V. ft r-iv V"""r r :.vor a4 TTeprUtar, Local Ttli toat,Ko. 71. BU Talim, 14l OnTar x month .. . Tkr Month .... ,, v Ob Month .40 TTOLlSHEl'a ASH OOTCEMEHT. " Aivartiaing rata eaa b bad ei the , .ffl. , Copy for changes ajtut b in ' ' . in 'iwwik a. aa. -Cards of Thanks, ' Resolution of i-Easpaat, and similar articles ar fceired at th rat 5 nla par f..w all . t Entered a eeond class aiail martar '- April to, laiuw a m "ibelwv yen eould bar told that taes Coaeord, N. C, under th act of ' n Americas girls-and very lurch 3, 1S7V. Oe of the city and by sail th fol towtag price on th Evening Trib- tae m prevail: On Monti & Biz Month - 10 Twelv Month 3.00 fOHX M. OQLESBT, City Editor. Concord, N. O, February 22, 1911. Tho appointments of Messrs. Odell and Hoaae as special agents of the United States abroad to stndy the cot ton goods trade for the purpose of in creasing the sale of American cotton manufacturers will, we hope, prove to j be a long step forward looking to that end. Both are well fitted for the po sition, and will have work in different parts of the world where it is thought our goods can be introduced or their sales increased. We must seek for eign markets for our cot ton goods, and we hope, as a result of the appoint ment of these two young men to see an early and large increase in the amonnt of such goods sold abroad. It was a matter of surprise to the friends of Senator Cotten's bill em bodying the Torrens system of land registration that the Senate commit tee to which it was referred made an adverse report on it. The minority report has been set as a special order for today. Notwithstanding the d verse report of the committee it is be lieved that the bill will pass. If it does not pass, there will 'be a day of reckoning " sure 's you 're born. ' ' Th farmers and land owners want it, and it will be a poorpolicy for the law yers in the Legislature to oppose it. SOUTHERN PATS DIVIDEND. First on Preferred Stock Sine Octo ber 1907. New York, February 19. The first dividend to be paid on the preferred atosck of the Southern Hallway Com pany since October, 1907, ia to be dis tributed on April 24, the directors of th road having declared a dividend of 1 pec cent. The payment is made for no specific period, and President Finlcy aeid it was tfe intention of the tnanagement to maintain payment in th future, although no information was obtainable as to what yearly rat wa contemplated. Extensiv improvements, including xpnsk of freight facilities at im portant points, were authorised by the board, and the president was empow ered to take np the question of pur chasing additional rolling stock. Mr. Finley said that since details of th improvement plana bod not been completed he was not in a position to state at what point changes would be BeaamptioB of dividends on the pre ferred stock wa mad possible by im proved earnings of the road. Ia th six months ending December 31 the ne income increased $1,063,000 over th corresponding period o fthe pre ceding year, owing largely to the nigh price of cotton. In all of 1907 the company paid 4 per cent on its pre tend stock, but at th tim of the panie it susupended. Between 1902 and 1907 it paid 5 per cant annually. It never baa paid anything on ita eom k WiO f Sasrael Wittkowsky Left IU- . tato of $300,000. -Mr, Samuel Wittkowsky, who died in Charlotte last week, left' an estate t, valued at $300,000. The executor ar 4- ; a ton and aon-in-krw. -';';.u3: ; Tb greatest dependence was placed in the axectnors by Mr. Wirttkowswy. t ' U authorised them to take charge dt d bis affairs and to leave all invest- ments as they are. The income . of '.i bi property Mb. Wittkowsky divided ;i between bi wife, bis daughter. Mrs, ' J.B. Ilarty, and bia ot, Drs. Albert . 4. and Gerard Wittson, of New York, i No real estate in the city of Char- t lotte i to b sold until the year 1920. 