i::c:::::j c:jly TnriTj 4, B, IHKRIULI I ittKurma itu Ta I aiaata Tkrw ttoatka . P Maatfc r in . ASvrtatl- ft " " Am, Oar lor cku HcTif Tbloas, HirtWHw'il ; m at-Uar artk-t . r etoyg TlkaraM i M" M . -- Asrtl . ISIS, at th. atonw-a aj I C w. ICC. ta act of March s. ISIS. A WMlk ?? Stoath watre Heath LIS JOllJl H. M1UBST. City Halt Concord, N. C, May 4, 1911. FRIENDSHIP. Ira trieadalilp'i law are by this rul exprest Welcome th coming, speed the parting guest. Alexander Pope. 8XX 1TVE DOLLAR GOLD PIECES FREE, As will be seen in announcement on tint page The Tribone will give thir ty dollars in gold to the six persons fatting the largest number of new subscribers to the paper between now and 9 o'clock next Saturday night. Three of these prizes will go to the eity of Concord and three outside, Ant, second and third prizes in each district. The prizes are to be given for tbe largest number of new sub scribers to The Tribune regardless cf TXU2 lCX-SOfK people. A Jtarta Cats Xa Qnmbow, K. V 'Tor a k tint I ih sa rua down and debilitated that I eeald kardly draf around. Mj appetite wa poor and I eoald not sleep aijrfcU. I had triad diffrrwit g -called tonic witsxmt beoeflU. I in adriaad to try J oar ood liver i iron tonic, Viaoi, and I so glad I did, for it faro soe a hearty appetite, I sooa commenced to sleep soandly and I feel strong, well and more aetire taan I have for years. Every run dowa or debilitated person should just give Yinoi a trial" K. Alls brook. (We (rnarantee this testimon ial to be genuine.) What Vinol did for Mr. Atlabrook it will dit for every weak, run-down or debilitated person in tbia vicinity. To show our faith wj will furnish the medicine free if it does not do as we claim. Come in and get a bottle on these terms. Gibson Drug Store. Louie Napoleon In A marie a. It Is noticeable that Princess Caro line, who subsequent!; knew the em peror so Intimately, makes no refer ence to the visit of Louts Napoleon to America In 1887. He was for two months In New York, where be lived at the Washington hotel, Broadway. It Is Interesting to know that be made tbe acquaintance of Washington Ir ving, whom be visited st 8nnnyelde. Irving bad also met Mile, de Montljo. On tbe occasion of tbe emperor's mar rlage In 18S3 he wrote, "Louis Napo leon and Eugenie de Montljo. emperor and empress of France, one of whom I bare bad as n guest at mv cottage on the Hudson and the other of whom When a child I bad on my knee .it Grenada." Princess Mttrat's Memoir. The Crnii n. Aa a weapon ml war the inkaw looted Sa ta Europe all tarouga is Buddie age, rvew so tote aa the Hm poteoalc ssvastoa mt Ruoasa It waa la as by the Cos sorts. Toe ere e bow waa a sbopi formidable laatruaseat of destmcttoa. ruesrarlns; ssoot favor bly wttfe tbe oM fasbtoaed ssosket. It waa wwa the bow ibat tae Bnatlaa woa tbetr rMirat4 victory ver the rreava la the Raa4r4 Tears -was, Ita Umber snafu often plates d tbe ar asor of tbe -walled cblvalry- aa asade tbe Brtttob yeousaa skare thee a saatrh for tae Frw katgat. Chfldrea Who an Sickly. Mothers wko Valoe their own fort and tbe welfare of their ehildren, shonld never he without box at Ma ther Qrmy's Sweat Powders for Chil dren, for use throughout the imnti. They break up Colds, Cora Fsrerisa nes. Constipation, Teething Disorders, Headache and Stoma eh Troubles. These Powders sever fail Sold by all drug stores, 25. Dont aeeept aay substitute. A trial package -will be sent free to any mother who will ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, La Boy, N. Y. Beware at Otatwata fa Catarrk t4 Otatala Slavearr. aa mercury will surely destroy tbs enra of small and completaly daransa. the whole ayatam when entering through the mucous surfaces. Buck articles ahould never be used accept on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do