha tram Edmcomba was with him in the wort Mr. Owen is A ntitarriiee,'"''''V: sjwaya on the alert and is drawing the tfaia statement the Senator from young men of Kannapolia together in Edgecombe, Mr. Bassett, arose with tha haU avery evening, where they en- dignity an4 Mkea the genatoi- joy themselvea in a rational waY and from Cabarrua If he meant to say gei scquBimea who pKDwwr, ionn- ffiat ne was offering it as a subter ing real frieadulnoB, which we nope fnge, will toever BfrDroken. . Senator Hartwdl said that ha hid Rev. Plato Durham, of Concord, ad- tha hiirhMt tmij far tha fiont, dressed the men of Kannapolia Sanday - FOTwnha mnA AM not maan to t- il. v .r n Lit.. 1 " . . . . evening in tne . m. a. uwonuu. intimate that the Senator from Edge Mr. Durham'a subject wa, "Man aUunha wmiU nffar a bill that he Conquering Being." "We would, like thoufeht was a eubtevfuse but that bis to give a aynopsis of the epeeen, butUxperiene, M a progecutirig attorney space forbids, and 'the most of 'jourlmad him know that if a anhtp. men heard it-bny way The speaker fngB and iu pnt on the completely espiurea u emuonoo wu woud yegnJt in wholesale evil. uuisujiero oratory sua wtua I The Scnntore end the people in the luougui. ne bv oe m wnw lobbies, declared that if the Bassett SOOn. ' - , " ' ' I amandmant ahnnM ha alnntAil tha hill Rev. J. Walter 'Simpson preached I here; Sunday morning ffter an ab. ator was acting upon tie tus- sence of over ijntb, Mr. Simpson o . Mrant dealjr w never fails to getjod eongregation wished the'right to sell imported ei- wiwutf anwwn u w ,u .k J dar' Moa uM Senator" did not beliewt ' Bev. E. t McLarty a Greensboro, . N. C Cbristia'n Advocate. ; . Rev. E, K McLarty, pastor of West Markefstreet church, this city jb now . well into the third year of his pastor . ate - He undoubtedly faces one of greatest congregations, and, eonse .1 quentry bears pon his shoulders as : grave a responsibility a any man in . , Southern Methodism. ; 'His preaching ia of the most thoughtful, earnest and -. evangelical type, and few men hold a v eongregatiomnore firmly in hhe grasp of av strong and edifying ministry. lien occupying "these city . pulpita shonld have strong support in the prayers and sympathy of all Christ- una. " T V V i . Uerw wi oenaior uu pq oeitew (fmm' fha PresbfrtaHan bemital finl. j u. ... Charlotte Saturdaytirfre she bad m wide? door for drunkenness than the oeen apout (wo weew imwia. near beer bad ever done. She ia much improved and table to be 1 , ; T , Mi. JT T Wallaaa farmarlv (wvmd , vwo, Iband in the Patterson weave room, but The following petition is being cir- now overseer of weaving in the, Fair-icuiatea ana eignea oy a large numner field mill. Winnshoro. 8. C- eama back I our eiosens ana win e presemea ' : li il.-. ... i ... an. last week and moved bis family. 'Mr. te memoers o ine present legis- Wallaee has manv warrn friends "here I lture : . . - - . . .. I T - il TT. 4.IT ir .1 -a 1L. who ar triad of bis nromotinn. .Ua-liu u iwuuruuie oieuiiMuv tit. me fore leavinir na tbe weave room hands Legislature of North Carolina : presented bint with a gold 'watch . feirs--Whereas the spirit of the charm with his initials enmaved On it prommtion laws oi isoim Carolina is as token of their esteem. Mr. Wal- being violated by the legal handling lace is succeeded here by Mr. W. D. nd sale of whiskey, beer, near beer Yarboro. who waa promoted from and other. beverages, by social clubs loom-fixer, and is making good in his and other organizations, many of new position. ' - , " them organized and incorporated for R': R. T. Caudle, of Charlotte, no other purpose but the sale of whis came over Saturday evening, remain- key nd beer, and ing over Sunday with bis dghUr, Whereas, we believe this state of Mrs. J. W. Bonds and Mrs E. W.l affair to be almost, if not altogether, Clark. ' ' . " las" dangerous and degrading to the The Patterson-Young Mereantile Co. I young manhood and civilization of our have a grist mill ia operation here now I fair State as open saloons, therefore, and are getting a liberal natronaee. "4we