- t f f - J VOL XXL Prka, 0 Ceita a ITocii, CONCORD. N. a.' MONDAY. MARCH 6, 1911. &l&dxVj, I Center NO. 209 V 11 Hli? nn ii I'LLJ I TO STOP BliDTD TWEES r&OM OPEEATDU TJXDER CLOAK : ...... of clubs. How Adopts Senate Substitute Ho i Vote m tbt Turlington Trust Buster Today House Kill County Audi tor Bill Ten Years la Penitentiary ' for Seduction of Blind or Ltd "v Woman. ' '..,-'.';.. V '.' ' Special Jo The Tribune. ' . v - IUleigh,' March i. The tlub liquor law iu finally enaoted by adopting the Senate substitute for the House bill, and it wu enrolled for ratiflee? It is still lawful to keep individual bottles at dribs and at borne, but the ' .hew law Is designed, to stop blind ti- - jer8 from operating under the eloak .. .v of ehiba. - ..-; -v- ' There was an exciting: scene in the ' I loose when ah attempt was made to reconsider the State primary bill, but -L. it lost out and the primary was buried Jy for the seeond time. - Tbere baa been no rote on the Tur lingtoa Trust Buster today. : The Sen ate considered it bit didn't report. It will take it up again, said Chairman Graham at noon. .'. ' , The' flonae passed ihe bill making if.-' it felony of 10 years in the peni- tentiary for seduction of blind or -' deaf and dumb woman The- House . killed the State Auditor's till' provid- ing for examination of books of all county by two traveling auditors, -one '(the best of Ae-session. It also killed the bit I to make it a Ifelony for v corporations to give money Jo polit ; ical eandidates. '- , Session Hay La Several Day Tat " At he time these linei re written t 'Impossible. to Mate.che-number . or sxtra flays tne uenerei, Assenwiy ..t.... i ii a . 1 fi. . a. 1 r u . .win nno ii neveeimry to ivuwuii iu t jaion. f ,'; . ..,: . : .vTbere are always three croups into j which every legislature may be divid ' . ed at this stage of tbe'sewrion. ; First " those iwbo. are siniBeraly ; pairiotie '-' .enough to iremain without grumbling .". after pay :' rftops until the business which ought to be fully attended to is eeompliahed. Second, those who re- jnain because it is necessary to do ao Cl to preserve a working quorum," and who are continually nagging fhe work ers to get through or they will go - home at once. 'Third, the fellows who are afraid to go borne before the ses-i V sion's work is completed and those - who 4bit the grit" .Saturday nigfai , ""preceding adjournment (provided hey , have succeeded in getting their last day's warrant eashed), because they "' knew there" is no chance for them to . Jever come back anyway,, and hey . would not pay one day's board bill .without ompensatioa from the State ; if there is train to getoui of Ral ; . , eigh on. Obviondy ihe second class i ' ,. b the' worst of the whole layout, for it depends after all on Ithem whether , j. all businesr neeessary to.be done, w aeeomplisbed, or ;only'-' part of the unfinished .work is superficially gone over before adjournment is forced p , on the real lawmakers who-are too few in number , to keep a 'quorum of themselves. ??-ii:y.-'j Death of SUta Primary Senate Bill . . ' Hard Blow.- ' : , 'J that was a hard blow to the advo - cales of ' a StatePrrrqary-'which its . opponents delivered Saturday even . ', ing. Biit the reader may recall the A 'fact that it was asserted witJi some 1 confidence in this eorreapondenee sev eral tkneg recently thai "there is ev idently a powerful influence behind '": the opposition to the State Primary bill or it would have been disposed of sooner." ' So I daim the prophecy ";- and donate the eredi to charity. The 'youthlful senators '! who deserve the : credit , of outvdting the elder -oppo-' nents of ihe measure in the upper - house had a very short-lived victory. But they did not neglect to enjoy it to the limit while it lasted. - -After the boys serve a few" more terms they will gei'wise to the fact , that when Grandpa Ooughton sets his . night-stick out and goes after a re- ereant claimant for legislative degrees, - Uiere is almost sure to be a death in . the freshman class, "" , - , Possibilities tOnni ' Accidents , and ,i - . ;.", ." .