' ? : y3GZJi .CRM UOWJK. ....... I VOL -XXI j Fric. M Casta a Koatt. CONCORD, N. CL. FHIDAY. MAY 12; 1911 V?vjfioto. V NO. 259 I IGV TC-IZ EG CONTEST DiYr all votes to have double valuz Work Done Between Now and Saturday Night to Be Important Factor In Race for Valuable Prizes and Winners of Honor. ' Subscription Campaign Unusually Uvely-All Inter - est Is Centered In Contest Leaders Additional Contestants Entering the Race from Day to Day Watch for Change in the Vote Schedule. SAST DAT AT TEH AIR DOME. - - It it not tot lata to etad a picture of year BUI baby sweetheart to the contort office.. Ws (till have time to repiadno & picture both In ths paper and on tho curtain at fho Air Doma, ,-Baby Say the Theatre U always a day of the greatest excitement v . Don't neglect to ban tho darling's faea smiling at joa from the cur- tain. If yea haven't a good plotsra Double the usual amount of votes on every aubeerrption turned to tha contest manager up to nine o'clock Saturday night. Suppose you have written a aubaeription to tho Tribune for three or four months, in plaea of tho 1,000 vote you will receive 2,000, for ais months you will get 8,000 and one year, just think of it, 18,000 voice, or. a subscription to The Times for one year meaaa 0,000. Just see where this will put your baby and what a start it will give tho darling. ' Suppose you are behind, how lone is it going to tako you to overtake the leaders with 18,000 Totea on every yearly sub scription you turn in to the office. How often do you get a chance to win tha amount of money we are offering f It isn't a piano or a set of dishes but , 150 golden dollars. And it means a few 'days steady work among your, for the opportune moment,, the time freinda just persistent, steady work. when their votes why eonnt. Take ad No excuses are going to do in this vantage' of these double votes. That keenly exciting race! If you do not win is our final warning, take advantage it ia going to be. nobody's fault but I of these double votes. - - PERSONAL MENTION. Some of the "People Kara and K where Who Coma and Go. i; Mrs. Claude- Ramsaur is spending the day in Charlotte. - . Miss Mary Fisher is visiting rela " tivea in Greer, S. C. Mrs, M. L, Stevens, of Asbeville, is v in Concord today. v - s Mrs. Fletcher Smith, of Salisbury, is visiting Mrs. M. L. Brown. - Mies Annie Barrier, of Salisbury, is visiting Miss Pearl Barrier. ;-. - Mrs. W. G. Caswell, of Salisbury, , ia visiting 'Mrs. J. C. Wadsworth. ". Mr.' Charley Krider has gone to Charlotte io spend several days. - - ' . Miss Evelyn Qrier, of Harriaburg, . is the guest of Miss Louise Means. i Misa Grace Johnson, of Bock' Hill, - S. C, ia visiting Mrs. E. J. BraswelL ' ' Mr. Maury Richmond ha gone to 'Mooresville on a abort business trip. ' . Capt. Q. E. Smith La- gone to New- bern to attend the meeting of the ...Bhriners. i "Mrs. D. R. Coleman, of Bellville, , Canada, la visiting her brother, Mr. . Charles. Me DonaU. , ;. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Harris and lit- . tie daughter will leave tonight for - their home in Eaton ton, Ga. ; : Mrs. . TUlar, who ia - visiting her daueMer, Jirs.''. O. - itoeers, is spending the day jn' Charlotte. - y Meedamea M. L. and J. W. Cannon, ; Jr., have gone to Winstbn-Salem to v visit Mrs. J. B. Douglass. ' 'Mr. Garab Caldwell, 'of Monroe, spent yesterday afternoon in the city ' . with his father, Mr. D. A. Caldwell. v -Miss AQit fimith, who haa been visiting Mrs. M. G. Ueaton, haa re turned to her borne in Lynchburg, , Virginia. . , v s s 1 - Mr. William Branson and William Sherrill returned last flight on No. 30 from the Webb School at iiell . Buckle, Tenn. " --.