t j Li .STe Price, 49 Cc. i a CONCORD. N. O. SATURDAY. MARCH 4, 1911. amis oopx. i oiiLT! .-;'NO. 203 3- .3 lv....J Li.J LtLL A BI3 ETOPilSE VOTE IS 6 TO . U-SSNT TO BwATE. . a5Aa mnAlJLi CL.a.S - SI - ATOOCX'a cscisro Concord Tsaa Wins Over Wlnsooa Scbool by a Score of 11 to t. .The tmwbH teem of the Concord jratled school journeyed to Cook's etpssing yesterday afternoon tad met Prof. Weddingtoo's segregation of trail towers lepreaeirUng WineeofI 'i CHAT2 Or 110. S. 1L 0013. Well Known Citlxra of Ks. 10 Tows . . ' ship Dies of Pneumonia. ' Mr.,Bobeix M. Boger; died Ui morning at 7:30 o'clock at his borne ta No. 10 township, erter an illness ox one week of pneumonia. Mr. Bogw wae in Concord last batnruay in4 ap peared to be In his usual food health Eonst Passes Bill to Protect Mer : than Primary BUI Special Oriar for 4 O'clock Today Doctor'a Bill Passes House. ,-vV:: Special to The Tribune. ; Raleigh March 4. Although the sixty day expired-today, V adjourn ment' tine die was not even mentioned in the Legislature .To ths astonish ment of everybody, "Connor succeeded in getting the home t pass his Tor rens Land Title Bill, and it was sent to the Senateby a vote of 67 to lL The -'House passed the Merchants Association bill to protect merchants, ' especially these getting goods 4 'on ap proval" The. State primary bill waa set as - a special order in tbe.House at ifoor o'clock this afternoon.' Balance of the session up to noon was consumed in , - - .l.' iin..i v;u which seeks to exact stncter require - ments from applicants and which has been regularly killed every session for the last three Legislatures.' However, - Dr. Kent succeeded in passing it in the House this time. The Senate session waa taken np with the Machinery act. ' "- Dillard, of Cherokee, made formal .speech presenting the usual silver ser vice to the pek&:j ( ' Hartaell Advocated 0-Hour BUL ' la the discussion T&f be 60-hour - labor hill whkhwesj passed last night by the Senate, Senator Hartsell sup ported the JbilL - He declared that, notwithstanding the assertions of the xhooL Tha a-ama ahonndad hi rite. but soon after he reacted Dome that menr. - anthneiaani and htm. The evening he was take iB. Pneumonia WinMff tn mr thai with the an- developed and hia condition- grew Unam iul .nMit hnt wn gradually worse until his death this lacking in the runs, and at the close morning. Mr, Boger waa 60 years of of the contest the score waa 11 to 8 nd ta survived fcy tus wife, who in furor of tha tonal team. 'BUlv" waa Mas ThaHie Browo, and one Weddington, now Professor -Wed- nua w"e oia, ana ioor orotn- Kntrtm. am a nrafeaaional twirhw. ere and three aisters, iMessra. W. B. waa on iho mound for fcia team nd F. P, R. S. nd Dr. D. T. Boger, of ha 11 mna how axaHrv how well K 1 Union ville. and Mrs. Wiftehn, Mr. succeeded in "coming batek." The 9 Howe and Mrs L. P. White, of work of Stroud at second showed that wanoma i ne xunerai wia ne neja he was the ireal elaas of the team and " eetnei tomorrow morning at x eJ .H mnn wnrfc nt rha vimnmtm o'clock and will be conducted by Be. from the city was noticeable. The W. P. McGhee. Mr. Boger waa one of line-no waa as follower- - . the beet eitisens of his community and Wineeoff : Eaxnbardt. lo : Stroud, " oeaiu wm o iwmjr m j. msm 3b; J, Barnhardt,'- rf , Kenley, f ; lor wenje ana relatives ot tmseetion. Qoodman ea; A. Banfteodit c; Patter son. 3b: Scott. If; Weddineton, p. .V : Concord rPatteraon, e; - Wads- worth 2b; Bell, p; Sapp, 3b; Miller If; Norman, ef; Lafferty It; Wood Hendrix, rf. ;- -: O ', -.; Tc Seriona Accidents to Southern Trainmen. Spencer. March 3. -Last sight was bad night for accidents bn the South- era railway, two extra conductors fee- ins run over and eaeh iosiiur a ler at Tha Danvill PoUco-Chlcf Murderer. abtrut .tbe same hour and- at widely In fegafed to the