I..:. ::c::Lnn::::: s,aecBurtw fva Tr ---U 1 InrM XuUI..". '. ., ... Da tUtlt ... . -- Lit r tU.UlUt ANMOVNCKKKItT. . ' AlnMlahig Ml eaa V fcaS at lb tfflc. Oar far ataMM as la at 1 'clock a. a. Cr4 at Taaak HeeolaMane of St ana similar arttrlM are ehr! at lk rata at easts par Una -cask la '"gStarSs a (can elan mall nutter Aartl H, lt, al IN paatoBW e Ooa--.r. K C. a4r tba act of March 1. 117. a a Ik asty aa r aMi tbaJWtow. aa taa smni a Maatk t Mentha Warea Maatfca jnat SL. L.BSBT CMy Elte Concord, X. C, Friday, May 3. 1911. OBEDIENCE. Is the grandeet thine al lb world to begin with. 1 do aat think tba time will eer coma Waea wt ana II not bava eome tfcinf to do, baciuaa wa ara told ta da it, without knowing why. a a The one essential of chiv alry waa obedience. George bfacdooald. HOW WE CAN DO IT. Many people express themselves as being unable to see how we can afford j to give away $."i00.00 in gold to the fbnr most popular- babies in ( un cord and elsewhere. It is a simple bnainess proposition with t.s. In or-' I dor to increase the circulation of our iwo papers, The Tribune ami The Times, we are induced to offer these large prizes. We want more new snh Subseribers, as circulation is what in duces the advertisers to use our col umns and at an increased price. We ara working for the future, not the present. If we do not make a cent directly in this contest, we expect to reap the reward in the future in in creased advertising business. Thut ia why we can afford to do it. Dr. H. Q. Alexander, President of tha North Carolina Fanners' Union, baa written a letter to Congressman Webb, of the ninth district, endors ing bis position on reciprocity. The letter in part is as follow : "I approve f your course in op posing the reciprocity treaty with Canada and it was presented to the Souse by the Presidem. Thai treaty ia not fair or just, it seeks to low W the eost of living but taxes the farmer with the reduction, without it any way compensating him for his toss. And I am not sure that it "Would even lower the cost of food products to the consumer. All arti cles pnt on the free list are in the taw state. No manufactured prod nets are admitted free. The farmers nd laborers produce the raw material ''land convert it into the finished prod "ttt. Capital is protected. The man 'most fight unaided for his living. The dollar is placed above the man. This baa been ihe policy of our govern ment in all tariff legislation. It is a shame and an outrage on a so-caled "free people. The masses have toler 'ated it just about long enough." Tha people are beginning to see that ' all is not gold thai glitters in this '-Canadian reciprocity business, and ' that Senator Simmons and Congress men Donghton, Webb and Oudger '''know what tbey are doing when they ' oppose it. j m. v ... . jwivrawi unnrcn viasus session at Thonusville. f Thomasville. Mav 4 Th. n..;. r tha Reformed church, of North Caro i lina, in session here, formally organ ; iied last night by electing the follow ; ing officers: resident, Prof. J. A. Ford, ,:Ph. D, of Newton vice-president, John f'B, Huffman, of Burlington; reading elerk, George E. MeCorkle; corres ponding secretary, Rev. Shnford Peel ;, er, of Greensboro. Tonight at 8 o'clock, Hon. Charles C. Barnhardt, of High Point, address fad tha alaaaia on "The Laymen 'a Ae- tivitj in the Home Congregation." i- Tha elaseis is holding morning, af- iariuiMi MnA H&.i.. : , :,i - -- " rervicc ana wui ; be in Msnoa until Sunday night. Tba morning session today was ta- -r r fm.wuMta iciwim i from tba various charges of the ' Siata. Then rennrta iW m AmAA : growth ia membership and quit a : larga increase in Sunday school at- tsadanee. . . . ,-r v-.. i 'Dr. 