A A OL. XXI. Fries, 4 J Cts t l'-z'X r - concord, n. a Monday; march so, rate Single Copy, S Gate NO. 212 CHA.UT.lt. 'J'A FH0C2AM. peaker for the' Wek's Heeting to be Eeld at rtrrt Presbyterian - CT.urca. Bgianim Kett Sunday. The program for the weeks Chao ; tauqua at the-First Presbyterian church is about completed and ia of T fitch a character to assure a week of unusual interest. Concord people re member the West minster League of the church two year ago held each - a meeting and the one now planned for is along the earn line. The speakers for the eight day have been secured, though there may be one r two ehangee from the list as here given, made necessary by some unforeseen happening. The Chautauqua will be---pin next Sunday, the 26th. On this day Rev. W. C. Alexander, a former pastor, now at Nashville, will be in the pulpit morning and evening and addressing the Sunday school in the . afternoon. Monday evening Rev. : - Charles E. Baynal, of States ville, is the speaker; Rev. P. D. Jones, of Westminster church, jot Charlotte, "comes Tuesday evening; Rev. J. F. r Preston, a missionary to Korea, will , address the League on .Wednesday; - former Governor M.. F.' Ansel, of Greenville, 8. C is to make an ad dress Thursday ; on Friday Rev. W. . M. Minter, of - Lineolnton,", is "the speaker; Saturday afternoon Prof, W. TED BT ELS E&52AKD. . the children Sunday, April 2nd. Dr. Theron H. Rice, of Union Seminary, will preach morning and evening, Dr. ' Riee is one of the strongest preachers of the Southern church and a man of wonderful personality, , -h ? . . The people of Conord and Cabar rus have a most cordial invitation to attend these meltings. : All who attend will be given moat cordial weleome : and hear able men discuss live topics ; of interest to all our people. - ?' 1 The members of the several coramit tees representing the league are asked -.4ft meet Thursday evning at 7:30 at r the home of the president to make eom plele final t arrangements for. this -,' weeks' event. 4K :' "AY'i', ?:'-- Deepotulant Tounf Wifs Attempts Sulci da U a Greensboro EotaL Special to Charlotte Observer. ' Greensboro, March 18. Forsaken and deserted by the man who few weeka before had beome her hus band, tired of searching and inquir ing .for him,- despondent dejected, and down east, air. Farrar Royster, who' was before marriage a Mias Mitchell, of Burlington, attempted to take her own life ia a parlor of the Guilford hotel today. Guests in -the lobby at 1:15 o'clock, while the din ner rush waa on, beard a pistol shot behind the curtains that separate the lobby from the , parlor. Thrusting aside, the curtain, they beheld the woman lying writhing upon the ear pet, a gaping wound in her breast, from which the blood waa" sporting, and a amoking Smith ft Wesson 32 ealiber revolver at her aide. r - "I did it myself," she said in an swer to the questions of those who pressed about her. ' "I did it for the love of a man"; he left me two weeks ago, and I love him better than life." v Doctors were hurriedly called in and they applied anaesthetics,, and an : ambulance was 'called to carry ner wj me nospnau me -woman begged the physicians to finish her life, either to shoot her or give her J. .Martinet Davidson, will talk toimething that would take away the Ball (hue at Mt Pleasant Tomorrow. '. The baseball schedule of Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute opens to- morrow etf teriKMyv wlen, the first jf . ' a series of two games will 3e played a . 1 I . a aie, wnicn,' sne said was misery without the man she loved , and had married.'. ..' k j' .The man, who the -young woman says is her husband, is Farrar Rov- ster, of this city ,a member of a good family and . well known in the city. Re is about 23 years of age and has new several positions about town, none of them, however, long at a time. He Is now said to be in Texas. Greensboro. March 19. Mrs. Far. rar Koyster, who yesterday attempted to till herself with a pistol while in the parlor of the Hotel Guilford, was resting very well at St. Leo 'a hos pital today.: ' Her condition is quite erious, nowever, and last night she suffered considerable pain. The ball entered the right breast and passed entirely through the lung and lodged somewhere in her back. " , - It is learned that on Snndav'Ja week ago today, the girl swore out with tha of baU.fooera 'representing Lenoir College, on the Institute diamond at Mount Pleasant. The- game will be called promptly at 4 o'clock and the admission will be 25 eeirts. The ca dets have been trained this season und.r the guidance of 'Prof. Welsh, and he baa succeeded in developing a hard hitting, fast fielding and clever bunch of ball players and when they clash with the Lenoirites ' tomontow ' and next "day it will be a- contest worth witnessing. It is expect -d that a good many fans from this -city will drive pver for the games. husband, aaving"at the time, "I have done everything I can to shield' him from disgrace and now I intend to Ipnt him in deeper than he har ever rbeen." - ' - a Expires in Bis Buggy. . Charlotte. March 18. While- driv- , ing into the city today, accompanied bv his wife. George Perry, a prosper ous farmer of Charlotte township ex oired without uttering a word.