- VOL XXDV Price, 49 Certs all:. CONCOIID.N. C I )AY. FLBHUAIIY 17..1911. fUngle Oopy, .scei "NO. 105 ,&Eii:ifl ,', .. .- .. vIN BOTH ESAXCIIES OF .TEE : STATE LEGISLATURE. Btee Primary Bffl Introduced Ptthel Presents State Food Inspection Bill I State . Administration Building " Wilf Pass ths Senate, Appropria ' ' tion Being Seduced to Half a Mil- .una. f. "... -Special to Tha Tribune.'-' - Raleigh? February 17. A long dis cussion in both tranche of aha legis lature onlwo State Highway or good roads bill, by Co- in (Senate and Spainbour m House, efearactericed the days session. Both were recommit- ted. fyrMMtcb; "farm idle schools bill was again 7 debated and Anally amended material : ly and recommitted. ' - ... " dlobgood introduced the much-moot ed legalised State' primary hill. ;' . . Pethel presented State food inspec tion bill . v U. . ' - State administration building meas ure wit pass the Senate next week, .'the appropriation being reduced te half -a million, instead, of ' million. Senator! Boyden and other " friends agreeing to the change. There will be . no democratic, canons tonight. " It has been postponed till next Wednesday. , Raleigh, February 17. -The .more important, of the legislative commit " tees are up to their necks in business vthia week and will be all next week, - Two of - the " important matters - which the, joint committee on insur- . enee and congressional districts wack red into. at meeting last evening were 0 the bill to create a State Insurance . Commission, to which there is oppo - sftion in the committee and, which - Insurance (mni)smoner Yorfnar isiunrlCL-If,Pr, 'smrnnfel. irr rf tte ' derdffiSant'te; rdlmeWrd-Thayer f Company the " eult matter of getting together on a . plaij for the redistrleting of the ten congressional districts. , 7 - v " LLEWXAM. Font Personal Items. - Rev,". W. fl. Causey, pastor of the Reformed church,' in letter to the Reformed Church Standardr has the following personal items in regard to-members of his congregation : ,. Mrs. J. L. Peck, the widow of ex sheriff Peck, has been very ill, but her condition semms to be somewhat im proved. ; -. , . .x , : - Mr. Anthony Bost, one of the old : at . members of , the congregation, is . unde$ treatment of Dr. W. O. Nesbit, Btotnach specialist, : of -Charlotte Brother Boat has been in feeble health for several weeksr but we hope for his . recovery in due time. Grandmother Shupping, who had she misfortune to fall on the ice last win- ter and anstaining injuries, is still confined -to her room unable to walk. Mrs. Sarah Blackwelder, an aged lady of the congregation, also fell and broke her hip and has been confined to her bed for nearly two months. - .'After tha Delinquent Snbscriber. The Albemarle. Enterprise gets af ter the snbscriber who is In arrears as follows: . ' ' ' - There are several who have made no attempt to even ivp their accounts. . We lieve no doubt that it is a matter of simple negligence on the part of -many, and we shall -hold out books - open yet awhile.. But when we revise our list, all Who are' in arrears for . one year or mora will be dropped, and such accounts will be placed out for collection. If some get mad, we can't help it. No sensible person will do so. ' We have exhausted our supply of kind words and gentle treatment, and when folks don't give heed to aueh methods, it is their own fault if they find their -- names on' the list of bad debts, and a collection agency tnnst be asked to handle their accounts. ' ,v 1 ..' :-'' , Capt. Propst't Condition Improved. The numerous frierids of ex-Sheriff William Propst will be glad to know that his condition is improved. Sheriff Propst is 80 years old today and Mr. and Mrs. C W. Trice, Mr. and Mrs. ' II. L. Propst of Lexington. Mr. Wil liam Trice of Spencer, and Mr. Earl Patterson of Chariot e, together with a number of relatives of this city, are attending a birthday dinner at his home today. , - v Imoura Wood ruta you Jowtt make you an ty victim f r ornia im Cardoek Blood LlMa-a irl. ( 1 1' t I'oft! tnrm t's eanse iIls TECLIXT LIXS TZZU COXOOED TO ALBTOAULB, Would Connect Concord W&k tha Southbound and Alba marls KTtta tha