I.' r . i - f I - ! M X ' l ; -v. v w V;V'. VOL. XXIj . w Co uott. CONCORD. N. O. THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 19ii, Blajle Oopy, I Oasts. NO. 5227 i . . . iiAPFoanxor or TE3 CHA1LE3T0JT VISITORS. Mtoi Urn Delegation f Oar Sastaess Kn and Shown Etnry rrentasat Taffs Folky to leappetnt Oovrtssy. l-. I rnstMistsri Wis Kin Mads 04 'A lam number of tbe business msa I Xecerda. of the BUT KSthered ! tbs depot - Ths anliit ar IK. a(Rm nf nnt- terdsy afternoon and met toe n guw of tbe sit of Concord ra baton trsds sieursion, wnien arrow I mded yesterday when President Taft hart at 4:05 o'clock. Tba xenrMoa Mnt th noBtfnstion of Postmaster eosoprisea a aoUd raimaa train wiin aa observation ear, and tbe party eoa- aieted of 40 lira and bustling business men and the MeU.)wnd,of Qfteen Mayor U. o. wagoner neeoea ine Messrs. J. Harrer Dorton and At- local delegation, and Immediately hornw H. 8. Williams. Tbs eonteat upon' the rigors arrival , tbejr were began no eooner tbaa the political Diaeeain wailiaz auiomoDues ana w i tonlliet last fall lad murd. and each nagee ana anven otw mini candidal went after tba plum in a prominent atreeta of tba city. Tba vigorooa manner. - For aaTcral week root traversed vaa aa . foUowa: I petition went the round thick and L. Boehanan. the praacnt in eombent, to the Senate for confirma tion. ' - , , r " Aa la well known there were two other aspirant , for the position, fast and each contestant succeeded in securing a largo number of signers, but without detracting from the pop ularity and political prestige of the unsuccessful aspirants, it waa well known that Mr.' Buchanan succeeded Prom the depot to Georgia Arenac, w ' down Georgia . Avenue, to Grove, thence to Spring by the Central gra ded school to Franklin Avenue, out Frankila Avenue to North Union. Up North Union put toe Locke mill. X The party was then driven back down I fa eeeuring by far the largest number . South Union through the main aeetion 0f signatures of the business enter- and on to the depot. . ine nana cams prises of the eily, directly from the depot to the square . bile there waa no outward die- and gave a concert while the delega- pi,y 0f bitternesa in the contest it is tion waa viewing the city. generally known among the political "The party eonaiated of the eitiiens wig, ones that the lines were closely wno are icauers in iwir rciM i arawn and no little reeling wa en- lines or ousinesa in inariesion ana a representative of most every vocation waa to be found among their number. '. Each and every man waa intent open ' lolling of the mutual advantages to be gained by a closer relationship be tween Concord and Charleston, and quite a few took advantage of the op i portunity of distributing samples and literature of their respective lines of i goods. ; .At he depot they all gathered dose x -f . around the leader and gave a yell with an enthusiasm that evidenced the ap preciation of tbeirr treatment aero, Tbe detail of the trip of tbe Char . Icstonian k being looked after by Mr. A. W. MeKeand, secretary of tbe Cbarleaton board of trade, wbo receives a salary of 46,000 per year, being the highest paid conrmemaj secretary in the Sooth Atlantic States. The (tarty waa personally ' . eondueted by Measra, B. H. DeButtc "' and Jf O. Jones, tbe clever and ever Wi-ts--obliging traveling-paasanger- agenti r tbe Boutnern, fc gendered The appointment of Postmaster Buchanan ia a victory for the More- head wing of he Republican party, and is another instance of the failure of ex-Congressman Cowles to land his man, as it has been generally under stood here that ha favored Mr. Wil liama for the job. Postmaster Buchanan's appoint ment is directly in line with Presi dent Taft 'a policy of renominating all first 4erm postmasters who have given eatisfaetion and have good official record and it goes without saying that Postmaster Buchanan has fully complied with theoe rcqnire-menta.- , KT. nXAAUT KSVTg. ' Carnto's cceo$irc Contract ih:. ! gre.t Italiao-tenor, Haalfed to a remarkable contract with the Vienna Royal y.Opera - House - management, borne- of the conditions which he: is sakT to Vave stipulated reT"ar" .Carom will be permitted to smoke n the opera bouse stage until the curtain ia about to arise. : At that moment a Vienna fireman, stationed back of Caruso, will catch the butt of the singer ' cigarette in a bucket Ea Signs Contract Hover to Kirn Bis - Wife, - 8t. Louis,, April 5. When Dr. R, L. Barrinirton, member of the Et hical Society and special pension examiner 1 0f water. for the government, would sit down I to a meal in his borne be nsed to oak bia wife: "Is the food poisoned t" 5 Mrs. Mary W. Barrington, who is auinjc the physician for divorce, tesu- ' No' one not employed in the opera bouse will be allowed on the stage or in the . wings so long ae Caruso is in either place. During his entire enggement - no Uaiking ef Lanotr and