i - j jr Ar w t - .a v 'S ;,V01XXI. v ' .?rt4cJ'l&wtt.; CONCORD. N. O, FHIDAY, APRIL 7. 1911. auw cm. , NO. " 3 it i i i , , v Asa e iraotr&csa. ; bH InWresUaj racis Sfcewia- X" cnM ei ; PereJatioa, Talne ef ; n9r, Be. " . . , Mr. John A. Bernhardt, m of tbe county comimsstonara, has compiled ' the following faetaebeaf Ceberrne : cennty which will It found of maeb interest: ' . -- CVbareS iMitr u formed In 17W. - ... - ,-- -v NfdHlik; "-, ' Census 1850 ......l.' 9,747 Census 1890 v.......,JJia,13 Census 1900 .. .22.450 . IHIU 1)110 rsspenr UM loT WXSS, JBU IS. Personal property ;I..2,861,m22 Reel Ntil fc- 4,442,097.00 Total Uatad for taxation.7,10331.22 ina artaai valoa of aaora propertj . oooi av,uuu,uuu,ou. i v. Uaa threa banka abowing V Paid in aroiUl and aur- .. " P'u ...... ' $ 32200.00 ' Total dcpoaiU . . 17275.00 lot lonrMS .... . 1,746,000.00 naa una BuilOuig and Loan eiationa ahowinf $280,000.00 aVkllMM .v Baa 00a Famara Mntoal lira la. anrana Company witk inaaraaea on farm property only, 40a million dol- lara.:V.,-q'.-;.j s -. ' :.;v. Hat a aplendid eourt boaar' whiah. wiib iiw jaii, .rcpreaanu any laona- . and dollars. ; . ? ; . Ha about 60 milea of macadam and graded 1 roads. Tba"" National Mligbway from Now York to Atlanta runa dirartly across tba aoonty; . An- toooobile trsveler say ' tba inaat t' wratb of road cwtwaaa. Waskingtoa ' , and Atlanta is in Cabarrus eovnty. Ilaa twanty atari and iron bridges " across our creaks sod 4vers. Hat within lr bordara twelva iot- - toa mills, wbieh reprasent an ontV , of flva million dollara to build auv - . Has no bonded debt and the pro ! from a proposed bond isaa Is to . " pPT for mseadam road already built '"'. . 1 irteel bridges now erected, all in ' v, f -ut we asd in good eoudition. F u. The laud ia Cabarrus county ia well to. - ault ?m farau-. TW'ii,-r,t: Uti bekig the prfaeipal erups gror market also ts suited to truck farming and ,-:V grasses. :- ..:?:,.. . , .,,.: t vsoarrus eonnty is neb in minarttn. lj ; . min-ever aisoorered In i North" Carolina waa the Reed mWie in ' (Cabarrus county.; Tba first gold w "' discovered in in 1798 and in 1803 v .'.solid piece weiirhins 28 nonnda mt. f fonndi! Various other pieces i weighing from one to 16 pounds were taken from 'the same mine. . -Stanly Ooesty ITawa. v " Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Heilig and little eon, of Mt. Pleasant, apeni Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. HHearne. ; : Mrs. Binah Atkinr returned Tuea . day from an extended visit to rela tivea at Winston, Concord and other points.' ' " ; Mr. Jollier, t raffle manager of tbe Southbound, waa in Albemarle Tnea ' day. He says that on or about May first a full passenger service ill be , put on, trains from Florence, Si CJ , n hiuui iu W1J JIB me lucaw, making it possible to. make round trips, in one day, will "be placed on. But no particulars can be given oui V BOW.:V.r...V.;E;..;..v.. . V.. ; Unipn Institute will bold ita 25th annual exereisea April 9-16. On Sun day, Rev. J. S. Moffatt, D. D., Due West, 6. will preaeb tbe baccalau reate sermon. Debate on Wednesday evening, npon the tariff question,, by : tbe PhUomatbea Society, and Thurs day evening by Franklin Society. Lit . - erary address by Rev. 8. A. Cotton, of .- . Bed Springs. . - v " 1 '..'- I . ' ' . ' ; " r Another Three Egg a Day Hen. . Several days ago a ben belonging to Mr.