the nndersignecT citizens and voters Xbe postofflce has eeo painted In-1 oi rue ity or cneora do most earnqCT slde 'and now presents av handsome i ly request your honorable body to en appearance. The barber ahop and! act some law by which this curse to meat, market, nave also been painted. I ehurch and State may be driven from . K ,; v" ' : x H. I our borders, lM.l.M ID UUU. -. I -m - , i ' -: witn taa vinoa. - ni tii. rvu nail. . . .. ,ii ' I ' : 1 . t. V""MU"' vurZ'.U1' ' '' ? ' . Mr. It -LT Brown ia hostess to the. ; air. lames r. onmn, secretary ot Social Club this afternoon. tne worwood junsiness viub, wui ar- r- n. Bnii.-td ur. They do not occupy easy places.', S T 'Z.' "Zi? lLl! the Vhinia V" Baok aub Fri' r " ' "fj - ""-.iday anemoon. c : oer or Norwood ttusineae men . and Mrs, Gowan Dusenbery wiU enter- .cl..Wm.v., vi wvauijr couavjr - uin the Bridge Club this afternoon. ing on xne nne or tne proposed anort- Miss Ellen Gibson will be hostess to cut road "from Charlotta to Norwood. U9 VarietT afternoon. Thaaa ma! (am amh sa aAaaU wae-l. 1 " Dnariotte nusinesa men as to the steps Further evidence of Senator Lori necessary to secure, this road, espee- mer'a radesirabUity is (found in the inally ; the matter of rights of way orM(IIlofc a lanre and oowerful lob- !T t i'fTw ,u?nitt4 ' t0 by in Washington working in bis be- msikiiiuv, nvrwwu s TVIJr I balf mucn in earnest in tne matter ana Montague Dactroeutad. ' Nathan Montague, the negro whose fiendish crime of criminal outrage upon Miss Mattie Sanders and the murder of her and her. father, J. L. Sanderg and"little niece, Irene San ders, in Granville county, - and the burning of the Sanders borne and bodies of his victims to cover bis erime,. stirred one of the biggest een sation"of the year, paid the death penalty in the electric chair at the State's prison Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Montague made a full confession admitting that be perpe trated the foul crime in all its re volting details without the aid of any - accomplice, ' Pullman CtSl Paying Dividends. Stockholders of the Pullman Palace Car Company Wednesday received the usual quarterly dividend of $2 a share on tbeir holdings. 'Though it is said that the forced, reduction in Pullman berths just put into effect will lessen the company's. earnings by several million dollars a year it ia not expect ed that the annual (3 dividend race will be afferited. The company antic ipates that the increased business will eventually mora than make up for the reduction in price. C " r 1.1 1 : -r oa tllzi p2V in witli the co-operation of Charlotte, this important railroad Iwik could be built in short order. At Norwood it would connect with the Southbound giving thie city an outlet by the Norfolk ft Western and, Atlantic Coast Line. ' it. is a very important propo sition. . " . The meeting will be held at the office of tha Greater Charlotte Club, in tha Selwyn hoi at 11 o'clock Friday morning. Every business man interested in Charlotte's welfare is in vited and urged to, be present and boar what the Norwood people bavei to aay. If a girl receives a letter and doesn't read it over three times, it isn't a love letter. Beecbert Happiness is not the end of life; ebaraeter is. , . ,.;: y ( Improvements ia Tkla Thriving Town Sir. Balpk Barrier to go to South Africa rorsoaal Notes. The year 1811 ia desiined to recorJ some 1 noteworthy Improvements for ilL Pleasant. Among 'be more prom innt oaes which are bing eoaaidered ia that of eement sidewalks some thing we need which nj one wiU quo tion. Homo mounba azo r.be town eom- missieners to)k tha n atter up, but f anad' "eertain ? legislation necessary at Raleigh before the matter could be carried through aa contemplated. Thia haa been sec tired and the work of lay ing the eement will begin soon.