Price, 40 CeiU a I.'.-.-.i. concord, n. a; : : iday. march io, rail. Single Copj, I Oenta. NO. 204 tm ill an ttuaH WWW HI1! VvrHlTr I A. vr . LOTTE CCXTS TO CCJTCOSD? EepreseDtativee ef tin Eoad in Con cord to Consult With Our Feonle-r - Proposed to Extend line from Troy to Albemarle Conoord People to - Oe-operate. ";- .' Capt. Toll, superintendent and ebief engineer of the Durham ft Charlotte railroad, Attorney J. R Blair,, of Troy, and Col. Glenn, representatives of the Durham ft Charlotte . railroad, . apent yesterday afternoon in the city and met with a nnmberof Concord ' eiti aens to disensa the proposed extension 8 of thieonrpany 'g line to Concord. The Dorhara ft Charlotte railroad now owns and operates 50 miles of road through Moore, Lee and Mont gomery counties, and eonneeta with the inreefmneipai railway unes mat trav erse North Carolina-the Seaboard at Colon, the Atlanta Coast Line at San- ford and the Aberdeen ft Asheboro at Troy. Mr. John B. Legit, off Philadel phia, is sola owner of the road and tv, Art M:iM V-. u..,. 2,.- i l MIB Wl fiuraa lUdt UaiC VCVU CUU9LI utjfc- ' luennmrances of a financial nature. . The men who are interested in this road are contemplating extending the line from Jroy, through part of Mont gomery and Stanly eountieg to Albe marle, erossmg the Yadkin, at Swift Island, and thence to Concord, a dis tance of '46 miles., - , s" . " On aeeouot. of the fact . that there ; was no intimation oi tne proposed visu y.. inese gemieraen. until, a - leiepnone message was received from Albemarle yesterday morning there was only a small number of eitteens tiresent - at the informal eonfArann held at the St. Claud-Normandy bot el immediately after thefr arrival, Mr. J. - party and said in substance that they were only making a preliminary trip over the proposed line in order to be- i. come familiar with the route And the : section of the country the road would traverse and to consider in general the feasibility of such a road. They were -not in a position to make theitins here' fli f - fnoClun -as epreHentar tives of Mr. Legit, but were to gather general information concerning the section of country,' the people, the business along the route, the probable r eost of construction and all other sub jects of vital importaooe in the under- : ning .Mr; Blair said that while Mr. v' Legit wag sole owner of that part of 'the road eonstmeted and In onnration- and a large stockholder in the Nor- folk & Western, that it was probable be would not undertake to extend his road from Troy to Concord without .. some assistance from people along the route, although he did build and equip f hispreeent road without any aid what ever from the people along its lines. I LaDt. Tull and JoL tilenn also made : remarks ' concerning the extension of the-road to ibis" city along the same una vi mhv uinu. .... .. i'. - ". -.i1!' . . All of the citizens present gave the - representative of the ' road earnest assurance that they as individuals and eitizens of Concord would give the road any - reasonable inducement to come here. Among the etisens pres- ' nt. vfr; Mavnr Waimner. L.D. Col- trane. A. J. Yorke. O. Ed Kestler. B. L. Umberger, V. L. Norman, W. C. ' Correll, J. F. Goodman and a repre- eentative of this paper. . Mr. Kestler : saia iaai iuia wan an ifruuuii; ' Concord had been' demanding for many . years and that be did both as an lndi : vidual and eitixen of Concord strongly ; endorse and gladly support the move ment, and moved a committee be anrminted to drsnr no resolutions Signifying Concord's willingness to eo-operate with the men behind the ruau uu wiung uinu im uvui$ra lo be gained by the road's coming to Concord, which was adopted. Mayor . Wagoner , appointed the following - committee: J. F. Goodman, chairman; O. Ed Kestler, W. W, Fiowe, E. F. White and A. J Yorke. - - After the meeting closed . Air. ' A. Jones Yorke took the representatives of the road and several citizens over ... r O j . New CSlcera of Elks Lodge. r At a meeting of the Concord Lodge of Elks last night the following offi cers were elected for the ensuing - years' ' ' vw Exalted tfuler A. R. Howard, v - Esteemed Leading Knight "Howard ' Townsend. - " Ehteemed Lecturing Knight Hugh 'lteenied Loyal Knight C. E, Cor rell. - . fiecretary-E. Sauvaine.' - ' u Trsurer A. F. Goodman. w ': . r Arcliie Tavlor. , Trustee for three years E. H.,j Representative to the Grand Lodge It. E. Cline. Alternate J. H. Kutledge. , -y C !tzu-41 t ! ea:: To Hart a Band E."Ue Claai at T. H. C Av Other Kewiy Itaaa. KannaDolii will soon have a eornetl band, to be known aa the Y. M. C. A. Cornet Band. Prof, Lodwig, of Salis bury wu here SaturJay night by spe cial arrangement, to give general in structions, ine committee will oar- chase the instrument.! at once and we expect to bear mnsie from them soon. Mr. F. N. Patterson won the crise cue in the pool room last month which will bold until it is iwon 4v some one else. It it understood that