'J. P, Moore, for many years a " j vvajjau, aiienutng me .t fllftftata. TT will . e : obk vu xun;igu , missiona when that subject cornea up for diawaioa-c:-.-5 h,,, . ; Tha layman 's movemenet waa the ; maia feature on tonight 'a program. ' Soma of the best speakers wen beard V on this important subject. . tzl. 1 tzzzo m i to i dats " I i L'.uimmt is gnaranteed to aura ' ' f I'ahing, BUnd, Reading 1 Files La 8 to 14 days or 7 i -so.' ova, s SUNDAY SCHOOL. Lesson VU Second Quarter, For May 7, 1911. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Tart af tne Laeaan, II Cars. vl, Stt Vareee, 11b SB Oeldea Tart. vi II Cammawtory Pieaaisd be "lav. D, M. oHearwa. As wa consider tha Ores of these kings af Jodsa wa moat remember that tha throoe at Jerusalem m called tha throna or tba Lord, and tboaa who reigned tliera were kings for tba Lord their God (I Chron. zxtx, 23; II Chron. U. 8). There wero algbt king of whoa It la written that they "did right la tha alght of tha Lord," and thla t"i sUb. or Aiarlah, was ona of tha alght (verse 4; II Kings it, 13). Bat they only did right In soma measure, soma more, soma less, and all failed Id many things. The time is still fature whea oris of doing business are chief attrae the twelTe tribes shall be ona king- toins which move ambitious young men dom and a king sitting on tba throne and women to the cities and towns. If of David at Jerusalem who shall reign more up-to-date methods sre adopted la righteousness, bringing peace, quiet- generally on the farms it will accom nass and assurance to all Bla people ,,jgh much toward reducing this rai and to all the world (Esek. axivll. al.1 CT,tiin from the farms; it will ereat 82; Isa. zxxll, 1, IT). I new interest among the old a well as But It shall be, for the mouth of the the volmg and farm iife mo Lord hsth spoken It. "They shall call ) tractive to the real live and ambit Jerusalem the throne of the Lord, and j()1g citizen. all the nations shall be gathered unto It, to tha name of the Lord, to Jerusa lem" (Jer. HI. 17). At that day It shall be said "The King of Israel, even Je hovah, Is In the midst of thee; thou ahalt not see evil any more" (Zeph. ill, IB). "And Jehovah shall be king over all the earth" (Ze, h. xiv, 9i. In those days the kingdom and nation that will not serve Israel shall perish and be ut- ' tarly wasted (isa. tx. r.'i. Aitnougn , I Dsxlah reiitned Bftv two years, his . whole story is found In this one lesson chapter aud In the nrst seven verses of 11 Kings xr. In his days Isaiah and Amos were the .prophets, the Lord's messengers (Isa. 1. 1: Amos I, 1). full of rebuke for sin, hut also of predic tion of a glorious future for Israel when she shall receive her Messiah. Every good king should turn our thoughts to the Son of Uod, the King of Israel (John I, 491. and their failures set Htm forth more brightly as the one who will never fall nor be discouraged. VJzzlah seems to have been greatly helped by a prophet named .echarlah, who had visions of Uod (verse 5) not the one who wrote "the book hearing his name, for be lived after the cap tivity, nor the one ot II Chron. xxlv, 20, 21. who was stoned to death for bis faithfulness. It Is a great thing to aea God, and this we can do In Jesus Christ, who said "He that bath seen Ale hath seen the Father" (John xiv, 9). We can by the Spirit behold the glory of God In the face of Jesus Christ (II Cor. lv, 4. iti. and thus we shall be enabled to help others to see Him. too, and know lllni. While this prophet helped him lie s.nulii the l.ortl. and God made him to proswr (verse ,"n. He seems to haw heen prospered