4 oL ::::r. - - wc -.r .a concohd. n. g. sa: r v iV MARCH 11. 1911, ; Copy, f Casta. NO. 204 ..::::rr. Tilers, Liir T-m . Stores Last XTIiL and Ct Com Booty.: . Thieve were ajpiin at work la the eity last night, three stores being en tered and good and money uuo Uterefrom. Glass in the rear window! of the itor of L. E. lips, C XL White nd the A. F. MerUell Grocery Company were broken out and the store entered. - -" At the store of Mr. C R. White, on Means street, $7.00 in money waa ta ken from a email iron fe. The key to th aafe iu left in the desk and thia wai taken and 'he safe opened. At the repair ahop of Mr. L. E. Lipe a wateh is among tht articles missing and Mr. Lipe also found another watch just in the fear of the store, . that waa evidently left by the pillag ers. On account of the large stock of goods at A. F. Hartsell ft Co. it eoald not be learned what article of value were taken, with the exception of! sev ral boxes of eandy. . ' There i no clue as to who' entered the stores or the time the deed;was committed. The police now have the case in hand. . . :' V"-" ' What Happened Down at Tarboro. The Tarboro Southerner tells the following atorv. It is a good one: ; '- "A lady who does not live a hun dred mi lee from this, office suspected her lmsband was in the habk of kissino- the oratiT, servant girl and resolved to detect him in the act After watehino- some time for an. ooDortunitv she heard him enter the . kitehen quietly one evening when the niwttv servant sirl was out." 6he im- miuliiifaW nlaeed a Bhawl aver her Wd and with matches in hand and heart burning with jealousy, entered the darksome kitchen by the - back door and iwas almost immediately seised and embraced and kissed . in ' the most ardent manner. Burning with rage and bent on administering a terrible rebuke ehe tore loose from hi embrace and struck a match and . here stood face to face with the serv ing girl's beau. Her lmsband says after thia his wife waa never more affectionate. "Wnee the day they, were married." . --. - Cure for Ckraeord,'. TFT ffi",-1 XiojraseP;4; Rowan Round, j T,IlVanderford,Sr.,wentdownto Concord yesterday, to look after the : ..starting up of the Concord ear line, - which be says will take place at an early date. They are now waiUng V- ' for the ears, and these ears are the , ' verv latest thing out. The line i to , - be equipped witn tne ocaison storage ' - battery cars." - This make of ear has - been thoroughly tested in New York and Washington and besides being the latest and best thing out, they are " cheaper to operate and the line con- (traction is less expensive and safer - as the unsightly poles and dangerous I ' overhead trolley are dispensed witn. ? The company has purchased two cars, which are said to. the first two sold. Concord in to be congratulated on her 1 good fortune. War Cams'! Explanation EiU U be a Cloak Eaemiea Probing for Mo tive. . ; Special to Baltimore 6tin. -; Washington. Mareh 9. By Demo crats and that element of Republicans in Washington who are opposed to President Tift, the possible political significance of the sudden rushing of the American military and, naval forces within' striking distance of the Mexican border is regarded as of great importance, and every move is being watched with keenest interest. The official explanation of the mobi lisation of the troope,ihat it is for the purpose of indulging in a war game of "maneuvers," is held to be an extremely thin and perfectly trans parent cloak, useful in hiding the real purpose of the President and his ad- vieers. - i ?