.la w - r' 'V v vol ::xr. rr'.., 43 CixU a U.Lli. , concord, n. a TJjn::)AY. maecii 21, 1911. Clog! Ooar, I Cast. NO. 213 - ITCiriCJrAIj 1CLITIC3. . ' Ttx Fot EejUiaini to Eimincr Alder men Em ton and Ganaoa Till Tot - b Candida for E-lcOoa. Local politic is beginning to tak definite sliapa. No candidate bar yt announced themselves bat several ,' of tb nen who were reently placed 00 tbo municipal ticket beaded by Mr. C. IL Barrier for Mayor and signed "Ckiaen," have been approached, and , have stated that they will make the rare, provided the entire ticket will com oat a candidate... These men are well-known and influential citizens, all of tbem owner of considerable, property. If they do get in the, race the election will certainly prove in- - tereating. "' ' C":. ' Two of tbe men who compose the .. city board have stated positively that they "will not aland, for re-election, - these being Aldermen Bm ton and Cannon. Hon of the other have yet . announced themselves as candidal lor another term but k is generally understood they will-again stand for re-eleotion. . ; " , .There are several . citizens being - -mentioned for the city board among them being Mr. Claude Ramsaur, who ; is being urged by his friends to enter the primaries. Mr. Ramsaur has not 'w yet definitely decided, but it is very i probable , that he will yield to tbe ': pressure bis frier ds are brttiging to bear on him and enter the race. . Mr. ; Ramasor is a successful and capable young business man and has a large . number of friends who would like to h ea Mm on the board, ho ' . ' Had Dd( Excitement in No. ... 'X,The usual quiet, orderly and peace ful community of No. 4 township in and around Cook's Crossing was thor oughly aroused yesterday. Tha eiti- , sens armed themselves Vwtth death dealing weapons ejd went forth to do murder nnto a mad dog that had eaus ' d terror - and ' consternation : among the citizens. The dog went to-th . home of Mr. Charley Cline yesterday morning and bit a large dog and killed a puppy. From there he went to Mr. Ben Bernhardt' and attacked ;, his . dogs. . Mr. Robert Erta's was- the next place visited, and when the dog reached his hone be waa set upon by citizens w a tna trail ojt iaa aogs - with shotguns and various weapons. : Several times they were close enough ' to open firs on him. but none of the shots proved effective, although it is - known that 1m ia wounded- The dog is a dark colored shepherd and so far as known ia still at large. - Miss Mary Mooea Dead. Miss Mary Moos died at her home in No. 7 township." March 20ib. She hud been in ill -health for some' time Last Friday she suffered a stroke of ' . paralysis -from which she never re - gained ;f consciousness. '6be was 73 7 VAH1H and 5 ihonth of sS She was ' born in Rowan county, but had made - her homo, with Mr. Daniel M. Moose - for tha last fifty years. - She is sur vived by Iwo sisters, Mrs. B. F. Fraley, of Salisbury, and airs. Monroe oos-"'- tian,' of -China Orove, besides a boat nf frmnrta. She was an aunt of Hon: Theo. Klutta,. of SaliBbury." The . funeral was conducted at Bear Creek . . church by Revs. . Anthony - tjnuien. wr. (C. B. Heller and-Paul Barrin- "r. She was a faithful member of this church for "fifty years or more. - A Novel Publication. . . . The Carolina Democrat, a weekly State paper, just begun at Monroe nn 'dor the management of Mr. R.' F. V Beasly; as a novel publication. It is devoted to the discussion of public auestione' from the Democratic stand j. noint. and carries no advertisements, The paper ia a pretty six-column, four " page sheet, jammed full f up-to-date - reading matter. The price is $1.00 per vear. Every one interested in . Democracy and good .f government should support this paper.; Boys and girls who desire to work for premiums should write 1 he uaronna uemocrai Monroe, N. C, for particulars. , ' Oklahoma furnishes a text for Mr, - Roosevelt in his latest article in tbe r Outlook on "Nationalism and the Ju diciary '. He is criticising what he calls a "merely mechanical juntru denee' which regard the letter rath er than the spirit of the law, and he cites the case of the two stolen piano- . Ia which were