-: Hia hone bad strangely turned into street leading to a hospital nearby, . 'when Mrs. Perry called her husband 'i attention to the, fact and then it was that she discovered hif condition; He ' was driven hastily to the,1 hospital whenee the animal , had. seemingly Mrs. R. A, Brown - turned of its own aceord, but Perry Tribune waa dead when : the hospital was reached. -i .-v."." ';"''v",::;:-: GOLDSICO 1XAK KILLED. Called to Eii Desk at Sorereport, La., ' and Shot by Woman He Betrayed. - Shereveport, La, March 18. C. G. Komegay, railroad, rate clerk employ ed by the Viekeburg, Shreveport and Packle railway, was shot five times and died almost instantly here today. A Mrs. Haynie, who aays abe formerly lived at Greenville, Miss, surrendered to the authorities. ' The woman called at the railroad office and asked to see. Kornegwy. He went from hia desk to a window at the counter, when the woman opened Are. After the man feQ, Mrs. Haynie turn ed the revolver upon herself,, but the cartridge failed to explode. The wo man aaid she killed Komegay because after leaving her husband and two children and coming with hfm to this she learned Kornegay had a wife and six children at Goldsboro, N. C. , Goldsboro; March 1S.C G. Korn egay waa of one of the best and old est families in this section, and for merlyheld a position of trust in the business world which he lost through f dissipation. He was 3a years old and leaves awife and five children, who hold the esteem . of the eommunity. His brother is cashier of the First National bank. Since he left Golds boro to start life anew elsewhere Kornegay has sent monthly tances to his family. Not all Killed. . Charlotte Chronicle. Along about thi time of the year we seldom fail to hear doleful reports of the fruit being killed. As a matter Of fact some buds have been nipped. but not more than is usually the case, except in some exceptional year, like that of' 1010. ' In that " year almost every blossom bore fruit, and in the fall, the ground under the trees was covered with the fallen treasures. There was more fruit than the people could take care of. It is doubtful if this generation will ever see another fruit year like it But coming back to the subject. There wae a high wind, a few nights ago, accompanied by freesing temperature, and because there was ice, the fruit professionals at once sent out word that all the fruit' was killed, TJie farmer Jcnav FOREST ELL HEWS. Nameroas Personal Items ef Interest Frea the Xorthera Part of tilt Oity. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bangle and Mies Ketta Wadkina, of Charlotte, spent Sander in the city with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Wadkina. ( Mr. J. T. King and family, ef Rock ingham, moved to Coneord last- week and will live on St. Mary 'e street.' - Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hinton. of Canton, Ga., arrived in the city last wee, air.'imrton is a beamer and will work at the Locke MilL . Mrs. W.'J. White, of Kannapolia, spent Sunday "in the eity with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Melnnis, Sr - r V.- .'.. Mr, Jas. Eagle spent Sunday in Chine Grove with home folks. 1 ' -Mr. Lon Demarcns spent Snndsv in Kannapolia with relatives. : - Miss Thelma Gaddy returned yes terday to her home in Charlotte af ter spending sevens! weeks in the eity with her grandfather. Mr. Jno. Me- Iwiis. - -v.; j-. Mias Kate Suther has returned to her home in the eity after spending a week, in Salisbury visiting relatives,' ' Mrs. Chae. Kearns sp nt Sunday in Kannapolis.' . ' -Messrs. Areh. Earnhardt and Sid Dent. spent Sunday in Charlotte. i'Mt Justice Brown, of Charlotte. remit-Mpent Saturday and Sunday in the eity with relatives. In a few weeks Mr. Bunn will be a full fledcred M. D.. bnt he has not definitely decided where be will locate. , Mr1. C, E. Stratford spent Sunday in the eity with his family, Mr. Strat ford' hK rejsigned his. position , at Chester, S. C, and has accepted a po sition aa overseer of beaming a t High land Park Mill, of Charlotte. . : Mr, and jars. s. ti. WiJmotn, who have been visiting at the - home of Rev.