- VOL XXI. . Prtos. 40 Casta a KosU. CONCORD. N. O. TUESDAY. MAY 30. 1911 Single Ow. SOanta, NO. 274 TOE LAST GREAT DAY EASY: BAJ IN " CONCORD IS ALMOST UPON US SATURDAY NEXT IS ' CLOSE OF THE GREAT CONTEST. Just Think of It, Only Four More Days of the Con- . - test and as Yet No Baby is 'the Coveted Fame and Fortune Yesterday's Stu , pendous Offer Had the Effect of , Creating a Sensa , tion Among All Workers.''-': :, -V Wa request that ail persona getting-' subscriptions for the Timea or Tri bune when accepting cheeks from their patron to have the check made pay able to themselves before turning in the" subscriptions at the Contest De partment 4t the paper. - After Wed nesday night we wil accept nothing ' bnt cash. For the benefit of those liv nesday night we will accept nothing 'office money order. This rule will be strictly adhered to. We sre making the announcement in time so it will not inconvenience anyone. ,. This grand baby contest is now well on its sixth and final week. T Tha in dication are already plain that it will be the greatest week of the race. This is but natural, sine the week will bring to close the most thoroughly interesting race aver witnessed. Now comes the denouement, Sentiment in favor of this baby or that has crystal. ised, and with the knowledge that there remain bnt a few days mora in which to win for their particular fav orite, everybody u working every min- - ute to wrest the victory away from their fellows. ; c ' r, ' Saturday, June, 3rd, is going to be the greatest day in many a decade be cause it is going to mark the close of this great contest and tha celebration of "Baby Day " in Concord., , With so few days left of this great race,there is a hustle and a bustle tq be noticed among the contestants, and anv others- at all interested, which has, marked this contest at no other time since it uauguartion. - The weather is delightful and there is nor reason Why yon-cannot get out and do your best; friends are only too willing to be of asistanca and there is no reason: why-you will not secure pe nults that will fairly dumbfound you. - The race right now is one of the prettiest it would be possible to ima gine, and it is certain that among tha leaders there will be a redoubling of effort to hold fast to their positions. On the other hand there is great addvi ' ty among those who are not at the top and who are ambitious to catch up. It is not at all significant that a baby be far down the list for who know but what the friends of this baby may . be holding back thousands and th'ous- - ands of votes against the final account ing in tha last big day. No safe pre dieion is possible at this writing as to whether the first prise and tha - proud title of the "most popular ba - , ROWAN'S GRANITE. ; Industry Near Salisbury tta Ifaml onsly Strong and BeauUful Ma terial ;::ev;t:.;ar:";:" Staff Correspondence Manufacturer's Record. .. : '. Here in Rowan county, and only a short distance nut from Salisbury, are to be found granite deposits inexhaust ible in, quantity and of a superior quality, some of which U is impossible to duplicate. " These granite deposits are now receiving mora'attention than ever before, and bid fair to increase in ibis section tha importance of an industry which was once confined al most entirely to the New England StaW ' ' The local area in which this granite occurs marks a nearly ' continuous ridge extending to the aouthwestward for a distance of mora than 12 miles, . the ridge being easily traceable by the , outcropping of great boulders, and in many other plaeea the granite makes - it appearance in great flat surfaces, varying in size, one at least, being easily three aerea in extent. The highest point of this ridge is Dunn' Mountain, which in. reality is a solid mountain of granite, its elevation be- .wt onfl rt .w- ... .niVI about 150 Teet above Salisbury. The topographic features of this ridge are ' such as to facilitate the quarrying operations, and in- most ease the - qnarriea are open on' the slop of the hilUj and the present conditions favo V continued production without increase X in expense. ;i"';5;::,-rrf .'..''v 'i'",.