. . . I. r.:. s, o c i a co::comN. a. Saturday, mahcii 25, toil sulC Copt. 0bu. NO. 217 C ;.r4 Psc-pls Cw It to Themselves to Esdi-eni Er Good Xains Boms CvtCioi. . . Dear Mr. Editor: -Since the polit ical pot ha arready commenced to boil, I beg the privilege of adding a little fuel that it may boil mora. I am only a sojourner in your eity, bat I feel an interest in her moral and material development, and that ia the only reason for this letter. - Now J wish to aay ia tbe beginning tbat Coneord baa seen ber best days unless there are soma changes. .. She ia getting a bad name everywhere. I am told by traveling men that Con cord ia regarded aa the "loosest" town in the state.; A manufacturer re marked ia my presence few days ago that Coneord was tbe most immoral town on tbe nap of North Carolina, Drummers leave here and tell tbat their patronage bad been solicited for whiskey. "Bom weavers" aay they fan get booze any time they want it and I gness it ia so, for I frequently see some of tbe wont of thai class un der its influence. That whiskey ia constantly sold in violation of the law is admitted by alL Has any guardian of the law vert tempted to stop the illegal sale of it, or to catch the viola tors t And thi neglect of duty has - made brass buttons and blue eoata farce m ' ConeordT Doubtless (he "crap shooters "jvould deny thisXet's . see. I notice in the Tribune one day that all violators of tbe law regulating tbe speed of automobiles will be fined, The next day I see the machines past through tbe main street at a terrifle rate, endangering the lives of the pnb- - lie, and yet I hear of no arrests. -The poliee department -tells us we will be arrested if we spit on the sidewalk. Has anybody here quit spitting? Just ... look and see. : W V.v- : " I am aavint this ta show thai mm ;. are so far gone in sin that we do- not - believe our policemen, not to east any force. Brethren, when the poliee say quit spitting yon must swallow your spit, vv Now the question is this: Will Con- eord continue to be run by old Boose and iik friend, or will those eitizens who desire to see tbe dignity of the law upheld, and the prosperity and welfare of Concord assured, jret. to gether J andtiominate and elect that ticket suggested by "Citisen" last wmIt f . What AhiAniwin tuniM ast Thftn . have to that ticket t Isn't Mr. Locke . Irwin all rightt Wouldn't W. B. Odell do his best for the town? Clar ' enee Barrier would make a capital Mayor (I am told that- our. present Mayor will not run again). Anything the matter with Barrier? He is every Mow why not-Hft s aave , a mass meeting of the citizens of Coneord to consider what will be for the best in terest of the townf Lei us : decide wnen wouia m i gooa time 10 noia a meeting of the-citizens.' Then inform tbe preachers and request them to ao nounee it' from the pulpits Sunday next. ; In the meantime let "Citi- : sen's ticket ask themselves if iheyibetter view, Mis Baucom' held the a 1.1.- il. . l. J - M t .... '.... . "have not come into the kingdom for . . . 1 .LJ. If . I . sucn a time as mis. ,- . x Sincerely,' '.' " . 1 - . SOJOURNER. - An Appreciated' Latter. - Today we received the following let . ter from minuter who formerly lived in Concord : 'Sv V "I like the Tribune better than any : daily paper I know. I have no objec tion to it barring a few questionable pictures that slip into the advertisiAj; . i n xr 1 J 1 columns oecasiouaiiv. - ivu miuiu w considered peculiar to leave these out, but your paper is unique anyway as vonr recent campaign for the Jack- .. eon Training School shows and also the money gotten up for the Chinese "Your present work ia bound to make the blind tigers snarl and the rumsellers will not thank you lor dis turbing their nefarious traffic. jJBut in God's name eo on. It does me good to find a man whoaving deliberaiely counted the cost, cuts loose from the " . . . . . crowd Of biood-sucKcrs ana rnmseiiers that have cursed the town for so long, "My best wishes and prayers for 1 you, that yon may continue to do your J i J . - t i iV. fui an. Dynamite New Court Conse at Omaha. -; Omaha. Neb.. March- . An at tempt was made early todays to de ' strov. by dynamite, the million-dollar nn rtlinna heinir erected here. -' - Two huge charge's were exploded in sepai" P"8 01 l ouiiamg. . - Tha ?ftmase was about $13,000. - bloodhounds were placed on the iail of the dynamiters. Labor trou bits are balmed, but the nniona stout ly deny any connection with tne out- rag.