-.W. L. Hutchins, leave today for their home at Elkin. . - Mr, Geo. Farrell has gone to Rock Hill where he has accepted a position. OUR BILL KTE FUND. Mr. John A. Clint Adda Three Dollars to II Today, Our Bill Nye fund for the erection of the cottage at the Jackson Train ing School still grows. It has now oassed ihe $250.00 mark. Mrs. J. W. CantXi3.....l 25.00 J. W. Cannon ..-i-j. . 25.04 J. Locke Erwin 25.00 Cash ...i....-..- s 25.00 R. A. Brown's Sons .......... 25.00 C. B, Wagoner 25.00 Frank L. Smith 15.00 Arthur B.sPounds . : 10.00 Cash 10.00 0. F. Ritchie 10.00 P. B. FeUer 10.00 C. A. Cook : 10.00 is safe.'Ii is the still, cold frosty night that does the work for the rruu trees. So far this season we have not had that sort of a night,. and here .and there the eoming summer, the people are going to pick np a peach, or an apple or two ' , t . Honor Roll for Rocky Biver SchooL Primary, room Ola Burris, Lewis Coley, John, Lela and Laura .Kiser ; Garfield Linker, Joe Pharr, Rose and Clell Heagler, and Alberta smnnv in termediate -room Kuth Heagler. ' , Boys at Training School Times . ..........M Our China raminsTund. ' Out !. China famine fund now amounts to more than $200.00 and Still the contributions come iu. The fund now stands: -" reviopsly aeknowledgL.....$183.35 Citiens of Bost Mill J ' ' " .00 Lewis Hartselt 5.00 , Total to date.l $200.85 PEESONAL MENTION. ; Some ef the People Sere and Else where Who Come and Go. - " Mrs. J. P. AllUoa is visiting rela tives in Salisbury.' Rev. J. J. Eads ia spending the day in Salisbury. Mr. Luther Lee spent yesterday with friends in Salisbury. Mr. W. P. Rawley, of the Charlotte Observer, ia here today. ' Mr. P.' C. Tucker, of Greensboro, waa a visitor in the eity yesterday. Mr. W. H. Redfern, of the Charlotte News, is a visitor in the eity today. Mr. A. E. Lents, of Salisbury, spent yesterday in the eity with his family. Rev. A. O. Lindley has rone to To bacco ville to visit relatives for a week. Mrs. Brevard E. Harris, of Eaton ton, G., will arrive tonight to visit Mrs. W. C. Boyd. . Miss Ruth Misenheimer, of Mount Pleasant, spent yesterday in the eity with Miss Mary Cline. Prof. Abernathy, of Rutherfordton College, has been visiting Prof. Ran kin, at White Hall. , - Miss . Mamie Grier, of Matthews, spent Sunday with Mrs. Arahey White, at White Hall. Mr. J. C. Grier, of the Union Theo logical Seminary, Richmond, is visit ing his parents, Rev. and Mrs. 3. M. Grier. Miss' Mary Fry who hag been visit ing Miss Shirley. Montgomery, left .this morning for Salisbury to visit mends. Rev. W. C. Alexander, of Nashville, Tenn., will arrive in the city tomor row night to visit Mr. and Mrs. C F. Ritcbie. v - Miss Eloise Beebe, of Easton, Md., arrived this morning on a visit to the family of her uncle, Mr. F. A. Arch ibald. - :: , -Mr. and 'Mrs. R. S. Harris, who have been visiting - their , daughter, Mrs. J. F. Shinn, of Norwood, for a week, returned home this morning. ; 0 TO CLOSE POSTOrnCB ON EACH SUNDAY. Movsmant Suited in BalUbcry , to . Close Both the Carrier ami General Delivery Windows. , Special to Charlotte Observer. .- Salisbury, March 10. A movement waa launched at the meeting of the Barara class of the First Methodist church this morning looking to the closing of the Salisbury postoi&ee on Sunday.' It ia proposed to ask the Postofflee Department officials to is sue an order that at no time on San day shall the earners! or general de livery windows be open for the dis tribution of mail or selling of stamps. Such an order would' not affect those having Jock boxes as a sufficient num ber of clerks would be on duty on Sunday to open up the mails. There are quite a number of cities in the -country where this practice is ob served by the government. In some former instances the carriers and clerks were active In such eases and circulated petitions calling for a "tight" Sunday at their respective offices, but the Postoffice Department put a stop to this and the matter now .. has to be taken up by disinterested parties. ' Some time ago this subject was preached by several members of the Salisbury Ministers'. Association but the matter was never taken np of ficially by the association. It is said that more people visit the Salisbiyy postoffice on Sunday than in any other city in the State. The windows are kept open from 12 to 1 o'clock and during this time the loibby is complete-' ly blocked. People flock to the post office on their way from ihe various churches, and many of them don't get a half dozen letters a year, :--. In the Police Justice's Court. - The ease of State vs. Will Furr, manager of the West End Club, charged with selling beer, which was set for trial in the Recorder's eonrt this morning, has been postponed un til next Monday morning on account of -the absence of one of the State's witnesses, '-v :.. " -;-:,' ; ' .'' 