n c::::::j c:.:lt r::: A B. wmilli I v HMCMIIIM BATB P Toa MI HonlM ... Tar MhiM ... - -KM . - 14nnwf ,h copy tor a- - - clr Thaake, B.oolBtloa w IM almUa- araele or .-r- - S5!5a a m L2,.r?2r AprU H. 111. a poatoev. at Hunk '.n . . Ulka - Wolv aloath 1.M MO ST. MUMT. -Otr Concord, N. C, May 19, 1ML MID THI HUNORV. Who Christ M th multitude, you kaw. he did not five any lector or p raced It with homt tottee. He Jut red th baotry. Too. WMDtw. I think that to very atcnlncant, and 1 believe that Kbw peopla ara la aaad they ehould ba lifted oat of their coodraoa.-Mra. BaaMll Saga. The North Pole of the Confederacy. Richmond Tines-Dispatch. On a farm in Columbia county, Ohio, is a large granite bonlder. It marks the farthest point north ever reached by any body of Confederate troops during the war for Southern Independence. A bronze tablet fixed in the rock certifices that "this stone marks the spot where the Confederate raider. General John H. Morgan, sur rendered his command to Major Geonre W. Rue. July 26, 1863." An old locust tree used to indicate the place of surrender, but it was cut down not long ago, and its stump is now preserved in a museum. The memorial is near the Town of Wells ville. The place is farther north than Oettysburg, which is usually thought of as the limit of Confederate pene tration into Northern Territory. The boulder is a fitting memorial of one of the most dramatic chapters in the history of the Confederacy. Mor gan's raid into Indiana and Ohio was one of the boldest and most daring events of the war. General Early and hii handful of nen drew rein ok the outskirts of Washington dur ing the war, but Morgan and his beheld the lights of CincinatL As cavalrymen dashed through Ohio and Indiana and under the cloak of night , a private in Morgan's troop rode i boyish Tennessean, who is now a member of the Supreme Court of the .United States Mr. Justice Lurton and in Cincinnati, when Morgan pas- e uj, tucio was mcu a owpu wuj who la now President of the nation. If Jackson could have been rein' . forced after the first battle of Ma nassas, or if Lee had passed beyond 'Gettysburg, who knows what the farthest point north reached by the 1 Confederates night have been? It might have been Maine ; it might have been Massachusetts, but fate marked the highest tide on a little Ohio farm and caused the ebb to cease only at that thin line which separates Texas from Mexico. Of Deep Concern To Schools. Salisbury Post. , The meeting of the State Textbook ' Commission, which will he held in ? Raleigh on Jane 8, is fraught with deep eonern to the schools of North Carolina. The book houses and others offering books for adoption will be given hearings and a number of days will probably be consumed before and ' after the meeting in giving ear to the ' various claims of the books. The names of the members of the sub eommission, which is composed of t prominent educators, are not to be vmade public until .he day of the meet 2 ing, and while no reflection as to their 'integrity, is intended, the people of the State are to this extent at die- 4 adranage, or rather are ignored, since ' ''it is morally certain the book people - & will have been acquainted with the 'members lonr before the data of the . meeting perhaps f now .; know - who , they are and may be in eorrespoad ienee with them. speller was voted obsolut and unfit Vfor the schools by the text Book Com mission tb mldren of the State hare suffered in the nutter of good spelling. The substitution of the phonies ryav Vtem later has only served to confuse and make conditions worse nntil even "'the instruetors themselves are at a '.loss bow to spell. ah meeeeding step sinee the discarding of the ''bin back" has been a distinctive loss to th schools, and should the commis sion at its Jon meeting be influenced to take up some aew books or new me thod the ehaaeea are that matters . will be mads more detrimental to th children. " It ia little wonder then ' that th coming meeting is foil of intense interest to the people of th Stat.