. t - lie. p , r , ' ; i ! t ; i I . i vw V A V ; . CONCORD. N. MONDAY, MAY 529. 1911 Single . 1 U EL:'OUR; ".' LAST LArCOF GREAT INTENSE-ONLY- SIX -MORE DAYS TO I " GATHER YOTESljOSEiNdiME. r Loti of Good Adtice in ThU Arttde Do Not MUs Reading' Every Word . inThiI4ue.. - 1 ' Hem wo go on the. last lap of the groat 'raeo. 4 Tho mammoth offer you navo oob ftitipf fof l hero lit last. ThU la poritively tho beat offor that will bo mad during tho contest, ' Wo ara going to givt triplo votea on ovorything, oU and bow aabaeriptiona. Triplo votea and a grand supplement ary bonna will brtng thia very puo eotsful eontett to a eloao. For every . AVo yearly avbaMptiona Xo the Ttib; una brought or aent lit before Batur- ' day night at nine o'eloek, June 3d, a bonus certificate for 100,000 votee over and above the regular Male will b given. We will aleo give 100,000 for every ten yearly subscriptions to The Tunes. Now this applies to the num ber of 'months. . If you turn in sixty months it ia the equal t five years, whether h yare for one year or for only four months. Aa your eutaerip tions are turned in we will keep ac count of them and aa toon as yon have sixty months for The Tribune or . one hundred and twenty on The Times to your credit wo will issue a certifi cate for the extra ionwa of 100,000 votes. In addition to thia triple votes will bo given on everything- For four months the usual vote achedule ia 1,000 votes, during thia week it will be 3,000. For six months it will be 9,000 and for one year 27,000. Three and aix months subscriptions already turned in may be extended to a full year or more when votea for full term will be issued and subscriptions will count in making up clubs of. five. It is not necessary to wait until i club is formed before turning in the subscriptions.'. Torn them in aa rep ly as possible, and at the end of this offer the jaumber-61 clubs; dnV each contestant wil bo figured out bv the Contest' Department and Ibe special1 Votewgiven each one. " - - ? .There is no bettor timn to start your work than right now. A few yearly subscriptions at this period will giva any contestant a seniv be proud of. Toa must do your be; ork right no vr u you want to be amonj the winners. j This is the greatest offer that has ever been made in a contest. It ia the moat magnificent opportunity that baa been "offered to you to win for your little one of. whom you are so proud. , ,.y King Ban Five Americans. Five of the handsomest women in the United Kingdom' will not be in evidence) at the coronation of . King : George V or. any of the 'subsequent festivities. And it is aleo an interest ing fact that U of the Ave are Amer- - icana and members of the peerage. Four wete New York actresses. ' (, ' -. This quintet of peeresses are Con suelo, Duchess of Marlborough; the ' Countess of fiosslyn, formerly Anna Robinson; Lady Ashburton, who waa Frances Belmont y Lady De Clifford, v formerly' Eva - Carrington, and ' the .Hon. Mrs. Lyndhurst Bruce. The lat ter was Camilla Clifford, and 1 ia a daughter-in-law of Lord Aberdair. The last named four are considered among the most beautiful" women who ever appeared on the stages of New York and London. -"---- ;- f It ia the fact that Consnelo Vander bilt having obtained a legal separa tion from her husband .that is said to have impaired her social position. This ia in line with a rigid tradition of the ; Court of . St. James that baa to. do with tba exclusion of -those who may have figured in domestic difflcahies, no matter how righteous the position ; of the person may be. ' - . - KM Chairman Eller Is Strong for ? , WOaon. ' ' Raleigh, May 27. A. H. Eller, of Winston-Salem, chairman of the Dem ocratic atata executive committee of -North Carolina, in an interview today -came out strongly for Wood row wu , son aa the Democratic .nominee fot ' President.' . ' 1 Chairman Eller declares that the pendulum ia swinging to Wilson aa the representative typa -of, progress and real Democracy. .He ; predie ta ,Wil- '' An -.Amiiiarinn atiJ ailAdttAlt tS1-;.-' High Point Boy Dashed to Death by High Pointy May 27. Marshall Set ter, a youth of 1 yeare, waa instantly kiled in the Columbia Furniture fac tory here today by being caught in the shafting. He became wrapped around " repeatedly, hia head striking an over head beam and hia brains being dash ad out. 'n ' ;,-''J';:.;'-: ' - RACE-EXCITEMOiT Saturday Prize Winners - .- ... 