Emu Library ( t -A oV ' A -A A- -A jrf vol. ::xi.i jt: co:;co?.d.: MY.' MAY 26.1911 tingle Oeyy, S Cants, lOu'LY A FEW HOURS REMAIPJ TO AVAIL -YOURSELF- OF THE GOLD: AND 1 .na nm cojmaraoK, , BabyF ';' i V. . J Da Shown at Airdome Tonight teb dko b DAtwEnaa. -1 . DOUBLE VOTE. Lenoir, Jna 87 and 88, to B Fellow- : ed by a Dsliibtful Mountain Trip. The ' next annual meeting of tb Press Association will be hld in Lol : : J -: Tokotiow is Going to Be the'NljM. of All Night. In S i t . - . ra i ... n ' r . I " I . I Ttis r.uniaotn looniest : i nu wui ue x our ijui tain escoreion.. ; - - ' ... i v..' f " i . . . . . . i . . , - .: I Tha hniriiMMa sessions of the Aho- . f " . -.a - . . ... . m ... J j v . v . .' ! . . t o pi-Mm of oil too Coolert Uoloi, tkot wo kovo ro- , oa eartola M too Alrdono tonlcht. Wo otU jet j oobT't yktaro N too ewtoim it jom wfll 'ipkilOMO . : t kU fo akotak, wm o ptoontod at Too AirdoBO '. i . - ,- o Too ooopon bollok wbiea U boan ' ' imiHrini in thaaa eolaBM from day 1 to day daring tho HfTot this contest ' hao made U last ameannee. All of i theso ooopona ot be roted by Hon? day, May 29th. . Tbia ia neeeaaary in order that the last at. the coupons toey I bo gotten out of the wy before the ' last day of the contest This doe riot, however, apply to tho toting oertin- .eetea. Tbeoo special rotee, wbiea are only issued in oxehango f or subserip ' tioni, my be voted at any time bp to t niaOlo'eloek -Satnrdoy night, Jnno 3, but not after that hour. Promptly at Blno o'eloek Saturday night, Juno 3d, tho ballot boxes will be sealed up and tamed over to tbo judges for their 3 loot adjudication, "f - ? ":" c But a Jew boon remain for yon to .: 'take advantage of that splendid offer ' of doublo votes in Tho Times - and : Tribune baby contest being conducted by the Joyce Syndicate of Chicago, for ': tbo offer ia effective only : until 9 o 'clock tomorrow night, - I : Evervbodv who is at all interested in tbia race is working now as they never worked before and the contest is rifi-ht now in its most exciting and crucial stage. Tour friends and neigh ' bora are just waiting for yon to ap : proach them so that they can bo of mim assistance to too in this race. 4 How easy H will be to make the final ' prise a certainty by oeeuring a few j subseriptions and getting double votes ' on them. Go to those people who have held job off jrith a promise to see yon later. . If tbero is a time in this I contest when their help will oenefltl yon, it is today. Jm press npon then the necessity of coming to your aid I i - 0 e DIAZ SXZr 3 rSX-DEHCT. eiatioa-wiH be held in Lenoir on Tuea day ana Wednesday, Juno 27 and 28. Tbo people of Lenoir will provide some excellent onteftainment for the afternoon and evenings of these two days. On Thursday and Friday the now today Yon bavo a few hours "nju pany wm oe laaen on an ex- and yon will be surprised wtat can be to Blowing Bock, Boone and aeaomplUhel by t little wort betwen LlnTe- "a through the famons Wfl- now and ouwitow nigh., at nine " rg!r the C. H. W. o'clock. ' ' , . ai'ad. This will be ono of the most - on. t. L t..l tt,. delightful outings tho ' editors . hsve preeent time has an equal chance to iy itinerary, of ties this afternoon, resigned tho pros- win, for there is no baby so far ahead this trip will be announced later. idency of tho Be Alia of Mexico; and but what a few votes would put some " wulroada of,tho SUte will at 4:54 o'clock Uo aooepianeo of tho one elso in the lead. And really there 8 th Mnal change of transpor- resignation b ytho depaUes was an- are no leaders. .They are all ia-- a tation for advertising to all member nouneedV Vice President Bamon Cor- buneh.' But hero is kho 'chance to 01 tlw Aasocistion and ono aepenaent rars resignauon was also aoeeptea forge ahcadj of the others in this V Wowiar cetvsd 19 t save time t send tho; - A sew a. - Tonight is tvs W t A ltty cent show for tea cettta. If yo anas tt yon lost