A 1 f VOL XXL Prtc. 43 Cnt a ll'X CONCORD. N. O. WEDXSDAY, MARCH 1. 1911. SlngU Copy, Cent. NO. 205 9 "f CtiU I NEW 8T0BE FOB OONOOBD. L iL I .Jl.JJ 1.J Lll liuJ CAMS VP TODAY WITH AH Ulf rAVC3AELE EEPOM. -. Fuse Bill for Tarn lift 8choolf lLleag Book and ..Primary. Bill Stjeeial to Tb Tribune. Raleigh, March 1.TM .senate re, f used to give the Baggett trust bill a hearing bj a'vote of 28 to 13. ' ; . , The principal work of the House 'km the passage of the Senate bill pro . Viding for farm life schools.-" ; V The Senate devoted most of the day iotwft special order wbieh are up for the eeeond time, The mileage book esehahge, two'ticket window bill and :utnnl' Rtt rimarv bill were ' left over from, yesterday. v. - AHbe afternoon and mght sessions the killing of bill wiU be continued . today. Scores of bills are being muF- dered in eoW blood often without ever ; having been In a committee' hand! . , LLEWZAM. Quick ' ' President Pro Tern Boyden'a fUnainr Rnvden. of Rowan, who pr& Ma mm, the Senate during a por- tkm of Tuesday' session in aueb aft imlnhU manner.' made the Teebrd - of the session for quick work and the ' closing eeene of the day's session fol t ' lowing his decision and quick action in unraveling a tangled-np condition in the Senate, was one ithat would have caused many to eome miles to witness, had they .suspected it oc eurrelTee. -i;.:rvV-:-'X N':v 'S't";'". It was dinner time and argument or the Stat Primary: proposition bad been going on for pouts,, in attempt . tn t ft time when the speeeh-mak (n it, (mnort ant measure should ' 4 Teeumtd on which Ttnefcy ol nrea83d by those V hearine for other bill. Sen atA Rrnwn moved to adjourn, where- tnnn a doses Senators sprang to their f.i in incitement f talk pending a rnnmim thn,k ii not debatable. Sena- - tor Bellamy seconded the'TmoHon .to adionni and ; called for1 vote and ' , while the doaen senators representing the minority of the proposition were ikHmilAtini-''nd exclaiming "3tr- '" President," Senator Boyden put the , motion withnightmng-hke rapidity, . here wa choru of ' ayes' V and . the Senate was declared adjourned. ' ' , President Pro Tern Boyden quickly .' atepped down from the rostrum while , . the doaen senator stood non-plnssed and wondering where ihey were "at." Mmv exclamations of approval, were made of the fin eonduet of Senator Boyden. while in the chair the man who has moved to be on of the most capable, intelligent, useful and pa - triotie that has flgwed in hese halls during the 14 year this writer has been reporting the proceedings of the Ueneral Assemoiy, , , . llewxam TravsUni aa Toond Bad la Char- lott Hotel, and Two Womea Hold a fiuspecta. . . . ' Mystery aurorunds the death of A. i. Winn, a traveling salesman lor a Xew Orleans house, who ilred bullet through bia head at the Leland botel in Charioite" about 14 o'clock Tuesday morning. - . ; Shortly eeiore the snot waa Brea a woman, who was supposed to be the wife of Winn, left the room. This wo man, who baa one bv the professional name of iMisa. Louise Stephens, step ped from the room at the Leland to get some, paper, as she stated. Re- turning m 10 minutes she found Winn lying in a pool of Wood directly be neath the dresser. Neatly packed and aeged for Richmond was a suitcase. in tniuet naa Diouirned. iti wav through the head, from ear to ear of the atikide and he died A few minutes aftet the woman returned. ; There is no motive for , the act though the affair was given a turn to ward the sensational bv a telegram from Ashevolle stating thai Winn bad a. wife in an AsheviUe samtarinm. The woman who was supposed to have been his wife is a decided blonde, She has been in Charlotte about two months. Mystery will perhaps forever sur round the deatn. Just now the acci dent could have happened may never be known, for the reason that no one was near "who sawit.'-.' .i'-.r-:- Only a muffled report came from the room that only a minute or so pre viously bad been oceupt d by the man and his wife, . 'I'll write a telegram or a letter, ' he said, according to the woman, and she, went in search of paper. The door was closed when she left the room and was toot locked when she returned. With a scream that was piercing, she called for assistance and immediately several people were on the scene.