i::c...:::JL':LTir::::i . a HHRIU, I rucmtm utm r Tut .... r . f M.ths - Three rt.a On kvaia rvauaan air)incxa.sw. Arttstax ratea ram fc 4 M l Ac, Cttf (M Ct-SJ-e BUM -- e o.Uct a. av. . ... ' Carta Tkuk ReeoUHoee K-ep-t a4 similar article ere eare a -he MM eeata MT Uai " . Itm4 aa ee eleas saall -Mttm Aarll It, ISl. at ho eatornee e i-aa-eora, K. C aaaee March 1 int. . e Month 11 Months TwaVre Sloataa .1 .! , LH jm at. e.ueaarr- -CMT Coneord, N, C, April 29, NHL INTtNTIOflS. judae of men br tbetr ' tcafatom, for, though th Meat Moaaot of promlilnf U tat a moBwat ud cannot ba arolonfad, yat if sincere in Ita BOOMavt'a xtraTaant foodae, 'why. trust it and know th man "or It, t aajf. not by HI perform Um, wMca la half tb worhi'i work, tntarfer aa tha world ' aead most with its accident ut dretunataneca. Th profes atoa wtl purely tha man'a own. I - Jndc. people by what they might be, not are nor will be. Kobart Browning. lav. rut Darkae at gaeaoar. - JUf. Plat Daraaae, of Coaeore, - Urered aa aadreat at tha og,avsa aMt af . I be guafsr rratlaa arbool 1 u Wdaeda airbL aorreapoodeot lot the Caariott Csroo.l speak af 'it aa a "auriilWat aMres," aa4 IZ adds: ; . Ita) Ha spoke ia a masterly naaner oo "Tba Ufa of Saul of Tarsus," tha treat apostle to the GetM-lea. Hiead draa,waa tataraatinjr aad iaatraetir throarhout and made a laitinr ico- praaaioa on th larg aodianea which raibered ia th Spender Methodist charea to hear hrav Mr. Durham, who is a spsnker of State-wide reputation, spoke of th peeahar training of Paul waera be alluded t as aa ontraxt and at th same ia a man of great learning and yet not too great to lay his hand in th dust for th sak of th Cru eifled. He also dwelt npoa th prire Paul paid for what be waa and what he became. He was dis.nher.tad disowned by his rare, and lay his body down as a minister of Christ The speaker also ernphramied the fart that Paul had the ability to live in th years that followed. He urged the young people in his presence to unbounded efforts to do the hard things in life. North Carolina, he said, rrie for such a service ami for facet turned towarda the tomor row of life. In concluding his a) dress, Rev. Mr. Durlm warned his hearers aeairtst becoming a sort of negative, easy-going, but admonished them to cultivate the life of power and might. Greater than culture, education or beauty is power, sajd he; the power that brings things to pass ,and which brings 4o man the faith that conquers in the name of God. Senator Orarj-a'a B2L. Senator Overmen' bill U apply a part of th proceeds fruca tba sat al public land for tb aapport aad maia. taaaae af fam Ufa school for th baaeat of ajrmaliara and to iaereaa tha kfwvled ot far-Bint ia aa ia- t treat ufaac are. It provide fcii.000 fur aaa atate and territory for tb kaiaUaaaea of sack aefaobla for tb Am year and aa inereas ot $1,000 a year for tha next tea year. Th fanda arising from tba sale of public lands are to be ased ia that way. Tha purpos of th meaaur u to "proper boy for agricultural pur. suit aad farm Ufa and girta for bosoe makiag aad aoosekeeper an th farm." , . - An Important provision ia th kill is that no atat or territory shall receive the appropriation unless it ap propriate a like sum for th same purpos. The money donated is to be handled through the atat treasurer, who re port to the superintendent of public instructions. An account of it must be made 4o the secretary of agricul ture and th secretary of th interior. None of the sum provided will go for building or n:hcr premanent im provements, which the state must pro vide. Senator Overman beliveves that Ms hill deserves the support of bis col leagues and will ultimately become a law. The farm life school, one that will reach the young country hoy and girl, will do much to improve condi tions in the country. President Taft is still fighting pro gressive republicans. He first endeav ord to smother progrewiveism by refusing patronage to