described in.lhe in dictment aa 4Dianos." A new trial . was ordered because Of that and then th eonrt became convinced that pv anog and pianolas were the same thing and the prisoner was discnargeo. on the ground that he could no be tried twice ir itic wauiv uuoudw ' SBsMaBSBBMSBBBssasaMMaiSBBWSj '- ; The ofTlcials of Mecklenburg county are unable to find Ed. C. Caton, the conditionally pardoned and escaped convict of Sharon township, for whom a warrant has been issued to "show cause why, his conditional pardon should not be revoked, it being alleged that he h violated the conditions. and tliftf Lis immoral life is a menace to tbe community. . , .. FLAXXID TO EI2. ' I Mrs. oyatar'i Act th Result f Ma- ;.rV' te baratloa.-: ; : Qreensbore News, 21st. '.-'".,v ' Mrs. Farrar Royster, the young wo man who made a tenia t ion al attempt at self -destruction by shooting herself in the right breast in the ladies' room of tbe Guilford hotel Saturday after noon, was vesting comfortably at the hospital last night and it is said that she has a splendid chance for recovery- - j Mrs. Royster baa been allowed to see members of her family and few friends. Sunday nigh she she talked of the attempt at suicide. To one per son aha declared that she bad planned the entire affair three days before. Nothing definite has been beard from - Farrar -. Royster,' the husband and for whom warrants charging abandonment bare been issued " in Guilford and Alamance counties. It was learned yesterday upon good au thority, however, that b was in Hous ton, Tor- Sunday aad Monday. - At the request of Mr., and Mrs. A C Mitchell, Mrs. ' Royster 's parents, the Rev. C. Brown Cox, pastor of the Lutheran church, of Burlington, visit ed tbe young woman yesterday at the hospital. To him she stated that life had an entirely different meaning now and that she was sorry she attempted to end her life. "I didn't realit what I bad done until today," she said, "and if I had known that, I was to have suffered so I would never have attempted to end my life, j I thought it would,all be over without pain. Physicians attending her have been anable to locate the pistol ball, being unable to state Positively whether it passed, through the lung or only par tially. Pneumonia has set' in follow ing the tracks of rne bullet wound. though at a late boor last night the disease bad not spread" from the-immediate vicinity of tbe wound,. The physicians entertain strong hopes for rapid recovery if they succeed m con fining the pneumonia to thejrounded area, .r- - -i . Mrs. Rorster is only 18 years jot age, instead or 23, as stated in oun day's newspaper account, i I.iS", A Rncni in P publican Ranks.':? . t5reeuiboi-d tie.'"' JPw'&yi Col. Jaka NewelL of Charlotte, has written an open letter to Chairman Morehead, published in tbe Charlotte Observer of yesterday It marks the "parting of ways" between these two gentlemen. Col. Newell was staunch friend of Morehead in the chairman ahiti light last cummer, and was a can didate far assistant dis'triet attorney. Un learning from a "reliable source thai another, , luon. Uus s?nee was soon to receive the. appointment (Mr. Price was a eftout opponent of Mr, Morehead) ba naturally felt that he was getting a raw deal in being-stood aside by his political friend and see ing the reward go to former foeman of that friend. ').-. .- ; , ; CoL Newell writes in a cutting sarcastic strain. Ha assume -that Chairman Morehead must have been cognizant of the status of the' matte when he talked with Col. . .Newell "night before last," and did not men. tion the fact, an assumption ba would seem to have a perfect right to enter tain from the position held by Mr. Morehead.; On the other band, if. the chairman did not know about it, and the thing was done in a corner and without his knowledge . or consent. then hU friends who elevated hinr to the chairmanship will have causa to change him with. inattention to their claim. ' If he favored the appoint ment of Mr. Pnee, hu political friends will feel that fa baa not been faithful to them, Taking eitbet born of the dilemma,, it is a rucus. . To Complete Blewitt rails Plant I Raleigh) March 20. A four million dollar