-, ' '"' At a meeting of the directors of the Vorniar Hart .l mill last night Dr. B. S. Your? "'i Kr- p B- F-ze "8IKn" ed ss pri- ' '-Tt snd vioe-rrenident, ro spectiv. j, t I lit. W. r. Flows was !.wtcl ti-' ; ! nt. and Mr. A. Jones 3 ET LH. GIB. ' Jons SDta the Pate Editors to p Al as to Rowing Eock and UarCe. A meeting of tbe executive committee of toe North Carolina Press Associa tion waa held at Salisbury Friday morning In tbe Empire hotel Those present were: - M. I,. Suipmen, president: J. B. SherrilL secretary; R M. Phillips, R. W. Vincent, H. & Varoer and D. T. Edwards. Thia is the entire commute except Mai. H. A. London who was represented by proxy. invitations were extended to tbe ed itors from three places, Lenoir, More bead City and Roanoke. Va. Mr. H. C Martin, editor of tbe Lenoir News, mt. w, u. Moore editor of tbe Lenoir Topic, and Mr. J. Harper BeaH, presi dent of tbe board of trade of that town, were present to extend a cor dial invitation to meet there. Mr. L. T. Nichols, general superintendent of tne U. ft H. W. K. B, and Mr. E. F. Beid, general passenger agent, of Chester, 8. C, were also present to em phasize tbe invitation and -to promise tbe editors ev ry court ay possible for their line to extend, X--. - Mr. D. 1 V.' Con a representing' the Atlantic Hotel and the Norfolk Southern Bail way, was present and cordially invited the editors to meet at More head City. An invitation was also received from tbe Oceanic, the new hotel at.Wrightsville Beach. , CoL A. B. Williams, tbe able editor of the News and the Times at Roanoke, Vs., came all the way to Salisbury to ex tend the newspaper men a pressing in vitation to meet in that progressive eity or ow Virginia, v - - . - - Mr. Wads Harris, of the Charlotte Chronicle, was present, and spoke for the selection of Lenoir on account of the fact that a tm to this section of the State would be educational and tbe editors would have.an opportunity to Decome better acquainted with its wonderful natural resources and scenery. - k,;' -.i-:-'.-, After these kind invitations had been received the committee went into excutive session and considered them. After thoroughly going over them it waa decided to go to Lenoir. - June aO to 23 was fixed u tk dstn. A side-trip to Blowing Rock, Boone and LinvUIe will be arranged and aF- I together the "1011 meeting promises io ne one ex toe most neiiguixut toe Association has yet aeld. - After (be meeting Mr. and Mrs. 1 P. Moore' entertained several of tbe editors at a deligbtfu lluncheon. in their charming home.' ; 1 7 Anothe r Account of the Sad Death of Atlas Davis ami Miss BaM0m.V Wades boro, March 24. -Two per sons lost their lives last night when an oil lamp exploded at a neighborhood party- at Olive Branch,' m- Unyon county. .'. - ' ' The dead re: Miss Urace'Baueom, aged 17 years, and Miss Wilms Davis, aged 21. V - Tne victims had gone into a room with another young lady, and were ar mntrintr their hair. when, to obtain a lamp slantingly, so as to direct its rays upon tbe mirror It exploded in her hands, saturating thefftMng of both ? with -- kerosene and inflicting burns from which they died early this morning. , Tbe third member of the party was ont seriously injured.4 It ss believed they also - inhaled ; the namei.-: 'ri'W'' Tbe party was at thoe, borne of K. Pntcbard. and at the time 01 tne fatal accident there were more then ia mer- rv vonnff folks present. v. ii Miss Baueom was a deugnter 01 n. L. Baneom, and Mies Dayis is a daugh ter of the Bev. "Col" Davis. Botn families are well known in this a tkra and the deepest sympathy is felt for tbem. Both young ladies were pop ular and universally admired lor tneir splendid personalities and high Chris tian lives. ' What's the Hatter at Salisbury? Salisbury Watchman. . 