whoever wins it the oftenest during the vear will get it to keep. - - . : , ; A ill Die else has teen organised at the Y. M. C A. for the bovs. and a large number otf them are attending. Tbey elected Mr. Owen as their teach er, we dropped. In 4o eee them last night, and were surprised to see ao many boys present and to see them get so quiet when Mr. Owen called for order., There was thirty-six. of them and all seemed to be interested. They are studying the lives of the Bible heroes and last night Noah, was their hero. The boys all seem to have great confidence in Mr. Owen who has a wonderful influence ever them and en joy, their sport himself, making him self one of them, tn the same time maintaining order, The Y. M. C, A. ' memnershio has over douoied in toe past two months, jumping from 114 to 229. There are 4U men and 18 boys, 6- men and boys are on committees which are working harmoniously and much good is being done, i Arrangements have been made for not her pool tournament for next week and some time before the end of the present . months.. - Physical Director Albert Foule of the Charlotte Y. M. C A., will bring a equad of his men over and give an open house entertain ment in gymnasties. . . . ; The -Baracc class of . the Baptist 3 ...II. ! Saturday night, and lave invited the Baraeca class from the Methodist Sunday school to met with them. We all expect 4o have a good time to gether. - " Another chair ha been added in tlbe Kannapolis barber ehop and ismanned by Mr. r?V Prieer. ah MrTiSatirijierT and iffss ftartlEoUj ens spent about ten days m Baltimore recently; Mr. Query returned Tuesday and Alias Wonerts stooped - over in Charlotte with her. parents and other relatives for a few days. - Miss Rob erts is the milliner at White-Morrison Flow Co. and Mr. Query ha charge of "the dry goods department in the same establishment The went to Bal timore to purchase, a stock of spring goods for their respective departments. We are glad to say that (Rev. W. T, Talbirt is up again after being confin ed to nis fied for a few days with la grippe. - - - . - Mrs. 5. u Craig, of Charlotte: is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrsr-G. B. penninger. Mrs. Craig baa many friends, here who are glad to seeJher. Miss Alice Moore and Mrs. J. H. Huneyeutt wen down to Conoord Tues day. -"" - "J " : Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Talbirt, of Fred- ricksburg, Va, are visiting their father, Rev. W. T. Talbirt. Much plowing has been done here for the past week preparatory to gard ening. Mr. Ross is encouraging the people to make gardens and is having their lota plowed up for them free of charge, and while there are many fine gardens here last year there will be more this year if we are not badly fooled.' H. . Young Man Accidentally Cut - Master llrice Willeiord was acci dentally jjut by. Master GarabPuopet yesterday just before noon at the Cen tral graded school, eutsaimng an ngly knife wound in his left thigh- The two boys were standing in the aisle of the school room, preparing to get m line to march out for the noon recess, when one of them dropped a knife. Both boys made a move to pack it up, rronst catching hold of it and said "Look out, I will cut you.'.' Young Willeford rushed against him and the blade ot the knife penetrated the flesh of his left thigh; . He went to his seat and did not realize he was out until he saw the blood from the wound, He was taken to the home -of Dr. Smooc, just across Hie street, where bis wound was dressed.- lie was later taken to the home of his parents on Sontfir Un ion street, The. cutting was entirely accidental and no blame is attached to either of the participants.' ' A bill .was introduced in the- late Legislature to make it unlawful tfor a magistrate to try a case while be is drunk. The bill did not pass. They did not want to monkey with i the "rights ".of the squires. A magis trate can still trv a case while he is ao bloomin' full" that he cannot" hit the ground with his bat, and yet will be, according to the law as it is writ, " jes- tis, ' ' says te Monroe Enquirer. Marriage license hns been issued to Mr. M. L. Tally and L'iss Lena Kss. MUlXCXPAXi POLITIC, The Bees An Beginning to Boo I!y . be a CiUxana Tide. he local politieal bee is beginning t0 buM n we Indications are that the gentle breezes of spring Gnie will be laden with chaff from the threshing out of various public oiiestioai eon- ceming the municipal government. ltie fflciais or tncpresent eity ad ministration have not yt announced their candidacy for re-election but it is a sale prediction tnat several i the present officers will again go be fore the voter of Concord asking that they be retained in their present of ficial capacity. It is equally a safe pre diction that there are men -now con nected with the city government who will gladly retire from office- at the expiration of their terms without a contest. . r A representative of The Tribune has learned from an