0L XXI. CONCOKD.N. O. TIIUnSBAY. MAHCH 9, 1911. Single Copy, 8 Caste. NO..203- "LUwiaa" VTrites Interestingly of ti. Expiring Legialatnre. Special to The Tribune. " Baleigb. March 0. We are all vM ecsionallv of "barmy and "joy- ful" deaths, bat the only oaea of that description thai I aver witnessed personally ia tba - mortuary luxury which tba General Assembly of North Carolina indulges in biennially, . . The huffling off of the" Legislative coil which torn two hundred people . (eounttar both legUJators and the - "attacheee' undergo in the Stata eapitol building every other year ia a , moot harpy' event" mun foe ' genatore and ' Representatives . who have dona .enough work ainee .they came here to present a semblance of v- actual activity, if their statements are to be accepted verbatim t literatim. Riiim nt thorn "nnonlv daelare at the close of a session hat no inducement could tempt them to play; the role again 4hey are that tired and.dis- yuaiea. uw umi me mra answering to the roll call the very next sessionand -then -'sOe more, very often, if their eonstitnents Ibink enough of them to tend them back . - again. - ' y i . . it ia moat V inexplicable, too. For - among these are soraetimea numbered tba verv beat and moat earjablesnd ' valued men in both branches, the men " without whom (or substitutes lhat would be hard to find) tba interest of - the People and the State-would on questionably suffer at tba band of their own law makers a largo number Of whom are so incapable and an- suited for this kind of work that they -ought sever to be aent bare to impede -legislation. -which is about the one 'thing of a public character that do accomplish. The reason (if it can be : called a reason rather than a misery) why men of high grade continue to ' 'come here (men like Dooghton and ' . Conner and vary email handful of others in tba Souse, and Uka Brown, .-, of Columbus, and Boyden, of Rowan, and Hart sell and Fharr and Uraham ' and Barnag and Hick and a very few other Senators) is probably a ebjpe v kinsman to that whicVkeepa the mre talented newspaper men. in the busi- . nes of journalism when they eouM mora rapid at other callings wnieu - they eould fill with ability.. - Like the born newspaper man finds it oat after be has ' gotten printer's ink on hia angers" (sometimes almost . . accidentally), so thee born, parlia mentarians and law makers fall into a congenial groove bere and f'eome AaiilpM nnmfw fit Inv Am mpb " And as I have Stated, it would be a aorry and -incapable . body withrt -them. ' :-. - And they are not all lawyers, either. r Senator Brown and Senator Boyden -,. for instance, -are' not lawyers. UlYet there ia no lawyer in this legislature that n at accomplished more than ei- , ther of these ? laymen" ( who are sm- ' gled out and referred to for the par pose of illustration) and they - and several like , them are the best assets the State baa as lawmakers today, joui as a maner otc isot, cnis iiegis stature ia not actually dead or aa yet . y "laid out' for the undertaker. It is only the session that hag reached its close. : There ara really twenty-two . months of life' left to the General As- ' will neve assemble together again un . lesa the Governor, in the event of some ' extraordinary ' ' occasion deems r ' it necessary or advisable twall them together again in an extra aeanon, , The test of the session just closed - baa developed really less than an av i ' . ' 1 " 1 . erageoi sirong men in mis wuj, name . a doaen in .the Senate and a score in the House and you have got praeti ' eally tbe entire bunch whose work and acta amounted to a "continental darn.' The balance eould have been left at home for the good of the State, for tbe presence of some of them actually- impeded and interfered with ' tegislation. , . 