IV. i ... j L...LY La.. ti.vor sad Proprietor, Local Tl;-n, K ft, StfBSCEHTIOS IA.TES. On Tw r-----r ..HM Pis' niorrtbt . Three Month . IL On Month t -40 .TUiU-iiA'lL. AJSOOWCEJCDCT, Advertising rstes (uWbtdtt tbs oftVe. Copy for change uit he U it lAa'aaek a. m-V ' Cards of Thanks, Resolutionj ox !nat. hJ aimilar articles ' ar Biw-Mk In til ewi. T,.jt a uaii alaaa mail h&Htf April 26, 1910, at th poatoffle at CnBMtrd. N. C under tb act of Varh 3. 1879. Out of the dtv and by biQ the fol lowing pries m th Evening TriV us will prevail: On Month $ -25 Si Month. L50 Twslye Month 3-00 JOSH M. OQLE8BY, City Editor r-r. v Unh 7. 1911. The Senate last Saturday at Ral eign Qia tne oeet ining n na oou at all without knowing k. A sensation wag mated when it was announced that the sedate colons of tho up per house had unknowingly passed and ordered enrolled the Torre rw land title bill, whieh bad passed the house earlier in the day and sent to the sen ate, no senator grasping its meaning by the Wind ram reading of the title bv the readincr clerk. The senaie several days ago killed the senate bill on this subject by a decisive majority and when it was discovered that it had Saturday passed ',' unbeknownst to it self" an identical bill from the house a ware of excitement ran through the senate chamber, but the oversight was soon corrected by a vote to reconsider and recalling the bill from the enroll ing clerk's office. This incident put all senators on their guard and the care ful scrutiny given each measure in sures no recurrence of such a blun der. It is said that tho rile whiskey that is being shipped into North Carolina from Virginia and Kentucky recently klled three men in Winston-Salem. District. Attorney Bolton has sent ment of Agriculture at Washington for analysis, with the hope of having the shippers punished for violations of the pure food act. Concord was re cently flooded with circulars offering whiskey at 15 cents a pint. - We hope this is the beginning of a crusade against th importation of this vile stuff, and that the time is not far dis tant when, wbiakey of any kind can not be shipped from one Staie into another which has a prohibition law in force. - Senator Bailey did not . want to quit as bad as lie thought he did. 'His IfrieadV saw be had played the fool and it'sequired but little work to get him to withdraw bis resigna tion, v Even the smartest men have a screw loose In their make-up. Greens boro Record. Senator Bailey is one of the very ablest men in the United States Sen ate, font he has not only one. screw but several make-up." U screws "loos in " bis !We ask especial Attention to the call in another column today of the pubue-epirited ; women of Concord who have formed Woman's Better ment Association for a meeting to be held at the Central graded school building tomorrow afternoon. Every woman in Concord who feels pride in the city and desires to aid in beau tifying and improving it should join , this assoeation which promises much to thai end. Governor Harmon, of Ohio, refuses to bs drawn into a discussion 'with William J. Bryan, since which we bars a higher opinion han ever of Gov Harmon 's good sense. , Stat Sunday School Convention. ' The 'tWfitt.V-aicllt k annual ; aiumh. ' -J O ...... u. FI 11 Hon of the North Carolina Sunday School Association will ' h KM in High Point, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, April 26-28. A program of un usual excellenes ' has been prepared ana following are some of the promi nent features: ..." The mtKie will be in "chares of M r snd Mrs. Chairle. Birfler. Mr. Butler uss been lor several years past with Dr. B. A. Torrey in his evangelistic tours. im is iwell known as a leader of evanjelistie sinking and as a solo ist cf nmismd ability, ills wife has a v r eweot soprano voice. . ' X ; :it84 w!a trsnt reduced r ' . 