-: Oversights, - v About the tamest thing of any pre " ensions during the whole session was the little incident in the Ilouae when , the f anti-trust WU' drawn by Attor '.'. ney-Oeneral Bickett and presented by Tiirlinjjjton in a very brief speech went . through the required formalities. Af i ter it bad several bad leaks repaired suoh lawyers as Connor and Dough- ton nd even Turticgtoa himself ter be exantioed the baby more close-1 ly) it went toddling along to the Sen-! ate lor. - "oneurrDce" ahnoM ss noiselesBly at Ihongh the great big bass drum bill of the season had not been attended to at aH. Nobody seem ed to ears enough about it to vote against it and that is a pretty aura sigriShat it is as bannlew sn infant as the late "pink tea" baby, provided this new one in the Senate knocks the other little fellow into the grave pre pared for it. its little (eeunea con sists of dollar marks entirely but tbere are ten thousand of them and now the State can enforce it if it is an effective" one. It f. is not some lawyer .in favor with the governor eaa help out solicitors and get the pick- mgsr tAnd that something, surety, either way yon look at it. . ' ' LLEWXAM. PZ&S05AL loamoir. Soma of the People Sen aid Else- where Whs Oomo and Oe. Mr. . H. Cole, df Rockingham, is a visitor in the city today. ,. - ' Mr. Oeonre 8. Eluttx is sDendimr the day in CTiarlotte on business. : Mr. F. J. Haywood, Jr is confined torhis home today with the grippe. Mrs. R. 8. Busbee, of Raleigh, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Louis A. Brown. Miss IMWttie Lents has returned from a visit to relatives in Danville, va. ' Hon. W. R. Odell has gone to Fort Mil lto attend .the funeral of Capt. wrhite, - . Miss ' Mary Fry, of Orensboro, is expected tonight to visit Miss Shirley Montgomery. . . ' Mr. J. Dexter Petrea, who has been at Toyah, Texas,' for -some time, is now at El Paso. " - Mrs. S. H. Wiknoth. of Yadkin county, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. L. Hutehins. , . ' " Mr. and Mrs. H. J.' Johts will ar rive this afternoon to visit relatives in the ity for several days. tMrs.;Dftvia and Mrs. Rankin, of Salisbury, spent yesterday bere., the guests of MiJennie iMaxwel , - iMrs. Hovey, who"vad beefl vnitktgi ber brother, Mr. T, T. Smith, has e- turned to her home in Spartanburg, Mr. Ray Lents returned yesterday from Salisbury where he spent several weeks : with his gutter Mrs.. 11. V, Harwood. ,- , ,, . f 'Mesdamos H. .C Ivey and J. A. Ritchie., of New London. will arrive tomorrow to visit at the home of Mid C('M. Ivey. Mr. Karl M. Cook, of Winston-Sa lem, passed through Concord Satur day on his way to 'Mt. Pleasant to visit has father, Capt. Jonas Cook. ; - . Mrs. Geo. H. Rutledge returned Saturday afternoon from Richmond, where ehe had been for some time with Mr. Rutledge, who is in s hos pital there. . . . ' Senator and Mrs. Hntsell arrived Saturday from Raleigh. Senator Hartsell returned to Raleigh ; this morning to attend the closing session df the Senate. '''iJHtr?.V-i''i,-' V' t Building -and Loan Associa tions have been popular with the, American people aver since this form of saving was first proposed. The plan was rapidly ; perfected and works most ad mirably being equally helpful to all who take advantage of its offered opportunities. Wherev er one Hvis, regardless of how jnuch or how little one may be able to save,' no. better -saving-scheme is to be itAi'V . Adapted to the great cities and financial centres, it ia equally adapted to the small communi ties where thrifty people ap preciate saving j Wisely, econo. tnically and honestly managed, the local building and loan, as sociations have been in i most practical way helpful to the peo ple of Concord. : These things we claim for the Cabarrus as results prove. . " There is certainly a reason'. Ask those who know., NEW SERIES APRIL' 1ST. -?v-..S''vv6r',ul4 Treat...,-' . . !.'