- ' Mr. S. R. Winter, of the staff of . Webster's Weekly,, spent yesterday ' afternoon' in the city, and was a pleasant caller at this office. : -'. Messrs. E. C and J. C Widenhonaa, who have been attending achool at . : Rutherfordton College, have gone to : Indiana, where they will work for the .. Home Educational Co. "Mr. Robert Campbell fit Cadartown, Ga., who made the 1010 trip in the Journal-Herald 'a New York to At lanta initial tour, ia a visitor in the eitv today, traveling in hie machine. Misa Reciproeity called at tha Sen 'ate, but the latebetiing wasn't bang wa will tako oao froa of eharg, your own. Get to work and give sub stantial evidence of tKo love you have for ybur little awetheart. Do not give anyone a chance to Bay that then ia a father or .mother in Concord and vicinity who loves their baby any bet ter than yon love youra. " Ton surely have aa many friends as anyone- in the contest and why not get out and see those friends. While the weather ia so delightful ia the time to get started before the real hot dmya come. Just think what yon have at stake and make no fur ther delay. : - ' ? i- , "Defer no time, delaya have danger, oua ends." Now, this means yon. Don't think , for a moment that we mean your neighbor; we mean you. Now ia the time for those friends of the contestants who have been waiting - . Stanly County Newa. ' Albemarle EnterprieeAi I Mr. and Mrs. M. J Harris. A. C, Parker and J. M. Harris attended ser vices at Rocky River church, in Ca barrus, Sunday, making tha trip in an automobile..- . . .; '.,...'!.:;' . Rev. and Mrs. McCullough are at tending the Synod at Wilmington, Mrs. A. 'H. Black welder, of Concord. staying in the home here until their return. -. ' Our little city is getting ud much enthusiasm in automobiles, ibere. be ing fourteen or more of the maehinea now in town, with several prospec tive purchasers on the Int. . Attention is called to a change in the ad of the. Cabarrus Savings Bank. With a capital of $100,000, surplus and profits of $52,000, its fourteen years of access entitles it to the claim of strength and security. the large Kurd department store offers a free trip to Charlotte. ' This popular emporium ia manned by young men wno formerly lived in Stanly, and the opportunities offered those who expect to be in Charlotte May zu is a good one. , A. S. P. Jreebytory. " ' The meeting of the A. R. P. Pres bytery, was held in the Bryee Mem orial church, Kings Mountain, -May U-XO, inclusive. The Presbytery was presided over by Dr. Oliver Johnson, Dr. R. M. Stephenson, stated clerk, and Dr. D. 8. Philips,-reading clerk. The attendance was good and "-the meeting harmonioue. (Most of the work waa routine. Steele Creek A. R. P. Church asked for a dissolution of its coneetion ahd permission to unite with tha A. P. Church at Big Steele Creek and committee was ap pointed to make we xransferw Keren young men preached before the Pres bytery, four for licensure and three aa junior o ztbe first ear.v Smyrna, lor a county, waa chosen aa the next place of meeting and Rev. J. M. Wbirt waa chosen aa moderator. :,js Mill Cwaewr Siuoidea. ' : Charlotte Observer, 12tn. ' v f - An ounce of carbolic acid, self-ad ministered in hia borne, No. - 1114 North Davidson street, ended the life 6f Mr. Jamea A. Donahue, formerly for nve years overseer In the card room of the Highland Park mill, yes terday morning, within forty-five min utes of the- time ho partook of the poison. He waa 33 years old. ?. A few weeka ago Mr. Donahue had resigned the position referred to. For some time be waa employed at the Louise null, where ho quit work sev eral daya - prior to hia - premature death. In tha meantime, it ia eaid that he had been drinking heavily, and the euieidal act aa assigned to melancholia. . . . Extra copies of Tho Tribune eaa be purc&aaed any day for 8 cents each or OUa BAST FICTU&B OALLEHT. aaana f Thfe ia the Ffctnre Gallery of The Times and Tribune Baby Contest ; and from Time to Time There WIH Appear Soma Very 8weet races from thla City and Snrrannding Territory. . . -' v " . Jack Miller. Who knows Jack Miller, of Kan napoliaf " He ia one of the liveliest lit tle chape that we have on the list and we want to ask the people of Concord and vicinity to keep their eye on Jack. One of tie friends at Kannapolis said they usually got what they went after and aha said it with a smile thai meant business. Edna Houlton Yorke. ..