chief of police of different points. While preparing to Danville. Vaj who waa . arrested take a train out of the Spencer yard Thursday for murder committed in E. T. Oausney was caughi under a Georgia 14 years ago, he Danville moving train and his left leg crushed correspondent of tbe Baltimore Sun off and . waa carried to a hospital in ha! tne roUOWing; - . irauuifurj m uvwukw. ' - "He has never been popular, the I - A uign roint ust mgnt, w&iie nnblie eenerallv dislikinar him on ae-l coupling the air hose on southboond eonnt of hi uneontroMalble temper freight No. 708, W. P. Smith, of Spen- and inolination to use a pwtol too oer, was oaugnt under the wheels or freely." - v ....-, Ihiaown train and his left leg mashed 'While hief of Doliee he and sev-lon up to a point anove mm Knee, lie ami other officers, shot tok death a was picked p and placed on north- young man in the tenderloin district bound passenger train No. 38, and t- here. Though exonerated at an urves-iea o vapn&i m ureensDoro. a tsrktkn. tnanv neraona did not think I switch engine dashed into his train, that he was justified. A few dasys causing tha accident. It is thought ago m was fined m the Mayor'a coun vaovu men wui recover. tor laoDinsr a - Drisoner who- had abased fcim. He waa iwaxdal : by Vfrgtoto 'Itof- BookCtak persona who' knew bkn M being dan-1 " No more 'dhtf nl meeting 'pf the p W2 HATE A HAWK And Tom Wan Elm, "Just Step Thla Way, Plaasa." - The Tribune haa been presented with lire real chicken hawk, one with vioafta looking bill and still more vkaofa looking claws. . Mr. A. J. Al len,' -of No. 1 township, was in tbe city 4 his morning and made the presentation. Mr. Allen said that The Standard once owned a chicken -bawk and Mr. Barrier' kept it tied in ene of the windows of the office, and suggest ed that we keep this one in a similar place. We don't doubt that a hawk was tent at. Tha Standard office, but we would like to see the man who has the irowTTure to tie ibis cartieulor hawki ' The prdblem now confronts this 6ffice as to which member of tbe force will be sacrificed by being made to .' a custodiau of the hawk. tHe has bien offered to every one up here. from the devil to the editor-in-chief, and passed up by an of them. . To be exactly plain about the matter, the bawkbas Tbe tribune and Times force-"stood," and if there happens te be; anyone in the cky who has i special fondness for hawks, just come t his, way and he your property. We guarantee to deliver him in good strong box, but Trill not under -any circuoist&acea be held liable for the damage he may do. . ; ' portsniHifiW belie red right now was the opportune time and tbe rdght time to limit the houra .of labor -in eotton mills,, in whose district, he added, there were 2 as many as in any other a nator's dis trict, th possibly : twa. exceptions. "If we ere legiBtdn(f on this subject in the interest of humanity (whioh is the only motive which -justifies us in ' asemg this lew) then no man and no - business ehould be exempt from a 60- . hour law. " Senator ; Basset, preceding the above quoteS sentence, had called at tention to the fact that aotne buei '. nesses require constant" labor and there arc two and sometimes Three ; shifts in the operating force within ' a sun ' aevolution. - ---' - LLEWXAM. rerous when aroused end was feared mrginia - 0ae Boot CSub tas evfer w' etoppiug ulWayeiM -efTKe eutjeet' Of the alternoon Wa horse falling on him while he bed the "Italian ; Art, and excellent papere animal by the reins.. -js;t: were read by-Mrs. ft. A. Brown and "No one in the community nad-me Mrs. J. M. Cook. The guests of hon- slurhtest intimation o the paet record lor Were Mrs. -J. E. Davis and Mrs. of . iheirr chief ox . police. Ha had I Cartenter. v " friend -and mmtarmyt among tthel After the iiterary programme was beta people of the city and mi completed Mrs. Stickley served an ele- church attendant. Strange to say, in-lgant foufucouree luncheon. 