V v H - -J VOL :"'T. , Pries, (0 Cert a UosUl CONCORD. N. O. Till DAY. MARCH 30. 1911. , BiagU cLrir.T Casta. NO. 221 4 V ) Ei 1111-1 LACT KTG3T. Larre Aodience Greets the Popular Epilr -HoraJ CourafS da Theme . Dr. Ileury Louis Smith, President of Davidson follow, made the fourth address of tie Cliautaunua at the First Presbyteriaa church last night. Dr. Smith ia very popular in Concord, aa he is everywhere ha is knows, and the large auditorium waa filled by those aajfer to hear him. Dr. Smith read ae a baekgteund fox address the third chapter .of Daniel, and used at the direct bask or AND LLZCJZ OOLLEC1E. Tins! Hasting of Oommiatioa It High ly Satisfactory. , Salisbury Poet, 29th. The final meeting of the commission or the North Carolina and Tenneaaet Lutheran Synods in the maiUr of uniting Mount Pleasant and Lenoir Colleges waa held here yesterday. Of the fire members of th commission, from each synod, four came from each one, totaling eight- members present during- the session. Ber. W. A. Dea- text part of the eighteenth,verse of a president of the that eiapler, m followa: WB it Mmmi8gion,-ui Ry. c. L. Miller, of mown s, h aanM fir. seeretarv. not serve thy cods. ' Dr. Smith's , theme waa 4! 'Moral Courage." Dr. Smith said all the world admire courage. The man the world needs i the one who dares to 'do right when to. do wrong is popu lar. when the world applauds or when we are in the majority, but the test comes when to do right is unpopular and " when we receive no applause or cheers '. ' to encourage us. Moral courage ia not only the greatest thing, but it ia the most splendidly permanent thing. Dr. Smith then spoke of the key to the courage of Sbadraeh, Meehach, ' and Abednego, which was their sub- lime faith. "Our God " whom we Nothing ia given put for publication, but the Post learns the meeting was highly satisfactory looking to a happy adjustment of the situation. ; It will be remembered that at the ij m i .v 11. r 1: Cn A It Uasy enough to do tbo right U Albemarle, lest May, the synod rava m Mount Pleasant Colleee aa a committee 01 Soma of the People Ears tad Ljse- . whert Who Coma and Go. . ' Mr. T. J. White has gone to Albe marle on bnsinew. . Mrs. W. D. Pemberton ia spending the day ta Salisbury. ' ,l . . Miss Margaret Moore, of Yorkville, S. C M the guest of Mrs. 'J. Lock Erwin. ' . '..'..'.''-. ' Mr. J. Locke Erwin returned this morning for a business trip to New York.'--; V- Mr. H. M. Winslow, of Harrinianl Tenn., is visiting his sister, Mrs.1 IX B, Coltrane. ' . '-.'' i ' ' Miss Margaret Boat, f Hickory, visiting Miss Ella Moose in Moinl (Pleasant. "yi.-V' .-;.?.- , , The Christian Reid Book Club will meet .tomorrow afternoon with Mies Rosa Phifer. - -v-.- . . "-. . , body and appointed a five to -act in conference with a sim ilar committee from the Tennessee synod, It he new body to bo known m a commission to consider the question of uniting the two respective colleges of the synod, and to report at a call meeting of the synod if it was thought advisable. rve u able to deUv.r n" said J hey, rf u m arrive at any and they rested firm and secure in this u tnonA la . Jn O 'H ' ..1.1 . "8l.. W.MVM V. JOfcWWM. - UT. omuu IB a lorceiiu na eregnui. I ; vl f ml. speaker, and he haa a wonderful flow "TSJ, wwwiSnl fiST of language..; However lacks. for a teSSii word and the rutht one.