rn? t Kj 4 k 1.1 rric. j c -'- r .-X CONCOPJXN. a TUESDAY. I.IAIXII 7, 1911.- Had orr. ota, NO. 201 r LI M 0 IEZ UAT ADJOUIIX TCXIOET Oft TO- Chili Labor BiU . Again Killed Frtmary and Anti-Trust BQIi Again Discussed Presentation of . Gifts to Eouea Officials. . - Special to The Tribune. - .Raleigh, N. C, March 7. Despite : daily predictions from new prophets, there will be no adjournment "of the Legislature before tonight" and pos sibly tomorrow. ;.'.? S - In-the Houee anther attempt to ' pu the ehild labor billvwaa killed. ' On motion of Pethel the sixteen-year r- limit bill reported by the eommittee i today was. tabled.' V . . C .'r In the Senate Hobgoods new State primary bill and the Turlington bill ' : (accompanied by Substitute bill of Jn- . dieiary eommittee) were the leading ,: subjects of interest, but both were late getting into the firing line." Pres ' .; ehtation of gifts to House officers was ' a feature today. ' seted by their Iw-tukier. ' The MW8f5r men. referred -to were' Mears. Lamb, Alvin Ilorton and Max well Gormen,- the latter being the representative at the eepitol of this paper and a number of other State pa pers; Mr. Ilorton serving the Baleigh ewa and tm server and Air. Lmmb the Baleigh evening paper and some others. : The feeling of good will and good fellowship throughout the evening ses sion was most marked. . Hobgood Trias Again for State Pri- . -. . ry. ' Late last night Senator Hobgood whose State Primarr biB was killed in the Bouse by a large majority last week, again presented the btll anew with some changes this time the bill applies not to county officers or Con gressmen, but does include all State executive, legislative (including TJ. S. senators and judicial officers, etc.) Aiier strong ana successful ontto- svnon to immediate consideration the bill was referred to the eommittee on Election Laws, and went over until today, when it is formally reported back by the committee. The chairman of the Election Laps (London) is one 01 me acuve promoters ox toe primary plan and he notified the members of bis eommittee of a meeting to be held specially to consider the resurrected Hobgood bill. Senator Green : de clared be would support a bill pro viding for election of U. S. Senators by State Primary alone. - . , LLEWXAAL House Passes Mileage Book Window Special to The Tribune. ' ftaleigh, Marcfi 7.-2 :30 p. m. The ' Senate refused immediate considera tion of the ne Primary bill, and then took up toe Senate Judiciary commit tee substitute for Turlington (House) trust bilL Graham explained differ- . eneeg ,aid Bassett opposed sections of Turlington 's bill, but approved that 1 1 which allows appropriation for proes- eeutiou. Harisell followed Bassett, X) voring, the eommittee anbetitute and pointing, out v the objections to - the r Turlington bffl. . VC" .-. .''33iUeuee--thW-jaiQ pasted; the .mileage book window, bill, which requires two windows in- towns' of 2,000 or over. Trust bills still being ""argued in Senate.- .. ;- - : Baleigb, N. Msreb 7. Among ; the bills which fell by the wayside last evening was the Banking Bill, intro duced by Gen. Jule Cany at the ia , stages of the State Bankers' Asso ciation. Among its provisions was one limiting the minimum capital of state banks and fixing it at $10,000. ; But the House tabled the bill along with many Where, .The "Medical Bill" which ' the State Medical Association promoted caused a lengthy discussion, bnt the Senate passed it after two hours of debate without amendment, although several amendments were urged and defeated. It amends the public health laws and provides more stringent reg ulations governing the establishment of water sheds of municipal water works, and enlarges the powers of the 1 State Board of Health, also provides for the prompt financing of efforts to spprea. epidemics of diseases when incb-oeenr.'.',Vsv The bill concerning leaf tobacco statistics mml to tbe table for elec- 5 trocution in tjhe Senate. ' j ' " ' The Machinery ' Aet- and Revenne Acta were agreed to finally by the ' conferees and -those important meas- ,. ures were ratified last night.! It;in - eludes Senator Boyder 'e amendment designed to make peripatetic peddlers, ! posing g "merchants " and -requires .jill such to pay- the regular annual merchants' tax, the same as the regu lar borne merchants against whom they compete, ' ', '- . - y Two thousand dollarg were appro " priated for the rebuilding of a build ing at the Oxford negro orphan asy Jum, recently burned ,the amount to ; 'be paid by the State treasurer No vember 1, 1912. :: ": Business was interrupted last night in order to make way for the speeches of presentation and acceptance aeeom pamying the usual foimalities when gifts are presented, to the officers of the two houses. In the Senate (Pres ident Newland having been presented with a silver service last Saturday evening) handsome gifts were last flight presented to