-'- :i The granit is found ia both a light gray, nearly white, and la a beautiful soft pink color, not a red or salmon, both being uniform in texture and of v a most desirable quality that lends itself easily to all grades and charac ter of work for which granite can be ' used. In both the gray and pink gran , its there 1 a remarkable quality. They ' I splil with accuracy in three directions, GOING . TO WITNESS Certain of Victory and by" in Concord and vicinity, will go to district No. 1 or -to district No. 3. Aa they -would put it in sporting cir cles it is a good bet either way. With all the babies in a good position to win and inasmuch aa the friends and kins folk are all working with might and main and getting good res alts, too- won, yon can pick the winner if you want; the contest manager is free to confess '(hat be eannot. It is not certain by any means that tha prise winners may not spring from the very bottom of the list so uncertain is this race at this writing. ' Soma exceedingly ac tive work is being dona for some of the bajies who have not always been on top and it is apparent that there mmy oe sums surprises 111 siuro. x no i old time fable of the hare and the tor toise may be repeated in this contest, some dark horse may loom up at the last moment and snatch the coveted prize. - . Certainly there is no time to let down on your hard work for your little one or even to ease up in your efforts. If they were ever in need of your best efforts it is now, and so you must peel off your coat, go in determined to win and make these last few hour apell the success of your hctle favorite. All arrangements for the final close of this mammoth contest are rapidly going forward. The contestants ' should report at this office -by eight o'clock Saturday night so that you. may have timer to deposit their voting certificates. The door will be closed up at nine O'clock. It you do not east your certificates before, that hour you will lose your wtev"ir -you have -put awey-iy specials you had best be looking them np at-ones.- Make sura that they are wher,you can lay yourjiands.on them, make doubly sure fast they are in the ballot box at the contest department of The Times-Tribune office before 9 o'clock Saturday night. Do not misunderstand this warning for we do not want yon , to lose any of your votes. . The judges will commence their work immediately after the last contestants have made their setlements and the ballot box has been closed. These judges will three in number and they will be men of the very highest calibre whose awarda tha general pub lic will accept without question or quibble. They will -do their part; if you will but do your your little one will have nothing to fear- making them a perfectly safe work ing stone, showing no lamination or stratification.1': This makes it possible for the granite to be easily'' quarried in neat patterns or dimension atone up to the limits of transportation. An other feature of this granite that com mends it is great strength as shown by the teats that were made with the testing machine at the United States Arsenal, Watertown, N. T, where, in competition with granite taken from tha quarries of "Maine, New Hamp shire, ' Massachusetts, Connecticutt, Virginia, Minnesota and other granite - producing states, the samples sub - mitted of Rowan county granite taken from the Balfour quarries abowed a compressive strength of from 43,670 to Oiw pounds per square men ana were at least t per cent, stronger than any other granhe v found , in America. Two Bodies Not Tat Removed. " EUenboro, N. C. May 29. Though two wrecking crews worked all night and all day, so deeply are the bodies of the victim in yesterday' wreck at Watkina trestle buried that at dark tonight two bad not been recovered. Engineer ' Green waa dug from his burning eah. in, thirty minutes after the crash, but the bodies of Engineer Lindsev and Fireman Doolev are still in me mass oi aeons, it win prooa bly be Wednesday morning before .schedules can be resumed oS that di- vision of tha Seaboard.' "The rail of Troy" at tha Pastime. "The Fall of Troy," a $30,000 mo tion picture in two parts, will be given at the Pastime tomorrow night. This is ssid to be the most wonderful mo tion picture ever made. The destruc tion of the beautiful city of Troy is shown, the palaces and immense col umns of stone crashing majestically to Hi ground. ; ; . 1 Mr. R. 8. Toung ia spending the day in Charlotte. ; r . . , AGAINST TOBACCO TRUST. Supreme Court Decides that American Tobacco Company Violates 8ar- maa Law. . Washington, May 20. The govern ment today won a sweeping victory over the soealled " tobacco trust" when the Supreme Court of the Unit ed States beld tb American Tobacco Company and it allied corporations to be operating in violation of the Sherman anti-trust law, Both the first and second sections of the Sherman anti-trust law have been violated ythe so-called tobac co trust according to the court. Not only has fc, in the eyes of the court, restrained wrongfully and unlawfully interstate commerce, but u has at tempted to monopolize the tobacco business to tha injury of the public and of its competitors, The tobacco trust decision is char acterized by Attorney General Wick ersham as "a most comprehensive