- E. Hastings, of Glass, laid ' three eggs in one day, as waa noted in ' The Tribune; Since that time a- ben belonging to Mr.' John CCorrell, Who baa attained quite a reputaition as a chicken' breeder,, baa duplicated the trick. ; Mr. Correll says that be does - not know whether tbe notice in The . Tribune inspired his ben to nerform ' tbe feat or not, but if there are any doubting Thomases, be has the; hen, P ana ine witnesses. m estafl . lish conclusive proof, , Special Services at Reformed Churc, The" AssoefaVe 'Reformed Presbe rian church ia preparing for a special , series pf evangelistic services - em bracing the third and fourth Sab baths .of May, Tbe meeting will be gin on May 18th and wilt elose on the 31st. , The pestor will be aaaisted in these services by ReV, Jno. L Boyd, of Wallerville, Miss. - Mr. Boyd bas quite. a reputation, as an evangelist . and much good is expected from bis two weeks labors in our midst. ' . ' , Truth is mighty and prevails, after a political campaign, , : ' ' COCA OCJX TOI TIGHT, rumw Case k Decided la Tint ef V the AOaete Imnn , " Chattsnooca, Teen- April 6. Tbe eaaa at tha fomnt afalnat "for 17 Miraa ana twenty krgt of aoa wa- waaaacMM laTaror of (faa At lanU Uvaran in tba rdend eonrt acre this afternoon. In nling on motion for .vremeotorr inatrnctlons Judge Sanrord bold that caffeine is not an added or deleterioua ingredient ei tea acTeraga. - He overruled the motion on points relatinr to the mis. branding feature of the allegation, nteooasei ior ma govarnment mov ed to diamias, without wejudiee. the ease oa these potnta. A verdict was returned in favor of the " defense, Federal counsel entered a motion of appeal 4o the United States circuit eourt at Cincinnati. . TL . .... . 1 1 . auw itoi na case naa oeen one or tba moat important aver tried in the Federal court in the South and the cost of the litigation has been aonnous. It tt said that $20000 will not ww the expenaca. Both ides have bad experts from all sec tion of tba country, the moat emi nent scientists, principally . chemists and physicians. Tba covernment has pared no expense in the effort to prove its contentions and the coca eoia peophe nave been equally liberal in securing expert testimony. '. - , Vu Southern's Haw JSnuntLt The Southern Ratlwav. in lina wirk ija usual progressiva policy, aided to extend tbe scope .of" ita'past endeavors to co-operate ' with the farmers along its line iaf tha-draloo. meat 01 cotton ana other agricultural product, have bow embraced' the live atoek industry. Mr. F. L. Ward, who baa long been in the service of the omny has been chosen as heed of y important department. It N purposes of Mr.-Ward to If to tba encouragement ""owing along the Una, mstion to the' famt II be helpful-in the X of all kinds and V Telativa - is r shipment, ' ..entof ' t this to su, markeu to eoeou faedmg g: . very import ly ns5V aflio ia.in' vantaM 0' e ad- -ud cor; ,rd, whose Fnt will be ,a0O Peansylva- igtS U C, -e ia the OH, " ' Messenger and Inielli- iX." hm diseovared thai the oil in Tthe lamp which exploded on the night of March 23, at the home, near OUve Branch of. Mr. C. A; Pritehard, eontainine 15 oer cent of nulin Readers of The Messenger and Intel ligencer will remember that two young uraiea, jaias uraeie JHaneom and Mias Wilma Davis, were covered with the burning oil end so badlv burned that they died the next morning, and that anoioer young lady, Miss Lou Bau eom, was also very badly burned. Another lamp exploded at Mr. Pritch. ard'a home Saturday night following ine nrst explosion and this so aroused that gentleman that be had some of the oil sent to Raleigh to be analysed. ine analysis, wnleh was completed a few days ago. disclosed the fact, as above stated, that the oil was 15 per cent gasoline, ahd that to tjirs adul terant the el plosions were undoubted ly due. The oil, we understand, was mam hnn4 I. VT.k.;il. - W t f Anotker Election Ordered. Salisbury, Poat.:-?;,?:-?:;; y?; ; Mr. N. B. MeCanless spent Monday in Monroe, Union county, where be appeared beforethe board-of eonuty commissi oocra and, asked for a sec ond election in Oooee Creek township on the issue of bonds for the proposed Salisbury to Monroe railroad. The board, after hearing his petition, fixed Saturday, May 13, as tbedeyv In tbe nrst election last month, only six votes were wanting to give the vote for the bonds a majority of the reg istered votes, and this lost the elec tion though the number of votes east for the subscription were lanrelv in excess of those east against it, , un the same day an election will al so be held on a bond issue In Bu ford township, the proposition being to ex- tend the railway south through ihet township, to the South Carolina line, to connect with the Charlotte. Mon- iu uu vuiumuia raiiroaa wmen is ..J t ! ' I . , . 