i. iMcmirrtoa aval l !w i i tMM . .lO . lit , oin M aiu- uipal.csuaB-r. A InrtMsf tales ta ha St Ik -:. Cof te MM Be IB B4 It eeleck a. Be, . rNi a. Tluata Baaetlei at -vw Kxi Maikar artloi-a are bar' at IM rat e I east Bh 'liene ea tintl " April t. It It. at l eaetoSVa i t Ca-r-d. K C an Ut et J aUreh a. u;a ml I MHlt . X HMIM nln ataath . LI . IN Concord, N. C, May 29, MIL LISCftTY. ' to Ufa ao dear or p- to sweat at to ba purcbaapd at lb price at chain aed liberty J For Md It Almlfbtj Ood! I know Bot what coarse others may take; bat, a for ma. five ma Bberty or 1t m death I Patrick Henry. I ' After having worked eighteen years ' for the admission of Ariiona and New " Mexico as separate states of the un ion, the Democratic majority of ihe .House found it a genuine labor of love : to pass the statehood resolution. In Toting for the admission of the terri tories as states the Hoase neither en- . dorsed or condemned the recall of t judges. What the House actually did " was to endorse local self government and ihe right of the state to control - its own affairs. Fr 60 years New . Mexico has been at the doors of Con gress for admission. Arizona has also long contended its right to statehood. . The 1906 democratic platform pledged the "immediate admission of hese ? territories as separate states." This pledge was carried out before the ' Democrats had been in control of the House three months, which action was in striking contrast to ihe jugglery ; too statehood measures have been re :; eeiving year after year at the hands J of the now minority of the House. - In agitating the holding of the Con federate reunion in Greensboro two yean hence, is our neighbor of xhe XT l;u? a i v -i- viitwi Dittoing lour se oaca aoing it just for th big of the thing T What ' would Greensboro or any town in th , Stat do with this great body! We could not handle it or come any where near it Th News must be joking. ' Ureensboro .Record. V It is evident that the editor of the ; News did not attend the reunion at Liile Boek recently. While the way , that city took care of and handled the crowd was little less than wonderful, (and no city of like size could have ' don it tetter) it was easy to see that : th reunion should not be invited to nnj city of less than 100,000 inhabi ' tants. Little Rock has 55,000 inhabi- - tants, and the reunion visitors num bered 110,000, double th population . of the city. '' Indications are that th Democratic -Hoase will reduce the tariff on raw wool by' one-half. This would be ear- Tying out th promise contained in the national democratic platform of 1908 which. Was that "gradual reductions should be made in such other sched ule as may be necessary to restore h tariff to a revenue basis." The consideration of th revenue needs of th government was what caused the bulk of the democratic majority to de eid upon cutting the raw wool duty in two. The tax on raw wool last year brought $21,000,000 into the treasury and th government cannot afford to give up hat sum while then is no in come tax. .,. ' How will it stand Tb Beidsville Review pays th candidates will lead in this order; Kitchin, Simmons, Ay- cock and Clark. The Madison Herald published in the same county, sees it this way: Clark, Ayeock, , Simmons and Kitchin. . Both wrong. Simmons will stand tt th head of th list FAX QBAPHS. . "A Conneetientt woman Is said to avs stolen her bo-band's fads teeth keep- him from attending beef- ak dinners." A thrifty eeonomieaf .1, we. should say. ; ; a ii -x: .,.. a .-. "The world belongs to th young n," says J. C Stubbs, vies-presi- t of the liamman lines.