through most or his ii-lpn. ohI helped hiiu asHiusi his etieiuL's, oilier nation brought Kir1 to him. and his nauiei spread abroad iverses T. Si. Thus iod , honors those w ho liouor Hiiu. It was SO duriuK part of the reiyn of Snloniou when the ipieen of Stiflm and all kings of the eanh sought him :unl brought him gifts til Chron. ix. !S. !t. rJ i. So It sbnll te In an unpi'ei'cdtMiled degree when .leans Christ shall be King III Jerusalem. Thi-n shall all iiatious. like the wise men from Ihe east, bliug their treasures unto Hiiu (Isa. Ix. 9 11). I'zziau was so greatly blessed that be became self sufficient, strong In himself instead of in the Uird, and then he fell. He presumed to take upon him the office of a priest and to burn iucense In the house ot God, and the Lord smote him wltb leprosy, and be became a leper unto the day of his death and had to live In a separate boose. The only King of Israel who will be a priest upon his throna will be the man whose name is tba Branch (Zech. vl, 12. 13). He will be a priest forever after the order of Malcblxedek, who was both priest and king (Gen. Hv, 18; Pa. cx, 4; Heb. vll, 1, 17). If we are redeemed we ara kings and priests unto God and ahall reign with Christ when He reigns (Rev. 1, 6; v, , 10). Back of thla sin of TJsxiah it la not difficult to aea the great adversary who said "I will be Ilka the Host High" and who said to Eve, "Ye shall be aa gods" (Isa. zlv, 14; Gen. HI, 5). Humility, not pride, la tba characteris tic of a true child of God, realising that we are not aufflclent of ourselves to think anything aa of ourselves, bat our sufficiency la of God (II Oor. Ill, ). The only way for na ia to ba "strong to the Lord and In the power ot Hla might," having ao confidence auraerrea, for In na that Is. In onr' flash dwelleta ao good thing (Eph. vL 10; Phil. Ill, 3; Bom. vlL 18). TCa have a greaf High Priest who Is touched wltb a feeling ot oar loflrmltlea and who la able to aavt to tba uttermost aU of tboaa who coma unto God by Him. . " ' Let aa rejoice to Hint and aerva Him with all humility, remembering to do justly, love mercy and walk bom bly with oor God. All self righteous ness, aelf eufnetency, pride and ambt-tlon-to ba somebody or something apart from Jeans Christ wa must shun aa wa would the flam nimeeir. - , : ; it ia written ot ussiah that "aa long aa aa aougni tno uora, ooa tnsae mm to prosper" (verse S), This' Is In ac cord with Josh. I, 7. 8; Fa. 1. 18. Traa seeking br always according to Jer. zxlx, lL and tha exhortations thereto ara vary plain la Isa. try 6; Zeph. tt, IV Consider Hezeklab In II Cbroa. nod, 20, and alas as Ezra 0, 1& i - TIP ' i -a, TAMXZX SHOULD KZXT BOOKS. ru aiaa- riiw wra Be rua4 m Kore Satisfactory Basis TWaby. How auay farmers ia Cahamta eouaiy "keep hooka "f . Tba matter af farm amounting has m-etvad alnost as mack alteotica dur inf the past few rears af tba agricul taral colleges and farm institutes aa moat ot the important crops sad fann activities hare. And tha work is be ginning to bear fruit. While faw far mers of this aeetioa have anything hke a regular set of office books it ia a fart that many do keep ac urate tab oa all expenses and receipts sad all ot them ara paying mora at tent Inn to the fittla details that were one neglected. Any business may be plated on a better and mors aatisfartory basis when there is a regular aeoanting of profit and lows. The farmers by this method may determine what ara bis beot paying eropa and then pay more attention to these trope. The keeping of sueh aeeoants tenda to increase a man's interest in bis business a well as to teach him how to make it suc