I'll .ti;.;:.:.i You'll Never Get the.LIoot for Your money Untili-You Buy ..ft. 14 Vw.- ' I -v CH Year . Oil Month f J TktM Months . l.M Qi Meaia Advertising rales ca W had at In am ok Copy for fUM nan b la at 1 fc-tnrk ".. ' ' rrj of Thanks. Resolutions of H PMrfUn simile- artk-le aro efcared at the rot o I eoata sr llae cask U UKjMrt4 aoean elaaa mall ""'" Ar.rH pw"7 ' V"-' mm. If. C, oad tka act ot March . Ml. Omi of k rttr aoa II th Jl On Moatn ..... i . 7- !! Moninw . -- v. iu Uullu 1. john m. aueaar cur kh Concord. X. C, April 1 1911. TEE TRTBtTKE TO BE ENLARGED. Tomorrow The,Tribune will.be en larged from sis to ssven column paper. Thin step has been made nec essary on account of increased adver tising patronage, which has encroach ed loo much on our reading matter space. Other improvements are con templated in the paper, and it will nlways be our purpose to give the people of Concord the very best paper the patronage will justify. At noon today the special ses sion of Congress was called to order. The scope of legislation and the prob able length of the session are now the staple topic of discussion. The belief seems to be gaining ground (hat the new Congress will take np other subjects than reciprocity and tariff. The advocates of direct elec tion of senators will probably make another try for their constitutional amendment. An apportionment bill will be seni over by the house. The new members with a record to make will clamor for public buildings and river and harbor improvements. Con servation measures left over unfin ished from the lats session may be , revised. Indeed, the leaders think that the extra session may be called upon to take up a variety of subjects for legislative action. The President's message on Canadian reciprocity will be sent in tomorrow. This' measure will no doubt be promptly approved by the Honfje, but rfc williiot find such easy sailing when it readies the Senate. On the whole, the Southern Rail way Company is doing very wellby the towns on its western division in the way of new depots. - That just completed at Statesville is an arch itectural beauty in stone, pressed brick and terra eotta. We believe ffvtatesville might claim that it is the handsomest depot in North Carolina. Work on the depot tit Morganton is under way and it will have an impos ing effect in cement. Marion has been provided for, and as soon as the Hick ory people and the railroad company can come to an agreement on a site, a depot will be built there. Charlotte Chronicle. The energies of the Southern in depot 'building seem to be confined to the Western N. C. division. At least there has been no evidence of it around here. Concord is much larger than any town between Salisbury and Asheville, jet the above named towns get new depots while ours is only such as any town of less than 1000 inhabi tants should have. -. No Bemady in Sight Charlotte Observer. . ' ' The Wadesboro Ansonian, discuss ing the high cost of living, points out the great expense to which mer- ehants are put in delivering purchases much of which" might be obviated. "One firm," it reports, "tells of eend- : ing its delivery wagon .to the same s house twelve tomes, to deliver Mall telephone orders, the whole amounting . to less than a load lor the wagon. An other carried a loaf of bread mile and ' a half the profit on tha sale being one cent. Another was asked to send . a 5-eent spool of cotton beynd te , twn limits in order that ft might be exchanged for one of another num ber." i These instances may appear to . De extreme, but we are confident that the average retail xnrcbant would have :- nt lAtiiiU i A.wKj.hm .A . - hit experience without overstraining hia memory to do so, , Simmoni' Vote an Urimur '" . - Fairbrotbcr's Everything. Senator Simmons ie etill explaining why he voted for Lorimer, No ex planations are necessary. We general ly send a United States Senator down to Washington and presume he has sense enough to do his duty as he sees it. To vote for Lorimer was no in fraction of the oath of olBce, and we are glad that Simmons waa bold enough and bi? enough to vote his convictions. That one act would go a long ways in ct.rn ". -wf na that he -.,, . 