- Did not w that Morgan, Carnegi . and kefeller were any longer young, . ; ; a a . a ew York's big ie company has "i its name. Bat bow about Us A COW K20TT. IV Ivar Said ta U UwU Vm Said Ucmtij at Tat-kvtOa, S. 0. A saw BMOMait aad ao ai ecavi erahle important was starved rataal It at Torkril., & C. what. th Yark Coanty Lit Stock AtaotalkMS sar eaaafolly proaaotad tb ' first "sow stow" ever bald U Ua Boat. Mai laaa 1,000 tBtarastad farmers, dairy tea and basins a attended the bow, which will Bataraily Btiatalal iataraat ia stock-raising and dairying. Thar war ta bead UW akawn, ioeioding repraUti- at ear art I hraeds af both dairy amd bf tjpe. Of the dairy emmals there am om ataa JarasyB) Uueraa- aad Holeteta, while among the beef spinal were soa particalartT a aad torn . lltn- fords, among tham bail that tipped tha scales at 1000 pounds, whil his owner, Mr. & I), vroas declared that h was 500 pound off." Seveaal interesting 'jjti valuable talks ob th general topic of stock breading, dairying, judging and feed ing were given. Dr. W. Francis Fa bey, of the animal husbandry bureau of the national department of agricul ture, who is assigned to the work of tick eradication in the Sooth, gave some valuable suggestions on the proper care of cattle. Among other speakers were J. L. Burgess, stock expert of Clemaon College, Felix Wil liams, a pioneer dairyman of Villa Rica, Ga., E. J. Watson, Commissioner of Agriculture in the State of South Carolina, and Mr. W. W. Long, a North Carolinian, who U with the United States Department of Agri culture. In addition to the animals shown there was sn exhibit of dairy prod ucts and of dairy supplies, feeds, etc. Among the feeds was the compara tively new machine mixed feed of cot- j ton seed meal and hulls, Boveta, which, through the courtesy of the Cotton Oil Company, was fed to all the cattle in the show during the two days it was in progress. Machine mixed cotton seed meal and hulls was something new to most of the visitors. who realized more than ever before the importance of very carefully mix ing the right proportions to make the cattle eat the food up clean and to secure the best results from the feed. The question has been expressed since the snow at xorkvule tnat it will be a very few years now that the movement is started before every sec tion of the South will have its cattle or stock show. Stock raising is just in its infancy in the South, but with h natural advantages of this section. its growth is bound to be rapid. In the Wax of th Meaalea. Th little son of Mrs. O. B. Pal mer, Little, Rock, Ark., had the meas les. The result was sever cough which grew worse and he could not sleep. She says: "On bottle of Fo ley's Honey and Tar Compound com pletely cured him and he has never been bothered since." Croup, whoop ing cough, measles cough all yield to Fonely's Honey and Tar Compound. Th genuine is in the yellow package always, oeluse substitutes. Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist. Keep th Weeds Down. 'Every weed you allow to ripen this year means hundreds next year," de clared Prof. W. F. Massey recently in his farm notes. Now is the accepted time to get rid of weds, briers and bushes; and every day's neglect means more seeds to ripen and more work for you next year. Get out the mowing machine, the scythe, and the maitoek and get busy. Haw's Tatat W offer On Hundred Dollar Re ward for ear ease of Catarrh that can not Da eurea oy Hair catarrh cure. r. t. cujbnSjT Si CO, Toledo, o. Wft the nndaralwaad. kava known F. t. Chaney (or th last IS rear, and bellave him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and nnanctallr aoi to carry eat any oDllsauona mad oj nis arm. WALOWOl KINcfllf B MARVIN, Wholeaal