f f ceaw 'mA ao ono to blame but yourself. . Tbo ba.y ; .taras also ko abowi at Tbo PaatisM toawrrow af- a Lays Down 8r 'r After S7 Toon u a Tirsa so- ' public, , . .: y .;- '- Mexico City,: May 2S President Porflrio Oias, in a letter Tad by tho President of the Chamber of Depo- raee and get a Kttlo nearer to the goal.' -Any ono of tbo prices isiwell worth your best , efforts. How could yon win $150 any easier in tho next weekf It is all for tho babies and rnomber of the family of each. and Minister of foreign Affair Yran- .7 The Southern Railway will pro. cisco Leon de Las Barra.waa - chosen vide a special car for the use of the provisional President o servo until a editors from Raleigh to Hickory, on general eleetioo.can b aeldV Every June 26, and the C. N. W. Bailroad one had expected an'nproar when the will take tins car. on its arrival at I announeements aliouM bo made, but don't disappoint them. The subsorib-1 Hickory to Lenoir by special cngino. within the; chamber the words on ers are still to bo secured if yon can see enough people. ' A number of sub scriptions are being overlooked each dsy because tho contestants ara shy about approsehing certain people. " In a niojorit yo f eases tbo person yon approach wilt gladly help you and may become so interested in your campaign that he will suggest where yon may secure other subscriptions. See every ono and you will be sur prised how rapidly you will pile np voitea. These sneaial arises mean a whole at tn von. Do not vet anvthina College, On "The or anyone delay yon in your campaign I Pnblio Opinion." mess last lew aaya. Tho headquarters of the Association nouneing the event Wero followed by will be at Davenport College, where sileneo. . Tho deputies Menwd awed from 80 to 100 can be accommodated, by what had takea plaeoC - - . The rate there will -be $150 a day. In. the streeta,,' black with people, The Carlheim, tho t ow hotel at Lo- the news that Dus was no. longer the noir. can accommodita SO to 25. There President, was le signal . for - wild j re also two othor bouses which will shouting and manifestations. There was no violene of j destruction of make a rate of $1.V per day. Although tbe program for the meet ing is not complete, 1 "resident Ship- man announces some of the speaker s follows: President W. P. Few, of; Triuiti Newspaper and lawoltt Under the Search and Sdsar v . ' Act Gastonia News. i Under tho new search and acinars by th Woin8 ot honi. or act. passed by tbs recent General As- tnK of drum 1 ? Tho Good Work of tho Circle Here Hosting to bo Bald Monday, v Only a cup of eooL pur water has often times carried sunshine to s heart heavy with a burden juat a few eenta pant at tho right place and at the right time have relieved suffering and put hope where hope had all but disappeared. These beautiful grace wnicn men and women enjoy, when opportunity offers, smooth out wrinkles and give one an incentive to look forward and into the future. The exereises of these kindly privileges need not be announ- sembiy for tho special benefit of the city of Asheville ,tbo officers of that city have already secured 170 barrels Of boose of one kind and another from the premises of various Individ oals. Tho measure adopted by the Asheville people is a drastic ono but seems to be securing results. A pe culiar incident arose . ono day last week when one Wiley Black, from whoso fostering care one barrel of beer had been taken, waa brought into tho recorder 'a court for prosecu tion under the terms of this ' act. light the greatest good. Some of the greatest acta, far-reaching and help ful, have been concealed even the right band did n6t know what the left hand had done. Just last December, we happen to learn, there gathered together at a home in Concord about ien ladies and promising young girls. For social sat isfaction, for playing to the grand itand, for showing what could be done, for startling tne natives at ac complishments wrought in a flash by a masie hand no. not these. They THE HEW THTRP AXd;iiJ. , P08TKA8TZX A 8alf-Zdncatal Ifaa. lanchtaV Prosainaaco Throagh Poverty. . In the days when Jameo J E. 