1 ' " , be sou on the cer " ! ' I ' a f r I a - .J .J t a Ioa..J I . Senator &jusne CbarWtt Xtws. , . la our ovioioa, Senator fftnmaons made a mi!V wbea he Toted to rWaa Lurtmcr. Kot fur the WMnoent do dobt hia entire aincerity, hi art to Wing, in our apinioe, aa honest blander. Tb TXahiiigton Times fives lis reason for bia vote, aa follows: "Senator Simmons, of North Caro lina, wh Toted to npWd Larimer, si -plained his psainoa ia this eaas in the eoura of tbs debate,. lis spoke af ter Senator Owes, lis said be did not deliev Senator Larimer kad bribed any one to aopport him or that there bad been bribery in tho ease. - - " "I cannot give my rots to take the property of a mea," he said. -I cannot give my rots to destroy the character of a man ra rh testimony of four men, three of whom were offer ed immunity from prosecution fax high crimes and misdemeanors, and who accepted that offer. One of the Lfonr, on his own confession, sold bis story for 93,500. I cannot and I will not vote to destroy the character of a man on hat sort of testimony. " 'We must decide this question upon the evidence. Eacfa senator must apply the evidence and the law, ac cording to hia judgment and bis own conscience. It I should vote against Mr. Lorimer, viewing the testimony a I do, I would perjure my eon science and lose my self-respect.' " Warning to Bailroad Kan. Look out for severe and even dan gerous kidney and bladder trouble resulting from years of railroading. Geo. E. Bell, 639 Third St, Fort Way ne, Ind., was many years a conductor on the Nickel Plats. He says: "Twenty years of railroading left my kidneys in terrible condition. There was a continual pain across my back and hips and my kidneys gave me much distress, and the action of my bladder was frequent and most pain ful. I got a supply of Foley Kidney Pills and the first bottle mads a won derful improvement and four bottles cured me completely. Sines ' being cured I have recommended Foley Kid ney Pills to many of my railroad friends." M. L. Marsh, druggist. "Every friend of Se -ator Simmons in North Carolina will regret that tie put a black mark on his own record when he tried to put a white mark on Lorimer 's tainted one," says the News and Observer. Must every man Who does not agree with Mr. Daniels be charged up with a black markf Winston-Salem Journal. . Don't Get Ran Down. Weak and miserable. ' If yon bars Kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, disiiuess, nervousness, Pains in the back, and feel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray's Aus tralian Leaf, the pleasant herb ears. It never fails. We have many testi- nonials from grateful people who have used, this wonderful lmedy. -As a regulator it has no eqnal. Ask for Mother Gray's Australian Leaf at druggists or sent by mail for 50 cents. Sample free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. Y. Senator Simmons ba been accused of being nothing more than a politic ian yet even his enemies must admit that in the Lorimer matter he rose above political considerations. Be had everything to lose and nothing to gain by voting for Lonroer. Yet he was convinced that Lorimer should not be unseated and he voted nis convic tions. Winston-Salem Journal. Engraved visiting cards, wedding in vitations, wedding announcements. finest made. The TunesFnbane office, Concord, N. C. , An Attractive . .'