Drvsrslats, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cnr Is taken Inter nally, actln directly upon th blood and mucous aarfacee ot tk iratem. Taetlmontal sent free. Price, 76c. par nonie. boiq oy ail urnswiata. Take Hall's Family pills (or Consti pation. "Apples which we sold last fall for $1.00 per bushel many now be pur chased in Waynesvill for 60 cents per dozen," says th WaynesviQe En terprise. "And we have a few months yet in which to take steps towards preventing their doing us that way agin." Don't Get Bun Dowu. Weak and miserable." If you bars Kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, disiineis, nervousness, . Pains u to back, and feel tired all over, get a package or Mother (fray's Aus tralian Leaf, the pleasant hsrb sure. It never fails. : W have many testi nonials from grateful people who have ased this wonderful limed y. As regnlstor it has no equal. Ask for Huther Gray's Australian Leaf al druggists or sent by mail for 60 cents Sampjs free. Address, Th Mothei Gray Co, LeRoy, N. Y. ' . , i ; piles crrjuED nr 1 to 14 days Paso Ointment is guaranteed U snr any ess of Itching, Blind, Blssding or Protoding Pile la 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60s. , ;.- . Detroit discovered that it losf the basebaQ. championship last year by losing a few games and it does not in tend to repeat that mistake this time. v ' . ,- See tbsTimss for Piintinf. 1 jtbat ;oi SJSd TZZXXX Beat tCf OosumaaU frees Ua Bright Psjsgras bar af U Dmrfcaa EaraU. It Btt aaeaa that Ua Standard OJ eoanpaay ia pat eat at baaiajtaa bal it doe aot a, ta he woryiag aver it. If mora ef th big blind tigers war at to Ua road aaort af U bttl ears would kaap oat f ta way- From Mr. Arrack's brttar w uk H .hat a ia also eouatioj ea his friaada ta da the other part. . - Mr. 8isusoaa' xpUnatioa will act him right with that earn part of th population which ia Beit bar bis friends r.ur hi caenies.- ,-'.- If Mr Simmons votes right ao th a:hr measures that will earn op be fore th eaatpaiam ia really oa a is going to be a hard man fa beat.. The man who has no mosey and cannot get hold of anj aad better keep out of North Carohaa politic at th present time. - : : ' As the matter now stands we are for Kiichin, first, Ayeock second, Sim mons third, and for Clark not at all. Some of us who know nothing a boat it are not ao certain that the resigna tion of Diss mean peace for Mexico. The fact that so many other people will want to be president is likely to make trouble for th country. Foley's Kidney lUmedy Qniekly. -M. N. George, Iroadala, Ala, was bothered with kidney troabla for many years. "I was persuaded to try Foley Kidney Remedy, nnd before taking it three days I eould feel its beneficial effects. Th pain left my back, my kidney action cleared up, and I am so much beter I do not hesicat to recommend Foley Kidney Remedy. M. L. Marsh's Drug Store. One of the most interesting bits of political gossip Washington has heard a long time is current there, that he entrance of Henry L. Stimson, of New York, into President Taft'a cab inet mav mean that he is to be Mr. Taft 's running mate in 1912. Presi dent Taft. it is said, fully expects a renomination. Little consideration is (riven to contrary reports. Foley Kidney Pills take hold of your system and help rid yourself of yo'ir dragging backache, dull head ache, nervousness, impaired eyesight, and all the ills resulting from the bladder. Remember it is Foley Kid ney Pills that do this. Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist. Commencing Thursday, June 1st, the - , i ' . seaooara Air uine wui put on P"01; rar wrirc uu irojua -rt aau w ween -Charlotte and Wilmington, leav ing Charlotte daily at 5 p. m. There is already a Parlor car on trains Not. 40 and 39 operating between the same points, train leaving Charlotte 5 a. m. dailv. TO CURE A COLD IN OKB BAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Druggists refund money if it tails to cure. E. W. Grove's sigl star on every box. Tacoma, Wash., has recalled three out of five commissioner whom it elected a little more than three years ago. Tbe process of the recall is to elect somebody in the place of one who is already in office. It therefor must be that the knowledge that the people have the recall power does not deter men from seeking office. Foley Kidney Pills are a true med icine. They are healing, strengthen ing, antiseptic and tome. They act quickly. Sold by M. L. Marsh, drag- gist North Carolina 4 per cent fort? year bonds were sold Thursday, $310r 000 to C. C. McDonald, of Raleigh, and A. B. Leach, of New York, for $310424, ot which $250,000 is for th fireproof administration building and $60,000 for the State School for the feeble-minded. There were seventeen bidders. Do Yon Havs th Eight Kind of Help. Foley tudney Puis furnish th right Kind or help to neutralize and remove the poisons that cans headache back. ache, nervousnes, and 4 her kidney and bladder troubles. M. L. Marsh's Drug Store. Vie President Sherman Friday de clared that he expected a vote to be ta ken on the Canadian reciprocity bill ia tne senate by June 15th. and said he would Dot be surprised to see Congress sojourn long before October. Mr. Sherman did not say whether be ex- peeted tb reciprocity bill to pass. A8I7UCURirOB O.- I 1L! , 1 IN 1 T9 MINUTItW M Ia say fart ef th My-lasid or Ost, f DR. FENNER'3 ; ! Bn.rrr -xSTA-srrAiraoTJS. Died FrW-eHy Ore We-ralf1, Teoth- Oran'na, j , i' Briuawa, It ouauu, t 1. .ii Mains, a. CuU. iid-lHirea, Sprains, Out. raatad .eat, Uajupe,au. WsaO ijiMT-anytt ear StIw, OoM, (ora- riroal, r-r a4e, , rrioa. "', I 1 I ..! IraauM, wnwiimie, iiuiuaw Mvasiuna aaa. Drairalat avairwhara, sse., tee. an s, daea. Stir Cure. Clrrular.Dr ! ...... .a. aaaac,rraduala. M, i.y. SI den Relief TX3 TC 72 TS3AT. " r.ur,L t Walter Callows., Jr.. .... Kaxtia Latbar Clcbo, Jr. . . . flora May tKJJrtut Plato Walkiaa Scott .. Moorbaaj Taina , , . Daa KiUhia - , 64,750 C3to MA 23 SL7S 3248 Margaret Fowlkaa . , t Virgkuia WadswerU K4 Dorothy Black Lola Payne MrOaUa&d ReaeevWl Oraan Or ! -2000 IfiaM Sinclair WUliannv Jr 12,737 EaUlU EsaU . XL175 Lack Parriak 11L300 Dorothy Norman. ,225 T375 Nott Harris .L.'-".: J. C Willaford, J 4,700 .4,000 8200 SOO 2,625 350 WOlj 2,000 250 200 8425 2400 2,075 2,075 2,050 2,059 2,475 2,035 W75 120 L900 1375 1JSTS 1375 1,700 1,875 1,775 1375 1,700 1,625 1,650 1,600 1,600 Bal via Peainger Laura Tirjinia Tork Jo Wataoa Alic Bemie Tork , On wall Twinfl . . Adelaid ElisabeU Foil Lacy Col Wheeler , Edna York ... .-, .. Thomas Young MeConnsll Una Elizabeth Davis Bilta Moar W. Franklin Morrison, Jr. Frank L. Sappenfield 4 Lois Ouffy i . Gaorg Patterson Emma Elizabeth Walker BUU Caldwell Cbaa. B. KesUer , Billi Boyd .i Claod Ramsaur . Annie Louis Hoover Annie O. Dayvault . Carl Pounds Marie Hipp Madeline Kims Marguerite M. Cannon . James Blums i!i Ed. F. CorreOl Bryon Fsggsrt ... Margaret Lippard Smith Peacock .,. Curtis Ketner Hiram Caton .i." Lacile Gilkm .,., 1325 Thomas Alexander, Jr. . 1,550 Millicent Virrinis Ward John Hall Rutledg Baby Dick : Stokes Whit Nancy Query MeClettaa Robert Isennonr Elisabeth Weddington Herbert Morris ..... Margaret Morrison . Grae Wineeoff .... Ralph Dry Helen Maris Lip ....... M25 1,475 1,475 1,450 1,425 1,425 1,400 1375 1350 1350 1350 1305 Hubert Fink 1300 v v i jV" I iaauuat. ., 1375 Jean Braswsll 1300 1450 Furr Twins District Vo. 1 Kanupolls. Jack Miner 24321 Louise Litaker .