--Laura Virginia Torke.: " It in not necessary to introduce to you Miss Laura Virginia and Misa Edna Honlton Yorke the charming little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Yorke. , of 109 N. Union . atreet. They are both great favorites of large circle of friends and neighbors and naturally are the pride and joy of their parent heart. . Just watch the race they are going to make, aa we understand that their friends do not propose to see them beaten. : KOTIOEt Oa all business connected with the Baby Contest 'phono Mr. Joyce, telephone No. 138.. Contest office opposite 8t Cloud Honnan- dy Hotel, In old Postal Telegraph building. He will b pleaaed to haft ypa ealL ., ; - TVi Dj SSWEZ PIPE. ' Bow it Sot Tiara a Myatery, and . Hew Leag J Had Been There Uncertain,'-, 'i ... We hav al haard about the pro verbial upif in the poke," hut when it cornea U xhe pig io the newer pipe it ia another atory. - Yesterday after noon Mr. Black, of the Central bar ber shop, waa oat in the back lot in tfte .rear of hi shop. While walking calmly along ho waa suddenly sur prised to hear a- noise resembling the grunt o a pig esnaaating from dircotly nnderneath hiarf eet," Ho looked news but aaw nothing bat the cold ground.! Recalling the , daya gone by when as a boy he chased pine rooters over tba hills of lower. Cabarrns, ho waa posi tive that erwai too faailiar with the grunt of a pii not- to be deceived and he atopped and Iktened. Pres ently there was another grunt, follow ed by another and another, and then came a faint squeal. Then he knew it was a pig, bat where he could not tell. Calling Mr. Luther Roger, the speed king of Cabarrus, who he knew could take his Interstate and catch anything on lop of the earth, ha put him on the trail after the pig under the earth. An; examination of the urf ace of the earth revealed an outlet to the sewer.- A plank was prixed up and the sound that emanated there from wera unmistakably from h;g p; ship. , J A colored boy was put to work with a pole atvoh end of the pipe while Mr. Boger held a rope with a loop at the other end.; When the pole and pig came in contact the latter made a dash for Mr. Soger's end of the line and was lassoed in true cow boy style. How long tha-animal had been under the ground cannot be told, but from his aciion it could be seen that he had been away fromj civilization and po lite hogship society 'until he had hearkened back tb the call of the wild and waa as viciois And belligerent as his wild and woojyforefathere. His Pigsnip :wa, -0vtMnemsJtment "land food, which tended to allay hia savage nature and . from list reoortg was sleeping confentedly in a cosy pen, but no matter what his career in hog dom may be he will always be known as the Jean Vnljean of his tribe. Drainage Survey in This County. Mr. J. P. Allison has received the following ireplv from Conirrenaman Doughton concerning his letter which we published a few days ago: Mr. Jno, P. Allison, Concord, N. C. My dear air:! am eendine vou herewith a letter I received from Mr. Willis L. Moore, of the Weather Bu reau, concerning the drainage survey you wrote me about. If you could arrange to meet Mr. Mengel when he comes to Charlotte and take over the area that you wish surveyed, l think that there would be more likelihood of your getting the survey. I will see Senator Simmons and Mr. Webb in the hope that we three together will be able to accom plish something, i I am very glad to have this chance to do something for the people of that seotion, and hope that you will not fail to call on me at any time that I can be of service to you or them. R. L. DOUGHTON. Washington, May 8, 1911., " " District Meeting K. of P. District meeting for the Niath-Dis- tnot, Knights of Pytmaa, will