-' ',-"''' -j' Vv '' V-j '7. ' ''"' -':' The Post is not sounding this - 'arm for any interest f its own bat r the beneut of th schools of North THI VOTE TODAY. Moorhd Twus . ., ,V,., .. 43.735 36 ,00 17,290 3249 90,000 17,500 10,400 Du Kilaaia Dor May oidai , Dorothy Bleak . WalUr Calloway, Jr.. Roosevelt Gre Gray Margaret r.wlkee Plat Watkiaa Seott ..- -., Mania Luther Cannon, Jr Virginia Wedswonh Reed Lola Para MeOoUand 15,75 14.975 14,075 KaUlla ball 11475 Lock Pa-neb 10,300 Dorothy Kormaa 8,223 3. C. WillaJbrd, Jr 4,700 Boivia Paaispr 4,060 H5tt 8iaelair WUliama, Jr.. 9,750 Laura Vargiaia York 3j0 Jo Wetaoo S00 AUoBerieYorke .... 2,625 CrowaU Twin 279 Adclaid Elisabeth Foil 2,950 Loey Cola Wheeler 2301 Edna York. 2,800 Tbomaa Young MeConnell 250 Una Elisabeth Daria 200 Billia Moor 2425 W. Franklin Mormon, Jr.... 2400 Frank L. Seppenfleld 2,075 LoU Ouffy 2,075 George Patterson 2,050 Emm Elisabeth Walker 2,050 Billia Caldwell 2.475 Cbee. B. Keetler 2.035 Billia Boyd 1,975 Claude Bamssur 1,920 Annia Louise Hoover 1,900- Nett Harria 1375 Annie G. Dayvault 1375 Carl Pounds 1375 Marie Hipp 1375 Madeline Kime 1,700 Marguerite M. Cannon 1,675 James Blume 1,775 Ed. F. Correll 1,875 Bryon Faggart 1,700 Margaret Lippard 1,625 Smith Peacock 1,650 Curtis Ketner 1,600 Hiram Caton 1,600 Lneile Gilkm 1,525 Thomas Alexander, Jr. 1,550 Millicent Virginia Ward 1,425 John Hall Rutledge 1,475 Baby Dick 1,475 Stokes White 1,450 Nancy Query McClellan .. 1,425 Robert Isenhour 1,425 Elisabeth Weddington 1,400 Herbert Morris 1475 Margaret Morrison 1450 Grace Wineeoft 1450 Ralph Dry 1450 Helen Mane Lipe 1.3U& Hubert Fink 1,200 Earn Earnhardt 1475 Jean Braswell 1400 Furr Twins 1,150 District No. 2. Kaanspolia. 24421 rLonise tiiaker- 3,750 1,400 Corinne May Towels Margaret Ellen Patterson .. Clarence Lowe William Paul, Jr. Charlie Saunders Mt. Pleasant Marguerite Lents Ruth Virginia Faggart Mary Ella Barrier, rfd 1 Francis Misenheimer Reeee Holmes Eagle Bruce Eugene Mauney Eugene Troutman . Cletus Gurley Tucker 1425 1450 1425 1,100 27400 24475 10475 2350 2400 1,600 1,400 1450 Bonnie Lucile Starnes 1,175 Boat km James Aaron Boat 27400 1475 21,175 28,768 Lain May Widen house Ijsxlnrton, K. O. Lois Beck Concord B. P. D. Oleta Wallace Thompson Buren Shinn . ,L1 Fay Carter, rfd 5 Jim Akmso Lefler, rid 6 25450 21450 L450 China GroT. Lneile Templeton 36,47a Benlah Vernon Hurley 18,753 Kathleen Yost 1J525 Kathleen Brown . 1,400 Should not only taste good, but should nourish tbs body. : ,'. 80ms people stick t eartaia' foods they have - been aecos tomed to eaa, bat which do aot ! the power f sxiad and hedy to be bad from son other foods. ' Grape-Nuts from whole wheat and - barley, by a food expert. Is an , absorbed by th system for building ay a clear brain aad strong body. try Grp-Nats and cream or milk regularly for th cereal part of tha asonisg nasi a few - weeks, aad aot th tmpror ment in the mental aad hysieal lifOt, - - ''- .-'' "Tkere's a &stsa" Csrtsl Ca, Lai, Battc Greek, Eksv 1,400 W35 1425 1,275 175 V200 U00 20,456 1,400 ; 140 1,400 Ckaa. Cook. , Fred Gray Eliaabata Sifferd Helea Free costs Headrix Laadia, I. a JaaniU Seablar , Carl 8eeUer Ralph Corn her , Margaret Up. Bennett Douxlass U... 1,325 kUith Frees 100 JeajOe Key MeKiawly, rtd 1 Lee Brown Wineeoff Mildred Rogers . ........ Mary Dixie Overcaah Mary La Hill Harriet GUaa . Baby Sims, rfd 1 Margaret Hill .' Edna Brown, rfd 1 Howard Taft Triae 45425 35,730 21,025 1,725 175 1,400 1,400 1425 1425 1450 GaUXQIL Carl Raymond Shoe 34497 Margaret Odite filler 23423 Edna Tillinghast BeUotte, Rfd 2 8,600 Albemarle. George Atkins Morrow 1,600 Thomaa Hearne 1,600 Richard Leander Hall 1425 Arthur L. Patterson 1400 Margaret KlutU 1450 Elisabeth King 1400 Bichfleld. Glenn Elmo Ritchie 1,150 Harrisbuif. BiUie Morrison 20,075 Wm. Mitchell MeEacbtrn .. 1,400 Fay Alexander 1475 Warainf to Railroad Ken. E. S. Bacon. 11 Bast. St. Bath, Me. sends out this warning to railroaders : As conductor on the railroad, my work caused a chronic inflamation of the kidneys, and I waa miserable and all played out. A friend advised Foley Kidney Pills and from the day I commenced taking them, I began to regain my strength. The inflamation cleared and I am far beter than I have been for twenty years. The weakness and dizzy spellsare a thing of the past and I highly recommend Foley Kid ney Pills. Sold by M. L. Marsh, drug gist. Imagination a Neoeeelty. The proper feeding of th body la accessary la order that Ute may b possible; but the lmaflnatioa should be stimulated In order to make life worth Mvtna;. Duchess of Butherlaad. Hew Tklat We offer One Hundred Dollars Re' wiird (or any case of Catarrh that can' not b cured by Hall's Catarrh Cur. F. J. CHENEY CO. TOIMO, J. Wa. tha undarala-n. have Known r, 1. Ckanav tor tha last IS rears, and ballav him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obllg-atlona made by ma nrnv Wholesale DruS'Sista, Toledo, O. Rall'a Catarrh Cur a la taken Inter nally, acttna directly upon th blood and mucoua surface of th system. Testimonial sent free. Price, 76c par bottle. Sold by all Drurslats. Take Hall' Family Fill ror consti pation. Boon t Humanity. To prewwat backache a Main tamer has tnveaud a jointed ho to throw potato Into a not with which It la pro Tided as they are dug, In the Wake of th Measles. The little son of Mrs. O. B. Pal mer, Uttle, Bock, Ark., had the meas les. The result waa a sever cough which grew worse and he could not sleep. She says: "On bottle of Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound com' pletely cured him and he has never been bothered sinee." Croup, whoop ing cough, measles cough all yield to Foody's Honey and Tar Compound. The genuine is in the yellow package alwaya. Keiuse substitutes. Sold by M.L. Marsh, druggist ' Meant Wall tttwet Kind. Benham The v bull ar weak as Is, Mrs. Banham "Cant uy aad tam to some animal hospital T Foley's Kidney Xsmsdy Qidckly. Acted M. N. George, Irondale, Ala, was bothered with kidney tronbl for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, and before taking it three days I could feel its beneficial effects. The pain left my back, my kidney action cleared op, and 1 am so mueh beter I do not hesitate to recommend Foley Kidney Remedy. M. U Marsh's Drug Is tor. Do Yen Hart the Bight Kind of Eelp. Foley Kidney Pills furnish th right kind of help to neutralist and remove th poisons that cans headache back ache, nenroasnee, and other kidney aad bladder trouble. M. L, Marsh's Drug8tore. Good for ; , - , in fees d ; Triir.2 For Parent Name. Address. Person Nominating Mafcie Oerrada Cooper . Jerry Lea Rilahia , Mary Soeklor sr-sr LOJOOH. Mr. John D, UiOr, wa baa beea i ool 1 Mar H4L tut Ik pat year returaod htm last weak. 9 Ta AiBari TUpM Conpoaj has instaliad a Urger and better switch-hoard ia their office here, aad eaa aow gir their patroas better ser rie. - Spring Usa ia bare aad w want t saiiggeat aad rge that Trybody who live is do she-eorporat Units of New Leado kok about hi or her reeideaee, bar or beg lota aad re move all filth. By doing this ia time yo may sv yoaineif a tot of xpcase aad keep ur eow ia a healthy aad sanitary condition. Th aew method of making ssaeas meat of property makes a