1 PVv " -jk--' . : I The offer ia made at this time is order that yoa may pme down the born atretea with a spirit-and aah that will land yod in front at the wire. Thxea lor one ta certainly a phanoma-1 nal offer. It will apply to both old i a. : i . . nutuH., . nncnpuoM w merely renewau. it anowe yoa all an equal chanee. 'To those who have fallen little behind it offers the op- ve portmiity-ir you will ' but redouble yenr efforts, of catching up. Those who have worked their hardest will but renew their most earnest efforts, in view pf. the greatly creased, re- lin uuw nmpwwuu mm mo bonus offer ia calculated to inapire ev- . , . . . . eryone to. the greatest apnnt dnnng these last few days that you are eap- able of for that will be necessary if your liitie sweomean is w do a win Let everyone get busy instantly I and lose not .JU fni llityi pi8tol in hand, ran for- " ' . i ,l t u a V urnav nttrht. inn iliac thinlr' hA alio. I appointed 70a will be af ter mix weeks . M : J l: 1 A. a. Art trt tut iha mnar nAnniiit hahv in ttvi I : P . . " . . : : I " " rvr """J this much-to-be-desired result if you will just give your bafby s eampaign youjlunngthe last few days. Arrangements for the eloao of. this contest are even now being made, snch aa the selection of judges, ete. The judges will be three in number. They will be men of ine. very highest -stand ing, men who art above "reproach and whose decision in this race will be ac cepted without question . Ai-iii- Jlave you a yt jnade np thatliat of kinsfolk, friends and neighbor whom you have not as yet approached t If you have not yon should do so at once and lose no time ia getting into eom munication with them. - .Remember al so those persons whom yoa saw ear lier in the race and who put yoa off until a later date. : - m Communieate with all of ihoea and explain to them that - yon ; will get three times the usual number of votea for their subscriptions this week, and under the. circumstances they will not refuse, it is bargain week aa well as closing week in this grand record breaking contest. -v . Drnmmer Takes His Own Life. Winston-Salem, May - 27. J. T. Kuykendall, of Martinsville, Va-, aged 43, a widely known traveling sales man for the . Nelson 'Hardware Com pany, of Roanoke, Va., committed spi eide by drinking a bottle of carbolic acid in the, store of, Mrs. W,.G. Turn er, at Henry Va., today.' V ' W Mr. Kuykendall took the bottle of acid from a shelf, and after drinking it paid Mrs. Turner for it, telling her what ha had done.. He waa asked why be did it, but refused to (rive any ex planation. Death came to Kuykenall while sitting in a chair and before a physician arrived.. , . -.a.-w He ia survived by a wife and two children, -' 'T ' . : ''Sri, i '-- Miaa Ooltrans Beeovaring. Greensboro Newi."'. ' .''.' M. . Friends of Miss Ruth Coltrane, of Concord, will .be delighted to know that she is rapidly recovering front the effects of the operation for appendi citis performed last week at St. Leo's hospital. , Miaa Coltrane was earned to the institution only two days after she had graduated from the Greens boro Female College with high honors. Her class crowned her queen at their last exercises. It was atated yesterday evening that if no complications arise Miss Col trane will bo able to leave for her home in a few daye Mrs, Coltrane la present in the eity, visiting inenas w " present pi. iow meeiing. ar so that ahe mav be near her daaehter.l rangementf will be made for our an- - IDUar-Barnhardi. , Mr. Carl J Miller, a well known young farmer of St. John 'a, and Miss Jennie BarnharcMy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Barnhardt, of No. 8 township, were married yesterday af ternoon at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride 'a parents, Rev. N. R. Rich ardson, of Mount Pleasant, officiating. Mr,; and Mrs. Miler,ill make' their home at St. John. j Usm-' . .. . . H0TICB. ' All names in .our Baby " Contest which after nexi Wednesday have more than 2,000 votea to their credit will be eliminated from the Mat. . jWEM THE' i iCIWN NEXT , 1 ATTACK DIAZ' ESOOBT. tnMimeto rorota XolMd Afttr d y reoeraia. -, v vera urns. Max. May jct. uenerai . ' . i Diaa himself took command of tool federal soldiers who repulsed a large fnry of Tehela wTiiU h former Pi'. I Went of Mexico was on his way from Mexico City to Vera Crux. The lateat estimate place the number of rebel lead at 20 and the wonxded nnkiiown. 