V f V A VOL. XXI.I fries, 49 Casts a Koata. CONCORD. N. C'JI0in)AY. APRIL 24, 1911. tinm Om. I Oeata. NO. 243 I t2 msT 8TXX2T CJLX. ' ii , ral To Kde Tut Kerala A Cress at OiNt Interest An- . aCt Cat to Antra la a Tww Days. ' : 4:. While the asoal quiet and order of the easiness section at tbe city waa Minf efcserred thw saormnf about 1o:j0 'dock, tbe dank, clank, of a ball w beard which waa immediately ' followed by tka cry "look oat, toe ear ' ia aomiDf!" Pedestrians euddenly - baited their fait and turned to look ' while Wka end baaiMaa men came ' forth from tbeir offleaa and ahopa 'to . take a look at Concord' first atraat - car. Slowly it toned the carve at : . the Intersection of Depot and Uaion ; r streets and then aped up beautiful - , Xorta Union while the people gased .'. and the tones pranced. -, After making a trip over the route Mho ear waa atopped at the , aqure where aersral pictures wera made by Photographer Newman. Included in . the pictures wera a large number of . . . Concord 'a beautifnl and attractive la- diet and handsome and able business ).- men, who ware afterward taken over the route aa guests of the officiate of - the company preeeat. ' ' . , la (be Sooib belooga the dialine r tion at being the first place a trolley - -'ear -waa ever operated, which took Ciee ia Montgomery, Ala, a few day fore eara wera atarted in Richmond, ': Va, To Concord North Carolina, be kngs the distinction of having the first storage battery ear aver operated . Inthoftmth. - From Mr. LeRoy Scott, aalea man ager of the Federal Storage Battery Car Co, a representative of thia paper - r gathered the following facta concern- tug the atoraga battery ear. ; r Mr. JEdiaon baa been experimenting ! for tea year on a atoraga battery. The eld storage battery waa composed ' of lead and cine, wbieq deteriorates .- very rapidly and ia heavy and cum - fcerseme. - The -new eterjf. ia only half the weight) of the old lead bat ' tery and there ia no acid and tbe gaa that ia generated ia eysgen hydrogen, . which ia not perceptible to the human eeneee, while the-snlphurie acid gaa of the al t bat try ia highly deatrne- ., Fttra of III materials. If tba lead bat- ; territ avcrehaxead 1 tenia omehamad rv i . ii.ti 4hm il.H. ill-.li -"- - j'lSdiaou fcatery.fr.ay ba'cbarod ten aftAalre tltCpcr-' . -iancnt innry.' Tbe old battery is also urreKarily contained in glasa or rub ; ber cuehfch U expensive and lia hie to expl,,-nl -jnd he" EJigon bat- T JT wniaii-ed in a corrugated, , tnifker plated at eel and. ia fool proof. , '-Aa to tba life, at the battery it h8 been ia use aeven years without; an - ,, apparent dcteriation and a upkeep ' cost. The car wat purchased from the Federal Storage Battery Car Co., of vwhiea Mr.-K. -H. Beach ia president, who with Mr., Edison .will bk 4n Con cord Wednesday. Mr. Edison ia re ported, aa- saying that be ia eapeeially interested in this kind of a car and will ae that it is a success.' Care like i. Ours Are now in operation on the 22nd street-crosa town line in New york, and also in Washington and other cit v ies, and everywhere have given entire ". MttofaetioV-.":r:'''''-';''"rv' The ear ia 31 feet long, and of reg ulation width. It will seat 32 people . without--crowding. The seats. 'are length wiae on each aide of the car, . .' i Mr. LeRoy Seott, general aales manager, and Mr. LeFevra, engineer, are here to' instruct thw- local em . ployeea of the company how to oper - ' ate the carl" The ear thia morn in? was fun by an employe who had never -' .before ace'n a storage battery, k f he i talc of the ear waa made by The Edi ' ton Storage Battery Equipment Co, with offices in Atlanta and Salisbury, ' through their representatives, Messrs. - G. R. Collina and W. H. Ragland. ' - Those in the party, from Salisburyi werer Messrs. T. it.vVanderfordL W, - 0. Ragland, J. Jerome, Hugh Dag . ' gee, M. L. Jackson, W. F. Snider. ' Accompanying these were. Mr. LeRoy - ) Seott, of New Torkj and .Mr. W. 3. LcFevre, the eleetriciaa Mr. Jerome atated to the writer - that another ear ia expected here with ' in a week, and thai, is proposed to . ' operate a ten or fifteen