great hii with 4he farmers in this section. Busy farasera d at I'1 o Ioa a day go ing to I he tax-lister, wae he eaa com to tb farm and in a few mia atea d all thai is to h done, and the fanner has lost only a few momenta of his time. Mise Blanche Austin, of nar Con. cord, ia her for a few weeks, staying with her ancle, Mr. J. n . Austin. Kv. TV U Cane, of High Point. preached three very impressive ser mons ia the Bapiiet church her Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. Joha Palmer left Sunday af- eraooa for Uttle Rock, Ark- where he goes to attend the Confederate reunion. V Mr. 1L Clyde Nash left last week for Yonkers, N. Y where he goes to accept a position. Children's Day will be observed in tne Methodist church Here next Sunday, May 21st, at 10:30 o'clock. Mrs. H. S. Parker has beea in Char lotte for the past week visiting her son, Mr. C W. Parktu Cotton that is just now coming np was improved by the rain Saturday, and th farmers are well pleased with the cotton prospects in this section. The season has been a most distress ing one to the farmers. They were prevented from preparing their lands for farming by the continued dry spell and when a time did come for them to work they could not do so because the land was not "in order." HUSTLER. THE AGONY OF A BABY UNDER A SKIN AFFLICTION Is all the more terrible because it can't tell you how it suffers. But there is relief at hand not only relief but a permanent care from pnckley beat, rashes, hives, eczema and all other skin affections o prevalent among infants during the summer months, if yon want to see your baby rest easy one again and a look of relief spread over its little face, just appl t$ia splendid remedy ZEMO. We believe honestly and sin cerely that in ZEMO yen will find th cor you-have been praying for. We ean tell yon in all truth that we bar made thousands and thousands of parents happy with this simple bat sure remedy And to prove our absolute sincerity, we have instructed all druggists sell ing ZEMO, to refund the purchaser his money if th very first bottle does not bring relief.' Ufted persistently thereafter ZEMO is bound to cure. ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP mak the most economical as wJ as th clean est and moat-effective tieatment for affections of th skin and scalp whether on iqfsnt or grown person. Sold by druggists everywhere and in Coneord by on. anthoriaed agent. M. L. Marsh, druggist. Wisdom Is Rotter Than Rlohn. Bow much better U It to got wis dom thaa soldi fTea, to get under- standing la rather to bo ellver. Proverb. 16:1. Foley Kidney Pills take bold of your system and help rid yourself of your dragging backache, dull head ache, nervousness, impaired eyesight, and all the ills resulting from the bladder. Remember it is Foley Kid ney Pills that do this. Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist Pay Out Muoh Money. . Th BrtUaa Imports of carbons for teotrle light amount to nearly fifty million a year." , PILES CURED IN TO 14 DAYS Paso Ointment is guaranteed to cure any ease of Itching, Bund, Bleeding ar Protuding Piles la t to 14 days or money refuaded." 60. r On way to Sattar a woman la to teu bar that yon saat ; Th ladie of AO Saint Episcopal church will serv strawberries and cream on the church lawn Saturday evening from 5 to 8 o'clock. . The will be pleased to welcome the people and extend to all a cordial invitation. One Voto the ; ; - ? V l; Grcni Eiy Cc:.t 1 o Vu' u 3 . If a cboo can bo tzli tt $135, Tsrbaf m tha czzzs ia eciewlr It up to i 11 Just to inako a "rcurd Cjura price? Or, if its what's the sense ia cousin the Ml'.m parts of the shoe to get tho price drrra -;to$4.50? Ratal Shoe htntjtmr m to b Mtd a ' what It coat to eaate thssn, ploa 5 coia- , inataifTi