'The table 4ead of avoiding he bae eought pub- was prettriv decorated in purple and licity and bis picture haa. been pub- each guest was presented with a beau- liflhed in a number of newspapers. " I tiiul violet brooch. The menu and ev ery arrangement wee superb, and the China Otots News. ... -loccasion waft one which was enjoyed Rnwan Ronrd. - to fha utmost, THE ROOSTERS 'PEACHED. A Hoarse Grow Started Somethini Whicli Aroused the Police. Albig cocking tdkiq was planned for Kansas City last Friday night. One of th j roosters gave the snap away ito toe police. iMen with game cocks were'mesent from Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri. Each man oarried his roosters in sacks, as has been done from time immemorial. The cocking main was planned for lae t night so that -he neighbors near be halt would not know anything about' the Ugh class , entertainment. Bult the roosters were being taken into the b$il one of them lifted up his heHn fche sack and crowed. There upon t rwoflters m ttrty other sacks crowedr Cionstng. the strong arm of the law, which hurried to the scene an4vtjhe jjoek, fighHngvir. Capt. Roberf E. 'Peary at last won recognition fiom the House for ifis discovery of' the pole' The House voted Friday to make him a rear ad miral on the retired list. XAB, B r.rt. BIEDS ' ; . -beat Missiaarppt V aaawaawa North Carolina Oaau Cocks Won 8er- em Out of Xla n4rU. The Anguata Chronkle of Fridar. has the following concerning a cock fight in which Cabarrus people were mtereeted: ' In the presence of about 500 people, assembled about three miles from Au gusta, 24 game eoeka were matched to fight yesterday what was probably tbe biggest chicken main in tbe south since tbe civil war. The fight was to decide the- championship between .North Carolina and (Mississippi. The birds, were of tbe finest breed and were matched onnee for ounce. The main was fought for a purse of si.wu a arte, and eUOU side oet on each fight, the two parties matching their birds to fight to a finish. The North Carolina Mugwumps and Bee Martins proved to be superior fighters to the famous Allen Round Heads of Mississippi winning seven out or tune fights and finishing the main. For four flsrhts the opposing birds alternately won their battles, but the last five were all straight victories for the North Carolina side, although the battle raged fiercely until the decisive sr e finished the bout. -Tour decisive battles,- one run-away and thre count-outs told the tale. North Carolina holding the long end of the struggle. The Mississippi birds have been in Augusta since February 18th, and have been undergoing hard training every day, but they seemed to lack the condition shown by the Carolina fight ers, the latter rising and coming back when they were practically done for. The Carolina birds arrived about February 28th, and received most of their training at home. VUJt wUAJa TAMiSB I V KB. Another Cheek Win be renraraai te the Americas. Red Crew Society Tonight Since our lest cherk was sent Wed nesday to the fied Cross Society for the famine sufferers in China, we bare received 139.00 more, and a cheek for this will be forwarded tonight. The total amount so far received is 59.00. The fund is still open for contribu tor, and the money will be forwarded as long as any is received. Tbe fund now stands : C - Previously acknowledged . ..$17.50 Cash 1.00 Miss Josie Hill ZOO C. M. Boat, Matthews LOO Mia, Eva May Brown 150 Mrs. R. S. Harris LOO A. V. RnMimr. Hlaaa 1 Ml Oaah . LOO Dr. D. O. Caldwell 3.00 Total to date . .