Intsrurnaa. . The day of tha lntcrurbaa is at hand. Not only tha main line of the proposed - internrban . but Various branch lines will be shortly built con nected with it, and in the course of a few years thia great section 01 Iforto Carolina will ba covered with n net work of trolley lines which will result in changing the entira industrial his tory of erery section traversed. There- have been many and various suggest ions concerning the course Concord should adopt in connection with the lnterurban, but a proposed line from here to Albemarle via MU Pleasant ap pears worthy of serious consideration by the people of this vicinity. ' The distance is 25 miles and the country along. tha route is full. of great and wonderful resource. . Our progressive neighbor, Albemarle, has already signified a strong desire to connect' with the main line of the in terurban, by sending a delegation of citizens to Charlotte to tha big inter- urban meeting, and such a line would be gladly welcomed by Mount Pleas ant and all other places along the route. This would bring Concord in closer touch with these towns and this irreat section of country, and also give connection with the Southbound rail road. Albemarle would get 4ho inter nrban and equally share with the ben efits to be derived Crom coming in closer relation' with such a section. The hne would also connect with the proposed Salisbury to Monroe railroad at Mount Pleasant, if this road is eon- struoted. - ' '." Thin ' linn 'can iwt bnilf f tha citi zens along the route and it will not necessitate a bond issue from tpe va rious townships. We have strong rea son to believe that Concord will build its half of the road, i Is Albemarle, the town that has lately acquired the en viable habit Of talking progress, will ing to ."come across" and .meet us half way? " - - ' Pnffs, aata and Switches Barred in Kansas City stort. : An order w Issued thJs week by largest department store in Kansas City, prohibiting girl clerks between the ages of 14 and 16 year from us ing powder and paint on their- laces or wearing puffs, rats and s witches in there hair. , , . . According to Mr. Peters tha order was made necessary by the tendency of some of the younger clerks to over dress, ,, The store wants its elerks to make a good appearance, bnt marks a limit beyond which Obey should not go in the matter of personal adornment. Did Ha Confess to Being a Murderer? Charlotte Chronicle, 16th., There is an interesting rumor being circulated among the people of the county to the effect that iMoek Hoi land, a. young .white man,' thinking ithat tie was about to die, confessed to his physician that, na murdered Zeb ltoper, of Paw Creek township, seven years ago. .Holland, it is said, to im proving and the physician to whom he confessed cannot be found.. At the time-of Roper's death, it was given out that he had been acci dentally drowned in the Catawba river, - Whiskey Removed During the Night Albemarle Enterprise.' During the - wee sma hours of Thursday night, the whiskey which wss formerly in the hands of tha elub which had its quarters in the Monrow block was secretly removed, and cart ed to soma other place. The elub has been in a bad way since the law and order league began operations. The two promoters disappeared, and war rants are out for them, while the pur chasers nave been nnablo to do busi ness. L it 1s -said that a lsnte .Dortkra of thy whiskey removed was shipped to the osiginal dealer ' " I K .- Willis Briggi Confirmed. - Washington, .Feb. 16. Tha senate thui afternoon eonflrmed tha appoint ment or wuia u. Bribes to. bs poet master at Raleigh, the Morehead-But-ler faction of the stats Republican party thereby, losing out in its' attempt- to defeat ' Mr, Brigres through objecion of Senator Carter, of Mon tana, who was acting in their ' be half. , .; r ; ' . , , --, ,' . . The victory is a, distinct one for National Committeeman -Dunean and Mr. Briggs, who has filled the office to the satisfaction of tho people of Rdleigh, ;; ; ; . The Woman's Missionary Soeietv of Trinity Reformed church will give a Teception to the congregation on the evening of Washington's birthday, They will furnish soma special music and serve refreshments. The occasion promises to be one Of much enjoy ment.' . ' .i " ',' Soma of tha Peep's Can where Whs Coma and Oa. Mr. M. F. Ritchie is spending the day in CharloHa. - 1 Miaa OUia Fisher is visiting rela tives in Spencer. . , Mr, Ed Freeie, of High Point, is a visitor in tha eity today. . v Mr. H. P. Ouffy returned boma this morning from a business trip. .. . f ' Miss Sallie Lennox. ;of Charlotte, ia visiting Mrs. C. L. Cannon, of No. townstip. : -U-Jj f.v ''' Mrs. B, O. Whitehead, of Asheville, visiting . her brother, 'Mr. J. C. Willeford. .'