-:. -x. It i recognized that there is a more serious reason than the one officially given and that the situation is load ed with political dynamite. The pos sibilities of an American invasion of Mexico; of a war of conquest, or of some dramatic and forceful move npon the part of the American foreei that will rush the insurrectltm and estab lish Urmly the tottering Mexican Got- eminent, protecting American inter ests and investments in a way . to arouse the admiration and pride of the people m their President, are be ing widely speculated npon A great deal of skepticism is heard here as to the possibility of European intervention in Mexico and the eug geation of such a thing is character ized a "bosh." A note is also detected in the talk oo the effect that the whole business hae its inspiration r in wall - street, where the big investors, who have their millions tied up in Mexico Are anx ious- that they shall -be guarded. If American, money is to be spent, and, possibly, American blood spilled, to protect the interest of the Morgans and. the Ouggenheims, then the Dem ocrats are calculated to make the moat of that as a campaign issue when Coin gross convenes, Certain it is that if the veil is -not lifted -by the Administration as to its real motives before that time there will be a prompt introduction s&reSOi for speeine Information. ' . ZZ3. ' round Unooaedou Is His Kooa TV Horning, and Has Vot Kegaiaed Oonsdonsiissa. Mr, Borace BUckwelder, a well known and popular merchant f the eity, is desperately ill at his room at the residence of Mr. J. P. Cook, on. West Corbin street. Mr. BlackweldeH war" unwell yesterday afternoon and last night He went to his room early in the night and retired. ; No one heard him leave bis room at bis usual hour this morning and on examination of hia room he was found there in an unconscious condition. Two physi cians have been with him for several hours, and up to the noon boar he had not regained consciousness. The ex act nature of his Ulnea ie net known and much apprehension is felt aa to his recovery. - ;: Wonderful Piedmont Development The Durham Sim thus reoortu an interview with Mr. B. N. Duke TneaJ day: "What route - will .the interuban lines' take to get to the. seacoastt was one of the first questions ai jnr. iise. . We haven't " even; considered that," be repied. ?We do only one thing at a time and when that m completed we take , up- something else. - If it becomes. necessary for us to have an outlet to the seaeoasf we snail get.; out up to this time we have not considered that unpos uon at aiL mst now, we are con centrating all of our energy on the une from Charlotte to ' the south. The contract for a part of that line was let yesterday. We will operate that part of the line first. It may be tnat it won't pay. But just now. have, flo idea but that we shall push tne whole line to immediate com pletion just as soon as it can- be done." : . K'':- From the development of the great internrban system. 'Mr. Duke drifted into the development of the Pied mont seetiom " You. tavenH-the slightest idea hwhat is going to be done in this sec tion during the next ten years," said ur. uuks jwita entnusiasm and em- Thv it'Witball -ttt cur-wagojulceat t 2S ef the PsopU ZTert and Cse ' wiere Wka Come and Oe. Mies Marguerite Brown is spending h day in Charjftte.- Mr. J. H. Watson is enendinc the dy in (Jretnsboro.' r- , ; : Miss Fannie Ketner ia - visiting friends U Charlotte. -. Xr.R. 8. Wheeler ia apendug the da jvin Sing's Mountain, .; 4 t. W, Pi Eitcbie arrived from a tri oa the road this morning. Jlr. Claude Ramsaur is spending tne oay in urecnsboro on business. ?r. J. if. HartselL of No. 10 town shio, baa returned from a week's visit in Jtaeou, Oa. .-. . . . Jlrs. J. N. Cole, of Raleigh, arrived yesterday on a visit to Jier daughter, MnL-jflato Durham. Mrs: W. 3. MonUromerr has srone te Davidson to see her sister, Mrs. E. H. Handing, , who is seriously ilL . v . . Sfis Susie Williams, of Statesville. is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sue Wil liatfs, at Mr. R. 6. Wheeler's. " Mrs... D. B. Morrison has gone to Wuiston-oelem to visit Mr. and Mr?. M. 0. Morrison and little son. - Mrs. Lent left Friday after noon for; Danville to visit her son, Mr; Lucas Lents, who is very ill. . - j Miss Naonie Alexander reurned this morning from New York, where she hatteen for several weeks buying mil linery, and studying the new styles in lad in headgear. : . WITS TES czxrE.cima. Ajaodate Reformed Preabrterian. fiabbatb School at 10 a. m. Preach ing at 7:30 p. m. . " " ' St Andrews LoOtsran. Regular preaching