$59.00 We have received several eontribu twnes for 'this fund through the mails. All moneys banded to us or sent from any distance will be promptly ac knowledged and forwarded. In our report yesterday we had the name of Misg Victoria Day as Miss Victoria Drv. The North Carolina birds mentioned above were conditioned, by Mr. W. J. t Goodman, of this county, and quite a crowd of the followers of the sport witnessed the fight and returned this morning highly elated over its out come and the other "honors" that go to the winners. " - Other local matter on third page. Train Robbers Who Held Up Ho. So Get Long Terms. Gainesville, Oa,,' March 3.- Oeorsre Anderson, alias "Old Bill" Miner, George ILanford and, J. E. Hunter, accused of being members of the gang which held up the United States last mail, a feouthercn Railway train, near White Sulphur Springs, Ga., on the morning of February 18. were convicted at a special term of the Hall county superior court held here today and sentenced to prison, Anderson for 20 years and IXanford and Hunter 15 years each. , After being sentenced tbe prisoners arose and thanked the judge for not imposing heavier' sentences. - - Henyr L. Myers, a Democrat, of Hamilton, Montana, has .. - been ejected United States Senator to suc ceed Senator Carter on the seventy ainth joint Legislative 'ballot. . A - 1 Appropriations for Stats Institutions , V Shrink in House. : Raleigh, March 3.-The bouse to . night received fromthe appropriations committee passed and sent to tbe senate the general state, appropriation bill carrying $1,607,000 fat etate in stitutions. - - Chairman Turlington, of the appro nriationa eammictee. explained - that the bill allowed only one-fourth of . amounts asked for by the various in stitutions; ' : ' v ' z ''A!"-'! The State University gets $135,000, State Normal $113,000, A. M. col lesre $35,000 and supplemental bill el lowing the department of agriculture to provide $30,000 additional for build. . ing for animal industry r Eastern Car. olina Training school $45,000, tuber culoma sanitarium $22,500. Soldiers' home $30,000 state schools for deaf and dumb $67,000; state hospital at Morganton $195,000, at Baleigh $175, 000. Goldeboro ; $85,000, Stonewall - Jackson Training School $25,000, Ap palachian Training school $13,uuu. . Governor's 8alary 15,000. Raleigh, March 3. The house this afternoon amended the senate bill to raise the salary of the governor from . $1,000 to $6,000, so as to make the salary $5,000, the vote being 48 to 43 ' for the amendment, which was offered by iDoughton. ; Tbe bill then passed ' reading almost without (opposition and was sent to the senate for eoncur- The point was made that extras in tbe way of traveling expenses ana ei . fowannes for nnkeen of mansion and other Duroo made the present ary equivlent to $3,000. Speaker ' Dowd explained that $1,000 Increase would make (the governor's salary equivalent to upwards of $9,000.. : Unlike wine, politicians seldom im- f rove with se. " , TJ ' a - mt iVm. TNnV an Tnat I school house neighborhood who had hi Wife Beater Is Sent te the Whipping leg. broken 'sometime before unnst-l , i . ross. mas is able to be out. He was in 1 Baltimore, Md.,v March -1. The town Saturday. . r vV spectacle was witnessed in the Crimi Moses A. Yost, of the. Ebeneser nal court here today of a white man ehurch neighborhood, was in town yes- who had brutally beaten bis - wife, teraay. ; Jr. xost is quite a pwatu pleading ror mercy with tears stream- raiser. ,;" linrf down hia face when he heard the Mr. A. Stirewalt, who has been Ul laAntnnne nf ft ve lashes at Mi whirminp witlrthe grippe for several weeks, is post and imprisonment in jail. But affain able to beout on the street.. I there was tui mernv because the testi. iRev. C. A. Brown is at the bedside Imonv showed that Frank MeCanlev of hia mother, Mrs. Brown, near Faith, gtruek his wife seven or eight times, wno is quite ui maa uunuy uimvm i enoiang ner and tnen toos . from tier to recover. She is about 75 years bid. more than .