- His selection . ... "7 . f, v . , ' t . . i ru-.nli.r1. m. Lor consiuOTBUon vy iav ooay. Aue - (I IUCWV F WW 'VV-m.w. fitting one, and the manner in which ho bandied it was most pleasing and impressive. - - Capitol ia New York's Magnificat . , . : Wracked by Fire. . f Albany. r N.,Y- March t 29. Fire 8weot. smoke stained and J water drenched. New York stake's magnifl- cent $27,000,000 capitol stands this v morning a partial wreck by flames ' that started in the, assembly library, burned away the entire west wing 7 and did damage estimated at $10,000, 000 before the fire was declared nn 'der control after vaelna more than four hours. Tennessee synod does not meet, until fall and until the action is taken by both synods on the work of the com mission the outcome is only -a matter of. conjecture. . ' ; .. :;5,;i- Aa "Inanrient" Takes a Whirl T Mr. Editor'Sojourner'' is on the right track.; He ia making a few pret ty accurate observations. , I think, however, that a question mark ortwo ought to be inserted in his speech. 'Druggist',', m a joke. He cut his small joke out of the New York Bun and warmed it over a bit Now whak I really -want tasay ia that I could write a page or two that would fix t. l.m.j ... ir.rtievervthine iust ritrht. tv I navent by Tnsetr rculfrion- w ttoerrOTMTW'a tleHr.; to coming electrified. . , t.,f . . w "w im'." -w live million dollars proDaoiy couia "- v f"hs repair the damage cone oy nre in me nset I am an, insurgent, - Sute eapitol today, but monejea ywy and at. the proper time we not restore the historical v records -"""-ns"'" piii ww j- which wero the Dride of the State li- "on. i care nouung ior ine ,ing, teas h-ir Aftr Mmimni- tb exterior perhapa for the big Cituena Noise, walls with a transit, Stale Architect Let the ring and the big noise have AimroA innicrYa that' the mas- ' their day; Rive d ile of aranite waa as plumb and iusurgeui wm hm nre rowu me true as ever. The flame licked up the State library, the court of claims, the Assembly library and document rooms, moot of the offices or the excise de partment and the quarters of the Sen ate finance committee, and water ana smoke took up what the flames laid down. lira vi Jn. ... ; i Poetry never won an election, nor ia it good for a pint of some favorite brand at "Druggist's" store. . INSURGENT. Mr: T. H. Webb has returned from Charlotte, where he has been visiting relatives several weeks 'Mr. Daniel Boger, of No. 1 tow ahip, waa in the city today for. the am tune since ms receni uinew. Mrs. B. E. Harris and little daugb tar, Elizabeth, will leave tonight for Scranton, Pa, to visit..relativeei..4; Mrs! Ti D. Maness haa returned from Wilminuton. where she attended the State Baptist Muonary Conven tion. I . ..'".; V'-' Mr. A. D. Wilson, of Rimertowa, underwenit an operation for appen dicitis at the Presbyterian Hospital in Charlotte yesterday. y; , Rv. W. H. BaTL. of Monroe, will arrive this afternoon- to begin bis work as Rector of All Saints' Episco pal ehureh. ' - . : .''ii-i-) Mrs. T. A. Dunlap, who has been visitine her father, Mr. T.- J. Shinn, of Georsreville. has returned to. her home in Norwood. - - : " - Miss Myrtle Pemberton will return tomorrow from' Winnsboro, S. V., where she has been visiting friends for fortnight-w r - Mr. 'and Mrs. ll. F. Ritchie left la night for Chester, 8. C,;i see" Mrs. Ritchie 'as . ntt,-i Mr.Vr- aarKdtf, who is senously ill. Mrs. J. P. Goodson " and "Mrs. J. S, Hutchison returned today from York ville. S. C. where they have been visiting relatives. Mr. G. F. Brown baa retuned from Springfield, Mo, where be purohaeed a car load of corses af d mules Ifior Uorl Wadswoith w, ,, r Little Miss Mary Penelope Cannon haa returned from Wilmington, where she baa been visiting her grandpa rents, Mr. and Mrs. . Borden. .ZZXUj cats tomorrow. ! LAt.Cradei chool Gromda Between ' Concori and Kt. Pleasant. Those wh fail to see (he game of bull 'at ' the Central 'school ground Friday afternoon will miss seeing one Kf the ttrotigret line-nps that Concord ftiaa ever hsd on the diamond.' She have Cannon and fatterson as hpitrher. Fred Patterson will be be hind the bat, while the SsppenfieM brothers and Barrier will look after the infield. Wadsworth, Cook, Nor man and Rogers will be on hand to aee