'i . x "1 estate outside the corporate , lL.:i of the city of Charlotte, may i ; l e 1 within three years, if it is i i ,.e.l best by the executors. Aside v, i t i his immediate family, a niece, i I , . L isa Kelly, of Gehuylerville, N. Y. v i the only other benGciary, . ) 1 V J T 1 III AttvuurD no m DIOIAD ! U a not retnrn to her fcusband. ' u '. v is to t cut off (from fcer j w . marrie after securing inii tettls vzrri acaix Kisaiooary te CUBA Writ Dellxhi- foUy f Er Wrk in That Coutry. MtTyair SW4, Shanghai, China, December 87, 1919. ' - j My Dear Woman of Ceatrel Church J wonder if yoa ean reaus now or- tea I ttnok ox ;o and tak I eoald tU yoo ail th things that f to max ap bt lif her ia MeTyeuet -Asd th only reason yon do not tav iwj detail of it WtiiH I ean't ait down and writ it. Ia thia lettar I think I had batter not go back farther than a weak or I aball myt art it all told, so Jet na begin with MeTyaira'a dos ing exercises. 4 ' '. Misses Park and Houser, a eloea tion and music taat Hera, ox rcspoa aibla for th aplendid result. If yo hmA -UA in tMnAtrlinA T Aunt rifted one at that It aeama to that they Ring xeptionbly well and I rongratulata Miat Ubuaer, lor tho' a greath many schools have good sie, I've heard nothing in China -to compare with MeTjeire'a. For all of our entertainments w have a full house, bat a our ebapel ia very small tX V. .- "stinOTr". with our invitations, keeping out many who are anxious to eome. This entertainment was on Friday afternoon Friday evening nearly all t( us worked briskly getting ready for our Sunday School entertainment and treats. ' We had about eight hun dred bags to tie up of sweeta and nuts for our street Sunday schools. Besides this we gave every child an orange and banana : and to those who did not receive a gift last year wa gave cloth for a jrarment. The money for this came from various sources mum from interested foreigner here in Shanghai, some from our Chinese teachers and a good deal from u for- eign teachers here in McTyeire. Some-ja ten dollars to be nsed as we like and homo and school for it younger in it always finds a place waiting for it. nates. They were having their Christ Right here I might say that the mis- mas exercises and a happy Bet of sionary always lias many places she youngsters they were. On of our can put every cent she ean spare from students supports a child there and her living expenses, rnie year mere have been many worthy calls, and the famine districts especially make one&aw them both and gave them some wish for plenty of money, As I've written you all along, our street Sunday school have grown un til our buildings are crowded, rwo weeks ago the attendance at the three was eieht tiundred and seventeen. In approach of Christmas, of course, has something to do with this, but th gen-1 end attendance has been good all falLll Sunday morning we naa our regular . m r a mi .1 exercises for Moore Memorial, ine songs and reeitationa were muca as we have at home on such occasions. As the custom is among our rirla. wV were awakened Sunday morning by carols. It wa very, very sweet. Af ter going through the balls I beard them going around the nous so 1 went to the window and saw them marching, two by two, candles in hand. singing as they marched. It was dark and cold so I appreciated the song all the more. It seemed pretty beroie to me. Sunday night I took several of the older girls to Union ehnrdisto hear the Christmas music. A number ol selections from the Messiah, was rang and done so beautifully that one wanted to bear it over und over again. There are some very gifted musicians here for which I eanont be grateful enough. They have a very pretty and rather simple tfashion of decoration at wis enmren wmcn jney seep up irom i?" I f V nn8Vn' V . " . , unTO. " ","- "" an tne winnow suis, cnanaeners, ledges, in fact everywhere that enow could lodge if it were falling heavily inside th church. Then long branches and tendrils of ivy bang down before the windows and twine about the pul pit, pillars and chandeliers. With this holly is osed very effectively. We have a great many paintsettes here and they are used for th altar. It all makes a very Christmssy appear ance. " : ,;v-,-: Christmas dinner aad Christmas eve. As you know we bare many wealthy " , . J 1 mvw J and prominent patrons, A and every now and then w are entertained in their homes. I and two of tb girls were invited to dinner with Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Tong. Their daughter, Ky ungZan,is a veryswectand attractive girl, and seems to be rather fond of me, hence the invitation. Mr. Tong is a graduate-off Columbia University and bas neld a very important place in governmental circles ever since be returned to China.' Their home is quite foreign in all its furnishings. Un Chnstma eve it looked very much hk wealthy American house, and as all the guests, twelve in number spoke English the whole conversation was in that tongue, Mr. Tong himself using' th best of idiomatic English. But th dinner I can't describe it, but yon mast take my word for its good looks and delicious taste. The table wa loaded with flowers, fruits, bon bona, etc, all served in handsome cut glass and ilver. Besides the steward there were three men-ser vants in the dining room. Jnst aa we sat down to the table a regular fuli sade of. fireworks broke forth in an adjoining room. A number of wines were served but needless to say that I and our girl turned down our glasses. The evening was a very pleasant one, and certainly was unlike anytLir I ever expected to aee in CUnt. 'i.Le person who has any u.!.!'.c spit It t' ' a 'every onortnnity be tin the city's life, and here to t&l t as I an f t kind, I find myself ruVaitg eibova pretty oftea nh maa and nomtm who ara doinf thing oaUude ct miasioa eirclea. I an oo of a frrcwmg dkJa rb bttierr that th amt..v nry ha a broader field thaa hi tumiij acbool elate aad bia Sunday aermoo, however important that aay be. lie muat not naglaet bia strictly oVrotioeal wort but he araat also be a rital part of the eemmunity bf about him. ' A great atany people, ia th Mttlement hon estly think th miaaionarie ar Phar isee, and th niaaionariee oflea think, just a sincerely that all, , or th greater - part, of the eommuniry of foreigner ar grossly wicked. Both ara rry moth mistaken, bat they will go oa doing each other thia injustice until they know each other better. I belie that w caa not do oar beat work with th Chinee until w bare the geouiM ayinpathy and xspct of our fellow-countrymen. W eome out her to bnng Christ to ttieae people, but tiiere is no cut and dried way in which we can do it. It seems to me that bar, a well aa at home, wa must make ourselves acceptable aa men and women before wa eaa do great things aa ministers of Christ. ' Now, in what I've said I do not wish V 'sst and reflection on otber missionanea.. ine longer on stays here the better one understands how hard it ia to find time for anything outside of one's regular routine. Those who have - narrowed down - to the "daily task" have done so thinking they were Acting wisely and they ar doing noblyW as I see it, they ar not doing quite so well as they might, because they ar not getting all the help they might from outsiders. But my, mv! I didnVH mean to make this letter a dissertation on a missionary 'a duties, but rather one on woat ne naa aireaay accompiisuea. i ( want to tell you about some of the places I've visited during these two holidays. Monday morning I went to little town near Shanghai where the the little girl of five, whom Mis Hon r and I save for, is there also. We aweets. The women in charge of this work are doing splendid service. They have little of the congeniality with whieh we McTyeire ladies are blessed, for ell of their women and children are of the lowest class. But there is a charm about working for the utterly wretched which no other labor has. really believe, sometimes that it is the very sweetest or all. 1 snail send . ... .. ." yon a report or this wort -v"h;Y Yesterday one of our giris-The I.!n" cA "T)v of inn" came . v.. 4,.n.a.'. with a carriage If rom her brother's and took, me to visit several, Very in teresting place-!! entirely li the hands of the Chinese. The most in teresting of these was aa orphanage under Christian management. Though this institution was just opened at this site last spring it is in good run ning order, with one hundred and fifty children in attendance. The industrial department is only partially devel oped at present but besides the sewing, basket and furniture making in rattan and the farming they hope soon to open op wood wop, a brass; shop and looms for weaving. The children do all the work except the cooking and from the appearance of th wnole building they do it welL There was perfect order everywhere. This is the most encouraging work that I'v seen - whollv der Chinese manaeement. Th headmaster, Mv Tsaung, was student of the Bontbeni Presbyterian r;n n ... fn,5n delegates to the Edinburgh Confer ence. : !