" 1 vvVviJ i II III iyi,l..Ky'0'':i". . w wVwi . V.LV'.U'Ae- t... ' v r v ; I oil StU !Jbrery CONCOUD. N. a THURSDAY. APRIL 27, 1911. ' 'WW, Thi Greatest of All Newspaper Competi ! tions Has Aroused All Concord as Noth- c ' Ing Else Has Done in Recent Yars Eren 1A&N AND CONTENTS BOTJTO. - - enanennawa Indsdlnt fin Kales, Let K Omi, 4U Et. SMkUftM Im4 tl No. 1 Towaahlp. ', , r ; Thia Morning. about three o'clock the Starting of the Street Cart Was Lost Sight of in the Interest Aroused in the -"8. Contest The Babies Overshadow All" If You Wish to Have Your baby Peering at You tront ' .These Columns! Send or Bring Ua a Y ;Once If You Have No Picture, Come and We Will 1 Make Arrangements to Get One for You Absolutely ; -Without Charge to You. S " . la this .' TminfV iesne will o! surprised bow rapidly the votes will fonnd "a partial list ef tta popular and eeeotifnl dimpled darlings who " ara ao far entered in onr contest. Tha bahiee repment tha Tory boat : ' homes in tha city and tha rarrooadinf country; thay art all ml babies, tha . . liveliest lot tha contaat manafara have am seen. ?:;' ': Look over fha list of nanus, and ' vote for a favorite. Thar ara vary few .,'who ara not thero, hot will bo in a day or ao finrely among nch a aa- toot list of babies yon see tha namts " of soma yon want to help. , Than dip oat tha Oo ii pons and rota for your favorite. Vote! ; Vciil Vote! v Nominations have been coming in . by the aeora and it is a great pleas V op to us to know that there are so : soany Ana babies in Coneor and vie- imty. No ehanee lor Koosevelt to reg; ; ister a complaint on this city, and- we ; are willing to make the statement, that there is not a ity of its sise in f i he state, or in ihe whole United - Sta(es for that matter, where there aro more nice babies. Lads and lasses, of eyes of blue and eneeu 01 tan, or rnoy nps ana ' ci rose-bad dimplesj. They are the V -viMtatestrift of X3od and'eattsa the best f sentiment m human nature to farm' in Ko. 3 township, about fire miles from the eity, was totally de stroyed by fire. - The bars had been recently erected. - : i -, The wife of 6en Barbae, colored. Picture at I who Uvea in tbo houaa nearty, had oeeasioa to get up for something about 3 o 'clock, whan through the window aha diseoTered that the barn waa on lire fibs' aroused her husband, who rushed a once to tbo aeeae. The roof waa then1 falling in, however, and it waa impossible to tare anything. : : There wore five males burned to death, worth in tbo aggregate about 91,000.00. One pair of the mules waa rained ftt about $600.00. The other contents destroyed were: A lot of Tha Oeaaas rignras Chow' Gain f 7 IV Canty-Baa at JCm, fthalan-Voriar--' aUaCay OaA Agaisr atom fraam' Aaaatla--farsoaal Hm. .:;'J '? At last the oeasas for Mt. Pleasant baa been naado inbKe.. It gives us a population of f 53 gainst 444 ton rears agov Whlia other email towns 1 i L'lil . . i . . nave gamea ira ataa, eomo aeraauy uirea TrooMtakoy an annuity of 13, smaller than they wore ten yeara ago, 600, which aba proved waa promised wo nave naoo m nw.oi almost v aer bv Cbakmer before she divorced come pouring in, and tha parents and friends of tha. baby who work the hardest ara bound to win in this eon- test. fiead tha rules and re eolations that Mini thwM tnna nf ronirhrwwca. thrA appear in 4hia issoo carefully and if tone-of fertiliser, a two-horse wagon, there is anything about it that you do flve 1 of plow mars, collars, bridles, per cent. This! tniaaaaa has been so steady and constant to to almost im perceptible. "Thi fixed phrase that lit. Pleasant Manajha "jast about the same" is abundantly refuted by the facts.' At present we are in the midst of the greatest era -f improvomenta known in tha history at tha place. Thia ie but tha aoginkring; others will nec essarily follow in - rapid succession. There is no res ton why the next een- how a gain beyond not understand, information will be eheerfulyy furnished at tha contest office in the old Postal Telegraph of fice. Come in and get a subscription book. Phone 138. etc There, was 9500.00 insurance on the barn and contents, and the loss is probably three (times that amount. It is plain that the fire waa the work of an incendiary, though there is no To mothers and friends of babies Liu aa to who was resnonsible for it living outside of Concord we want I u. MnntnuMirv un h knows of no to say, that yon have the grandest op- one biMk; or white, who entertaina ponunity ever anoreu a oaoy o wm ai fng for him, and he ia at as two big priaea go outside the eity, U 0 io know why anyone abonld with some apeaial prizes. The babies out of town have identically tha aame opportunities