QriMtttf. ' !i I'll VOL. XXI. Men, 40 Ctttt t ISoati. CONCORD. N. O, SATURDAY. APRIL 29, 191U NO. 243: 4- L i Sir - i m. bucejotax comsjoo. Appals taunt of FMtewUr Hero te a Second Tim Oonfimsd by the J tam::'. :;.,;;j - ? r' Postmaster Buchanan k a happy ssan to-day nd well hubi right to be. Official notice from Washington, stat 'ing that hia nomination, recently made by President Taft, had been eoannnod by tba Senate, tu received laat evea inf." - ; ' . ' ' Tbe people bare are too well ac quainted with the life of thin efficient Whose Appointment for a Seoond ... Tem Wm Confirmed Friday. official ti go into detail concerning hia abilities and fitness for the position. . He begins hia aeeond term with an ex cellent .official record and reputation of serving the patrons of .tbe office faith fully and well and it is needless to add : that he will Continue to do so. Alexander-Rogers. A pretty wedding look place at tbe borne of the bride 'a parents near Cod dle Creek, .Wednesday morning, April 26, at 11 o'clock., when Miss Daisy Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Rodgers waa married to Mr. Jas. Wil son Alexsnder, of Gilead. The "only attendants were Mr. Flo and Mia wno came in ana took meir siana on either side of he door. They were followed by the bride and groom and aa they stood under an evergreen arch they were met by Rev. R. C. Davidson, pastor of the bride, who in a short and impressive- ceremony said the words that united then in matrimony. After the wedding an elegant three course dinner was served. The bride is one of Coddle Creek 's most charm ing and accomplished young ladines. She is an honor graduate of Linwood Female College and bad successfully laugh? tor two J ears. . The groom is a young limner ot (Jilesd and is well liked by alL - Among those from a dis tant in rllfndf.nee were Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Sims Mid, Miss Sims, Mr. and Hit. Jno. McLelland, of Concord, Mr. and MrSv Westmoreland and Mr. Mc- Cauley, of Gilead. In the afternoon they left by private conveyance for tbe borne of the groom, where tbey will be at home to their many friends. ' ONE PRESENT To Meet Next Tuesday. Messrs. W. F. Snider, T. J. Jerome, W. 8. Brown and T. H. Vanderford, of Salisbury, officials of the Piedmont Carolina Railway Co, apent yesterday - i in tba eity, inspecting the line here. In reply to an inquiry from a rep ; rceentativa of this paper as to . the a . time work would begin on tba . line . from here to Salisbury and the exten- ' i. sron of tbe chy lines, President S.ni- : - :.,der stated that a meetii.g of the diree-l f tors of the company will be held f Toesday, at which time plans will be j .'-.definitely decided upon. Mr. Snider ' J stated f urther that another car bad f been purchased for the local system jand would be put in operation as soon . i"a it arrived, i . , .. . , : 1 .;fe-v?.y.v -,:,. .::.; .,.'- ,1- ',' James Knitting HilL i"; r. The James Knitting Mill Company, r i at Mt. Pleasant, has decided, that lis I Y product will be seamless hosiery v 200 needle style. It has also decided ' . On its eqniptnent bfmachinew, which will include 24 knitting machines, four ribbing machines, four looping ma chines, etc. . This' company was re ferred to several weeks ago aa being incorporated with ' a capital stock of . $50,000. - Its .. incorporators V were - J : Messrs. C. F. James (who is tba titan ; ager of the plant), A. N. James and T M. K. James. . ' Excursion to Winston -Salem. On Saturday, May 13, an excursion will be run from Concord to Winston Salem by J. Thos, Leonard, tbe well known excursion man,7 and others. This will be tbe first excursion of tbe season and a large erowd will go. Tbe fare for the round trip is only $135. C. H. Peck is local manager and can give yon any Informattor in regard to game. 1 titrlt SCTZilCl 00U2T HAS ' I . COXCUIZETT JUXlSDICTIOX. Kay Kov Astana Jsriattctioa if ?s lie JnstloVa Omit Doaa Hot Act Within Sixty Days. - - Under the eity charter as passed by tba Legislatsre of 1907. tba Police Justice's Court bad original exclusive Jurisdiction in all eases that eoold be tried in that court, and tba Superior Court could not take cognisance of of them. Tba last Legislature amend ed this section of tba charter as fol lows: : : '-. Bee. 2. Taat paragraph (e) of sec tion twenty-fire of chapter three hun dred and forty four, private, laws of nineteen hand red and scveo be amend ed by striking out tbe 'period at the end of said paragraph and substitu ting therefor a colon, followed by the the following ''Provided, that noth ing in this paragraph shall be con strued to prevent the Superior (.'curt