-..:;'' , From this place we went to a kin dergarten which seemed to be doing fairly good work; then to a silk-worm nursery whieh ha a school in connec tion with it for the study of the cul ture of the eilk worm. Later we went to a home for poor children. This has a splendidjOint with large foreign than tkA il..l MfA toiaA .ia( so well kept I couldn't help compering the two, both under Chinese control but one having a Christian, th other a heathen at tb head. Of course in this case the difference may be mcrelj in the men themselves. In talking with Mr. Tsaung be said felt that tne Missionaries were neg lecting great opportunities in not bav ing more day schools for .the noor that after boy or girls got started in tne heathen school school it waa very, very bard to change them, even if they went to Christian schools later. He thinks we should get all the poor peo ple possible in th day schools, an truly, by looking over onr prominent native worker we find that almost all of them are the product of day school enort. I think I wrote yon that our 'Mis sionary Society at Moore Memorial had opened a day school. The teacher j . Tlio ITcrvca . Are Hqbbad . by Coffee Think it over and " Try 1 : : 1 i. -( - ' V ,k- . N.- . men in Call at our r. many other clever Regal styles. All- are duplicates of expensive custom models. Thev bavt all tho feunous Regal quality that insures long service. ::j: y'-i: -f. :'r ix : YouH have no difficulty ia finding a style that suits you exacuyand . perfect fit and comfort. Cannon & Fetter Company, seems to be a very capable one. Now I must bring this letter to a cluse. - Remember me constantly in your prayers, that I may be given wis dom and grace and strength cor the work t here ia for me to do. Your lovingly; : ' " V LKLIA JODSON TUTTLE. China Win Not Bend to Knssia, St Petersburg, Feb.1 SOw-Chba'a reply to Russia's semi-ultimatum, an sa! isfactory in practically all of its conclusions, wa received today. " The answer falls so far short of Russia' -demand that it is reported the War Office" has already coneen- trat d a large fore on the frontier; preparatory to seizing th Kuldja dis trict of Chinese Turkestan. China say that to grant' Russia' demands would giv the latter a com mercial monopoly in Mongolia even to the exclusion of Chines trade. , Z am so enthusiastic concerning the virtues of nirjrs h'S"10 that X always keep a bottle of it in the house, and to my particular friends I give a bottle unless they , live w sear that I can pour out from my own supply to tide them over any. trouble. X as this llni i meat for colds, rubbing it on my throat and chest as a coonter ir ritant I won't say any more bnUjrov ee how enthusi astic X am. ; Mra.IdB.Jndd, - .l West 87th 8t, 4 , Kew York City. - 50 AND 25 CENT BOTTLES. OIBBSON DXUa 8T0XS. r7AH;V King of Cxtcrr.n! Stands snpreme on tier every test, v Fecl se cure, keep uowans xn (he home.rGowanssl" vays conijacrs lro? ana Pnetinonia V and your doctor assents. Oowam Preparation wm nsof on my tliiki whea it wa desperately ill with Pneumonia. Imnmlintely ll-er tht tecoml itpiirnUnn my ph.vxirhtn tailed Mud finding to area? so Improvement onhredila conlintinnri. The child recoreml rapidly. GJ.HhVKLK,Urnpitit, . 