r;z c:::::j c::lt Tr:::3 ItMCllItNR KATBS Oh Ta ., , . .. . hi Bi Month ..ii . i . Tara ktaalk . .1 .... Oa UNtl .H.M . 14 .' 1 awwoc eurr. ASvarttalaa- rete Ico.y ' .KM- a la at 1 Ca2ee ThMkA lueoletleaa af e mjtm alaUlar artk-k ere ekarsa ettae rat at I cnta par lino ch U All stter rJ K C. iaAar Ik. act af Mareb 1 int. - M eke tty eaS a Voala . la Meatha Twelve Maatha t . l. IH .CHy HMM Concord, N. C, April 28, 191L TIME PLIES. Wa sae this way bat eoee. Wa cannot retrace oar lep to uj preceding mlleitODe. Every ' time the clock atrlkaa U la both the aanouncement of tba boar . wblch wa ara entering and tba ' kaall of tba oua which Is f on. CbaUcey U. Dapaw. Officiate af the lVwaart' TJaiea WOl CHURCH WORKERS' - Oather la Liale Rock. I . . OQHYITTTOK rm im Preaideet C a Rerrett, f tba rar-' tars' L'aiaa baa learns a sail far aaaetiag tba aiioaal board of di rectors, state preside aa and other Ban af t bat orranixaUon for Lit tk Raak, Ark, May 15, ta senaider matters af importaece ta tba aaioa. Mr. Barrett 'a call follows: - "Ta tba Officers and Members of the Farmars' Union: Matters of im portance concerning tba Farmers' Union lead mo to taaoe call for a aieeting of tba national board of di rectors, siata presidents and member generallv of tba organization at lit tle Rock, Ark., May IV While it is particularly necessary that th na tional board of directors and Mat presidents be on hand, I will ho glad to see a representative assemblage of such members as ran be present at that time. Several policies of im portance to the organise!- ' be debated, and a fall attendance ia desired. C. S. BARRETT, Union Citv, G." Ta Meet a Vew GOoed Rfarmed ' - Ctek Ajrfl 2 aad St, TV Chare Workers' Convention at tba central district of tba North Carolina Claatis wil) aaaat . at - if as Gilead Reformed chorea, ia f- S township, oa next Satardey-aar (fan- day, April 29 and 30. A aseoUaf af tba Miaiexeriam will be keld ia the parsonage of tba church at 7:30 p. as. oa Friday. Tba following will be tba programme of tba Church Workers' Convention : Saturday, April 29, 10:00 a. m. Devotional Services. 10:15 a. m. Reading of the Min utes and Election of Officers. 10:45 a. as. Church Members Constitutional Requirement, by Retir ing President. 11 :45 a. m. Alms-giving a Part of Christian Worship, Rev. W. B. Dut ters, S. T. D. Noon Hour, 13:30-1:30. 1:30 p. m. Enrollment of dele gates. 1:45 p. m. The Relation of The Ruptiaed Child to the Church, by A. "People Most Km Ma If I an Caa didasa," San Ayeock. Raleigh. N. C April 25. "If I am to oe a candidate lor the I nited Sk.,1nlv.nnr Senate the people roust run me," i 2:30 n m. The Apportionment- Why it Ought to be Paid Best Way OTJR BABY CONTEST. Onr Baby Contest is now well un der way. Remember, a baby from anywhere outside of Concord stands just as good a chance as those living hare. If a baby in district No. 1 (tba city of Concord) wins first priw, than a baby from district No. 2 (all places and country districts outside of Concord) must necessarily win sec ond prize, which is $125 in gold, and vim versa. Two babies in Concord and two elsewhere than in the city will win the gold. Only two prizes can go to the babies in one district. Practically the only change made in tba Canadian reciprocity agreement by the Democrats in the House wa the addition of a clause authorizing the President, by executive act. to re jduce tba tariff of this country, on any ham, whether included in the t -earn have yon, old bluebottle ed himself in conversation with a close friend. The ex-Oovernor is known to be averse to a long drawn-out and stren uous campaign. He don't mind the strennosity, it is said, but he don't want such long seige of it, as would ; be the case if he should come out at ' this time with the primary to be held j way next summer or fall. However, I there are many of his friends who be-, heve the people of the Stte, under m Raise It. Rev. 3. U Yeariek. 3:30 p. m. The Part Our People are Taking in the Evangelization of the World, Rev. W. H. Causey. Sunday, April 30. 10:00 a. m Sunday School. 10:10 a. m Addresses: The Sun day School Teaching Service of the Church, Rev. Paul Barringer, D. D., and Dr. O. A. Ranisaur. 