1 ' ., already m operation between Jeffer- son and McBee. ; . Honor Roll e( Tisaar School, Rose Belle, Myrtle, Susie, Katy, Lena, Elsie, Anna, Mattle, Daisy and May Klutts, May, Florence, Maud and Maxie Fisher, Bessie Boger, Min nie, Fonts, Adam, Ch.tord, Raymond. Hubert, Cletns Klutts, Ralph- Boat, lamee Moose. . - Otkar local autter on Xtlxi ytt, K0OXW0UC DISEASES. Its lreralanee UThla Section Invse- I tipttoaa by Dr. Pae. I ' For mooAt vast, bookworm diaaaaa ku baen inrntifBtd amoof rnooi cnudrM or Kowaa. Uavia, Da- vidaon, Aandolpii and Jlontgomerv counties. About 7 per cent of tba ehool ehildreo ia 230 acboola visited ahow marked symptoma of.tha4iMse oa inspection. ' ; Tba 8tate Laboratory of Hygiene In Salsbrk baa made a microscopic exanunauoB or atouW,UU0 aenool chil dren,, representing almost entire eebool from various sec lions of each of these counties and a general aver age or a per cent of them were found to be afflicted with the disease, Tba percent of infection runs snout the aatne for each of these eoun ties. .They bava ranged from 8 to 70 par cent. Towa schools and fsnsnrv senoois average about 10 per cent. hile the rural Schools areran about 30 per cent infection. " - It baa been tbe arm to determine tha.geograpbis distribution and. da. gree of infection; te determine the sanitary. ponditione "responsible for ine presence and spread of tbe dn- : to enlist tbe co-operation of the pnysieians in curing sufferers; to pro vide for the treatment of the indi gent; to inspect the schools, notify ing parents of suspected eases; to in struct' the teachers, enlist ' tbe press, aadrbv lecturers, demonstrations and personal conferences, teach thepeople tne importance of getting all infected persona cured, and how to prevent tbe spread of the disease by putting a stop to soil pollution. Tbe co-operation has been very en eouragirig. physicians, editors, teach ers, and a majority of the laymen are united ia their efforts to eradicate the disease. A few laymen who are still ig norant of the damaging effects of the disease are still skeptics. Three county boards of education of these five counties have .taken steps to improve sanitary conditions at the sc"-- ! iu this way,' check the $i disease there. Rowan cc I of education, passed an b sanitary- toilets, at all t I at . publie expense. 1 ntiring energy of Jupt. 1 1 an halt of these build-i erect 4-AalsiadyA pollution, is prevented s omubity bae an object jw. ' The owners of the i. in this section ere fol- lowinK tMMJ'k exampl i It is hoped fthat each borne will follow auit. Of more tbsa a thousand rural homes in spected, only about 80 per cent, are provided with any toilet of any kind. A Sweeping Victory for Democrats. New Yorfc April. 5.-The Demo erata made sweeping victoriea in the election throughout the country yes terday. In Chicago, Carter H. Harri son was elected mayor by over sevenr teen thousand - plurality, defeating Charles I Merriam, who made a cam paign for a clean town. In Oyster Bay, Roosevelt 's home town; the demo crats elected the entire - ticket.'' In HartfordjConn., tbey elected seven put or, nine aldermen. in Baltimore .the primary election resulted jn the nom ination . bf James H. Preston, Dem ocrat, over former Mayor; Timanus,' RepnUiean. The returns'; indicate that another" election will be neces sary in .yesterday's rec,ll o( Jlayor Fawcett, having been iodecisive, three candidates being in the field and none had a majority. ;.;- 0: t- , Sodalurts Oppose Chnrches. UtieaJ New York, April 4. Charg ing that all churches are .rfinst the emancipation of tbe working class and for, the protection and 'Perpetuation of