- Pp- on a packed trunk was the carefully packed valise. In this were many self-addressed envelopes, showing the nrm name of the dead man along with linen, etc. ; Nothing was there to in dicate that suicide bad been planned when it was packed. r , The room waa disheveled, not hav ing been cleaned up for the. day, the chambermaids waiting until Mr. Wtun was iff Jem nfniiC'aniHEv' Club Bar-Room System Should be Abol ished, SaysjMr. Beasley. ' Special to News and Observer. ' V- .Monroe, February 28. The people of KMh Carolina voted by a big ma jority in a fair and square deal to try prohibition in North Carolina. They expected their withes to be carried out ta ood faith. In the Democratic lland-Book in the last election the authorised representatives of the party issued a challenge to the Republican party fo take np the fight against the action of the people in voting prohibition. ; The people returned the Demo cratic party to power by an increased majority. A Democratic Supreme Court has pot a construction upon the law of the people in the elub decision that nullifiestheir clearly expressed wishes,' and ao far this Democratic Legislature has failed to clarify thia wrong by passing the anti-dub bill. If the temperance people are compelled to carry this question back to the people again, whose fault will it be 1 ' ' i' -wv''.. As a loyal Democrat and a conservative tfemperane mail and in the name of the temperance people of the State, I appeal to our Legislature to pot the anti-club bill through at.once. It has too long dallied with an important matter already. . v . it.. tf.AOLds.i, . , ; t; .";-r -:V'-T- '''-0.'-' ChairmaB Nodn Carolina Anti-Saloon League. WEBB TO HAVE BEEN"" A .; HEBE MONDAY NIQHT. The Women Who are Mixed up in th Mysterious Death of Winn in Char lotte, Wet to ' Hav Appeared in Vaudeville Here Monday Night-' . ; The two women, Louise Stephens and Dora Wilson, of Charlotte, who came suddenly in the, limelight eince the death of the young man Winn in the Leland Hotel, which Occurred yes terday morning, were expected here Monday night to appear m vaudeville with the Dixie Musical Comedy Co., which appeared here that night and gave such an ordinary performance the management closed the contract. Nothing was thought of their failure to appear at the time-as one of them telephoned the manager of the com pany and stated that she was sick and could not come. Their name appear ed on the bills as the Brinkley Sis ters. ' " , , Winn - has visited Concord often and is known by a number of the mer chants liere. - -. PERSONAL MENTION.' Park Bros. Will Open la Boom Qc- enpied . by Dayrault Oo. Store Boom to V Improred. v - -Meaara. Parks Bras well known merchants of Waahaw, have rented the store room oeenpied by The Day vault Co., and will move their large stock of general merchandise here in a tfew weeks. B. A. Brown' Sons have been awarded the contract to put in a new front and make other im provement in the store room. This work will begin at once and a soon as k is completed, which will require about one month 'a time, the new firm will open here. The Messrs. Parks Bros, have been successful merchants at Waxhaw for. number of years, and recently decided to move their busi ness to a larger field and visited Dur ham, WinstoneJem and Concord The fact that they decided to locate here is a decided compliment to Con eord and they will no doubt be gladly welcomed in the business life of the ty. Bom of th PmdI Hen and El- r where Wke Com and Go. Dr.-E. P.. Wood, of Baleigh- is a visitor in the city today. - tMeksrs. W. C. and E. 7. Correll are spending the day in Charlotte. 'Mrt Miury Richmond is spending th day in Salisbury on business. Mr , 'Maury Richmond is spending the day in Salisbury on business. Mr W. B. Ooode, of the department of aafrieulture, Raleisrh, is here to- M. M. Shepard arrived this g from New York. She will go xington tomorrow. . -TMrsi J. P. Cook left this morning for Baleigb to join Mr. Cook, who has been there for several days. -'.M4V morhh to Li Baptist and Presbyterian Preacher to .,. Debate on Baptism. opencer, r en. x. in tbe course of a revival taeld in Spencer Presby terian ennrch during the past week ttev. u. W. Uelc. fiynodieal evaneel- ist for : North Carolina, preached a sermon on the peculiar doctrine of the church, with particular reference to -baptism. Ue challenged any one of his hearers to show even one pass age of scripture wherein the church is wrong. Rev.J. L. Vipperman, pastor of Spencer Baptist church, has issued a public invitation to Rev. Mr. Belk to set: a time and place when the two ministers may meet and have a public discussion of the distinctive doctrines differentiating the Baptist irom ine rreaoytenan church, it is net yet, known whether the Presby terian minister can meet the Baptist minister as the former was called home Sunday night on account of the death of a member of his family, OUB CBINAFAMnrB FUND. What i to be Boa Should Be Done -, ' Immediately. " Several dolars were edded to our China Famine Fund today. We hope to add many jio.e. We