aa those in the euyr Gold and Glory and tha Seward. Thia paper is not offering cheap jewelry, dishes or the like, but gold and glory. In thia why yon know ex actly' what you ara getting, and there have perpetrated snch a crime. ' The art occurred at the busiest iarm sea- ton of tha entire year. Mr. Montgom ery 'a kind neuchbora have offered him all tha assistance in their power, ao that his farm work may not suffer un til ha can secure a new equipment. One of the mules belonged to W. J, Mr. , - ; .y. : assert itself the love of and pride in ft baby. v - II you are' going to nominate a little ' friend, do so at once, while the great V offer of one, thousand free votes is open. ' ; Of course every mother thmks lier baby is the most popular, . and all ber friends, - who have no babies of their own, think thejMa W. O. Taylor's Residence Burned it in No. 1 Township. W. Ci Taylor, & tho lower part, of No. ia nothing cheap attached to the offer, Montgomery, Jr., and was not insured. nor netmoua yaiuo- piacea on me -The honor is just as great gold.'and every parent should take a Deraonal oride in seeing -theirViot " of many could not nave been won by ,cof w" " m "X i.LT.- -ni-Ml th nA l Mrs. Taylor, who discovered thai the V " . A.,!. and kitchen furniture except that eon- aonrow. awHw, T-'TJ taJaed in the cook room. The smoke! 0SL- 9::,. iTTl " hon wa also burned, although some of the content of this were saved. A office, call ua up. hone 138. . i - ra . v l. . a A t- Tav "Iff L. V... l.a ininK. out wn.cn oaoy aoee v J V-.ny o. T "1 lot of peas and wheat was consumed, 2fr:,TJ T 8 r" I . rN?J??Zr?:ZZr:X. hay stack between the house and inu i me rewb quevuun w ite mmvcu , by The Times and The Tribunes Call on your friends and you mil soon learn how. easy it is to get votes for your baby. Oct one or two or even a half a dozen to help you. They will gladly do it -and you will be BEAKS OUT THEIR POSITION. Webb, Oudger and Donghton Point With Pride to tha Report on tha Tree List BUI (Washington,.; April. 26.- Senator Simmons and Representatives Webb, Oudger and Dbughton point with delight to the report of the commit tee on ways and means on the far mers' free list . bill; Several sections seem to bear them out in their views on the Canadian reciprocity measure. .Some paragraphs cited are: "The advantages of the agreement are greater for the people of our own country. 'As the president said in his tnesaage of January CO, 1911: 'Reci procity with Canada must necessarily be chiefly confined in its effect on the ,coat of living to food and forest pro ducts,' . ' t; 1' fi'- fsct, action on the. Canadian i 'Si 'i;i:'aTeement involves -tbo necessity or further a,nd immediate action in re A moving a number of duties or im- " porta from other countries, in order that justice may be done to the great '' army of our -agricultural producers, ,''.: J.. a; . . r 1 r v. . , le'"",rU Zr.7J-Zttrn was also destroyed, and it was ... , - -- w,th difficulty that the barn was saved :riT-!n" k!-TZ igniting.' It is thought the fire U no.limit to 4he number f b.bi rZZlVr?.? nominated. . - - i f it is not known bow much. wheat, rye, Wa,' barley Jbn'twnet and' corn are placed on the free liat. WitlTthe removal of duties on im ports of these articles from the only Small Tire at Mr. W. A Foil's. The Are alarm waya sent in from OEAIOim WIU. - FIS ET PXXCSSS. Uaivomttiea af VlrglnU and North OaroUaa ta Drrido Entira Estata, Saya Farmer New Yorker. Richmond, Va April 26. Despite the fact that the Supreme Court of New York haa ordered the committee of tha person and property of John Armstrong Chaloner, formely Chan ter, to pay to ihe Princess Amelie sua ahould toot' the 100 mark. Next Monday town officials. polities and no than safe to aa; fraud, no bril tioa aftermath,' after tbo el is election day, for yes there ara no ndidates. It is more there- will bo no e whiskey, no elec io eanrt investigation ,umV- - who in tha Canadian agreement are (a have all the alleged protection re moved from their products without a corresponding or reciprocal removal of the protective duties most burden some on the commodities they must purchase aa necessary to austain their Uvea and industries. Aa a beginning ! in - the correction of thia injustice, against which our farmers properly protest, the bill herewith , reported hss been framed. V , -"By thia measure-agricultural tools nd implements l of every kind" are placed on tbo free list, in order to re move or to prevent any possible dis crimination agaist our farmers in the priaea of theaa necessary articles and to place them on an equal footing with their ' competitors clue where in the world.!' . 