A --jY'T V 1 ff- " " s ''' W" VOL. XXI.I CONCOIUX N. (X.; TUECDAV, APRIL 25, 1911, &1sl1 Copy, S OtBt IT 8u.. UlLl (7V m nomas r. NO. 244 Yotir r "i -' v -? C500.00 in Gold jis Prizes, Produce UnbQunded Enthusincm Among Many Prominent FamiHc3--Nom-Vinations from Outside Territory Tlcceived-The Honor of ; Having a Baby Win the Prize Attracts Great Attention. . V . 1 : Tha Race u Open to Ye&rs of Acs Now u - Favcrite-CU? Out Paper and Gather . Neissboohood,' Did you hear the noise, the tide Z - of unbounded approval, th wave of ; 1 pnblie praise that .greeted in ro- Muutniii offer of MMToaty in tho .uniiaiiit last avanintr that The Lot nin lhaf I Time and Tribun would award $500 J i gold to deeid"who th moat promt neat babies in Ihiv laiity , aret Everywhere everyone waa commenting 1 on tho big offer,. Um vow cornea the J . babies. Giv way, make room for nhem. We want very baby in Joneora ana this, section of the State in the rate. Vnn all stand an Mual chance. Come on and get in the more the merrier. V Tbe goW ia'a great ineentiye, but the honor and the fame attached to the oabiea winning ara bayond opre s . henaten. NominaU a baby today. Qip the eotipon that appears in thie paper' and tot for favorite. Ut 4 eorta sothing. ," W uk nothin of iou. -OrtaiuJj "TtTi"re i aom dmirvinr tkatrf te yonr ? Bt-chbortbod wha 4olk ri. , l'."derouB of liavlng in tho raee, hiat hatata to nominate the babe. : Do,o: fkMH wait. Do U -now. ?'Ono thbu-and free inei to every ' ; baby nominated before May 8th (in " eliaive,) ii-i : , Yoa may vote aa many eonpone s at yen viah for any baby. Each eou L pon eonwi twenty-flvc. votea. Send I ,'or mail to Conteai Department of The t VTimee and Tribune, old Portal Tele ' graph building, Phone 138. i1- i . Refnra Tbe Time and Tribune were - wen on the street laet evening the nsnwt of babie eonuneneed to eome I k in y phone and in pereon-so that 5 Jthe contest man was kept busy until y well into the night Today the phone that been doing business all day." Ee ? member, the contest department ism - the Postal Telegraph building, phone i t- . It has been truly said that in no t seetioa of the State are there so msny -'pretty babies as in this, city and the I immediate surrounding territory. This - a ana roe nf nride and satisfaetion, -not only to their parents, but to their relatives and friends. - In view of this ; the'times and Tribune have decided, to ; " bring 4he fact so tha aitention of ., ' every reader of these papers who will readily concede the truth of the state X thereby sustaining tha reputation this section has enjoyed no long, f - Verv naturally there exists a eer- - " tain amount of belief, bidden within ' every parent; bring, that their little ' one is just about the prettiest, smart . est, cutest and most lovable baby in -r tha whole universe. : " This is but a 'natural feeling, for, did not that par- '' eni think so she would not oe wortny ' of the great honor which must eome " to her as a result of rooh inheritancs. : The Times and Tribune knowing this ' and knowing- tho great honor which - must come to the relatives and friends of the baby who u declared tbe most popular "fairy after tbe public has . derided, agree to spend 9500 in gold Mhat the matter may be settled and " tha Jionor placed . where, ia. i tbe decision Of the public, it belongs. This contest is ons of friendly rivalry, eon . ' ducted by the Joyce Syndicate of Chicago. It will bo maintained as such, and when tbe final votes are , counted and the winners declared, ' ihat mother will instinctively feel that . aha has been truly blessed by having such respect sua esteem paid, not '.Only to her child, but to herself as well. dlave you a little baby sweet-heart ; in your home and do you love her with all that inherited mother lovef It so enter ber . name. : No matter i what your condition in life, each baby ' has an equal chance, for the public ' de v eides as well as yourself, by suiting ." votes from this paper. No ons will bs allowed , to buy