T 3zLt sTi. Iir.UITL riKTS CM EAIS TZJCLTZ i i. r r,i rroprUtor, A J 1. Lt4 1 . ec;-cirx:o sates. - One Tear Six awnila 13.40 titt 1 f!tb . - . 1 . . ' C-:: a . .40 Jt. -i'S A2TK0CNCE2O1NT. A4rmmr rta eu be bad at the .' aSee. Cop? far chansea mast k U .. at 10 e'eoek a. a. - ! . Card af Tbankv Besolutions of ' Respect, ud eimilsr article are : charged at the rate a 9 eente per liae Cash ia aft eases. " . JCateea second elsmmafl matter C April 28,-1910, at the postoffiee at - Coaaord, N.- C, ander the act of 'Marsh 3, 1879. " Oat a tha atty and by H the fol v tewing prices an tha Erasing Trfe- aCt yttaail: - One Jtoata ..........u-f -25 8i laoath .... r'vTwdM Jfaalka . 3.00 JOSy H. OCIXSBT, City Editor. Coneard, N.C., February llOU- ' Tbe TomBs system of land titles . ha its merits, but when its friends claim that under tbe Tomna system laad an he bought end sold it as .bank stoek is they, ara claiming too .much for the system. The consent of rha-.wife ariil have to be obtained, or aaa A5tt aeoetitutioa changed, when tatd ia aold, no matter what system . oi giving title is axed. And the Tor rena system will not stop disputes about land lines. Monroe Enquirer. One would think, judaine f mm some of criticisms of the Torrens sys tami.of land registration, that its au-them- alaka for it thai it will cure all he "ills that flesh is heir to." It is designed to obviate the necessity of going .through the cumbersome pro easatof baaing the title to a piece of laad examined every time it changes hands. The idea is to have the title oaca, .officially settled to remain set tled,, from that time forward. To bava the title once settled by a prop erly constituted officer or attorney will eerainly "atop disputes about land lines" far as that piece of prepavty if concerned, TEE TOBRENS SYSTEM. ' New! and. Observer. It Ja difficult to understand why any perse aaoald object to the bill to provide for the registration of kind titles under the Torrens system. taa aau made it compulsory or it tne v bill carried aa appropriation or coat money, W iha state or counties, this . opposition anight be understood ; but, i inasmuch aa it is voluntary and the cost will all fall upon the person who f wishes to have bis land title exam ' ined and guaranteed under the Tor . rens aystas sW is little reason left for anybody to appose it and many v reasons why alt should advocate it. ?" Tha transfer of land ia North Caro- - Una is vary difficult, and a man who n owns land finds thai H is much larder - to borrow money on his property than a ma? ara corns stocks and bonds. If he owns stoe& and bonds, be can ' walk; into a bask and borrow money " (withont spending cent, whereas if ? he owns laad, the; title to the land V wonld have to be investigated every time- e seeded to borrow money; 4 there rost be tha charges of the new ' investigation, the payment of the fee r to en attorney, etc., etc. (; Of bourse Mm Torrens bill would takeaway from attorneys many fees for faireBtigatiiig land titles, and to 5 that axteot would reduce the income of attorneya who ara acM&iomed to jiaveatigating titles. But that is no reason why it should fail to pass. In- V deed, it ia one of the strongest rea- sons Why H should pass, beeaase those 1 1 who own land ongbt to bava a right to . transfer- it easily and inexpensively, v whicb. right is not given under the H present' system. :iyu?'.r---:-::-r- : Tb Torrens system, as proposed, ?woaU (Sa voluntary; it would make it f ea?y oJ iaeapeasive to borrow money ona Und, aad would tend to increase "inTestment ia land, and therefore tend to Increase iha price of land, Man wba bava moneyto invest do not like -ta pot it into property that cost them " money to transfer, when they need tha easir. Under the Torrens system a man can take bis deed into a bank ; and get money on it, without having a lawyer to examine his title, or with. aut any expense. ft is to be ltoped that this legisla : jtnre will have the constructive states manship to pass this measure in the eform in whieh it is presented, volun jtary and gradual, and that the attor- - aeys in the Legislature will lead in this great rdfornv even though it is . one that, for a while, may decrease their iisowa. : T ; r " t rroa Zllney Tronbia. "I ' ' a"ute case of BrigJit'a c ,l,;mmaiion of the kid t and dizziness," says -, JaclcRon, Mich. '. . : tf i. y's KiJney Eem t - l'i a'taik reduced tha 1 1' a in" itrmmtion.took .. - ...2 t t s llaJJer i ' It ', everyoie eoulJ Id remedy." 