t o ft V ! J: - J VOL. XXL Price, 40 Cents a ltlh. concopj). ir. c ti: :day. f:: ::.uaiiy 23, 1911. Blub OPT. CoUl NO. 200 SEN ATS PASSES BILL TO I5CIIEASE JUDGES' 8ALARH3 Supreme Court Judges $1,000 and Su perior Coart $3,250 and 1750 Addi tional f or &pMe - r . , J . Special to The Tribune,-. Raleigh, N. C, February 23. The 'Senate pawed on final reading the judges' salary bill, making salaries for Supreme Court judge $4,000 and Su perior court judge $3,250 with $750 added for expenses." , ; A It also discussed tbe Boydea general pension bill, and pwei it on second reading. -. ' " In the Hoase a great avalanche' of new bill were placed on the calendar, without referring to any committee, nearly all local and most' of fhem will , never be' heard from again, ; ' .The House, again in committee of ' the whole, devoted most of it -time again today to the revenue bill. . It U freely predicted todaylbat.the ' session will have a recess and last a : week beyond the limit, jrith pay, in , in order to dispose of moat of the im portant bills now pending.' - : LLEWXAM. DELEGATES TO BOUT oo7.rrra,ciAL ooxasxss. Appointed by Mayor Wagoner tad Chairman Flows Yesterday. Mayor "Wagoner and Mr. W. W. Fkwe,4hairmaa of the board of eoun- Wil South Carolina be Abandoned by ,. ;S Interurban Company? -Charlotte News. Not only is there a possibility, but a very strong probability, that the pro moters of the intemrban railway will abandon the building of any lines in South Carolina. k-::. r - This, on the - part . of the promoters ' of the., company a company that has taken the public in its confidence and told them of plans to connect. all prin cipal cities in the two Carolina by intemrban electric . lines--follows ' a resentment to the veto power exercis- . ed by Govdrnor Cole L. Blease, of the - Palmetto state in defeating legislative " action which sought to allow the 1 id mont and Northern Railway Company to operate a charter,-the fixed capital of which is $5,000,000. -' South Carolina's chief executive, a . Jttnn -who began1iiggutoernatorial ca reer by doing" various i and sundry things ieretqfore nuknown to be dona T. It Ct A. JUaao-ILra IZsni-: Vy Parsoa TalUrt Ccbat Zteaui ' ' - The banquet Monday night at the T. M. C, A. for toe aaembers bf the ty commissioners, have appointed del-1 various working eomnutteee, wis a egatea to the Sotftbern Commercial decided saeeesn. The table was spread Congress, which meeta in Atlanta in the auditorium and plates were March 8, 8 and 10th. The Southern prepared for forty cersons and walls Commercial Congress waa organised tha arty waa eiuovinr lb abundant (in Washington December 8th, 1906 supply of good, things the Kannaooils and maintains an office in Washington, string band played some choice adee ms purpose or tbe ittngreas is to de I Hons of music &Lr. X. T. Certr, velop the South 'a great resources and president of tbe board , ef directors to protect those therein established aeted at teaatmaater' and the- ehair and to collect and esaeminate in- Iman of each committee rave a mxrt formation regarding tbe Southern of the work aeeompinbed by bis eota Statea and tbe opportunities and ad- mittee and Dr. Foster, general eecra vantages offered in them for safe and tary of tbe Y. 1L C A, in ColunALi profitable investment of capital and S. delivered a rery ebl addrem to establish a greater nation through on tbe phyneal work etf the- aasoeia a greater South. The delegates are turn. Mr. Q. C. Huntington, tat as follows ; ' . . ' secret arv. eooke abont the rtliaons Township No. L Jno. A. - Barn-1 work. Both these sneeebes were in- hardt, Ja. P. Morrison. ; . i " n , struetive and ealeulated to. do goodJ i ownahip xo. z. John vv. Morns, Messrs. . F. Carter. Lee Woodall. B. Joan J. Cov -ft -:i;:& ht Oano and CL D. Qfelntoah ewn? Townsbip No. 4.