minute ached , ale. The track will be extended to a "- point opposite the passenger station ;. aa that the-ear an ba entered withoat - crossing the street. , r Mr, W. F. Snider, president of the , 'company, expressed himself -aa well . pleased .with the ear and the general outlook of buainesa here. While tajk v c .ing with him about hia company and v ' its prospects he incidentally called at- - tention to -the beauty ol JNortn union 4 street and pointed out that by using . .a storage iMtttery ear it would ot in anyway , injure the beautiful shade -" trees and North Union could still le- main the "street beautiful-;. . "Opening Diy " for the atrect car waa a big -auecesa and marks another ' - great advancement in the. life of Con cord. :.?;. '. "i ;:-. f , . Sidar Free. Thia Afternoon, i . AU persona, men, Women and ehil Jren, who desire "if, will ba given a iv i?uo on )nc car av any iim aur- be the afternoon.. We are asked by M management to snake this au wutMNtt. MEdCAir ETTOUnTOI.M : . HACTIOAIXT AT Alf ETD. BccreUry of War Dtcktnaoa and Dr. Ooaaa lanoanca Agretaacnt by Slag and Madera to Armistice. ' Waaaington, April 22. Secret srj of War Dickinson announced today that President Taft bad roceived word that an armistice bad beta agreed upon ia Mexjeo. fir. Gomes announced that Diss hsd accepted the terms of tba armistice. Peace ia predicted within a week. . For th first time since hia arrival hero, Dr. Vatquo Gomes today ad mitted that bo had been conducting negotiations for aa armistice between President Dies and Dr. Madero, and that the revoldtioniata arc willing to make eon sessions in order to restore peace. -Be issncd a statement which offered tho first definite explanation of the failure of Francisco L, Madero to make good hia throat to' attack Juarcs yesterday. " Additional eonnrmatkm that peace is at tiand came from Mexican Am bassador Zamacona, who aaid: "I cannot and will not discuss the negotiations, but I may aay, however, that peace ia very, very near at hand. I will not attempt to predict the ox- act minute. The prophet's business ia too. difficult." . . Gomes refused to discuss the char acter of the negotiations, bat atated that they bad been earned on for two daya through a third person. "The revolutionists have no desire for further bloodshed," , tba s junta statment declared. "And if peace can be reached by concessions from both parties, honorable to each, it ia most desirable." Vy..-''" It waa reported bare that Gomes received from Francisco I. Madero a telegram reading, - in substance, aa follow : ' ;.. "Taking into consideration the ac tual- situation, 'General JVadero ac cepts the armisMeo proposal covering tho Bona of Juarez in order to aegotl ate peace in conference that are. to ft) " -. - . -.. ta'aaa, V4'"AptW9tof armiatieo or .Qve days, fteginning at nloTjaay -apd affecting ' the district between Juarex ' and Chihuahua and west, of tho latter city, waa made, ef fective today in an exchange ot iden tical letters, signed by Gen, Francisco L. Madero, for tho rebels, and Gen. John Navorro for the, government. The truce orovides that there shall bo no movement of troops, ot cither sMle during tbaanext five days and that, provisions and medieineg may be brought to either camp ; from the American side without ' payment of duty. .:.,' - -.v f . . New Iron Bridga Over Coddle Creek. Mr. R. (VKiscr,- the well known bridge builder of tho county, ia now putting in an iron bridge over Coddle Creek at tbe Bala mill.. The bridge will lave a '60-foot iron span, with 117 feet of wood work, 167 feet in all. The bridge is being placed eight feet higher than the old one. The rock work is done and also the iron section of the bridge. ; It is expected that the bridge will aooa be ready for use. Recently a fine horse belonging to Mr. Will Kiser, who was working on the bridge; ran away and ' ran up against a bank, and was so badly in jured that Dr. Bunn, who waa called to attend him, bad bim killed. ' BEND A KOTOW! OT TOUft BABT TO THE TRIBUNE, Would yon lika to at your lit- tie baby rweeiheert peering at yon from the columns of this pa- per? If gov have a good