and sweeping victory for the gov ernment. The trust is held to be a corabina- hum in restraint of trade a monop- oly in violation of law, The decision affects 65 American eorporajuons. two English corpora tions and twenty-nine individual de fendants. An opportunity is riven the trust to disintegrate and recreate a condi tion of transacting b'u:ness not re pugnant to law. If at the end of six or eight months the corporations failed to bring them selves within the law, a receivership and dissolution bv court decree will follow. . The trust is held to hsve been guil ty of intimidation and clearly to have shown a purpose to stifle competition uuief Justice White announced the decision, vlreh was practically unan lmoua, although Justice Harlan dis- sentedVon several points. as in me rtanaara un ease, Jug'u-c Harlan resents the application of the ' "rnll, Of TMnnll" tn . fha . Khttfflian anti-trust hw; : The court having held the defend ant corporations guilty of conscious wrong-doing. Justice Harlan1 'is not at all anxious" to perpetrate any new combination growing out of them, Important Change ia Sleeping Car - Line and Schedule. Southern Railway announces that with change of schedules effective Sunday, May 28, Asheville division train No. 35, which has heretofore been operated through between Sal isbury and Memphis, Tenn., will be split at Asheville, and . Asheville di vision train No. 35 will leave Salis bury 9:30 p. m., arrive Asheville 2:30 a. m. and stop thei-e. This train will handle sleeping car from Richmond, Va., to Asheville, N. C, formerly the ear operated through to Memphis and which may now be uecupied at Ashe ville until 7 a. m. Knoxville division train No. 35 will leave Asheville 0:30 p. m. central -time, arrive Knoxville 1:50 a m., Chattanooga, 6 a. m. Ar rive Memphis 7 p. m. This train will handle drawing room sleeping csr be tween Asheville and Memphis. ? About Telephone Messages. We -respectfully ask those friends who telephone to The Times and Tribune office to give the message to the one who. answers the 'phone, j whenever it is possible to do so. Of- 1 ten some one else is asked for in the 1 office, who is very busy, and is oblig- I ed to atop and go to the far end of 1 another room to answer . a message which could just aa easily have been answered h the one fiv.it at the 'phone. This office is a busv place. and minutes plesse. . count. .. Observe this. . Annual Dinner to Veterans. The Daughters of the Confederacy will give tluir regular aiuiial dinner to ' the veterans at the court house next Salurdcy, June 3, t,i every vet oran i t '.he county ia codilly asked b Pre8OT. V it. Crosses of honor vwiU bo distributed' to those wno .nve W11 Ior fnem nd wno will be present to receive them. P for Anotaar Rammtioa in Mexico El Paso, Texas, May 29. Revela- tiosns of in alleged plot to start an other revolution in Mexico after over throwing Madero's 'leadership-and preventing bis journey' to ' Mexico City has crested intcBS-i excitement throughout the insurrecto army - Let all Hope So." Charlotte Chronicle. ? ; , v For one thing, let ns hope that the threatened strike of firemen on tha Southern Railway may be averted. It would be a pity to have the smooth running conditions, disturbed. HAilSSCiO xrwa. ; ssasaasawasSj " Mr. Sim (Ma Bl Lag Hurt Iimsr- est in ths Baby Contest Woodmaa Will Decorate Oram Other News af Inters. Tb crops ar saffsring very much around her for rain. Tory poor stands of eottoa and corn in plaeea. There waa no preaching services held here yesterdai on account of the pastor being sick. . Mr. Chalmers Bia got his leg badly hurt a few days ag while riding on a I wagon. His .kg was hanging down and caught oa a Mump, and be has been unable to won. ' " Mm. D. B MeEaehern and children are visiting relatives aear Charlotte Mux Nell Canbla spent Saturday night with ber sister, Mrs. J. F. Staf ford. - ' Some of tha people around here are very much interested in the contest in The Tribune. I " The Woodmen df the World will decorate the grave pt Mr. J. C. Howie and Mr. M. M. Mortison on next Sun day in the morning af Rocky River and in the evening at Harrisburg. Mr. John Barrier m sawing timber her for Mr. C L. Sims' new house which he will soon begin to build. ' Mr. W. Ed. Harris baa bought a lot and will begin tha erection of a house on it- ' :"fV ' ' Gardens are about burned np. Veg etables are perishing for want of rain. Miss Ola Taylor, quite sick at the home of Mr. Sam MoEaabern at Lin wood, where she ia visiting. The rural earners are taking holi day today f Mr. Frank Gorman ia painting Mr. Roland McEachern'ft bouse. Our Sunday school las been increas ing in number or lute, f or the last few