-Jno. YT. Cock, HComing Thro' e t foe" whieh i Geo. W. Lee, W. S. Ritchie. . . ' I brought a round of applanse from the Township No. 6. Jno. W. Cress, H. laodienee. Mr. Owen U an ideal host H. Blackwelder. : ; and waa assisted by a Bomber of tbe Township No. 6. Geo. 8. Klntu, ladies to whom a rising vote of thanks Oeo. E. Ritchie. . -- was given after, which prayer was of- Township No. 7. Geo. W. Dry, W. fered and tbe benediction nrononneed A. Lyerly. by Rev. W. B. Shinn and all departed Township No. 8. T. A. Moser, A. for their homes feeling the bonds of W. Moose, U J. Foil, W.' A. Kindley. I fellowship more than before and re Townshin No. 9. Geo. C. Shinn. A. I solved to work tomrfhar tar th. imaA ,M. Cox. ' i of the association, which is srrowine Township No. 10. C. w. Bost, W. and baa received abont flf tv new menv . ewen.s ; ',; - v toers sinee New iYear. i-u--';.t Townsmp Townsnip mo. R-r; v a TUMwh. ... th. V. Knmminger, J. U Uudson.. speaker in the Y. M. C AT auditorium Township No. 12. J. W. Cannoa. tt o Tir:n: - 1 T ...Li i- n. I v"J u, o. nu..... iw w.. bad a Urge anff appreeiativa an- Umterson, wmi.;; n"- dienee. His subject waa "Heaven." m Widenhonsa, J. L lrrtW. C. A. In. Baldwin U awaaidant f h Pied- T'a.4 iTaC CAUGHT. Cook, J, B. Shcr.n, a E. Keitler, A. motil indnBtrial gohool, of Charlotte. M. BiMvai. .W.JU R,hb as, J. T, Hur- , Mp j a Hnnnyatitt and Miss IillU ley, P. M. Turr D.: Pemberton, J. Moore were married Thtrrsday evening U.: Burrage,- D. B. Coltrane, Geo. W. of w week . t xw. u. tn41 Mj. Means, Thos. Widenhouse and C. W. Mr, j p. (Moom on First ' .v ... ' iu treet, Rev. W. T.TaH)irt, performing Ifhere are any other citiaens of the fch eeermony. Both the Jkride and county who care to go, they will be w vith alarge circle appointed jlefegates thw eonven- of bers vhom w tfm tion. .The Sonthern Railway ha; made eoneratulattons and good wfahee. : an extremelow ra e or W w Meg8M- Xj Lanyand Jonn Co the Tround trip to Atlanta. TickeU hey of Newt0B. turned home lost uu n wnrou um . ww jpi.- rumin a fHw mttmt Lr -Coy niu o's""ij "land fftriiilv. randaa Waa Hali as SovOare'i Ho. 't 94 Arrested ta (tarsia. "eial to Charlotte Obaerver. paaaeaville, Ga Feb. 22-Three a a have been arrested and more Uin f2,000 ki awney and jewelry hai been recovered as a result of three days' search for the gang of babdita who held up and robbed the Southern . Railway fast mail train. X4. 36, at White Sulphur Springs, latt 8atnrday morning. It is tbe be f at tbe ofneera of tbe express and jway companies that the entire j has been rounded op, bnt the entity ot the anspeets still is 'nn- roUowing the eaptare of one of ' t robbers about four miles from . Jilonega early yesterday, two other r aaoera ox tne rang -were arretted morning b a tKieee headed by txJSk Hit Edwards, ; of , Lnmpkin eonty. Th men were surprised on bubue road about fourteen miles from Dahlonega and offered ' no re sistance. They were placed in Jail liatuonega tonight and will b bronght to Gainesville tomorrow. weany one tnonsand JoUars in cash and jewelry -valued at between $500 and $600 was found on the two robbers- They refused to give any names, but their talk indicated that they were Westerners. .While they kenfc their own identity secret, thev stated that the man arrested earlier near JJablonega waa one of the nng- lerlers of the gang and was known as 9ohn i, Anderson. j- "r Q is eaid to be en old hand at the game.r When handcuffed the robbers broke down and admitted their participation in the express ear hold-op. Tbey refused, however, , to giva any' details further than to implicate the man who was arrested near Dahlonega. f th fith. th an 7th with vii" by aoy govferifnr. wtth a TwoDiras majowly humtier will signify their intention to TZTW ' i by repo r. Wage n he set veto axe fell and therefore the law the purposes and objects of this con vention can he had from either of thai above gentlemen. Lorimer in Els Own Defense. Special to Greensboro News. . Washington, Feb. 22.-They always fflent which vag Ugtened to with mueh Mrs. G. D. Mcintosh is visiting rela tives at Providence, K. L Although the weather vas inclement Sunday night it did not keep tbe eon- gregation from going out to hear iter. W. B. Shinn 's sermon on the judg- -iwfts-pa"ej ..I . V. - 1 kl ir.,.;.. 