Speaker pro' tern J'harr,; another to Lieut. -Go v. New lnnd; to Sergeant-at-arms Staley to l.i-auing Clerk Squires.' - C ; ; ;. Senator Boyd en, df Rowan, arose and moved that a ming vote of thanks be extended to the Senate newspaper reporters "three of the hardest orked and most conscientious and capiible mn who have been connected with the work, of this General As sembly, for their fair end Sccurate and intelligent work wliih has kept t'.e whole f'e of North Carolina jo 1 c tho daily business trans- Vile Whiskey Shipped to Winston. Winston-Satan JonrntaL . ; : - District Attorney A.'' E. Holton. at the. request of the United -r States de partment of agriculture, on Thursday Mint to Washington for analysis sam ple or the cheap whiskey that is be ing shipped into North Carolina from Virginia knd other States. This par ticular sample came from Virginia end was retatfed at im - So particularly vile is this whiskey said to be that it is thought to have actually silled three men in this eity. Similar requests, it is said, have been sent to all the prohibition states. and ft'u understood that this is the Mgunung oi s crusade against im pure whiskey being shipped under the interstate commerce, laws. .This icomea under theTfta3 oTTfieirrfr food, nd drug 'act. I u claimed xhat great deal oc the whiskey that is shipped inte North Carolina, is adulterated, and it is the purpose of tbe department of agricul ture to put a stop to this. Especially is it true, that the cheaper grades of whiskey are adulterated, though it is stated, that upon examination recent ly a shipment of what was supposed to be, the finest sort of Kentucky li quor costing $8 per gallon, was found o be very much adulterated. more than 80 years, and possibly long er than that. The old fork on which the pots were bung in the olden times is Still hanging in the fire place and is known to nave been in use lor more than 110 years. . They own mule, which is doing good work, that is. known to be 47 years old. They are not much on style or Easbion, but just to be in line a score or more years ago they botagbt a box of matches, and the box i8 still fuJL ' These good people buy nothing which can be made at home or raised on the farm, and are setting this gen eration a good example. vV;-'"'v. , TUX DrnS,raSAX IZ17Z. Contract for Construction of rirst -. -line Awarded Monday. Charlotte, N. C, March ' 6. The contract for the first link in the big intemrbaa line to be constructed by the Southern Power Company was let this afternoon to Stewart m Jones, of Baltimore. , The knk will run. from Charlotte to King's Mountain, a dis tance of thirty-five miles, and the eon tract calls for its completion in 120 working day. , The bid was (400,000, There will be a one-t er-cent compen sated, grade and 80-poond rails will be used.. The line will run via Mount Holly and Gastonia, The contract for the next link, from King's Mountain1 to Greenville and Greenwood, J. C, via .Anderson, a distance of sixty miles will be let the latter part of the week. It is proposed to complete and put in operation the entire Una from Charlotte to Greenwood, 6. G, before work on the northern end oi the sys tem, from Charlotte to Concord, Salis bury, Greensboro and ; Durham, is started. '. But it is expected tfiat the entire system will be in operation within two years. J. Bi and B. N. Duke, tie tobacco magnates, are the heaviest stockholders in the 'onthern Power Company, Former Concord Man Bobbed in - Charlotte. ' The Charlotte Obberver of today has the following concerning a for mer Concord man, Mr. Ed Lady, . of sabetniry. who formerly toad a posi tion at the passenger station here, and who is a son oi Mr. John Lady, of JNo. 1 township; Drugged by an unknown companion who placed him in a hospital and ttien departed With h victsm's valise,'-Mr. Edgar Lady, of Concord, awoke yesterday afternoon an the Presbyterian hospital to find that bis belongings bad vanishutt and that he had only a solitary robe de nuit in wtfich to fight the battle of life. Who the ebber was be knoweth not, neith er does any other jnan know save that one- himself.. Mr. Lady; had not fully recovered last night from the effect of the drug which,-bad been given him and did-not have aoythine like a com Ebasqjwsat)ep he evets-trf lae itie came to this oity yesterday - on the forenoon train.' Either on the train or here be met v the Stranger who MtweenJ and 1 o'clock, bail ed hack driver on College street, near the bagle drug store, and. hav ing hired the hack, brought bis com panion from somewhere, inside the building and told the driver to go to the Presbyterian hospital, He was duly placed therein for treatment for an injured foot which vim patient said he had nurt by jumping from a box cor. The foot bad really been hurt at some vast time and doubtless, was giving him pain. After seeing that Mv Lady as comfortably located, his companion picked up the tatter's valise and walked out of the room. He was seen no more. There waf about $20 in the portmanteau. tMr.