1)24 East St. Allegheny, I'. All Drat.!! OO. 0WN KtDlCAL CO.. DURHAM, N. C. (iivMtiW, wi ai nltnitt w I l'"'.t'il 1, 1 1.: If ,, 1 J 4. It " i. r- i. 9 til M i a t ,r,.y 1 i ; Popular is a smart Reeal iwxa this season by the best-dressed the United States. store and weII show you we II guarantee Southern Commercial r Congress, At- lanta, Oa, Harca 8th-10th. -Account of the above occasion the Seaboard Air Line baa arranged for exceedingly low round trip rates from all stations on its lines to Atlanta, Ga. These tickets will be on aale Marco 5th, 6th and 7th, and for train sched uled to arrive in Atlanta on the morn ing of the 8th. Tickets will be limited to return ontu 'March 20th. By de positing ticket, however, with Joseph Richardson, Special Agent, 729 Equit able building, Atlanta, Qa not later ban March 20th, and upon payment of fee of $1.00 per ticket at the time of deposit, the same ean. be extended un til April 15th. The Seaboard Air Line has excellent double daily service te Atlanta, Pull man juectne Ugnted . eleepersy . un surpassed Dining Car. service a la carte, vestibule faighback seat coaches and convenient .Achedplea. For rates, schedules, Pullman reservations, call ' x . t . i- - es on. or write any toesi agent or a. o. Leard, Division Passenger Agent, Ral eigh, N. C ; - ' Improred Service to Knoxrilla, Cin- dniiati, LonlsTDl and Point West. , Effective with the inauguration of the Southern ' new train the Carolina Special which is a solid through train from Cbaruesten, S. (X, to Cincin nati, Ohio, put m operation .on- Jan uary '4 uu, passengers for Jinox- ville, Cincinnati, Louisville, and points west, eaa leave Salisbury on train No. 21, at 2:30 p. bl, which is a solid through train- from Goldsboro to Asheville, with parlor ear, arriving at Asheville at 70 p. m. and Cincin nati -at 10:00 a. m. The Carolina Special makes close connection at Lex ington, Ky f or Lonisville and points waat. inii gives three daily connec tions from thia section to Znoxvillc, Cincinnati ana points west, and very greatly improves the service. " , " Three Splendid Prcminma Th Time and The Tribune have choice. of three aplendid premiums to offer to all subsenbers who pay a fall year in advance to either paper," They are as follows: - J , 1st. A pair of eight inch Spring Tension Shears. '..' 2nd. The Progressive Farmer one year (for only 15 cents additional. This applies only to NEW subscribers to the Progressiva Farmer, - . 3rd. Ira year's subscription to the Southern Agriculturist. All may have choice of any of the above premiums, but of course only one will be given.' r A. ft... J T I- " f-- CHATTEL UOUTOAGES. ' Two cents each; 3 for 6 cents; 8 for 10 cents: 25 for 25 cents: 100 for 75 cents. ; w . - ,: LA7n tzrrs. Five cents each ; SO eents a dozen. Same price aa Land IJtels. . One cent each tj - 0Lstratee. One cent each or 10 eents per dozen LArocmcirs.,, Fiv cents ea h ; 4D eents per dozen. . Ten cM-.ti fr dozen. . ' - n:'i r: i.e. C- r. Style model :. IT 0 UUCjJL. Desirable iOillcss Morris Building Best loent ion m city, : Steam ; heat, light ami janitor service free. . : ' ' ' V Also - sleeping 'grooms, - bath, light and janitor service free. '-; Phone iVo. 459 . M. Morris EeiI Estiti C:r;ii7 T. T. S'tlTH, Jr Lzr.!!rcr. Cily Preset dzl I - have purchased outrkht a drv preparation for cleaning ladies gar ment that I sruarantee to rive &ii- faction, or I will make no charge for. tne work, .-l am sole owner of this preparation and on account of the ex llent satisfaction it has given I make this proposition to the ladies of Con--cord and vicinity: Send us any ar ticles or garments you want cleaned and after we use this dry cleaning preparation o nthem, if they are not entirely satisfied with the work I will make no charge. .- , ... ' .Reipectlfully, '. 0. B. - F0WKXE3, Psonrietor. . Phone 188. - Importance oi Hih- Grade Sanitary . , - Plumbing. Good Plumbing is en f the moat important features about a hoc?. Ton cannot have to many safe-gut - J fol (he health of. your, family and your, self. Therefore the alight cost f th BEST Plumbing will in resTty be health assurance, a well as ft sinng tn repair bills. sanitary rrrira ca. rhona tZi. DENTISTRY I am now in th Morris I ' over the Cabarrus Eavb- r H. 0. L- roa sals ei.;t. ' Modern 9-room two story tuasa, ir good neighborhood; has 1 1 J lawn; fine gardonj lot 7C.J f,xt. Will sell on easy terms. Lcirn A: :Zi L ' :i Take a thirty days Tracticul c r i in "our well equipied Machine i ;io;:s and learn the Automobile bniaess and accept good positions. V ..V AAA J . , 2-15 tf. : -.c: i, :;. o,

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