VOL. XXI Fries, 43 CilU a l!sati. If fV "J (developing h f ' SaHk Caroli I la in Aamm ko bills ccxjssrso nr . T2IB EOCSlJ TODAY. EI- Tit Senators Eava a Lttti run Be fore AgjonmrooDa IZi. fiUpmaa't SaUry tacrei Jaranmc Beeo- - I4J.. V - a . wi vuniwiu itnr Ann ' Lav Without Teeth. . " 8peeial to Tbe TribuXie. V'. T -1 i a a . . ign, juaren With the one and onlv surviving "AM , 9 wiuvuvillB drum eorpa" filling (be eapitol build- '"s vainotM un and than in "taps" over the huge legislative 8t into wmen (be tabled and pn- considered trills were Anally dtiinped, , the General Assembly f North ' (W ; Kna adjourned sine die today with the . utmost good feleing prevailing; While waiting for enrollment of some of the Mt uuis, mi senate constituted it j , self into a mock; ilodv and pulledoff a v, 'H of fan. . . viv7i The House as usual waa more noisy. vui io ine ereait of everybody and In - oontradistiaetion with eome previous wiwir lorrner legislature, univer- -,.' ""oneiy prevailed. , . Jut before legislature adjourned i S1"" Baesett and Starbuek arose to question f personal privilege arid ' denied the statement in today's News nd Observer alleging that Senator " wrolB me senate substitute we aim trnst bill which was ratified -siouay.. - r . Xmaortant Wnrt m.. - The appeal for inerease of salaries oa cieriu in , wiuaiag i cue session . bung on to the very last day. . Many J them eeenred what they asked for, w whole r in part; feat-the bill to wereese the aalary of the State Com- v -wuv agu, ""; a occer ooatbern Whik fnm fcintti 1. . i jmtiKwm save lain Mnnant Ml. .-J . ,t " wa no otoer nedute proapeet of development," - " owan, who aa North fm nUu ..j . r " were not more like tbera LLEWXAOf. COXCOKD, W. P. avESDAY. MAr.CH 8, ,91., - : y w; ' Cfra eTTnmtMM . - I :" MMM,BMlM'MMMWalaMaMaMsaaMss I - Eia EX70CTS3 IN 1112. XI. fl. TS00P8 OEDEmj , , TO MEXIOAN BOEDER. Font Warships Sent to Gulf Ooeat- n9 Batteries of Artillery. W ashinrtin: Usmi. r i ; I " a a real mihtary and naval demonstration, in volving 20,000 iroope and four armor- " 7 uruorea Ty tne united adml ite support for the established government of Mexieo the Diss Qor- ermnent ami a. j iMwt inveritmenta, largely through eon- ' 06 Ml on Jhmm TKbv aowiMnat:.. believed here that the" demonstration "KBiusi tne uuaero revolution." ; Amenean troops will be mobilised oa T Ka llaMM. 1 , Alreadv AnlftVa kin kn .3 m' I 1 mcu tBBinu xor the movement of 15 regiments of in- liantrv.'nnv mrrlm.nl. - I batteries of field artillery nd.two batteries.of coast artillery, the latter Jorganiaed as infautry, to proeeed to Four armjiHul atm'u .k. tw-" v . A-T i.iuobuj, vud Tvasn- v." . '. "wjo, iauniaaa ana West ,Vnnni tiav li.an i: i ? mireiai tw pro- eeea :wvm an possiole baste to the 1VIU eOflflt - tA h.nm.l. iL . troops. - ' "TUnxi Never Brlfhter for D.mc 7i eri eenator t3jnlth. John Waker fitoith, f Maryland, be lieves that in the extra session of Con gress, to becrin eraue party iU male, a record that wiU go a long way toward ioauriiu? iMmAMaiid ... i n a "rrhinir.' I l.. v i . - !r ongnier lor Me Demoeraey," be said, "and I be- UBfl itRm Will n. . - w iwriuouT and eo ATM rattan fc.L. T . . S iu, vwmoorate in tbe uee and in the Senate during the e- ing legislation demanded by the people mnA ,n elAllM..i. -a t . . r-r . '""""uwii oi imoeraue eam Pitm DrotnisA. hut :n eal;uka. .""- J"1- isenator Smith is in accord with the JT 7 , 1 -M ln CC0Pl1 ri- cn . r BtrPlins, who had been present plans of the .Bouse Demo- J.f e name of R . Morris eratw leaden to take on at tfi W years, lad nrovan in .. eratw leaden to take up at the extra K. .' -' a v, revision oi some or the schedules, particularly those woolen and Aftttnn Ofthjanl.. 