-... 3324 Corinn May Towels .- ' 1,400 Margaret EUsa Patters7.. '' 1325 Clarence Low i .J.. 1350 William PauL Jr. . Charlie Saunders . IsXPlsasmntT 1425 I4OO -tuth VkginiaFaggart J.. 54,315 Marguerite Lents 27J300 Mary Ella Barrier, rfd 1. 10375 Francis Miseabeimer 4. 2350 Reese Holmes Eagle .. 2400 Brue Engens Mauney ; 1,600 Eugen Troutman ..4.- 1,400 uetua onriey Tocker . ' . 1350 Bonnie Loeile Starne .... 1 1TK James Aaron Boat ..... LuluMay Widenhoose .. ' Urlngton, H. jX 27400 7375 Lois Beck ... 4.- 45,475 Concord B. P. D. Oleta Wallaes Thompson y.. 46334 9.t Do you feel athriQwhen the band plays Pixie ? You7wilI experice the same seniion in leading ;':,:t'Alf"f "v: LrOVE under; llMNDALL PARhlSII It is the stccy of a pretty n maxtoa of channirBi Southern lass and Northern soldier dur tog th Ova War. Tb kind ct story you Uks bubUes with xrttttTTTt ram first to last ALL BOOKSTORES have it for salr, $1.35 net '.' - ' r "- . . . . - . A. C UcOurg ft Ox, PnbUshers .Mawyosk CHICAGO BWihaadsc 1 la ' V .5:4 14.. 40"4 13,7:3 14.1 ' 1,4 i LJ0 I325 1425 1375 UTS 1300 13O0 .32,450 a 1,400 1450 -1,400 '1325 1300 80,000 S1331 47399 , 1,75 1375 '1400 1,400 "1325 1325 1350 Parts , Abas Lr.er, Hi Cl Orer. Lseila Templet 09 Baalak Teroaa llariey - . . . Kathleen Toat LZ VatUaaa Brown - . - ' at ail Oartrod Cooper , Jerry La Riteai ...... Mary Ka-Jdaw . . Chaa. Cook - n . , , . Frwd Gray EliaaUth Sifferd . Helen Fraaeaaka Uendrix .. Jaanita gerkler ... Cart Sachlar Ralph Comber Margsrst Up Bennett Douglas Ltnia.. Kntb Frees 01.' MUdrad Rotrara Leoa Brown Winaeoff Jennie Reyn MeKinely, rfd L. Mary Dixie Oercaea' Mary U. HiD Harriet Glass -. .... Baby Sims, rfd 1 ..... Margaret Hill Edna Brown, rfd Howard ..Taft Trie ... OIQIL Carl Baawnd Sbo... 61491 Margaret Odette Eller 29337 Edna Tillinghast Bellotts. Bfd 2 ...... 6,600 - ' AlbaBXtri. 0org Atkins Morrow - 1,600 Thomas Hearn . , , . 1.600 Riuhard Leander Hall 1325 Arthur L. Patterson 1300 Margaret Klutts ; ; 1350 Elisabeth King . 1300 EichMld. Glenn Elmo Ritchie ; ; 1450 EaitubarjL Billie Morrison .....,.. 53,075 Wo. Mitchell McEaehun 1,400 Fay Alexander . 1375 Aa AttraotiT Offer Th readers of Coneord and Cabar rus will be interested in a splendid proposition being mad by Th Ob server Company, at Charlotte. Just at this time the Daily and Sunday Ob- rrvei seven uaya in en week Will he sent until October 15th, MIL to all new subscribers for 12.00, This is a considerable reduction from the reg ular price and 11 mads tor the purpose of introducing the paper to new sub scriber. The only rule Is that cash most ac company all ordars. Send nam and address and cheek for $2.00 to Tb Observer Company. Chariot t N. C and let this splendid paper be sent yon until uctober loth, mi. Just Received ! Mew. 1-. .1 .... '"jf p'f! iw:3':u.,:; For Summer Wear Mousseline Bordurc ' with beautiful Floral : Border at 3;ents;gl Novelty Foulard Champane grotiad 'with' different - dots aad figures at 25 cents. Near Silk Foulard, look' like silk and wears better, priced New Cluny Lace and New Inserting at: , 10c, 15cV 20c;aiiii 25i. , , Flouhcings at'.'; ,v 50c, 75c and 1J1.C0. Baby Irish Lace and Insert- liClSe, 20c end 23c.p 1. p. WantedOn doien xiUj ' who are aot in our Luhj Contest to their names today. tl fay Carter, rfl 5 - r : 1: re- ;' : 'a pti Dutt tLcy s I i".ltrvalua$ Via totr, tev tb Rcj.l Ccaapsuny Lav alaiylooed sticlicg Invarially to the "rcoa4 fraxs"f rices, anj Re&U art now ao!4 at - - PI113 Fivo Per Cent. f ins also, th amaU atlcranc) for getting -, tlvt aboM from the Regal Factories) on to 1 i REGAL' . 