appeal -to tboee wh want to ail to eontrib ute at T.ce. Bead 1 m assoeiv.tf ' press dispatch from Shanghai dated . yesterday, February 28: A missionary who arrived here today from the famine district, where he bad been engaged in relief work. states that 3,000 persona are dvine- daily and that 350,000 are wholly de pendent -on ihe foreign famine com mittee, which was organised here. In many places cattle, dogs and eata are being killed for food, and houses are pulled down by the occupant and th debris exchanged for anything that can be eaten." - Our fund now stands: t Cash .' t 5.00 Mrs. J. E. Smoot 2.00 Bev. J. J. Eads LOO Cash - 4.00 Times and Tribune 5.00 Mrs. J C. Gibson 1.00 B.C. Puryear 1.00 Mrs. E. C. Turner 1.00 A Clean Town, Runaway Girls are Caught at States- , Tin. v ; Rtatesville. Feb. 28,-Mi88es Mar tha and Stella Jollv. - cousins,,- and daughters of farmer living in New Jlope township, ran away from their 'home yesterday and boarded a train at Hiddenit and eame to Statesville last eveninsr. Their parents institu- ' ted search for them and notified Sher iff Deaton, of -Statesvuie, to - an them on their" arrival here. Th offi cer found -the yonne ladies . Jit the Gaitber boarding house last night and , detained them there until the arrival of their people today. The girls said . they had decided to leave home and ; work ior themselves. . "First Snow in Twenty Year. Passadena, CaL, Feb; 28. It snowed Shortly after the tragedy the wo man, Louise Stephens, was seen by newspaper men. She refused to an swer questions and, appeared greatly exeiiea. ;ue cm sayvymq;-wa8 her husband, but would give nor details! or facts to substantiate her statement. Colonel Williams, proprietor of the hotel, says the woman came to his ho tel about two months ago with Winn. hince that tune Winn has returned to the hotel on- Saturday and always left on Mondays. He knew little more of the couple.- ', . To dispel die commonly accepted theory that it was a plain case of snicide, the condition of the room in which the man waa found goes to strengthen -the suspicion that it was other y than" self-destruction, aays the uuserver. The room was ui a chaotic condition, furniture, i clothing, trin kets, Wearing apparer and other arti cles were scattered hither and thither, indicating that : a fearful struggle might have preceded the firing of the latai BhOT. ' w- , ' Wife is Notified. AsheviUe. Feb. 28. Mrs. : Winn, wife of A. J. Winn, a New Orleans traveling man who committed suicide at Charlotte today, was almost pro (rated when informed the news by her father, George Delmore, end a physi- oittu. one is in sauiianum ana n was feared that the Bhook would cause her death. She has been here for six months and .was often, visited by her husband and no reason can be assign ed for his act. v Her home is in New Orleans, and the husband' body will likely be taken there,- ' . :. Charlotte News. A . '-VC -ftiteuiuigrtractsw the -visitor tn ' town so pmch as neatly kept prem ises, elean-.etree'tg and a general ap pearance of tidiness. Cleanliness pays in dollars and cents. ' The smart-looking piece -of property hag a quicker sale, and at a better price than the other kind. ' ' v On the threshold of spring it is very important that all hands join in the effort to sweep around the municipal door. . A revolution in the general ap pearance the city may be effected at little cost. The Wilmington Dispatch h,as this to say on the subject : "An untidy, dirty town denotes un tidy citizen?. The citizen who keeps hig premises clean and sightly wants the whole city to be that way. A half- dozen untidy, careless householders can run the appearance of an entire street. Petersburg Index-Appeal. i nere is, a wnoie lesson oi wisaom, a big sermon of beauty and health preached in the above, aud it-is timely to be applied to Wilmington, not only in view of the, present highly com- iLt.' : i a iL . rv T . iiieiiuauio .uove oi me vivio ueaguv, but from past Experience of Wilming ton. A. City Beautiful" means de light for the eye and pleasure for the heart. It ; means, attractiveness for visitors aud magnet to draw people to the city, end )t jmeana bright pic tures painted by visitors of yonr city when they, go away. Further, it means sanitation, which protects health, Committee Hvs Anti-Trust Bill Black 1 ' By. r Baleighj February - 28. The Senate committee on judiciary s yesterday afterneoq, voted unanimously to report unfavbwUy -the - Baggettxeeti-trneti measure. - - The bill, it will be recalled, was in- troduced early in the session, and con tains provisions which are regarded as having the much desired teeth. It is understood that it is an exact copy of the