. Food Post Toasties ::i! , t i ' . L- -j i. ... - J, rostvn Cerfl C ----- baild T. r a nw bonM out of all oak la JJr. P. iL Mters i t r ttfsJe bit thuUmf this i Tbers will bs preacfcing at Trinity tbs second Snnday in this toonth. Let everybody come and bear Dr. Col, be is a ins prsseaer. - TV ilh tbs mutual aurremneot of tks bears f Oir. Dave Lsdwick ni tbs widow, Mrs. Robert BlaekwekW, tbs Mi boms ptacs fiat oen divvied. Mr. Watson Smith and L'r. Ckr- saes Casbioa wars in town Friday. Ths school at rurr's will Kms fhs 10th of this month. . ' i Ws art glad to say that ws haven t mark bad sickness 4o leport at this writing. - -- ""' ' ' There wss a saw mill moved on Mr. WiU Cannon 's place. Mr. Ross Wine- poll has his saw mill at work on bis plars. ', ' -' - - B. - OLADSTONB. .' tZ Fins spring weather prevails, - There are better stands of wheat and oats this season, than for soma years. - " i: ' -:- ulr. ummcksr wss in our town Friday, v He is to taks cbargs of the paper at -Richfield, published fey Dr. smith. ; Sir. Hnnsueksr was one edi tor of ths Troy Montgomsriaa and is publishing s psper at Star, N. C Mr. Will Reid and family are visit ors hers for a week or ten days.' No school at ths Mitebell borne this week on account of ths illness t Miss Bartholomew, ths principal. , I Mr. Jonas Barnnger, 'of Texas is visiting- friends and kin folks. He is a Von of ths late W. C Barringer. His mother was here a year ago. : - Mr. Dan Crnse, of Concord.' was buried at Matthews Grove church, re cently. M. ' BICBTHXD, B. F. D. KO. 1. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Maulden are visiting Mrs. Maulden 's parents this week.-- :jJ. . There will be preaching r at the Methodist church at Misenheimer, next Snndav nisht. Let evervbodv cm. ' Mrs. Ada Henley i9 visiting at Airs. A C Frick's this week. ,v, Bev.'llr. Wiley will presclt at Wes ley's chapel nest Sunday at 3 p. m. . Mr. Jonas Barnnger; who has "been Mr. Daa Lnbour it r visiting in our vicinity, will return totally, and sets directly on the. blood Texas in a few days. We regrettQ see and mucous surface of the ' system. LJ , ura leave. i-C. Mr. J. O. Culp is on the sick list this week ; We are hoping be will be better in a few days. ; i & Wheat and oats are looking very fine in this country for the time of the year. .. C. . LOWXR STONE. Rev. Trexlor preaehed most ex- cellent sermon at Xwer Swne last TT? is to b given by the Ladies Aid fio-: ciety Saturday, March 18th, beginning at d o 'etoeje in the evening. bchou is progressing nicely a Low er stone with Mr, Berry Lents as teacher. i A good many people expect to attend the entertainments to be giveii - at Rockwell the nighi of the lOtU and Bethany the 11th. v .i ... We are glad to have Mr. Berry Wagoner and Mr. J no. Earnhardt in oar midst again after being away, .. MILLINGPORT. - Mr. Eli Eudy died Monday the 21st and the remains were earriefl to the cemetehy'of old Bear Creek church.. He was buried by the Junior Order, 'n Mr. Tilas Whitley, who had', an KOI bUlK H1U11K- VBrV Tt Dlla ' ' v"- ,muv 1- ttV:. .:. 'i.t. :.' showing some good work to the world this year. Qf T. A. Other local matter on third par. So Crisp V ; SO s' IawaMjvaaaC ' lAu.a W.aiaal ' So Ecc:r.ic2l So ivliy nst J : - crder ar 4strm-i4- TTIch. $ : A Wc a"s r;.ir;s C. ' t V ' I,..-' j -...i . iMlS. jUv t,f line ' Aria, Krt a baby a few eeka oU la ths arms of another .woman tt lit Union Depot in Kansas City Satur day, saying sbe wanted to go to k bapfavs room, fibs did not return. Mrs. Henderson later kft a boy sev eral years old si tbs depot, disap pearing again. 'A few boars later bb returned wkh. a third baby and was srrested.' It was a mystery.. She told ssvsrsi atories, but finally mads this statement which ths said was the correct txplanation : Her bus band wanted a girl baby. (During his absence she went to Amsrillo, Tax, to get baby which bad been offered to her.. She was diasppointed to find ths baby a boy. . 6b took the boy baby to Kansas City, left it k ths depot and went for girl baby whieh had teen promised tier. -The second child, wtrich was her own, she did not expect to desert, bat merely left it at tbr depot for safe keeping while she was getting ths girl baby. ' Having se- citpm) the rirl fair?, aha had raternjut jto, the depot for her own baby, and gvng nwi to ruocau in in cue girl baby and her own son when offi cers interfered. . (Mrs. Henderson said rfbe believed her bus band, who was a Santa Fe detective, would mak it a point to com off the road oftener f there was a girl beby at the house. She was held pending investigation. SUtaof Ohio, City of Toledo, " ; '; . -Lieu (hmntf--8.,;'y:,.y i Frank J. Cheney makes oatb that he is senior partner of the firm of F. 3. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County- and Stat aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each J an every easa of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the us of 'Hall's Cattarrh Cur. . , .. ' -:,; FRANK J. CHENEY. ' Sworn to before m and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A, D. 1886. v ' : CLEASON, fSeal) : -.- r J Notary PubUe. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- oena ior esumoniaia jree. x J. CHENEY & CQ, Toledo, 0. C Sold by all Draggista, 75e, - s - v Tak Hall 'a Family Pilli for eon- stipation. j-jf '-:-'' if '- XVon th A. ft M. Colleg. & w The executive eommittee "'of ? the .lnMSnB'Af WMilh U U U Vt..l,l.t, r rnZ s. . --jk. .week f or mceeVtanc th wception ?f TfewmfodtTjeetioiis w,. .. vTm.niitm. Cjii k- made to move ioto tiie building at once. ' The-east wing will be occupied by tbe civil engineering department; the west wing by th electrical engi neering departmenf. The third floor will be given over entirely to chemi cal work and in addition to the class rooms, the laboratories of both the college and experiment station Will be looted on this floor, -!, , y G. ' A Spsdal Medldn for Kidney AH- V. V';v:iJi TMBtf. ' ' . , . Many elderly have found in Foley's Kidney Remedy a quick relief and permanent benefit from annoying uri nary irregularities da to' advancing years. Isaac. N. Regan, Farmer, Mo., WnlaVa ITilnas .' Hamoilw.. Af. II - . a i aa otners so now oi jo. j "j &5:?0r6B ; " . . Newbern,' March 4-i--Fre8t Fires in this , section are now ' causing thous ands of dollars damage Jo the timr her lends. During the past week or two these deslructive . conflagrations have been, raging all over this coun ty and it is estimated that more than $5,000 worth of valuable timber has already- been destroyed. Just bow these fires, originate cannot be learn ed but it is thought 'that they were nrst started by ft party of hunters. Foley Kidney Pills' -Neutralise and remove the poisions that . cans backaohe, -rheumatism, nervousness and all kidney and blad der irregularities. They build up and restore the natural action of these vital organs. ; M. L, Marsh drnggist.; It m esyootigh-to 'accept the heathen as a brother, but bow about the next door neighbor-yiHy;;:. V'y't ;; 1 Foley ' Honey'and Tar is the best" cough remedy I ever used as it quickly stopped a severe cough that bad Jong troubled me", says, J, W. Kuhn, Prmoton, Nehr. Just so quickly and surety it acts in all easses of coughs, colds, lflgnpp and long trouble. Re fuse substitutes. SI. It. Marsh, drug gist. - '.:' , Iilfe is a pruss fignt, except that you can't rest between the rounds., ' Foley 's -Hon y snd Tar for he children. : Is L. t tn,l 6..."..t for all coughs, eolds croup ' "whoor)in?',.oiih and bronchitis. No opiates. U, L. Marsh, drnist. Tils Laxative t.-- C . t . . . ; The. Rcal Shoe Ccmpr.n:' . Eefuse to bs bound any lon;r to ,' -the hoary 14 tradiUoa of ts ho -- V . ; Trss that standard sLoet mu; aecss- . , - sarily be built to Ct certaia arbitrary' . , - prics-16a, fi.00, i.60, fs.00, and f -;": ,".. ;a . " - It rsfuses to belisv any longer that ' -. a'-v""-. vt b0 tan b sold at, saytS.85, - v - . . C KTOT U "built an" to sell at $IoO, . "- -i ; . ' or els "skinned down" to sell at V; ;;. is.60..; - ,. .. , . , - V .1 " It aaa anaonnctd that nut Eegai - ' t8"0 mtA bereafter win bs priced at :- i - Actual Cost, Delivered to the Consumer Plus 5 ; ; . Per Cent Profit. : " -" - x Tbis may flgnr ont'- in "srea . --money" or tt may not, Just as tt hap-- pens. But, -however It flgures, tb - 1 -amount will invariably b Tarlfled by ! ; ' " ' certified public accountants and stamp- :Z: ' J; si on th shoe at. the factory, and " " J. , " that will b th pric you pay, no mat-1 " r"'AJ' ; .", x , " tr whersabout in this country you -- -buy the shoe. . - . . ', - - - ' . ' , - '(n - .