11. Scalp aad Hair TroaUee OaaaraHy Caused by Caraiaaaaaai Daixlruo ia a eontajrioua di cauaed by a aderobe urb ale pro duces baldness. Nerer . a eoeab or brush belonging to soeaeooe eta. matter aot cleanly the ewaer nay be, thee articles nay a infeet eJ with microbes, which will luteal rear scalp. It ia far easier to ceteh hair aaierobaa thaa it ia ta get rid of them, and a aingle stroke af aa infect ed comb or brush may rail leadrto baldneaa.. Xever try aa anybody 'a else 'a bat. ' Many a handbag ia a reef ing place for microbes. if yoa bappea to be troubled with dandruff, itching scalp, falling hair or baldneaa, we bava a remedy which we believ will completely relieve these troubles. We are aa eare of this that we offer it to yoa with tha understand ing that it will coat yoa nothing for the trial if it does not prod oca the results we claim. Thia laatedy m called Rex- all "93" Hair Tonic. We honest It beileve it to be tha most' scientific remedy for scalp and hair troubles, and we know of nothing else that equals it for effectiveness, because of the results it has -produced ia thous ands of eases. " Rexall "S3" Hair Tonic ia de vised to banish dandruff, restore nat ural color when its lose baa been brought about by disease, aad make the , hair naturally silky, soft and glossy. It does this because it stimu lates the hair follicles, destroys germ matter, and brings about a free, health Circulation of blood, which nourishes the hair roots, causing them to tighten and grow new hair. We want every body who has any trouble with hair or scalp to know thai Rexall "93" Hair Tonic is the best hair tonie and restorative in existence, and no one should scoff at or doubt thia state ment until they have put our claims to fair test, with .the understanding that they pay us nothing for the remedy if it does not give full and complete satisfaction in every particular.' Twa sizes, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in Concord only at our store The Rexall Store. Gibson Drug Store. IMPORTANT NEWS THE OR t DISCOVERT. Fsert Which is CurUF Many Paople, "It is good ne'drwed, to those who are sick, whenr Itmed of the many emarkabk cut 1 .'Ah are being made by Root Juice ?lWghout the country. The remedy ia certainly doing won ders for scores of people, as it did for Mr. Sam Anderson, a well known farmer, of Gas City, Ind., who wrote: . "I tell yon Root Juice ia a great medicine. I suffered several ' years with. rIt,,lmatLm aad stiff joints. n Iffwoke in tfin'morniriff Iuld hardly raise myelf from bed. My feet and hands were sore, stiff and painful, more especially during rainy weather. I also had to get up many times dur ing the night, on account of my kid neys, and had a great deal of pain in my back. Root Juioe cured one of my neighbors of a bad stomach trouble so I thought I would give it a trial and see what it would do for me. After taking it a week I 'felt so much better that went back to the drug store and bought nix more bottles. In a few weeks every symptom of my trouble was gone, and I now feel as well as I ever did in my life, for it ia certainly a wonderful medicine. Root Juice has proved its wonderful merits to many people of this locality, and the people aJtConeord. ML L. Marsh's drug store i, pleased to sell it because of the great good it does. , USSION. Mrs. H. D. Crsyton and two little children, Floyd and Beulah, visited Mrs. Crayton's sister, Mrs. Tom Row land, at Big Liek, Saturday and Sun day. J. E. Thomas, the village blacksmith, has returned from a two weeks stay at his (farm near Big Liek, Where he baa been doing some work on bis buildings there. , . ., ..