1 b TcUn, 1 v,! ii tl.e-C.ne eam-ry . ' : ", ., . ! Will exhibit the entire week on the Morris Lot, rear of City Hall, featuring Smith's 520,000 Merry-go-round, Prof. SceUI's Royal Italian Band; Wild Animal Circus; Marvelous' MelvHIe, the areal wonder, and 28 other novel attractions. With Ten Big Shows. . V ' -' . - ' FAITH. The oldest building in Faith was rolled from one lot to another to make room for more and Oner buildings that will g up at once. The children of Mr. John Holler gave him a big surprise birthday din ner Monday, Maifh 27th, this being his 70ih birthday. Among those from a distance was his daughter and two little grandchildren, Mrs. P. Mcbride, of Mt Airy. Venus was there and all spent a nice time and there was plenty left. Mr. ' Dales Holler is getting some better. Mrs. J. L. Shuping and little grand son have returned from Fleming, Ga where thev have been visiting her daughter. Mrs. W. W, Gill. Mrs C- B- Shuping and children have gone to Spartanburg to visit her father. There was another birthday dinner today, March 30th, 1911, at Mr. and Mrs. John Rinehardt's. Mr. Charles Peeler, owner of the Globe store and Venus were there and all had a fine dinner. It was the birthday of both Mr .and Mrs. Rinehart. The Faith Granite Company is load' ing another car of building stone to day for rhe U. S. postofflee at Aiken, S. C. The general superintendent of the granite work is here today and is highly pleased with our North Caro lina granite. VENUS. A Wonderful Walker. Whenever Edward Payson Weston feels as though he needs a little exer cise he goes out and walks a few hundred miles, as though it were noth ing at all unusual. He just dotes on distance. Twice he has walked from coast to coast, twice from Portland to Chicago. Back in 1884 he walked 5,000 miles in England in 100 days and delivered a temperance lecture every night. But there was too much tem perance about it to satisfy the Sports, and too much sport to satisfy the tem perance people. Now, in his 72nd year he is planning another trip across the continent. Mr. N. B. MeCanloss, of Salisbury, will today appear before the board of county commissioners or. union county at Monroe arid nwsent a naritfnn mm the citizens of Goose Creek township asking toe board to call another elec tion in tliat townshiT) to airain vote on the proposition of issuing bonds for the building of the Salisbtrry-to-Mon-roe railroad. : In the recent election held for this Dnraose tha bond issue was defeated by the narrow margin of six votes. A man is never too old to learn that he knows a lot of things he should forget. , a - Why are we more liberal in giving advice than anything else! With a package of this sweet, crisp food in the pantry, you dodge the fuss and bother of early morning cooking, yet have a breakfast which makes a happy start for the day. , Serve direct from the" pack-' ce vith cream, and sometimes' fruit. 4Tlie Pcstum School Closing at Liberty Ridxe, School closed at Liberty Ridge on Friday, March 31. Class work ended Thursday evening after which all the children were treated to candy and bananas by the principal and assist ant. On Friday there was an excel lent exercise. The crowd present Fri day was the largest known in the his tory of the school. There were present fifty-five boys from Mt. Pleasant school taking advantage of "April 1st." We were fortunate in having three of Cabarrus county 's best speak ers, namely: Prof. C. E. Boger, Bev. J. J. Long and Rev. Causey. The words of bese speakeis were heard with pleasure, and close attention was given from start to finish. Just before the close Prof. Boger presented in be half of the school to Mr. D. S. Lip part a handsome watch fob; Miss Krimminger a neat belt buckle, thus showing the appreciation and esteem with which they were held. An elegant dinner was served on the" ground; baseball was played the result being 6 to 22 in favor of the home team. A spelling match was enjoyed by a large crowd. There was no disorder or horses turned loose, everything went along quietly. This was the best year ever known in the history of the school and more work has been accomplished. Mr. Lip-' pard