10:30 a. m. Addresses: The Sun- , o . . . i it n , r .1 the circumstance-, should be advised ; oav 1 "e """'r' 1 rrr" whether or not he will undertake ihe ern" J- " rls"er- nf4S 11:00 a. m. Installation Services, Committee: Rev. W. II. Causey, Rev Bevond the U ! M. M. Noacker, Rev. W. B. Duttera, When Farmer Fairweight came to London on a flyiuK visit he discovered many things that buses could do without horses, that yon could wnlk for a whole hour without striking a field or an acquaintance, and, finally, that you couldn't hit a policeman sim ply because he compels yon to move out of other people's way. As he was being taken to the sta tion he inquired what t lie policeman intended doing with him. "Ton '11 find out soon enough." asid the policeman grimly. "Seven daw, probably." Seven days! Ah, that's where I chuckled s. t n. Noon Hour 12:30-1:30. 1 :M n. m. Means of Grace and Their I'se, Rev. C. B. Heller. 1 :45 p. m. The Divine and the Hu man in Church Activity, Rev. P. M Trexler, D. D. 3:30 p. m. Our Benevolent Insci t lit ions. Rev. J. M. I,. Lverlv, Ph. D. Closing Exercises. Addresses limited to twenty min. tes general diseusions. live minutes to each speaker. Madera ad DUa Are VefotiatUf by fflra. . Q Pas. Apafl M.-rIt developed o day that Maaiea peace aefotiatioai are fraseedtaf fca. telegraph biwua Madera 'a rasa aad tba Qly of Mex- tee ia rder ta lea for tba eonunia siouera littU hot tba ethnical work. XbA rtvpJaowniitaar uraaj over the mvamt4kUmml Bern ado Ecyaa ia io return from aria. . The rowJutioBists fear Jteyea will coaviace Praaident Dial that Minister Uaaataur had eamaded tba praai dent into graauicg too ajany eoneea aiona. It ia aaid Limantear and Reyes have aevar been oa food terma, aad Hiat the leUer it pradiapoaad U pick flaws in LimAntenr'i work. It may fca etated that an informal agreemeat on moat points, each a tba aleetMai of governors and mayors, payment of debts incurred by the rev- olutionista, penaiona, retention of anna and the like baa been reached. ta Catarrk thai Casta ta Hmwr. merenry will aaraty destrav th caaa of somII an! eoiaplateir daranaa in wnoia araura vua aaiarins ihronaa the aiucoua surf sea. Suck artlolas ahouM aavar be u4 axeapt an pnacriptloaa from laputabl iJhratelana, as th eamace they will do Is tan fold to th road yoa can polbljr darlv from them. Rail' Catarrh Cure, manu factured ay F. J. Cheney at Co. con tain ne mercury, .and la takea Inter nally, aetlnar directly upon the blood and mucous surface of th sjratam. In buylnar Hall's Catarrh Cur be aura you sat the genuine. It la taken in ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by P. J. Chaney A Co. Testimonial tree. Sold by Druaalsts. Price. Ua. per bottle. Tak Hall's; Fam!iy Pius ror consti- patloa. All of the Bishops of the Methodist Eaeopsl church, South, are expected to be present at the meeting of the board of ehurch extension which is to be in session At Centenary church at Richmond today. The board is com posed of about 25 members, including ministers and laymen, as well as bish ops. The general subject it will con sider, of course, is the matter of fur thering ithe growth of the southern Methodist ehurch. or lot whenever Canada is willing to pnt them on her free list. In other words a willingness ti move toward free trade with Canada as fast a Canada may desire. This invitation applies only to Canada, however, and tba object is the promotion of friend liest possible commercial intercourse between the United States and our neighbor on the north. the farmer triumphantly, producing the return half of his ticket. "I've got to go back on Monday!" It Jooks now very much like Con cord snd Salisbury will soon be con- Meted by an electric line. Work has already begun on the grading of the line at Salisbury, and crossties have! Judge Clark is not going to get in if , , . .... . placed on the ground. There I , w pv u" a snre tmnK ,n er Soma Scintillations from Joe King's Pen. Durham Herald. My Ayeock should be too old a hand at the game to attempt to blame it all on his friends. Mr. Avcock mav think