aerviee at St. Andrews Lutheran church will be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock and in the evening at 1, conducted by the pastor, Rev. C. fi. Flees. J. W. Cannon J. Locke Erwin UUasn , r Torest E3H Methodist. ' Regular service at 11 a. m. by the pastor. J. F. (Shina, of Norwood, will address the congregation tomorrow night, Mr. Shina is well known by the Concord people. We predict for him a large congregation. Everybody is cordially invited. - ; First PrssbyteriaB Church. The uenal services, morning and svening, will be fceM tomorrow at the First Presbyterian church, by the pas tor.- Evening service at 7:30 o'clock. . ,;; First Baptist Church. There will be regular service at the First Baptist church tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Preaching by the pastor, .. OUR SILL XYS FUXD. Mrs. fi. A. Brown Nye cottage fund live dollars today, making it to run over the 250.00 mark. Mrs. J. Jf. Cenaon 25.00 2SJX 25.00 25.00 25.00 26.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 10 AO 10 An C. A. Cook , io.OO Boys at Training School mmmmm 908 Tunes R. A. Brown 'a Son . C. B. Wagoner . Frank L. Smith . Arthur B. Pounds , Cash C P. F. .Ritchie B. Fetzer Mrs. R. A. Brown Tribune -. a W. Swink . J. F. Honeyeutt .... Cask . 5.00 . 5.00 ftVOO 5.00 5.00 Total ...$251.63 fit lames Lutheran Church. Usual service at St James Lutheran tomorrow morning and evening, by the pastor. Central Methodist Church. There will be regular cervices at Central Methodist ehnrch tomorrow, at 11 and 7:30 o'clock, by the pastor. lutions, of - inquiry1 by emoerats. inJ-waterpowerj, natural resources .and the House calling apou the President delightful climate the manfaetflrerg Mr. Cade's linotype Machine Prom -7 tses WslL ; - Shelbyr March -'Mr. Baylus Cade, inventor of the Cade linotype ' ma chine. . which he is .hawing built in Philadelphia by A. Nacke ft Bon, leaves tomorrow (to be with hi ma- v ehinist while Jhey are assembling the Ust parts. A demonstration was giv en last month when a number of the stockholders were there to see the ; flmt trv-ont . A wire came"back from Mr. J. H. Quinn, one of the Shelby , men who saw the machine, ' that ; it was highly successful and would do evevthinir Mr. Cade has claimed that it will do. At that time there were . . few connections that had not .been made so Mr. Cade goe back to sup ervise the finishing touches. Ql&ctol Denial Given Rumors of Deal . . I Witk Japan..: ; Mexico City, March 10. That Mex ico has granted to Japan no conces sion for the maintenance of a naval station and no privileges on the Te- haunteoee railroad are statements which Enrique C Creel, minister of foreign affairs,' baa authorized tt" ' ciseo L. De La Barra,: Mexican am bassador at Washington, to make. The increasing rumor in the united States that Mexico had entered into an agreement with Japan whereby the latter was to be permitted to use cer tain h costs along the coast or . lower California and to be granted special privileges for thetranaportation ,or sawnlies over the Isthmian railroad, caused Mr. De La Barra to send to the foreieu office today a request that be be permitted to make a definite state ment regarding toe cnarges. Norwood Club Ilea Arrested. Stanlv Enterorise. ' - Two whiskey clubs have been oper ating in Norwood in open violation of the law for sometime, and citicens of the town banded together and sent to 'Albemarle for Lawyer . "Bob" Smith to come down and prosecute them; In the evidence, t waa shown that both" negroeg and white were mem' ben of the same eulb- ; ; - : O. D. B. Reynolds represents Fes perman and Maner, and L. L. Hark rader, represents W. M. Marquad.-: .: One of the attoueye for for the de fense says his client has agreed to quit the business.: Some very con vincing evidence rests against the men, Conor Roll of WlIte.Eall EchooL . Honor roll for White Hall School for month ending March 10, 1911: Fr'nnry room Frankie UornDucK l', ; '.Ie 'White, Ony Talbirt, Lewis I i, Cordon Russell, Lola Grier. I'. l's Jloonv Jlolfln Talbdrt, "i iljnilmckle, Telhe Eassell, irmon, Larkin Parish, Fannie Li";e V.'ade, May Rueeell, Em v ilasie Joyner, Elwood Joy- some interesting ueveiopmenis looked for. - - 1 are Zn Ooncord.Next Year.f Charlotte Observer. " ' The meeting of the Woman's Mie- sionary Union of the Mecklenburg and and the postponed preliminary trial J 1 A . n . will i. liAlil IT1 ' . 