Texas law. Corporation violat ing it are punishable by heavy fines, while its members may be either fined or imprisoned. Total $20.00 A check for this amount will be for warded today to American Red Cross Society, Washington, D. C, end other contributions will be forwarded as received. Detectives have failed to find any clue to the person who stole $130,- 000 worth of jewels from Mrs. Maid win Drummond, on the steamship Amerika. , - -. . s - Hon Sicked Itself to Death? Monroe Enquirer. Prof. T. M. Wiley, who is teaching school at Bethel, Cabarrus county, lost a horse a few days ago by death in a very .peculiar manner. The horse, was left haltered in the stable and in. scratching an ear with a hind foot got the calks of the shoe caught in the. halter by the side of its head and kicked itself to death. The animal was in a dying condition when found, its head was braised and bloody and blood covering one side of the stable walls. The halter was a strong one and the horse's foot had just enough play to strike a strong blow. ; " Se Th Time for Job Printug. : The increasing popularity o the Salisbury Postal Sarins; bank is shown from the fact that, ol the close of business Tuesday afternoon the de posits for the month of February anumiit-ad towiore than tuite times a mn h su those of Jumorj. 2,000 Death Dally From the' Plague. Stl; Petersburg, .February 28. Pel Chuanlints, about fifty miles north of Harbin,' 4a being ravaged by the pla gue. '.Deaths there are reported to .1. J in.. j: ' in rassaaena wuay ir vu. u .--""ease ia rarine in Kirin. Hul.nehen. on. The eun came up clear .. - ,f . 77n . , A New Detectiv Story Free. A complete detective story, giving the adventures of s rentable second Sherlock Holmes, , Will be given free with next Sunday; New York World, The Great , London Detective '' goes through some thrilling experiences in the solutin of the great mystery of thcited tTiangle. in zv years. ine en cuo uH m nv. ,d B-n.. . and warm and shone brightly ic rxnree mi,M of the Ma, hours. Then a black eloud -appeared over the mountain, and .now 1 made to check the ravage, of ganraiung. everyone rnsnMiuo. digeage W it j,M beeQ gaining considerable headway nevertheless. bun- Manchu- etrenuous enorta are itreet and began snowballing. After 15 minutes the snow turned to hail and rain; then th eloud rolled away. The entire performance lasted 45 min- lUteS. ,':T,"'V lied yesterday at 'Coolemee. Death of Mrs. Morris at Coolemee. Mrs. Fred Morris died morning at. her home Mrs. Morris waa formerly Miss Kate Hunter, daughter of Mr, Daniel Hun ter, of this city. , Th remains arrived last night on No. 35 and the funeral For Sale A nice new eottag on Buf falo street, opposit No. 2 graded chooL at a bargain. Jar. K. Pat tersoa & Co. --4 4 ' . y. & ' If IT A OU&STIOH or MAnn-onH A CHKK1HO ACCOUNT t mtta-tHt UOHMT rov rmt mcki- $JT TO MAtt OH HASD-IVSt DM" i VAHX THE AMOUNT NBBDBV, WHlTHet. IT S 4 KOUnHOLB ACCOUNT OK tOt BvuNutrwosa ' OON0OBD NATIONAL BANK Capital flOO.000 Snrplu $30 A' Per Cent. Interest Paid on Tim , Deposit. j r When the Charlotte mint was in the balance, Congressman Morehead, a na tive of Charlotte, waa absent. The TaUklnn4nn jinr-rAftnAndAnt tfkf L the Greensboro News, noting the help of .will" held at the horn this afternoon Cowles and Grant, says: "Congress- 2 o'clock, eonduoted by Rev. J. man Morehead adhered to the preoe " dent set by him some time ago in never lar interest to North Carolina are up;Dn on, uild, el ! Walter Simpson, and the interment will be made at Oak wood cemetery. Mrs. Morris is survived by her hus- AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed here.. You need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before . opening an .ac count. Do so to-day.. Our patrons, regardless of the amount of business , done,1 re ceive every courtesy in all, matters w- business entrusted to us, and there is nothing in Bafe banking we cannot perform. M Spfmg Suite ! The garments you find here are made to render a satisfactory service They'are not mad aet to Bell" butto hold; their attractive features as long as the garments are : in services-long and even strenaous service. - Washington T Si for ren ALr U Ue..lAl I VI IIIUI ' Eashlngton Garments til) I o fc 1 , Are Stylieh a good feature -but what is just u important they hold their stylish lines as long as worn., . 1 , , The "unseen" side ol these garments is perfect in every detail. Nothing has been left undone to in sure a long and useful 'life for each and everyone bearing th Washington Company label. 0.E for consideration." 77:c Ccbarnzo Saving Hr.::!: A busy man ia never too busy to tell you how bney he is, - r i r i 1 :tstv