Sundays we have bad over one hundred in attendance. ' Mrs. M. M. Morrison and family are visiting her father,, and mother at Union, S. C. They will be absent amte a while. -i'i The Telephone Company continues to Wt in new" phone? i '' Harrisburg, May, 30, 1910. Contract for Installing New Water Plant to be Awarded Tomorrow. The contract for installing the new water plant for the city will be award ed tomorrow end quite a number of represent stives' of contracting' firms are here making estimates on the work and it is said the bidding will be live ly. The work will consist of building new reservoir with a million gallon capacity, a filtering plant, a pipe line from the creek to reservoir, a distance of about two miles, an electric pump at Cold Water creek and a large amount of concrete work. The con tract will be awarded by the Water eftd Light Board. Condition of Cotton in Mecklenburg. The condition of the cotton crop over a large - area oi Mecklenburg county and through the western part of the state is said to be at lease 25 per cent, below the Status of cotton in the latter part of May, 1910, and nothing bat abundant rains for several day will bring the crop np to any thing that will approach an average. Thi is the verdict of many of the farmers and of those who are watch ing the situation. . ; Will Receive Degree of M. D. Dr. William H. Wadsworth receiv ed a notice from Jefferson Medical Colliege this morning that ha had been successful in all of his examinations and that the degree of M. D. would be conferred upon him at the commence ment, June 6th. t Dr. WadsWorth has received an appointment as resident physician at the Episcopal hospital and leavea for Philadelphia tomorrow night to begin his work. V I . ' Governor Woodrow Wilson will spend Wednesday in Raleigh; having accepted the invitation of the Capital Club for a reception. The event at the Capital Club will be made a most brilliant one. in bushiest aEkt.y who It encourages ecepomy establishes your credit, makes sending money . away or paving' bills with Check easy, besides safeguarding your cash, , - 1Yny not start yesr Ccecklng or Private Account wl2i ' FOREST BUI. TEWt, Resignations at Lock Kin Caught Hah that War Fish Ta HotcUa itea Win Personal Notaa. Mrs.' N. M. Pollard, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Pen land, for several weeks has returned to her home in Laurens, 8. C. . Mr. W. H. Hudson, who bss been fixing looms at Locke Mills for sev eral months, hss resigned his position and left last baturday for Wilming ton. Mr. Chas. Coble, of Bessemer City, srrived in the city yesterday and will spend a short while with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Coble. Mrs Floyd Bangle, of Charlotte, is visiting her parents, Mr. snd Mrs. C. H. Wstkins, on North Church street. Mr. H. B. Rollins has resigned his position as second hand in the dye house at Locke mills and returned to bis home st Fayetteville. " The fishing party composed of Messrs. Chas. Vic and Tom Widen house, Travis Cagle and Rash a Mor ris returned last Friday. They re ported catching more fish than thev could use. Among the catch were several gars measuring about two and a half feet in length. Mr. Jno. Stratford, of Kannapolis, spent Sunday in the city with rela tives. Mrs. C. C. Lentz and children, of Denton, are spending a week at the home of Mrs. Lentz 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Propst. Misses Hattie and Zula Clayton and Annie Morgan spent Sunday in Kan apolis. Mrs. E. C. Geddie and children left this morning for Fayetteville to spend several weeks visiting relatives. In the ball game Saturday between Messrs. 'Huichins' and Petrea's class, the honors of the occasion rested upon Dr. Hutchin's class by a score of 5 to 4. A large crowd witnessed the game. . There was a general mix-uo and free-for-all fight in a club room at Kannapolis last night. Nat Archer and Jim Noell were tried before 'Squire Lore this morning on the charge of resisting an officer and were bound over to court. Full particu lars of the scrap could not be learned but it is understood that warrants have been sworn out for a number of men engaged in the difficulty. Ar cher and Noell were among the lead ing participants and when an officer attempted to arrest them they vigor ously resisted him. Negro Killed in Railroad Wreck. The remains of Hoke Motley, color ed, arrived here today from Albe marle, where he was killed in wreck on the Southbound Tailroad Monday. Motley was on a hand car when a freight train crashed into it, crushing his body beneath the car. His head and one arm were torn apaTt from his body and he was man gled beyond recognition. Motley lived in this city and the