votes, neither can All C&bisi Ucdsr Five the Tizxe to Ncinhate the : Coupon inY Todays AU the Coupcat in the -ly:;;;? ? one by mor then etogh copy of the paper. Thie gives very baby equal ehanet, and tha contest will be conducted on tne Highest plan oi fairness and honor.; - The Joyce SyndieaU has no par ticular interest in any baby. They know none. The entire contest is un der their direction and will be de cided tha last evening, by capable udges of this city and county. No person connected in any way with The Times and Tribune can enter hia or her child; and immediately af ter the contest the last night, the en tire set. of books are thrown open for public inspection, i-" ''.:i'''v:' 'ii Tbe contest manager is in tus omec from 8 . m. , to. 9 p. m. and invites the parents to call and talk tho mat ter over. Do not forges it tha baby is nominated- that immediately be or she will U credited with 1,00ft free f satSSL "i '"' "j nt '' iJT' "; " t- In case oil tic all prises are eqaslly awarded; tt8? District No. 1. City of Concord. -District No. 3 All towns, and rural routes outside of Ooaeord. a The Prises. : Vira JinnJnut dAllara in mid will be distributed as follows f . . tlSO.OO to the baby reeeivW be highest . vote, regardless of district. . ? .-:,.;.;':! $12HM to the baby receiving the highest vote in the district op- posit to that in which the first winner resides. . - - $100.00 to the baby residing in the same district with the first prise winner, receiving the second highest vote. ' $50.00 to the baby residing in in the same district with the ace- one prise winner receiving the next highest vote. - --,,- . $7.00 in special prises to .be announced later." i , 7 ' f . 'i i v?f!': vrv';: Harisbarg School Oonmisoemant We have received a4 invitation to the closing exercises of Harrisbnrg school, which will take place April 28-26V The following will be the pro gramme. , - . , r Wednesday, , Apru. aa, V r. . mi. EzerciBC by Primary Dcjartment. Thursday, April 87, S P. M. Base ball Game; '''? fVr--. Thursday, April 87, 6 P. M-Firgt Annual Concert. y'':.Z , ' Prof. C. E. Boger; Address; Prof. wsiter Thompson. , - z Friday, 40 P. M. Athletic Con test., ;:--':h,wri:. Friday, 8 P. M, Closing Exercises. . The marshal .are: Bob Stafford, Jnb. Neebitt, Harry Quay and 'Jack omasa. '"-: 'y , The following are th members of tho rrtduatine class 1 Louis Alexan der, Annie Lee Morison. .Mary Alex- snder and nob Stafford. . . The teachers of th School are: J. L. ; Oourley, " principal ; iMiss M. P. Oonrlcy, primary teseher; Miss Grae Ladye, teacner in mnwc ... , . Our China Famin Fund. Previously acknowledged ,...$2655 bcnior 'Jliriams, First Presby terian church -' M. E. Woody ....j........ T. F. Grseber : Mrs. Emma Spears Miss Eo." rs. Glass ........... C.'B. Andrews 2.00 1X0 . 1.00. .f 271.80 Total to dat.'...... I, Us ur Frry C 1:7. TES S0TW8 THAT JACK BX7ILT. OonecH tn rinses Pecyla Oan Erect Che naest Eobss frssa Iss ant to at' . ; W publish today the "House That Jack Built" which shows in a unique way she advertisement of several of Concord's Msineas people, especially tbosa who are interested la tha work of honss building. . ' tt. A. Brown is Sobs, to weu-kBown builders snd contractors, can erect any kind of a house or factory build ing. No job la too large for themj as they hsve every facility. The Sills Lumber Co. aaa furnish on short notion rough and dressed lunAer cf every kind and ia any quan tity. They manuiaetnre tbe aobvd column that will not crack occn. - The Concord roondry and Machine Works, repair and adjust all kinds of machinery. They also manufacture and sell shafting, hangers, pulleys, gearing, engines, . boilers and saw mills. v 'V. ;.' Tha Orady-Brady Co. is prepared to do the best job of plumbing and guar antee it to be modern arfd sanitary.' They are not only first-class plumbers, but they also do roofing. ' , Jrieie ft TJtley handle aU kinds of marble and granite work in monu ments, tombstones, curbing, etc. . They have tbe newest designs, and