that nothing passes their way. in the K,mtfidlh . - " -. ' The grounds have recently been put u good eyidftion and .veryuiing 11 favoraW; for Concord to walk away with the' game. - An admission fee of 25 and 13 cents will be charged, but .is the grounds" are not enclose there is nothing to prevent anyone from see ing the game free of charge. However we do not think many will take advan tage of It his fact as -expense money aril be needed. Oo out to see the game for youso-owB pleasure as well as to encouriige the home team. Guerrilla War Stopped by Insurgent ' Leader. El Paso,; Texas, March '28.-iuer-Villa warfare " has been formally ' abandoned by the 'Mexican insurree tos, according to a decree issued by Francisco I. Madejee, and made public here today. The decree organises the ' entire republic of Mexico into seven ' groups of states. -Army ranks and the promise of a law giving pensions to s widows and children are announced. Madero becomes "supreme; head of ; the insurgent army." . : . One of .the. objects of Madero in abolishing guerrilla warfare is to in duce foreign uhtrie. torecognixe the bellig''y of the insurrectos, in1'- - . " aasaajswe . -t... ' : Cannery for Tomatoes and Beans. ; Mr. T. J. Shinn; of Oeorgeville,waa in the city this morning. Mr, Shinn has been operating a cannery on his farm for several year and iris ,toma , toes and beans have attained a great reputation, v especially on, the local market. Several of the 4roeers here wanted to place orders with Mr. Shinn this morning, but were informed by 1 Wm that-be had sold the output some time ago. If Mr. Shinn would only increase bis business commen surate with the demand for bis goods Georgeville would have a good site canning factory and "Shinn 'a ' beans" would be known far and wide. Sojourner" Comes Back In Reply to f , to "Droggist." " That letter waa a joke. Boys, let's all laugh. Brother Will Heagler will lead ub. .. f - , " Now "Druggist,'! tell ua tomorrow over your nom de plume that yon and your fellow druggists in Concord do not sell whiskey illegally, and then we will beheve what you eay. But if yon cannot truthfully say you do not violate the law: then Concord is not 'well policed'' aa you say-only for the druggist 4or no town ia well po liced where the policemen wink at the violation of the law ' Then if Con; cord m not well policed, Concord does not "continue to be safe," for no town is safe where' the administra tion is in sympathy with violators of the law. Then if the above statements are trite, you and your fraternity have defamed the name of Concord and not "Sojourner." Put up now," or shut Up. iv:?Cfr:o Music Programme at tie Chautanqna Tonight -.. . ,; ' - ' Prelude Bell Rondo-......Morandi - QuartrtrteSeawh Me O God.Gabriel Mrs. .Womble. Mrs. vvoonnouse, . wr. ' " Sherrill, Mr. Newman. Solo Golgotha .:-."-.-.r.-Conchois - - . Mrs. Womble. ' . -1 rostlude Grand Chorue....GuiImout Willeford's Jewelry Store Again Bro- The jewelry store of Hr, James C W uleiord "-was again entered thieves last night.- A glass in the rear door was broken and an entrance made, . Mr. Willeford says that as yet be has not missed anything of value. The store was entered in a similar manner about S month ago and a con siderable amount of jewelry taken : Anyway a man is usually justified in doing those he has bwi done by, MT. PIXASAKT 1TEW8. Child Badly Scalded-Un. Bnrria Geta BIp Broken-AddiUonal Ce- JOHN EDWARDS KILLED. Escaped Convict from Cabarrus Chain I Gang was Killed by a Train Yes I terday in Asberille., fi, A- telegram was received here this fcorninr tatincr that John Edwards, ion of Frank Edwards, of this eity, and ah escaped convict from the Ca barrus eonnty chain gang, was lulled hjr a, train in Ashevillo yesterday, but so particulars were given. Edwards escaped from