capitalism and moral and econom- ,' is slavery," the Italian and Socialist Federation in National (Congress here today adopted a resolution that mem bers must -''sever - their affiliation with any end all existing churches and religious organisations and refrain from all religious practices and rites." The congress which was atended by representatives of 35 States, adjourn ed tonight to meet next year -in Chi- . Woman Mayor In Kansas Town. Mrs. Ella Wilson ia now Mayor of iinnnewell, Kansas. . , v. ; At the election Tuesday she and O. M. Akers were tied for the office. j At first is was suggested that the two ; candidatea' draw lota. But that did not appeal to the mala voters. They aaid. if Mra. Wilson could race a man 1- - A!- . . I. . 1.1 . . m Therefore the judges of election de clared her elected. : fihe says she is going to clean up nuuneweu. v -"-The Durham Herald thus summar ises the truth: "Tbe man who goes into any convention and participates in the selection of candidates Is in honor bound to abide the result, and tne man who really Wanta to maintain hia independence will find it Safest to keep out of all of them.'. - f , , . OA FLAKT TOB rXJTCOESt TMlndebUa .Oaaltallala mi Kake AjpUcatioa far it Franeaias Ear. - Vr. Sydney Ketav. of Kannv Co, of Philadelphia, and his attorney, Mr. D. Howard Evanaare here today looking ovar tbe city with a view to establishing a gaa plant bare for fuel, iignung and beating pnrpoaee, Mr. Kenny in the principal member of tbe firm of Kenny Co, of Pbiladelohia. who own a number of large gaa plants. Messrs Keuny and Evans came here rrom Btatesvule, whfcre they secured a irsnehise for a point. These gen tlement expressed tnimaelvea as high ly pleased with Coaeord, and after driving over the eby and meeting a number of citizens I they decided to nusKe )appueatioa lor e franchise, which will be preaedted lo tba boanl or aMermen at tbefnnext aseetinc Mr. Kenny stated Ihat if thev were Kraniea a rrancnnejbere tbey would uegin inc. erection or tbe system at the same lime they did the one in Statesville. wbicfa would result in hnth planU being eompleted much more rapidly. They were (bet by a number 01 Dusiness men and nwn ... eonragement, and it $ needless to say cy m receive every eoniidor. ation at the hands of the city fathers mat rneir proposition, merits. Program for Sunday School Rally. Opening Song. , M Devotional Services -Hfcv. A. O Lindley. bong by Choir. ? Address Rev. CP. MaeLaue-hlin. Subject, "Aim and Scope." Song by Choir. ', Address Rev." J."A. J. Farrinrtnn. Subject, "The Adult ,aass." isong by Choir. Collection Song-by Choir. Closing Song. i This rally wi'l be eld at Central graded school T.t Sunday night at 7 o'clock, and it is for all the Sunday schools in the city. We ask that all the churches close their doors that night and come and join in with us. , , Don't forget to bti the the school building at 4 o'clock J Prof. Holt, nf Oreensboro, will.be wth us and con duet the music. Lei everybody come. lj- txt:inw, Sec. P8awaftir: 9f i a meeting ox ne uemocratic exe uctive committee last night a call wag issued .for the democratic primaries to be held Saturday, April 15tb. The polls will be opened all day and the vote will be by ballot and record kept of every voter. This will necessitate every eitixen's name being on the reg istration books before he will be al lowed to vote. An official call will be issued later. A ' A? . II r - ' Tuberculosis has a second time in vaded the fine dairy herd at the StMe hospital, in Raleigh. There have been 15 fine Hoist ein cows killed the j ast few days, six of them Wednesday, with the directors of the hospital as spec tators. The expectation is that there are a number ' of others infected among the forty odd cattle the insti tution: has. It was only a couple of years igo that a herd of nearly 50 fine.eows had to be killed for simile) infection. Special Rates j For the baseball game between the University' of