1 . Wrhen pay stopped last Monday ' there were many vacant chairs. Next day the empty seats increased in nwn- . ber. But, nobody cared. ' Aa matter of fact moat of the legislators who have the work to do anyway .were ob viously glad (and not in the least sur prised) to note their absence. And it is the God's truth to add that the in- - teresta of the State were helped the minute some of those decamped be cause tbeir pay bad stopped The gool old State has enough par Ko. izzkxa roR 125,000. Pretty Artist. Charge That. Gaston - Bullock Keens Jilted Ear. ' ' The following from Tuesday 'a New Tork World "will be of inter to Mr. Means' many friends here: . -Justice Newburger'a vacation of an order requiring Edith C. Poole to sub mit to an examination before trial, granted today, discloses a sensational breach of promise suit for 135,000 damages for a broken heart brought by Mis, Poole, a petite and beautiful art student, against" Gaatoa Bulloqk Means, related through the Bollocks io former President Theodore Roose velt. - -. y Justice Platsek last month directed that Miss Poole answer question pro pounded by Means' lawyer before tri al. ' She asked . Justice Newburger, through be reounsel, Etroose ., ft Strouse, to set aside the order as "kn- providently granted.' Thia waa done, enabling Miss Poole, who is nineteen years old, slender, Juno-eyed and an accomplished hngoiat and musician, to retain possession of ber bundles of loye letters and other secrets of ber suit against Means until the - ease comes to trial. . . yT ' y Pledges ia Love Letters. ' Mm Poole claims that Means, who is eonnected with the Cannon iMilla at Concord, N. C.,'and who haa offices at no. S3 Worti street in New York. promised to marry, her in July, 1909, and tbat he set tbe date of the cere mony as vlater in July.' The prom ise was repledged in hundreds of let ters; written ifrom various cities in the United States, which teem with ardent love and protestations of aft faction and loyalty. These letters will be produced at the trial; They will re veal jueaas, it is said, as a wrtraver of the grand passion in high literary SK1U. n!s.,s,&r Vi.VJ..i:i,.r,.'V "I know it seems ordinary to sue a man because he haa not kept bis prom ise to wed yon," said the eharmuur plaintiff today,- Vbut my heart has been broken and I've lost interest in the, world ana everythinsj since -be jilted me. am sure,-however, that women wno nave loved, aa I did, and who have suffered and been-wronsed by a man who pledged ni replied. himself ti:me',s6 fteni'ilOindeQii stand tbat am justified m bringing But who tarns tbe whole glaw down! and dreams it 'a all today T . And oh, there i no glory, dear, when all tbe world ia done, - 4- There ia no splendor lasteth ont tbe sinking of the ana ; There is no thing that lasts but one, no one bat this you love me. All tbe rest fades with the world away but you, from "Bun." . The trial of tbe suit may reach the calendar at the end of March. : 3fisa Poole U living in selusion with rela tives and expressed much cbargin that the details of ber suit had become pub lic, Bhe u slim and thick of tbe Elsie Jama type and ber mannerisms and choice aof words express refinement and education. Wednesday 'a World baa another article in regard to the matter, from which tbe following is an extract First 6aw Her ia 8nrf. .When she waa graduated in 1906 te Colorado altitude had pot ber heart in fine throbbing condition. She went to Atlantic CUy. and from tbe board walk Means beheld her splashing daiir-J tily in tbe ocean. 'She didnt know about this at that time but says she became acquainted with the fact when tbey were introduced in this city month later. . -. yy; ! Misg Poole saya (Means became most devoted to her and kept tbe mail rierg busy when he was away from her. Sbe has seventy-five tetters and tele- grama which she proposes introducing at tbe trial of the suit, which is sched uled for the ears of a jury the latter part of this month. . - . A Burning Love Missive. Here ia a letter which arrived by special delivery at ber borne and was dated November 18, 1909 Mv Darling Little One: When I arrived in New York late yesterday it eemed as though my heart would, break without yon bere to greet me, as you have been for the past three years, but we must be of good cheer and full of courage and ev erything will come out all right. Just as soon as I bave looked ever the situ ation here 1 ara going to my, borne at Concord, C, (for a. few days. No matter