1ti.. .m..V .. ,;-. n 1 . rjj.. .ravelin and the es-1 t ,v. , . ft genora Dioa. Colonel nTfiria ni M(J ihi utur'. 3- n . T7 t;r ' Jin family. .The trains were proceeding Kte slowly, with a pilot engine in lead, the military train next, then the ex-President's special and last of all, a wrecking tram to repair tracks if necessary. i The rebels came into the oDen aa the trains were approaching Te- . i i. tu l J una j v. '- - a 1 u.l m. tp.j niu uncaa m unco aiioi:&. tua jni' mU?mf, AptnintJ nH vl ranU . GeKnerll mM ordered hig ipecial ear t nmm J" , .. 2.. ward to aid his defenders. The Fed- 7s ... r . mil vtntTwat l h trnma thn nrn. . lAAAiui ak tiicrh oruattH . On ai arrival here. General Dias was received in silence. There was wl?( fcaa Mi the fower Mexifl0 for ao many years. Xhax was met by J J. B. Body, to whose home he hastended. ' From the flagstaff of this mansion the British flag is flying. tieneral JJrti will be a passenger on 4bo Hamburg-American steamer Tpiranga, which sails for Spain May 31, by way of Havana. The health of the former President appears to greatly 1 imewted'K?'--1?-? " ' ' . f Concord's Depot. Charlotte Chronicle. The 'Concord Tribune has renewed the list-shaking performance at the Southern Railway Company On ac count of the. depot conditions there. These conditions are bad, but the Southern has plana for Concord that require time, but which, when con- f"nted,, may repay.tbe people of that 4own for waiting, It ia prob- able that in thesonrse of a year or so, Uoncord will have a fine new de pot at a location a mile north of the present site. The present depot area will be converted into a freight hand ling district. From the new location a double track, to be used exclusively for passenger service, will be built in a direct line to a "point near Harris burg At present the curve between these two points is about like the lot- ter v cnt half in two. The new pas- senger line would lake out this curve, eliminate troublesome grades and save schedule time,' besides - giving . the Southern greatly needed extra freight facilities. We believe it ia the hold ing in hand of these plana that is de laying the depot question at Concord. The new depot would be as close to the town as the' old one, and would be a good thing in the measure of new development it would create. Will Examine Cows for Tuberculosis. Dr Spencer will commence testing much cows in this community for tu berculosis about the middle of next month. Several eases of tuberculosis have' been found in this section and, quits a number, especially those feed ing babies on cow's milk, ara desirous ot, having their cows tested and take no chances of communicating thia dis ease ta the 'infants. The tuberculin test requires about two days and 88 per cent, of infected cattle will react. -;. , JW..A i t&tlt Kotioa W. O. W. TT.Im Putrin will an twit Tnoaav niirrit May 30, and every member ia request- I . . mi tl,. . . nuaj jaemonai services. ine yvooa man Band question will again some. up and all the members of the Band are requested to be present. . C. H. PECK, C. C. J. H DORTQNCierk-.t-!. - - 29-2d Thirteen Deaths from East in Two ., .,'.,.' - Weeks la Chicago. ' Chicago, May 27. With one death land two other heat prostrations ra- I ' J. .1 i I made by the weather bureau, tomor no'l row. ; Thirteen deaths have. resulted I from the unprecedented 'beat wavt I during the past fortnight. rasczAL icarno. Som af tbs Taosl Kara aa4 1- bt. W. a 8bfcn, of iMMpolit, u lb Concord tsdaf . w . u, khU TW is a taaJinv Da. riilon tommm-av. ' Mr. T. M. Egfs, sf Gibson villa, is visiting frietj&.in the city. Capt, L. A. Prows has gone to Sal- 1 ' Mhnatt nw at atkVrt misii maAaasi r . MU 8tirW Mowrry ia apend- wa. a visitor is the eitv yaatordav. . s . . . turIr fgomery u apei spend ing the day ia.Charlotte. Mr. and Mist Jt P. Allison are at tending Davidson ponunen cement. Mrs. T. J. White left thia morning for Washington, D. C to spend a week, ., -' : .... ... j-: - - Mr. Lester Coltfane arrived Satur day afternoon, from Trinity College, Mr. Mack Buchanan arrived Satur day from the University of North Carolina. ' . . 4 - Mr. H. S. Pnryear will go down to Chapel Hill to attend a reunion of hie elass tomorrow, .. J - Mr. and Mrs.