't, of Asheville, North Carolina, waa a ooy, poverty was exeeeduigly fash ionable ia his 6 Late and hard wotk waa tho proper thing. , IToang Briit wss stnetly in stylo. . at has lately bees appointed third assistant Postmaster General of tbo United States; dot bis path to tUt honor was full of bramble, boulders, . and bogs. He got so aoeastoo-- i to difficulties that at last bo oowj, skip nimbly over a mountain of trou-' bles or breast with bold and fearless stroke a torrent of adverse dream- stances. He and an unkind Fate n!x ed up together so often that at 4 Fate went to the mat and howled for mercy. Those howls wero th1 sounds Britt had beea longing to hoar; but he paused long enough to listen to their echoes go screaming down tho mountainside and gorges of has na tive State. Then bo laughed aserrv began th game of Deoosaing1 a ia eavau a o t , m.k hmiurht in nhvufli.n wh taa. I fathered, merely to devise pians u ik tifled that he, Black, waa compelled to belpful to lesa fortunate, bejngs in our have at least twelve bottles of beer midst. There were ten of them, and daily as a part of bis regular diet in tbe eomagion of pleasure in doing order to live. This requires a barrel good sad relieving suffering has spread of ten bottles every ten days and until witrfout any canvass the mem- hencc his claim that his beer wss all bership has voluntarily grown .until it . l:. l .. .-t.ki:.l.l now nnmhars thirtv. And this is nota- It was brought out in the evidence I ing but tho organisation of a circle or il.i i- n I l.'a Via iitrh tpro LUX WUOU JOIKCK WSS TVCVUUJ ia JU I - awaiting trial for soma offense his physician had him furnished, with three pints of whskey daily aa the smallest amount on which ho could exist. ' This incident moves The Ashe ville Citixen to remark, "There is an Working on tho Oonnty Hap. Mr. C. M. Miller, civil engineer, who 1. .. ii. At.. ft 11. Si ; vs!-. ar. v. jbu w-wvr. wm vnanoiie voserver, isoin. ... A' - Caharrns- toanty map. u hero oearch- ing tho record for count jr and town ship boundaries and other' data. Mr. Millar ha had ono force' at ' work swrvoying -tho oonnty for; several ; wecka, audi will put another force to Work next week. ' v-- j - . Everv road in the county will be carefully surveyed and tbo tosp will be a- very aoenrato one. ' The town 5 ship will ho shown in colors end tbo Wi tiriet lines tlainlv marked. It will show all .the churches, school houses, mills,. ruralmail routes, tele phone lies, macadam roads and in fsct v everything of importsnee in th coun ty and will bo one' of tbe eompletwt , maps madei As soon as tbe map is " complete it will bo published, 4 Agents will canvass the county in advance o aa to know how many - copies to bavo made. ; r , Tonng Woman's Plight. book or any other article or any sizt at all at a public railroad sta tion out of one's sight was demon. strsted last night in the case of Mrs; Louis Pierroux, a young woman from the 'Waldensian settlement near Con nelly Springs. . She was on her way to Manning, S. C, where her sister is on - v-s Mrt, of tho Press." property. ': '. ";'' Of sesreely tear popolar interest than the resignation, Waa tbe aasump- toin Of military coirtrM ox the i edersl district by Alfrodo Boble Domingues, Madero's personal representative, in dent W. C. Dowd. of Charlotte. "Best opstrations by a leader or the new. Method of Securing and Retaining Lo- regime. A '- v i i , - cal Advertising.". t ' i . ,!-." ' Personally, Donuii (net .commands Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, stste geolo- oniy a smau.ooay ouiocai reneis, out ist on "State finoervidon of Publiel the Federal. garrison U Tinder orders Bsofc,V;;liri.it max'aWMbs!C 'Dr. JobnA.'eriIL''state director nu approval. oeiwr ioMngua wmmt- , . -.'Use at HendnrsnttvlUe. ai a i i j at nrui 61 the hookworm campaign, on "The " ZJ Hendersonville, May 25.