what may happen J love you with my eoul. 1 kve you as trmcn a-t3 ixxwbte-for e-tean- to4ove.;If yosfqfi you- will always love me we will get married. we are not afraid that we can't make a" success of bfe. TO TALKIUTT.MAD. T Proainaat Ofidaia of Dsraaa 4 Char lotte Care Today to & Our Paopls. A telephone message waa received by The Tribune this morning from Al bemarle, stating that Mr. J. B. Blair, of Troy. Mr. Toll, superintendent and engineer of the Durham A Charlotte railroad; and CoL Glenn, of tbe U. S. army, were en route to Concord in an automobile o meet tbe citizens here an4 discuss plana of extending the line of lbe Durham A Charlotte railroad, wcrh now. operates tbrouirb Moore oi 'Montgomery counties to this city. . The exact proposition these gentle men have to submit to tbe ekixena of Concord eould not be definitely ascer tained bat it is needless to say tbat m will be well worth tbe time to meet with them and hear tbeir proposition as to a railroad, y - Tbey took dinner dinner in Mount Pleasant and arrived, at the St. Good hotel this afternoon. It M earnestly hoped that a large delegation of eiti' een will meet these gentlemen at the hotel this afternoon. No committees hajre been appointed and tbe meeting will be altogether informal. Go to the hotel this afternoon Mr. Business Man, as this meeting may result in another railroad for Concord OUR FAMINE FUND. him to court, lie wrote me of Ma love for me from all corners of America, u know the happiest moments of my I was young and unsophisticated and he was tall, handsome and of excellent family, and devoted to me when we met and for a year. - 1 . i Money Can't Salve Her Heart. "A law suit, and even a recoverv df damages from him can not mend a confiding girl's broken heart, but it will be a lesson to-Mr. Means. I won't say another word.".:" Miss Poole had just been graduated from tbe Loretta Heights Convent in Denver, CoL, sbe aaye, when she came to New York to visit relatives in WBt Seventy-second street, with Whom she now makes ber home. She proposed to enter New York's art schools and con tinue her love for painting. An ac quaintance with Means ripened, into inendsbip and then love, and he was accepted, she says, when a proposal followed. Miss Poole 'e father, for mer prominent 'Denver lawyer, is dead. Jueans travelled considerably for the Unaon- Malls, in wbichbis y family members of the". Bullocks of "Geor gia," made famous by one of O. jHen- Several Contribution Hade ' to It . Since Last larae. ' Not a day passes but that adds one or more contributions to our China famine fund, which now stands: Previously acknowledged .....$100.50 Ladies Mis.- Soc. Trinity Re- : forjned church ....1 8.50 Mrs. C. P. Cline . .1.00 cash ....:.. ..... 1.00 Cash. ... .. . .. . 1.00 Mrs. W; W. Flowe 5.00 .Total . ....fllT.OO ry'g stones on- President . uooeevelt, are. interested,: and during his trips wrote two 'and three times ft day to Mass Poole. She says, he composed odes to ber beauty, wrote poems of ber charms and penned romances of their happy future in. letters with which he is now ready to confront him. Twice some of her letters have been stolen, she says, but she has plenty of rei terations , of Means 'a. promises to substantiate ber claims. DarUngest Uttto SdHh.'- ?? (Miss Poole waa reluctant to reveal the eon-tent of any of Means 's letters. She blushingly confessed that be ad dressed her as "My Darlingest little Edith" and nsnally signed himself "Hon." . One letter dated .Chicago, October, 1909, read in part! t V s: . "It hurts me because I cannot fa thom, as I like to do, the last letter you sent me. . . Remember, 'dearie, that all I said I mean. Yon ought to know enough about 1910 ' m realize that a Bullock never fail, to keep a promise. I love yon with alTmy heart and soul yes, body and souL ; I will marry you soon, dear, and you and I life hive been spent with you. ' Whether you know it or ; not you are one of the brightest and sweetest of women to be found anywhere. With all of the love in my body and a mil lion kisses for my darling little one, your, , " . v HON . Miss Poole is : Hving here with friends