1 , . . t T7T1 ,i ui, iu jbociuuij. .mo iK0 Dy reporting w eimer jar. xiowo r i . -r , - : . : and Senate had adiourned when thelw, w.n.. wil Pullman ear . Mr-,r oBdrs, Jr, spent a few ah he secured for the Concord dele- " K 'f n could not be placed upon he statute lotion. ?atne.V. tf' t .Bnu i ? Immediaiely npon ' being , informed 'of the drastie action of v3overnJlL' Bleasie, promoters of. the Interurbian lines," rushed to South Carolina!, Cap tain E.T A., (Smith and Mr. Leww A. .Parker, perhaps the wealthiest nien in South Carolina, were advised of a . meeting and today are -conferring ln Greenville 'with officials f from Cbar- ' lotte with a view of positively deter- ' mining wKat action will he taken.. . . ,It ean be stated here, however, upon the best of authority, that thepro "moters of he company are" angry be cause of he veto and feel disused :t to eliminate South Carolina entirely. In-this event .the interurbatt would ; be alone in North Carolina, until it afterwardH, perhaps, extended jinto 'Virginia. . - - ; House Bill to Prohibit the Sale or Handling of -Liquors in Cluba. ' The (following is a copy of House - bill No. 1013, by Latham, of Beaufort, to prohibit the Bale or handling Of li quors in clubs or associations, report ed favorably and now on the House calendar for enactment '.o'';it-'r: v Jhe General Assembly of North Caro lina do enact : :r''.. - Section il. That any corporation, . club, association or person who shall directly or indirectly or keep or main tain by itself, or himself or by assjv ciation with others or Jnbo ahall in any manner aid or assist or abet in " keeping or maintaining ' a club-room or other-place where intoxicating li- ' qnors are received or kept to be drunk, or for barter orlale or distibution, or for division or use among members of any club or association by any means whatever or where the members are allowed to keep, intoxicating liquors in locker, or storage devices of any kind, shall be guilty df a misdemeanor! Pro- entieavor tacewraiene anpiversar, tattWBt . lt WM nftt m wrmon of Washington 'a birthday in a quiet I- 4U .w. j;. w ... , , . , . - . . - , iiuk iuc rvi uicuia V vvauiuvu vaaat evaaa uignraeo 1,1 ,7 ' " rT7 logical and was preached wHfc reason but the program scldomworks. Till- and withont xeitement or terror. We man and MeLaunn tried to nppercut many favorable omment pon one another on February 22, and other interesting ; tilings v have - bappenen. Mp Q L Crti- oJ! charlotte, and Now comer Senate ; Lonmer, Migg yeTnil penninger, of this place, caga 's Blonde Boss, and helps to make Wflre mimt hut night at the home the day (famous, lor four hours Lor- of tha trfde'e fatiher tlstr. Ben Pen imer apoke, as i great crowds hung on nin r on p,, w B. lllS aJVtJI V WUIU, nilU Ua 1UD roiwvi KJva rvAwfwmw1 h. JtAiaaanmAflV . . M P. critics have been compelled to admit Ir- 5. a -urf. lrt th fio-them Bail. Lthat to made good. Very few doubt w.T!htdeMrtmntfaiCaiarlotta now that Lorimer' will hold .bis seat, rm,! a ; km J because something like lalf the Demo-. 1b nimhr rlnds. mnv crats 'in the senate are going to vote oJ wbom wwe assembled to see her 5 ?"5r " m . 01 PP8 PulUnarried. rMr. Hurley Talbirt, of New North-Carolina eenatow down in .therj offigj Maode Biebardaon opposition column today, out n is noii, r. n v. ftmianta. -l-.n, -M.-i .L.i iLf. .... :n - - ai au nuuiteiy i xumrvmmwu We OTtend our hearty eongratnlations hare to berevised. '( . to Mr. and Mrs. Craig who will leave today for Mr. Craig's home in Char lotte, a. Kannapolis, February 23, 1911. ., Late Committee Reports on Important Measures. Raleigh? Feb. 22.-The senate com mittee on nnance oy a vote 01 six o m , t:vi:..i four decide. i;favor of creating a ttan Da Tndfi.Tand state iaeomm , nd Chairman, td "ent of SoSn haneverb Tha Pas- Alms tH the Ladlat sell, Pharr and Starbuck a. .