1 A 4 f r VOL XXIj w. o cnu v.x. concord, n. o, :: ;:;day. may 15. i9ii - - ! - ftluU Copy, I T0. 5261 . . , - - . . 1 : i -tix1 ' ' - - -i Workers In This Greatest of All Newspaper : Enterprises Are Promised .Thousands of New Votes for This Forthcoming Week. Tew Thousand Votes in Addition to tie Reshr Nsrher for New Yearly Suiscriben to Tke Triisae; Fire Thociaad for Hew Yearly Sulicr&eri ta lie JiaW HereY an Off er That .j Scat Rsf;;dLQhi That ; WoVci besUyct; Offer; Last Week So lta ta " Early Caspai Reaeserisf Always 'Hat It's tie ; . Early Bird that Catches tie Here's a new offer la ihat mammoth '$500 priss baby eonteet now being i conducted by the Joyce Syndicate of , Chicago for The Timet and Tribune. We have announced right along that If wanted new readena of the beet 'papers in the Held and here's an io- - eentive that should result in patting hundreds of new subscriptions on The . Times and Tribune's books this forth eoming week a ,x vo-".-; ' .;-iv-' i The offer is absolutely simple and ; cannot be misunderstood. This week : we will give a grand free bonus of 10,--000 rotes in exchange for every new subscription for one year, to The Trib " une and 500 to the Times, which is reported to the contest manager. This free bonus will be added so the regit lar wte so that yon will get with ev ' j cry yearly subscription to the Tribune 19,000 votes and to (be Times 8,000. This offer is even better than the dou ' v bla vote offer of last week. It must ' be understood, however, ' that this I splendid offer is to apply only to new .subscription of one year and must . ; be paid in advance. Dosn't this look i good to you! ' ' .v j , This is tbe. fourth week of the fa- moos baby eontest.' This soul-stirring - and - aH-engroasinf.. tittle competition t i right bow but 411; over, i Three - weeks have passed and gone, this is , the fourth week and there will be two more to follow for the. eontest will Hot end until June 3d.. '..' We hope to make this week a great ,l one. -"New subscriptions" ;U to. be- the battle cry, get as many as you can; .' get them for one year in advance and avail yourself of this grand oppor "..tantty. Hake Van - active campaign among your ; kinfolks, . home folks, 4 neighbors and acquaintances during 'the intervening days. Don t wait un- ' til the last minute to do your work; SYNOD TO MEET nr ohasJjOtte. Meeting of the Lutheran Synod at . Wilmington Adonr0msolid ; Mon is Opposed. , , Wilmingion, Hay 13. The North Carolina Synod of the Lutheran : Church adjourned tonight after being , , in session since last Wednesday. .It ;wss decided at the afternoon session - today to bold the nest synod in Char - lotte. . Practically all of the delegates will remain in Wilmington until- Mon " day. I . 'iff;.!? A - At the morning session, after the rooJane business had been transacted the synod proceeded to consider the consolidation of certain of the schools. Quite a number of talks were made, '1 . soma for and others against the eon , . solid ion, among the number being Prof. Q. F. 'McAllister, president of - Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute, , ; who took the oor in oppositioij- ko .the" report of tie eommiasion on eon-. solidation. He pointed out - frankly soms of tbs difficulties in the way of v .i,' merging t. the sehools, s, difficulties, 'Which he said, were inherent in the "situation and which time only could ' remove. I . Bev. J. E. Shenk expressed his gratification at ihe fair and dignified manner in which the dissuasion of -tbs question - was being , conducted He spoke of this being a day of larger vision, saying that (he man who does not move-forwsrd will be moved back or ran over. He said he tad eoine to synod feeling that consolidation of the ' colleges - was a foregone conclusion, . but having listened with interest to ,sll of the discussions be had made a aad surrender of bis position., He, therefore, mad a motion that the re port be recommitted to the commis sion for further negotiation. ; Following the motion. Rev. Mr. 8benk spoke earnestly and feelingly in opposition to co-education. Judge B. B. Miller, of Salisburv. did not believe any of the existing soooois would surer by the consolida tion,, but that there would ba large Worm.