1 J- 1 , i-a V4i i tJi !, iJ ... v ""a .', , . . I t' ,, , : t 'S ' 1 . 1 am nor taking orders for- 1 am nowr taking oroers iorv V1 Truit" Trees, , 8hrtibbery and ba B nfflM. Ka street each Saturday and m i would be glad to se anyone t; who I fail to see in canvass- f-S'lag.4 4Very truly, - i-lrj. A.. BJiWNLTTll, Agent . j f t Spend Your Vacation at FJlerbe Springs. urTh hotel at Ellsfb Springs will open Juae lst.: Heajth an4 pleasure seekers will nod thl th most delightful place to spend a vacation in the stat. , The hotel ia an elegant new one , with large spaciont verandas, ele lights, hatha, hot and cold water, and with daily manil and local and long distance telephone services. The ground are shady and coot the hottest days of summer. Many attractions here for the pleasure seeker. Health seekers will find 4b Ellerbe Springs water to be th beat f or th ear of IndigesUon, quick relief for Hay Fever and Asthma, and an ei ellent water for general debility and run down condition. A vacation at Ellerbe Springs will cost very little more than, staying at home. The re sort la reached via Seaboard to Rockingham, N. C, thence by automobile tin to tb Springs, 11 miles over goad roads. For booklet and rates address fTlJiI.i.sg gntCTOS EOTEU A. Pcrscsl!y Ccsi-cttJ UticM Re?V Wbu Clack, . SUc trQ Air line Ry. ,1 J ArrangemenU bav Just been completed y Rev. Wm. Black f , Chsriott for tb operation of the most extensive Personally Con dusted Tour aver operated from the South t th Pacific Coast, v This Tour will kav tb Ovolinaa abon Jun 29th, going out , through Birmingliani, Memphis, Kansas City Denver, Colorado Springs, Salt Laka aty, Los Angeles, San Diego, Paso Roblea, v touching OH Mexieo, JW Monte. San Frapeisco, Portland, Van-" . ewnw, Wiuiejfc StPaul, CMeago, thence Horns.- ; - - - Every iittl detail for tb comfort and pleasur of the party has' been carefully planned by Dr. Black who has had Savers! year si- ' pexiene is the Jiandling of partita of this kind. Numerous side trips hav been amamged, taking in th most attrsetiva in places ' ,in- tb WssL including Yellowstone Park, Piks'a Peak, Catalina " Ialand, Old Mexico, through tb Great Rockies over th Picturequs Canadian Paei.Lak Loolss, aad many utbsn, : kTha total rats Ineludss imilroad and : Pullmsn fsrs, meals on dining ear, hot! aeeommodationa, aid tripa te. " V '': For full inforaatioa sdoiwBV;-..tl''iJ-': . ;.us;! k Msks to Xay walk Mr enjoyable by taking s. 7t;;o;'?:;;;V;i' riKOD AK - - Then yoa will kav not only th pleas sr of th outing, but the added pleasure in tb pictnrea which pre serr tb memory of thefun. - - W3&WM TO p.00Cs?' :r:::7 rraUO etc: D. JpS LAFFEirTY r'-" HmlteA ta Ft. Far, foe ... '. uiuat an S'ltUllS asa, ' C la . Wor-ia ". Foam K-i. or t.orru i na I uue baara: IMUaa, aad 1 ta i B, . ',.!-. . . ..j st .1 r: ' I ti C ; t ::t . .:2 t'.. f .u ; . -c -.-s ca ' v.'trs to 1 : U. ; 1 t :.scj ? c . '-." "i : I I j--re" ' iraorfect. - - The prtcw ! cKh pair of Regal Show Is feared as -cartlBad ' pablie coantanta, adatarnped 00 the) tola at thm factory. :' Prices nogs froni' ' ' 5335ioC5CS rape Vines, Roses. ,. Will 97 ti. Oinrnh IT O. Corpening, Mgr, Rockingham, N. C. Toji to The Pacific Coast Y 4', - . ,: ... -. -u , i.-, , , 1 W H . wSSl ' JW.mLUAU BLACK, Ctuurlotta, N. 0. 11 8. LIUJ, D. P.J., Raleigh, r. a GooHWorlil o kxpertments ! . ' . Tkat's snr Trad .uk,-'-' vTlurt'sw.uitwsdo. Shall we put i Tin Roof '." - oa your konset. May b youa want sUt IlK ; ... 1 1 Ml .. . . abfl atUWZ . -, TKS HOOTTW." ..uraay-uradj' co. . " Telephone No. 334. lHs TiL1sCa':."."r2l Offlee Over Marsh's Snig Store. " . ; " Thona 11& Residence,- St. Cloud Hot l ' , 'A: i i r r