- . . 4i -r Measra. F. C. NiUock and-J. C. Fink attended the Pythian banquet in Charlotte last night. .; ;- Miss Pauline BaviaT who has been visiting Mrs. Gowan Dusenbery, has returned to her home in Charlotte, Mrs.'L. T. Hartsell left last nigbt for Raleigh, where- she will spend sometime with Senator Hartsell. . Mr. J. H. Lippard, of Dayton, 0- who haa been visiting Mrs. M. E, Bar- ner,' bas gone to Salisbury to visit Mrs. J. K. Oennessee. Misa Mary.Tilghmant of Salisbury Md., who has been visiting Miss Shir ley Montgomery, haa gone to Clifton Ixrge, Va, to visit friends. Mr. John M. Hendrix attended the funeral of Mr. S, Wittkowsky yester-' day, representing the Concord Build ing and Loan Association as a mark of respect to the memory of tha de ceased. Tha Boys Corn Club Prizes to be ' Awarded. Prof. Q. O.'Schanb, of the Sitate Agricultural 'Department; will bo in Concord on Saturday, February 25, and will discuss corn growing before Hie Boys' Corn Club of Cabarrus coun ty. He has recently returned from the National Boys Corn Contest in Ohio, and ..will tell his bearers all shout this movement in the United rtesjU The speech will be delivered at l O'clock, and immediately artcr w&rd1 the. prizea in this county will be' awarded. There ar shmit a dosen eonwmrfbarrusr Evyt farmer's boy in the county is invited r bo present on the 25th, when Prof. Schaub expects to organize a elub for this year. '"'"' V:'. Betterment Association Organized in . " No. 11. A Betterment Association was or- ranixed. yesterday afternoon- at the Litaker school in No. 11 township with fifteen members. The organiza tion was perfected immediately after school was dismissed for the day and (rreat interest was aroused in the bet terment work that can be accomplish ed by such an organization. Officers 01 the association were elected as fol lows: - " President 'Mrs. O. F. Litaker. Vice-President Mrs. " Asa Black- welder. Secretary Miss Sadie Litaker. Treasurer Mrs. H. W. Fryling. Argument for Writ of Habeas Cor- pns in Long Case. Jndee Justice will hear the , argu ment in the writ of habeas corpus in ths ease of Willis Long, who was sent to jail under a bond f $100 Wednes day on the charge of false pretense in Charlotte today. Judge w. J. Mont gomery, representing ths State, end Mr. T. D. Maness representing Long, and 16 witnesses, 14 for tho defen- ant and 2 for the State, ; went to Charlotte his morning for the. hear ing. ' ' '' Sowan Needs Oourthouas, y .. In concludinr its work tbo grand jury for Rowan county made a recom mendation to OS Superior : : court, Judge C C. Lyon, presiding, tbst new court house would be ouiK at an early date. This recommendation has ths endorsement of the county com missioners and k i understood ths building will be erected aa soon as the finances of the county will admit. tea Tha Tfanst for Jab Frtntkng. times Our Capital, Surplus and Profits of 1150.000.00 furnish ample means not only to assist ths business man, but oroteet his deooslts. '-': Ton turs' cordially : invited ts daei Tour account with this Eask. .' : jfwr account with this East j EXED KOt CONGRESSMAN BENNETT INTRO DUCES RESOLUTION . TO t ; ' THIS EFFECT r Vft mast Coma Eventnally 'Alarm f tn London Grows Taft Given Ltt- ala Wsixhl There Prsaidasl ia I Vary Aafrfi "iu:,-: special to Baltimore Sun. Washington. Feb. iwn of Canada as sjrisamediate pro position was proposed in a resolution introduced In the House today by RepresentaUvsBeMeti (RepN. Y.) It reads -;': -; . s -.. , That the President be requested 10 commence sod continne negotia tions with the British Government fo secure the annexation of he Domin- ftn of Canada to the United States." 