has won the hearts of the girls and the boys of our school and the re spect of our men and women. He is one of the best yonng teachers that Cabarrus affords and there is a bright future in school work for him. Miss Lnretta'Krimminger, the assistant, is an excellent teacher knowing how to teach and work with small bovs and girls. - -.. STUDENT. Medical and Surgical Appliances in Factories. : The last Legislature passed a law requiring that every person, firm or corporation operating a factory , or shop employing over 23 laborers, in which machinery is used for any pur- ufactnring purpose, or for any pur pose except for elevation or for heat ing or hoisting' apparatus, shall at all times keep and maintain free of ex pense to the employes a medical or surgical .chest . containing necessary appliances (specified) to aid injured i me or not less tqan fo nor more than $25 for every week daring which violation of law continues. ' The Champion Lumber Company, with a $.5,000,000 capital stock, has purchased more than 100,000 acres of timber lands, including two railroads, all lying in Haywood county and cen taring about Canton, and will shortly begin -developments of equal, if not greater magnitude than that following the coming of the Champion Fiber Company to that section. : ' FtisiSui&'S Miemory Lingero" Cereal Co., Lt, V ill; Crc;!:, IV.X CUHE FOX ECZEMA, ' Discovery That Cures Pimples, Ecxe m and All Skin Troubles. If -you are troubled with pimples, blackheads, acne, barber itch, blotches. freckles or other skin diseases or blem ish, now is thetime to euro it with Hokora. T This pure and simple skin fxxl is being introduced in Coneord by - tli Gibson Drug Store at (he low price of 25 cents for a liberal sized jar, and in the past few weeks they have sold hundreds of treatments. It contains no grease or acid, is cleanly to nse and is a true food and onrishment for the skin, cleansing and clearing it in 'every pore, making it soft, white and beautiful. - If Hokara does not do even more than is claimed for it and give perfect satisfaction return the mptyjar to the Gibson Drug Store and they will refund your money. If you have any skin trouble yon cannot spend 25 cents to better advantage than (for a jar of this skin food. Larger size 50 cents, CONCORD, B. F. D. 5. Wheat and oats are looking fine in our community at thi writing. , What has become of our good cor respondent from No. 9. It has been some time since we have read any thing from No. 9 and wo want to hear from our old neighborhood again. . Mrs. Frances Carter and daughter spent Monday night in No, 9 with Mrs. Nannie Binehardf. Mr. John Widenhouse is having a dwelling built for a renter. , The farmers have been patting in good time on-their farms between rain showers. So-far we have had a windy wet month of March. We are expecting another wedding, as the cakes are being baked. We hope that Goose Creek town ship will agree with our new railroad, s osne can sail through. Mr. Ephraim Carter spent Tuesday of last week in Concord on business. Mr, John McAnulty and IL A. Plott made a trip to Virginia to buy mock, recently. ' - , I Planting Irish potatoes and bedding sweet potatoes is the order of the day here. ., - On last Wednesday w had a snow storm and a cold wave. , CRACKER JACK. . Walking toward his bed to lie down, Rev. S. C. Owen,- of Candler, Saturday tell outstretched across the bed dead, He had complained of feeling unwell and had remained in his- room while other members of tho family went to dinner. Hearing the noise of a fall, his wife rushed into the room to find her husband dead. There are plenty of peaches in this section that are not killed. X,, s Schloss 7 Baltimore: i Clothlil I u . . ; 5.- .--S.. Every man's desire is to look well dressed. He wants the best there is,, but in reason when v. it comes to price. We have absolutely proven COMPANY .Clothing gives Style and. Service Is what vou want when you . . a if . 3UIU, OIJIC OI1U VIVC 19 osjitL.JZo dkuSi cc umrAii i garment you- uuy.'