- Lady has relatives in Con STXTAGAET-T . ' , e::i.:;,;tT ectcutt. 1. B. Osbon float for $200,000 for raise Arrest Chertf Eoaeyentt't Rutemsnt. '. J. B. Oeboro . has entered - salt against Sheriff Honeycntt for $200.00, alleging fake arrest. Osbors laima that Sheriff Honeyeutt arrested bin and forced him to pay $15.00 special tax for enlarging pictures, when be was not liable for the tax. . i ' , Sheriff Honeyeutt stated this morn ing that be bad never arrested Oeboro for not psving sueb a tax, bat that be ma collect the tax and that be bad jrefaoded same. JJp to the noon honr the papers in the ease bad not been served, owing to the fact that the law requires that aH papers served on a -sheriff shall be. served by the coroner, and niis omce it vacant in Cabarrus. It .will be necessary for the Clerk of the Court to appoint a coroner for this purpose. . ; . -, ;. - Sons Largs Contributions Added te It Today.--. ;. Our Chine, Famine Fnnd'oow amounts to $95.50. Of this $59.00 bee already-been forwarded, and a check tor the balance goes to the Bed Cross Society today. The following are the names of all wbo have so far contrib uted to tbu food: ' Cash .. U."...l.....$ 8.00 Mrs. J. E. 8 moot , Rev. J. J. Eeds Cash . Farmers Union to Handle Fertilisers . A,, M . - m war ouppuse, . 1 The Farmers' Union of this eonntv $as rented - the old Presbyterian church building in rear of tie city ball, and as soon as the improvements, Which are now under way, are com pleted they win open for business. The Union will sell tertiExer princi pally, although they contemplate sell ing other supplies soon, provided a sufficient demand is made for them. The business will be in Charge of Mr. Oeorge C.Uagler, business agent of tie county organisation, and Mr. A. tb Sappenfield. -: The busSnesa wiH probably open to the public the first next week, .; COSaTT KATTESJJ.. ., Very little Except Koatine BasUsas Battermeat Association Calls ftr Kem- y Every woman in Concord interested in the civic improvement of Concord is invited to meet at the graded school building Wednesday afternoon ' at 3:30 e'clook. At this time the Wo- aaV Betterment Association (will effect its organization and hopes to enlist vat least ' one hundred names. Bere is absolutely no membership fee '.the women. We want yodr sym pathy and intelligent . co-operation. (a ed4a give. lOoth, wi miUbaJ Times and Tribune ..., Mrs. J. C. Gibson ' E. C. Puryesr Mrs. E. C. Turner ' Mrs. W. C. Houston -. Miss Agus Howie . T. Lippard . 'Miss Boss Phifer Mrs. Kate Noell ., . . Mrs. N. D. Fetser Miss Mary McCartney , Geo. H. Cline Miss Victoria Day .... Cash ..... . Miss Joeic HiU C. M. Bost, Matthews Miss Eva May Brown ..... Mrs. B. S. Harris .... ... A. F. Bolding, Glass .. . iCash' ......i......... Dr. D. G. Caldwell - Woman's Missionary Society, West Concord Baptist church Dr. W. L. Esell ... ... Miss Jemima Eagle ...... . liss Maggie Eagle Johnnie Goodmcn ....... Mrs. L. J. Sapp ......... . Mrs. W L. Morris ...... Prof. A. S. Webb ....... Cash ... . Miss Lena Harris .......... A. W. George, Elkii Junior Miriams, First Presby terian church: .j..it... .Mrs. W. L. Hutcbine ........ Rev. W. L. Hutcbins Mrs. S. H. Wilmoth.... .. Cash Woman's . Foreign . Missionary , First Presbyterian -ehurch... - The condition of Mrs. E. C. Wagoner, who is ill at her home on Depot street, is very much improved today. ; 2M L00 4.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 2.50 2.00 .2.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 L50 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 8.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 M 1.00 1.00 150 6.00 Total J: isso Other local matter pa third page. The board of county eommissioners - held their regular monthly tneerfnr Monday. Very little business other the usual routine came before the board. - The following are among the orders made: W. A. Barringer presented bis bond a road supervisor of No. 8 township which was accepted and ordered re corded. - -- Mr. M. F, Teeter eppeared before y the board and stated that the matter of the National Highway near Her- rburg would be dropped and pro- eeedings started anew. .