4 Bennett doelared that h intmduMut tha resolution purely on his own inrtia- ve, out ins said: - " "Annexation 'of .Canada to Wie nited States will have to time. It might as well be now." Mr. Bennett declared that his reso- uniuu was me naxnrai outcome and roiiowed logically ; the reciprocity agneement passed by the House on Teusday nisrht. He was anini tha hUl and explained today why he fa- vorea annexation wnile opposing reci procity. : . is m ' .. ' . " jaemners Qsnernlly ; believed that tie Bennett resolution was designed mm 10 ooxeat me purpose of the ment. ; It wss expected to arouse other storm of erOtest in England. "The reciprocity agreement places heat on the free list" said 'Mr. Ben- nfet this afternoon, "and leaves a dpty on flour. I come from a city dis trict : whero they; don It : chew much wheat,:' but they do consume flour. WheK rhe people find out the' real Mm 'of this' agreement they will be d --it: .led.' - ..''i places !?LV n the 'five list a -il l--vs a ' 7 on tcof, t! 9 1 rtduet ... uumMMtteumiMiiitiS' ii"licn4- the detailrf of this agreement become f, fully apparent each communitv will II be dissatisfied. " - - i; But with Canada' annexed .to the United States, everything would be free, , Tbo tariff protection which now surrounds the United States would be moved up the Atlantic and Pacific coasts and all the benefits and bur dens yould' fcis equally . distijibuted throughout the new big country.- "London; Feb, 16. Little credence is given today by conservative news papers to President Taft's disavowal of Champ Clark's annexation predic- uon as- xsnecxing tne sentiment 01 most Amencan statesmen. It is argued that Mr. Clark "let the eat out of the bag" in an unguarded moment , and then sought to cover up by declaring that he uttered merely his individual opinion. The tone of the whole Conservative press is that the Speaker-elect and receptive can didate for the Democratic Presiden tial v nomination voiced the . ultimate purpose of reeiprociy as an entering wedge to the separation of Canada from tho mother country. Dog a Thieves' Lookout. Asheville, N. C, February 15. The faithfulness of the dog was illustrated in a new light today when a number of Woks boys 15 years old and less confessed in police court to a charge of larceny. . Toe boys organized themselves into a band and trained a dog, which they left outside of the house they enter ed to giv a warning bark at tha sight of a blue-coated officer.; Thus warned, ths boys would scamper, to places of safety, Thep operated successfully ror nearly a year. , , ; A freeze would destroy the Georgia fruit crop. Everywhere in that a tion the trees are in full bloom and ths orchard owners are very uneasy over the next change in the weatbsatt Ths fruit, if killed means a loss of $10,000,000 to Georgia. ' ABB PARTICULARLY DESIRED by this bank which endeavors at all . to learn tha needs of the Farmer? iertV In.' Merehant,.Tirm, Corporation and dividual Depositor and' meet toon In a helpful manner. . ' . ' , f ' ' 1 'A . '- '' - to f f, .4 ' M Jiw VUUai i ' C-r'sv'fy - Ps?iT' W J .. , i e BOTTLE VENDING MACHINE. Concord Men Sscsivt Patent for Nkk- al-ln-the Blot Drink Machine. Messrs. C A. Jones and W. B Dor-; ton have received a patent for their bottls vending ma eh toe for . which they made application several months agot ' A model has been in use by these gentlemen for some time and they are highly pleased with it and expect to mak a great success with the machine. It u so arranged that if a nickel is dropped into the slot it will tborw out a bottle of coea cola or any other soft drink kept in it. An les box Is arranged in the machine so that three kinds of drinks can be kept at the same time. One of the most attractive features of the ma chine is the fact that it cannot be manipulated with a lead nickel. A piece of iron strikes the nickel imme diately after it passes through the receptacle with such force as to bend a lead nickel to such an extent that it will not pass far enough to success fully work the