- It is proposed to lay two thousand square yards! on the first eontraet, the prop erty owners to pay half which ia not to exceed fifty eenta cer ecuare yard. Mi Stella Foil entertained a large n ameer or. ser young friends at a Valentine party last night. ,- ' A letter received by Mrs. P. A. Bar- rier a few days ago told of the good fortune of her; eon, Mr. Ralph W. Earner, now located : in Spokane, Washington. Mr." Barrier baa iusi received a most flattering offer (from toe. American' Machine Co. to install and put in operation a mammoth up- to-date laundry plant- at Johannes burg, South Africa. The offer carries band some salary and came unsolicit ed, but upon recommendation of some of the big laundry men of Chicago and Cleveland ty wnom Mr. Barrier had formerly been employed. If Mr. Bai rier decides to accept the position he will leave at an early date. His many mends vers are greatly interested in his good fortune. Mrs. M. E. Welsh is visitine her daughter, Mrs. S. H. Long, in Char lotte. ? -The young ladies of Mont Amoena Seminary will give a recitai in the auditorium Friday night. Miss ' Maggie Bostian. of China Grovel is visiting her friend, Miss Ora Fishef . rs of the Methodist and Lutheran churches are greatly pleased wita the new .lighting systems just put CLABJC 8TANDS PAT ON ANNEXATION CUT. Canada May be Oampaiga Xaraa at , u - - Kaxl Election. '.Washington, t). C Feb. 15. The semi-jocular remarks which " Champ Clark; the Deraoeratie speaker-to-be made in the House yesterday during m aenaie on tne Canadian reciproc ity agreement to the effect that he believed the Stars and Sripes would one day float over the entire Western hemisphere, stirred up most unex pected trouble today. President Taft took occasion to write to Representa tive MeCall introducer of the reciproc ity bill, a letter disclaiming and dep recating the annexation talk, and to follow it up with personal remarks even more emphatie to his visitors. The White House is aaid to regard the remarks of Mr. Clark as most un fortunate and the President baa made it known that he would like to have it understood throughout the world that his administration had no thought whatever of annexation when the rec iprocity agreement was arranzed. ine president, it m said, ia hooeful that the people of thia country. Can- aaa and ureat Britain will look upon me speecn or Mr. Clark merely as the expression of an individual who, in the sentimenft expressed, does not represent the Democratic party or any party in this eountry; in. These churches are now as well lightef. aa anyone could wish. No bet ter improvement could have been madei .,-"- - 'must. JP oojyn ' vraotree. ox Jont Amoena:. Seminary, spent Sunday iu Concord. - r The registration books for the rail road election are now open. Now is the time to register and vote for the road on Maroh 14th. Prof.. H. W. Barrier attended the band concert in Charlotte Saturday night, by Creators 'e band. Mr. S. T. Seaford is confined to his Toom with rheumatism. Messrs. Wm. Sappenfield and G. E- Crowell, of Concord, were bere-Sun day. Messrs Luther and 'Howard Line and Geo. W. Fori are in Virginia in vestigating eoma real estate deals. Mrs. Mary Barrier spent Sunday in Concord Mr. H. J. McAllister has returned from a visit to Mooresville. : - Mt. Pleasant February 15, 1911 I ' Clean Out the Clubs. Biblical Recorder. ' - V The near-beer saloon has received its death-blow from the Legislature. The next thing to be done for the se curity of our prohibition laws, the pro motion of the temperance cause, and the safety of our people, is to forbid I the handling of liquors by clubs. Such bill is pending and there should be I no doubt about its passage. But the battle here will be fiercer than that against near-beer. Let each of ua do his duty. We must not fail. Clean out the elubsT Washington, February 15. With a storm of comment breaking about his head, Speaker-elect Champ Clark to day stood pat on his "Canadian an nexation" speech of yesterday, declin ing to alter or add to his declaration that the time will come when Great Britain will watch complacently the aosorptton or Canada by the United States. "I said all that I had to sav about that yesterday," declared Clark today, "and I have nothing to add to it. The statement needs no explanation comment' Mr. Phillip Sowers, the lareest land owner