it was his friends, but it is the newspapers who are responsible. If they have persuaded Mr. Ayedek to take the matter into kerious con sideration the chances a e that he will make the race. According to our way of thinking - .. .imus. Wu.lcer on toe iiue, If Stripling bad not been so handy ana it is so level mat dui ume graa- with his gun since his escape from ing will be necessary. This line will I the Georgia authorities it might have connect as populous a district as here ?on better with him. ta tv St ;ni,.,i;-n C .. ot ' w lira Kimvp uuuiuuiug ujivum, I p y uHmmidm CI 11 T juium uruio, uiuuw, a.aanii- j,- p-ljj otia, uisss ana oneora, .u witnin at Asheville. Anril 26.-Rev. A. C. distance of 25 miles. It is the best Dixon, pastor of Moody church, Chi internrban railway proposition ia the cago and former pastor of the First gtate. Baptist church, of this city has ac cepted a call recently extended to htm in London Eoerland. to take the Dulnk , The income tax amendment to the 0f the Metropolitan tabernacle in that eonstitntion, which was a plank in the city. Toe board of Moody church ae- t democratic national platform, has fP "ixon's resignstion today . I kiuj i. .v; it. owome eneetive dune 1. Insure its acceptance thirty-nvs Thomas Dixon, Jr., the North Caro sTstes are necessary. Only four states Una author and former Baptist minis- Louisiana, New Hampshire, Rhode I" V.l 3 J TTT tt: r i 3. I tvwi iiginia uare ue- w,ii:m j nn. h. siaMl themselves in the negative. This pi0yd by the National Erectors' As- la.. 4wa1w. mlm.i af.nM U:.V I -.-.-J-a! A. t. L- J 2a ejsysiws wsh'vj sjvaalisra .tuui WUiQIl (VLBWIMIUH W WU Uy IU9 ajTUsUUliUlg aaenrs the neeessarv five votes to mak I "99, seldom makes a false move. tba mMnArt . ... c o: I ne iaeta so isr nncoverM in tns sr t 4 . . . .. i rvaui oi uruauuiars ana ma aiaooverr tetion. An income tax is practically Lf y wonld 1,, thlli hi awsureu, x seems. . , had tboronghly worked np his ease before he made a "triks. He says OoACord Th Pioneer. Itbo developments Jhat are to . soma Cbsrlotta rtrnmioU. -' . ' I u startle the country. We do not Idiion iii sot get to Concoro o- T?,n!MdJ.,,or W1 'A - . . - I a A AM Will IT " WAfc MIIAVSi si Alll. dial Ksnr sail whs. mmm. Akauv I- I w w "a .. . a a ara-7 auw vu' wrf joUfieation. Th. riM W5S2tS mdaJs Who an there sits evidence EL . r f tn importanes of tbe introduction M StorsgS betUery ear. In its I r Preaident Benehaa Cammn. . ASWS SOlumns, The Chronicle carries I retarr A. H Kller and Attorney rH j i M i m ., I r . . wi wii lepon oi toe eari jHeNinch, of ths North Carolina rail its quiptnent and its operation. This wad, went before the interstate eom wport is intended for the instruction eommission v at Washington .Of people interested IB tba transpor-1 Wadneadsv mnrninir and mada an an. "aa! a! . . sam a L.n I . .? . - . . lauon fjueauon. in stoTaaw paiiery psl lor the passes they are entitled .ear seems ions gooa ining. , mere I to. nndev the leas with tba Hontham may m soma imperrections in it and railway. . Tba commission has held soma improvements yet to be worked It hat snoh transnortatioa is not ver- Jut, brat it IS evident that Edison J miiAal. It ia. interataU when am : is oa the job. It is not too much to rides ot of tba ststo. It is this thst I.cpS that the eonrbined genius Of tba the visitors wonld ehanew. Senator " Of tb Storage battery and 1 Oawrmaa ana RanraaantatiiM flrm.n ' of i e ear suited to it, will evwntnaUy presented ths party to the commission. r- nil more eeonomieai ana sav- THE AGONY OF A BABY UNDEB A SKIN AFFLICTION all the more terrible because it can t tell you how it sutlers, cui there is relief ai hand not only relief but a permanent cure from prickley beat, rashes, luves, ecxema and an other skin affections so prevalent among infants during the summer months. If voti want to see your baby rest easy once again and a look of relief spread over its little face, just apply this splendid remedy ZEMO. We believe honestly and sin cerely that in ZEMO yon will find the cure you have been praying for. We ran tell you in all truth that we have