la ten fold to th good you can poeslbly derive from them. Haifa Catarrh Cur, manu factured by F. J. Cheney A Co, con tains no mercury, and Is taken inter nally, acting directly upon th blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It I taken in ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price, 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for Constipation. Want Perm of Ikia Trestle Quick! Oared by Inexpensive. Tree ran st. -Whan yea anffsr with aay skia trouble, area thong i lha itching na unbearable, do not think that it neeassary ta aa soesa disgusting greasy ointaient Trr Bokara, a pure Mad simple akin fooi, that is inaxanr teed to contain no grease or acids and bieu I. so cleanly it doe not sou the linen, - Ita power ta instant V relieve any irritation of the skia aoj nuks it toft bite and heauiiful ia almosi miraso loaa. - . Not, only are cniior skin Iroablea lika piawle blackhead s, aena, bar- bar's iteh, ete,, quickly eared, but the worst uieers or eases of salt rheum or ecaema are cleansed and healed by this wonderful akin food. Ia order that any one may try Ho- kara at small expense at Gibson's Drug 6 tor aelling a liveral aizrd jar at 26e and in addition uarante to refund the asoney if the treatment does not do all ttat is claimed fo it. Larger siie 50 cents. Oigson Drag Store. Us our Pasmy Oolanui H pays, . The Sound Sleep of Good Health. Cannot be overestimated and any I ailment that prevents it is a menace to health. J. L. Southers, Eau Clarie, Wis., says: "I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, because of pains 'across my back and soreness of my kidneys. Mv appe:ite was verv Door th length of the subscription, except . and my general condition was much that no subscription will be taken for : run down. I have been taking Foley less than one dollar. Of course this'Kidne.v Pills bl,t shrt time nnd . , . , ; now sleep as sound as a rock, my IS W addition to the regular prizes, ! my genera, eondition ig and voting coupons will be given as j pr0Ved, and I know that Foley Kid osnal on all subscriptions secured. iney Pills have cured me." M. L j Marsh Dmggist. It is gratifying to nole that at last the gigantic express monopoly is to be investigated by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The enor mous profits that these companies have made is to be exposed to view. Under the spur of protests of mer chants' associations and commercial bodies all over the country who have been complaining of extortionate charges for express transportation, the Commission has decided to get a the faces. Plans are nearly completed for an exhaustive investigation and definite announcement may be ex pected in a few days. In the petition that have reached the commission charges uniformly accuse the express companies of maintaining an ironclad monopoly, with unjust and unreason able rates. The commission is asked to make them just and reasonable. Figures are given to show that the American Express Company last vear made a profit of 150 per cent. Rev. J. A. Vance, for eleven years pastor of the Hyde Park Presbyterian hurch, in Chicago, has received a call from the First Presbyterian chnrcli in Detroit. He also has been called by the First church of Charlotte. Mr. Vance has not decided whether or not he will accept either call. One Conductor Helped Back to Work. Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, and he writes : "I was confined to mv bed with chronic rheumatism and used two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy with good effect. The third bottle put me on my feet and I resumed wort as conductor on the Lexington, Ky., Street Railway. It will do all you claim in case of rheumatism." It clears the blood of uric aicd. M. L. Marsh Drugist. We are glad to note the State De partment of Education is cooperating in the work of the establishment of local tax districts for the improve ment of the public schools. Last spring there were something like 150 of these local tax districts in the State voted and this spring it looks like then will be well over 100. Mr. Joy- ner s department is cooperating in every way possible in this work in the territory involved, C. H. Mebane, of the department, being especially in charge of this division of work. PARAGRAPHS. A jokasmith interprets D. A. R. as "Daughters of tbe Annual Revolu tion." . TheWeather Bureau ia farther in creasing ita usefulness to the people by reporting tbe weather conditions reor the British Isles so we can know when to turn our pants up because its raining in London. " , ; e, . ' ' Senator Bailey thinks that Bryan should not be in Washington. And Mr. Bryan thinks tbe same thing of Benator ttaiiey. . v We cant help wondering ahyly ev- , try bow and then if tha contributing editor of tha Ontlook calls Dr. Ab bott "Ly." Tha world doesn't owe us a living or it would be shipped to us C. 0, D, ' , . .s e ..: . .,....'. ...,...,. There is a good deal more spring fe ver ia Washington tban war fever. , i . , . . , y. A new member 'of Congress who w'..be to perfect himself in parti, r -rj procedure ud did not at i 1 U.e Daughters of tha American 'on. Congress missed his op- Sarcastic Exasperated Learner (to caddie) Why are yon dragging that lump of turf all over tbe links? Tbe Caddie I tbocbt that after a' the trouble ye bad dlggln' it np ye mlcbt like tae tak' It ha me tae practice on. London Tit-Bits. A Reliable Medicine Not Narcotic Mrs. F. Marti, St. Joe, Mich- saya: 'Our little boy contracted a severe bronchial trouble and as tha doctor 'a medicine did. sot cure him, I gave him Foley 'a Honey and Tar Compound in wnicb I have great faith. It cured the cough as well as tha choking and gagging spells, and he got well in a short time. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has many times saved us much trouble and we are never with out it in the house." M. L Marsh. Uruggist. A woman in Chicago wears a brace let on her ankle. Looks like a direct reflection on the police force. Safe Medicine For Children, Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a sale and effective medicina for children as it does a t contain opiates or barmiui drugs. The genuine Fol ey's Honey and Tar Compound is in a yellow package. M. L. Marsh, Drug- gw. . There as 2J.51.570 miles of wagon roads in the United States. Summer Frock from The Standard Fash ion Sheet for May. Free copies for the asking. We Carry LA REINE CORSETS In All Fashionable Designs of the day. Exquisitely graceful ex amples for slight, medium and large figures at $1, $2, $3 and upward, and with every one goes our guarantee, backed by the makers, of faultless fit, high est grade material and satis faction in wear. Try LA REINE next time nira-FkiiG. TO CUBE A COLD ZR ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. . Druggists ' refund money if it fails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature on every dox. v SENT A WOTTTRB GV TOTJB a BAST TO THE TEIBTJKB. . Would yon like to see your 11s- tie baby sweetheart peering at yon from tha columns of this pa par? If you bars a good picture of your baby, one that is aatia- factory to you, Jnst send it ia ta tha contest office and in will rs- produce it ia tha paper. Ws wiH return ths photo to you Ins good eondition as wa receive Ik. It via bo beat to gat ia as sooa aa possiUs ulttetobsacaasof "first coma, Ant served" ia this matter. ' " v : City Pressing (M I have purchased outrkbt a dn preparation for cleaning ladies' car- menta that I guarantee to giro satis faction, or I will mske no ohargs for the work. I am sola owner of this preparation and on sc count of the ex cellent aatisiactwn it haa given I make this proposition to the lapUet of Con eord and vicinity s fiend us any ar ticles or garments yoa want cleaned and after we ase this dry cleaning preparation o sthem, u they are not . l . j : . l. t. v i. wumj huhin nut in wura a wi make no charge. vJ s -: - 0. B. rOWKLSA, ftopristar. 