.. . . ., . ... ... ...... . . 1 '' ' " .. ' ' ... In Concord National Bank. BUS a ;! O0XCLC3 ADJOC2LX3. Extra Session Called so lfeet April Closing Scenes of tha Congress. Washington, March 4.- The Sixty- first Congress, heedless of one of the moat important legislative tasks set before it eame to an and shortly af ter noon today. Within the hour fol lowing President Taft had issued a proclamation calling the new Con gress to meet in extraordinary ses-j sMn at noon Tuesday, April 4. At that time be will submit for ratifica tion to a House overwhelmingly Dem- 01 and a Senate barely Repobli endTthe reciprocity. agreement with Canada.- :' .:V v ;'J" How.lone the extra " session, wHl last is problemaitieaL .While the new Congress may promptly ratify the re ciprocity agreement oma Demo crats are in favor of withholding. eonftrmation until two or three new tariff schedules are ready f tariff difference should' arise between . the new House and the Senate, the sion unquestionably would, be along one. .";' -. .-.,;!-; The -' old Congress ,. ended asaid scenes or extraordinary excitement and uncertainty. In the House the disorder at times daring the elosing hours, when the sueeessiful filibuster. against the tariff board bill was-m progress, became almost a riot. . , . itepresentstive Johnson, . of '.Ken tucky, glaring angrily ' at Speaker Cannon,, shouted, above the general roar of eon fusion, a challenge te the effect that but for the Speaker's gray hairs he would carry ihe wordy dis agreement to a more serious conclu sion. f:' ... ''. V '.-i.'; The Sneaker, his epane gray bait i i i ' . . i i . ... . unmiiDg in nis rage, ueciarea wiiu's vacioas blow of his gavel on the dealc that no member need let his age be a bar to anything they had to offer. The House stood up and cheered. The Sulloway v enaon hill was called up,' but there was a disposition to prolong eoneideratiri, and Seott, (Kep W. Va.,) withdrew it, Uius end ing the last chance for its passage at this session.- i , m ' :. " -- i.-: Lodge (Rep., Mass.) said it would add 1440,000,000 to the Government's expenditures wi the next 1Q years and: would necessitate new . forms of taxa-J tion." 1 ' ' ,l- . -a -i tion, . Senator Josepfli'.W,Bailey added to the excitement and" to the extraordi nary episodes eurrouoding the - ad journment" of Congress by - resigning ms ofttoe a Senator from .the State of Texas, and a few hours later with drawing his resignation. Other Schools Contribute to the Bill Nye Fund. The following schools have reported collections for the Bill Nye Fund since our last announcement t Shinn .;l..-.......C....$ Pinnacle, in No. 11 ...... 1J50 1.20 .67 1.50 .25 .75 3a 10 Hickory Ridge, No. 11 Mill Grove ........ .... Flat Rook "Mored(No; Kan kin school teacher !.... Liberty Ridge ..l";........ Hartsell Mill (additional con.). Rmvn mill ' '. J5 15 Brown mill An error in the amount contributed by the EaatfleM school in Wo 3 only snowed this school as conBnbuting 19 cents., it should have been 65 cents. - Cline-Roseman. Mr, Adam A.. Cline, of the firm of Cline Bros. Co., of Concord, was mar ried Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock to Miss Hattne Roseman, of South Row an. : The bride is a daughter of Mr. J. M. Roseman. The ceremony: was performed at the St. John's parsonage by Kev. J. J. Long, in the presence of a few friends. , After the ceremony the bride and eroom went to the home of -the Tatter's father, Mr. M. L. Cline, where a dinner was given in their honor, Mr. and Mrs. Cline will soon go to housekeeping in Mr. Wade (June's house on East Corhan street ' ,Mr. and Mrs. Critz haveresigned as operators at the Postal office here and. left Saturday for Fort 'Worth, Texas. - Mr. Ernest Rogers, of Greens boro, is now manager of the office. ' Mrs. -ML , B. Stickley will entertain a number of friends at dinner this evening. 