-Mr. 5 H. f lt I'f.r" lZrZlH. Thomaa, the promoter of the pro- Oi me nooaworm, vampsiKn. i --ro-r- --- Mr. Wade Harris, of Charlotte, on aooaro. trains wrnianea joy te gov- Cssh Basis of the Newspaper." ernment at Cnernayaes, raebuea ana Mr. J. J. Fames, of High Point, on iiariepanvju, ',' The Open, Door." ' Uonunffael tonight said tan: tne Dr. W-Lv', Potest, ' president of troops wauu tohsiu iMiw.nK The lAth sittdons name inqy annua "w urvuca Durine these few months this Cir cle has systematically, through com mittees of the membership, sought out worthy subjects of consideration and assistance. Clothes have been carried to needy ones, flour and other rooa .-ft. era -of popularity dawning r the quietly directed to a number of homes phyaician who will nrescribe twelve wnere disease naaiwa aii Knttis. r.r n...;a ii;iv Vn I nrnnncprs or lue luuiiiv miu suffering humsnity." Some strsnge the wherewithal was lac King ior tne things happen in the Mountain CSty. getting or tne piain, uciuw or tne oav. li ws moro uwaora v in a practical way, going about doing good, these ladies ana 'young guu have become deeply mteresiea in, en larifinff their capacity for doing good and increasing their efficiency in the Held neculiarhr belonging to their i . miaRion. ' . - The Stonewall Jackson Circle ox on a seat, wbue she walked away to f, member8hip of the Press Asso- tion. get a onna ot water, noon ano re- i. nnmbera about 150. The Mr. Bovd callai Homo b Illness. nine-. 4ett trunk check, and a sid I r"rSrrr.,.!y"M; " r irf . . ' - - . i in .nuMYWjArs or im arm omnium, aau T7 . . . . , . ..is""" the rew wno nsve not . yet joinea Send for blank less in a I ExocntiTo Oommitteo of Xorth Oaro i Una Bynod to Meet .Salisbury Post, 24th. , . . ' . . TVi aTMntiva committee of the J North Carolina Lutheran Synod will V - hold its first regular meeting or tne v !ne synodieal year in 6alisbury to 1 li I morrow, Tbnrsdsy 25th, in tho law J ' . office of Judge B. B. Miller. Tho 1 ' work of tho new year will be taken np ' Vj ind outlined. ' It is expected that the ' " ' executive. committee will push th S .home mission work in the bonnds f ' ' the synod with nnusnal sesJi, The lay- , men of tho synod are becoming tbor . - oughly aroused on this all important j" , 4wiMmt - end it ia fullv exwcted that J work: will bo taken np in a number of bmw place by the synod's field mis i sionaryf The recent meeting of the North Carolina Lutheran fiynod wss yr' -U soom f saneh interest along tbia ; i line of work and has given new sest to i - the home work. ' -& Changes ia Mr X. L. Craven's Besi - ' done. ' ;i Tho Tesidenee of Mr.-K. L. Craven, , r ' ffui Ttenot street, hss been divid- : V ad ifttwo parts and each part ia bV ing moved to the edge of the lot Ad Editions will bo built to each part of "the original house, making two houses . V. on tho lot. -Mr. B. V. Blsekwelder bas tbs contract for moving the house. t; 4 ; -WhUe this work la being flona atr. - ; - , Craven and bis family are occupying f ! i Mrs. N". D. Fetser's homo on Grove V . street "' .-. V'T.. ;. W'- rbUy's B3niy Remedy Aotoi: .v .'i 1L N. George, Irondsle, Ala, was - bothered with kidney trouble far '-b.V:J ; . vears. "I was persuaded to '".- try Foley EiJ-.fy'"?-'edy, and before .' it three dav I eould reel us V T - he,4..oiJ ecta. The pain left my - " i s., v. mvkiJnrv action cleared np, and 'X ' I aa so mat h beter I do not hesitate .,ir!i''.-; to rwomtnend Foley Kidney Jtemeay. watch... She wu left pennili strange city. - , . , '. ; Col. W. B. Rodman, division coun sel for the Southern Railway agreed to hsve her sent to the end of that company's line at Columbia, free of charge. ; Enough money to pay her fare the rest of tbo way was eon- should do so st once. applies tion for membership.. The ini tiation fee is $5.00, which includes first year's dues. - J. B. SHEBRILL. Secretary. Concord, N C., May 2G, 1ML, tributed by the chief of police and the WilklnJ, from j, 0ity to recorder. Vs. 