'Phone 181 . ., VMtt Wrf fori dieeoavaied. " I eoofoed. ner. reus, tired, worried or dmmndeiit it ia a rare sign voa need MOTTO NERVER1NE PILLS. They renew tbe normal vigor aad make lite worth living, a ar aa tak ta Motra Nenrerine PiS . ' Sold ky Davis Drag Csxjacy. FRECKLES lew Draa Tiat QuUy Theaa Eoassty EpoU.- Taere's no longer the aUghteat need of feeling ashamed of your freckles for . a aew drug, Othiae doable trangtk baa bean discovered that is a positive cars for theaa boasaty spots. Simply get sea ounce of othiao dowbla atrsngih, fross Qibsoa - Drug Store and apply a title of it at aight, and ia tha aaorning yoa will see that area the worst have begua to disap pear, hila th liftt fraaklaa bare vaniahed entirely. It k aaUeaa chat mors thsn aa eunee ia Beaded to soav pietely clear tha akia aad gain a beaa tiful clear eomplexioa, . - Bo aura to ask- for tha double strength o thine, as this ia aold under guarantee of money back if it fails to remote the freeklea. - Foley Kidney Pills contain la eon pen t rat ad form ingradianta of estab lished therapeutic valua for ths relief and cure of all kidney and bladder acu mens. Foley Kidney Pilla are anti septic, tonie and restorative. , Refuse substitutes. M. L. Marsh, Druggist, Good for Twenty-Five Votes '' . IN THE Times and Tribune Grand Baby Contest For Parents Name Address Person Nominating VOID AFTEB HAT 8TH. ,A Li I s- i J 1- ". II W, A A" c5 A til ; f ,'r-l - -1 ''Mm I . X. 1 What is Dr. Carey's Marsh Root? This wonderful remedy is a prescription used 'by Dr. Carey, with mar- elous sHcresa. for many years in the treatment of Kidney and Bladder roubles, Bright s Disease, and difficulties of the Liver. Dr. Carey has designatel this remarkable formula as "Prescription o. 777." It consists of a combination of roots snd herbs culled from Nature's own laboratory," scientifically compounded, for the benefit of all sufferers from those dread incases. ' DR CAREY '8 MARSH ROOT REALLY CONTAINS Bucliu Uvi I'rsa Srone Root Hydrangia Goneh Grass , Sal Nitre Sal Pal met o Stillinria Mandrake, Ete. This splendid remedy has proven itself to be the greatest specific for Bright 's Disease, known to medical science. Dr. Carry's Ifarsh Root ia a sure relief for Diabetes, all Urinary troubles, Retention, Scanty, Stop-' page too Ftequent and Brick-dust. Catarrh of the Bladder, Gravel and Gall Stones are positively removed by this treatment. - - In cases of Spermatorrhoea, Debility and Seminal Weakness, Dr. Car ey s Mnraii liot, win build up and restore to a condition . of perteet health. It restores the Liver to a healthy and normal condition. And makes the Blood rich, red and healthy, . li BANK DRAFT GUARANTEE WITH EVERT BOTTLE CAN WE BAT HO RET Read this positive evidence. - . ' The following statement given to Dr. Carey, in regard to the remark able cure of A. B. Morse, formerly of Nebraska, and Now residing at No., 361 Columbia Street, Elmira, N. Y. " , ; J I was suffering from Kidney a nd Bladder trouble, and. waa so bad that I had given up all hope. I was induced to try a bottle of Dr. Carey's Marsh Root. To my surprise and sa tisfaction I at once could sea a change in my condition. I continued to use this valuable remedy and eaa bow aay that I am entirely cured. I am seventy-two years old and comparatively a well man, and cannot say too much for Dr. Carey V Marsh Boot Kidney and Bladder Cnre. (Signed.) A. B. ROYSE. SCHLOSS I BALTIIIORE CLOTHES Schloii Baltimore Clother are the Aristocrat! of ..the Clothing World. , Yet ho man need be afraid of them, nor any purte fail to reach them , . - - . Tie? Cost Nr Hore-Ttia tie Ordiatry. . , They ; are " designed and made for every walk . of lleV t ; ;; rv" ,THE YOUISG 'pW-.