ana aa nscsasary .uASdu. delivery to Jl '-I -.i'Wifntohaai I i - at a keaary, Vest. , ft V ..' s Ska ay cartrdl PwUoAo ' Prices lAoge from ,0335 toCSC3 J4oteateaskahof vr cbarr. Mo pooaibinty of yor peytag teaosbodyeainprefla, FOR Cannon Mn IiiB-SitM tel WELtYET. September 29, 1910. Dr. Carey Med. Corporation, Elmira, N. Y. Gentlemen: I wish you to know the history of my case and the re markable results of the treatment of your Dr. Carey and the effect of his wonderful remedy MARSH BOOT, so that you can publish t th world ia general this knowledge thereby enabl ing any on suffering a simihar dis ease from which I was a victim, may know that a positive cure ia within their reach. I'l "-f?1 About twelve years ago f was taken with a very severe attack of Diabetes, I suffered for over a solid year during which time I was attended by five or - six of the best physicians I could get. but in spite of thsir effort, I got worse . under their treatment until H was ne cessary to call a counsel of four phy- siciana any they reported to my wife tbat there was poetively -no help and ' tbat I could not live through the night, in fact they gar m np to di. A friend of my wife, a Mrs. Owens, who had been cured by Dr. Carer and r from this same trouble, Diabetes, told my wife of her remarkable recovery and advised her to employ Xhr, Carey and as the last resort be-was called. . Inside of two weeks I was out of my bed and working, instead of being un der the ground as all of my fncndr and doctors . who . had atended an stated that I would b. I want to state right her that 1 was so bad that I would pass over one gallon of water per night, I make thia state ment so ihat everybody ,:an. under r stand and appreciate th misery I wss Over twelve year have passed and I have, never had a re-oceurrane of this trouble, am perfectly well and healthy with the eaception of my neness, which I expect to always have, but even that, is getting better, To, perform this inirseulous cur Dr. Carey used bis .wonderful 'remedy MARSH ROOT prescription No. 777. It is unnecessary ; to say that I .1 ..11 1 . . . . a and indorse Dr. Carey and Us nar - veious meaieines to any sunerer rrom Kidney troubles of any kind. I am , 'trrw, aad stamped aa tboahoeatt t yewsswy, . . v. , . . . . .. j ready at all Umes to testify to the ' truth of th foregoing and to' answer any communication regarding same. " You may us my testunonul ia any way that you wish. Vry truly yours, v v s. E. FRANK SMITH. Trial a, WITTY CUT. tMm Mi aa Saa as Trial ajao, OKM DOIAAat. . a rosrriTB aamt paan acamairrBBi with aaca owa dollab GZn30n DHVG Crone. Concord, U. C. y Oohnblly ?rr?'.;Vfi? CVVtraeaw haaask On 'the main lino ot the Boatharn Railway, midway between Aahavlllo and BalUborr. In th foothill ot the Blue Rid. Tnoroachty modarai la all It appointment. - Room with private bath. Vary boat autaino, labia supplied with beat country product. . . . -- - Tennla. Bowline, tanoln. Orcheatra of tho very finest musician. Mineral Water BpaclOe for dyspepsia and all forma of stomach and kidney dlaeaaea. It Booth tho norvea, build up a run down ayatem. Raaldent pbyalolaa In ho. tk Rat aad Information sladly furnlab on appllcal(o.n ' Special rat te famllla aad part la. t Connelly Mineral Sprlngo Co. ' RKMRT TARSTOaT, S.tr.tary . Cmadly Sprlaca. Xmrih Carollaa. - " C""y Wlnarat Sprint Watr ahlppod th yaar 'round lto pr aallon. F. O. B. Connelly K-'li.n. . 1 o prr price i3 $4.5, aiiowaaca tor tba ; ' - MSI Fetzer Co. WHEN DR. CAREY'S MARSH ROOT CURES You Stay t Cured TEE ;1? IS THE SUREST TEST FOR v 4 i Any Medicine HOW MANY ItXDIOXNES WTLLDOAS M A D CT-J T frrTy UUU UVV A; C' ;':lIAS- . ';.: DONE IN THIS CASE - TWELVE YEARS SINCE . -CURED . AND YET WELL 'THINK OF. IT, IT'S REALLY Wonderful THIS IS ONLY ONE OF THOUSANDS SIMILAR CASES r WHERE1 ;JVl ARbH- ROO 1 1. 