'I " -. . vv ' " - services st tlievAssociaio K- formed Presbyterian chtuxh, was call ed home today by telegram . to the bed side of an aged member who is crit ically iU. While this is a disappoint ment to many the peciai service win be continued, tbe pastor, Uev. wai ter Sunnson. doing the preaching. Service as nsnal today at 8:30 and 8 posed street ear line hero proposes to use the Edison storage battery ear it the manufacturers, who are far bo- bind their orders, are able to supply i.: w.i u ti... ;M vr Thomas is now in comnnication with King's Daughters w01 therefore, nxl the Edison yeople. The new road construction, Mr. Thomas states, will not be started nntil all the needed ma terial has been delivered.. . It is un derstood! that some part of this has been ordered. Snake 8wallowed Chickens. . Wilkes Patriot. . --. We are told of a remarkable and unusual rescue whieh 1 Mrs. : John Rhodes, of Ssymeadow, made on Sunday afternoon,' when she saved several of her small chicks from cer tain death. Hearing a ; commotion among the chickens near ' the house she investigated and found that a large "black snake had swallowed nine of her small chicks and that the mo ther ben was aa much disturbed as the ' anake was contented. Mrs. Rhodes hastily secured an axe and cut tbe snake in two, and as sbe did so five of the chicks leaped out Four of them ore still living and following the mother ben seemingly quite un mindful of their .thrilling and Jonah like experience. - - Drink BUI for Last Tear is Placed at Ovsr Two Bullous. -'-A' Atlantic City, May 24. There is Mr. and Mr. D, fl. Wolf, pedes trains from Kansas City, who are walking from that point to New York and return, went last night ; in the city. ..They state that the purpose of their tnpus for the benent or 'Mr. Wolf 'o health, which he says is very much improved. They came by San Antonio, Birmingham, Atlanta and on to Charlotte and Concord over the National highway. - Mr. Wolf was an orchestra leader Warning to Bailroad Hon. E. S. Bacon, II Bast, St. Bath, Ma sends out this warning to railroaders: "As conductor on the railroad, nu work caused a chronic inflamation of the kidneys, and I waa miserable and all played out. A mend advised Foley Kidney Pills -nd from the day I commenced taking them, I began to next Monday at . the Pythian Hall at 4:30 for a half hour business session, at which each member will make re turns for the proceeds of the invest ment of a ten cent piece which was started a few months ago on it mia- sion of gathering growth and increase, At this meeting delegates will be elect ed in attend the state meting or tne King'a Daughters at Salisbury, June 7th snd 8th. It is or supreme import snee that not a single member be ab sent from this meeting. At the same place and on the samt day, from 5 to 6, there will be an open soeial meeting. To this every. bodv interested in numane wur Borne reiresnmenw. and Davis 13 $j Sots The ideal Health- Best and Pleasure Resort Crowded eade. season. Not too high (1100 ft), pleasant days and Mtfthta IJa miiaiiilhw.-. t ITnumaiann before his health gave way and phy- Knfneral water. Resident Dhvsician. aieians prescribed the open air for Room for 200 guests. Sewerage, baths. him. They bad a borae anj cart that eieetne- ngnta. n apwow tsw are need to carry their camping out-1 service. rTLtSwS fit They average 20 miles a dsy and T ' " wiU probably stop w Salisbury to- -rf. connection at StatesviDe. night : ' " ' . Bell phone. Two through trains from Dr.' P. 3. Bates aBankrnpt' F. J. Bates. Chiropodist, of Char-1 , a mv- ji .Ad lotto, Thursday filed his petition to be August $8 to $10 per week. Special adjudged bankrupt. Judge eoya cn-i ratea wiamiuesanamuuwra.. cleared ana i am xar osier man i nave i -- . . . ty. ri. ano oiwy speueare a wing or