of Cabarrua County from assuming eoncorrent jurisdiction of all the of fenses cf which said Superior Court ould have had jurisdiction but for this act, whereof, exdnnvs jurisdic tion is now- given to tba Police Jus tice's Court, if said Polies Justice's Court, within sixty days after the commission of tbe. offense,' shall not have proceeded ten take official cog nizance o fib same: Provided, fur ther, that said Police Justice shall fur nish to tba Clerk of tba Superior Court of said county on the Brat Mon day of each term for tbe information of the solicitor and (rand jnry a list of all offenses disposed of by said Po lice Justice, with the dates thereof, except the violation of the ordinances of the City of Concord, . , Meeting of tba Claaste of North Car This body will meat in annual ses sion is) Heidelbnrg Reformed Church, Thojnaeville. Wednesday evening, May 3, at 8 o'clock. Business sessions will be held Thursday, Friday and Saturday; popular meetings will be held each evening as announced in the following programme made out bythe psstor of the ehnreb. Rev. ClareBce Woods: - . : May 3rd Wednesday evening 7:30 -"-AnnaaJ t laasieal ejeraon bv tbe taring president, Rv. Wv W. Rowe. . unursday evening 7 :30 Tne Activ- itiea of a Layman in bia Home Con gregation, Hon. C. C. Barabart. The Layman 'a Interest in Foreign Missions, v , . r I Friday evening 7:30 Tbe Work of the Reformed church in. the Foreign Field, Rcv Dr. J. P. Moore. Saturday evening-The Educated Young Man, Prof. John F. Buchheit. Christian Culture for Toung Wo men, Rev. Joseph L. Murphy, D. D. Sunday morning 11:00 Sermon by Rev. W. H. Causey. - . Sunday afternoon 3:00 S. S. Rally A Need for Greater Consecration to S. &.Work, Eev. J. C. Leonard, D. D. The Present Field for S. S. Growth. Sunday evening 7 Ofiermon. j Ksw Design of Postal Card. A new postal card in lieu ot the one now in use baa been approved by Postmaster General (Hitchcock.. The new card will be of cream color print ed in red ink, making a mnch more at tractive appearance than that now in use. Tbe first supply of the new be ready shortly. Tba new cards will cost approximately $65,000 a ' 'year more than the cards now in use. See ing that Mr. Hitohcoeok is all the time trying to eat expenses the wonder is (hat ha would recommend a new de sign of postal card at increased coat. ' Cowhides a Hegro Woman. , Spencer, April 28. Considerable excitement . was : caused in SpenceM this afternoon by L. L. Crawford, a Spencer merchant,: who .eownided a negro woman for eomevpetty offense. It is stated ha become enraged at a son of tba woman who worked . for him and failed to obey some order. Tbe woman took the part of her son and sustained a severe whipping from a buggy Whip which is said to have been worn to a frantic. Cranford was cited to trial and paid a fins for tba offense. ' y . v . A Biograph Comedy at The Pas- time today. ' a amm a ptotttrb ot yotoi BABY TO THE TBIBUNB. f " Would you Uka to see your Ut- tit baby sweetheart peering at yon from the columns of this pa part If yoi kavs good picture of your baby, ons that to satla- factory to yon, Just sand It la to the contest oSca and w will re- produce It in tha paper. Wa Will return the photo to yoi ia as good condition as wa receive ft. It will be best to gH la u soon aa possible asittoUbeaesMof ''first eoma, first atmd" la this matter. . ' . is ; it goi;:g to Signs of Unusual Activity in District No. 2 and With an Excep tionally Fine Field It is Certain That Our Friends Outside of Concord Are Going to Make a .Brilliant Run for That Coveted Title of "The Most , Populaf Baby" Fathers, Mothers, Grand mas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles , and Friends, Be Up and Doing. BABIES! BABIES 1 THEY KEEP COMING Phona 138 Keeps Jingling All Day And Part of the Night Is Your Favorite Yet In? r All contest records for North Caro lina axe being smashed to smtthers by 'the mammoth newspaper Times and Tribune contest now being conducted by the Joyce Syndicate1 for Tbe Times and The Tribune. There have been contests of many character for the different "grown-ups," piano con tests, trip contests, etc., but never before has there been a contest for the rulers of tbe household. And what is a borne witbut a baby t The list is growing and keeps grow ing, but ihere ia room for all and plenty of them are not yet in the swim get in now so as to start with the crowd, for the votes change every day and will be published probably every few days if not every day best of all, your babe.may get the gold and glory. They are the queens and kings, the pnnces and princesses, the chubby lade and wee sma' lasses, from