members of . Congress who would not vote for bills reoaauDendd by him whether they thought them to be for tb public good or not. This movement failed ntterly. Insurgency increased in stead of disappearing. Then the Pres- . Went used all tha influences at his MBdkAnd tb bring about the defeat of 8eotor LaFollette in Wisconsin. La Follette was re-elected by a larger vote than ever. Now the President is taking the leading part in the fight against giving the progressives of the 'Seaai the -committee places they de nsnd. Inasmuch as the President 's former effort caused two progressives to grow where but one had grown ba- Vortbe progressives can afford to be patient. v Dr. Wiley, chief of the bureau of t chemistry of the Department of Ag Vrieulture at Washington, says that f grave dangers lurk in the ordinary headache remedies, and the serious- ness of the matter has led him to de- f tetnine to make an investigation nn : der the pare food and dtcg aet. Dr. i- Wiley says many eases in which deatn has lesulted from taking these medi- f cines lave been bro!ii.t to bis atten- 1 tioo of lata. Eeadache powders, said key usually contain a large quantity or drnga which affect the heart more $ or less.: The powders, according to r Dr. Wilev. contain a lamrer nronor. . tion of these drags than any physician 4 would think of prescribing. Another proof of tba great wisdom shown in passing the pure food and drug bill. I ' Two ITew Trains on Southbound. V Stanly Entevprise. ' - No official statement has been given . S oat publicly,, bat we have it on good J authority that two through passengei i train, earrving mail and aznreaa. will : 5 . tw piaeed on the Southbound Railroad t. oa next. Monday between Winston -Sa- km and Florence. The mixed trains i will bi retained, and no change ia ye- a peeled in ita schedule. The north - "j bound train o. 60 will leave Florence , t ai 10 a. and Southbound No. 63 V will leave Winston about 1 o'clock p. trains mate an average time or 'a fcilea an hour. It would be well for the people along the line to urge that a loek pouch be placed on the north bound mixed train, sine it would pUet mail in ' Albemarle and points aorta tare or more hour earlier than the other train. ' They Agree to Disagree. Printing Machinery Record. , .' An editor and his wife disagree with each other materially. She sets thing tor right, and he writes things to aet. She reads what others write. and ha writes what other read. She keeps the devil out of tha boose aa much as possible, and he retaina him and eonJd not go to press without him; she know more than he writes, aad ha write more than she knows. INDIGESTION. An Interesting Statement. Portland, Me. "I suffered so long with indigestion snd stomach trou ble that I lost flesh rapidly I had used all kinds of remedies without help. Vinol was recommended and I decided to try it. I soon commenced ,o feel better. my stomach trouble disappeared and I can eat heartily without the slightest distress. My experience leads me to believe that no other medicine equals Vinol for stomach troubles and indi gestion. It tones up the stomach, in creases the appetite and creates strength." W. E. Waterhouse. (We guarantee this testimonial to be gen uine.) Vinol seldom fails to strengthen and tone up tbe tired, overtaxed and weak ened nerves o ftbe digestive orgbns, and remove the cause of indigestion and soon enable1' the sufferer to di gest with ease the foods. that once caused distress. Moreover Vinol is delicious to the taste, cnotains no oil and does not npset weak stomachs, as do old-fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions. Try a bottle of Vinol with the un derstanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. Gib son Drug S.ore. V A V. Beware at Otatateata far Catarrh tfen) Ceatala Mcrrarr, aa mercury will surely destroy thf sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering through the mucous surfaces. such rtlclea should