- P. B. Fetier are at tending DavMsao.; College commence ment. ' i Mr. M. 0. iHai ri. of Charlotte, spent yesterday in the city with h Miss Bettie Craig, who has been vis iting Mrs. J. P; AHiaon, has returned 10 her home in Salisbury. Mrs. J. C. Lipparl left this mornini for Elkin to visit bir daughter, Mrs Ai W. George. , '5 - Mr. Fred C. OdelL of Greensboro, spent yesterday idb ihe city with his father, Mr. W. R. tldelL-. , , , :- , ? Mx. and Mw.fT.'T'Wnlte ah Mlsa- Lida Culp have gone to Washington, D. C, to spend a week. Mr. H. S.Puryear has gone to Chapel Hill to attend the the Univer sity of North Carolina commencement. Mr. Fletcher Fink, of Charlotte, spent yesterday in the city 'with his parents, Mir. and Mrs. J. C. Fink. Dr. and Mrs. Verner left thia morn- wg for their old home in Dormont, Pa- to "d the summer vacation. Miss Ethelyn Crab tree,'' who has been visiting Mrs. John M. Cook, left last night for her home in Salem, Va. Rev. Plato T. Durham will deliver the address at the commencement of the Newbern graded schools tomor row night. ! ' - ; Miss Ella Holmes, who has been visiting her cousin, 'Mrs. Plato Dur- ham, will leave tomorrow for her home at Boydton, Va. Miss Anna Sherrill will' return to morrow from Danville, where aha haa been attending the commencement of the Kandolph-MaCbn Institute. Rev. N. R. Richardson, of ' Mount Pleasant, left this morning for his old home at Wendell. He will go from there to Durham, to attend Trinity commencement. , " Miss Kathlien Si iih leturned yei- texday from Washington, .where ahe haa been for some time : studying music. While in Washington ahe sang in the First .Presbyterian church sev eral times by special invitation. -; f Misses Ella Belle Shirey and Lillie Belle Hallman, : of Lenoir College, Hickory, who have been visiting Mrs. John M. Cook, left last night for New York, They will sail Wednesday for Liverpool and spend .the summer abroad. ; i V" Mr. G. C. Goodman haa gone Jo Sal isbury today to identify a negro held mere woo 'is supposed m oe cnanes Ray, who il wanted in No." 3 township on 'harge of laree.ny. i- 1 Willi this ia bnuneti a!ie! !wbo It encourages ecenomj, establiahes your credit, makes Bending money away or pay me bills y with Check easy, , besides I iuvuvi ' s w a f vi ns i ,m , I .: ' '".'..'-,.'."";. t -'' .l-:.ik ;T '') JU,' . ' . V.liy not sbrl yesr Cbeciisg or Private Acconnt wKn ' TTTRr.B WTT-T VT TJf W&EGX. seaboard Doable-Eaadar rralxht Train Oraahsa Throngs Barmiag . Traatla, Killing Two EngUaan aai . a riramas. Charlotta Observer, 29th. Kewa of a headlong plunge of a doable-header Seaboard freight train through a burning trestle between Boetie and Ellen boro yesterday after noon at 5 o'eloek reached Charlotte shortly after the occurrence. Three men, all white, wre killed. They were Engineer R. M. Green, of Mon roe, Engineer J. M. Lindsey, of Cher ryville, and Fireman Roy Dooley, of Monroe. Those seriously injured were Early Lewis, colored, a fireman from Monroe, and Lon Neely, colored, a brakeman. Capt. Frank Howell of Charlotte, was conductor of the tarin, which consisted of twenty-nine cars loaded with Clinchfleld coal destined for va rious points in this section and to the south. The train was drawn by two engines, owing to its weight. The fact that the trestle was burning was not discovered until too late to halt before reaching it. Both engines and fifteen of the cars crashed through the fire-eaten woodwork to the stream below, Ave cars piling up on the two engines. Engineer Green's body was extricated at once. A' wrecking train was started from Monroe for the scene of the tragedy as soon as tidings of it reached thai place. The scene of the accident was Wat kins trestle, two miles east of Bostic. No other members of the crew except those specified were injured. Stole a Cow. Some one stole a cow belonging to Bush Cannon, who lives on Mr. B. V. Caldwell s place, in No. 2 township, last Thursday night. Cannon is blind and the eow was given to him by Mr. CaldwelL The animal waa traced to Kannapolia, where it was first sold to Mr. (J. U. Alexander for am - Mr. -AteVatidrfr wild it. In Mr J H Reader for $15, who later sold her to Mrs. Measamer for $20. Turner Jbrd, colored, has been arrested for the theft but upon investigation no evi dence was found against him and he was released. No further arrests have yet been made. Oar Should Stop One Minute on the Square. We nave heard many people say thai the street car should stop at least 'one minute on the public square in each direction. People who do not want to stand on -the street in the hot sun waiting for the ear etep in to one of the stores nearby to wait. When the car comes it