-. ; - r, take that subscription book of yours and get busy. If yoa don't some one else will and later on when yoa be stir yourself, it will be to hear your friends say, "Oh, why didnt yoa come to me before. -1 have already given my subscription to Mrs. Jones and yet I would so mock rsiner have helped your little swot heart." " -This is the crucial stage of this con test and many will drop by the way side during the week. The lists are to be narrowed down without further parley. - The calling process is to be gin at once. It's not going to be an enjoyable task to she contest manager,- bat necessity demands that, the process or elimination commence, r . These bonnie little lads and lassies who just eanH help it because their parents haven t the ambition, the spunk or the energy to work valiantly ana unceasingly tor so spienaid a cause, are going to be dropped from the lists. Tide yourself over this week by good active and effective work, v These one year subscriptions mean a whols lof.thls week.' Work bard and faithfully and by Saturday night yoa will And that yoa are get ting lon to the front ranks. ' Make np your mind that your baby ia gains; to win j tnat it must be. one of the iueKy ones and then proceed to pot Cr deretmination into, effect. Oct y yourself and set all your friends to work and by your own industry keep them 1! interested in the work. This great rare is going to mean so maeh to your dear little one. ; Keep busy is about all .we eaa say to youi That means sueeess if -yoa are industrious enough. Just set your teeth tight in a grim straggle to the end and say" "I will win" and that is the spirit that will help you on your way.- .. ' . . ; f.;: V gains in ttbe education work of the two Synods.-"''' "i:4 : . 'rfiy'n- After considerable disension the re port was recommitted with the follow ing instructions: t),.': -a Sesolved, That the North Carolina Synod is ready for tie consolidation of North Carolina College and Lenoir College and suggests supporting the following basis : :- ' v$ , s . First, thst within five yean from the , consolidation, above , mentioned co-ed ncation be discontinued at the proposed consolidated college.- - Second, that a consolidation of fe male educational interests be placed after that u an institution " located within iibe territory of the'North Car olina synod. -. '' Third, that our eommiasion seek as far as possible to avoid any hindrance to existing educational interests. tk Rev. B. 8. Brown, who is chairman of the joint commission, on consolida tion of colleges, offered his resignation on the ground that h bad removed froia-the bounds, of the. Synod. , of North' Carolina, It "was accepted. Rev, H AvMoCullough, a member of the same .commission tendered bis resignation on the ground of being overburdened with work, li was also accepted. . . - , i v - Rev.' V. T. Booser was appointed to preach the ordination sermon at the next meeting of synod. . ' " ' Outside of selecting the next place of meeting, no basin ess of general in terest was transacted at the afternoon session and only routine matters were .