their prices wilt always be found as low aa possible. " . Afious. Jltvx(ing'-IoJTe8ofls(npuff The Concord -Steam Bakery, the new concern with tbe old name, in- j vite yon to visit their newly remod eled place, which ia .,Tery attractive. They baadle ice cream end cold drinks and all baker's goods, cook in thsir new sanitary baker. " ' " The House That Satisfies, ' every body knows what that is. They can furnish your house from top to bot touv from kitchenjto parlor. They are car load buyers and discount sav ers, sn4 this snakes ihssv. the price Dr. O. LT Cang; the optometrist, can fit you with proper lenses. - He has customers by the hundreds that, tes tify to tha. merits of bis work. , At Fishers, on wie square, where aQ cars stop, yon will find it all times the newest things in. ladies' goods, millinery, etc. Their fitting depart ment is complete. . It pays to trade at Jfuhers. ' - Death of Mr. Bobert Byrd. . Mr. Bobert Byrd died Monday morning at Fnqnay Springs, N. C, af ter a short illness of pneumonia. Mr. Byrd was . nephew of Mr. Albert Morgan, of thia city, and was about 30 years old." Mr, Morgan was called to the bedside of Mr. Byrd a week ago and remained with mm until (be end, Tbe body will arrive in Concord this afternoon and the burial will take place tomorrow afternoon at Oak- wood cemetery. - - ' V;'-.- ' sir. Byrd aas been pursuing studies at the 3 Stat University for several years until this year, when he has been teaching at . Fuquay 8prings. It bad been bis ambition to .secure th highest education obtainable, as well as a diploma at (be University Mr. Byrd waa a young man of ebaracter : and never did be waver from th line ha had 1 -arked out to reach the coal aouetit. A boat of fncndi and relatives in Concord will b pained to learn of th death of this young man. , - . Oibsot XU1 Haws. Mr. Archie Craven, of Rock Hill, soent several dava of last week with hia brother. Mr. Herbert Craven, 'of Gibson null, ; -:a - ' Mr. Irvin Dry spent Sundsy in Ksnnapolis. ' '. : ' - " '' Mr. K. O. Denny, or Ksnapoiis, spent Sondary her vmth friends. Mr. Pmfer Propst spent Sunday in Charlotte. ' . . - ' Mr. Ben. Blayloek has moved his grocery store into th building for merly .- occupied by th West End Club.'' '- '-x Kiai; V , Mr, D. Julius Reid hss sceepted position at the Gibson milL , . . Mr. John Groff has purchased a fine bone and bw buggy., . j ', r ' Another walking barroom was pick ed up at tbe Gibson mill Sunday by Officers Braewell and Miller. Mr. Reuben MoCarmelL of the Gib son mill section, bss gone to the mountains for his beslth, 1 Mr. Martin P nrr ia havinff hia home .""on Kerr street repainted. UNO. ' Miss Elesnor Norman bss gone to Hkh Point to attend the State Son I day school Convention as a delegate from St James' Lutbsrsn church. She I will ro from thcr to Greensboro ( visit liiss Anna Shenk. Soma sf taa .rop!s Ears and Stss- whars TT Cbm anl Qa. Mrs. K. A. Hopkiat is vititinr rela tives ia Ifonro.- Mrs. H. It. Barrot-will leave to morrow for Spananbarg. ; , Mr. E. F. 'Whit Is tpendin the day in Chins Qreva'OB business. . Mr. ATI. Tavlorhaaretiirned from a visit to his bom 1st Oxford. I " c,oneo- company U caw-r- V- . ' taliasd at $400,000. - Miss Msry Tonng, orDavidson, ia Th following omeersr were elected: Urn guest of Mrs. Jt P, Allison.. j. Oliver, of Knoxvillc, Tenn, Mr. B. T, White' pent yesferdsy president; Jno. M. Bcall, of St. Louis, afternoon ia Caarlotta on business. secretary, and T. J. Jerome, of Salis- . - ' -'- ! bury, treasurer. ausser m Thompson and Mary, TZu m sa-- a. , 1 at umu, vi Dauaouryj ar ue gucsw oi( Miss Elisabeth tfihsotvhas returned from a visit to friends in Norfolk amd unrnam. .Miss Em Mar Brown has returned from Chariotts, when "she hss been visiting friends for -several days. Miss fiallie Ball White, of Rocky Biter, left this mrnog for Spencer and High Point visit friends, Mrs.' John Harkey: who haa been visiting Mrs, B. F, Bogers, has return ed to ber home ia Lexington. Mr. Wsdefarris, the versstile