1. i J . M Concord next March. ; A mid-winter . meeting "will also be beld. The gath . ering, Thursday at the Pritchard Me morial Baptist church in thii eity was a most successful one, - Mrs. J. - D. Withers was elected .to attend " the meeting of the State Union in Wil - tnington as a delegate. : Their employe! will make them. do it, if they don't come any other way. Escaped Carolina Convict Enjoys Ltb . -; . v: . erty . Sixteen-. Yean. Lexington, Ky.,Hareh .0. After being at liberty for sixteen years T. Br Wbitson, who on February - 27, 1895, escaped from the State prison at Raleigh; N, C, where be was serv ing a' sentence of 30 years Tor murder, was arrested here today and will be ta ken back to North Carolina to serve out his term. , ,' ' Residing, in Letcher county, Ky., as 'camuel Jones," be uas amassed comfortable fortune. 'He was sen tenced to deith March 19, 1893, for the murder of C. C. Byrd, at Bakers- ville, N. C, but on a second trial he was given 30 years imprisonment, iWhen arrested today, wbitson ad mitted his identity and declared he was willing to return toi North Caro lina. Whitson said for ten yearg after be shot Byrd he-escaped prosecution, his trouble having occurred ? twenty eight years. ago.,t He ehargeg his ar rest to an enemy he made by assist ing in the. release from an asylum . or a man with whom this enemy had had trouble. A ;: -f-V .wfr ;W -.t : Wbitson said that he would make a plea ffor clemency on the upright life he bad lei since hia escaper v; , ? No More Gold, to be Coined For Three .:,.U .' Yera.-;',K:ft',;;' -fei'- The mints Will stop making' gold coins as a result of an act of Con gress permitting the Secretary of the Treasury to issue 1 gold certificates against gold bullion and -foreign gold eoitti Although no more gold will be coined for about three years, there will be plenty on hand in the Treas ury, vanlts for all wha want it, and in- the aeaflwhile Treasury officials st'i'if' "(wemment will . eave UttavtiMOxl J tat.: fuill MH.. nme readjustment of the (forces of the mintg' will be necessary, - but there "will br no wholesale reduor tions, at the demand for silver coins nickels and pennies is very heavy and shows no sign of abatement. Our Famine Fund. 'Several more contributions bave been received for our China Famine Fund today, which now amounts to $147.50, all of which, except that re ceived today has been forwarded. The fund now stands: - - Previously acknowledged ....$126.00 Stonewall Jackson Circle of " King's Daughters "... 4.50 Mrs. R. A. Brown i.... 1.00 Miss Mary Branson Coltrane - 1.00 Sunderland School .-,.-15.00. Total . ..$14750 Get More Men for Navy, Rush Order 'Rfadt. .. - -New York, March 9. Orders to rush naval enlistments were received ' by the local recruiting station this morning. The order wa. sent out to all stations in the United States, and -revokes an order of February IB, which called for discrimination in se lecting applicants. The recruiting Of ficers are urged to take on as many men as possible "to fill the. large ' number of vacancies in the navy." - rine order was signed bv H. A. Wiley, ehief of recruiting stations. It is very brief and simrIy calls for the -recruiting of men for the navy, also revoking a lengthy order of February 18 which urged the recruiting officers to inquire into the antecedents of all men enlisted, paying particular : at- -tention to their peculiar fitness for duty on shipboard. , ' In his letters from Chinaj Mr. Clar ence H. Poe quotes Confucius as say ing: "Government is good when it -makes happy those who live - nndet it and attracts those that Uve far away." That is as good a definition as any wise man of our day could give, " --New'nd beryer,-j. -&0. ilia v ner. - 1 1 yn 1 ff t Clarence