-sub- AVS?tffJt committee to arart a oiu. . f Wt Hill school tax from' 18 cents to 25 cental ru t. . MwaMMki ltAm - ravorapiy witu nienainen - for The Tribune and The Times please n C"arrJSiATHI up, Miss Sua Nicholson, who wiU eente. The Hobgood biU to avoid don- . Mr nmM Ik-. Va. aw aaaw wuctwvs Wwww r vided tlmt notlauff in this act shall belble iaxea in MBeseing corporation 1 7g . te the item forTou asylums from keeping intoxicating ' quors for medical purposes. t The indications itt that the home to be erected at the Jackson Training School in memory of Bill Nye, will materialize earlier than its promoter, the North Carolina Pre8 Association, had anticipated. The building will eo8 j$l.),000 and quite a'good sum has been collected1 by the t newspapers. Much interest has been aroused in the It; iA n ih.t diiv. mitrihutions will ;rTeiJT!!!!,2a' be taken in every public school in the State and tlmsiini total 6f thenenmall collections .will no doubt swell the fund eonsiderably. Charlotte Chrou- ide. : - ' ' ::- Pythians will note "something do ing" Friday, nisht.. Look it up. .. and on which another haa paid taxi gets favorable report. 'jrTi; :-(';:;-'' The mil to increase tne salary or tne justiees of the' Supreme , eourt to $4)00 gets a favorable report from the house finance committee. r TtSSGSAJt KE3TTI0K. a fta People Hare and Qs- vmcf waa Com u4 Oa. Xlr. iL &. Nathan, o Charlotte, is her today.' - ;,y ... r"'- - I ir.v Charles Boyd, of fialigbury, is a CentnrA 'tMtw.toaajyivj-.??-:.? :'v KySi. IaaV',B-ieaafayIa ay iavrBneiro"a nusiBess." y. 1 Mr. John M. Rose of Durham, is a business visitor in the city today. Mr. R. H. TteButts, traveling pas- sengeragant of the Southern Railway, is a Concord visitor today.' Rev. and'7 Mrs. 'Noaker, who have been visiting Rev. and Mrs. W. XL Causey, have returned to their home in Cmna Grove. TBS atlSSISNA&Y IKST1TT7TE. Mock Interest Aroosed ia aa Already V etroag IQaaienaqr Church. Rev. Dr. K. H. Bawlings and Rev. H. K. Boyer eondueted a miaaionary institute yesterday afternoon and night at Central Methodist church. The meeting yesterday afternoon was attended mostly by ladies who com pose the missionary society of Cen tral chureh, the banner society of the Western North Carolina Conference. Dr. Bawlings is chairman of the mis sion board of the M. E. ehnreh, South, and Mr. Boyer is missionary Secretary of the North Carolina Conference, and both of them are numbered among tbe ehnreh 'a strongest men and leaders in this partieuliar branch of church work.. At the afternoon session Dr. Bawlings addressed the ladies- on the mission work and Mr. Boyer also made a short talk. At the evening meeting, at 7:30 o'clock, Dr. Rawlings, made a great address on missions and his ear nest appeal for aid in the great, work of evangelizing the world went straight to tbe hearts of his hearers and tbe strong business-like manner of presenting this cause to the laymen resulted m attracting their Interest and attention. He is a spejker of won derful directness and power. Dr. Bover explained the great plan the churches have adapted through their laymen's movement to accomplish the evangelization of the world in this generation, sitter wuieb a number oi rayooen were called upon to express their views as to the work, and the following respVnded by heartily en dorsing the course as suggested by Messrs. Rawlings and Boyer. Messrs. R. S. Wheeler, A. F. Hartsell, who was recently elected lay leader, W. C. Houston, D. B. Coltrane, W. R. Odell, W. A. Stone itev. f. r. uurnam, nev. W. L. Hutchins and J. B. Sherrill and iMesdames D. B. Coltrane and W. C. Houston. According to the agreement of the joint committees; the Sstate pension fund is to be increased srrom spMi, 000 to $750,000. A50THE& TE3T D0LLAE4. Added te Our im 5r raaaVlCr. P. , B. Fetaar tha Contributor. Mr. P. B. Fetaer. wb, is. now in New York, yesterday telegraphed Mr. w alter itiompaon. supenntendent of ' the Training School as follows: "Add ten nouara to Bill X)t Memorial for me." . -.. v ' This amount, added to oar fund al ready announced, makes it stand at $18H8.tThe fund now is as follows: Mrs. J. VT. Cannoaw..