KorU Carolina OoOegaa Wifl Vol Affect the In stitute Personal Xotasv: t In the recently published reporta of 4he joint smmnktee of tbe North Carolina E. L. Synod and tbe Ten nessee E. L. Synod relative to the union of, certain eduealioaaj work of these two synods an erroneous im pression baa become current. It baa been repeatedly stated, through tbe press, based doubtless a- what waa considered reliable information, that thejoint committee waa working to the end that tbe Collegiate Institute of this place be united with Lenoir College at Hickory. This ia a mistake, arising no doubt from the idea ia the minds of many that old North Caro lina College and the Collegiate Insti tute go to make but one single insti tution. Aa -a matter of fact, they are two different institutions, and it ia be former North Carolina College that -the committee haa'had under consideration and not the Collegiate Institute. When the matter first came before the synods, the Institute was brought into 4 he deal, to borrow-a business phrase, but for good and sat isfactory reasons it bag been left out of all deliberations. No matter what tbe outcome may be it will not effect the Institute at this place. A record breaking crowd was pres ent, at the dosing exercises of the Fink school last Saturday. A large number of students and townspeople were present. All Fool's Day falling on Saturday did not deprive the cadets at the In stitute of taking French leave, which they did on Friday aa a substitute Mr. Carl Jansen will lecture in the auditorium Friday night. Miss Matvaret Bout returned to her home at Hickory today after spending a week with her friend, Miss Ella Moose. Mr. Duncan Matthews has returned from Mints, having completed his work .there for tbe winter Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Heilig spent Sunday in Albemarle; -Mr. W. B. Hartsell spent a few days in Concord. Mr. L. S. Sbirey baa returned from a business trip to. Bear Poplar. Mr. Jim. James nae gone to Atbo ?nglja&ej bv toee-fc4 nun in tae w iscasseii joins. - The annual meeting of flie stock holders of the Kindley Cotton Mills was held yesterday. Mr. W. A. Kind- ley was elected president to succeed the late II E. Hailig. Mr. Kindley has been serving in that capacity for the past six months by appointment. ' Mt. neasant, N. U., April , 1911. fled to this habit of bia Wore Judge I atranimp la Kim. nmiu .nr tiw. Haasienr. J " ' I theatre's nrdinsW Mmmnv will ha On cross examination Mr. Barring- admitted "to tbe part of the treatre raenunea a coniraoc signed oj that encloses the stare. ton her husband,. ., Tbe note read: "I agree not to an noy my wife by kissing or caressing her, to .confine my conversation to impersonal or business topics, so that As long as the tenor is on the stage no scenery will be shifted. "It is said tsat Croso insists on this danse in the contract. Caruso's suite consists of his phy aur lives may be tolerable as posm-UieUn,- his privste secretary,, impre- , uu hi u my guana, u. i nap-igano and bandmaster. They will pen to hve soy, ti myself. 'J j. - ' New School Tax Told. Greensboro, April 6.--After listen ing to argument of counsel, Judge F. A. Daniels tonight sustained the de fendant's demurrer in ths case of W. W.: Kitchin. , Governor, vs. W. P. Wood, Auditor, and thus held as nn constitutional the increased ad valo rem tax of 2 eeota for school pur poses in the State for the reason that through inadvertence the Legislature : failed to maintain the constitutional equation as between the sd valorem and poll tax. The ease will at once 4 be carried . to tbe Supreme Court of es- eort,Csrusb from his dresing room to the stsge snd back agin. v The new contract raises the amount Caruso will ' receive each .'night be singe from 42,200 to. 43,000. The management win pay viuu a day lor his and bis suite s hotel enpenses. Alabama Solons Vote for Est urn of Saloons. Montgomery, Ala., April 5. State wide prohibition in ; Alabama was given a knockout blow today when both branches of tbe legislature adopted tbe Smith liquor regulation bill. ., TKsi nAlt!1ns eliai4 nsa unt r , the voters of a .county may petition for an election to determine whether , .to get an early opinion.. Z"tJ Button at Mt HHL Two men entered the office at the - -Concord oil mill this morning at 3 -to 'dock and ransacked 'the desk and other office, fnrniture. ; They got all the money in the drawer, which was . onlv a few oieeee of small change. When they were discovered by the 'night watchmen they got out and ran, firing at turn first, however. Tbe watchman fired st the retresting men liquor shall be sold fa that eoun:y. either by saloons, dispciurary or otner- wise. . Each eounty ia thereby given full ' power., to regulate its liqnor traffle ' STATX THXB CLEAX Indians Win Xikntr BsTjaabls U 1- ' daisi Hortt Carolina, Lands. . Baleigh. April 6.r-Lnthr W. Jack. secretary of tbe People 'a Eight So ciety, of Lewiaton, J. Y", has written Oovernor Kitchin fef a detailed state ment of the ease of tbe Tueearora In diana, of New York, formerly of m Stats, and tfaeireiaun of a reversion ary title to tbe Urge body of lands ia Bertie county;, embracing about 138,000 acres, that tbe Indians claim reverts to tbem after. 