picture of your baby, one that if satis- factory to yoa. Just sand it ia to tha contest office and we will re- produce It in tha paper. We will return the photo toyoalsaa good condition aa we receive It. It will be beat to get in at aooa aa poasfbls as it ia to ba a case ot 'first coma, first sorTed" in thia matter. " V lira. 8eott &o-clectei Washington, April 21. MrsjMat- thew T. Seott," of IUinoi , to-night waa declared-re-elected president general of the Daughters of the American Revolution tor the next two years. She received 614 ot the 1,086 votes eas( and 148 more than her oponent, Mrs. William C. Story, of Mew Tork, who received 466 votes. The tellers spent almost 24 hours in counting the votes which were east yesterday. .:. - .'Oa sll TbnilnMa mniuul wtth 0 tha . Baby Content 'phont Mr. Joyce, telephone No. 138,. Contest office opposite St. Cloud-Kormaa- dy Hotel, ia old Festal Talegrspa. building. Ea wiU ba pleaaed to hav yoa ejalL a . ..,, Ti-Z2T EXLb IXWS. ' Many f raaal Itawai of lataraat . Kr. Urchins at Haatamill Korat to OoaasrA tram iTllmlag- Mr, tpcllatley, of 'Spanear, speat a few fira idCdBeord kut.week with bar mot her-iiUw,. Mrs. f. H. Kis- aiah, on N. Union atreet. - 4- Mr. t. L. Gregeoa ia spending sev eral diya ia Draper, N. C with hia son, who baa been ill with-diplnberia. Mr. Jeaaio Watson, of Burlington, la spending- a lew days la the city with bio father. Mr. J. H. Wateon. : Mr. Rom Rob.bina,'ot Atlanta, apenFt a lew days in the city last weekxm tua ratber, Mr. W. U Robbina. Mr. J. g. .8troud haa returned to Concord after spending a week in Chapel Hill with rela tires. Mel Strand waa called to Chapel Hill on account Of the illness and death- of his brother, Mr. P. E. Strood. Mrs. Lather Sloan, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in tba city with her sister. Airs. V. JC. Stratford. Messrs. Owens and Jno. Tarsh, al oaiuouiy spent onnoay in veneora with Mr. Geo. Brandon. Mr. Martifl Body, of Charlotte. spent Sunday in the eity with rela tives, v Mr. M. B. Coleman, of Wilminirton. moved bia bonachold goods to Con cord last week, and expects hia family rne utter part ot una week. - ,- : Mrs. Lixxie James' left Saturday for Moorcavilla where uhe will attend several daya visiting relatives. - Her. W. L. Hutehins hss returned to Concord from Hnntersville. where he delivered a baccalaureate eermon. Hub Grace Brown, of Kannapolia. spent Saturday , and Sundav with relatives id tbe city. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stacks, of Kan napolia, spent Sunday in the city at the homo of Mr. Jamea Simpson on Meadow atreet. ' . - ;;.:';... Miss Phronia Hinson has gone to Durham to spend a week. Miss Hin son ia an official representative to a state meeting of the Daughters of Liberty held in Durham thia week. 'Mrs. Oliver Russel, has returned from a week's visit to relatives at xuiimmm and Mpeaeea, - UiltKt Eaiffiai spent Saturday and Sundav in Con cord with relatives. ..'. Dr. DuBose's Body Found Floating Hear seen or Vrowniag. Morganfon, April 23. The body of Dr. tMcNeely DuBose, late rector of uraee episcopal ennrcn in Morgan ton, who was drowned in the Ca tawba river, near here, early on the morning of Saturday;' April. 15, was found this afternoon at about 5:30 o'clock within fifty feet of where it went' down. Tbe water where the' body waa found today was ten feet deep and the river has fallen font or five feet at least since the drown ing. Searchers had been all over this part of the river time, and time again thia week, using long polea and gigs in their efforts to locate the bod v. but somehow tbeir efforts were in vain, thia probably being due to the depth of the water. ' P. O. of L A to Meet In Laxinjctos. Lexington ia to have the honor of entertaining Thursday of this week, April 27, the national officers of the Patiiotie Order of Sona of -America and delegates from the forty-six lo cal campa of the state at the first state meeting of this oiyler in North Carolina. This order is comparatively a new one but it has great strength jn me west and North. It baa grown wonderfully in North Carolina and thia meeting is for