'Are the good Deopls of Salisbury going to sit idle and allow Hungry Jim. Pudding Head Wflson. Pine Rooter Bill, Boose Fighting Bob, Law Breaking Jack. Tommy Pursegrabber, Jonnie Donteare and old Major Slob- sides take charge' of the town T It certainly Kwks that way. ' Salisbury is near enough a modern Sodom now and if there are ten worthy to be found in the city .they owe it to the city, to society, to ths morals of the community, to ths protection of prop srty, business, the future progress of tbe place snd themselves to get to gether snd say who shall rule and bow they shall rule. It is quite tiresome to keep the flies away from the sugar barrel, but it is a necessary job that must not be neglected. - It is already quite, late to make a fight before tbe pnmary. y gheriff McKenrie, of Salisbury, was here this morning lor Jim tfarnett, colored, who is wanted in Rowan coun ty for larceny. Barnext just finished serving a term on the chain gang in 'ZLT7LZ.3 ATFCLXTO. By the Woman BeUsrment Assoda- tioa for Us Various DspartmasU. ' At a meeting of the Chairmen ef the various departments of the Wo man's Betterment Association yester day afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. L. D, Cokrane, the following committees were appointed: -"- . - .' Oromds Mss Hands Brews, Ohalr- " Mesdames W. D. Anthony,. B. F. Allred, J. P. Allison, M. L. Brown, E. J. Braswell, D. B. Coltrane, S. J. Er vit, W. W, Flows, J, M. Hendrix, L. T. Hartsell, C. J. Harris, J. F. Hur ley, T. D. Maness, H. M. Propst, Qrs- nam Kobinsonr Levi TalDirt. ill Oraee Brown, Blanche Brown, Clara Harris, Bessie Lenta, Janet Lenta, Emma Phifer,- Roea Phifer, Mary White, Oraee White, Mrs. C. L Moss- man.- -. :"; .'".- -"'' " Mesdames O. L. Patterson, J. H. Rutledge, C. H. IBarrier, J. A. Cline, Wi Brown Ellen Caldwell, M. A. Chamberlain, O. T. Cook, W. H. Cap penter, C O. Oillon, C. J. Ooodson, F. Goodman, Thos. Hawthorne, B. S. Harris, S. N. Watson, J. C. Wads- worth, h-ti. Hartseu, J. A. Kennette. G, M. Lore L. IL Lents, -W. W. Mor ns, lxt Morrison, c. f. MacLauehbn. M. Moore, W. F. A.Tropst, C. F. Kitchie, W. U Kobmson, U. U. Kut- ledge, M. B. Stickley, J. B. Shemil, L. P. Stephens Writ. Weddington, Miss Bessie 'Leslie, Josephine Smtth, Beulah Blackwdder, Venue Blume. -; - Committee for Ciean-up Day. Mesdames R, A. Brown, J. C. Fink, J, . Rutledge, C. H. Barrier, J. A, Cline, Department of Uwattu Mrs. L. D, V Coltrane, Chairman. Mrs. J. A. Cannon, Miss Austin, Miss Constance Cline, Miss Addie Bar rier, Mrs. L. A. Brown, Mrs. &. A. Brown, Mrs. J. P. Cook, ; Miss . Zeta Cald well. Mrs. John Cook, Mrs. J. E Davis,- Mrs. L I. Davis, Mrs. N. It. Fetzer. Mrs. F. U. Uogers, Jars. W. Glass, Miss Mary Lewis Hams, Mr Aubrey "Hoover,- Mrs.' W. L. Hutohins, Mrs. A. F. HartseUV Miss Annie Hoover, Miss Fan Hill, Mrs. Charles Ivy, Miss Luey Lore,' Mias Lena Leslie. Hiss Mab I Means,' Miss Miss Sample, Miss Stevens, Mrs. Cbal White, Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. A. 8, Webb, Miss Addie White, Sanitation Committee Mrs. J. C. Gib- eon, Chairman. J Mesdames W. ' S Bingham, A. M. Brawn: J. C Blume, D. L. Cost, J. L. Brown, K. L. Craven J. A. Caton, Mary Chapman, D. O. Caldwell, A. S, Dayvaultj Oowan Dnsenbery, J.' A.. J, Farnngton, 1 J.'F. Honeycutt, E. C Hopkins, W. C Houston, J. A. Kim mons, J. D. Lents, J. S. Laiferty, W. T. Linker D. B. Morrison, John Mor rison,-A. B. Pounds, W. D. Pember- ton, R, E. Rwenhour, J. E. Smoof, H, L Woodhouse, rB.' S. Young, T White, Misses Sallie Sappenueld, Fan Mrs. Gibson requests tbat all mem bers of. this committee notify her as esrly as convenient if they will serve. y r Mexican Cabinet aita. ' Mexico-City, March 24. The Diaz cabinet 'resigned today. . Following a masting of that body at o cwcx wis afternoon every minister tendered his resignation to General Diaz, As yet none of the. resignations have been accepted, ; but on excellent authority it is said that two of the ministers--and possibly not more than one--will be asked to retain hie portfolio, in