7s AS WELL welcomed until your 00 'count Do Oat patrona, regardless of the ceire every courtesy iu an uiuiicru ui uuoiucoo cuuuoiou w uo, and there is nothing in Bale banking'we cannot perform. Tlio Ccbarrm DEATH OP 13. B. L. lfcALLOTES. Prsadnent Citkea of 1ft Pleasant Passed Away This Morning at 0'cJock. Many friends in Concord were pained this morning to bear of the death of 'Mr. Kobert McAllister, who died at 6 o'clock at his home in Ju. f leasant after an illness of about two weeks. Mr. McAllister was at first 'seised with a heart ftroubR and on last . Thursday was sbrioken with pa ralysis. ' biooe tben it tad been ao- parent'that bis death' was only a question of a few days. Several Con cord friends went down yesierdev to see him,' and! .reported his condition as precarious indeed. . ' Mr. MaAllister, had he lived a few weeks, would have b en 48 yean of age. tie leaves his wife and six children, nve sons and one daughter, namely; Harvey, Lee, Ben, Everett, Brown and Mabel. Me leaves also two brothers, and hve sksters, namely: I'rvT. ii. F, McAllister, of the Collegiate Institute, Mr. j. a. AUcAJUster, Kegister of Deeds. Mrs, W. N. Misenheimer. IMrs. J, F. iMisenheimer, Mrs. D. D. Bar rier, Misses Maggie and Emma McAl lister. iMtss jusggie iMcAiiister is a teacher in the High Point schools, and eame home Saturday to be at the bed side of her brother. Mr. MeAllister'sl widow is a sister of Mrs. M. L. Bitch-1 anan, of Conteord. . ; Mr. McAllister had been a resident of Mt.- Pleasant all his life. He was a, son of Hod. HL C. McAllister, and a contractor and brick mason by trade. He waa a man of energy and ability, and had the contracts for the erection of many of the largest brick buildings in .this section of the State. He was superintendent of construction on the government building now being erect ed here.,. , : ' The funeral service will be conduct ed tomorrow morning at 'Holy Trinity Lutheran church, of which Mr. McAl lister. "was a member, and the burial will take place in he Lutheran cem etery. The hour for the funeral ser vice will be 10 o'clock. 3r$Mtk of Capt S. E, WUte. Capt. S. E. White died at the home of his son-in-law, Mr. Leroy Springs, at Lancaater, S. C, last Saturday night at 9 oVlook. tie had. been in deeUnrnn health for several years, but was seldom- confined ' to- bed. Three' weeks ago he waa taken ill and com pelled to give up. He was 77 years of age, and was the last of bis family. He married Miss Esther Allison, a daugh ter of the late Esq. R, W. Allison, of Concord, and (was a brother-in-law of Mrs. f. M, Odell and Mr. J. P. Allison. Sheriff Wallace Sounds vp the Chicken Fighters. It is reported here today that Sher iff Wallace, of Mecklenburg, rounded up about 25 would-be chicken fighters in that county yesterday , (Sunday). They had arranged to have a main about 7 miles from Charlotte yester day and the sheriff got wind of it. Out of the 50 people present he got half of them. tr trt Qoumit, or wrarr-oww s aitaawt jeeoutrt WITH TBM HON it . roo rlso Nictt- MT TO MJr OH HAND-lViT tAW DAILT XHt JHOUNt NUDFDi WHtTUn. , ITI A HQOtlHOLD JCCOONT o roa tauHUrwota CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital 1100.000 , ' Surplui Sfr Per Cent. Interest Paid Deposits, on Time AS LARGE ONES ARE here .You "need not -wait business has assumed great i r is' proportions before opening j an c so to-day. amount ojf business done, re- Savings Dcnlu OUX CHIXA TAXKKE TWD. Ktnerona Contrfbntions Mads to It ' Slaee Oar Last Xaraa. ; Our China Famins Fund grows apace. On Saturday we