- T. Backache, Rheumatism. Sleeplessness - Result from - disordered kidneys, Foley Kidney Pills hare helped others and they will help yon. Mm J. B. Miller, Syracuse, N. T, asyai ' "For a "long time I suffered with kidney trouble and rheumatism. I had sa vers backaohes and felt ail played oat. After ; taking . two bottles of Foley Kidney Pilla' my backache is gone and where I now sleep ia comfort. Foley ; Kidasy PiJis did woaderfn things for me." Try them now. M. L. Marsh, Drnggist. l?vf;'?,-- indeed, about all that a woman,"45iijeJe tne divorce courts can remember as to her husband's looks is that he Jooks like thirty cents. ' ; Remember the Nam. Foley 's Boney and Tar for all coughs and eolds, for croup, bron chitis, hoarse -ness and . for racking la grippe eoughs. No opiates. Refuse all substitutes. For eas by M. , L. Marsh.'' - Maj. General Leonard Wood, who declares all the war talk is silly is entitled to be classed among the real Dreadnanghts. i- .'. "Doan's C. ewel ma f aeiama t'at Issi r-fj"! pa V: tiioa. Ta ra t r -!.- Hon. S. 7.' ! eaa, t . "t Lt r t' '.' iLr';;j 1 a, ' t-Ii ty y-or -t. , .. . , For the isTnruricrjiL s:::. Taat of She linen, I Kts alx. 1-1C MatiMry Vamai mldr, Tort, tea. ad,J1 Camimtanr tmHt la taa laaa Naaaa wa left EUjan ta bsaablawyatlNik Basaarertnc, WUevtaa prarer aattaa'tapt Osrsaal, dowa apoa taa aarU wltk als taca batweaa ats aaass, coamaaolat ala aarvaat to gt rfitn agata, araa awvaa ttmsa, antn aa aaoald see some tndlcatloa at tka prasslsad -tala. At ta aeveatb Oma tbaaanaat saw a little cloud Uke a aaaa'a htr. sooa tka aeavea waa Mask wtti) doads and wind, aad there was -a great rata... How snues ttva tka Kttle ckmd was af the man's aaad that was taking aold af Qea la prayarl ' " ' Hew great the contrast betweea Ahab aatlag. aad drinking, enjoying himself, thlnVng mora of bones and alas than of perishing people (xvllt, Vt, aad the maa of Go caring only for tha glory of the living and true God. waoaVh represented! Since the Lord to Elijah wbea He sent aim to Ahab, "I will send rata apon theaarth" (rrtll. 1), why anovM BUJah aasd to pray so earaestly for It? TbU la perplealnc to maay, bat It is His way. Concemmg all graat promises ta Israel la the fabara- He ways. "I wlU yet for thia be tnqaired af by the house of Israel to. do tt foe them" (Esek. axzvl, 87 . --s:;' Tha qneatloa should search as. Have wa anything of tha seal for God and persevering prayer that Elijah had? When Ahab reached borne and told Jesabel an that Elijah had done ahe was angry Indeed and sent a rmes eenger to him with a threat that she would have his life within twenty four hoars. 1 Now comes the strange part of tha story in the seemingly aad fact that the man of God who feared aot Ahab aor all the prophets of Baal should tee for his life st the threat of tola wtekei .woman when tt seemed that h we aeeae so much Just at that tins to lead the people back to the Got who had answered by Are. By a look In the wrong direction be seemed to lose hla hold oa God."' Like Peter, when he saw the wind bolster ens, ha began to sink (Matt xlv. 30). If we would be established we must always ae the Lord alone and re member if God he for us who, can be against ns. r-).'- j f. ;, . As ha sat under, a Juniper tree tar away ta tha wUdemasa be realised that ha was no better than others aadjpot worthy , to lire. The conflict was (too severe, and he would fain be at rest He was a man Just as weak aa any of aa and strong only la tha Lord. The Lord, who Is always full of compsa atea, had not forsaken His weary and alscoaraged servant, and as he lay and slept one of those blessed ministering spirits Heb. L 14) prepared something for him to aat and drink and awaked him that he might be refreshed with food aa weU aa sleep. - Again he slept and. again he wss awaked to partake of aura food, in the strength of wbich ha weat forty days and forty nights unto Horeb, the mount ef God (verse 8). ) ' There he lodged In a eagje, sad the same Lord who cared for him at Che rl th aad Zarephatb mast bare cared for him at Horeb, bat what were his medi tations? ; Did he think of him to whom tha Lard here appeared in the bash that burned, but. was not consumed, aad who here fasted forty days on two