cessful. Intelligent, business-like metb The Sound Bleep of Good Health. Cannot be overestimated and any ailment that prevents it is a menace to heakh. J. L. Souttiers, Eau Clarie, Wis., says: "I have been onable to .1 ii : .l , i m : u'6u, f ".v back and soreness of my -J appemo was very poor onH mv rronAra I AnHihAn wa mmh j v- " , run down. I have been taking Folay Kidney Pills but a short now sleep as sound as a time nnd rock, my my general condition ia greatly im proved, and I know that Folej Kid ney Pills have cured me." M. L. Marsh Druggist. Tha Right Time. "When shall I take the sleeping pow der, doctor?" -Well, about fifteen iniu utes before you go to sleep." Exchange. Foley Kidney Pills contain in con centrated form ingredients of estab lished therapeutie value for tha relief and cure of all kidney and bladder ail mens. Foley Kidney Pills ara anti septic, tonic and restorative. Refuse substitutes. M. L. Marsh, Druggist. Hortas In War. In one ot his campaigns Napoleon saved only t.inio of the 121. fJI borsea With w In, ll lie slarled. nv - Summer Frock from The Standard Fash ion Sheet for May. Free copies for the asking. We Carry LA REINE CORSETS In All Fashionable Designs of the day. uxquisiiciy . graceful ex amples for flight, medium and large figures at - H ? ; tfy ' ' - ' .'"'-''"!'.. " $V JJ2,;$3 and upward,' and with every one goes our guarantee,- backed by the makers, of faultless fit, high I- ,mj, f ' j ? 8rede material and satis faction in wear. Try LA REINE next time 1 Ckl4a Bss naataa. : Cbieara, liay J Tba demand fat rata ia Chicago ia great and tba sup ply ia f ar U aaaaU. Pricea tbraatea t ga op rapidly. - Deputy I ailed 6ataa Marshall Ed ward Marsalea saada efforts ta day to obtaia 20 live rata ta nil aa order from frank Kbcr, who ia eonttMted witb a telcphoea eompaay at Bock ford.' ; . , "Nothing doing today," was the re ply of the ratcatchers. VWa bare avaay orders ahead of joa. Tba anp ply doesn't asset the demand. Aa aooe as Wa get to you in rotation your order will ba tiled." The rata ara need ia placing rabies. A rat ia loosed in a pi pa through which a cable U to be placed. Then a airing ia tied ta a ferret, -which is allowed to cwraae tha rat. In that way a aauli string ia put through the pipe and later the cable is pulled after it. aa mercury will . eurelr atror tha saaaa of email a4 csnplatalr aaranai tha whole srataaa whtn antaflas Ihroufh the maceaa aurfaeaa. Saeh artlclM ahoaM aevar ba uaed ascapt on preaertptleu fiwaa reputable ahjralclana, aa the daasaa tbar will da ie tea fold to tha food yon can posalbly derive from thara. RaJI'a Catarrh Cure, (tana facturad br P. 1. Chenaf Ca, con tains no marcurr, and la takaa inter nally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous mrfacaa of tha ayatem. In buying Haifa Catarrh Cure ba aura yon set tha fanotne. it la taken la tarnally and made in Totado, Ohio, by F. J. Chancy A Co. Teatlmonlala tree. Sold by Drngglata. Price, lie par bottle. - Take Hall'a Pam'ly Pllla for Conatl nation. MT. PLEASANT, R. F. D. NO. 1. Most of oar farmers are through planting their cotton. The peach Crop will be short in our neighborhood this year. Miss Zora and Bart ha Cox has re turned homo from Palraerville where they have bean attending school this winter. Mr. Howard Bost, Fannie Smith, Luther Harwood. Rettie Cravton, Hampton Smith and Dora Furr, all Waited Dr. Harrington's last Sunday evening and enjoyed a nice time. A number of our voung people are expecting to attend the big picnic at Mr, John Dry a Ascension day. A number of onr yonng people are expecting to go to preaching at Locust Baptist church next Sunday. Coma along, No. 9 