tbe purpose of or ganising a state camp to take eaie of the order 'a rapidly growing interests in the state. , Three, aundrcd deletratea and vis itors are expected and tbe Lexington Camp No. 28, has been very active tor the past two weeks getting ready for the event. ' ,-... V': - ' 8paaoar Shops go on Shorter Hours. Salisbury Post, 22nd. . . ' The men are all off today with the exception of tbe round house force and what few others are absolutely 'necessary. c -' Many ot the men are of tne' opinion that thie-order comes aril result of the committees from he various Southern shops now being in Wash ington endeavoring to arrange a new wage scale and Working agreement. ' HOTICBI ' On all bustnees coanectod with the Baby Contest 'phoae Mr. Joyce, telephone No. ISA . Contest office opposite St Cloud Norman- dy Hotel, ia aid Foetal Telegraph building. -Ha will be pleased to hare you oalL - - e Mr. H, P. Guffy wen) to Statesville yesterday morning, and It ia expected that he will, return with Mrs. Guffy this afternoon. " r oomzzzs tzs. cinm. ' Dyaaattag of Losj Aagaiaa Tbaes Building AisMad If rriaaaer, -Indianapolk, Iao , April 22. Charged with- murdor -ia eoancetioa wfih' the exptv' ioa that wrecked the building of Tin-Lot Angcdes Times on October X,10l( eauaing the death of 21 persona, Jjha I, McNaaaara, aeo retary-treasBrer cl the International Association of Bridge aad Straetaral Irea Workera, was arrested late today in tho beedqoairf -n of the organisa tion ia this city. Vibe warrant tor bia arrest waa n a indietmeat .found by a graod iiiry in Los Anrelea and waa served ly William A Buna. a aeteeuve, aeeompanied by iDdianap olia deteetivea. . Chicago, April 2.-Capt. Shephen WeeV chief of the Chicago detective burean, aaid tonight that a full con ies, ton ftad. oeea oMataed from one of the BMa arrested in Detroit, in connection: with te ' dynamiting f The Los Angclea Times ojuilding. ' Tha alleged eonXeesietv is aaid to cover ninety typewritten pages and to relate to the movements ot tbs men now under arrest land others sought by tbe detectives, i i . According to Captain Wood it de scribes in detail too -dynamiting of buildings, railroad trains and facto ries where conflicts; between union aad non-union labor existed. The loss of many lives and iha destruction of property valued at almost $2,000,000 ia aaid to be detailed. He said the confession was placed in the posses sion of attorneys representing the Na tional Electoral Aksociation and has been sent to Las Angeles to be used in tha trial of tha eased against the men under arrest, i I lv VTho confesriol was made" at the homo of Detective) Reed of tbe Chi cago police department in South Chi cago," aaid Captain Wood. "More wrests la tnavease are. expected and any disclosure of the details of tbe confession at this; time would make them almost impossible. While here the men under arrest were never in eemmnnicatioa. with each other and neither knew that hia companion waa a prisoner in the same house. They were questioned incessantly and final ly a tmm waajtbtaiaod from on of tbem. . , . . . - w; t ! "The 'plants of dynamite' found since the Indianapolis arrests, were told of in the confession sod the names and whereabout of other men now being sought are known to the detectives."" Street Oar Company Wants Gaa , Franchise. We are informed by a member of the street car company that the gentle men interested in the property who were here Saturday were so profound ly impressed with our splendid eity and its possibilities that ' they are anxious to. put in a gas plant here. It is understood that they will at once make application to the board of aldermen for a franchise. This will be two applications for a gas fran chise before the board. We have al ready published the detaila of the franchise asked for by Mr. Denny, of Philadelphia, and tbe action taken by the committee- appointed to consider the matter. The entire matter will be taken, np at the regular meeting on tne nrst Monday night in Hay. Mr. Henry Smith, of Durham, will be in Concord May 1 for a month so, wniie tba family of Mr. Duke are in Europe. ' Good for Twenty-Five