editor of the Charlotte Chronicle, was ;nCoaeord yesterday' afternoon. i , Mrs. D. X Manner has returned to her' home in-Kin J- Mountain, after visiting, her eisterl Mrs, R. E. Ridcn- Miss Elisabeth. Withers, who hss been tb gueat of Miss, Nell Herring for several days, has returned to her horn in Charlott ; ' .v; Mr. W,. T. Wall spsnt. Sunday in Henrietta, land; returned to Concord yesterday, Mr Wall returned wjthl Mr. snd Mrs. J. P. Qncry have re turned from Mecklenburg county, wbere they have been visiting rela tives for several days. Rev. W, P, McOhee hss returned from Weddington, where he preached the commencement sermon at Wed dington High School. Mrs. B. E. Cline will return tomor row from Gaffney, S. C. where she has been visiting her parents, Mr. snd Mrs. Barmick, for a fortnight Mr-v D. Matt Thompson, who has been , visit nigheson ETAOINNNN been visiting ber eon, Prof. Walter Thompson, hss returned to her home in Htatesville. Monday '1 Salisbury Post: Miss Su- die Harrigof Concord, who has been tbe guest of her nieces, Misses Helen snd Marguerite Harris, for several dsys, returned home last night. : On all bnsineas eosneoted with th Babr Contest 'nhons Mr. Joyce, tslsphons No. 138. . Contest offle eppoalta St. (nd-Norman- dy Hotel, la old Postal Telegraph bnttdlng. He will be pleased rM havayotoalL . '. -. ' , - V . . a.' Good forTwenty-Eiye Votes . ' - ' V. IN. THE 11 h Tfc.es a. Iri!:r.e GrcrJ Baby Contest For i L-11 ' 1 Parent Name...i.;..". Address.!.......!...;., Person Nominating ..Cr.l.t..J. ,c 'VOTjD AFTER b bssiaess &Ma6 wno It encourage ecedomyV' eBtoblteheer tonr credit, makes sendine moneT wy rtJp8tirJg MIU with v Check easy, ' besides safeguarding your cash, ; . .,4 ;i V:y r:t i!t yc:r Ctccifcj er Vrlvtit Accent wES as s. 0..-. a) hssI W. J. OLXYXB, CO. OXOAHrZED. Capital Stock $400,000 Hr. OUvsr Prstdnt-Iin Between galtmsry and OoBCord to be BnOt at Obc. ' Last Saturday night th W. j. Oliver Company was organised in Sal isbury for the purpose of operating the Salisbury-Spencer ear line, the Iand tbe construction and maintaining i , . a 1: ft. . o t: 1 intemrban line between Bslmbury Thia ia the formal organisation of . v the company that was recently formed to operate the lines mentioned. All tbe gentlemen forming the company looked over the Concord line Satur day and the officers were elected at a meeting held on their return to Salis bury. It is expected that the Salis bury-Concord line will be built at once. Poem by Rev. J. A. B. Fry. The last issue of the Pacific Metho dist Advocate, published at San Fran cisco, publishes the following poem written by Rev. J. A. B, Fry, former beloved pastor of Central Mechodist ehnrch here, entitled, "Lines Sug gested by Mr. Roosevelt's Repent Speech in Berkeley : Cf Columbia, born of freedom' atar. Wbmt tha fairest dwell and the brav- eat war; Bought by sires of linoase large Anal kept br sons, a aaereo charee. O Golden State of poppied nelds, Where vineyards spread and the olive yields. Where sequol as grow to a sun-kissed crest, And the artist crowns thy skies the ..-.-..best O Berkeley, queen of the bay-washed hills. Where canyons carol : with dower-Crina. Mils . 5 ltair elt. Wrhark Msrlr seini saaaia; A no And oultars's goddess araeta her throne. Blest-trinity nation, state and town. Where heartn's benlsons flow adown, I hall thei love thee, crown thee .bright; Be thou for all for ever Light! ' . Death of Mrs. M E. OarrolL Mrs. M. E. Carroll died this morn ing at 1, o'clock at her home on South Church street, after an illness of sev eral months, Mrs. Carroll was 75 years of see snd was a native of Mecklenburg county. Before her mar riage she was. Miss Margaret Wilson In 1856 she married Mr. Frank Cald well, of this county, who was killed in the civil war. From this marriage two children survive, Mr J. Mack Caldwell and Mrs. W. C-Wilson, of Asheville. In 1868 she married Mr. S. L. Carroll, who. with two sons, Messrs. Frank and .Fred, survive. Mrs, Carroll was. a member of the First Presbyterian church sad a lady of most estimable character; The funer al was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence, conducted by Rev, Dr.