.. r.rii rinr rr r r m They Cost No More $15 to Be you long or short, stout model here for you. Come Cannon, Importance of High- Grade Sanitary . . Plumbing. Good Plumbinr id one of tha moat important features about a bouse. Ton cannot have to many safe-guards fot the "health of your family and your self. Therefore tha slight cost of the BE3T Plumbing will in reality be health assurance as vail aa saving in repair bills. ' : SANITARY PLUMBING CO. Phona 334. City Prcssteo Clut I have purchased outright a ; dry preparation1 for cleaning ladies' gar ments that I guarantee to give satis faction, or I will make no charge for the work. I am sols owner of Hhi preparation and on account of the ex cellent satisfaction it has given I make this proposition to the ladies of Con cord and vicinity: -.Send us any ar ticles or garments you want cleaned and after we nse this dry cleaning preparation o ntbem, if they are not entirely satisfied with the work I will make no charge. O. Bv rOWELSS. Pfoprlatar. , -, Phonsl88. -s I. 1 Dc:!rctl2 Q'2tzs Horns Cuilflinj Best location in city. Steam heat, light and janitor service " free. .K " Also - sleeping s rooms, bath, . ngnt ana i - janitor -eervice free, ' ; . . Hlionc No. CO 1 1 " sr-ir'-'ir -"i ill I. . 4 t. it . .. . i l ... .J T T f f. ' - mm that" SCHLOSS BROS. & most for the money. . invest your money in a a. .A I . . - . just Wliab JVU JJVV III WV1 Jf i.. r a a.t , - - - - - 1 . Than the Ordinary. $35 or slim, there's a special early. Fetzer Co. awful pai::s :,'vv"-: : FUUXDESGniBEO A lidy of Pizarro Ms Story cf Awful 5ufMn That Cirdui RnafiRc!ieved. ,.- . Pliarro, Va.- "I suffered for scvml . rears," writes Atrs.. uorma a. sniu.i. With that awful backache and thi hear ing down sensations, so fully described In your book. "1 tried doctors and other medlc'nr ..' and found little relief, until 1 was induced to try Wine of Cardui, when I found in- , fVMUJ veil, koiiitjr ; recommend Cardui to alt suffering womeu and tlunk there is no other as good." In some Instances. Cardui rives Instant . relief- in nthra it m.u fiLra I. If - v..., ... v.iaww, iifcij wnb u iittiv lime:. . But in all cases of female trouble Cardui can be depended on to be of benefit, as it is a specific remedy for. wumert and lets in a curative way on the womanly natiKciiciai uraitiorwomcn. ID Oil HQ . iip your strength, improve your appe- . nte, bring back rosy cheeks and make you look -and feel young, and happy,.' nothing you can find will do to much ior you as Cardui. Your druggist has it - - . . W. R tPWfeta- faiH aiiit.f.ruj nu. Boon Medicm. Co.. ChalHnj.ua, f eon., lor Spnml lrutmtmu . and M-wm book "'Home Tranmuil f lor Wobko. Mot In obia wiuwer. oo imm ' WHUI4U lH.ll II tl J lUbl..Cl ........ . .... , .. , .., , , j..-. . - : Following- schedules cubllshed onl : as Information and are not guaranteed, la KIM Ja.aarr 1, mil. ' 4:11) a. nw No. Dally from Rich- monfl and all local oolnts. Connects at Green.boro for Wlnton-8atem and Kal- eig-n, at lanviue for Norfolk. ' - ;4S a. m.. No. 44 Dally for washing, ton and DOtnts North. Connct at Hal. iaburr for Ashevllla, Chattanoopra and Memphis. Pullman and da? coaches to Washington. Pullman coach b.tweaa Atlanta and Raleigh. - :! a. m Nov 45 Dally for Charlotte' and all local points. - ll:S0 a. m., 36--Datly for Washington and New York. Pullman sleepers New Orleans, to Nsw York; -day coach New Orleans to New York, Washington and all point north. iz:v a. m no, so Dally (OB.wash tngton and New York, ' 8:10 D. m.. No. 7 DallV for Charlotte and local stations. , . 3:40 p. m.. No. 4e Dally for Green, boro and local points; - .: - :4S p. m.. No. 1!Tally for Rich mond and alt local points. Connects at . Salisbury for Asheville, Chattanooga' and Memphis. (ileeper, Charlotte to Richmond and Salisbury to Nor folic. :C0 p. mH No. 5 Dnlly to Atlnntn and all point South. Hloepera to New Orleans and Birmingham and day coaches Washington to New Orleans. R. U VERNON, D. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. IL P. CAR Y, O. P. A, Washington, D. 11 PcniAM's asti:.'.:V r : gives instant relief and an aUviinie cure in all cases of Asthma, Broncluiis, and Hay Fever. Sold by dru twists ; mail oa recerni oi pries I oo. 'f 1 I'tu-lm.. v t ' 10 c'. v -i. is . i ..s ., i t .s

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