1..' -A -.in.unn, wiou aiweev- eeded even by President Taft, who a Proved fhe bill containing them, to be devetanail it itk. i . nfftai.1 aaTTj-."" . "r. MM - w J ii :r cre8ea oy ist leg. tslature. BVUH) v.: , . . i,. ii. . r "" wug aoaea , - then, the salary op to ha Jtime hav- -uui ana oxnere -opposed the taking np f tabled bills Ibere in . T ,Ti. J;"" end i me ses , ww." The Senate reopened the ub x Ject and passed it and so Mr. Ship man (one of the most effleient officials . . will dr4w 2.4m. Wki.k . . ' i . , ' uxaier wok ; he onght to receive, when the salaries fifllil aaMa 1. i . r- evuiv uMiera are compared. - - c f wer, Urty-one of the fiiSty - Mipowuig w toe roil call at ' tgmDg 01 th "8ht session. ' The President of the Senate an. , T-" .UBS me enrolling clerk bad raed bim that it wonld be iinpos- . i ;ov uis nevenue ontt'Alaehin - ?7 , J ret,y '01, "tiflcation before 10 o'clock InAa ttri..j . i 5 ", - : J yimumuujf aim thug the- kst- hope of adjoummemt : t"",iioun ioaay was aban- - iL iT ino iw oxuer oiiis that bad to be enrolled last night and ... uiunrnig, wiin vierics workinf all Caa riaca fltatw to Mater fa Capitol a. ' ' ' ' "X" '-"TV ' - ? V " : :. Th. nate passed joint, resolu tion clearing the way, for tbe erection of tbe statute of Charles D. Mclver (now being made by the culptor and . the funds to pay for auefa being al- f. ia j . . viivoi oquare, if so desired by those baving the mat-? fcoonce'ik lnsnrance Resoiation Jit- - - .-" ten o cioc last night found the oenace diseuseing Koonce'a fire insnr. . ance resolution a bill that was intro duced six weeks ago, but which was only recently passed by the Houee- and Um iniuMaKliai. y 1 - wubuuioq nracn of the time of tbe session. Senators t ana uiarisell quoted official statements ehowing North ..Carolina now has the lowest rates of any South- - aim .m.. O . a .. - unit, jo- Dcnae nnaiiy at mid mght defeated .the Koonce resolution by the vote of 21 to 9 more than a ". Vakil Att a aPntA --(via ui inw ,v VJIVa a... ' The New Anti-Trust law.1 The prompt acceptance by the . iioiiRe of the Senate substitute for the TurltY-ton-DickeU anti-rust bill faoil ileted tbe completion of tbe work map- vut ior i mgnt ami at tne same time secured what is today regarded as much the stronger and yet fairer law of all those proposed. This was tlie t.II 'which Senator IWan i,;i. alvocatins as STRinet the Turlington Ilickett t.U, paid compliment to the Dukes for tbe great work which be de clared they had done aud are doing Mn developing the resource of North Cfei,.,':n not only by the investment of Ci . ia t l awn mnnfiiannH Ninety Persons Burned to Death ln jKOTug ndture Bhow. .. :. St. PAfanJtn. ' If- L . , --.s, juaipu o. -ninety oersona. min, n ".v ; . . - , --j yi vonuui -were cnil dren, were burned to death and forty r-wa aujuivrv B nre mat destroy ed a MAVSntv m'.t..u . U . n ie. ftSav. " " M"!,l B0JO- : Reports of the dieaste eirer re eeived here today. . . . t r ux eiMsape. . , ' , . Futile attemnla t vaa.n. . 3 . , - 1--- ni woiu maae the exits whan k. u . . 1 . , y thofte from the outsider but the a m v 1 1 a na. n a m... 1 a . "-"To" uivve nem Mek beforeahey: eonld reach the shrieking Victims Whn in ikai. . . Of th. fcm-UsT- "Lltr"."' o81." J .8 uesperately Concord Musical Tia. : Charlotte Chronicle, Tth. V , ' ine meratnre departnient of the s 1 uiiiHM h 121m nll .1. - .v Carolina T . - , , --j -' wemoon at iT". Jan. frank B. Mc Nincb at W W w.n. . Theiiwting pwmw-a to be very, in- . .jau.iuL atarainan .. i . i -nr. Jr" ,d papers while Mm. W. North "a1" ?,V"" ?" 