funeral was held this afternoon. Public Library to Be Opened in a few Days. City Librarian Mrs, J. D. Lents is putting everything in readiness for the opening of the library and the work is progressing so smoothly and rapidly that it will likely be opened in a few more days. Durable and attractive bookcases have been placed in the room and the books are now being numbered, checked and placed in the eases. NOTICE. The public is hereby notified that the City of Concord will not be re sponsible for damage caused to tres passers on the property known as the City Rock Quarry, The water in said rock quarry is deep and dangerous and parents are notified not to allow their children to trespass on said property. . By order of the Board of Aldermen, W. tL GIBSON, Clerk. With this Bank is helpful not only to men bat to every man and woman has any business transactions. PERSONAL MENTION. Soma of tha People Bare and Else where Who Corns aad Go. Mr. Will Ystes hss gone to Mem phis on a pleasure trip. Miss Anna Thompson, of Charlotte, is visiting friends in the city. Miss Frances Craven is attending Davidson College commencement. Miss Rosalie Smhh, of Goldsboro, is the guest of Miss Shirley Montgom ery. Mrs. Will Johnson, of Salisbury, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J , turns. Mrs. B. F. Rogers and Mrs. W. H. Gorman have gone 'to Lexington to visit Mr. J. M. Harkey. Dr. M. A. Foil and Miss Ella Foil have gone to Newton to attend Ca tawba College commencement. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Houston have returned from Elkin, where they have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G T. Roth. Mrs. Elijah Miller, of Rowan coun ty, and Mrs. O. W. I. Loadholt, ol South Carolina, arc visiting Mrs. C. R. Pless. Mrs. J. F. Sliinn has returned to her home in Norwood, after visiting her parems, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Harris, for several days. Prof. D. Matt Thompson has return ed to his home in Statesville, after visiting his son. Prof. Walter Thomp son, for several days. Mrs. II. I. Woodhouse and Misses Margaret and Elizabeth Wood house returned this morning from Converse College, Spartanburg, S. C. Miss Cornelia Taylor, of Winston- Salem, and Miss Eliza Pender, of Tarboro, will arrive Thursday to visit Misses Lucy and Marguerite Brown. Miss Ernestine Lott, of Winston- Salem, wil larive tomorrow to visit ber sister, Mrs. Claude Ramsaur. She wtnbe accompanied" byMiss' Dona Henry. The Ccluy SuyC3 There is no quandary when choos ing this make. It is the GRACE in EVERY line; the cleverness in every detail that make SELBY Shoes stand but in bold relief above all others. New lot of One-Strap Vevet Pumps- $2.50 to $3.50 Oxfords, Ties and Pumps in all styles and leathers, from . White Pumps from- THE COTTON CROP IV THE STATE. ' Report Prom Varioue Oosatiaa to Tha New York Journal of Com merce Eain Needed All Orar tat 8tat. . " The New Tork Journal of Com merce gives the following report of the condition of the cotton crop ia North Carolina: Aeerage increases are general and many average 4 or 5 per cent above last year. Condition is very spotted, continued dry weather having pro duced poor stands and prevented sprouting, to that much of tha cotton is not yet up. Percentage condition will probably figure out about the same as last year, when it waa 84.7. Ground has been well prepared and early planted cotton is generally np to a good stand. But a large propor tion of the crop is two weeks lata and needs rain badly. With favorably weather for the end of the month this set-back will be overcome. Tb fol lowing are the reports from this see tion: Albemarle, Stanly Connty Dry;1 rain needed. Newell, Mecklenburg County Very dry; no season for five weeks; no stand of cotton ; some replanting. Davidson, Mecklenbrug County Stand good ; healthy plants except on red lands, where stands are not good, v Cleveland, Rowan County On ac count dry weather not more than half of cotton is np; think it will come np as soon as can get rain Matthews, Mecklenburg County The land has been well prepared ; ow ing to lack of rain stand is not sat isfactory; what is up is healthy and growing nicely. . . . Norwood, Stanlv County Stands are jroncrcMy gocil. It has been too day, but with seas- ns suitable through iaii-r part ot May and June the plautnnl nvuicome the late start. Huntcwilln, Mecklenburg County Stand is very poor; l.a.l nice rain' 23rd inst.; expert gid stanj eoon. Derita. Meck'eitlmre - County ,- Trop 'needed Hherain "'which fell to day; prospect s betteT. ' , ' -$1.25 to $5.00 for children' 90c to $1.25 v ffiimmjft -ana i ana" ana 'ay aa -' y

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