1916, when s 150-year lease expires. This commun ication feeing turned over to CoL Grimes, secretary? of state, he has prepared a detailed statement of tbe Indian transection that developa tbe fact that toe Indians nad a fee sim ple right to these land and not an Indian title only.. Then in 1831 and 1832 there was consummated s deal with ihe Indians by which the Stste, in consideration1 or 4250 paid to the Indians, obtained J rom them the sur render of all title ht color of title to the lands for U Jl me, -including any reversionary inter it that thev might believe they would wave at the end of the 150-year lease! in Question. The secretary of state feels that the State has a complete case that will prevent any sort of disiarbijice of the present holders along the. Roanoke river. He will have the statement be has printed in pamphlet form to meet an extensive demand there is for in formation as to the! status of this case. - SATS PAXTT IS ON TBXAL, Speaker CUrk Bemlnda Democrats Fledges Most be Kept Speaker Champ Clark ia his speech at tbe opening of Congress Tuesdsy Impressed bis appreciation of the onor of being chosen by he repre- sentstives of 90,000,000 people to pre side over their deliberations. He gave utterance to his satisfac tion at seeing his party in control of the House snd emphasised bis strong sense of responsibility to tbe country. He invited the earnest co-operation of all members of the House to the end that be business of the nation might be expedited. Chief among the promises, tbe re demption of which the new Speaker urged, were: An honest and intelligent revision of the tariff downward. The passage of a resolution sub mitting 4o the States for ratification a Constitutional amendment provid ing for the election of United States Senators by popular vote. Such changes in tbe rules of the House as are necessary for the thor ough and intelligent consideration of measures for the public good. Economy in public expenditures, to the end that labor may be lightly burdened. Publication of campaign contribu tions and disbursements before the election. The admission of Arizona and New Mexico as States. A Plain Business Talk. Tbe Salisbury Post has the same experience all of ns have. Listen to what it saysr"V 'Yj "" 'Every business concern must on ststed occasions go over its books and accounts to find where it is "at." Tiie rose in doing so nnds it has a number of subscribers that are badly in arrears, and it, will have to cut them off aftef"this week unless thev pay up or communicate with ns in re gard to the amount Ws do not like to do this but it becomes necessary. We hsve been furnishing the people the latest news of the town and coun try at heavy cost, and we must collect the amounts due ui or tbe paper will be stopped. Too many people think it costs nothing to get out a paper when the facts are thereare. few businesses t.t .:L.-..'..5f-;? . m . 'i tost hu as oucn money ior acinar running expenses as av newspaper. Those who think so are respectfully requested to give it trial. This is a plain business talk and it is not intended for ithe man or woman who is paying for the paper or is mak ing an effort to do so. f President's Message Sent to Congress YeiteTdajY ' Washington, April 6. In his mes sage to Congress today, President Taft pleaded for the passage of the three tiroes, but so far" as is known I Canadian reciprocity agreement, re none of the men wets hit. As ths rob- iterated what he had said in his mes- bers ran they dropped several pen nies in their path. There & no clue to the identity-of the thives, ; tt X . k' sasjsnsBSSsnssjeanssBsssssssswssss No. 88 to Stot Ears for Passenger - '.' South of CnarktU.-- -A r Local Counsel L. T. Hardsell, of the Southern Railway, baa received a no tice from i Vice-President Andrew! stating that train No. 32 would stop ' here for 'passengers south of Char lotte. Heretofore passengers-: were A Near Automobile Accident.' An accident was narrowly averted i the Charleston party was return ing down North Union street, yester day afternoon, just opposite the home of Mr. Levi Moore, when tbe 4-year- old child of Mr. and Mrs. Moore was struck by the machine of Mr. J. W. Cannon, Jr. which - was driven by Mr. Frank Honeycntt. One of. tbe Charlestonians in a carriage just in front of the machine threw some sd' dash for it and was so intent upon vertising matter out to a crowd-of children. The little child made a securing the package she failed io no tice the machine which was traveling at a slow speed. ' Mr. Honeycutt im mediately .threw on . his emergency brake and the car came to a stop