1 f,Ti in' or Concord, will be present i . v'wsbiuk Feature of b. .rJT !" .w y. set 4o musiflby Miss Patterson, both 'S':;A,- Band f Crypsiefc'i" A band Of irvnataa ..; l . - r ciuuuinr near the eitv and i rT?l " . 1 - - v. iua women Were On tb al-aat. au;. . w. lUflT Che VariAlia Klininaiu 1 a .. a.r uouseg or me ty for the purpose of idling for tunes of thoaa thA - trade theirw ui t:Z1.72u w ,min Za on eon- : ur "iure, as given out by Tepitifaoij of the affaiw .that took rn aliSB in aVkatv r' u" BJVy camp near Wades ooro will not occur in this eounty, and IOr thlB MUMl VnaU la a . - a m ) BWI oa W1SS .vi .un nnuian. t. a a i . 1 " mem .unaer elose ' urveiUancet It is well for all to m Pan 4 nAiH a. J i i waeoertn. 1 .j Caah and .Flour Sent to China. Nil Tnrl Af.k t rra . .... tho..niJ"7i.rirB"t.':--'.",rty-M .... " ,u ' juuut was made available today for famine suf- acMt.iionganlloIIsni For Agricultural School in Mecklen' Charlotte ObsWF. ' - A step of iar-reaching significance was taken hv t-ha tw.ai c -j . ' - w i euueanon at s meeting yesterdav in -alii mass-meeting,, of .the representative .. . """J u-rewuenis of the city to be held at . the court i"? , .Brl! nOTOintf " iMarch 25, r, i tue.peopie on the establishment m this county of an agncultural bijrh school. ',V, A bill 'malrilW rknaoilit. . ' stitntion tMSBAii - hm t :: I 7. i - 15 i"v"ies ior the es tablishment of such a school, at a first eontpbuteg regularly thereafter the SUm Of 2 "iflft tnr a . . . 7.,'." -umiiouBufse ,ine state will in him 'Mnttknfat . n I3,i500. The institnHon would in no wava Hit.u. '. . . .... ... rra, ULKri-r vim ta. nj u . 1 . j i t ' v , aiuor ecnoois and would pot at all shorten the length or Jheiyrms. . The inoney -would B v cents An tha einrt i . a i -. i - - v. vaiuatiuii 111 f nwunea. TJya would ny " """' J-uuu ""1 leave enough an nually for the requisite sum for main Tbli lT af aan. V.! . . . wU.,,, uwug exclusively Cor the benefit of fanners, will be paid entirely by the. residents of the COIlhtV OlltsMa tka ain l.'.:i. ' , ." 'ura um uunurea em- DlOVaAa nf tha ItTnna. . . all of whom are .Republicans. Thev eo wtoc? jjini n, nough thev tt'rtji M Vat.. : . ... i. r. i ..: -v uioa wa tne pay roll nntll na TiaAainilaw...a a at. .- .7 v ir ine action nf 41.. I)u . .1 . ... p-a .uianMinii'U caiung an extra I session.- With thm ivr- p.i. - . - .n is a very unpopular man just now. They can't aj: anything , too mean; about thtfr President for Mnnns ak. il.. 1.. - a , - - --a mv.u mo ian vi aioftl vnl. ..1 BAPTXST EXVina3 TAVO FA&DON FOB 8TEIPLDra With Oor. Browa ia His Oonrrecatioa. - TW T.V- a, .. . - . wane Baoka ea Tail una mmdav. a Atlanta Journal 7h V f.!rtb',BLK owrisken in ' - - 7 - t'uiiuai, restore such a one in tbe spirit of meekness; Si?" Hlt' XT- M. d to pre. iaetnB! his inrnwin TW TL n MTTi i;. pastor ef the Second Baptist ehurcb than Jaala. a- t; - -uvu, 7- -w wureKwioa oun- day morning that be wm moat earnest Z of pardon- for Edgar rbng, former chief of police 0f lJh.IlV.llaa fDr a' a " - JtICU lOJW la fl tUTIIlaart aw Af. Ca. 1 . . - a. I at - sat vuvunttuu IB Can iuVlLaJ . a-U! t . t-cj it ... w oy ne A.firiRTlun IT..fo f .1 at. t . . V. . . r-,..T.DUa ,0 oe divided equal xl i"7'"t "' iwuat committee Shanghai and Chinkiang. . , V BBBMMIIMWBaBBsBnaaBmMa IVnt TBlallMak lUaJ Inously reported o; 4rs. . rf Allison IF IT'S A QOfSTKM 1 or lAFtrr-orKN a CHBCVm JCCOUNt : with tan UONJST rott UNO NMCtS- .sjr to a Art on BASD-iUtt OKA "DAIUT tMt AMOUNT