electric power company, the Yadkin River Company,: was charter ed thi afternoon for the speciflo pur pose of taking over the Blewitt Falls power plant in Richmond county, com plete it and set on foot electric trans mission and power enterprises in the operation of public utilities', aale of power . and internrban tinea. This mean a vast amount of development of this kind throughout the son available for the operation of the company, which includes Raleigh, this city being specified at tbe horn office of the new corporation, ' - . c " Oapt, Cox on List w -Salisbury Post. - 1 1 1 - Capt. W. R. Cox, of the 4th Co. Coast Artillery, Salisbury, -has receiv ed the following notice from State Ad jutant General R. L. Leinster, dated March 17: :;'- - ; "I have the honor to notify you that your nam is on the list of offi cers recommended to the War Depart ment for detail to attend th army manoeuvers in Texas for purposes of observation and instruction." . ' . (Capt. Cox is a son of Rev. Dr. Geo. II. Cox, of Enochville, and is a Spanish-American war veteran, having served in Co. L from this place.) . SATS 3AT& WANT TO TIGHT XL S. Hollander Declares Uikada'i Psople Hate America. Waahington. March 10J. de Sav- ornie Lohman, a eitisen of Holland who ha arrived in Washington en route to the Netherlands, expresses surpis over the "indifference" aa be terms it, of tbe American people generally toward tb attitude of Japan. - fie says be found the Japanese peo ple generally indignant over the exclu sion of Japanese ladorer from the United State and everywhere an in dication that they were expectant of military struggle with the United State. In (peaking thus of the atti tude of the Japanese people, a it ap peared through - his spectacles, Mr. Lohman said he did not care to be considered an alarmist. - - : - v . lie is a son of A If. Lohman, who is a member ofthe International. Ar bitration Court from Holland. : said Mr.' Lohman, "I have. been sur- VSinee'my arrival in this eountry," prised at the indifference of the Amer ican people toward tbo attitude of Jh pan. 1 mingled with all classes of people in tbe different cities of the Japanese Empire and wherever I went it -was th main topic of conversation that Japan hatesV America - and the "They do not conceal this hatred. They are possessed of a aupreme con fidence that they can -crush this na tion. : Japanese Army officers and army milkary attaches of foreign na tions stationed in Japan are of the opinion tfiat in a war with the United States Japan , would win, : The Jap anese have their eyes first on the Phil lppines,' then on Guam, Samoa and Hawaii, i Why T. Because the Japanese are indignant and incensed at this country because it has placed a ban on Japanese immigration. That there is going to be trouble the people of the Asiatic countries fully believe.. There is no doubt in tbe mind of anyone who. has recently visited Japan that the eountry is a beehive of industry in preparation of war. - There is only One thought, that this war mnst be- direct ed against the United States,' - Refused Wadding, Has Stays Abed '4. j'l j.., , ; ... . i. 1 iuer prevenieu nis marriage w ine wo man of bis choice, Joseph tPlummer, of Milton, N. H. has remained 40 years in bed. i He u now 71 yean old. ... (The girl he loved is dead, but tbe old man has not been, told; in fact he refused to speak of her from, the very day when he said to bis father "If you will not let me have her. then I will go to bed..' He went to bed.. The father, thinking that this perversity of youth would pass in few days, carried him bis meals - But he did not' get up. (He continued in bed day after day,, week after week, year after year, Now -he' is so weak from ma long inactivity that he baa lost the use of his legs entirely. " ' - . , Boy Played ; Policeman and Killed " - Himself. : Atlanta, Ga.f March 20. "Watch me, I'm not- afraid," cried Robert Harrieon, aged 14 years, as be placed a revolver to his head while playing policeman today. He pulled the trig ger, bis playmates yelled and he only cartridge left in the magazine explod ed. : He died in a few minutes without speaking a word. . The boy 'a play mates, including , bis brother, were armed with toy pistols.. 