-considered at the night session.. v Tather of Winston's Fir Child Dead. Winston-Salem, Msy 13. With the death of Mr. J. 6. White, a pioneer citizen of Winston, attention has been celled to the fact that bis daughter, Mrs. O. F. Miller, was the first child to be born within the corporate limits of the city. Winston was then a mere village, growing np alongside of the old town of Balem, but She naif cen tury baa wrought changes, bringing into being a community of upward oc Z3,uuu souls, in the Immediate en Mr. C, Ouy Bell, of the Charlotte Ubserver, is a visitor in tits eity todsy. OOXSOUDAnOK OP THB i tOTHEXA COLLEGES. rrepoatUoa ia Detail s OonasUdato Lsnotr Ui fforta Carotiaa OoUsges. The consolidation of North Carolina CoQega aad Lanooir College and also the oUer educational interests of the two syonds waa brought before the Lathers Synod at the morning ses sion ta Wilmington JTmay and no object has considered . has aroused such interest. The greater part of the awming session waa consumed ia dis cussing the eonsolidatioa, .. ' At toe last meeting a commission waa appointed to consider this mat ter. This commission met with a similar body from Tennessee Synod and the joint commission submitted tha following proposition for consoli dation: ; .-' First, that the entire educational interests of the two synods be. com bined. . -. Second, that North Carolina Col lege and Lenoir College be consoli dated. ..... Third, that, eo-edueation be main tained for the present in the eonaoli- dsted college ae a necessary expe dient.': ''-' Fourth, that Mont Amoena Semi nary be maintained as sn institution of the two synods. Fifth, that Mount Pleasant tfclie- gists Institnte be maintained as an institution of the two synods. ' , Sixth, that the present properties and equipments of North Carolina College be used in the maimenanee of Mount Pleasant Collegiate Insti tute. ; . . Seventh, that each synod shall have half interest in these combined and consolidated educational properties. Eighth, that the consolidated and combined educational properties of the two synods shall be controlled and operated by one joint board of trus tees, which joint board of trustees hall be composed of an equal num ber from each, synod. - i Ninth, that the Tennessee Synod be responsible for any indebtedness . ? - y, or ciaim- agamss : Mooir ixuiege si the time of the consolidation. Tenth, that the North Carolina Synod be responsible for any indebt edness or claims against North Caro lina College and ber interests in Mont Amoena Seminary at the time of the consolidation. . Eleventh, that the joint board of trustees be incorporated and the re spective educational properties of the two synods be conveyed to the joint board T trustees to be held in trust by it fOi said synods; and an ac count shall be kept by - the . joint board of trustees of the funds eon tributed for the improvement, equip ment, maintenance and endowment of tha educational institutions by the respective synods, each synod being credited with contributions received from individuals, churches and other organisations owing allegiance to it and a record made of -when and how tha same was expended; and there shall likewise be a record of receipts and disbursements from independent sources; and in ease of a dissolution of the joint board of trustees or a termination of bi arrangement the premises at Hickory, known as Le noir College, . with all enlargements and improvements, shall revert and become the property of the Tennes see Synod, subject to a lien in favor of the North Carolina Synod for all amounts contributed ey the North Carolina. Synod and expended on said premises and also - for one-half of all amounts contributed from inde pendent sources, contributions to the endowment of this institution to be included in this accounting land no interest to be charged; likewise the premises at Mount Pleasant,; known as North Carolina College and Mont Amoena Seminary, with all enlarec- ments and improvements, shsll re vert and become the property of the North Carolina Synod, subject to lien in favor of the Tennessee Svnod for all amounts eontrobuted by the Tennessee Synod ' and expended on said premises, and also one-half of all amounts contributed from inde pendent sources, contributions to the endowment of thes institutions to be included in this aeounting, no interest to be charged ; all other prop erty to oe divided equally. - Twelfth, the, educational - board heretofore obtaining in the respective synods shall be dissolved when the consolidation is effected. L The distinctive feature of the consolidated college shall be Chris tian education in its purest form. 8. The doctrines of the Christisn religion shall be regularly taoght in the college ia ell eiasses and , the Bible and Lather's catechism shall always be used as text boks. . - 3. The consolidated college shall In all its departments be regulsied tnd conducted ia faithful eenformity to the aonfaMUa of tha IiumIImI Lniheraa Church a eeaiautsd ia the book of concord an no one who does aot sabseriba to these eonfea aions and is aot in fall rssnmnnina with soma Evangelical Laiberaa eea- rregstion snail a, either a member ef the board of trustees or a rega lar teacher ia the eolWe. - - 4. No parson wboU okjeetioaable etuer svnod aaaii aa a in tois eoiiege. - - f Coacord Moatdaar Priae Wlaaar. ; The following bovaM in vMiarv' day1 Charlotte Oberr, under the Woman's Club Deparsnent, edited by Mrs. E. id TJu&bm. BalMvh f iht. demrtmunt lui inmtit MmA tk. IaM!,, of musical scholarships by she Federa tion to be given to talented bat un provided for masie students. Five of these sehoUrehirja ara haU: Tk Southern Conservatory of Music, Dur- usm; aiereaiHi eouege, jsaieigb ; one at Loaisbnrg College. Tea c&asieal eom poskions were eabariUed in the eon test two of the priz winning ones, fugm, uHnramemai, . ana vocal, were submittel, composed by Miss Jsaie Alexander Patterson, of Concord, but a fttqamt . delightful visitor to Charlotte and member of the local club ia wkoas name the manuscripts were entered. July 4, Oood Roods Day. Rateiffh.Mav la. 4rjiidnt R R Varner, of the CeatraJ highway com mittee, tonieht anoaneM) th.t An Jnltf - - - - J 4th would have speakers in all of the vBuumf aiguwMj irom tebe a good roads meeting on that dsy . u u mouniiuns. inere Ml atoint. on an avenrae of iUi. tt-AM X-i toU of iheenhre 480 miles. dBZltf J?I thl " e committee naa aet .apart as KiuuuMn ubb e apart as good roads week, during which time n is noncd to nave a force of 100,000 men daily working on, this, highway through. the 19 eonnrleSi This is to be the greatest event pf-lts kind ever heldia-tho TJaited Staa aad perhaps in the woi'Iii. k is honed to finish the route in one week, v' ' Good roods metinn in tha intanut of the highway are to be held in Salis bury June 12 and Lexington June 13. Fapneral of Mrs. E. 0. Wagoner. The funeral of the lata Mm. R. C Wagoner was held yesterday after noon at 4 o'clock at the home .on West Depot street. A large crowd attended the services and tha onaat nnmlum nf beautiful and magnificent floral offer ings testined the love and. esteem in wnica toe deceased was held by a large circle of friends. The service waa conducted by her pastor Rev. flato Durham, assisted by her former pastor, Rev. T. W. Smith, and the music wss furnished bv a mala nnan. tet composed of R. P. Benson, T. C newman, nay ratereon and ta. feber rill. The folowinf were the nallbear- ers: Messrs. J. .L. Hkrtwll. W C Houston, K. L. Craven, J. L. Crowell, Thomas Hawthorne and G. M. Lore. J' . " aaaBBBamBBBaBaaaaaaBBaaa ' Meeting Betterment Association. The Woman's Betterment AuiMia. tion held their regular monthly meet ing at the Graded School bnildinir Pri. day afternoon. ;The reports from the various aommitees were very enoour agingy especially on dean-UD week. and the library. At the close of the meeting the Library Association was uwhiij wuv Mitrta.j uhuqhiuud was formally organized and officers elect- ed as follows: Mrs. tt.