NtBDPD. WHETHS - in at HOUtBHOLD' account o ro tvsiNiit. rwosu CONCORD NATIONAL BANS Capital 1100,000 -;l Surplua $30 G JPer - Cent Interest Paid on Time ' V 7- TlanAal. . . ; ----- vima, morns i-Zii' J"4 PIWn world at large that be waa a manly man, he saw reason whatever why this state uuiwiwr crown, who ia a member of that ehurcb, was TaLvTa i ai a : "or or the Temple Baptist church, stated that by Air manna iQa;ij. ... . : . . Tr , , e -""um w paraon IH He had known the family for yeprs and thought it would be ai out- Aid mTrl enrresa fc7,C .7" iiZJ??' on also referred a follows to Stripling: ; j - """.oomif-BDouia rises np ftH masse and besiege our governor br letter. ivtition t.iJLi " . . . -i-i. . ' r : ana teie ?ph to pardon this man for his S V etonJ for that long SO. v Th lllinuiia ..J il . i.a i. ia. t a ,ul"t oi tne laW 1.4 TjA MrMal . 1 1 i .;, -w. mwureaKer, and ho merely to punish hhn nd this man sraAH.j j r - .... T Ulinnff 14 VMM At yirgima dry among as good peo- DM Th film- &n.n.a . h jiia-rr w Know . " menace to SO eietv. hiu An taut j t. , . 'v, auu una long smee ItVv ' eonsciene atoned a jasay ne ought to be r-:-.. .1UWB, dunoer aeiay, and ' i i.rr v yonr wire aniL.aauMMh lanJ f. a. JTraf. ... ' " I.J r--7- '".7tH..au; OUT OKTQU adopts aaa 4i ve on its good rt united eutes Traasport Baford Mam Seattle With Large Cargo, Seattle. Waab : Vak. 7 th.. t-.- , - iiw tian- UM Hraiaa A a . v. . loaded Vitk nrno L. a . L . uc i amine suffensrs in North Cbina, aailed yeeter- (lav faftB aTH.taL4 . ... a a rr.' u',nK iq pennant of the National lied Cross, the Chris- limn HahIJ a. vt v...i ... - F.7io..c1ubrrV",,,imB" . " woen wo liain 01 nee. nniwhauJ L . . .- . . ' ""s-vubi arum xveaoing, la were irfiwal a..- v i , ,w acriavL UW ir66 OI LJllV"1? of h; Bnford;lu at OO.OOO anrl annilwVf.J 1 i . , .. ujr urranua- i . . v,uw siarv- ing Chinese alive until tbe new crops jioiTon in done. Xa&ID TO BEST. Contreasman Small Btrack by Street w at lYenton. Trenton. V J iVr.i. n y... man John TT Am.li - xr. i,. " vi nun ii varo- ina, who epoka at tonight's dinner w tne cnamber of commerce in Tren ton. VI. atiraaW ka . II iu-' al j wvuey ear here this afternoon while alighting from an antninnhiia sr. - Ubout fifteen feet on the fender of the car but when examined by a rhv- Riman at. at. . . ., . , ' T "t to ne seriously ti.a Congressman, in slighting from tne antonWiiia .1,,'a i . .. rrom the TnnA ..;.. i ... ., ha. " u W1" enun- a mu.erce nuiiding, got out on the wronc sita an ma aim iiuiice tne approaching trolley ear. Mr. C. A: Xunh mil. S... 1 aioa 'Uven - an. nrantaj nj u.. no. , . rrp M"iea lor the office of e&roner of Cabarrus county. v. virriu eounty - WoiUAM ?t t V decidM n,.l7.:'.,2as nv recent decision of the Inter-State Coro- vvuniimwon denying the roads the, nght to increase freight rates. They will aceept the decree of the uiuusniun as anal. Large Vmnber of rrianda Assembled eaar to AttewT Funeral Service of Mr. B. L. McAllister. - TodaV lft Plaaaa.t . . - - - uvuru ioe loea or one of ber moat useful ekisens, Mr. Robert L. M-Allirfa, t . . , . . , w ita remains were laid in their final resting place in tbe Lutheran cemeter hu - ing. No more beautiful trifmta at. , high esteem in which be waa held bv neirhbora arw) f-i..) . . , . , - nave Daaa Mihered thi. a. .7? raMra a. f 8 V" lOeir r- Tel to his memory. The funeral ipJtfilIer' n! K. itiehardson, pastor of the Metho dist ehiimh ir.. t. . . . ... r" -iNHHiuiui noral tokena. tmm .M.aj. - j . . .'t; wu Mivea ones here, ,n Concord, Albemarle and o place, where Mr. McAllister waa so well