o A f ' I V. 4? v ' V,'. - "A VOL XXL Price, 49 Ce-U IZrtX i CONCORD, N. C TIimSBAY. MATCH 2. 191!, .NO.-206 trs rmxsT bill Cb riiul R4zj Also tui for rvn Iifjfkhool Koonee's rire Xnsnr ' ence Investigation IH Fum Room Special to TK Tribune. - -' Raleigh, March 2. ;Tbe General Ae- sembly is wading in the deep waters . of Ugi&lstkra. Among the important bills that passed finally were: : '-: State primary, final reading in Sen- ate ; State if arm Eft schools, final read fog in the House, after which there : , was a lengthy and hot. discussion of ' Koonee's lire insurance investigation jbilL It prorides for committee to - report to the next legislature and ap- propriates fl,000 for expenses. .The - bill finally passed by a vote of 63 to 4& " Legislstors predict its-defeat in , the Senate, however.'-' ;.-;;'H ' The Senate spent most of the bsl :: anee of the session on the ' Boyden- Sikes good roads highway bill, design- w ed for State aid to counties in road and one of the hottest contests.. of ryjthe'session ensnei.'P'-r'-'ir; - Baleigu, - March a. a ao p. : m. - The Senate adjourned at 2:30 After ' - protracted debate on. Boyden-Sikeji good roads bill, which was finally de- , treated by yote of 553 to IV. - " ; ' , ' .LLEWXAM. . ; . BILL PASSE PROHIBmNO clubs handling LIQUORS. Clause PorhiMung Members Eavinf . Liquor fa Personal Lockers Is Special to Charlotte Observer. Raliegh, N. C, March ; The House spent from 8 to nearly 11 x,. , amending and finally passing on all readings the bill by Latham to pro- uiuw m saie or. nwraung oi intoxicatr ' ting liquors by any chtb or Association, ' an amendment" "being - adopted - that eliminates the clause that would pro hibit members of clubs having liquor in their personal lockers and specify- fog that this net shall not interfere . ITT, PIXASAXT XZW3. The Annual Debate Narrow Xacape from Injury Mx. IXcAIIistar Koch Better Mr. Trezler Ooes to West ; Point Personal News. , I . The annual debate of the Gerhard Literary society last week was eseily one of the best yet h- ld by this soci ety -which has long been noted for strong debates. The question as to whether or not United States Sena tors ehonld be elected by direct vote of the people was hotly contested fcy both affirmative and negative debaters. The arguments ware strong, convinc ing, clear cut end logical having the audience in doubt as to whom should be given the - decision.. The .judges themselves found no small difficulty in arriving at a conclusion, but after careful deliberation they agreed wt the negative should nave the honors by a .small margin", and we shall eon. tinue to' elect senators as heretofore. The entire eercise was exceptionally wel lrendercd. The erowd was im mense and the music by the 1ft. Pleas ant Cornet Band no to its nsual fceih standard. ' :. Mr. Millard MeUraw bad a narrow escape from serious injury last week at toe . Tuscarora . Cotton nuli Mr. M cGraw, with number of others, was taking cotton out of .the ware house to be opened, when (he top bale on five higli stack fell without any warning. Mr. MoGraw was knocked to the floor and before be could arise a second one fell on him. Assistance at hand took Mm out immediately and though badly mashed he tas not yet suffered any serious effects. The many friends of Mr. Bow. Mc Allister, . who has been seriously ill for some days, will be glad to learn that he is very much better with in-. dications cor recovering good. : Mrs.-P. A. Barrier announces the sale of 'her personal property at herrf greatest opposition was to Ihe feature that interfered mat lockers in clubs and Deviu, of Granville, offered , an amendment striking out the words "or , where menTbers allowed:, to keep in toxicating liquors in lockers or in storage devices of any kind shall be A DETP HTSTT3T. '. . j Coroner Is Unable to Place Canst for Winn's Death Two Women are tn Jan. ' - , ; As Le result of the eoroner's tnves- tigstion into ths destn of Al G. Winn. a traveling salesman of New Orleans, at the Leland hotel in Charlotte Tnes day: Annie Louise Stevens, with whom W inn bad lived as man and wife since November 20, and Dora Wilson, a boon companion of the Stevens woman are now in the Mecklenburg county jaiL charged with murder and acces sory before the fact respectively, the theory of suicide, which prevailed at first, gradually gave way before the Steveus: woman's utter contradiction of hsr statements of yesterdsy and the i'smsging testimony of a poyn eian who examined the dead man s few moments after the