be held in . Salisbury,7 Tuesday evening, May io, with Kowan lodge No. 100. The district comprises lodge in '-the .fol lowing towns: Salisbury, Spencer, Concord, Lex ington, Norwood, China Grove, Albe marle, Tfaomasvule. , Mr. R, S. Wheeler, of thia city, ia district deputy. The following have been elected delegates from Concord Lodge, No. bit Messrs. F. C Niblock, Jno. M. Cook, A. F. Hart sell, J. C. Fink, J. 8. Stroud, W. H Hcglar, J. B. Womble, L. A. Bikle, Ernest Quesy and R. E. CJine, b business J alike, who It eacouragea ecenoniy, establishes- your credit, m money' away or paying bills with Uneck easy, safeguarding yoor cash, " " ' , IVhy not start yoar Cbeckug or rrtvate Account wKa G1ADED SCHOOL MATTERS. AO Present Teacher Who Applied Re-ElecUd Tw lew Teacher. Tb school board held a meeting last night at which time the teachers for the coming year were elected. All the teaebera were re-elected with the exception of three, who did not apply. Those elected were: Prof. .A. S. Webb, superintendent; J. Lacy McLain, principal; Misses Julia Foster, NitaGresaet, Miriam Dumville, Grace White, Fannie Hill, Mabel Means, Ellen Gibson, Roaa Phi fer, Zet Caldwell, Clara Harris. Grace Patterson, Mary Lewis Harris and Mary King. No. 2 achool: Prof. J. W. B. Long, principal; Miasea Kate Query, Belle Means, Pearl Barrier, Annie Hoover, Zula Patterson, Nan Archibald and Addie White. Miss Mary Lewis Harris was elected prin cipal of the primary department. Miss Clara Gillon, who has been teaching in the graded achool at Statesville for five years, was elected teacher for the fifth grade. Miss Lelia White, of Henderson, was elected teacher of seventh B. All the teachers at the colored graded achool were re-elected except Carrie Reed, who resigned.' Nina Bo ger was elected 4o the vacancy. Dr. J. E. Smott was re-elected chairman of the board and M. B. Stickley secretary. All members of the board elected at the recent elec tion took the oath of office. Dance Last Night. The young men of the city gave a delightful dance at the Elk Home fast night in honor of the visiting young ladies in the city. The honorees of the evening were: Misses Mary pem berton, of Albemarle; Bruce Landis, of Marion, and Anna Branson, of Durham. The music was furnished by the Royal Italian band and the dancing was from 10 to 12. Those dancing were : Misses Anna Branson, Marv Pern- Pemberton, Kate Means, Edna Ste phens, Louise-Means, Wilma Correll, Grace Brown; Messrs. W. J. Mont gomery, Jr., E. H. Brown, N. A. Archibald, E. T. Cannon, Hugh Parks, Will Archibald, Ross Cannon, A. F. Goodman, Frank Crowell, Eugene Barnhardt, P. C. White, Joe Hill, A. R. Howard, Archie Goodman Maury Richmond. Chaperones: Mr: and Mrs. R. E. Cline, Mr. and Mr. E. A. Moss and Mesdaraes A. E. Lenta and J. W. Cannon, Jr. The Times Job office has just com pleted the work of printing the char ter, ordinances, franchises, . etc., of the city of Concord. It makes a book of 200 pages, and makes a valuable publicafion. The books will be sold at 25 cents each. ir rrt j question or unrr-ons a CHBOUW ACCOUNT , wnn rm mon Mr , TOO USD WfCB t 4T TO a Att 0 HAND-JVIT tA0 VAILt TUB AMOVNt ' KIBDBV, rtfsTMl in A- MOOUMOLD Account oa rot , WUHtMJWOiB 00N00RD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 8nrpln W ' i Per Cent. Interest Paid on Tim Deposit. With this Bank is helpful not only to men but to etery man and woman has any bntinets transactions. TUB LUTHERAN SYNOD. , Laymen'a Meting Last Nlxht Will Adjourn Saturday. Special to The Tribune. WUmingtoa, N. C May 11. The 108th annual convention of the Evan gelical Lutheran Synod and Minia- tenum of North Carolina opened in St. Paul 'a church, Wilmington, Wed nesday morning. The president, Rev. I. Boozer, of Lexington, preached the aynodieal sermon. Communion : waa administered to the members of Synod. In the organisation of the Synod Rev. M. M. Kinard. Pr. D.. of Salisbury, waa chosen as president ; Rev. J. E. Sbenk, of Greensboro, vice president; Rev. H. A. McCullough, of Albemarle, aecrelary, and Jae. D. Heilig, treasurer. Thursday morning waa occupied in detail work of Synod, hearine reirular reDorts. Thursdav af-! ternoon a Laymen's Missionary meeting was held conducted by Lay-1 men of St. Paul's church and lay del- j egates of Synod. Among the speakers ; f this occasion were Dr L. A. Cast. ner, of Charlotte, Prof. J. P. Cook, of Concord, and J. Rom Smith, of Lib erty. Among the social features of Syn od's entertainment by the hosts and hostesses of St. Paul was a reception on Wednesday night and a fish sup per on Wrightsville Beach on Friday evening. Synod adjourns on Sunday at noon. Invitations for the next meeting of Synod have been received from St. Mark's church, Charlotte, St. James church, Coneord and the church at Winston-Salem. It m not easy to learn at this time which of these three wtll receive the vote of the Synod. One of the best correspondents The Tribune and Times has, in fact no pa per hag a better one, is the writer of our Kannapolis news, Mr. R. H. Hare. Ho has -today over a column of news and he serves it to our readers in ex cellent tyle. ... . Charlotte, -where he lias been Spend ing a week on business. . 3 aSjeajasjaJiftseja New Millinery AND New Prices 1 1 AH of the Fine Pattern Hats now ia our Millinery show rooms. For Saturday and Monday new prices will be marked in plain Figures. : You can make quite a saving to buy -buy a New Hat at our Store now. By express we have a lot of pretty new shapes for ladies at low prices, 95c, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 that are worth a third more. - New lot of Black Turbans tor Sat-1 urday and Monday Special at . $1, $1.50, $1.95, and $2.48 "" ' , .... -- -w. r'--". . , ' ; .", f ' .-'-. ; Splendid values in boys' and girls' Hats at 3J 26c, 49c, 98c to $1.50 ; We are showing lots of Special Val ues in Summer t Lawns, Ginghams, Percales and White Goods. V 1 : H. L PAKJCS CO. INCEPTION LAST ATTEBNOON. Mr. B, a Toang Hoates to Ua Danghter of the Ooafedaracy A Delightful Ootaaion. ' Mrs. R. 8. Young waa hastes to the Danghter of the Confederacy at a reception yesterday afternoon at 4 io 6 o'clock. The handaom and pa latial home of Mr. Young waa beau tifully and artistically decorated, red and white, the colore of the Daugh ter Confederacy prevailing, add presented a scene of rare beauty and loveliness. s j The guests were met at the door by Mesdames L. T. Harts 11 and C J. Harris. A ailver offering waa taken by little Miss Margaret Virginia Er vin and Master Luther T. Hartsell, Jr. They were then ushered into the li brary where they met tho offieera of the chapter, Mrs. J. P. Allison, J. C. aaswortn, u. a. Morrison ana 4. . Goodman. Mrs. S J. Ervin then ash ered the guests into the dining room where tea waa poured by Meadamea -Oitrane ana J. v,. uioson. . ue- licious sandwiches and mints - were served by Mesdameg W. C. Houston, D. L. Boat and L. D. Coltrane and the guests were escorted from the room by Miss Maude Brown. About one hundred guests called during the afternoon tho sum of $25 was realized from the ailver offering for a monument to bo erected at Chap el Hill to tho memory of the young men who left college to fight in the cause of tho Confederacy. Monument Unveiling. Mr. Editor: Maple Camp, No. $5, W. O. W. will unveil the monument -of the late Thomas A. Albright and decorat j his grave on the third Sun day in May, it being the 21st day. An m al sewnon will be preached by Rev. . M, M. Noacker at Mt. Zion church, at -11 o 'elo.de. Unwitfng at 3:30 o'clock,' p. m. All W-.'dmen wilt meet at the hall an hour before each service. Ev erybody invited; ;.; ;. v A ,: i i 1 - S. A., China Grove, NiCi May II. 1011."" . goffcyrT'irt",'"ar i7fcr??8frry"" Mr. Lowrie McLean, of Robeson county, is visiting friends' ill the city. i ing out 1 . ; UkmiJ h-SM4 m JtVmmmjJ ; -- J B lor 20 canta. Yr0rqPqP