tnesi - ... t . to ch vigitor LW"?lA', iMtorigV of making a smaU con- ncymis. o.a oy m.u. lamrsa, arug- ... -o a Bilver of. jsawvintv ATI his unlift and IValiifx iw vaajs3 w TcHnt work, demands for which are There is no limit to tne memueyauip Open June 1st to October 1st, U1L Write for booklet tor DAVIS BROS. ilsasli.ll.C SETTLBD OB NOTT In ease of YOUR death would YOUR PLANS for YOUR family go on or come to grief t This insurance problem is no frivolous one; it is a most serious snd solemn obligation. (.How have you settled this problem, contracts you can best afford to die; the longer you live tho more valuable they become. Buy ' now ' and avoid much of the anxiety flesh is heir to. t r R. M. SDniilh cashier of the Mer- i ' w i . 1 T-.i it'n l Lift a I a Ichants and Farmers tfanar at .uo um- IL'Jl Ea&K U belDfoi Dot OBIT tO meB Ma. Tvirel eonnty. North Carolina, tered an order of adjudication and referred the matter tJ W. S. 0'B.I an alarmina increase in the nae of el-1 Robinson. Jr.. refercd The indtbt- eoholio liquors in the United States, ednese ia scheduled at about 4,000r according to the temperance commit- 00. Tbo assets consist of furniture tee's report to the Presbyterian Gen- and wearing apparel valued at 300r eral Assembly. The report ssys: - 00, all of which is claimed a ex- "Th nar eanita driak bill in the emotions. D. B.' Smith, Esq., of vear 1910 waa 124.17. MultiDlnnel unarioite. is attorney ior tne . . . ' . " ' ' 1 . . -t . . es t - i- ihia by 4.S. tha aiza of the American I tloner. Bates formerly uvea in von. private family, according to the sen- cord, and while hero was superinten- sus of 11! 30, (estimate for the eensns dent or tbs xorne r urniture upmpany. of 1010 not yet available) we- have $111.18 as annual drink bill .of the average American family.' " Under J.h caption, "Coat of the Curse," tbe report gives a summary of . tbs amount of liquor consumed during the last year, placing its total cost to the consumers at $2,256,324,- 447.'.' i . r ... ..i ;. ; Another picture for the hUtoriel week. Th bast that has marked L ':' 'tJZ ?TZT CLCL!Z3 T friV&tt AcCOCZt vV2l uaiuwr jut. nuwa. iiwwiui ute i uperawuua, uu turn v u-i t . . m 11 . . ... i, s. ..I.t . . m - L MM coairman oi xn xwmocretie xiate i aioate tnat mere na iwen sum mrn;. : committee the door. - that tha old vessel might Est away. - I " I-- of the King'a Daughter' Circle in Concord. It is particularly understood that any lady or jroung gin, wno feels like taking just a little interest in this work of carrying sunshine into shadowy places and brightness to dull avm. mav become x ttetnoer or tne OlAn.m.lt T.iiVann , . a .. . - - , - s otuiivwau sivovu v v.vj a ir at am aw you ooaging or taeing T)uehters and they are hereby cor it like a real man t The best way to I dially urged to make known heir settle this insursnce. problem is by J? "S&Xj3&?g buvinfl Penn Mutual' Permanent and I -,ivirnni. warm-hearted- gentlemen Satisfactory Contracta .Unde Pens the town re very eMMnd are eligible to become honorary mem. bers f of nothing is better than being a King's son. m doing good, ana new is where a good man really shines his best "Savs the' colonel to the negroes; the worst thing that can happen to yon ia to get conceited." And yet tbe colonel didn't seem to know-what ml aiinarintendent' of ' the - county j . , - j . . .. v .: scnoois. was luuuu " - 1 1 lZCmCSS but tO CTCTT O&B Uld W0nB some distance from that town Wed- l.i !il. - In liia kmn KV naanav who m uu j hie side was a note ststing lhat two men, whose namea the authoritiee are withholding, were responsible for his suieide, and directing tne aisposuiou tha wmt ihina that unnld hannenl T nnn.tn aAn.iMs aataKliakaa mn rwl!t mairoa aonrlinol nf hia mnV and WOPCrtV. He bad uv w " rr , IL CUlUUlAh 1MIUVUIJ WMtWUOUV, . VMS .vuM, I i - - xmJit ' , . I i . t . i?n At ;. m..L . I hn ifoad sometime; " r. - r i mnnpv , awaw - or ravin? uuia wilu uutict ' eanv. lnmiuik i . . i J J - F j D . . .1'.. HMMMMW I HI '. Was to himselfV - Wo read that the old bsttlesbip SfttCSUZfdillfT. your cash, Stains WU1 w raiaea lu avuut iu leading, not to ssy prominent citii in He looks like a annister of the yt pel, snd he bas tbs grit of a ptias fighter. That unkind Fate never took the enthusiasm aad optimists out of hia soul, and, altogether ho is not much of a talker, he is a mite ' performer when it comes to ' doinf things.. :,:,P.iv-,..iv.v . , Tbe new third assistant was bora in Tennessee in 1871 ; but when ho was seventeen years old he moved ' to Asheville. When he was a boy, be got very dose to nature. Bo work ed on a farm' for three ' doDara a " month,' tbia being his first round in fie fight be mode to get aa odneadon in a region that was impoverished as a result of the Civil. War.;, In tfc-a . days a lotNof the people were aatk. 1 with getting a couple of square meWs. every twenty-four hours; but be was strong for tbo mental diet and a up uw uuhu w orowse among l..-' books and get a sip of the old and o i. n MnaliVPijnian. M.MtJt$dJ- evw, pretty skimpy .brawjanr mad - painfully small sips. r .-. ;J v; , . With that three dbllara a month ha - bought hia first school books, went U the public schools for a while, and -paid for a little extra tuition. Whea- ' he saw that he could not go to ooi- be bought all tbe. books in the course and studied them at night after L- U.J a:i a i;. , " . . " A- " iimsnua nis aay a worn ana -his chores on the farm. If. anybody ' thinks it is fun to study at night a- ter wrestling all day with tumpa4nr.' , new ground and currying the horsaava. . different story can be bad from this man who did it ; ' j. , - - Having educated himself, hooVit . obvious thing. He taught ackoui t was juBt about. this time thatXawv went to the mat wih a dying howA. Britt had taught aehool so well that ho was elected to the chair of mathemat ics in the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arte. He ' declined it. ' While he had been teach- " ing he had also been laving aside all all the money he could get, which waa ' ryl enough to break his back when b carried it around in twenty-flve-eent pieces. But he had eaved enough to take a law course at the University of North Csrolina.t u -v Then he opened aa office in Ashe ville, became senior member of tbe law : Arm of Britt ft Ford, and went into series of dress rehearaala for tbo difficult role . of " leading citixen." - His first big work wss, bis successful prosecution of law breaking revenue '. otuciaia in worth Carolina.. In lBwlf he was made special counsel tor thf Post office Department; and after that he became expert on the classification of mail matter and conducted several . important suits for the department 1! The Postmaster General was sax- ions to get the best man ho eould 'for the position of third assistant as 'this ;. office has under it a mass of big bust- . ness. . Hitchcock looked over tbe field of possibilities, ' and finally . picked -Britt, who; having worked for three dollars a month, knows the value o money ana tne on results tnst csb bo bad from hard labor, . ; ' . (." In religion the new official is a Bap-. tist. - In deportment he is a fine earn- pie of the old Southern gentles i, courteous, kindly, and- dignified. ' ,1 he is not afraid o6anything that w i on -the eartbi Following -the hi . he formed when he was studying r der difficulties, be is now a bard er and a deep Student, lie die statistics so that they will -thing short of speaking 1'ren, ' , he can clarify the most coir; row of figures ever figured. ' TTimiI Dias i quits a humorist in hia nwa nuiet wavJIe called a meeting of the Mexican tngres on Apru x, Penny 04mm) Ada Art Cash. One thousand seven 1 and seventy seven tnrn lit dieted in Adams cov ' w, selling votes, snd ii ' to have been al'e to . bought them. ......... . I . - -

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