correspondent and let 's hear from von. BLUE EYES.. India Rubber. Id Hrazll the India rubber gatherer will average sixteen pounds of Juice every day Ona Conductor Helped Back to Work. Mr. Wilford Adama ia bis name, and he writes: "I waa confined tamv bed with chronic rheumatism and used two bottles of Foley's Kidnev Remedv with good effect. The third bottle put me on mv feet and I resumed wore aa conductor on tba Lexington, Ky., street nan way. u wui do all yon ciaim in case ox rheomatum." clears the blood of uric aicd. M Marsh Drugist. , it Ji Not Poeeible. "la there a good parting acene lu that Play?" j . :. "No; the heron baId."-Excbange. Safe Medic&is Tor Children, Foley's Hone and Tar Comoonnd is a sale and affactiva nuulimna for children as it docs n t contain opiates or harmful drugs. The genuine Fol ey 'a Honey and Tar Compound ia la a yeuow package. M. L. Marsh, Drng gwt. :-y - Loom Leaf Ledger sheets of many oinereni ainos lor sals at The Tiaies-Tribnn,o6a. QoocJ for Twenty-Five Votes IN THE .' s limes t:.d Tribune Grand Baby Cdest j For Parents Name... ...l-...... Addresa...: . Person Kondnating ...M...... VOID ATTES HAT 8TH. KEW YO Jt nrfrr. ah f s ILzt is Uczt in Hotel life ; Nv. A .' - ' t H . . Recognized f or years as the headquarters oi New YcA 1 y repredve Tishors from every state In tins uruon. "' M (V jAnT .-r " at HM , Wn.UIaa,paUL , OtFECTJON AT CONSISTENT RATES 1 " , JVv . BOOKLET . . . " 50i Ave, and 30th St. s's 1 ' 4k LaxsJ nrst Wi3 CooUaae yalaabls Aaacy. Marsh's Dnar Flora at this aity bar tost ehajad a deal whereby tbey will seemane to ba egs-rta for HMO tba well known rsssady for Eeema, Daadraft, and all diseases at tba skia and aralp. Tha extraordinary - leap that this clean liqsid nxternal treatment for akia affect ians baa mada into public favor ia tha last few.ysara proraa ita wonderful curative properriea and makes it indeed a valuable addition to tba fine stork of remedial agents car ried by Marsh 'a Drug Store. Tbey bars a limited supply of aata- ptoK Ona of which will ba given free to any akin sufferer who wishea to text the BMrit of tba eoedieiae, -A ooklet "How To Prseerr Tba Skin." will also ba given to thoes interested. Tha tyre Tie. How did yon get that new aoitr Had a sure tip on a boras race." "I never knew ona of tboaa stirs tips to psa ant." "Neither did I. o I didst play It Put tha mooey Into thla suit instead." Louisville Cuurter-JoaraaL -' CaJMrta Wao ara Sickly. Mothers who value their own com fort and tha welfare af their children, should never ba without a box of Mo ther Gray 'a Sweat Powders for Chil dren, for osa throughout tba aeaaoa. Tbey break np Colds, Cure Feverish- oca, iUHBiipaiuni, xeaiuuig maoTaera, Headache and Stomach Troubles. These Powders never fail Sold by all drag stores, 25s. Dont accept any substitute. A trial package will be sent free to any mother who will ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, La' Soy, N. Y. FOR WOMEN Here's a woman's stock- . ing of quality and wear. " Yoo are proud of once they grace "your feet. The way they fit and the way they wear is a revelation. 