Votes IN :; a las : an j Mzi For tmm. Parents Name .... Address . . Person Nominating VOID ATTEB f'le who i smmswswawawjMsjmswawawawawawawHVsjmswawaw It encoaragea ecenomy, establishes yonr credit, makes Bending monej atrar or paying bills sategUbrdiug your cash, Oawsa. -Wk a . Caaeaya MaaV FAXDON DENIED CTBZFLZNtl IT OO VZXXOB BAOWN Brekau aa Haaitb, DaarQla CUet WIU Frebabty Oe te the Frtaoa Farm. Atlaata Coostitatioa. Thomas Edgar Stripling 'a applica tion for pardon haa been declined by Governor Brown. . - (After foarteea years of liberty, which he achieved by breaking jail, tbe maa who slew W. J. CorneU in the dead boors of tbe Mgbt ia Harria county, ia 1897, must don the stripes of the convict and begin the service of tbe sentence demanded of bias by tbe law for hia crime, and which will ter minate only at the end of of his life. In denying the application for par don which Stripling filed shortly af ter be waa arrested ia DsnvMle a few weeks ago aa tbs man' who escaped from the Harria county jail after a life sentence- had been passed upon hiaa, Governor Brown declined to fol low the recommendation made unani mously by tbe three members of the prison commission. Stripling ia in jail at Columbus, where he has been since be was arrest ed by Detective. Smith, of Carrollton, several weeks ago. In his ease the gavetvor ia the "court of last re sort,' and tba prison commission will issue aa order tome time during the week assigning him to service in one off thi e ran'y convict camps or at the prison farm. Stripling ia aaid to have broken down under the. strain which haa been upon hin. since his arrest. Physicians have td that he ia a physical wreck, the mere shell of a man that ! tuberenlosia haa already seised him in its relentless grip, and that hia once rngged tsonatiiutioa has fallen to pieces, and that it is only a question of a few years, or perhaps a : few B.wthe uiitil death will end the sen tence imposed upon him by the courts. It is said that be ia physically unfit for bard labor, and it ia probable the commission will send bim to the state farm at Milledgeville. Stripling's wife and hia children, who attended the bearing before the prison commission and also before the governor, have gone back to Danville, where they have tirad for the reveral 3a'Paflsy:jaawtavtyMfwf police of that city. - ?" ) X .' ; ' - In many - particulars Stripling's case ia one of the most dramatic ever occurring in the prison records of any state in the world. - Wild Onions in Butter. Albemarle Enterprise. The Post recently said that much of the best butter on the Salisbury market was to infected with It he flavor of wild onions, that it was, be ing "turned down." Tbe same, is true of this and many other markets. Tbe farmers hava. problem before them to get rid of the wild onion, which seems to be increasing in area to fast. If any- farmer in. Stanly knows a reliable way to destroy fbo wild onions and obsruct its grwotfi, write us about ft. Oar China Famine Fund. Previously acknowledged ....$265.55 Senior -M in una, First Presby terian church .1 M. E. Woody T. F. Graeber .... Mrs. Emma Spears Miss Rogers, Glass . C. R. Andrews .... 2.00 J50 1.00 55 1.00 1.00 Total to date $271.30 THE Gitnd feliy Ccntest . , , .. ....... MAT 8TH. Xrkh Ik! Cl&k is aaClpfaal BOt OUT to DCB a taiaeit bat to titrj naa tcJ wocun hu my lirhtu tiTtBfictioBi. with Crik easy, besides ' - a e mmtm f asusa "' W a - J Lasav m4 LOOXDTO OTXA TSS LDTB. Owaera of Ue aWiawary-Oeaeari line Laekiag Orsr the Field De- . lighted With Concord. On last Saturdav the gent In mi is- tvrwm iu turn wimij, opnw and Concord car line came down from 1 SslWiery snd spent aevcrat hour in ! ear etty. Thoae in tbe party were: 1 W. J. Oliver, E. G. Oatea aad T. A. Wright, of Knoxville, Tenn.; Jno. M. Beall, of St. Louis; George A. Clark, of Chicago, J. C. .Wbeatley, of New Tork, M. L. Jackaoa, W. F. Snider and T. J. Jerome, ot Salisbury. These gentlemen came down in two machines, and were driven all over the city. They were shown our large mm interests and the residence and other portions of our beautiful and progressive eity. Toey