but the little child Wadl already been caught on the steering rod, between the spring and the wheel. The only injiiries was a slight cut on the head which was caused by tbe brake. Hear ths Noted Swedish Humorist .and Entertainer. ' Karl Jansen, the noted Swedish en tertainer, will give one of his inimita ble programs in the Auditorium at Mt. Pleasant Friday evening, April 7th. It does anyone good to hear Jansen. He is unique. A gentleman to the core, funny to overflowing, he compels your admiration and makes you laugh whether you want to or not. You will not regret going to hear this wonderful character. If anyone, after hearing him, feels that he has not gotten full value for his time snd twenty-five cents, the man agement of the Lyceum Course will refund his money. We publish elsewhere ths annouoe nient as candidates for aldermen of Messrs. Sills, Cannon, King, Propst, ine city or uastonia is to have a new depot. Work will begin on it at an early date. It is to cost about $25,000. The Smith's Greater Shows will he in Spencer next week. The Enlarged Tribune. ' ' Yesterday 's Tribune was certainly an improvement and I am delighted to know that it will continue to issue the enlarged edition permanently, said a citizen of the city this morning. "The general appearance of the pa per has certainly increased in attrac tiveness since it has been enlarged," said another citizen. "The new Tribune is a hummer, and I am glad to note the progress," added a third. A large number of similar expres sions have been received and for all such boquet8 The Tribune is delighted to express its most earnest appreciation. Names of North Carolina Postmasters Sent to ths Senate. Washington.'ApTtl 5A Wg bat eh of North. Carolina postmasters had their names sent to tbe Senate today for confirmation. In the list are the following: J. M. Burrows, Asbeboro; W. V. Hall, North Charlotte; M. L. Buchanan, Concord; F. D. Dickey; Murphy; J. G. Brown, Red Springs. It will be interesting to watch and see whether any of the North Caro lina Republicans, through Congress man Morehead as the patronage man of the State, will offer objectsMS to their confirmation. Use onr Penny Column It pays. With this Bank is helpful not only ts nen in business but to every man and woman J alike who has any business transactions. tt encourages ecenomy, establishes your credit, makes Bending money away or paying-bills with Check easy, besides safeguarding ' your casn, ' Why not start your Checking or Private Account with Tho Cabarrus Savings Banlu sage 46 congress last January, em pnssised the agreements and appro- ; BroWB aiMj Bniton pnations necessary , to tns response to the mutual needs of tbe people of tbe two countries, as well a its com mon advantages, Ho made no mention of the tariff or other legislation. . -. Attorneys T. D. "Manes and L. T. Hartsell went to . Kannepolis thi sftsrnoon to appesr in the esse of Ststs vs. Lewis, which will be heard forced to get off this train at tnar-1 before Magistrate Pitt and Boss. lotto snd wait several hours for train Mayor Cbas. B. Wsgoner in another column announces nrmseti a eandi date for renomjnation for mayor by i. Jfo. 30, causing tbem great, ineonve- , . .mence. . - ? - - -' . ... i : ' A joker's idea of s good Joke is ons Food That : Agrees Gives health and strength.' Grape-Nuts ' ; r ia Buch a food.. "There's a Reason'' Read Our April Offer- y During the month of April we are going to make very LOW prices on in everything in House Furnishings. Now to find out wheth . er'wernean to do just ; what we say, Just give us a tall and be con vinced. ,. ' GRAVEN BROS. Furniture & Undertaking Co. Of Interest to AU Who Sew on Sewing Machines "IW..V.Y- ' There being a demand hers for Sewing Machine NEEDLES, REPAIRS, OIL AND ALL KINDS OF FIXTURES, we have put in a FULL LNE to meet this demand. ' MR. DAN TUCKER, an old sewing machine man, will have charge of this Department and will be glad to sup ply all your needs in this line for all kinds and makes of machines. See us whan needing sewing machine repairs, needles, etc. H I. Parte Co. mm Pay A Visit To ITH (jREATER All This Week On Morris Lot in Rear of City Hall. Come and see their Great. Wild Animal Circus? exhibiting the largest collection or wild Performing Beasts in America. Big Five-in-One Show, Colored Aristocracy Minstrels, iThe famous Hanan Triplets, look alike, weigh the same; you cant tell f them apart. Laugh and grow fat at the Crazy House. Follow the lights to the Big $20,000 Hurdles, Jand hear the $3,000 Electric orcnestra. v. It is a treat to see Marvelous Mulville, the Aerlallstlc Wonder, doing a flying aerial tour: ? It's Free. Don't Miss It. IThe North ; Pole Exhibit is Instructive as well as entertamuig. ' , See the Busy City with Its wonderful mechanical working figures ? ' ' ; that i on the other fellow, , tbe Democrats of the ty,

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