North Carolina and Uni versity of Virginia, at Charlotte, N. C, Monday, April 10th, 1811 the Southern Railway will sell reduced rate round trip tickets from all points within a radius approximately 100 miles of Charlotte including Ashe ville N. C and all intermediate points Tickets -will be sold on April 9th, and for all trains on April 10th, scheduled to arrive at Charlotte befom 9 n m with final limit of all tickets Apiil 11th, 1911. For further . information. schedules etc, apply to any ticket agent Southern Railway. - iv. 11. DeBUTTS, T. P. A, Charlotte, N. C, William J. Bryan Thursday old the committee sent here b ythe eitiaens of Memphis to invite him to make his home in that city that he, could not accept. The invitation was extended at a luncheon given Mr. Bryan by the cuuuuutee. ...... in business alike who It encourages economy, establishes your credit, makes sending money away or ' paying ' bills saiegu&raiug your cash, - . iiliy not start your Cbeeklaj ar Private Account wia DIAX K0W TO CSS X&OJT EAJTD. Orders 80.000.000 Keuds ef Kaneet , Use Cartridgaa. , .. El Paeo, Texaa, Ap-il . A war ef exierminatwa tbet will turn Northern Mexico into a vast burial ground is oeueved 10 be immiueat today, follow, iag the positive statement b Vrn. eiaeo L Madera. Jr. Provisional IW ident of. Mexico, that tbe insurgents wiu never lay Ouwn tbair arms natil everything they demand is granted. in ine news or Medero'a statement comes tbe orScial atatenuint th.t Prwulent Diax has ordered 20.000.000 rounds of Mauser cartridges and 10 batteries of mortsra for imnuillii. delivery. An American who hiu in.i imij from the Mexirsn cauital and hn i. close 10 the administralion of Di declared today that Diss, having granted unusual conceinna to tbe iiwurrectos in the hope of bringing vok-b, 1.1 now reaav lo mh th. rm. oellion by oe "ron method" for which be is noted- Three Hundred GeeAe Killed by Hail. San Antonio,,, Texas. April 5. A storm or wind and hail played havoc in the extreme southwest section of Iexas yesterday, sccording to die patches reaching Kan Antonio this morning. On the Witt ranch, nine milev ! fof Brackeit, 300 goats were killed by me nan. in ivennau county tne storm reached the proportions of a ornado, demolishine 3 buildings in the business section of Comfort and wrecking a number of eteel windmills on nearbv ranches. Mrs. Rudolph Allerkamp was ried some distance by the wind and buried beneath a pile of wreckage, but was rescued unliarmed. The house in which Michael Linder slept was blown down, Lut he was not hurt. NO. 6 TOWNSHIP. We are having plenty of rain at this writing. Wheat and oats are looking good at present. The farmers are all behind with their work. Mr. Lewis B. Sifford is confined lo his bed with pneumonia. , ?, . Monflrft A. Tl Ptnnmou,ul W tk JBoal wenr tff haflotWt,se-1(trT Penninger's uncle, .Mr. William Pen inger. Mr. Penninger was desd and buried before they arrived. Mr. Floyd H. Kluttz made a busi- nes strip Sunday evening. We learn that Mr. Reeve I. Lone had his watermelon seed' planted about two weeks ago. Miss Laura Boger has been confined at home for some time with neural- giagia, we are sorry to say. Mr. K. A. KlutU is devoting his time in the store since his school closed. It seems as if the railroad fever has all died out since tbe election. Communion at Prosperity on Easter Sunday at 11 o'clock and Boger tbe same day at 3 o'clock. FIDDLE BO. 1 jr ir t a o utsrion or unrr-oiw m CHECKING JCCOVm WITH TBt MONMT roo hud men SdKT TO HArt OH HAND-lVtt Diutm HAIUT THM AMOUNT : Kixor. rKtnt IT i A HOUitHOLD ACCOUNT Ok tO $UUNUS-MVOU CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 Surplus Per Cent. Interest Paid on Tims Deposits. ri TW p"1 ...... iy I r'. ," . I : V J :"' With this Bank is helpful not only lo men but to every man and woman has any business transactions. .with Check easy, besides CUAJf VT WEES. A Oreal Aneeaat Few agoaa Baag HanlingOf