- That the clerk notify Jame M. . Holshouser, of Rockwell, N. C, that a bearing of the matter of the road from G. S. Klutts's to the Bowan line will come up at the next regular meeting of the board, Holshouser to plant no s , crops on the land under dispute. - That the matter, of the Brantley Kananpolis road be left open until next meeting to hear any objections. . . . That Superintendent Ervin go down ' . and look ever the Martin Boger road and report best routs to board at the -next meeting..' That survey and profile be made of " old and new roads in No, 6 township ' st Buffalo' creek. ' j., That the bond df R. D. Wineeoff. - constable of No. 4 townhsip, be ac- ' eepied and recorded on the records. " Twa persons Lose Their lives in Burning HotaL . - , . Carthage, (March 6. Two ' guests ' ' lost their livest score narrowly es- ' eaped deach or serious injury and a .. property damage of $30,000 was tus- - - tained by a fire early this morning de stroyed the beautiful new tourist bo- ' tel, "Loch Crystal,", at Lakeview, a : resort about eight miles from this place. The dead are: , Mrs. Anna M. Barnes, of New York, . Mrs. G. C. Pettis, of New Haven, ' Conn., who died from injuries after a heroic rescue by her son. : . '" '' - There are. many things, that; look nicer than' the dinner, dashes on ) the -kitohen table the, next morning. , , - -n f Fir Has Been Burning In One Home - for 80 Tears. - - Mr. J. C. Wrenn tells tbe Roxboro Courier of a remarkable family. Their name is MeKees, living in. Orange oeanty, near Little iRiver church, and. by the way, among the very best peo ple to be found, who, he says, navchad the same fire in the fire place fori cord, is said to belong to a family well-known, there and is in no need, but be didn't like the idea of beim euchered out of his money. ' . Bainy Weather Promised.- ' . Washington, March 5. Indications are that the coming week will oe one of moderate . temperature with considerable cloudiness and well-dis tributed precipitation, according to the prediction of Che weatner bureau. The principahdlsturbance to cross the United states during the, week is now off the Worth -raeme coast, wbence it will move east weard, cross ing the middle West Tuesday and Wednesday and the Eastern States by Wednesday. - This disturbance will be proceded by rising temperature and acompanied by general precipi tation. It will be fallowed by a change to colder weather in northern and central districts from the. Rocky mountains to the Atlantic coast dur ing the latter part of the week. ,, . The Sororla Clnb. r. The Sororis Jub was delightfully entertained . last Saturday afternoon by Mrs. Richmond Reed. Th pres ence of Mrs. J. A. Cannon, an honorary member, added much to the pleasure nl Those present. - The programme was as follows: (Roll Call, ; Responses ' ' Literary and iMucational Items." .-. Beading- "University Life in Hoi land," Un. Morris.- " ... Paperi-' 'Physical ' and Intellectual Developments in Nederland," ,i Miss uara Warns. , Beading' ' A Trip Through Hoi land," Mrs. Ritchie. ' .- Salisbury ' Post : Mr. ' Caldwell Propst, of Concord,- an experienced pharmacist," wbo has been with the Parke-Dans Company, of New York, for some time, has accepted a position with Tbeo. Kluttx ft Co.. of this city. . v. -1 ' Another Buinmsge Sale. The ladies of Central Methodist church will have another rummage sale j Inert Saturday, lasting all day. They will have the sale in the store roont next to the Citizens Bank and Trust Co., recently vacated by the Cline Bros. Co. They will bave men's, women's, and children's clothing and many useful things for sale. jf in r. Have You Seen The Annual Statement of the Cabarrus Building and Loan Association for 1911 T . We would be glad to show it to you. It shows among; other thins : V - : . -;' ' ' ' ' .1 ' -'. ?' '' ' '": '--- .u .-.v, " ; -7 ';.,..'-';,.. v.. ; . A very low expense account, 2,528 shares in force. ' Over 300 shareholders. L Over $100,000 loaned to shareholders. - - - Over $66,000 disbursements. Over $12,000 surplus. . - t ' ' ' AndVvery item reflects cred it, proving the Cabarrus an in stitution worthy of the in creased patronage it is receiv ing. Come in at once and let ns show or tell you anything yon may desire. ' J. K. HCTDEIX, L Secy, and Treas. r r' ? . The 27th Series opens Satur day, Aprtt let - ' i SSI AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed here. You need not wait until your business has assumed greit proportions before openinz in ac count. Do so to-day. Our patrons, regardleea of the amoonl of buotness done,' re ceive every courtesy in all mattera of business entrusted to as, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform. , - - 1 TV y 0 . 0.y - f ' Gov? The garments you find here are made to render ; a'satisfactory service. - t . -f . ' -'. , , . ' .ft1 t, They are not "mad, "iostto Bell" but to hold their attractive featorea V hvg as the garmeutire in aervice -long and even Btrenuous service. . ...'..'i V -...'.. S'::ls fcr Lien ,'-,. Garments ' ' ;''V :f Y; -;'- '''' 4: r- 'v'' :.''S,y:- :V'-::K;-.:-. ': -j '-V.i; ,. V,-.-!,;t''....',V .J.'""'. '.::'i ''.-S.4i , . '' ,i,. , v',v"'j'. ,: . ''., f " -Are Stylish a good feature but what is just as important they hold their stylish lines as long as worn. . . The "unseen" iade of these garments is perfect in; ' every "defailv Nothing has been left undone to in: sure a long and useful life for each . and everyone 1.1 bearing the Washington Company label.; ; - J ; EI La IT . . J 1' Co?

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