Poe Had Trip Full of In - ' i . ntruction. . Raleigh, March 10. Clarence Poe, editor of the Progressive Farmer, just back from hi tour of the world, during which he traveled more than 40,000 miles by eteamer, railroad, rick shaw, donkey, elephant, sedan chair and other means of transportation. It is a notable fact that during his entire trip he saw only one human face that he had ever seen before. This was Miss Sarah Cheshire, . daughter ; of Bishop Cheshire, of the diocese of North Carolina, whom he saw in Wu chang, China, where she is in the mis sionary service Mr, Poe declares that his trip has brought to realize more than ever (he tremendous privi lege of being an American. Charleston hue started in to raiae T10VJ0 for a Y. Tf. C. A. In a few ' !s it ra;--.l One lady head ed the Lut i.b s, ,' -, ! In. its recent legislative report The Chronicle anticipated quite accurately, the action of the Senate m.the matter of the chib liquor bill passed by the House.- The Senate amendment to the bill was simply to make its meaning elearer. , Clubs organized aa drinking clubs, cure and simple will be put out of business. In commercial and so cial - clubs, members can keep whis ker in their own lockers. ; The cluD management cannot order the liquor for the members end that is toe only difference from former conditions. The near-beer traffic will be wiped out on July 1. Charlotte Chronicle. m fmm , Other local Batter on third pace. ,; For a few daya we are going to talk in BIG FIGURES, these colossal sums -that - move the world. , One authority says that ' American people save five bil lion dollars a year. " - - Accepting these figure ae correct, how much do you savel . llow much of this five billion fund it yours t Have you a part, or have you passed yours - on to some one else who saved f it ttfnis credit t "- . Better pinch out a few dol lars each week and join this army of ' savers, oave your -share. - and - commence saving NOW. Man's ingenuity has provided no better way than the building and loan - way and the ' Cabarrus B. ft L. is good enough for any one. Com join the 27th Series and save. . . J. M. ESNDRIX, Secy, and Treas. tn Concord National Bank.' r TS AS .WELL AS LARGE ONES ARE ' ' xucAfnmcA hro Von nA1 tint wait . f -i . VM w, r.- J .... .. until your business has assumed great proportions before opening an ac- v count. Do 80 to-day.. ' . Our patrons, ' regardless of the amount of business done, re ceive every courtesy in all matters of . business entrusted to us, and there is nothing in safe banking we cannot pcrforni; Good Values itr ' WHITE GOODS Monday and All Week. In this lot of White Goods you will find some t UNUSUALv VALUES. You carunaake a betteiwalection in the earlier part of the week. Come terly., .' lOoquality Check Dimity, 27 to 28 inches wide, priced . l7-c . ' Good assortment of Swiss Lawn and Madras, 12 Jc to 16c values," for.....k.........M...10c ' ' : 15c Pajama Checks, 40' inches wida . , .jJ.Hft . Large range of styles in shirt and shirtwaist Madras at, per yardfc...., -..--120, 15c and 18c ' 19c quality Repp, special.......12c . J 20c quality 50-inch Crystal Cloth for skirts or shirtwaists 14c , 36-inch pretty Check Flaxon, sold all the time for 25c, special...mJn. -...-.- 20c Sheer Mercerized and Round Thread Linen-, fudged Batiste and Lawns are nneqnaled values. ; 36-inch heavy quality Linene...Ji-.U-l-10c' ' - Other good values at.....l..---12c and 15c ' 15c and 18c quality 30-inch Kilkiny and Belarney 1 Lawn, looks like linen, priced.......l2.c and 15c. Sheer Lawns and Batiste, special at, per yard V 10c, 12ic, 15c and 18c .Beautiful quality 10c sheer silk-finished Batiste..25c ; Ten pieces of 36-inch sheer Linen Lawn, special, per, ; yard... . 25c and 29c Five pieces 1 36-inch" round thread White Dress . Linen, a regular 40c quality, special .....i..29c : Biz Bargains in English Long Cloth at, per yard ' . 10c, 121c, 15c and 19c n; n Look for not advertised Bargains, .New things every day. y , ; ( I ' t c.:;..as v Sf IW1- C W p if . .

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