UeTraak. - Foot trash wsgona are bow hauling rbe trash that waa removed from the premiaea last week, and work ia being roabed aa fast ae poaarble. Those in charge of tbe eleaa-up eampaign re quest Tbe Tribune to anaounee that wagona will call for all trash that baa not yet been removed just as soon aa mey can get to it. Clean-up week proved a great suc cess and more good results were ac complished than in anv canmaiam to eiean up toe city that fcas ever been pulled off here. There were no prixs offered this year aa in former elean-ap campaigns, but all property owners were requested to hsve the work themselves. This feature of the cam. paign waa doublv suceeaaf uL uiii only resulted in having more trash re moved, nut impressed upon tbe individual-the necessity and advantages of laving this work done and caused more interest to be taken in the work by tbe general publie. 3,0003)00 Chinese Starving. Seattle. Wash. April fi. ThM. mil. lion persons are starving in Northern Anrwei and Northern Kianmn. u. eoroing to a letter written by John C riugeaoa, cnairman or the Central China Famine Relief Fund committee, to the Shanghai Mereurv. mt. revgnson says: Kim j.uuv.uuv persona are 1 1 AAA Ann starving in Kiangsu. In addition to inis district in Kiangsu, there ia (be large plain to the west, which extends into Anrwei Province, in which it is estimated there are 2,000,000 persona starving. The horrors of ih t situation have rarely been parallel.) even in this land." The afflicted territory is within 150 miles of Shanghai. John H. inley, president of tbe Col lege of (he city of Ne York, and for merly professor bf politics at Prince ton, is tbe man most likely to succeed in i(he University's presidential chair, vacated by Woodrow Wilson when elected Governor, v j"" w iiw varnivai 1. r ia HOWARD -STYLE ' - - , . . . . . t.. . . .. Our Men's and Boys' Hat -Department is overflowing with -..Sew : Easter: Hats.. Panama Hats The kind : that will not break'and the style you . like, priced . . . . . OSe0tD Straw Hats for and old at all prices, Yrom P. S.T-We are headquarters for Caps. Prices, 15c, 25c and 50c1 PERSONAL KENTISX Seme ef tbe Pevpla Ejre nai Eiav - where Wbe Came an4 Oe. - Mrs. W. D. Psmbertesi 4s eoendini the day ia Saliebery. , . . - - Mr. John L. Alexander, ef Mooree. ville, is here teday. , . . Mr. M L. Blasso bae eeee to Cbar- lotte oa a abort basineas trip. Mr. J. S. Carrintton. of Dorham. ia a business visitor ia tbe city. Mr. T. D. Manees ie spending tba day in Salisbury on bosiaesa. Mr. Will Barrier, who travels for ine vi hit in Machine Co, is here today. Mr. Jack Hoever, mi n irWn, is visiting relatives in tbe eltyv . Mr. Thomas D. Oilliam, eMnlgh Point, is a Concord visitor-4eday. Mias Jennie Patterson, of CnarWtte, is visiting her brother, Mr.. Job K. Patterson. .v. .y Rev. and Mrs. C. P. MaeLeaghlia retnrned last niarht frnmk mnl daya visit to Charlotte. . . - -.- Miss Willie Richmond, whs. 'b ' been visuing bar sister, Mrs. C L. ' White, baa returned to hr km ( - Bedford City, Va.; Mn, D. D. Johnson and t hii. dre are visiting Mrs. A. A. King. ibey are on their way . from their former heme in Virginia iolheit new home in Spartanburg. ' "' u Mias Jalia Begtey, ef Baeksfoaa, Va, ia expected to arrive this s'ter noon to visit Miss Anna SherrUL liu Bagley waa one of the bridaauaUs si the Benbow-Long Wedding t Qma . uwiv uw aigni. . - ... ,; OUtnary Xetica, Cards taikk' The attention of the snblis ia re spectfully invited to tbe following: Obituary notices, in memoriaai eketches, cards ef thanks, eommobi' eanons espousing the cause ef ft pri vet enterprise or a poKtieal eaadidato and like matter published In The Times and The Tribune will be eherav led for at the rate of five cents a line. ' There will be no deviation from this role. - - i - r -.f Yes, knowledge ie horee power to '. ibe veterinary surreoa. , both the younjr - ..ne''

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