never oe used except on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold the good you can poasmiy derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by P. J. Cheney Co.. con tains no mercury, and is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood nd mnooue surfaces or me system. buying Hall s Catarrh cure be sure on tret the Kemilne. It is taxen in ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by P. J, Cheney Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, Frtce, lie. per bottle. Take Hall s Family Pius ror L-onsu- patlon. Mr. Thompson the Man for the Job. Siatesville Landmark. Writing in this week's Usue of Charitv and Children of the recent meeting of the Tri-State Conference of Orphanage Workers in Charlotte, Editor Archibald Johnson says: Mr. Walter Thompson, of the Jackson Training School, captured the conference and made himself indispen- sible to future meetings. Whoever else is left off, Mr. Thompson will be given ft place on the programme. His discussion ot " Ihe V aywartT Boy was unique, and revealed his peculiar fit ness for the responsible place he ImMj as superintendent of the Jackson Training School." This is a well meritea compliment. Mr. Thompson is doing a great work at -I he Jackson Training School. In the Cotton Belt. Charlotte Chronicle. In its weekly review of the weather snd the crops, The New Orleans Pic ayune says that the past week has been a favorite period for all agn cultural interests. Although the week opened with rather low temperatures, the weather soon became seasonable. In the cotton belt there has been mnch lees rain and farmers got an opportu nity to rush planting and general field work. Some very encouraging reports emanate from Texas, which State has received a more bouLtifiri spring rainfall than haa been experi enced in years. Cotton is making progress all over southern and central Texas, and with a continuance of one weather planting will be finished all over that Stat by the end of 'the month. Elsewhere in th cotton belt. particularly in the Mississippi Valley, there have oeea some heavy raws, but on the whole the weather has been favorable, and good progress has been made in finishing np planting. In most parts of the belt eotton is com uig. up well, and in the more sooth erly portions the plant has already reached a good size and is looking promising. There is no doubt that there has been a considerable in crease ia acreage all over- the belt, larger in some States than in ethers, bat nevertheless general - Just how great this increase will be when the crop is fully' under way; remain to be seen. Farmer are in good finan cial shape to work a larger acreage. as their heavier purchases of ferti fixers, mules and agricultural imple ments clearly indicate. There is. - in a word, every indication that -the crop is making a splendid start, As ye sow, so shall y reap. And yet the man who lends money often borrow trouble thereby. Safe Uedicis For (Mdraa. . Foley's Honey and Tar Compound 'is a safe and effective medicin for t ...n (s it does not contain opiates cr ltrti,fal drnfs. The genuine Fol- i, ' ' ' "t and Tar Corronnd ia in a I v .vua. - 1. L. a-u-th, Irng- Certainly! y' ..-:." ' You. can expect ' strength from " ' ' proper food." Grap-IJuts FOOD "TLcre' He Couldn't 8ing Long Metre Hymn to Short Metre Tune. Newton News. Sunday morning at the Melhodisl church a hymn was given out and the choir and congregation began it. Inasmuch as it was marked "S. M." the short metre tune was applied but it wouldn't work. "S. M. waa a misprint, for .the hymn was a long metre hymn, and the result may be imagined. A ripple of amusement spread over the audience. GOLDS BREED CATARRH Rules and Regulations of The Times and Tribune Grand Baby Contest J .V -- - V . -v . ... . Bash seessa eaawaria la The Tlata aa Th Trlsuae ta eat la clvaiac Stay (th. wtU ha ra far tweaty-Sva Yatea. aa4 the seaes aa aa ener tha teas will a foe ta al aaa . Ail haileta M4 for rwaatr-av vote are vM after Max Ita. He eereoa will he saraitt t4 U hay ta hath tar ta ears e t atlaola- eeaaaaa, hat , there are a taatrtettaa a ta ta owre fraas which rev. Buy father . at, later sat ell rear files ia retaUvaa, alahbra, ate, la aavtac . th ssaaa haUats far fmm ar aeaalB- thee ta the Caateat Daaart-. Mat la tb aaas af yaw baby.