made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simple but sure remedy And to prove our absolute sincerity, we have instructed all druggists sell. ing ZEMO, to refund the .purchaser his money it' the very first bottle does not bring relief. Used persistently thereafter ZEMO is bound to euro. ZEMO and ZEMO 60AP make the most econom .c U as we J as th elan est and most effective lieatment for affections of the skin and scalp whether on lnisnt or grown parson. Sold Oy drnggists everywhere and in Concord by on; authorized agent, M, L. Marsh, druggist. A Reliable Ifsdicine Not Narcotic Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich, says) "Our little dot contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as the doctor's medicine didnot crura him, I gave him Foley 'a Honey and Tar Compound in which I bare great rain, it eared the eoagh as well as ib choking and gagging spells, and ha got well in a short tin. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has many times saved ns much trouble and ws are never with out it in the house." M. L. Marsh, Druggist. John L. Casper, the wholesale liquor merchant of Jacksonville, formerly of North Carolina, who bad been.on trial in the United States court on the charge of using tbe mails to defraud by means of alleged fake liquor ad vertisements snd the sale of a sub stance for making whiskey known ss 'Pnro," wss acquitted by the jury. weiXnf ia 'ectrical trannortaticA ays-1 oravd Tlsitine; sards, t is country, uueanuma, all! viUtiona, wsit aanoaneanta. toneoni, tua toutnern pioa-t finest ensue. l-ssTr.-tms Safe Msdidns For ChildrsM. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a ssfe and effective medicine for children as it does nut contain opiates or harmful drags. Tba genuins Fol ey 's Honey and Tar Compound is in a yellow package. M. U Harab, Drng- gwt. A dynamite cap which exploded in ibc pipe he was smoking blew off the Pose of John a, Kcue, of. York.. Pa. and pnt out his right eye. Kone ear ned his tobacco loose in his pocket. Ue had been carrying about a dyna mite cap also, and it is supposed thst he accidentally stuffed the cap into his pipe with tba tobacco. . Foley Kidney Ale contain in con centrated form ingredients of estab lished therapeutic value for tha relief and ears of all kidney and bladder ail. mens. . Foley Kidney rule are anti septic, tonic and restorative. Refuse substitutes. M. L. Marsh. Druggist. Governor R. B. Glenn, who has been traveling and lecturing extensively says that if ths democrats keep their promises there will be no doubt that ths next president is a democrat. , Good reeolta always follow tha of Foley Kidney. Fills. They pvs prompt relief in all esses of kidney snd bladder disorders. , Try them. See The Times for Job Printing. i .jjjt .- V J ' e- - ") - aw-a a- v J Km ' Q Means Better Vcl zzz imd : Greater Variety TLm Ever Regal Shoes, as our edvulLcuisita have told you. aro now cell tt cc:.. pluM S per cent The smflll cost of sg!!!fg t$ of poem Inchxicd, nd If the rtsult happens to ire out tt tn "cdf pricelike $35, for rxamplf, the prica u 3Z$. The shoe ia not "built up" with unnecessary eitraa t9 sell at $4, nor b it skjimed down to 8JttpiO. .,- Bdocfrc tram tb termer oeonsaityoftandirig aboca to sell at pticea fixed in adrancs. Regsl d- aainers can now hre their aanoat attsntioa to pro duaog tbe taf pdbi mmNqgtln of rnatrriaa and atylea to tin tM many diflereat deinanda. s Aaarasah,tbra will be graaiar va riety and batter waloaa as Ratal at . - -' m , - I A SV UtilVA Regal Sboaa tot fcA-'i cr ..a f $335 to C5C5 AND EVERY HEGAL SHOE IS TIE EOT ITS PIUCE CAM EUY IvEGALSEiOES fOKKSN Gannon IFetzefeGo. Free Shears Oifer to Be Withdrawn Mayl. For nearly two years past we have been giving to all our subscribers who pay a year in advance a pair of 8 incli spring tension shears free of ehsrge. We have given sway 2,000 pairs of these shears, and now have about everybody supplied. After May 1 this offer will bo withdrawn. All who pay for the paper a year in ad vance before May 1 will e given a pair of the shears, but after that no more will be given. We have several pairs yet, snd all who