and refuses to' reveal hef ad dress. I She was seen yesterday and de clared that even a verdict for the full amount would , not mend ber heartstrings. '' "I was young and unsophisticated. she said, ''and now my heart is bro ken. Other women who loved vainly, as I have, will understand why I am taking-tbig tender matter into court,'.' Means is now in Chicago. Accord ing to his answer to the complaint, be found that sbe and 'the influences of life in a convent were total strangers and tbat she also suffered exceedingly from thirst His answer records that she admitted these things to him, whereupon, he alleges, be told her that there would be no wedding bells." ! Concord Real Estate and Insurance y Company Elects Officers. At a recent meeting of tbe Concord Real Estate and Insurance Co., which was chartered a few days ago, the fol lowing officers were elected : President, C. B. Wegonerf: vieepresidenty A. J. xorke; secretary and treasurer, H. M. rTopst; manager of the insurance de partment; W. A. Stone. The company win do a general insurance and real estate business, act as guardians, ad ministrators, trustees, collect rentals and transact other busnnes of this na ture.:" The office of the company is in the utuena IBank and Trust Com pany buiHingy ; . , , , , Another Bnmmage 8ale. - The ladies? of Central Methodist chureb will have ; another rummage sale next Saturday,, lasting all ..day. They will have the sale in the store room next to the Citizens Bank and Trust Co, recently vaeated by , the Cline Bros. Co.T Tbey will bave men's, wtneR-Rd obildwa's elotldngaftd many-useful things for sale. . ,, '-: The James Knitting Mill hag been bartered at Mt. Pleasant. The capi tal is $10,000 and the principal incor porators are C. F, and M. K. James. xixnsa E0U&2 fox ookoobd. AbomT Sixty Kamas Entered u Msav bers f Woman's Betterment Asso- cUtioa Yaaterday. About sixty namea were enrolled yesterday afternoon by the Woman's Betterment Aesoeistioii at the graded school and the list will probably be doubled before the mee&ig next 'Wed nesday. Committees were appointed to canvas the town for membership. As was before stated, there is bo fee for tbe ladies, tbey give tbeir work; the men, however, may become honor ary members on payment of 6 cents a piece. -Tbis Zand will make a nest egg tor further amounts to be raised by tbe association. The membership committee is as fol lows: Jdiss Maude Brown, chairman : Mrs. J. C. Fink, Mrs. H. C Herri e, Mrs. MY B. Stickley. Miss Mary King. Miss Constance Cline, Miss Fannie HilL Mrs. Richmond Reed. Mrs. Brown called the meeting to order and read the origin of the Wo man's Betterment Association io North Carolina. Dr. (Mclver's name is inseparably joined with this move ment along with bis great educational campaign. " Mrs. J. A. Garrison, of Gastonia, was present yesterday and gave an in formal talk ontbe Gastonia : Better ment Association. Their work is de partmental the Literary, 6anitary, Civics, Literary, and Grounds commit tees -working as distinct organizations but holding one union meeting month ly. Mrs. Garrison gave wonderful '.'send' to her words by her enthusi asm and ber valuable experience in Betterment work. - , The membership bids fair to included the finest womanhood - of Concord. Those who were unable to attend yes terday sent their names. The fsorosis, Christian Reid and Julia Magruder clubs joined in a body and other clubs are at ill to oe heard from. In the meantime th. membership committee i at work to report next Wednesday afternoon at the graded school building at 3:30, At this meet ing permanent committees will be as- pointed and tbe real (work will be on derway. " Uaa oar Fenny Coiumn it pays . fe&soital mnoi iaw ef tbe People Hart and Bs . wkare Was Come aai Oe. Mr. T. H. Yasderford. of SaUabnrv. is bere today. . . v. - Representative W. L. Morris retain- . ed yesterday afternoon from Raleigb. ' Miss Nellie Herring is spendinc the day in Salisbury. ,., Mr. B. H. Revels is movinr bis fata- iry to Hillsboro todsyr '. . . Mesdames T. D. Manesa and 6. N. ' Wateon are spending tbe day in Char- lotte. - - y - Mrs. C. C. Stone, wbo