diplomatic circles and among high gov- . nn , ... , il. A ernment omcisia 11 w assamea vnai General Diaa will insist upon- Jose Yves Limantour remaining in charge of the department of finance. - ' Members of the cabinet refuse to comment upon their action but it is said semiofficially that the initiative was taken not by them, but by tbe president, who, it is said, proposed to surround himself with younger men in the1 hope that such action will serve to unite all elements of the nation. . The reason given for the action in an official announcement, is the belief that it will contribute to the reestab lish ment .of peace and facilitate the reforms which are in contemplation. r j ia bBiinctt L j tLkt Wn It encourages ecenomy, establishca your credit, makes sending money away or paying bills with Check easy, besides Safeguarding your cash, - Wiy tzt slirt yesr atcSJrj er Privc! Acccrt tvli UiJ - m ,J .a w.e -era ZADT -' ' ; . FOX THS FEAT. Bepor) Has tt Us rthi WZ1 be a . Tares Cornered Afalr. Vr. H E. C. Bryant, the Washing ton eorrespondent of tbe Charlotte News, nas ths following in Fridav'a issne bf that paper! . - IhS arnral ef Senator Bunmona' force of eierks and the busy daya ia his) office indicate something interest ing for the near future. The campaign for ths seat now occupied by Mr. Sim mons in tbe senate is under way. Gov ernor Kitchin and others have their eyes and hopes on tbe toga of the game cock of tbe North Carolina con gressional delegation.' The vote that Mr. Simmons east for Senator Lorimer and the reciprocity speech he made here just before the last session ad journed added fuel to the flames snd precipitated tbe fight that might not have eoroe for some months.' Senator Simmons, who was never "known to run, is standing pat on his record. He will defend his course before the peo ple, . Thirty odd thousand of tbe reci procity speeches .are being hurried to the state. -' . - v. Three earn pa are in tbe field in the state.!; They harbor the "regulars" the Simmons forces: the Kitchin men, and tbe ' progressives these are led by National Committeemen Daniels and Bd Justice, a brilliant, and danng man Of. Greensboro. 'Rumor has it that Mr. justice will move to Raleigh in the near future and thaw down the glove to the Simmons and Kitchin supporters. If he does there will be a spirited time in the old state. - In tbe meantime, however, it is declared Senator Simmons and Governor Bitch- in are whetting their blades to start the ball. Claude Kitchin and Charles Brantley Ayeock are-classed as "suit able men in tbe case of a hopeless 4deedkk.'r farm Royster Returning to His Bride's Bedside. Greensboro, March 23. A friend of Farrtr Royster, husband of the yonng ... 1 11 1.1 i. ! women wuo eiiempiea 10 couuiuv sui cide m the parlor of the (Hotel Guil ford last Satnrday, report8 that he is on bis way to Greensboro-. At the time of, the shooting, he was in .Texas,' but urxMMiearing of his onae s attempt to take. W Hfe decided to return. . Mrs. BeyesWw rapidly seseinlree- tM effects of tbe shot, - Why does it clear when we have an umbrella and. pour when we haven't! Is There , A Reason? Listen Here : There are 975, spell it out Mine Hundred and . Seventy-Five, men in Coneord paying poll tax who'Do Not Own Their Home. Face 1. - Fact 2:--We offer a plan by whicb-every one of these: 975 men can own a HOME- It takes 328 weeks to work it ' out. - Why.nct cut down 'this v975 within the next six years. If you are one of these begin 5 NOW. k If we could get every one of these, tax payers (to. save a ' home what a great community :, this would be. This is the pur pose of the Cabarrus B. 'eV. L. Association build homes, and v what a happy day when the 975 all own a HOMEpaid for. ri 1 ' Drop out of the 975 class. Use he building and loan and get the HOME. -THE NEW SERIES 27TH SELLING NOW. ' J. H. HENDBIX, ' t!