machine. . Mr. Jarrett and Lexington's Graded School. The Dispatch. The Lexington graded school is mov ing alone wonderfully well. Super intendent Jarrett has "corralled" this year one of the finest bunches of teachers in the State of North Caro-i Una and they are doing admirable work. The school was never in bet ter shape and t'ie parents are urged to visit the school and watch the chil dren work. They will come away with a new pride in then school and in their town. . Mr. Jarrett is working in hnilil nn n hpnlfhfnl rIJiIaHa anirit I for he believes in the doctrine of a "sound minkrs sound body" end the boys and are taking a great deal of interi rn their physical training and , IVpment. It will greatly encourt, I teachers and children to 1ia. I fry patron of the school visit it anu hot one of them sliould neglect to do it. One good return deserves another, and John D. Rockefeller begs leaves leave to remind Andrew Carnegie that it 's Carnegie's turn next : . FRIDAY-SATUW-LIIDIlY Will be good shopping days for early spring buyers .rat PARKS' Extra Good Values in DRY.GOODS NOTIONS and READY-TO-WEAR SKIRTS. :: New 60c Spring Dress Goods in black and aUpol-, lore, per yard 48c v All colors in New Silk at, per yard.... 25c, 39c, 59c ; 12c quality White Checked Dimity 10c ; Spring Ginghams, in good patterns at per yard J" ( ..-....-...-.---5c, 7c, 10c and 12c Special values in Embroideries 5c, 61c op tQ 10c, One' lot of 50c, 75c and i corset Special-i.-.-.v $1.50 American Lady Corset, -69c Good lot of Eearl Buttons at..-...5c, 10c ant 15c-,;: Fine Muslin Underwear, ' Children's Drawers and fttMMMMasiMsasssssswaais sawassBSSst asnsssausMM sussnsssi Children's Muslin, in fine Xadies' Drawers, extra well made garments. - -25c Larcre assortment of Ladies' well made Muslin, sp- J daily priced atj : New Spring Skirt Specials. ' $2.50" Bkirt values, $1.98. , " " ;Tr) fT, $3.00 Skirt values, $2.25 and $2.49. ; V T;. ' ; ' V ' $4 and $5 Skirt .values, $2.95 to $3.95 12c quality Domestic 10c' Fine Sea Island Sheeting. We appreciate your trade. Let us show you. . 1. L. &r ' & NORTH CATtOLnri XTZX Items of Xntsrsst fro all Farts si ths Old Nortli 8Ut. A bill haa been pending for soms -time .to make bs purehsas of rotas . and similar offenses against the parity of elections in this stats felonies in stead of misdemeanors is to have, favorable report. The 17-year locust is due to appeal thia summer. . Some sections, at is said, will swann with tbs noisy in sects. The Department of Agricul tnrs has issued an official annonnes ment of the fsot The swam will be in evidence along the entire Eastern Seaboard from New York and Con-L neetieut to North Carolina. . Col. Neal Arch McLean, of Lumbar ton, died - suddenly - from apoplexy Wednesday night' at 8 o'clock in bis room at the Yarborongh, He had been enjoying his usual good health, but remained in his room Wednesday be- -cause hs did not feel well.' His death was a great shock.! Three or four friends were present when ths cod cams. I Henry Parminter, veteran of ths Civil and Mexican wars and i ths state '8 oldest citizen, lacking but 15 ' days of having attained ths are of 106, died a his borne in Charlotts Wed nesday of grip. His wife died in 1900 . at the age of 10L Among his descen dants are several great-great-fraad-ehildren. He was hale and hearty op to a few days of his death sad retain ed every sense acutely. On last Friday, February 10. Mr. Mae Bobbins Long, son of JadgS B. F. Long, of Statesvills, was awarded a . scholarship to advance American artists abroad. The award is son- - ferred ss a tribute to merit and dis tinction achieved in bis specialty in portraiture, without restrictions and without application on tils 'part for the award. . It is conferred so that he- is at liberty to seek his own school . or teachers abroad and spend two years in pursuit of bis studies. It, carries with it an allowance of $1,300. It is Oho first distinction of the kind awarded Southern artist :v'-- -; ' ' :: :: s Bodies and 'Corset CoVen ' .10c .15c assortment. -39c, 60c, 75c and up .10c .81c. y:a t. L 'J ly CI rcJ-3ta v.. s

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