- - To tea will he gtwtm far ubecrthtloaa aa this win b th MAIN 18SUS at this treat rmoe, SabaeHptlM haoka may he h4 tihaa a. -Blleatloa ta th eeatees asstfir br th peraare. relatlvea, frteaae ar aayeae ele -ntiaate ta a baby's can pat a. it aat ooa van lent ta eeJW Ore) a atl ear4 ar ahaae lit, the Caateat Dapartsaeat aa4 the Ssessaer ar af htm aalstaata, will call apoa yea. Aayoae who la la arrears t Th Times ar Th Tribe eaa st th Mat ameaat f vote aa a sew anbacrlptlona by paylnx la fall to aate. Na aploTa ef thU ofllce will he permitted ta eater his ar bar ' haky ta this caataal , Me peraoa coaaectaa with this paper haa aaythln t da with th , active roaduct of thla oaatesc All aiatter pertamiac t the eoateat ar transacted solely hy the Joyce Syndicate of Chtoef o. We rssevve the rlchl te reject any andealrabl or ebjectloaahl name at any tin ar any peraoa detected la playlns unfair. - . - This eenteet cloeea Jaa Ird. Call, phene 111, er write for fur- . -her tnforautlon, atht or tar. Ia ease ef a tie vote at tba end of this contest, all prise will be equally divided. N two candidate will be permitted to double op. Vote ar ab solutely not transferable. It you drop out you lose all. . Subscriptions may ba taken te start any Una. If Mr. Jones -waata t help yoa. Botwlthataadlnr that his subscription Is already ' paid la advance, you may secure this renewal and w will date the subscription ahead fran the date ot the expiration of the present . subscription. Toa mar take subscriptions from anywhere In the United Btatea and Canada without Increase ot the reaular subscription price. Be- . cause yr.ur baby 1 a contestant 4a District Na 1 or No I, yea are by no means limited to that district as a field of endeavor. All hooks and records concerning this contest will be thrown . open to tbe public Immediately after the close of the contest. Every one rets a square deal and we wsat then kaew It. Merit, aet neater wbma. ' Address all communications to Mr. J. F. Joyce, Manager Contest , Department, ot Time and Tribune. SlBSCaiPTIOK RATES A1TD THEIR VOTINQ POWER IX THE TIMES AND TRIBUNE COJCTKST. THE DAILY TRIBUNE, by Carrier ''" N eaberrtptlea accreted far leas thaa three Mentha Vatea. ' i months $ L00 Old or New .... l.ooo months 3.00 Old or New . 1,000 months 1.00 Old or New .1 . ,000 I Tear 4.00 Old or New '. : ... 0.000 1 Tears - 1.00 Old or New -....-......-.lg.OOO : 1 Tears - 11.00 Old or New ..- ..17,000 4 Tears 14.00 Old or New 14.000 5 Tears 20.00 Old or New .. 50.000 TBS) DAILT TRIBUNE, hy Mall. Na sabacrlptlea accepted leas thaa foar noalha. Tele 4 monts . f 1.00 Old or New - i 1,000 5 months . .-. 1.00 Old or New . 1.000 1 Tear 3.00 Old or New ...... .00 ' 3 Tears (.00 Old or New i.... 11,000 3 Tears S.00 Old or New ..37,000 4 Tears - 13.00 Old or New 30,000 I Tears 15.00 Old or New (0,000 . THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES. Vatea. 1 Tear I 1.50 Old or New i... 3,000 " 3 Tears . 3.00 Old or New 1,000 ... . - 4.50 Old or New 10,000 4 Tears ( Tear -. f.t0 Old or New . -i 7.50 Old or New i . .15.000 -ta.e i -, - 1 AA Greater Vczlzty TLm Ever - ' . r ' - Rcal Cboc3, &3 cur edvtisncati fexrs tcU you. are now cold &t' cost. v - Tfogaa3csstcKriagf3 cf courac inched, andif thss rtr!t 1-tj to tureout tX an "odd" . wfce--Lia Lr exaxcpla, tbe prica ia Tbe shoe ia not "built up". wiiJa unnecessary extrsia to sell at , nor h it tiisaed down to caEt$3J0i Ecinifri5"om tholbfinerrisa-ty of buMng boca to sc3 at price) fixed in Mlrance, Regal da ainer can now Kire tbeir aViois attentioo to pro- Cuctag tba