- 8- Toune. president Mrs. Z. M. Moore, vies president, and Mrs. D. L. Bost, aee retary and treasurer. . The associa tion baa 125 members and tha lihrarv will be open to the public within a lew weeka ,-: b business tXkt who It encountee. economy, establishes Tour credit makes aendine money' away or paying bills suwguuixuug your.caan, Why not start yesr .OctUng or Private Aecount wQ For Any, r Kind ' XaJZTT(T2133 Come to The . rOIXSf BILL BUDGET. A Batch af sTewsy Eappaniacs at tbs . VartfcBni. ' iMr. W. J. Boas is able ta be oat agaia after being eoanned to his borne xor-a weea wit a sickness. Mr. J. Layton Brown has returned from Winstoa-8alem wham ha ltumiL. d as a delegate the SUto meeting of uaa reuows. Mr. Brown reports that every riaitos was treated mvallv ul that many special functions were giv es ay ua puDnc-epinted dtiaens for the beneflt of the Odd FeUows. Mr. Gordon Johneoa is havinv erected a nice two-store reaidMiM Church stree adjoining the property of ar. . nr. wtaennoase. Mr. Walter Johnson baa gone to Kannapolis where he has accepted a position. Mr. Arthur Collins spent Ssturdsy in Winston-Salem. Messrs; Marshal Mills, W. J. White, Tom Johnson and J. W. B. Miller, of Kannapolis, spent a few days in the city last week with relatives. Mr. Ssm Nssh goes to Charlotte to day to spend the week with the eele braters. ' Mr. J. MoP. Oeddic end Miss Ida Rich have returned to their home in Fayctteville after spending a few days with Mr. E. C. Oeddie. Mrs. N. M. Pollard, of Laurens, S. C, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Penland. Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Bruton, of Mt. Oil cad, are visiting at the home of their tather, Mr. Giles Brntoii. . leu mm uikui utr Atlanta to join her husband who has Mrs. K. P. Boone left last night for loeeo working lor some time in At- lams. LJSi " ' XT aSceP,M " Vf . t r ni :i j i vvbimuu un toe street ear ioree and .t, M ni, xhuradsy. Mr- k B- J,e8' M "Went of Buffalo street, has made umi as to locating a new home in the past few months, bnt each tima ha ia hot satisfied with his new anrronndinn. an completes the circle and moves back to uMieora. .several weeks ago Mr. Jamea moved to Chariots aa.a,! bad heard so much of the oroeresaiva- ness or tnat city be thought that wouia oe ms last trip, but be found it dull and unintematinir. ' TT. ka found now on Buffalo street, Concord, maa u wming to sign papers that be does not move any more. Mr. Jno. Bulla, an X-fnT hnntAV has lost interest in the eheae and is now devoting time and monev to the eooter proposition. Ha is rying to place it on a navinir haaia. - Mi- Ri.11. canght sixteen of these luscious fresh water "clams" m the past week in tne turbid waters of Buffalo and Cold water creeks Cabarrus Superior Court Cabarrus SuDerior Court nwntl work this morning and the civil dock et was taken, aa The ease of Mr. Robert Phifer vs. Cabamia Conntv ia now being tried. Mr. Phifer alleges that he has been damaged to tha ex tent of 124000 by tha commissioners bv ehsngine the course of tha Kanna. polis road through his farm a short distance rrom tne city. Messrs. H. 8. Williams and L T. Hart sell repre sent the county and Montgomery A Crowell Mr. Phifer: , It is hardly probable that .the case will be con cluded todsy. 1 www AiTwtuor 0. j. uacjr ib ngw advertising the North Carolina bonds authorized at the last lerialatnm ta be issued July L for sale May 25. Oo that data sealed bids will be opened There ia a total of a310.000 to ha sold of which 2)0.000 voce to tha Ktafe administration building' and $60,000 for the school for feeble mindid 1 With this Bank is helpful not only to men but to erery man and woman has any business transactions. with : Check. ,easyr,. beaidea .j of Job Printing nnTZ2I02i HHTD ; : Times Printcry PERSONAL ItXRTXOsT. Soma af the People Bart aad Else where Was Come and Go. Mr. C. N. Breton, of Mount Gilead. is a visitor in the eity todsy. Attorney Jack Bost. of Chsrlott. ia here today attending court. Mrs. W. T. Wall snd little daughter are visiting in Mi. Pleasant. Mr. Caldwell Props, of Salisburv. spent yesterday in the eity. Dr. F. O. Rogers left last nirht for his new home in Galveston, Texas. Miss Daisy Ross, of Burlington, is the guest of Miss Constance Cline. Mr. A. E. Lents, of Salisbury, spent yesterday in the city with his family. Mrs. Martin Dewstoe, of Birming ham, Ala., is visiting Mrs. R. K. Black. Miss Pat Adams, of Monroe, is vis iting ber sister, Mrs. W. C. Houston. Agent Bunion, of the Southern, is spending the dsy in Greenville on bus- ess. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ridenhour spent yesterday in King's Mountain with; relatives. j Messrs. D. C. and A. B. Correll. of ! Spartanburg, attended the funeral of Mrs. E. C. Wagoner yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Buchanan, of Charlotte, spent yesterday in the eity wren Mr. and Mrs. M. U Buchanan. Miss Nortre Johnson has reiunred1 to her home in Summerfleld, after vis-1 lting Miss Amy J. Stevens for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kluttz. of Salisbury, came down yesterday to attend the funeral of Mrs. E. C. Wag oner. Rev. C. P. MacLaughlin and Mr. aad Mrs. J. P. Cook have returned from Wilmington, where they attend ed the Lutheran Synod. - . Mr., aad Mrs, James A. Bangle, of Greensboro ,are spending tha night ia tne etty with Mr. Bangle's sisters. Misseatiead June Bangle. PI 111 11 Satisfies every purchaser of Parks & Gos Footwear,' and the after satisfaction keeps pace. :: :i :: s ;: EzdusiTe Style usually found only in shoes of . much higher cost. Fit, quality and finish ' r, unusual in shoes of medium price. ' ;, Men's Oxfords and Tics in Rusia, Tan, Gun-' metal, Vici, Kid and Patent, all new shapes and toes. Prices .$2.00 to 95.00 ' Ladies Pumps, Ties and Oxford in1 Patent, ' 'Tan, Gunmetal and Vici.; Prices from I r v , ; . .... ...-,$1.28 to f klTVl 11U UUCUC A UUlf llUlll t : . --.. J32.r50 to U4.00 White Canvass Pumps at ' 1 ' 1 s. Q1.50 and 02.00 i ' Misses and Childreos Pumps from : . ; ! - .SOc to 92.00 According to size - ' '' , Misses j and Childrens White Canvas Pumps " at... COc, Ql and -Jnfants Soft Snlrs " ' , , . ; ,.- ;. J, r:rr Let us caVe yew OOJOsXNCraOarT AT . . MOUNT PLZABAVT. First Day af Yearly EvsatVswa af School doatnf-A. Wsk tf . Pksssara. -: Some of the modern thinkeri may kaoek "eommencement"., bat were they here today the term would be readily accepted by then aa both ap propriate and eorreet.. Other towns , have their festive days, bat for Mt. Pleasant commencement is the alpha and omega of the year's pleasure aad v profits. Events are reckoned aa hav- . ing taken place e it ber before or fol lowing commencement. It is the great . date line of the year to which all others must yield precedence.' Aad . well may it be so, for Mt. Pleasant, . ber people and institutions fssl a pardonable pride in tbs excellence of these occasions, and extend a wide- . open door welcome to all friends to come and enjoy these days. - It is not our purpose to have "the best commencement in the history of the institutions," but the young la- : dies snd the young men together with ' invited speakers of note will furnish a most intensely interesting program. -We do think more thorough prepara tion has ever been made thaa that put on the work this year. This mora ing at ten o'clock the Mt. Pleasant Cornet Band will play the' opening overture followed by the Deelaimers' Contest. At three o'clock this after noon, President Mitchell, of South Carolina University will deliver tha Literary Address before the Ludwig and Gerhardt Societies. At eight o'clock tonight the curtain will rise on the one really big feature, "Ingo mar," the celebrated Grecian drama. It will be good, the best testimonial wo have to offer, and deserves a big house which we doubt not will ' be easily forthcoming. Mt. Pleasant, N. C, May 15, 1911. Misses Effie Bangle, Willie MeGfeee , snd Helen' Wilkinson spent Sunday afternoon in Mount Pleasant. ' , Mrs. Ed Ketehie. of Sslisbury, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. M. C Cook.- fett ccrfcr1.:' ' r I aus.. Sav.savJj..l m Ma jB M n A, pr..(r,..r, . , , 1.