the kingdom of happiness and the world of loveli ness. Some little fairy needs your as? ' Death of Colored Man in Ohio, Dr. Mae C. Lytle, colored, son of Emanuel C. Lytle, of No. 3 township, died of typhoid pneumonia in Colum bus, Ohio, on Thursday, April 27th. Hia father arrived last night with the Corpse, which will be interred Sunday near their home at Columbus chapel. Young Mae Lytle graduated at Bid die University, and bad 4fil complet ed his fourth nd last year in Den tistry si Ohio State University. He was 22 years of age. , This Lytle family deserve consider able credit for the way they have over come difficulties, and it is hoped that this sad bereavement will not slacken the ambition to do and be, as shown in the daily walks and accomplish ments of the present and coming gen. rations of this family pf colored cit toens. - The deceased leaves severs) broth ers and cousins, now occupying sponsible positions in the North and elsewhere. Several are teaching in our town and county. . " B. : v Tba Marathon Race Today. The premier amateur athletic event of today in the state will be tbe Chronicje-Y. M. C. A. marathon races. The eight-mile- race will begin promptly at 2:30 and the two-mile race at 2:45.. This will prevent any conflict with the baseball game, the time for which has been placed at 4:30 out of deference tothe races, The race will be from tbe Newell High School building to the Chronicle office in Charlotte. x be wi LtniE OH A UsaJ tjmi&:4T' mm assatsjieKir-M, r-.-? "-n sistance.' Vote' for your favorite lad or lassie now. Hustle m the coupons. And by the same token, never be fore has any contest plant or idea so captured the public fancy aa the pres ent one. It was plainly evident at the outset that the baby contest inaugu rated by Tbe Times and The Tribune would arouse an unusual amount of interest in Concord and surrounding country. It has been said on all sides that tbe list of nominations in this great race is thoroughly representative of the first and finest families in Concord and vicinity and that any baby in tbe list may have a just cause to feel proud of the company in which it finds itself. This is exceedingly gratifying to" the manager and speaks volumes, for tbe excellent standing this newspaper enjoys in this community. With so many distinguished families interested it is not to be wondered at that in terest in. the event became intense.. The voting all week has been ex ceedingly brisk and will probably culminate tonight in a veritable ava. lanche of votes for many of the little favorites. Of course these are only a few of tbe babies in the race, com. paratively speaking, and is by no THE DISTRICTS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: District No. 1 Tba City of Concord. District No. 2 All Rural Routes and Towns Outside of Concord. TEE rive hundred dollars ia gold $150.00 to the baby receiving trick $125.00 to the baby receiving site to that in which the first prist $100.00 to the baby residing prise winner, receiving the aeeond highest rota. $50.00 toKha baby residing in the same district with the second prise winner receiving tat uxt highest vote. . . . . $76.00 ia special prises to bt announced later. b basinets J. alike who It encourages eceboay; establishes your credit makes sending money away or paying bills safeguarding your cash, Why lot start your Cbeckug or frivate Account wlSi 7f:o Czbzrrzo LITTLE ora ? means certain that among them ap pear the name of the final winer. Tbe mothers, fathers and friends of tbe lit tle darlings are interested in seeing their babies come to the top and it behooves the parents and friends of the babies who are not in the race to get them in as soon as possible as there is not a chance like this every day. Don't be the only one who has a pretty to be left out of the contest. You have just as good a chance to win as any one. Come in at once and get a subscription book. You will find the work interesting and congenial and you will be surprised at the suc cess you will meet with if you enter this raeewith a determination to win. Everybody loves a dear little baby and every one is going to help yon all they can. The contest manager, Mr. Joyce, is in the office every evening and invitee the parentis to call and talk tbe matter over. Do not forget if the baby is nominated IMMEDIATELY he or she will receive a thousand free votes. Remember all business connected with 4Mb contest is transacted at the headquarters opposite the St. Cloud- Normandy, and not at The Times and Tribune office. Klephone No. 138. e PRIZES. see will be distributed aa follows: the highest rota, regardless of dls- the