-;. Secy, and Trsat, 1 ". InConcord National Bank. J THE DATE APRIL 1ST. Vith. thU Bank is helpful not only to men bet to every can nd wesaa Eat fay bcasew tr&r:'J:ri- " . .; THS CAMS TX3TT2DAT, Caariotte Wins Orsr Coaoard by a Beers ef 10 ta 7 Game Witnessed By a Large Crowd. - There was a ball game yesterday af ternoon at tbe Central traded school ground between a team representing tbe Coneord Athletic Club, a juvenile stheletie organisation here, and a school team from Charlotte, in which the yosta from the eaptiol of Meck lenburg were victors by the score of 10 te 7. Tbs ram was witnessed by a large crowd and was full of ragged plavinB and intense excitement. Grsv Boat, ths diminutive left fielder of the locsls. was the bright particular star of the contest. The little fellow 's work en the bases, at tbe bat and in tbe field was of tbe stellar order and prov ed the real feature of the game. - He hit safely three times, stole two bases and accepted every chance in fault less style- Tne steady work of-Jsek Wadsworth at first was ' noticeable. For Charlotte tbe hitting and pitch ing of Alexander and the siick work of the entire team was the festnre. - Batteries: Sappenfleld and Correll snd Patterson; Alexander snd Medr lock. Seven New Local School Tax Dis tricts Becently Carried. - Raleigh, March 24. It ia announc ed from the State Department of Education that seven new local tax districts have just been carried, one each in Anson, Jones, Onslow, North ampton and Wilkes counties and two in Robeson county. ! There are to be campaigns for local tax in many counties of tbe State during the spring, a number being already or dered and many others to be ordered at the April meetings of the county boards of education. ' The spreading of the "gospel of local tax for schools," so far ss that work pertains to ths State Department of Educa tion, is under the management of Mr. C. H. Mebane, of the department, Wilkesboro Chronicle: Congressman R. L. Donghton has purchased tbe Am brose Wiles property over on Mulber ry, st the twice of 11,000. He will put up roller mills at an early date.4 Showing the 1 Largest V, Assortment Spring and " Summer . Pattern Hats We've ever ShbwiiT- " Hats From $5 up. ijier ouov t f Will Make aa Address at Central Church Tomorrow on "Tne Herit- -act of Sotsthernam'' Dr. William Preston Few, A.. B. Wofford, A. ML, Ph. D. Harvard, pres. ident of Trinity College, scholar, teaeber, thinker, will lecture at Cen tral Methodist church tomorrow night,'" on "The HeriUgeof Southerners." Tbe people of Concord are to be aoa- gra tulated upon baring thia distin guished educator here and ean ill af ford to fail to hear bim. The eongre--gations of Epworth and Forest Hill . Methodist ehnrehes are cordially in vited to join the eongregation of Con-. tral church and -bear Dr. Few. . Dr. . Few is a native of South Carolina, but has been connected with tbe faculty of Trinity college for a number of years, being dean and professor of English before be was elevated to the presidency to succeed Bishop Kilgo. Dr. Few has attained high rank in tbe educational world and is considered . one of the greatest edueauprial forces in the .South. His address tomorrow night will be of peculiar interest to the people of this section of the coun try and no doubt be will be greeted by a large audience. Champ Clark Spurns Automobile. Washington, March 24. Asserting that bis legs, or the street cars were plenty good enough for bim, Speaker elect Champ Clark today gave notice that be would have no use for the lux urious Limousine purchased by Con-, gross for the convenience of the Speaker. , "I don't give a darn what becomes of the automobile," he sard. It is announced that Marion Butler is associated with his political friend, Dr. J. J. Mott, in the formation of the Virginia Power Company, recently in-; eorporated in North Carolina; The company this week purchased the -plant of the Radford (Va.) Water Power Company, which operates the Radford water supply, electric light ing and power and the street ear fine. r-. 1r.11 1 jt 1 1 rr- - mni.r mu. Till- itimi i v nuu, uhmh acquiring rights on the New river and' on North Carolina streams.- It is an nounced that the first river develop-; ment will beat Ingles Ferry. DX. fEW TOX0&&OW. 1 vv lit' Yoile, v.ce ji .iJcnt,- , ' this county... ,.; '. : " ,