'it The report continues: -'In the Ca ' hadian reciprocity agreement, cattle C x nd all other live atock including V?-?v awine, sheep and lambs, and likewise country from which real competition I the residence of Mr. W. A. Foil this could he eroected our farmers are I mornintr about 9 oVloek, but the blaze openly and avowedly placed in a free I was extinguished without the aid of market aa to foodstuffs and food prod- the department. The fire was caused ucta in tha farms in which they leave by an electric iron, wmch was placed the farm. Reoresentativo oreanixa-l on a bed when the current was o. No tions of the farmers ara therefore urg- damage, other than a scorched quilt, ing that Jill ttho people shall now have was sustained. the advantage in the forma in which I they are finally consumed." - - I' Two Sides to It. i . - L Wilkesboro Chronicle. K Birthday Party. The Winston Sentinel says: "Many Mra. Lanra C. Wrieht. widow of the a child is in its crave because of late David Wrieht. was aiven a aur- eenn-ladea kiss.".. And many a boy nrise as her homo in Enoch villc on I is in jail, penitentiary or on toe roaas Tuesday, April 25th, 1911. 4 beeaaea of the lack of a few kisses, The occasion waa her seventieth gcraww rnougn tney oe. birthday (24th) and tbo near ap proach of the 48th birthday (28th) of her eldest child, Mias Alice Over- eaah, who on account of a spinal trou ble, baa been confined to her bed fori 14 years. Mrs. Wright was first married to I Mr. Gideon Overeash, who was lost I during tbo war of i 'vl-5. After the I close of tbo war aha waa married to Mr. David Wright. She is tha mother of eleven children, four aona and sev en daughters, all of whom are living. There aro also 37 living grandchildren. Theaa together with two brothers, two I sisters, relatives and mends, number ing in all about 100 persona gathered I about a long table, loaded down with I good things, spread out in the yard. I Alter an tnvoewion "J ne nev. ueo.i H. Cox, D. D, all Mridok of the boon-1 tif ul repast, and there waa abundance I left. . Mrs. Wright haa lived all her life in or near to Enoohville and ia known tnd beloved by everybody. The ag gregate age of herself and two broth ers and two sisters that were present After, aeveral' months confinement to his room, thai many' friends of Mr. W. H. Khnfrey re glad to see him on the streets agaiij. Mr. Boy Webstar, of Gaffney, S. CT, spent Sunday here. ,; Miss Margie VMeJEaebren and Mr. Horace Black welder, of Concord, were noted among our Sunday visitors. Miss Lena Batager returned from Charlotte today) where abe spent last week VMM ing relatives. Mr. John Moyssv. theological stu dent at Mt. Pleasant, & C- preached at the LutbeTanieharea at the evening service Hunday.,,; ..- i . - Miss Orace Ladye, of Concord, apent IfMidejrtjew-jtta vMis8 Ksto'Shimptwk is visiting rer- atives in Gold' HilL ; The graded school closed a most successful session last Friday, under the principalshtp of Prof. H. W. Barrier. The Mt fleasant Cornet Band is getting itself in readiness for the 20th ot May celebration. The boys are prepared to eiv(. a first-class account of themselves. Mrs. A. N. James spent last week in Albemarle at the bedside of her sia- Ter, Mrs. P. W. Tucker, who haa been right seriously ill, though ber condi tion is reported to be encouraging. Mr. Hilbert Fisher, who has been at Annapolis for the past few months preparing for the entrance examina tion to Annapolis Academy, returned last week. He is now at the Collegiate institute, preparing to graduate with lis class next month. Ue has not yet received any report from ins exami nation at Annapolis. Miss Mary Barringer ie spending the week in Concord with her sister, Mrs. w. t. Wall. v Mrs. fichulenberger. wife of Rev Mr. Sohulenberger, pastor of ihe Re formed church, who had been criti cally ill for some days, . died at o'clock Wednesday evening. Tbo in terment will be made at China Grove Friday. Mt. Pleasant, April 27, 1911. him, tbo latter aaid today be will re sist tbo payments unless his former wife signs a revocation ot her alleged dower rights in his property. How he will do this is problematic, aa he is a lunatie under New oTrk law, and bis receiver has accepted the court order for payments. ( Chaloner today said that his former wife waa "romancing" when she told the courts she had turner over io him 920,000 abe hid earned with her pen, in consideration of which he had agrred to settle the annuity on her. The Princess never composed a greater romance than when she said I borrowed 930,000 from, her," aaid Chaloner. ''But 1 had decided to let the statement go unnoticed until I found that she hsd refused to relin quish her dower rights. .Now I will try to have the ease re-opened. "In my will I have left practically my entire capital to the University of Virginia and the University of North Carolina for specific educa tional purposes. ' It now becomes my duty to see ihat they are protected and that they will get ;his property when I die. Unless the Princess re linquishes ber dower rights I will congest any payments whatever to her." Snldde at China Grove. Special to Charlotte Observer. China Grove, April 28.