sent a cheek for $39.00. making fiO.OO sent in all. The fund now stand r- ,. Previously sent . j9.00 Miss Jemima Eagle 1.00 LOO 1.00 .60 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Min Maggie Eagle ... Johnnie Ooodmeii Mrs. L. J. Sapp Mrs. W. L. Morris . Prof. A. S. Webb Cash . Miss Lena Hams A. W. George. Elki. ... ; . Junior Miriams, First Presby- . terian ehureh ... ... Mrs. W. L. Hutehins Rev. W. L. Hutehins Mrs. a H. Wilmoth 1.00 0 LOO 1.00 Totsl to date.;.... $ 73.00 The Southern Commercial Congress in Atlanta. . :' The Southern Commercial Congress will be held in Atlanta on Wednes day,' Thursday and Friday of this week.' Several people tfrom Concord will attend. The railroad rate from Concord to Atlanta and return is $8.90, and tickets will be on sale on the 5, 6 and 7, good returning until March 20. Among the guests at the Congress wiH be the following governors: J. T. Sanders, of Louisiana; Wood row Wil son, of New Jersey; Augustus E. Wil son, or Kentucky; Ole U c lease, or South Carolina; Emmett O'Neal, of Alabama; E. F. Noel, of Mississippi, and Joseph Bsown, of Georgia, - Colenel -Roosevelt wnl be the guest of Atlanta on Thursday and President Taft on Friday. , V Missionary Campaign. The Missionary Committee of Forest Hill Mehodist church baa inaugurated the "every member campaign " for Missions for the month of (March. This it to be missionary month and a con tribution will be solicited from every member. Dr. Boyer, the missionary secretary, will address the congrega tion the first Sunday in April. Mr. J. F Shinn, the district kader, is ex pected 10 speaa: next punuay nigni.- lm Spviig The garments you find here are made to render a satiafactorj eervice. ' ' They are not made "jast to fell'but to hold . : their attractive feataw-is irg as the 'garmentTare in service long and evert strenuous service. , I Kington . C Comp-ny , . Uk Spring " MM,: 1! IV llir I Val .IS '..Are Stylish a good feature but what is just as important they hold their stylish lines as long as worn. The "unseen" side of these garments Is perfect in eve7 detail. Nothing has been left undone to in sure a long and useful life for each and everyone bearing the Washington Company label.- , ' ' '' OUB BILL NTS TXTXD. Tern Dollars Added to Ik Today ky Mr. O. A. Cook. (Mr. Chaa. A. Cook is the latest con tributor to our Bill Nye cottage fund, and the fund now stands: Mrs. J. W. Cannon ..i 25.04 J. W. Cannon J. Locke Erwis Cash - . .... 25.00 23.00 25.06- 25.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 ' io.oo ; , . 10.00 . 918 6.00 ". flLOO - R. A. Brown's Sons , C R Wagoner . Frank L. Smith Arthur B. Pounds : Cash . a F. Ritchie ' P. B. Fetter .. C. A. Cook . . Boys at Training School Times :T ,. ' , Tribune a W. Swink J. F. Honeyeutt Cash . Totsl ... ,..r24o.08 Senate Confirms Appointment of Ram say as Postmaster at Salisbury. - Salisbury, March 4. Mr. James H. Ramsay, who waa appointed Thurs day a postmaster for Salisbury, re ceived a telegram from Senator Over man this morning notifying him that be was confirmed by tb Senate this morning at 4 o'clock. He will ar range bis bond at ones - and . take charge of the office just as soon as his commission arrives, probably th lat ter part of next week. . ' . Committees Appointed. The following committees have been named by the Westminster League of the First Presbyterian church for the week's meeting to be held from Sun day, Mardh 26th to April 2nd, ineliK siver ' Program J. F. Hurley, Misj May White and Miss Zeta CaWwelL - Music Misses Lucy Lore, Rose Har ris, Mary 'Morrison. ,' " - Entertainment F. C Nibloek, Mrs. Lucia Parks Stephens and Miss Kate Nicholson,? - . ( s Finance-W. W. Morris, J. F. Good-, son and Miss Lena Leslie. . Chief Usher Howard Caldwell. v ' Oashington Garments 6.00 8.00 ... 2J50 m

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