'Robert slip ped into tbe house and secured a 32 caliber revolver belonging to a brother who was asleep. The other children were afraid of th pistol and in an effort to reassure them Robert placed it to his bead and fired with fatal '.results. ' -Supposed Mad Dog. - " " -A big, white bull dog, supposed to be mad,- caused great excitement on Church atreet this morning about 8 0 'clock. . The dog attacked the big shepherd" dog belonging to Mr. David Harris, near his blacksmith shop on Means street back of Corl A Wads- worth "Co.,' and went from there up Church street out by T. J. Smith A Bro.'s store and it said be bit several dogs on that street. Nothing further has yet been beard from him. ;, f ? IVitli this Bank U helpful not only to cea 'i besbets bat to every man and wesan who It e9couragea ecenomy, establishes' your .creciit, makes sending monev awaY or Davinp: bills -'.with Check easr, besides safeguarding your cash, : .ty ec! s'irt yczr Ctcckkj cr Private Accent r.r.i 0 p. Some ef th People Ear and XOas- . . wker Who Coma and Go. fiiv, C R. Pies is spending th day in Charlotte. . 1 ' , -Miss Shiriev 'Montgomery if srend- ing the day in Salisbury. Prof. C E. Boger returned this morjiing from Charlotte, - " Mr.' J. W. Cannon, Jr, is visidnt relative in Winston-Salem. - Mr. W-W.-Stnak of Old Fort, is visiting" Mra. H. I. Woodhouse. v - Mr. R. O. Alexander, of Charlotte, wag visitor in the city yesterday. i Di. T. 0. Roger ha gone to Solis- oory today, on proicssional business. , M. and Mrs. Hinsh'aw, of Millaboro, are Visiting Airs. K. T. Boat, at Boat .Mr. J, F. Shinn, of Norwood,, spent yesterday .afternoon in -the city on business. . r . , - Attorney J, L. Crowell spent yester day afternoon in Charlotte on profei sional business. . - - - Mis Irene MeConnell has returned to tfte State Normal College, after spanning several days in the city. 1 Mrs.- Walter Thompson baa return ed from Statesnlle, where aba ha been ,. vuiting weeks. v. relaHivea for several troopa Nearly Drowned Out." Galveston, Texas, March 19. Rain fell; in torrent, at Fort Crockett last night and. almost drowned out the 2,600 soldiers who arrived yesterday irouv tnc nortn on transports and spent the night under the inadequate shelter of their dog tents. It was the: 4rat lime it bad rained here in week and the downpour occurred at the worst possible time for the troop before they could get their big tents : Sevenxy tenia were blown down and thos of the smaller ones that stood were rendered practically uninhabit able.'., i'Tbbugb most Tjf the soldiers were soakotV to the skin, they came up amil-J ing when reveille 'Sounded this morn rag; "id cVmrwitB ewthusiasw into tliei'work of setting" their camp inir-' -'The. board of aldermen will meeV tonihgrt for the purpose of appointing -registrars and judges of election. ' Do You Realize ; Do you know how small ia the ' expense item with ust : No - business of equal importance ' ia conducted at so small, ex pense as building and loan. -...This association - spend a very small amount each year, and this, of course, means bet-f-te results to shafeholdcrs. Put your dollars where they will be safe, earn interest,' give yon small concern and soon mature a. creditable amount. .. , Do you ealixe what it is Worth to be one of the larje number k of savers who each week may be traced "to the . building and loan office. Our pass book is an effective letter .. of introduction to the business . -world. . . How man shares do yon ' want in our next fieriest .. ,V; ;-J. U HENDRIX, In Concord National Bank. "'Aw.:!-.-.--.''; rj-::y.