&'- The ' athletic - young fellow who v IDsea touch of life in both ' Ettern and cut of his suit will find the things he wants In Schloss Itimore Clothes but hell find that touch of refinement and ale-. jant and quite out of the ordinaiy. ' : ;' : ' - 'v THE YOUNG ' BUSINESS MAN The man who cannot Indulge in the extreme things of his mllattCTa tflav' Kllf wtlA till Mwtm ftA fksa Issmafin1 amfvb MriAw1aa eaawl waas awa w aaw aaoaaa aissaa f VISV SSSaVVr oiaaasi a SllVruvaai eaMIW exclusive weaves will also find in Schloss Baltimore Clothes the' things he likes.. -' ;, ' ,l ..' THE ELDERLY MAN , The man who is conservative the man of affairs whose taste runs to the sedate he also will find Schloss Baltimore Clothes hls Clothes."- . ; While conservative in .Materials and Models they are far from being "dead" ; While quite in weave and color they are far from beine or dinary. , Elegance markes them as CorrecCClothes for Gentlemen. No - matter wfcatmaY be -vear form' or ftroife there is Sckloss Baltimore Model for yon.' No matter what may be your occupationdoctor or lawyer, merchant or bank er, or rural ge&ileaeii-there ;ii an appropriate Schloss Models. SUITS S1S.00 TO , $35.00. . Trial Sia flfl'I CKNTS. Lavs Bttl iaala two aa ewe-hall m aa mmmm aa Trial siaa, rnta aHl.liASU a posrrnnB bank draft ovab;aktkk with bach - omh' dollaji aOTTLSL - . - GIBSON DRUG STORE, Concorde Na C. IOCOLEIj Inner Tubes Fori'licliQlinand all rtWEnvelopb The majority of motor-' ists throughout the world are satisfied users of- IVtehclin laser Tebes. ... 717 arc the testjzd;es. Isel sW fceeVf', y IN STOCK DY . . ; Cczccrd V.: 10 E. Corbia St. IzrCttV'T L.E.COGER. Caniion m Fetzer i Co. Here's the Plac2rto Buy your , ; House Furnishings The best productions of thc leading manufac turers at lowest possible prices, and : a magni ficent assortment to select, from, with, the fairest and ' squarest easy-to-pay terms you , ever saw. BUY NOW PAY LATER , V At 'The Store That Seres You Money" Ill v;e::it . : - i:i kid Ixfy Usxti Aisrt tsx&At Tbe Wcrua's Tcnlc cr.4 Is Kow Eairc b Ks Praise. Mount Pleannt, Teaav-CarduI Is sH roa claim far K aad awe," writes Mrs. M. E. Rail, of this plan. "I was great sufferer for t years and was very weak, but I learned about Car 4id, and decided to try It Now lamia perfect health. .. r - T , "My daughter, wbea, changing Into womanhood, ft la very bad health. : I gave her Cantui aad now. she enjoys good health. , " . nUidul Is worth Its weight to gold. 1 recommend H lor young snd M ? i Being romposed exduslrsly of harat less vegetable ingredients, with a mild sad gentle medicinal action, Card id is lha best medicine for weak, sick girls and tranea. "iYvv-S;.' wl It has bo harsh, powerful. Bear-poisonous action, ilka some of the stron minerals and drugs, but helps nature ts psrform a cure la a natural easy way. Try CstduL . H r 'i,..4.rvM.,r. " ft.. S'T.S irfl Lose leaf le' -"r s'.e-'s for lloorali bin ' -s kx t ia stotk at lha Trib r st . ..... U WHT K0T BTTx ' r.IarryridsvFIczr - Tha Beet Flour sold in towa. ' Already mixsd needs a soda, . salt or baking powders, aad only half ths amount of lard.. ' TBXSn TUOJDK B;Mit::j.i:i''I:::i (Every day. .Phona as your or ders and be convinced of ear ". gOOd SlltaaTM:-!" ;!'"-- iiaikj - i:o::eycutt ' COtlPAflY. - Everything - - FOB THE - ' 1 : liardzh ! PSAS, BEANS, ' - ooaif, badish; -. V BEET, CABBAGE, ' ' LETUCE. PABSNTfS, - - ' eALSATT, CUCU1SSEB, PARS LET, OSKA ' - OlTIOIf ELT3. cr:c:7 Dr.ua circn DZnTISTHY I am now la the ITorr's tn"'Ir over ths CsUrrus bavu I ... . IL 0. LL'.3.'.