-.-'- . 'v la Justice to yourself you should not b asked to pay mors,. In Jostle - ' v - to the sho It should not be "skinned 4 down" to cost less. , "r . - c- ' ' t r v - . Iq Regal Shoes You Get All That You Want at the Lowest 7 " " Price That You Can Buy. - fe;::n Fetzer Co: ; Agents for Regal Shoes. , - Importance 6t i High- ; Grade l Sanitary T : Plumbing. ;: . Good Plumbing is n of th moat important features about a bons. Ton annot hav tcmsny safe-guard g fot th health of your family and your self. Therefore the alight cost of th BZ3T Plumbing win in reality b health nasnrane a wU as ft saving in repair bills. - ' ; sasitabt nmnusa co. ' PhOM Ui. MECHANICS --"WrWea Si Yes Can Understate R J 300 Pictures Every 400 Article IV 250 Pages ilontn A wandarfal atory of dte rVusiuw of hta Mechaa. kml Ana. lootroctivc but more faacinatinf Ihaa ny nctkm. A mafuina for Banker., boctota, Lawrers, Tnthnt, t mm, Piuineai Mn, Man. afaoturtra, Mechanica. huslo imOiaaderaaverr nonth. Interesta averyboiljr. Vv oen you tea on rou andorttand whr. A.tk the man who nad it your newattaaier will ahow you ones or write tba publiihnaforafreaaamplaoopy. " le","'"F Pfi. of jaim,tJi thinas how to maka repaira. , and uuclea fuc noma ana aaop, nc; MJ - 'mn lOptetallahow fiimu i ir: -rirn. rinat.. tngtnaa. aasir. td afi tba Uiu.vs a ouy luraa. " ftMTtrwr. faatonMaj iStrnH YOU1 MSWSDBALESt OrAadraa pwLxan r:a!Ar'C3 magazine N0TICI1 LAST CALL TCZ TAXE3. OnApril 1st 1911 I will be forced BY LAW; to edVUrtise all property at , , at. .. .iTII i.. . t T. ior naxes inat are stiii nnpaia. ...now good people why not call'at once and pay yotrr taxes end save me this em barrassing duty snd 'yourselves this extra cost. Now if you have not paid your taxes this means you.. ' With- best" wishes for you all, I am yonrto collect THE TAX. :., J. F. IIONEYCUTT, ' . - Bheriff. -Feb. 27th, 1011. . -27-10d t&t . . a. , Mo'orn 8-rooni two stary house, in good r '.V l 1; s keautifaJ lawn; f s . ! t i:2Z'd feet Will S 'l Bf 't - . , . -i::o. i- i a -.rcii ft co. ror I !). P. Dayvault property .on V-y "j L".ioa atreet. ; All modern r te3.. John K, Patterson ( -. , If t 03 . 2 r it- t, f i . flat ' i; J.v ( .. V ' 1 ' . Am Morris Buildins' BtBt location in city. ' Steam " heat, light and janitor service -.' free. - . "- - , " Also sleeping -rfHoroR, -j . bath, light anj .'janitor; 1 aervice free. t. ',-',?, S Phone No CO ' FHiiEiilttfjC::; ,'T. T' SiiiiTH) Jr.,. f1...0vf. Cily Prc::!ziCi:l I have purchased outright -a dry preparation for cleaniug ladies' gar ments that I guarantee to give eatis. faction, or.l will make no ehsrg for the 'work. I am sol owner of. this preparation and on account of th ex .ellent latisfaction it ha given I make this" proposition to tha ladies of Con eordsnd .vicinity : . Send us any ar ticles or garments yon want cleaned and after we use this dry cleaning preparation o nthem, if they are not entirely satisfied with the work I will msks no ehsrge. - -; ' Reniiectfullv. . . -r- . u. b. rvwiuj-a, rropristor. Phon188. Vhzn you feci St voos, tired, worried or deononrtenf it In a anre sign you need MOTTS t.UiVl Z PILLS. They renew the normal viw and make life worth living. B. tor. and atk fot a n.l (fvli.w a bydiuniiia ?,T!M'! t!F& CO., Prapa.. CUmImxI. CUe . bld hy tonk tint t.a; ". I sm now in tie Uurri ha'. ovet tb Cabarrus Eavj?'-i T - ' .. -. - n. c. : 5. fieveral dcsirat! "- Ii rn,i oiiiliborhoc-'s; ft ' I tt t .!.i, tlmrcti f 1 I ' s ! i ',ty.

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