different occasions? Did ho think of tha tbnnders and lightnings and qnak ing.of the mount at the giving of tha law (Bx. Hi and xix)r and-did he long for seme manifestation of God? Could he forget the answers from heaven aa Oarmel so recently? "- But maay daya or area weeks had passed since then, and ha had aot bean In full feV fowshta. ; It la a sad thing ta loss la any way or for any lencthvof time tha conscious fellowship with Gad which ta our lTlIega,-v;---.. Well, ia due time- the word of tha Lord came to him with the question, "What, doeat, thou here, EHJabr (ersea 9, 13.) Hla answer each time was that he had been very jealous for tha Lord God of hosts and that he was tha ealy prophet left and they were seeking hla life (verses 10, 14). Altar hla Brat reply he was told o ga forth and stsnd apoa the mount before the Lord, Then cam a -great wind which rent tha mountains aad broke la pieces the rocks before' the Lord, then aa aarthonaka aad then a nre, aat it was not aatn after 'the Ire there came a still mall voice that r aeargf tha second twMm -What doest- thoa herer . After, ait ttat be had Just seem aad experience 1 hla answer Is the same, and he Is still occupied with himself and his seal fur God and his importance to God. : He was a maa af mighty deeds anl evidently thought that enly in some mighty wsy eonld-Isrsel be cleanse J from har Idolatry. God has a way so different from onr way afttlmes (U.'lr, g, 9), end It beeomas r ta hear sod heed Hla voice, "I a work, and who aball binder ltr (I. . Hill, IS.) How sufgeatlve and seen -Ing hla commiaaioa now aa well i th twice repeated "What doest th: here?" "Go, return, anoint E&ha t be prophet ia thy room; I bare left 1 seven thousand in Iiraef (rr, j Let us never think t: t we are t e t era the Lor 1 1 a n Uiat t a4s sj i.;portaat so 1 : a, Ha t U ast-s soa eryolit t -., a. , Uscca r.:!. Tirtt C- Feb. 19. 1911. v. :. a . 'rX'L - ' 'J Y I Call at oar many other clever Rersl ttvles. , All ana "dirpHcates of expensive adorn models They have all the famous Rcal quality that insures Ion? service. YouH have no d-5culty you exacuy -aaa, ' perfect fit sod contorts Cannoii & Fetter Company; Oandrnff and Itddng 8calp Tlald to this Trtatment. , j Wbv eXDarimnnt trrlnv tn Art 1m dandruff germ from underneath the skin, with; greasy lotions or fancy nsir dressing when druggists -avery-. woera ana in uraeora. Marsh Vrag Store ' will amarantea ' 7.tCMf ' nt ZEMO SOAP to entirely rid tha scalp oi tne germ we inat causes wa troq- ZEJdO and ZKMO SOAP li tained in any city or town ia America and are recognized the best and most economical treatment tar mil mfftinnm of the akin or scalp whether oa infant or grown person. Una shampoo with ZEMO SOAP and aonliealion a KR. MO will stop itching and cause the scalp of dandruff and aeurf, 'i "'.ca non ox and use zs&zj UwlaF; will euro tha moat ohrtintita ecsema or skin diaaa. - ' We invite yoa to try ZE5T0 and ZEMO SOAP and if aot entirely sat isfied we will refund your money.. - -MARSH'S DRUG 6TORB. flOO Ewaa'flOVi;'?' The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn (bat there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to aura la all its stages; and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Core is the only positive euro sow known to the medical fratarnUy.jijPatarrb being a constitutional dfiioane, ija quires a - oonstitntional ,- treatmant. Hall Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting' directly upon taa Wood and bmmous surfaces of tha syatem. thereby destroying ths foundation of the disease, and aad giving tha, pa tient strength by building np th eon stitntion and sasisting natura in. do ing its work. Tha proprietors bars so much faith in its curative powers that tfbey offer One Hundred Dollars for any ease that U fails to euro. Send for list af testimonials.. Address, , F. J. CHENEY CO, - - . Toledo, 0. - Sold by nil Druggists, 75 seats. Take Hall's Family Pilla for eon- stipttion. " ' La Grippe Caagh. , Strain and weaken tfes system, and if not cheeked may develop into pneumonia, i No danger of this' when Foley s Honey and a Tar , is -; taken ieine for all coughs and colds, and promptly. It is a reliable family med icine, for all coughs and colds, aad eneetiveiy in eases or eronp. ata fuaa aubstituteSi . 