authentic source that plans are now-on foot to launch a campaign (for a Citizens ticket. The names of all the citizens behind this move could not be learned, but among itg backers are a number of Concord Si mose influential men, whose support is sufficient guarantee that the Citizens movement i will loom up formidable when their plans have crystalused. Just the exact issues the Citizens movement will wage their 'campaign on have not yet been made public. but in a conversation with one of the men behind the movement it could be clear ly seen that the issue they intended to be paramount would be the lax -en forcement of law, especially the liquor laws, oy me past cixy auiiunisirauon. It is also very probalble that tne republican party in the city will follow the ensiom, adopted for the first time four years ago, of naming a full tick et and waging a vigorous campaign. . 'v Owing to the fact that the election is several weeks off and all the plans of each faction are yet premature nothing definite could be learned, but if the coming campaign should assume a three cornered fight it will certainly prove a hummer. Dayranlt's Beef Market to Be Moved Messrs JiiF; Day vault ft 5o. have rented' the room iiext vto the Citizens Banfcrtfad Trust Xios; which- was re eentl3rveatlMiby the Cline Bros, Co., an4-( iuK-imt auntot about the 15th- of this month. . They are now having the room put in shape foif'oecupaney. ' TBeyf have been occu pying their present quarters for quite a number of years but wanted larger quarters. They will have much more room at their new place. , . Will Co, L Volunteer?" Since the War Department has been rushing troops to the border in Texas and the rumors of impending trouble in Mexico, Capt. L, A. Brown, of the local military company, has been be seiged with requests for membership in Co.-L. Considering the fact that the company now has on its rolls the required number of men, tlhe applica tions are necessarily going begging. - ; It ITS 4 QUESTION, or MFErr-ontr 4 CHtCKJNO- ACCOUNT Wltm THE UONMt rov riito MBCBS i "Mr to H4ra on - BAND JUST DlAW VAlVt THE AHOVNt SEEDED, HETHE ITS A HOUSEHOLD ACC0ONT.OK FOE $VStNESS.-rWOSEt .CONOORD NATIONAL BANE Capital $100,000 ,; Surplus' 3P Per Cent Interert Paid on Time ' . Depoeita."",' " Use our Penny Column it payi " rs AS WELL i r? ri ) I J - -r count. Do so to-day. -, - ' Oar patroua, iregardleea of tie amount of buainees : dotie, re ceive ever courtesy in all matters of bqslnesa entrusted to us, and there ia nothin in safe banking we cannot perform. : Til 2 Ccbci rruS iSCLE AI WILL STOP - MZXiaAlf EXVOLtmOK. UobOixatioBr ef Troop ou rrenticr ; for Puxpoat of UphoMiag Monroe Doctrine. -' Washington, March 0. That the admiaiatratiou has decided to diasem ble no longer its reasons for the sud den and unprecedented movement of troops to the Mexican border is indi cated by the following dispatch, re vived tonight from the staff eorres Mndent of the Associated Press who is accompanying President Taft on his journey to Atlanta, The dispatch dd Charlottesville, Va. through which place .the President 'a train ftAsd tonight at 7:30 o'clock is ai ,'A11 doubt as to the ouroose of toe government in . sending zu.uuu troops to the Mexican border has at last been swept away.. The United (states has determined that the rev olution in the republic to the South Btsst end. The (American troops have been sent to form a solid mili tary wall along the Rio Grande to stop filibustering and to see that there ie no further smuggling of arms and men across the . international boundary. j" it is believed that with this sdSiree of contraband supplies cut off the Insurrectionary movement which hae ' disturbed conditions generally for nearly a year without accom plishing anything like the formation of a responsible independent govern ment will speedily come to a close." There was little doubt in the minds o these officials that the true mean ing of the maneuvers" soon would W known, and the logical interpre tation so quickly put upon the move ment of the troops unquestionably disconcerted the administration offi cials from President Taift down. -; STh Washington government unex pectedly found itself confronted by the necessity of throwing an army along the 'border line "of Mexico to stop the source of supply to the rev oliiUonists and to be in a position to invade- Mexico at a moment's notice in' the event of the death Of President Dinz or any other Tmtoward circum stance which might preeipitate general firliting or rioting. ; ' ''f ' Ar. ill. I Ii Hi' '"-4- & ' "The-bier sale -of sample eboes "at Eflrd's atill continues, and they have employed additional- salennent to take care of the rush tomorrow.