$20. - It was the second News from T. A, P. Boeenmn is to Uaotence of a wifeheaier to the Onat tne enect tnai ne is sua uDproviug. . Dy Judge Duffy within a month. a v. w - .1 . . 11 j - . - rTOl. 1 . Xji vvriKUt was o&uea own yesterday morning owning to the in- ; v . Card of Thanks. ness 01 msiainer, jamee nfuh.woo . in ..v n .rnre onr Mr. Wright as kearteU 41iankB M on)p tri9nAa for lives near Enochville. said to be suffcrmg . with heart di- their m kindnesses and expressions on the death of our daughter. - MR. AND MJIS, E. D. HUNTER. ease. Rev. -V, C. Radenhour, of Knoxnlle, who was extended a call to St. Mark's Lutheran church hag advised that he would not be able to accept. ma Sock in Enoxville did not want him to leave them..' "; --" y James 8. Cavin, of Enochville, who recently lost his store by fire, feH last Friday turtle and broke bis tap. Jar. Cavin stepped into. an. opening that leads to the cellar under his bouse, the room being dark and be was thinking of something eke at-the time. : No Bghsr Postaga Now. Waahitiaton, March 3. The Senate this evening passed the poetoffios ap- . I 'll ! II A OKO propnanon oiu carryinir uuuut jo,- 000.000. 'after striking from it the provision increasing to four cents a pound the postal rate on the advertwe- uig sections of tbe large magazines. Postmaster General Uithcock sat in the chamber while the bill was under eondderation and witnessed the defeat of the plan that he had recommended. North Carolina Postmasters Appoint- - sd rtlday. ': The. following North Carolina post masters were named by President Taft Friday: C G. Rosentan, nilbv bono; Hugh Paul, Washington; Wil liam P. Kinf, Windsor; I C Cooper, Nashville; J. M. SUncil, Kenly; and J.'C..?jl Lebeton.' . ' . Honor Boll of Fisher School. Daisy, Mattie, Katy and May Klutti, May, Florence, Maud anld Maxie llsh. er, Minnie Fonts and Bessie Boger,, Hubert and Cletus Kluttz and Odell Carter,' 1 ' - - Marriage licenses have been issued to Mr. James Leonard and Miss Pearl V." Earnhardt and Mr. W. D. Trout- man and Miss Dora Stanciuj . Wi On January 14th we paid off the 14th Series of shares in the Cabarrus B. & L. Association, giving checks .to -the amount of $11,700.-- ." ' . Since that date we have been planning for the opening of the; 27)th Series, which we now an nounce for Saturday, the 1st day of April. Four weeks from r todayj tfaen we start on the new Series to which the people of Concord and Cabarrus are in vited to subscribe.'; Begin with us on the opening day of this Series, stay with us through the 328 weeks of its running and mature shares with us. --.- - From day to day we shall of fer somdthing by way of re- . minder as to the time and place of this new Series selling. Ws will be glad to see those interested any time at our office in Concord National Bank. : . : J. M. HENDRIX, S-g"- Secy, and Trees. Rsmember time and place. - H; L. Parlts Co. r iilf- I AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed v here. You seed not wait until your business has assumed great proportions .before opening an" ac- v ' count, Do so to-day, v : - , " ' Our palrons regardless of the ; amounl of . bueineea idpne, re ceive ever courtesy in all matters . of business entrusted to up, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot pertorm. Tito Cabarrus Savings Bank. An Expert Gutter -and Fitter with 15, years' experience with Kahn Bros., Tailors that sat-: isfy will be with us Friday and Saturday; March 3rd and 4th With a Fashionable Line of f Spring.. Woolens f or TailoreoVto- .Order Suits. -' - -. . -" V - ."v '.' . .(-. :." '0' ! :- "" '.s - ' " ' ". ''''f 7 Five Hundred Patterns from -which to make your -selection. Fit and Satisfaction guaranteed. Affords us pleasure to show you.

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