1 Their dye ia one of theb superla tive features. The brightest, truest, surest, most lasting black 'and tha richest shade of tan known to hosiery making. Dyed with Won. derdye fast to the last. Mada for all affee and ' atsea, for women and mlases. ' Foor pairs to the boar " Sl-00, or a de-lose grade, ' three pairs to the bos -$1.00. Tba - guarantee - insures ' the , toe, beel and sole against ,' need of darning for four'; aacatba. White-Morrison- .:.; - Flowe Company, TsfTTV aw gaw.. ' yaffil m It r It v -i Li lu w J "... cf Life SCHLOSS BALTIL20RE 7 GLOTIIES Schloss Baltimore are the Aristocrats Clothing World Yet no man need be afraid of them, nor any purse fail to reach them. r 'r - Hey Cort No fWTba- tleOrdaarj. ;A r f They . are ' desieued and marl rir ' xr-w wallr . t Iife-"-for every occasion. '". : -THE YOUNG CHAP - The athletic vonnir fellnar patters and cut of his suit will find the things he wants in Schloss Baltimore Clothes but hell find that touch of refinement and ele gant and quite out of the ordinary. . . . - THE YOUNG BUSINESS MAN , The . man who cannot indulge in tk. .vtm. i;nn. nrhU college days but who still clings to the "snappy" smart models and exclusive weaves will s also find in Schloss Baltimore Clothes the things he likes.' -,' j' 'V:"" " THE ELDERLY MAN .The man who Is conservative the man nt affatr.wKA.. runs to the sedate he also will "his clothes , ,.. ',.-"' :;".'"'-'---!"Tv?-'': - ' While conservative in Materials arid Model tbev being "dend." ' :j ' : While Quite in weave and idinary. Elegance markes them No' mtter irtut uiy be. joar form or figure ' there u a ScUoss Eahimort Model for yon. No matter wbt may be your occupationdoctor or lawyer, merchant or bank er, or rural gentlemen there u an appropriate Schloss Modek SUITS $15.00 , TO $35.00. CaaEon Here's the ' 4 : Place to :Buy your House Furnishin The best productions of the leading manufac- turers at lowest possible1 prices, and a magni ficent assortment to select from, with the fairest and squarest easy-to-pay terms you ever-saw. ; ' vBUY NOW PAY LATER : : At Hie Store That Save You Kloney' : ; VZrJ CnOO. Furnituro & t!.:;;jr.":r.: Conrpc.iy. : j Gilt I bava parchaaed outright a dry preparation for cleaning ladiea' gar ments that I gnaranta to givn satis faction; or X will make ao charge for tbs work. I am sols wner of this preparation and on aeeotrnt of tha ex cellent satiafaetion it baa given I make thia vjronoeitkra ba tha leUies of Con- eord and "vielflityt Ueod na any ar- tiolea or garmwta yon "want alaanad and' after wa naa thia dry elaanins preparation o attaem, U tbsy are not entirely aatiaflad' with the work I will aiako-netharfB. o. a. rowxLES, Tvvtom. : 'Pbons US. When you fcel vnas, tired, worried or iwvmlmt it la a snre slga yoo need blOTT'3 NJtVERINE PILLS. They leaew tba normal vigor and auka life worth liviag. Ba am aaS ask tar Rlotfa rJemnae PCs Efi5 WUJAKS h'SG. CO raav, Clmk, , Boli by Daris Drag Company. A IU:.'.tla Itadldiia Hot Kareotie Mrs. P. Karti, Ct. Joe, Mich, say: "Our lit?! la boy contracted a aevere bronchial tronl'e and as tba doctor's medicine tUi-Bot emw- him, I gars bim Foley Honey and Tr Compound in wUeb I tava r sat f a. It era red tbs ofl;:h as wi 4 as C. t' oVirg' and p,rl.iar.spi:fi,.Ej l fat weU in a hIhji 'Case. ' frier's I --y and Tar Compound iai tuacy times eaved na much trouble and wa ara never with out it in tba bousa." M. I Marsh, A- '"; Clothes m ,f-l v of the m MZJ'' . f N I - ' ? y " -J whn lite, a -" irk cS I if. In Kntk find Schloss Baltimore Clothes --. : - . . coldr thev arc for from hclncr nr. as Correct Clothes for Gentlemen. Fetzer Co. WHY H0t BUT ; t . s Kerry llfidawFIczr Tbs Best Flour sold la town. Already i&ixedr needs no soda, salt or baking powders, and only half tbs amount of lard. FRESH FLORIDA : ; Every day. .Tboaa as your er ders and bs conTincad of onr good things, i , HAHN HOEYCin"! COMPANY. v Everything , t Mn Nil wja ... . ( ua xxi a, ' Garden J PEAS, BEAKS, ' 0ORIT, BADISH, LETUCB. PABSinPS'. PARS LET, OJUtA 0KI0N 8ETS. DENTISTRY I am now in tha Morria bui'Jlng, over tba Cabarrus Savlnpa Bank. mm- t l Pr I - ' -

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