the -chain gang about two months ago and since that time his whereabouts have not been known, although the .officials have been mat ing an effort to capture him. He was Serving a eentenee o 18 months for Highway . robbery ; being convicted about -a year ago for. holding np and robbing a man near it-he depot here. Q bad served about 12 months of iu sentence and had been made a trusty when he made his" escape. His rober left this morning for Asbe- ville - to' take charge of the remains nd it is probable that he-will be bur- tfd here. ., - ' ' - - : t. ..a 1 1 hi -, it Paying Personal News. The six-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Turner was right badly scalded last week. Mrs. Turner was passing ont tb door , with a vessel nued with boiling stsren. bhe was met unexpectedly in the doorway by the child and pri of the contents were spilled on the child's face and neck, canning severe barns. At last accounts be was recovering-very well. Saturday night a Mrs. Burris fell from the embankment on Church Hill near the Kindley Cotton Mills. She sustained a broken hip as well as other bruises. She was taken to her home some distance south of here Sundsy. Mr, Will Foilwho has charge of the sidewalk grading, brought his pet fox witb nim a few days ago. The animal is affording no end of amusement for young and old. At a meeting of the town board Monday night it was decided to let an additional contract for cement paving wnicn will approximate fifteen huti tred square yards, making a total of more than three thousand square varus. Mrs. W. E. Mbfflt. of Chanotte. spent a few days here last week the guest of Mrs. J. S. Kindley. Miss Viola Matthews, who is in the Charlotte Sanitarium for treatment, is reported improved. Mrs. L. E. Heilig, of Salisbury, is visiting her father, Mr. W. R. Kind ley, who has been in feeble- health for sometime. Miss Mamie Beatty, of Charlotte, is visiting here. . Mr. Roy Webster, of Gaffney, S. C, Tn"r spent few days here lat week. Misses Ella Moose, Mary Heilig, Mamie Beatty, Ruth Misenbeimer and Ethel Conine and Messrs. Lee Foil, Paul Moose and Berley Beaver went to, Salisbury to see DeWolf Hopper. Mt. Pleasant, N. C, March 22, 1911. MR. ANSEL THIS EVGTIXa. Fomer Governor of SoaU CereUs is Address CkaaUMW at rirst PretbyterUa Church at t O'dock Tonight. ; The Chautauqua at the First Pres byterian church tonight offers ex-Governor M. F. Ansel, of Greenville, B. C. . The coming of Mr. 'Ansel gives Coneord people an opportunity to hear this most valuable eituea and excel lent speaker. For some years Mr. Ansel haa been one of the foremost figures in American public life. Dur ing bis two terms ss governor of South Carolina be Stood in the very front ranks of atrong. public official. In addition to the magnificent record be made aa governor, Mr. Ansel bad an established reputation as a ehuroi- - man. - In hit own state he baa long been a power for good and to his own church- and denomination a tower of strength. We should consider our selves fortunate indeed to have this opportunity of hearing this splendid man. Friday evening the Chautauqua bas Rev. W. R. Minter, pastor of the Lin colnton church. Mr. Minter is per sonally known by some of our people, but those who read his charming trav el letters last year have an intimate knowledge of the character and ver satility of the man. Prof. W. J. Martin, of Davidson, ia toaddress the young people Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. In announcing this service we would remind the pub lic that in Prof. Martin we have a man who knows how to talk to the youth. Many will recall a former talk to young people this speaker made a few years ago. Be sure to bear Gov- Ansel tonight. The Hon is eicrhf. It is not necessary to say that all are welcome. . A woman's Mea of an entertaining man, is one who is $ poor talker and a good listener. v. u . ' '.The site bas. been 'selected for. the work will iegm as soon as the eont tract can be let. .The main building will be 90x112, two stories and base toent, and will accommodate 100 people. . - JtH onr Penny Column it pays. Our China Famine Fund. Previously acknowledged $22055 Cash LOO Mrs. Susie Williams .. j6ft Total . ...