barely stops at all. and it is impossible for them to reach it in time to take it. . W irt J QBUTIOS , or untr-onM ClttCKJNO dCCOUSl : miTK TBt MOMMT roa riso Ntcu- ' M4KT TO Mjr ON , HAM-IVIT OtlAW '' DAltT TUM AMOVM hudbv, ririi n A HOVIBHOLD accoost o ton tOUHt$-KVOU i CONCORD RATIONAL BANK Oapital 1100,000 : f , Surplus 3P( Par Cent, Interest Paid on Tims ' Deposits. - ,j ' Bank it helpful not onljr to mtt but to every man and woman hu any bnunets transactions. '"1 l " III! SATURDAY. MGIIT ? BASEBALL THTJESD AT. Plana for Organising the Five Local Tsaaa Into a City Baseball League Being Considered. There will be a ball rame between Davidson and Concord Thursday. The locals are working hard and expect to put np their best game against the Davidsonians. Plana are on foot for the organiza tion of a city baseball league between teams representing Concord, Locke mill, Gibson mill, Brown mill and Young-Hartsell mill. Nothing definite has yet been determined upon but it to be hoped that the man seers and those interested in the various teams will get together and form an organi sation. The league oculd be controlled by the baseball laws now governing such organizations, the standing of clubs could be kept in an official rec ord and it would no doubt create no little local pride and at the same time furnish pleasing amusement for the ungry fans in Concord and vicinity. Another Barn Burned. A barn on Mr. Frank E. White's place, in No. 10 township, occupied by Jim Howell, colored, was de stroyed by Are last Saturday night about 11 o clock. It is evident that the barn was set on fire. A good mule, valued at $125, was burned to death. and a eow so badlv burned that she will die. A lot of provender, corn, was also burned. A wagon and buggy were saved. Mr. R. E. Newell, who lives near, heard some one walk ing fast through his yard, and getting up to see who it was, discovered the tire and gave the alarm. He was not able to identify the man or see wheth er he was blaek or white. The loss is about $200, with no insurance. Miss Jennie Joyner, of No. 10 township and Mr. Arthur Sides, of Mebane, were married yestrday morn ing at 10 o'clock at the home of Rev. . W. Smith, the officiating minister. They left thia morning for Mebane, where nr.- Bides nas a positiorVUh the Southern Power Company.' ' y There is no quandary when choos ing this make. It is the GRACE in . EVERY line; the cleverness in every C detail that make SELBY Shoes stand ; out in bold relief above all others. New lot of One-Strap ,Vevet Pumps $2.50 to $3.50 Oxfords, Ties and Pumps in all styles and leathers, from . $1.25 to $5.00 White Pumps for children r from 190c to $1.25 ; , i H. L. PAOiiS Ci O. HOSPITAL FOB 00X00 ED Mass Kaatiag to Night. June t. Va Held nareday to Oonsider the Matter. ' -": - r :''. The following letter haa been pre- . pared and will be aent oat to the eiti- , sens here within the next few days: Dear Sir- Ia response to a grow ing sentiment for the ectabtiihineiit of a hospital in thia eity, a mass meet- ing of all eitisena interested in this movement is called for Thursday night, June 8th, at 8 o'eloek in the , court house. . ' Tbe several fraternal orders ot thia eity have appointed 'Hospital ' Committees to represent them at thia ' -meeting. . - . We would be glad io have yoa pres ent. Tours very truly, C. B. WAGONER, Mayor. A hospital haa long been one of the public needs of the eity and the eiti sens here, who have the beat interest of the eity and the welfare of tho community at heart, owe it aa a public ' duty to attend .this meeting and aid in every way in establishing a hos pital. For Bttulithic Streets. ' ' A petition is being circulated ask- - i ing for the signatures of the property : . owners on Union street, between De pot and Corbin streets asking that as phalt or bitulithie be laid be tween these two aireeta, which prae- " tically covers the business part of the ' city. The property holders are to pay one-fourth and tbe city one-half, Thu is a progressive move, and we hope , will succeed. ' Killed the Wrong Haa. Qrensboro Record. ' t A bank cashier at Columbia,"fhls State, committed suicide because be discovered his predecessor had been loaning too much money on insum- t cient security. We always thought a bank exacted the best kind of secnr-, ity. They do down' this way. Bnt'; why didn't this new cashier kill tha ' oH cashier instead of himself t . , See Jna Timet for Printing. ' '"v"' i