'HAS .,v. PROVEN ITS WORTH ' r IT WILL -' DO THE WORK EVERY TIME allle ooatolf r two wan Springo, N. 0. , awasa mm , . ." y . . f s hl&k th Kay 'wilk mere daJoyahU by taklag a ' kodaic ; Then ye will have not only the pleas-, ar of tk outing, hot th added, pleasure in th picture which prr sorvc th memory of th fun. r '. i.m to fsV.oo. ' y v: ' QXBSOIT Dr.TJO ST0&Z WHY NOT BUY rryViivH L-1..V, V 4 Th Sest FloBr sold la town, Already mixed needs a soda, : salt r baking powears, aad only half the amount of lard. . rRESH JXORIDA - v Evary day. .Phone at your or ders aad be convinced ef onr good things. - , HAHN KOriEYCUTT COZSPANY. Good Work! No Experiments J , " That'a ow Trad Hark. . ' That's what w do, ' ' i -' EhaQ ws Ma a Tin Roof ' . a your hoaseT. May be ' youa want slats f SEE BRADY - , 1 ' -; THE ROOFER. , ,?.', - Grady-Brady Co. TaUphon No. S34. City Presdra Qui I bar purchased outright a dry preparation for cleaning ladies' gar meats that I ruarante to rive aatia- . faetion, or I will auk ao eharg for the work. . 1 am aole owner of tbu preparatioa and on account of th ex .client satisfaction, it baa given I make , this proposition to tha lapUes of Cob eord and vicinity: , ad as any ar-" -ticles or garments yoa want elaaaed , aad aftt wf us thia iSry eleaaiiig preparatioa nthetn, if they are aot . eatwely satisfied with tha work I will ,: make no eharg. D. B. FQWKLES, TpTitr v Phoa 181 ' V Filcil File! Files! WlUlama -tndlaa Pll MntBumt arlll bum Blind. Bleadln and Itcninc Pilos. It an. sorbs the tumors, allay (tehta at eaoe, act aa . a poultice, aiveo Inataat nlltt Williams' Indian Pile Ointment Ja pro pond (or Pile and Itching- ot the private porta Drtifslsts, iall Mo aa lit, i WIUMMt aFS. CO, r., Claad, OM Sold by Datlt Drug Oompaay. DR. J. S. LAFFERTY J Praetlc 'limited to Br. Bar. No and Throat and Fitting OlaaM. t Offlc In th alorrls blldlna. Boor No. te ovar Cabarraa Savins Bank. . omc aoura: j w 11 a. ov, aaa 1 m 1 DENTISTRY I am now in th Morris building, over the Cabarrus Savings Bank. h. a KEssoro. DH, T. t!. SFEiiCEQ VETERINARIAN - .... Office Over Marsh's, Drugstore. ... ' 'FhontllS. '- ' " .. Residence. SL Cloud Hotel. '. 'I.-, CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION, To All to Whom These Presents May Com - Greeting: ; ' Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record ; of the proceeding for th voluntary ' dissolution thereof by th unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, tbat th Hanover" Manufacturing Company, a. corpora- , tion ot this State, whoso priagrpal office ia situated ia the city of Con-" eord, county of Cabarrus, Stat of North Carolina (L. W. Srander being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be served) baa complied with the requirements -of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905,' enti tled 4 Corporationa,' preliminary to j the issuing of this Certifiest of Dis solution: . ; ';' .-;-'; Now, Therefor, I, J. Bryan 0 rimes, Secretary of State of. the Stat of ' North Carolina, do hereby certify that , the aid eorporation did, on th 28th day of February, 1911, file in my of fice a duly executed and attested con sent in writing to the dissolution of said eorporation, executed by all tba stockholders thereof, whieh said eon- -sent aad th record of th proceedings v foresaid are now en til in tny said offiee as provided by law. Ia Testimony whereof, I have here to set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 28 day . of Feb ruary, JL D., 1911. , - J. BRYAN CaEXES, - , ' eecretary of Stat. Lor? to inj inzco . . cry J&rclina and the rising generation.

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