$222.05 In our last issue ithe amount given as previously acknowledged was $200.85, when.it should have . been $210.05. - - ' , - , Told in a Few Words. ""' M . , n T -,' 'V , .. ni . , , . i , . . ,f;v:,!;-'v,om:'i'Vi.;wy ixn,, . , .v, ' . . Iff wessm Koblsaat Says f 100,000 Was Spent to Qect Lorimer. Springfield, Dl.. March 29. H, H, Koblsaat, publisher of the Chicago Kecora-ueraia, tow tne oenate . in vestigating committee today tnat ne knew $100,000 had been used to pro cure the election of William lionmer to the United States Senate,-. Ha re fused to give the committee the gourceof his information, -not with standing the ; committee has the power to imprison, nim because oi his refusal.' ; r--uAi'- When J; Mr. .Kohkaat was ;'first called to the stand he was asked where be obtained , bis information on which he wrote an editorial say ing $100,000 had been raised to elect Lonmer. , ),: . : Mr. Kohlsaat declined to answer a number of questions. - He' said be could not violate a eonndence. i The Legislatures of some of the western States have r gard -for the wishes bfthe people, I Recently i the Nevada Legislature with a democratic majority elected a republican to the United States Senate because the peo ple in a primary vote had given the republican a majority, Two years ago the Colorado legislature, with a repub lican majority, elected a democratic Senator because the people had so ex pressed - their preference at the. pri mary election. x-'l-SM All tEat Building end Loan Associations 'are, and all they stand for, may be tersely ex pressed, 'iy: -;; To be conservative, yet pro gressive; to grant suck terms as are consistent with sound cooperative principles ; to keep facilities and organization' up- to-date for the conduct of busi ness; to help all men and wo men: to a higher type of dti- aenahip; to make t possible for the coming generation to ap- ; proach more nearly the ideal of citizenship because by the aid of the applied principles of co-operation . it is made pos sible that the; shall know the JtEAL influences of a REAL home; and be spurred to fu ture endeavor by the pride of father and v mother in ths 4'THIS IS MY OWN" of ac tual ownership ; - y ; t' ' W are selling shares in ths 27th Series. Come in and take . some shares. Nothing better. . , J. M. HEND RIX," - . Secy, and Treas. ' In Concord National Bank. THE DATE APRIL 1ST. rriaay INFANTS', MISSpS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS a e e Will be on special display. This is a New Department and wiir show a large range ot styles for the little folks at the : most: attractive prices. At the same time we will $Eow it very Urge ; assortment of little boys1 Hats at 25c & 50c Let us show you the newest and largest assortment 1 of , Ladies' . Hats. r Vith this Bank is Lelpfnl not only to men A decision from the United States Supreme Curt is expeied to be hand ed down next Monday in the Standard Oil and American Tobacco Company cases. . - . One of the girl victims of the New Fork fire bad V-30 in bor stocking. The Pcv;cr A clays' good work ' ? - rcoD b bejiaeu but to every man and woman sa j&'Jce who d&s any business tracsacticss. It eacourajrea economy, establishes your credit, makes sending money away or paying bills with Check easy, besides safeguarding your cash, -'-j ., , . V.ly cct Elirt yesr Ctcclfcj cr Prlvsie Aeeczd w!.S " 7 r",r., r.- H"m It's a pleasure to show you.