-" They are selling these shoes (from 08 to $2.69, Worth from $1.50 to $4.00. ' ' Keep The "Yes, but keep it at work. So many of us do, not realize what this.' means. .'Wa spend the change too freely, pass it on to another." i&lost men let enougn ; loose change get through their . Angers to provide a substantial building and loan account Keep ' the change at work. The way ?and the how are easy enough simple operation Take shares with the Cabarrus Building ft Loan Association, deposit your change, let it grow and provide an old age relief fund. . 1 Straight and simple is the wayleading to the building and loan office and he finds this way early in life has laid the founda tion for a thrifty, prosperous and successful career. : Results peak in convincing language. , Out 27th Series opens Satur day, April 1st. ' - - , !'- " ,: J. M. HENDRIX, Secy, and Treat, In Concord National Bank. AS LARGE-ONES ARE welcomed here. You need not wait until your business has assumed great proportions before opening an ac- Savings Cr.hh. SICTATOBDUZISDTnrO. Our Army to Crush Chaos If Els Gov ernment Tails,' ' Speeial to New York World. .' ! Washinirton. March 8. That Presi dent Diaz, who is m his eightr-first year, la ao ill his recovery is doubted was admitted at the Mexican Embassy today.-. . , Unless hui health has an immediate turned for the better be mav relin quish the reins of government at any time.: f I&s retirement mar come within a week or ten days. A week or ten days will flnod all of the full division of troupe ordered to the border and all the vessels now pro ceeding to Mexican waters at their stations and thoroughly organized. If Diaz dies it is feared a condition of chaos will arise that would make it necessary htat an effective American force be near to protect American and foreign interests, which would be undoubtedly in peril - and attacked ftrstf ' ' " The Musical Georgettes. ' The popular entertainers, The Mu sical Georgettes, Will appear in Con cord at the Central graded school building on Wednesday evening. Marcn 19. The Georgettes are one 'of 'the best novelty musical companies on the road. . The little ten-year-old daugh ter who is a member of the company is really a remarkable child. She not only executes the most difficult selec tions on the violin but carries her part through the entire program; on the various collection of instruments em ployed. i The company consists of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Georgette and their ten- year-old daughter, - Josephine. Each of the family is a soloist on different instruments. The prices will be adults 35 cents; children 25 cents. China Famine Fund. Previously acknowledged -..$117.00 Mrs. W, M. Widenbouse ....... .50 Cash . 5.00 E. C. Turner ; "... Mrs. Will Burleysott ..j....,.'1.60 Total to date .$126.00 Spring New 1 iVGl' Everv freight and express;: brings us New Spring Merchan dise and many Special Bargains will be shown; Friday and Sat urday in Hosiery, NoveltiesNo tions, Muslin -Underwer, Silks arid Cotton Silfe Foulards, White Goods, Percales; Galatea, Ging hams, etc, etc. '. s. , j " 'in i s New Novelties in Skirts, Coat: Suits and Shirt- iWatStS.K'rJ' l: 5 Don't fail to take a look at oiU beautiful lme . of Spring Footwear. TB0OPS SPECIAL TBADf . PASSES THBOUOZ. A Great War Game, Which Is giaaply - a8ubterfuga. Salisbury Post, 9th. A detachment of Uncle Sam's regu lars, traveling on a speeial from Washington City to San Antonio, Texas, near the seat of the Mexican trobule, spent several hours from 12 to 2:30-iat Spencer today, watering and feeding their stock. The soldire are from Battery D, Fort Myers, and mrrc were c.ju in toe oeiacMnent. Tae -company ia in charge of Capt. Willard D. Newbilt, and the men are imnreeiwul with the idea, not withstanding Mr. s iDicmui in ins onexican gov ernment, t ha they are to do some fighting in Mexico. ' . The special consists of twentv-two cars as follows evgiit torti, three ! sice'ers, one uaggege ear, two gondo las, five flal carsaud three ;,ox cars. The train Jeft Washington about 7 o'clock last night and will probably reach San Antonio by Saturday. Two other detachments 'left Washington yesterday by the Seaboard. On board the flat ears were found field pieces, and a number of army wagons. In the box cars there were ordinances tor a series of battles. - State Offen Service. Raleigh, March 9. There came to- ' day to Adjt.-Gen. R. L. Leinster, of the North Carolina National Guard, a number of telegrams from officers of the guard in .various sections of the State offering their services if there is a call by the United "States govern ment for the North Carolina Cfiard, or any part of it, to participate in the movement te the frontier of Mexico. Capt. E. P. Copeler, of High Point; Capt. A. L. Bulwinkle,' of Gastonia; Lieut. York Coleman, of Rutherford ton ; Lieut. T. Ward. Eshelman and Capt. E. A. Simpkins, of Goldsboro, have thiis far volunteered, ' . Hon. Charles J. Harris, of Asheville, bag presented the Asheville Citizen ?:: with a check for $200 as Ms subserip- ii a.1 .Li t.t.' rAMMe.i 0 J : bnu iu .tun jjiii njrv auoiuuKim xuuu. This makes Mr. Oarris the largest in dividual 8ujbseriber to the fund in the State. -, l '"" - 'S9H, 4 . .