were pro foundly impressed with tbe air of progreasivenees everywhere, and ex pressed themselves in the most ea thugiastie terms. "You have so many handsome reai deneea here, which shows that the people who live in them do some thing," aaid one of the gentlemen to thia writer. The gentlemen were also much pleased with tbe sections between Sal-J isbnry and Concord. There are three live towns on tbe proposed line. China Grove, Laudia and Kannapolia. The road can be built at very little cost comparatively, aa there ia not a stream of any kind to cross the entire distance. Tbe land ia also level and very little grading will be necessary. The men who have undertaken the building of thia line are wet) who do things and do them right now. The party waa joined here by Mr. T. D. Maness, one of tbe eioekholder of the company, who returned iith tbem to Sauabnry. Getting te Work ia.Cvaast ea Inter- ... - inaa. Greenwood,- 8. C -Aprir 23. The big steam shovel which is: to be used in excavating on the terminal here and ia being unloaded. Ia a few daya the big machine will be at work. Mean. while the grading on the hae t going on under she direction f Mr. J. T. Sandifer, of MeCormiek It Co. ..;., ' Ask or Fhont lit -For What yoa Wan;. WE CARRY A CONFUTE STCOK CF NOTIONS! Our Notion Stock is complete in every respect, ; values and the greatest variety we have ever shown. .. . c. Lace and, Dutch Collar Special , Big lot just in, worth 35c to 50c,' Special . ...25c; and 35 Other lace collars at. . , 59c and 69c Jabots in neat designs, washable 10c, 15c. and 25c Collar Supporters in black and white, all sisea, at 5c and 10c set'. Net and Chiffon Collar forms, black and white, I to 14 size, special . . . . , . .. . , . , ,5c Soft Linen Embroidery Collars, special,' 10c, 15c and 25c Shirtwaist and Collar Pint - in a good variety. " New lot or Coral Belt Pins at. . , ... ,'.25c and 60c White and Colored Belting ..... lOo, 15 and 20c a belt; ' Ladies' Black Belts. , . . . .', . ,25e Boys American Scout Belts in all colors, tha ajc kind, special . . . . , .; ; . . ..15c Boys' Big Chief and Baseball Belts, in all colors. ...25c" . .-7 .. . .. ..... ... ... Y Children's Hose Supporters, special. . . .10c and 15o pair Embroidery Cellars and $s!l Vtzr , Holies cf Every ICbd. - n. l. ?rr:5 Koyal Worcester and Boa Ton Corsets. , , leme al tts FeepW TXara aai tSaa . wtata Wha Cesae aad fta. ' Mr. Ed L fid apeat yesterday ia Charlotte. ' , . - . - u j f a. Trfc 1 Jffj. V" T. T . P"M ywerda' h . . T. . him Maude Browa : is nsuiaa tnsnds in Uaatooia. Mies Sallie . Marr, : of Cbartotte, apent yesterday ia the eity. Mr. C W. Steele, e Charlaatoa, & C, waa a Concord visitor yesterdays Mr. Ed Sberrill haa ret a rued faana. Durham, where he baa been for Sev eral days, '.- j ' Miss May White left thia morning , for Clayton to visit bar brother Ms. A. Sam White. .:. , Mrs. Joseph Foil has gone te Salis bury to eater the Whitebead-Stokoe ' Sanatorium for treatment. . . '. Mrs. A. Sam White, who has Wsj visiting relatives ia tba city, left this morning for ber home ia Clayton.' : " Mr. James W. Meter, ot Spencer, paaaed through the eity ea route te Mt Pleasant to visit his mother, Mrs. M. M. Fisher. i Saturday 'a Salisbury Post: Mr. snd Mrs. W. L. Wineeoff and eon, Har- ley, of Concord, are visiting Mr. T. W. Wineeoff. : ' Mr. S.H. Bryan, of Atlanta, la here in the interest of the A&ahedt Ly ceum Course, which be expects to put in for oar eity neat seaaoa.- - Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchison who have been visiting Mrs. Hutchinson's aister, Mrs. J. F. Good son, have rar -turned to their beaae aa Norfolk.' . Mesara. A. H. Michael, Archie Dor sett, Lacy Leonard, Clarence Grimes, C. L. Patterson and Sy Goodman, o Lexington, were visitors in the city yesterday, traveling in a Buiek. , Rev. P, T. Durham left thia morn ing for Greensboro, where he, will ad dress the - Baraea-Pbilathca Conven tion. Mr. Durham will deliver the ad dress at tba t Spencer .school com mencement Wednesday. . . , f ; Pteaaant Salespeopla Thai AM Always Glad to Saov yoa. . showing the-best 1 . V... , . We hara It.