in Rowau county and one of the largest in North Carolina, cele brated his 87th birthday Tuesday at nig splendid farm near Spencer. . mSOXALlC-CX Bom of the People Ban sjal : waert Who Coma u4 0i Mrs. W. EL Causey is visiting rela tives in Charlotte. . , ' . . . , Mr. L. W. Brander haa goo to Asheville on a business trip. ; . Mr. T. D. Maneaa baa gone to Salis bury on professional hntjnesa. - Mr. J. M, Hendrix ia spending the day in Charlotte on business. Mrs. J. M. W. Alexander baa re turned from a visit to Statcsrille. Mr. R. E. Gibson, of Swalnaboro, Oa., is visiting relatives in the eky. Mr. R. V. Caldwell ha com to Charlotte to visit bis eon, Dr. D. S. Caldwell. Rev. J. N. Cole, of Raleigh, will spend Sunday here with his daughter, airs, nato uurnam. ; t Mr. Geo. W. Best, who bad been visiting his daughter, Mrs. R. P. Ben son, for several days, returned borne last night. Mr. Clarence Norman, of tha Uni versity of North Carolina, is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Norman. Mr. Norman will leave to morrow for Rock Hill, 8. C, to attend the meting of the Student Volunteer Movement. ' Death in Snow Storm in New York, One death and fifteen injuries bave resulted from the anow and aledt storm raging over the eity of . New lork yesterday. " A young woman crossing Fifth Ave nue, in a blinding storm, was killed by an automobile. Tba list of injured shows eight broken arms and three broken legs. ' Hunters' License Law Evaded. There is a State law requiring all resident hunters to take out hunter 'a license iu North Carolina. The lieena is issued by the Clerk of Court and cost $10.00. This law has evidently been evaded in this county, as license has only been issued to two hunters this season and there bave been quite a number of , non-resident hunters here, j , , Recital at Mont Amoena Seminary. There 'will be a recital given by the students of Mont Amoena Seminary in tha auditorium at Mt. Pleasant on Friday evening, February 17. Those who will take part in the recital are : Miesea Mary Peck, Oh we and Ruth Groseelose, Mary Ketchie, Ruth Mis enheimer, Ethel Cobb, ' Florence Brown, Helen Misenheimer, Lois and Leone Barrier. - Will be good shopping days for early spring buyers at DAY Balzac : v Excessive civilization is close to barbarism, aa steel is close to rusting, . - , PARKS' Extra Good Values in DRY GOOPr: NOTIONS and READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS. New 60c Spring Dress Goods in black and all col lore, per yard ,;--:T ..... .-..'.'-..mT All colore in New Silk at, per yard..25c 39c, 59c 124e quality White Checked Dimity-. 10c . Spring Ginghams, in good patterns at per yard -j .......--6c, 7c, 10c and 12c Special values in Embroideries.i...5c, 6ic up to 10q V. One lot of 50c, 75c and $1 corsets, Special... 39c ' $ 1.50 American Lady Coreet ........ ....69c Good lot of Pearl Buttons at ...... .c, 10c and 15c Fine Muslin Underwear Children's Drawera and Bodies and ' aCorset Covers .10q. .15c ,25c ABE PARTICULARLY DESIRED by thia bank whioh endeavor at alt timet to learn tba needs of the Farmer Merchant, Finn, Corporation and In dividual Depoaltor and meet them In a helpful manner. , Our Capital, Surptas and Profit of I ' ' 11 ' ' J tIRft nflfl OA fnrnlah amnla mcana not -' .'. v ' . k . only to assist the businesa man, but to i V, frtll fff f " I Balzac: One virtue will efface many vices; one' vice will efface many virtues. . . - protect his deposits, art cordially "invited V place f?, t 1 account wila tUi Eatk, ,k-"J4 Yo your '' at....... .nai..t.-iiiw HiiMW mmm mm mm .... Children's Mnslin, in fine assortment ... ; Ladies' Drawers, extra well made garments... Large assortment of Ladies' well made Muslin, speA . cially priced at ..... 39c, 50c, 75c and up New Spring Skirt Specials. . $2.50 Skirt values, $1.98.' " ri ' V 13.00 Skirt values, $2.25 and $2.49. . - : , v . : . $4 and $5 Skirt values, $2.95 to $3.95 j 12c quality Domestic .1 10c Fine Sea Island Sheeting. .100. .8lo VVe appreciate rour trade. Let us show you. - s

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