's?..,.., . Will Brown wae fined $15.00, in cluding the costs, for an assault en Tollie Alman, which occurred at the Young-Hartsell mill Saturday night; ,,1, . Aonie men eo about seeking tempta tion in order to trust their will power, JIIE . t WIDOWS v L'iIIL ' -12,000 troopi to the Philippine!. ' 1 San Franeiseo.: March 19. It wa learned here this evening that trans ports had been engaged by the United States to carry 1000 troops the Philippines. The .equipment which ' will be taken is said to make the in crease in the Dost permanent. " ' - ' The report of this action on the part of the United States has caused " renewed talk of the threatening men ace of Japan to the western coast o - the dependent islands. ' , , ' Lewis West to Be Eectiocuted. On; Saturday at Wilson sentence 'vwai nasesd upon Lewis West and bis - accomplices for the murder of Deputy , Sheriff George Mumford in this, eity ' on the nistht of February 3. - . . ' West was sentenced to death in the electrtc chair in the State's prison at Raleigh on May 5. - Ed Pureell, alias Stetson received a sentence oi ininy veara in the penitentiary at hard la bor under his conviction of murder in the second degree.' - Protecting Oltharua Prom Troet by ' ' Use of Fires. Chattattootra. Tenn., March 19. . Th Tower orchard on Lookout VAnntAin near Fort Pavne. Ala., has just received five' thousand gallons of crude- petroleum to be used in main talnifior fires- in the orchard to pre vent frost damaere during the preasnt nM weather. This is one of the lar gest orchards in the fruit section and ao far has escaped frost damage by C. W. 8wink j., .jl.. J. F. Honeyeutt ............. : John A. Cline Cash Friend of No. 2 township.'.. Bethel School ,-.,,. 918 6.00 5.00 5100 5.00 5.00 3.Q0 2.50 un L10 -" - ' 1 ! ; V - ! I Total ...$251.78 New Rector for All Saints Church. Rev.' W. tL BalL of Monroe, has accepted a call as reetor of All Saints EnispoDal ehureb. of this city, and will be in Concord about toe disi oi March to begin wort Mr. Ball has been Dastor of the Episcopal ennren in Monroe for some time and was re cently extended a call to All Saints ehnrch here, which he nas aecepsso temporarily. Mr. Ball is a native oi England and spent 19 years in Africa as a missionary to the negroes and Boers. He will be in Coneord for two months at the expiration of which time he will return to England, xf - . Oommlstion Form of Government De- ' faatoi in Raleigh.-'-. :-i Special to Tha Tribune. ;. ' ; i ,:: ; Raleigh.N.C., March 20. The eom- mis8ion form ef government was over whelmingly defeated at the - election here today. . LLEWXAM. ' 11,941,663 Bales. The eensus report . issued today shows that 1L94L583 bales of cotton hvA been irinned to date... This w practically all the crop. H TU Tmm for ft FsU ' or unrr-onN 4 chicuho Mcoom WITH TH KONir . Von risD wen- , tJMt TO HjrM on HAND-iVH DVim ' 9MUT THt AMOVNt NEEDED, rTH Ifl HOUSEHOLD 4CCOVNT OK l, CONCORD RATIONAL BANK Per Cant. Interest Paid on Time ' ' Deposits. " r The widow's mite frequently is placed to her credit on build- ing and loan account. . The pltm is helpful to her.: Te man nf larsre earnings . who matures. shares constantly finds tne 15. .L. justiwhat he wants. The great mass 01 people oeiween these two classes have found no ; better way of saving regualrly, systematically. 7 : We wonder if YOU are a member of our great co-opera tive saying armyT if you have not tried the building and loan tlatt you have be n missing it. " You can do wnat oiners are doine: we can benefit you. This asociation will open the 27th Series April 1st, and we hope to have you call on or be fore day. - ' '' I am easily found- the books are open to new names. , V J. It HENDRIX, Secy, and Treaa. In i Concord National Bank. . TBS DATE-APRIL 1st. " 1 With this Bank U helpful not only to mcnl in business buMo every man and wenan j alike who has any business transactions. r aoti.imw nfitablishea Vour credit, makes aendine mnnflv aLy or payinst bills . with Check easy, besideB safeguarding your cash, : - , : S;ISyWt!at yesr Ctecktsj cr Private Accent lyl U LZ) a--- Spring Styles Here. Wft eittend to our friends and patrons a Spring greeting and a renewed welcome to this STORE of UUUU wuha - 4.. Our Men's Ladies' and Children's Foot wear for the new season is now ready and it will afford us the greatest pleas ure to show you what's new at any time. We've all the new. styles in Suede, Cravenette, Patent, Tan; Gun Metal and Vici Kid, with one, two and three straps, and one and two eyelet ties. Prices range from $1.50 to $4.00 in ladies'; from 50c to $2J50 in children's; $2.00 to $5.00 in men's. We invite you to call and see the season's best and buy at your . - leisure' ' 1. L.'Parfls - C. ' '4 .', '- , as I the maintenance of fires.

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