shooting. . When confronted with the fact that ZZXT3 OP lOS. JACXSOjr ftAPUT. Passat Away Early This Horning at Bar Turns tn it e. ft Tewnsnin. Mrs. Ellen 6afrit, wife of Mr. Jackson (Sofrit, died at fcer home in No. 5 township, about six miles from Concord; at 2:45 o'clock after lin- ?erm illness of cancer. Mrs. Safrit had been sufferer from cancer on the ebeek fo more than a year. Last summer sne was taken to New York to have an operation performed, but this was or little, if any, benefit to her. .Mrs. Safrit, bad she lived until next Saturday, March 4, would have been 54 years of age. She was a daughter or Mr. J. tiamnger, of Lands. She leaves her husband, f our sons and two daughters. She leaves also five sisters, namely: Mrs. John A. Cline, and Mrs. A.' J Lippard, of Concord; Winn had a living wrfe in Asheville, Blackwelder, ofhevilleVnnd i I MrJ J. A. Lippard, of $o. 6 town auu ummra mat bus aw never nusujj . Vf ... ... t ..ll... tied him, but had married. Archie Dick, a Texas ranchman, in Eufala, Ala, her home-, six years ago. A tele gram from the chief of police of Eo f ala states that the woman is from one of the best families in that town. The two women were round in a room adjoining the one in which Winn was found in a dying condition with the door between the rooms unlocked, Tbi: deny having heard the pistol shot. ." In her evidence before the eoroner's jury the Stephens woman, after learn ing that she could no longer masque rade as the wife of the dead man, said: - ' ' . ' - - - -." "I told a falsehood when I told you yesterday that I was married to Al Winn. ; He told me to eay I was his wife. Now, I don't want to tell you that since I know he has a living residence here oil Wednesday March 15th, at 10 o'clock. ' Mrs. Barrier and daughter, Miss Anna Belle, will leave lor the west shortly af terwards. Mr. Jesse Peck, who fe teaching at Soeastee, S. C, is home for a short vacation. Another . one of the Collegiate In stitute boys has received- a. govern ment appointment. The fortunate one is iMr. -Zew Trexler.' of Rowatr. ftlr. tWrt vimwii sttlt nrmn tht, Mnthtaibr with any local llpM trol or tbC,ioeping of liquors. nPhelpoint in a few days. He Is k memberTinquiring into ibe4" detail of 4he ui- of toe Sophomore class at the Insti tute. He has the best wishes of many friends. - - - t Miss Bessie Bangle, enief operator of the Concord Telephone Exchange, spent, Saturday 'here. ' r. " Messrs.-J. M. Cook, of Concord, and She declared there was no quarrel in the room which gave an impression of a free for all fhrht; that there bad been no objection from Winn to her going on the stage; in fact, she said, Winn was apparently deeply in love with per and she. expected to some day marry him r As matters, now stand, there is no positive evidence against either of the cide, accident or aiurder, the grand I jury will be asked to make an investi gation, guilty ota misdemeanor."! This was.w. JtCook, of Salisbury, spent' Suit aoopieajpo 10 s ana on ne nnai voie day here with their father, Capt. Cook, for the passage of the bill the vote was 83 to 16. 4 ri'S W. , The bill as it passed follows: t-Jf-i , "Section 1 That any corporation, club, association or person, : who shall directly ; or indirectly keep or maintain by itself or himself, or by association with others,' or who shall in any manner aid, assist or abet in , . keeping or maintaining club room - or place; where intoxicating liquors are received, or kept to be drunk, or for barter or sale, or distribution, or for division oruse among the mem bers of any club or assoeiatioa by any means whatever, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, .. provided.; that ' nothing in ihis aet, shall be ' con strued . to prohibit - hospitals, drug stores and dispensaries and asylums from keeping intoxicating liquors for ' medical - purposes, ; and , provided 'further that nothing in this act shall be oonstrned as repealing or modi- fying any local laws' regulating these matters. J ; '; - -. o ? .' ' ; ''See. 2. This act shall be . in' force from'and after JulyUll." ; linear s-roung aux um.' . 1 The Senate . diseussed at great length the Baggett bill for pulling mileage on the trains as amended by the committee to simply require the railroad to maintain two windows at all stations of 2,000 and more in habitants, so that mileage tickets can ' :. be the more readily procured before Capt. Brown, of the Institute, spent Sunday in Lynchburg,- on a pleasure trip.v:, ?y;;-,:j-;;ili:-' " "-', -Misses Setier and Eflrd, of Mont lAmoena Seminary, spent Sunday at St. John's. - Mrs, C. A. Heilig, of Salisbury, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. JrL. Leber: Mrs. John A. Kindley and mobher. Mrs. Charley rink, are visiting rroi, Eugene JftnK, at Lyeriy, Ua. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Eflrd. of China Grove re visiting Mrs. Eflrd 's father, Bev. Sehulenberger.'.'9-",;'' Miss Bessie McEaehren spent last week in Concord.; ; v-" H' Misses Ada Isenhour and Katie FoilJ spent Sunday with Mrs, Isen- nour's father. , . ;'!, .T Miss Margaret McAllister, of 'High Pointy was called home Saturday ow ing to the illness of her brother. Mr. Bobi.' McAllister, v She returned Sun day. The Mt. Pleasant Oraded schools, Prof.: IL W.. Barrier. crfocinaL. did nicely toward the Bill Nye Fund, $6.18 being earlized. .' Married last week, at the home of ', the bride, Mr. Richard Calvin Brown, of Rockwell, and Miss Maggio Green, of this place, Bev. N. B. Kichardson, officiating. The ceremony was per formed in the presence of a few in vited friends. Mc and Mrs. Brown are making their home at Rockwyell.- -There were only seven deaths in . the city during the month of Tebruary, one less than in January.' This is the smallest number of deaths' that have occurred in one month since the city has been keeping a record. ' Four were adults and three were children. ; v as an woman and had irany friends. The interment was made this after noon ax 3 o'cl.ws in ine eeiuotery at St. John i LutherAa church.' The lu neral service was conducted by Bev J. Longs, pastor of St. Johns', and Ker. i Mr. -Trexler. oi Bowan county. Mrs. Safrit bad been a member oi St John's church for "a number Oi years. - , '.J Mr.J.W. Peeler's Ulnses. Sahsbnry WatebnianV' John W. ' Peeler, of Boekwell, stockholder and traveling man for the Boekwell Furniture and Casket Com pany, f& taken suddenly ill with ap pendicitis Friday and was taken to a hospital at Bluefleld, West Va. Mr. Peeler was then on a trip in that sec-, fion in the interest or the company Mrs. Peeler was notified and left im mediately for Blnefield to be with him during his illness. Mr. Peeler's many friends throughout the county hope that -he will Soon be fully restored to bealtb Jp A Pound of aoUL ' Mr! A. M. Cox, of Oeorgeville, pass. ed through the city this morning on his, way to Charlotte wish a pound of troLf which be was taking to the mint. Mi. Afcxathered ihis gold fitiitbe past ten days from che (Jarmond mine, next to the famous Bead mine, in No. 9 township. ' The gold he had is worth about 250. - A rich vein baa. been struck and great things are expected. The mine belongs to the Joel Beed Heirs. ,i , BILL BTZ COTTAGE. Omr Pud How Amount to l23e.M aad to Btta Orowliif . We have today two more contribu tions to our fund to go toward ihe erection of the Bill Nye cottage at the Jackson Training School. Mayor Chas. B. Wagoner gives us $25.00, and another friend, who does not want ins name mentioned adds 12.50. The fund nowatands: : : Mrs. J. W. Cannon....$ 250 J. W. Cannon ,. ...... 25JX Locke Erwin 25.00 Cash . , 25.00 R, A. Brown 'a 6on 25.00 C. B. Wagoner ... .... 25.00 Frank L. Smith .. 15.00 Arthur B. Pounds . 10.00 Cash .... 10.00 a J, Ritchie ... 10.00 P. B. Fetser . ... 10.00 Boys at Training School . . 9.18 Times Tribans . C. W. 8 wink J. F. Honeyentt . ..... Cash 6.00 &00 5.00 5.00 . 2.50 STOBJB SNTEBED. Thief OeU Into Eolahenssr la , fard'e Stora and Steals fiertral At-' . ttdea. . - ' V. The store of Holshouser A Lippard, on Franklin avenue, near the Cannon , mill, was entered last night and a' number of articles of merchandise are missing this morning, eon sitting of men's hose, pocket knives, shirts and candy. . A hole was eut in the panel of the front door and some one extended an arm through the hole and pulled the ebain that holds the doors to gether at be top, causing the doors to open. .From the sue of the hole in the door the entrance was very prob ably made by a boy, as it is too email for a man's arm to go through. ' There is no clue as to who entered the store and the police are now working on the " ease. Mrs. J. H. Lippard, who has been visiting Mrs. M. E. Barrier for a month, left this morning for her home in Dayton, Ohio. Total ..$236.68 OUR CHINA FAMINE FUND. Quite an Addition Hade to It Today. Several dollars were added to our China Famine Fund today. Yesterday we sent to the American Bed Cross Society at Washington a check for $20.00 amount of the fend at that time. We shall forward a cheek every few days as the money is received ,as the necessity is .very urgent and- the sending of the money she i. Id not be delayed. The fund now st'inds: Previously sent . .....