wish to secure a pair will pay up before the first ofMsy. Why Suffer With Your Kidneys? Just Give Marsh Root a . Chance. That's Alt .. We Ask. - Ws cannot make any fairer propcaU tien than by saying thst if yoa will . boy a bottle of CA&ZT'S MA&SH XOOT, and yoa are not per feetly satisfied wilt the re alts, taking . ths same according to directions, we will ebeerfullv refund your snoary. ..DOlf'T KZQLECT TOUi KID. XSTa, They are the "main spring of tba "human machine." Every drop of blood in your entire System should paaa throuirh " your Kidneys EACH TB&E5 jQBuTES.' If your. Kidneys do not filter "properly . they become clogged np and overflow; tba imparities testier throagb your sys tem, deranging tbe other organs, ill-1 ing the blood with rile imparities, giv ing bfe to and nourishing "s'iaaasa t germs" of countless varieties. - Your ' hie and happiness depend apoa tbe perfect health of your Kidneys. . sonrr HEULECT THEM. When ' yoa first feel that pain in tbe SmaU of. your , back, when yoa commence to -have rest leas nights, your mouth tastes bad in the mornings, yon become ditsy snd see spots before your eyas, yoa . feel that, yon "don t care whether school keeps of -not," TUiUf doctor , up your Kidneys. They arc oat of ' order. Ta NEGLECT ,Letn is 8AV GEWrtJS. - More people die annally from Kid ney Disease than are killed in battle. DK. CAiEyfl MARSH SOOT will sdd years to yonr life. Asthma! Astlima! POPHAaTS ' ASTHMA REMEDY gives aratant tellei aad aa absatuta care tu mi yiwr v nana iwwiiMim Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail oa receipt of price $1.00. ' Trial Paekac by mail M cants. WsUJAsu atfo. tTOPi ,. riwwiiia, Otai Sold by Davis Dreg Oompaay. - ' Trial Sise, FIFTT CEITTS. Large BotUs conUlnlng two and arn bilf times as mack as Trial Sise. OXB DOLLAB. t a A POSTTTVE BAifK " DllAFT OTJABANTEB WITH EACH 0X1 DOLLAB BOTTLE. - fcaDa.Slcre,(c:ccri,flf. Remember, onr offer of pair of 84ifeh Boring Tension 8hears free to every subscriber who pays in advance will bo withdrawn May 1st. Loose Leaf Ledger sheets of osny ; different kinds for sale . at Tbe Timea-Tribana oflTee, r Everything; FOE TH-C . - , . Garden I PEAS, BEAKS, ; ' 4 CORN, RADISH, .. ' BEST, CABBAGE, - ' ' V LETTJCB, PARSIOFS. ' ' ' ; : 8AUATT, OTTOUMBER, :-C PABSLET. OKU OXIOHSBTS. , ; OED30IT D&TO 8TH02 L '. -Jl 11.S..1 L 'il SL- SLU-liJ.AllJj .-L -V- L!LI An . m . Styles j All Leathers 1 . 03-50 : - I no -4 More 71 , s aasM T. ' Come In And Try them On TlfE have noticed hundreds "of people standine admiring the ;VY Craddock Shoe in our windows. We are making customers - of scores ... of them every., day. We wvtte everyone to come ' m and see the Craddock Shoe at close, ranged You won't be able to resist long. ; As soon ss " you, jwedshoes ; you ,,wilt be , back. The style will get. you first nd the touch of the leather , ' will appeal to, you.. wYou ,nevec .saw bettershoe i rnal.0rour hands and eyes will tell you the Craddock is a good shoe. We' t can tell you some more things sbout it, things you can't see or feeL " We know hov the Craddock. is msdeand what it is made of. We ; know that where most makes are skinned a little here and: scalped, ' a little there little things that are not apparent in the finished shoe-f ; the Craddock is full value; and the best part of it is that the manu . : factoring advantages that Craddock Terry enjoy are passed on to ; : you in the shape of good, hard dollars saved that you can use tov: advantage in your home. The Craddock Shoe at $3.50 is the equal of any man's $5.00 shoe. It will wear you thirty days longer than any other shoe sold , st the same price. 'Stylethe very latest Comfort. in every line. The snippiest Oxfords shown anywhere this season. Our salesmen will be glad to show you the line and fit you better than you were ever fitted before. 1 ; ' i Wi art ihobinta tart variety tf CradJock mad ihott ; for ladUi, in me. & tri t'.rtt ttre-? tsniatt, fuieff f " and taZor tits, a ell L '.:r$ ct i.C9 and a. 1 3- r i 2 pn i 1 -' tiW tV;-fara. I Oc, CcjmocX It, a 1L L. Marsh, Drnggiat, 1

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