-Mr. Q. H. Weddington, a well known, citizen of tkis nluv eommitled Suicide at " Ms homo here today by ehoe-turg himselff in the leff aide with a 32-ealiber ntle. For sdme time Mr. Weddington has been suffering with asthma and on yesterday told a neighbor that he thought he would kill himself, as be was not able to assist his family in any way and was an expense to them. Just before noon his wife found bim with the gun in his hand but at her -neeeation he put it away. At dinner' time he joined the family in the dining room, but did not eat any thing and returned to his room and in a few minutes a noise was heard in the room as if he had fallen on the floor. His wife end son ran to his assistance and found bim lying across the bed gasping and the gun betiween his legs. Before a physician could be gotten he was dead. Mr. Weddington N was about 50 years old and is survived by a wife and several children, also two or three brothers living in Cabarrus and Ro wan counties. He was a member of St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran church and the interment will be here in Greenlawn cemetery. The official figures of the ravages of the bubonic plague in the central provinces of India show the appalling total of 95384 deaths from the die. -a9e in March. The fatalities during r eDroary were 3jva. FT Y ) : , t .-J tr trt ovutioh or unn-ons j aitauHO acoooki titk rl afowar roa fim Jriesf. MtT TO MMWt OH auwo-svT m tMtr TM AUOVM nuotv, mira-i in 4 mouhbolo jeeocKt CONCORD NATIONAL BARS f orpins ptl It was an enjoyable occasion, and will long be remembered by all who Oanttal 4100 000 ' r ' tit Cant Interest Fall' on Time Una tt FnnnJ CstaaMI fm . '- V DtPoaita. Good for Twenty-Five Votes lr.es ?Trta?.6ii- E..0aSttstr For Parents Name......,v,j.ii.. Addressw..i'.'... . Person Nominating Ji.".." VOID AFTER IttY 8TH,: V-.''- ; WH&tLjs Bimk is kelpfol sot only to mt b pc;;im bat to eVery m and woman wta Jkaa any bitinns tranMctiona, It encourages i ecenomy, eeUblisbea your credit, luakek sending money away or paying ; bills ; wliri - Lheer , easy, ; beside SStteguardlug your rasp, . , , ; ; , ' ; ITiy t8t slcrt jtzr Ctcilsj r Trlvtlt Access! wia Quality and Price Always Sight. Tow can get II AT PAULS'. SPE CIALi: i I f . I y.U ' FOUBAV ' , Five Thousand yards of izyic and i$c fine " Dress Ginghams, Percales, new Lawns, etc., 27, 4 on1 InrKe u; A XfrxAiv Qu rAlr mnA r t Ylnnrlav all fnr one nr!r '" 1 Or 'Ward New lotof7c figured lawn, pink chambrayi r . calicos and yard wide Cannon cloth. 5c yard New lot of Dress Ginghams in stripes and fancy : 7 colors; also white goods, special ,!7c Extra good 36-in Percale in all colors 19c-l2ticJ: Big Bargains White Goods 27 to 40 inches wide : In this lot are white lawns, dainty waist material, ' Pajama cloth, ladies cloth, worth up to asc" yard, divided in three lots, speciaL5c-7c-llf 'Jj, 40-inch, just like linen lawn, special '- 10c and -I2lic yard . I5C tan linen , , y0.," 18c linen crash, special -,L I2c Morafock linene in stripes and colors for.t skirts and boys' suits 10c 35c Foulard silks in a beautiful range of new patterns, special 25c We carry, everything in all-over Nets and bands. Embroideries of every kind. $1 50 Shirtwaists, sale price. .98c Ladies thin gauze hosiery,10c, 12 c, 15c pair up : ' The new Lisle hose, special.; -1. Children's and Infants' Sox and.! Stockings in any size or colotK- . New lace and embroidery Dutch Collars at . . ,25c and 35c New Novelties in Jewelry. Good gauze vests at . 5c, 10c, 12tfc, 15c Don't fail to see pur Corset Covers and other Muslin Underwear. New MilliM for Friday,: Sa turdav MnnnfiiF 1UVUUU1 Boys' Hats ...25c and 49c Children's trimmed hats .25c, 49c, , 98c Misses' trimmed hats ...$1.50, $1.95 and up Ladies' black turbans ....$1.00, $1.50. $1.95 New lot of ladies' trimmed hats underpriced at. . $1.95, $2.48, $3.50, $4.95 ' We carry the largest assortment of Ribbons to be found in Concord'. : All colors and kinds . ..... ,1c yard and up Visit our Clothing and Shoe Departments if you want your money's worth. , r ;. , ; Special sale of Canned Syrup in the Grocery ' Department. : .'t'i ' I ax.-' (f 11 wV ' .v. -,