hlghestvots in the district oppo- winner rest ties. In the same district with e the first e e With this Bank U helpful not only to men but to every man and woman has any business transactions. with Check easy,- besides Gavtes? Ocrr'i. BALL OAKS TE8TERSAT. Ooacor Athletios Defeat the Char- lotto DeBners by a Score of 4 to 0. Tbe snappy little ball team of the Concord Athletic Club put a crimp into toe championship aspirations of tba Define rs of Charlotte yesterday afternoon at the graded school rroaada by the score of 4 to 0. The game waa easy picking for the juve nile diamond artists of the capital of Cabarrus and not a solitary lad from tba common wealth of Mecklenburg dented the pan. Fits Sappenfleld did the hurling act for the locals and tbe little fellow kept tbe visitors guessing throughout the contest, receiving classy support from his teammates. Both teams went into tbe fray with a determine-, tion to win, this being the third game of the series, and the little fellows are jubilant over their victory. The two teams lined np as follows : Powell 3b, Seawall e, Pharr so, Clanton p, Evans lb, Smith If. Pharr 2b, Li ttle ef, Ward rf. Wadsworth, C, 2b, Wood ss. Pat terson e, Sappenfleld p, Wadsworth, J , 16, Bost ir, Correll rf, Smoot cf. Dur ham 3b. Rednoed Rate to Knoxville. On sccount of the Summer School of the South to ll- held at Knoxvillo, Tenn., June 20 ro July 28, the South ern will sell round trip tickets on June 18, 19, 20, 24, 25. July 1 8, 9 and 15, 1911, Anal limit fifteen days from, but not including, date of sale with privilege of extension of final limit until September 30th by depositing ticket with special agent, and payment of one dollar. The round trip rate from Concord is $9.05. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank moot heartily our kind neighbors and friends who so kindly gave us every attention possi ble during the recent illness and death' of our beloved-wife and moth er. ' W. A. PENINOER AND SONS. Marriage license has been issued to Mr. Cletus Bost and Miss Nolia (Vip er, of No. 11 township. ,OF THE n ? EJKS A line of character and origin- alty including many styles, and. are values absolutely unequaled in Concord .. Beautifully designed, splen did material, exclusive num bers and priced to insure quick-selling r 7 50c, $2, $2.95, $3.48, $4.95 TO 51 2.50 V The Parasols in this line are beyond doubt the the most stylish, practical and best values shown v anywhere including the New Palme and Aeroplane models. '" V ' CHILDREN'S 15c,. 25c, 39c, , A look will be appreciated, ' ; - ? Gordon Hosiery is better. . We have it, ' ; . ' it LPAtfi :C0. DR. ROGERS TO MOVR ... TO GALVESTON MAT f. - Residsaos Thar Kap Be Oai TaeaV porary Regret, at Kto Laaviac-v Concord. ' , ";-.S, ' Dr. F. O. Rogers, an of the Wst . known physicians ef tba eity,. Will move to Qalvestoa, Texas, May & . ' This announcement will be received with no little surprise and great taw ' terest by tbe people here, although, it has been known by those intisaatsiy associated with Dr. Rogers that hi -' contemplated such mora for noma -'. time. Mrs. Rogers will not go to CbU- - veston until later. Dr, jRogara flada . that business affairs in Texaa will re- .-' quire his entire time for at least sev eral months and probably longer it- " is probable that he will return to Cos- -cord to lira st tbe expiration of that . .. time. , l. Dr. Rogers was born'and reared in , Concord and baa been practicing im icine here for several years, aaviagv : built up a large and lucrative practice, '' and it is to be hoped that be .will '. . . -i la. l! 4 - again return to vxmcora jout. Suicide Near NewLoBnea. New London, April 28-Mias tak ' Barringer committed suicide at! th ' home of her father, who lives, one v mile west of this place, this aaomiaK at 9:30 o'clock. Miss Barringer and her sister were in tbe 'room' together- '' and she was as jolly aa ever..-. A wv--moments after her sister. Iff ( t i the report of a 22 rifle Waa aaaiJr' and, rushing to the room, th ftar- . rents found their daughter' ow" the . i floor dead, with a ballet hoU ia net rijht temple. She left a note ataitafv-,;-that slie was tired of living and want -ed to die. . . . , . Mr . Tice Barringer, th father of Miss Lata, is a well-to-do faraaer, -... and is well thought of ia this laetioa. The funeral will take place a Kn- dall 's church sotnetime tomorrow. ... , r- The Newton Enterprise, aajs ; that Catawba farmers, who sell larg quaja tities of sweet potatoes oyer the eouia try, are now getting tl par basnet; -the highest price in some years, which -makes the crop very profitable.,, ? MOMENT: PARASOLS 50c TO 'SIX) t:' - i