$ 25.M J. WCaaaon --- ' KM J. licks Erwin 25.00 Cash.; 35.00 Frank L. Smith . 13.00 Arthur B. Pounds Cash .... a F. Ritchie P. B. Fetxer . .. . 10.00 . 10J 10.00 10.00 Boys at Training School . ..... 9JA Times , , . tM Tribune . T ' R00 C. W. Swink . 5.00 J. F. Honeycutt . 5.00 Total ..$184.18 Cold Wave Has Not Damaged Eastern Carolina Track Yet. Rocky Mount, Feb. 22. The eold wave here ftas not damaged truck yet. Neither radish, peas nor let-' tuce are showing any bad effects. The strawberry crop will be held baek from two weeks to twenty days owing to a cold wave which u considered a God-send to hold baek premature budding and . blooming. - Tbe run of shad has just begun, but will not be plentiful until the river becomes warmer.. Then large ship ments will go forward. It ia thought that all peaches, plums and pears now in full bloom will be killed, also" huckleberries. This will enable berry growers to get better prices. - The execution of J. B, Allison, the Asheville murderer, is set for Friday His friends are making a tight to save his neck. . , -v , . ", - "Doan's Ointment eared cos f eesema that had annoyed ana a long time. The cure was permanent." Hon. 8. W. Matthews, Commissioner Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. Sold by yoar drrggist. ."'' .... . i i " The price of cotton seed is "now down to 39- cents. Cotton is 14 cents. Bonis Nice Gold Specimens. Dr.' Jno. Reed showed ns today a number of fine specimens of gold re cently taken from what is known as the Garmon mine, which adjoins the old TJeed mine, near Georgeville. The property is owned bv the Joel Reed family and n being worked by Mr. A. XL Cox, of Mt. Pleasant. Mr. vox baa abont a half bushel of these specimens in the quarts and they are very pretty. The vein is being worked at a depth of about 35 feet th rough ground thai has not been worked heretofore. The vein is very Promising at present and enlarges as it w followed. , Topograph ically this property is really a part of tha old need mine where tne large nuggets were found some yean ago, a history of which is generally known in out eonnty. - Wsatsta Union Makes Now Bay Bate. Dallas. Texas. February 22. An an nouncement of a day letter service to correspond winh the night letter ser vice and to be . inaugurated by the Western Union; Telegraph Company on March 1, was made tost night by General Manager . Belvedere Brooks who is in Dallas on an inspection trirv It is announced that the rates for the day letter will be one and one half times the night letter rate for fifty 'words, plus one-fifth the initial charges for each ten words in excess of fifty words.' Code words will not he accepted at these rates. - 5e Yflfl The Cabarrus Savings Bank haa a new ad today. ' .. Death of Mrs. Ephrsin Eudy.' Mr. W. L. Widenbouse this morning received a . message announcing the death ' jt 1 his mother-in-law, : Mrs. Fkihraim Eudy. which occurred at Mil 11 Nye public sdiool day, Wednes- hngpornast i gbt at 930 o ' rZ U. j. h, i.,n. .ill pneumonia, after a few days' illness. I Mrs. bedside AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed here. Yott seed not w&it until your busier:! has srjned petit prepcrtioas before - openlcj in to count. . Do 0. to-day. , . Widenbouse wasat her fflothei j q patroDB, regardless of the imoant of burinen done, re- Iside at tbe time sf her death, and , r . . . . . . . . . Widenbouse left this afternoon to ceive eterf courtcsY in U c-lict ot bcsmess entrusted W 08, Mr. in f ra V.ndv hud ItMn fori many years a consistent member of iO-. r ' (?,.? .-"' . -J, F, M 1 - - the Methodist church. e For these three days we will have on special display about .. ' ' 25,00 VbFcb oi ' tlEzarticxo to Hatch In this lot you will find Pure Linen and. Linen Torchon, Vals, Round v Thread, etci worth up to 10c yard, and not a yard in , the lot worth lessV than 7c. Special for these three - days, the yard,

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