-v-i' '-. THE DATE APRIL lt hat any besiaett tr&mctiszs. ' K0BTH CAS.0LCTA HZWS. Item of Interact from all Parts of , th Old North State The annual convention of tbe Bap tist Woman's Missionary anion of North Carolina, will be held at tbe First Baptist church, Wilmington, on Wednesday, Thundsy and Friday of thi week. The matter of securing for Charlotte tbe branch orphanage of th national council of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics has been tem porarily dropped by those who hav been pushing tb matter; . ... The postoffice department is to ex periment with the installation of mail boxes in street ears. When tbev arc installed there will be no excuse for street ear travelers wbo bring borne at night tbe letter which they were eommissioried to mail in the morning. Relatives in Goldsboro, N. C, hav ing declined to send for his bodv. C. G. Kornegay, who was shot to death in his office at Shreveport, La., by Mrs. Leotah Haynie was buried Sun day in a local cemetery. A telegram was received from -the dead man's brother in Goldsboro stating that the wite of Kornegay is in straightened circumstance and would not be able to send for the body. Raleigh voters Monday defeated the commission form of government by a vote of 886 to 437, only one ward, tbe second, having given a majority for the measure provided by the re cent Legislature subject - to adoption by the people of Raleigh. The present city administration favored the com mission government plan. The oppo sition claims the result is a forerun ner of the overthrow of tbe adminis tration in tbe May election. Senor Don Francisao' Leon de la Barra, the Mexican Ambassador, at Washington, has received telegraphic adviees announcing tbe - arrival in Mexico City Sunday evenine of Senor Limantonr, Mexico's Minister of Fi nance. ' No-see roc is made of the fact that Senor Limantoar ltrs impor tant data on tin situation as it affects Mexico and the United States and that this information will be eonveved to President DiaX. 1 , ,'', I Spring Styles Here. : " - ' .-'" " ' ' .. .. '", ,t '"-''' ,''.' ;'.;'- ' '''"' :- ...i'-'. , . ., . . , . -. . ' .'",. ' t: . , : ', 'v -.':' -.. ', , : y. '. - "-" ti , - --: ",v,:; j' -1 . . v.- - - . .-- ,v " " . ,; ". ':v We extend to our friends and patrons a Spring greeting and a renewed welcome to this STORE of GOOD SHOES. . OurlMen's Ladies' and Children's Foot wear for the new'season is now ready and it will afford us the greatest pleas ure to show you what's new at any time. We've all the new styles in Suede. Cravenette, Patent, Tan, Gun Metal and Vici Kid, with one, two and three straps, and one and ' two eyelet ties. Prices range from $1.50 to$4.00 in ladies'; from 50c to $205in?children's ; $2.00 to $5.00 in men's., We invite you to calland see the ; season's best and .; buy at your ' leisure. ' . -t GENOAl KTjrS. Lat Items ' of News from Bar.. Than aad Evarywhar. ' Great preparation ar being mad ' - in Londoa for tbe coronation of Kin ' ' George. It is reported that President Taf will take the lead ia urging redactions -in several of the tariff acbedul. ' (Postoffice official ar pleased with th -result of tb two month' trial of postal savings bank. - - Tb laasiflcation of coal lands own- ed by the government shows a total of more than 70,000,000 acre. . . Not until nine more State hav de clared in favor of it will the income tax constitutional amendment be ef fective. - The final provisional census return give the total population of India as " 315,000,000. This is an increase of 20,500,000, as compared wkh 1901. Neither the Standard Oil aor to- . bacco trust ease was decided by the Supreme Court of the United States : Monday, although many expected one or both. The court took a recess for two weeks until April 3. Rev. Charles F, Aked, who has resigned the pastorate of Fifth Av enue Baptist chureh, New York, to go to San Francisco, told his audience Sunday that the story of the Hood was a myth. , . - Edward Hartley, a farmer' was re cently released from jail in Washing ton as "the most unsophisticated maa or the biggest liar on .earth.". Hff swore he didn't know whiskey would " make bim drunk. The Carolina, Clinchfiel'd A Ohio railroad announces an increase - in. wages for conductors and trainmen. The increase ranges from 10 to 15 pes -- 'cent, according to the positions beld. The regular train crews are guaran- '. teed 26 working days per month. - ' - News was received by relative ia t Atlanta Monday of the death of Rev. : David B. Anderson, bead of the Soo -Chow, (Methodist) university at 8oo Chow, China, on March 16, of pnen- -monia. . Dr. Anderson formerly lived ' in Augusta, Q and . was well known . throughout the South." , 'v -y f t 1