eSeaf posafUt csencaia.ionf of matcrtan ' na style to fJX tho many ff la AaaiejsoJttlMr erlU ba freatar va- batter ha Regal Y artU ba freata rietr and b I aloe ha 1 bea the Kagal Sboee tx dAhaS dn) I esst T n.sw'lslat t::zz 13 tiz r rr Cannon Fetzer Co. WHY NOT BUT : Merry Widow Flour Th Best Hour sold in town. Already mixed needs no soda, salt or bsJdnr powdera and only half tht amoiint of laid. FBESH FLORIDA Every day, ,Phn na your or der and ba conrlncad of our good talnga. hahn - hotjeycutt corpany; . Ecr Terrible Experience than Bow Pennu Should Be ia Every - Eose to Prevest CclJt, ' Mrs. C S.'1-: t:: -fx:. ;: V- Baa raer, 1311 Wood land Ave, Kansas City. - Mo, write: vI feel It a ' duty to you and to other that may be af flicted ilk myself, to speak fay Parana. , "My trou ble lilt earn after la ar lpp t a h t or nine . years aco, a gath ering in my head and neuralgia. 1 autre r e d most all the 1 1 m a. My noes, , ears and y were badly arTMteft for th last two years. " I think from your deaorlDtlon of Internal catarrh that must have had that also, I Buffered eery aavereiv. ' " "Nothing ever relieved me Ilk Pe runa. It keep tn front taking cold. . "With the exception of aoma deaf- neaa I am feeling perfectly eurea. Bn forty-six years old. -1 "I fee) that word are Inadequate tc axptaas my praise for Parana." Everything FOB TIIE Garden ! PEAS, BEANS, ". OOBH, BADISH, BEET, 0ABBAOB, -: LETU0B, PABSinPS, 8AL8ATT, CUCUMBER, v -PAB8LET, OKBA ' ONIOir 8ET&V QIBS01T DUXJQ STE0E A v ? i' k ' v5l J v I Si- ' ML d I i foes, tired, worried or despondent It is a sure sign yoa need MOTTS NERVERINE FILLS. They renew th normal vigor and Dak life worth living. ; Be sore and art tar Motta Nerrerine PUU I???. WSUAMS MrG. CO, ISape., CWealaad. O . . Bold by Dark Drag Oompaay. - Mra C V Sageresf. tiJ ...i. ;:. -' l . r ': DENTISTRY I am now in th' Morris building, ovt tn Cabarrus Hsvinrs Bank. . SCtttfVMTel ivr .Lmv a,y. Charlotte, N. C, April i, 111. Cbana-a of aohedula RRAHOARn AtH UNB, effective noon Sunday, April 0, westbound trains leave Charlotte No. 113, dally, 10 09 a. tn, , Na 47, dall 4:t p. n- ' Kaatbound, dally: . No. 40, dally, 4:00 a. m, ' ' . . .' - , No. 41 daily. l;l a. a . . No. 44, dally, t:0 p. m. . Mn til. All ( It km Trains arrive la Charlotte a follows ironi tn east: - t - ' . .. No. ill, o.si a. m. ' J ' ; No 45, 13:01 noon. Na. I, 10:40 p. mf ' k''" ' " No. 40, T.3I P. n. U - Arrive from the wast: No. 40, 10.00 a. m. . No. 113, 7. OS p. m, .';' B. E LKARD, DVP. A, - f , Raleigh, K. 43, r JA Ell, Jr. T. P. A . , CharloUa, M. a - t--aw Summer Frock from The Standtvd Fash ionJSheerforMay? Free copies for the uktag We Carry LA REINE CORSETS In All Fashionable Designs . , of the day. v exquisitely graceful ex amples for slight, medium and large figures at ; . .- ' $1, $2, $3 and upward, and with every ohe zoes our guarantee, backed by the makers, of faultless fit, high est grade material and satis faction in wear. Try LA UElNHTnext time II - ... ....-. ttna-aadl h 1 Jlere'sthe " Place to 5 Buy your House Furnishings ' . r'', jflj-N'''. "" - W- L.,v ,' " .. :v . :. . X: ,The best productions "of, the leading maqufac-.;.; turers at lowest possible! prices, and a magni . ficent assortment to select from, with the fairest and squarest ' easy-to-pay terms you ever saw. BUY NOW PAY LATER At "The Store That Saves Yon Money" " ' :. COn VirrCHOG. FurrJturo .: C..3 Y. Suooose they fed YOU niptif fipfllpii nn in stffl tiifv r-tj it wouldn't be very "available" Well, if you give cotton u fer tilizer which the delicate little roots 'cannot assimilate it might as well be in steel tubes, , , V- " 1 ; , h The Southern Cotton OU Company's brands of fertilizers are made with special reference .to AVAILABILITY. They are ground fine. pont use any other, r .' . . - . . , Tb Sculhsra Cottoa Oil Co-, Charlotte, N. C. roa sals bx aliv OsUOxkb. Fcr Any VAzi cf Job Printing Ccr.io to 77.J Times Frinizry