$20 00 Mrs..W. C Houston 10.00 iMiss Agnes Howie 2.60 B. T. Lippard . 2.00 Card of Thanks. We wish to express, our heartfelt thanks to the many friends who were so kind to as during the death and illness-of our little 'daughter, : Jessie Ruth. , In sorrow, ; - r w MB. AND MRS. H. 6. WILLIAMS. tee TieTtaes for Job Prlnttaa 10 GET ITS BENEFICIAL EffECTS ALWAYS 6W THE6Et:UL"E AND u . : MANUFACTURED BY THE ' SOLO tV ALL LEADINO 0i S(ZE ONLY. SO A DOTTU Don't miss seeing the Vitagraph Dog and a fine Biograph at The Fas- time today.- - Tomorrow- is Lassoing Wild Animal in Africa. Fill up your tanks and crank up. - ( I an ac- AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed here. .You need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before .'opening count Do so to-day. Our patrons, regardless of the amonnl of business done, re ceive everj courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to as, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. - The Cabarrus Savings Batik. boarding- trains. Senator Baggett l - M. n B. Slack. , of Oreensboro, .hatinA' . . . , ' rung in a substitute to the substitute requiring-the pulling of mileage on trains. . There were a number v of other substitutes offered bat all were voted down and the committee sub- To Little Kathleen, ef Concord. stitnte tot two windows in towns of ,0n wnere W littlTXathleen, spent Sunday here. ;Mt Pleasant,;Mareh 2, 191L' 2,000 inhabitants passed by a vote of 40 to 3. This was ordered engrossed and sent to the House. vl j Primary EiQ Pasesa Second Reading - - .v? foEanate. " ; t :. By a vote of 24 to 17, the Senate paswid on second reading the Hob good bill providing for primary elec tions throughout the State. On ob jection it went over for third reading until Thursday, being set as special order at 10 o'clock. The bill was eon sitWiibly 'modified by amendments striking out Section 17 relating to the uiRlemesnor. charge against a voter participating tn a primary and then . failing to support the ticket of any political Tarty with iwhicn be claimed to be affaiated The amended bill chansres the date of the primary from the 1'rst Tuosday in September to the f r t Tne , lay in Anjust. ', With face so fair and sweet. Who once with flowers of rarest bue Came toddling to my chamber door Her "Uncle Joe" to greeT , , IJ.l..i V.kf.. ' . An' see what goodies we shall see; Easter eggs an' do 'nuts too Dat mama fix np dee' fo' 'oo," What was my little Kathleen f Alasl Alas how time does fly, The child of today is the woman io- .. . morrow, "Miss Kathleen" now- will hardly know, ' - She lives in the memory of. "Uncle ' Joe.".; ' '-. . , '--Good-bye to my little Kathleen. I':-- ;.''. UNCLE JOE, Concord, March 1, 1911. ' Old newspapers for sale at The Timee- . Tribune, office. ", ' ' R. K. BLACK'S . - J;..'. BLACK'8 I 1 . Ladles r Ready-to-Wcar PURE SILK IPONOEB COAT SUITA of excellent onality ; and has many arttstie tonches which will please you - SHANTUNO DRESSES They gin axcellen service- and are a source of pleasure. - j- . - - . - , LONG COATS is lifht weight serge. Taffeta Pongee and Heavy Linen Riding Habits with divided . skirt. . . We can rait you, in any kind of a Skirt from an Altman Voll to th cheapeat wash- skill, :. BLACK. aaaatssaisessslasssssssssasBsssssssssawsssssss - - - IP - Ms! The garments you find here, are made to render :. , a satisfactory eervice. ' ' ,; They are not madaijust to, sell" butto hold Uieir attractive feature? aa long as the garments are in service long and even strenuous service. Tie Gompounfl lDg of medicine is done with absolute ao- eorsey in our Prescription Depart ment, and the quality of all drags . used is of the very highest grade. The ' physician's success in ths treatment . of difficult eases depends on the purity and fieshnesrf of the drugs. ;; ; vV , All Prescriptions filled by a Registered nun. - . . ,M,jk 711 C P E OP LEG: DQU C C O. THE POPULAR PLACE. ' Was!:::cn Xcn-prny Spring fc:ts fcr tlai Codington Carments I w a (i -J ' AreStylbh-a good feature but what is just j as important they hold their stylish lines as long as worn. rrL - i 1U I1UOOCU side of these garments is perfect in t every detail." Nothing has been left undone to in- sure a long and useful life for each and everyone;' bearing the Washington Company label; ' . . " t -