'M. L. Marsh, The great growth of American cities may be an economic Wrong, but the cities can't refrain from pointing to it with, pride.' PnenaoBla Followa Coll But never follows the--use-f Fol ey's Honey and Tar, which ahef' tha eough and expels tha cold. 11. Stockwell, Hannibal, -Mo., says, "It beats all tha remedies I ever used. ' I contracted a bad sold and waa threat ened with pneumonia. Ona bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar completely cured me." No opiate, just a re liable household me ..tine. M, L. Marbv;T'-' " , .-' . Foley Kidney rills, ere ' relive rsnnedy for back !k!;, r1-- at"' iirrjularitlii. Thry a.j i 'e ia tion, qniek in results 1 r Trd s prompt ri';f from all t.,aeya dts- -),''rs. II. L, '...; ' 1 3 A C I") III ( irir ,.-..) It 3 T i T ' 's. I? i ' r 1 i j i. . ; ta C .. li.,,, Civs -. 1 t J I t. Here : is : a vzzA Ife! vrca this easoa br the best-dressed L . T T ? . J P. . store and we'll show van in a sttls that suits we u guarantee PER BOX .Hit Fairest v Exchange you will ever make it an exchange of a one dollar bill for a four-pair box of t.IaJ -for lite wholac family. , Comfort, styla, fit snd wear are -yours for four months, or you new 1um free r 1 , WHITE-1K)E31I301I-FLOWE CO. ki, ir s p"a- j Accepted bj tie Mothers of America as tie one and only external J;reparaliorj ia&t positively anl qdJcMt CU::E3 all forms of In. flannastion or Conestion sacl as Pnenmonia,Cronp( Coriia, jColJa, Flenrisy. !' SioetGowan pruparmtion hat bet tntroffuemi hurt it b gained a ttroHg foat-hoM in many ot our btai UiniliB whom I tnow tut giv ing roo mdnutiaewmt tight along without ooliciution.' It always tnnkftgooti. r Wtidling Jt Son, J ittin, Ohio,, : ' Drvggisu. Klf T3-CAYI TXSl lif 13 HE aii Draaauta. - at. so, as, eowaa coicaLeo ouimm, n. c awtMS.eM HMWhilrt mj m SnnM Cbvci'2r.-. S , . T r C y.ct aaJ Grars see!s l m your failaown cr c.!.cr raia crop ; V: l iC tc!!s t stJ. , i . . . . , ver'"-i tf 2 -'.';v' t- 3 ' i t h - ' ' ? : ' -u-'ir: ii'-..:J i ..i e 1 j, " rr-r i : - t ' V. . . J ! t tt c j i 1.,-i. r "i, . SBssaaBaasmamBj BBssntmT''' ''-'-i -r---'".1'' ' 7' " -I .Jia.r aaa a nnAA' fr 1 . tS:' ; rv : "r n j J V vv J u 1 Morris'Buadio Best location in city. . Steam heat, light and janitor service iree. . : Also 'sleeping ;- rooms, bath , light J ami janitor f Rervice free., - - Ptione No. CO v - fliaEiiltot:; . T, T. SmlLI,' Jr., fuizzcr. I bava purchased outright a dry preparation for cleaning ladies1 gar ments that I guarantee to give satis faction, or I will make no chsrga for tbs work. - J am sole owner of this preparation and on account of the ex llent satisfaction it has given I maka this proposition to the Hlies of Con cord and vicinity : Send us any ar aides or garments yoa want eleaned and after: wa ass this dry cleaning preparation o nthem, if they are not entirely satisfied with the work J will luaav mv vaults0 . D. B. rOWKLES, Pioprlstor. Vllnna 1 lKiscnance oi uizn- - m r a bmb m.'m waaaaw-mr.' r .Plumbing.; . Good Plumbing is ana at tha moat important features about a house. Too esnnot have to many safa-gnards tat tha -health of yoar family and your self. Therefore the slht sort it tha ZZZt Plumbing will in realty be health assurance as well a a savin r ta repair huhvt;vf r! v.,,,B, ,.,m,.,..m..T- , , ,. , 17ILLIA! i'JZlZY FILLS I lav. you overworked your nervous v. t. m and cauad trouble with yotir kid reys and bladderT Have you paim ta luins, aids, back and bladder? Have von a tlahby appearance of the fare, and un der the eyoaT A frequent desire to pan urtneT If eo.. William' Kidney Pilla wilt ' cure you J-ruirj:lsit, price 600. WILUAf S KFO. CO., ritH, CW.laB4.0fcb . toll ijLixx rrrj c -77. . -11 e I am now in tl.e 1 over tlis Cabarrus f V -i II. C. Tit T 'a '"or" 11.1,9,' E. G'LU- e- '..-'..ner'a r. on IT-.; a ! ; fi; '.'"'i;.'y to Juo. 11. 1. " , . a & o. li.uJ

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