has been visit- - tag ber parents, Capt. and Mrs. J, lf.v Alexander, has returned to ber borne in Charlotte. " . . . . Ligbtaing Strike Home and Kills Girl' Wadesboro, March 8. Anson conn- ty suffered a severe electrical storm last night and reports from several sections today tell of outbuilding struck by lightning. In only one in stance, however, was a dwelling struck. On the farm of J. T. Allen, in tbe Flat Rock neighborhood, tbe house occupied by Pleston Croneh was struck and his 10-year-old daugh- -ter instantly killed. Her clothing waa set afire and her body badly burned. Other members of the family were severely shocked. To Methodist Pay Debt ott Central Church, ' A meeting of tbe board of stewards of Central Methodist ehureh was held MorJny night and ; also last: night Cfive steps are being taken to pay at once the small debt on the church and parsonage, which amounts to $1545.00. raiiand ftMMI.fMt nf this amnnnt atul ihav. men are going to pay the balance on March 30. ' - -v. . . .' y Col. Theodore Roosevelt, former President of the United States, wiH be the chief attraction -of tbe Southern Commercial Congress program in At lanta today. : He will speak on "The : Sontb's Obligation in States man ship and Business, Endeavor session. ' ' at the night. trbtie sons in every Legislature to .hall always be happy. I have not keq a quorum till all necessary busi neM ig transacted, even should it be - found necessary to remain a month , overtime without pay. - ' . ; , . . y The only discordant sound ia the general "glad .acclaim" that marked the clong scenes, wag that of a few , !;;'. y...i- who protested over guxuch that they were ii -ervious to anything the "newspapers" niight say or had - said about them. But none of tbe abler and broad-minded lawmakers vas numbered among these. been untrue to you even in thought. Send me your most intimate soul's yearnings on bow yon love me. , Eut Love la Poetry. On another occasion Means penned the following poetry and wrote that it best expressed his heart t So little while, so little while.: the world shall last for us, TheVs is no wsy to keen.it, dear but lust apend it thus; . There ia no hand r-" f?p'tlie sand from flowing f 4 Engraved visiting cards, wedding in- aitnttAMfl - tvAHfittn anAnaaaMaa(a w v iotiuuo viwuiug uuvHUVWUDUiia ; llnest made. - The Times-Tribune III office, Concord, N. C. ' r.v 'JJ; OF .THE PEOPLE FOR THE PEOPLE , BY THE PEOPLE - There is and there can be no building and loan trust or combine.-: Operated on the great American principle, . of the greatest good to the greatest number, building and loan works with equal justice for all and special privileges to none. "The rich and poor are on equal ."footing, their dollars get. the same treatment, earn like inter ests at maturity experience the 'same results. Mutual in He op eration there is no '.'inside or ' special pull" for any one. It ii - the greatest saving scheme yet ' devised and works alike in ev ery case. Our experience covers , 13 years of satisfactory ea tag. . - This experience ig for you to profit by only join us and see how it worke. ' ' April 1st ia the date ef oar opening of the 27th Series of the Cabarrus Association.- Ex pecting yoa to calL . . ' , J. M. BENDBIZ, - Secy, and Trea. la Concord National Baak. 1 L i: AS WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE welcomed here You need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before. opening . an ac count Do so to-day. v Our patrons, regardless of the amount of business done, re ceive every courtesy ia all matters of business entrusted to us, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot perform, Ttio Ccbarrus Savings Dr.n!u New Spring I'lerctnadise. Everv freight and express brings us New Spring Merchan-, dise and many Special Bargains will be shown Friday and Sat- : urday in Hosiery, Novelties, No tions. Muslin Uncterwer, Silks and Cotton Silk Poulards, White Goods; Percales, Galatea; Ging hams, etc, etc. New Novelties in Skirts, I Coat Suits and Shirt' waists. Don't fail -to take alook at ,-oiir . beautiful line of Spring , 'Footwear. : H1; L. Poriis'