-J, M. Grier. The interment wss 'made at Poplar Tent. . Messrs, M. L. and J. W. Cannon, Jr., will leave Thursday for Eatonton, Ga on .a business tri, , making (the trip in a Jackson "40." MAT ITH.T Vnii tUs Bank is helpfol not only to men bat to e?ery man and woman las any Istineu traiuactiont. MH.. J COMMENCEMENT AT THE (titv ananirrt sjivaat. I Annual dosing Exercises May 6-1 . Ssstfera by Raw. 0. P. MacLaug Mln and Address by Dr. J. L. CaldweU. The annual closing exercMcs of the Concord Public High School will em brace this yesr Msy 5, 7 and 8. On Friday evening, May 5, at 8 o'clock, the elan exercises will take place. There sre this year seveuteen graduates, thirteen girls snd four boys.. Tbe following sre the gradu ates: Mary Irene Barnhardt, Alice Mar shall Brown, Elma Earle Byles, Isa bella Thames Cecil, Lacy Estelle Dirk, Grace Vernon Gibson, William Paul Glass, Addic Jesnnette Klutts, Helen Eugenia Wilkinson, Came Mac Laughlin, Albert IsHertell Norman, Fred Marion Patterson, Mary Phifer Pemberton, Ethel Mac Pounds, Laura Josephine Ridenhour, Charles Uenry Wadsworth, Margaret Ella Walthall. On Sunday, May 7, at 11 0 'clock a. m. the annual sermon will be preached I by Rev. Chas. P. MacLaughlin, pas tor of M. James Lutheran church, and on Monday, May 8, at 8 o'clock, m. the graduating evercises will be held, when the annual address will be held by Dr. J. L. Caldwell. Death of Mrs. T. L. Suther. Mrs. T. L. Suther died yesterday evening at 7 o clock st ber home in No. 5 township, after an illness of sev eral months duration. 1 Mrs. Suther as 50 years of age and is survived by ve children, her husband having died several years ago. She haa two brothers of this city, Messrs. D. L. and Anthony Bogt, who arc attending the funeral at Mi. Gilead church, of which she was a member, this after noon. Miss Glenn Siarburk, of tbe Greens boro News, is in the city today. : , We have, just received. another shipment of . . Washington Go ' Fine Clothes. ft ' l iV.:,: Also a big Odd .Trousers. Call and ' Jet;' us show you." W r-v? ''sy'-sas. -ar w -a- "w- -w- THAT BAD ROAD A0ADT. Both Thia and th Poplar Tea. R4U Should Be Pat ia 04 Coadltiea Earliest Possibl Mosasnt. , Interest is still increasing In th movemeoi for tbe improvement of th , National Highway near Harriebnrg, ond tbe petition requesting the eoun- ' ty commissioners to work th load with the chain gang or by contract was largely signed. Since the ssove- . ment started for this road th eki- ' sens of No 2 township have become aroused and are making an effort t have the highway leading out towards Poplar Tent put in better condition. It is understood that they will make a concerted effort to get tbe chain gang ' to do tins work.. As baa been well known, this highway has not been kept in the best condition and th cit izens along the route say that they have been promised the nss of the chain gang for a long while. They also -put forth the claim that the law pro hibits 4 he chain gang working . for ' more than three miles outside the city limit and for this reason they should -have its services before the Harris- . burg road. . . . . v , i These two roads are great feeders ' of the business life of Concord, and th people who reside on them are among the county's greatest asset and they . deserve to have both roads put in first,, olass condition. - - j Is there any reason why both these roads shonld ont be improved at oaeef ' The first actual term of Federal court for Salisbury - convened this morning in the court room in the gov ernment building recently erected there. Judge James E. Boyd, of Grensboro, will preside, .and 1 it is understood that the same jury' whieh served at the recent Federal court in Statesville will be used at thia term. Mr. C. V. Lowder. of North Char-. lotto, is in Concofd today, Calngto Garments ' a i w as lot of Mzn a -w-