and favnrnMo .. !i i J!'' virt-ues as ,n and citi sen. husband. tth .. m.. awav in tha nnma - t. .. . . r uc wm ne greatly missed and bis place in the community will k. . i . . . wuHry nued. - . .umeriai ana industrial development of the town kiak tbmiglftful, bis opinions were sought and annrecitH ftvm . -r - points. ,ua,,jr v,?w- lie was a consistent member of the XiUtheran chnivh anA a... .i . ... .. i ,. , " " "a wbu a cuar- ter member of the W. 0. W. camn of mis place. ': -b Mt. Pleasant, March 7, 1911. Ballinger Besigna at Last. Washinctnn rf aMu t m ... a . " .--iiue resiijr natinn nrf Saaaua. t.n:. s aaauuiger iaras an nounced by President Taft today. Walter !,. Fisher.' of Chinsan . law yer,, well known in tha pointed hi successor. It is stated that. Ballinger. tendered his resigna tion January 19, but withheld it at: the PresHlimt'a rannaof .a. at . 7 , . 7,. 1 J- ""l"J "lam aiir I OB Mr. J W wtJa-i.... i n .. . ladjournmentr nf Mnn -trL-j-- v be recently bi.nui a o n.at ... tBalunger wrote bi nvanJ k.i l- :that weighed 450 pourids, He abo . J f on which was accepted ' llteA tvn 7-ma.ai. .IJ . r?" tOdaVi.-i . . ; : ; - , iWea JPartnersitp The , -ifr.wwa.v aruaavs-aug K1IU loan association is an ideal part- neremp ana is in no ease a get-rich-qnick scheme. It appeals TA alftfatt ' aanQaaaVekflfat. HnaMl.u - waaaia IwUTV. lUVVSlVsVO ..who know Ube good f rom , the ma.tiAnalIa T .u -..rv.vww.,. .... aa jvu a shareholder yon are a partner T iToowia5, m uuuie- . building, in eommunity better- The Caiharrna nniMSnn .nJ . - - '" . vMuuau HUU t IXian furniflhea i A awtamatla way.of saving.. With us you can save each week. ; Your sav- inn CTYW tha ahavao. miIum .s regularly as the seasons. T We want you in this partner ship one of our family of sav ers. The olan is aa aafa aa it' is simple. ; - An ideal Dartnershin nnan tn to you now. New Series Saturday! April 1st J. M. HENDBIX, ' Secy, and Treaa. " .;, - ., .. vL . ... . ;.7;' v z,: .,1 ' In Concord National Bank. - ie to rendpr " T I i i ii The garmenta you find here are ms a eatmlactory eervjee. ... , The? are not made "inHt. tn ba11"I-k L i.u their attractive featnres as Jog as the prmeiitB in service long and even strenuous service. , - ' " 7? ,. : ';- M ; , ..... Toti.;..I. 5.00 .$100.50 An afrolicatmn ho j. a. the Inrlr nf rv..a ... , . ... . avt an . inquiry .in idiocity for L'argaret A. Neal. . The neceiary papers have been filed and tliejuo'men wiU probably be aum- AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed here. You need not wait until, your business has assumed treat proportions before opening air' ac count Do so to-day. , , v ! Our nutrnno Mm-HAan .f -e , , , - r m, ; .uburero . wjc niuuuui .01 Dusrness done, re ceive every courtesy in all matters of business entrusted to us, and there is nothing; in safe banking we cannot ner form l- ff"77-:7,7 .-'.. ,, ' 'jSif ' 'j' VMIngton wr'Ti sw . MM i. a n aim - amm f - C'-- a. .. 1 . r m WeeaiAJ I VI IIIUI U , ITls'hInntiMi -t Garments 1 s Affl Stvlinha ' muvl Aaot.. .l.i . 7' ; -j .... ,-. a, ivoiuiii uuk mint IBJUBl ,y as important they hold their stylish lines as long as ' Sr':.:; x-'S !"': ?7JV.. '!tii.;..ir.i.;-'i;' Tha naaaa 'JJ. al i1...V:..: I..'. a . . . '. T of f , UUOOTU Dio u iuea ptrmeDia lsmect in 5 every detail. Nothing has been left undone to in- ann I... ..'1 ' C t a' 1 " .' ' "' 1 , ui tuug nuu uwjiui uie tor each and everyone1 bearing the Washington Company laliel." ' f ; . " - -, . - - ' . VH t i t i,"aetui'In,', r, but now iff Jmoned this afternoon.

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