On Yaar , ..... ai Monthe i i . , i TkiM XolK . Mwk .. a rrMM. I R-k -4 to Riak lift foe ' Aa Ml at wit, which h eeev sldarad woctar of raeors. em-Trad n, ire. rttUlllUI AUKomtaVJUt-T. Af-ertrataa; rata rata aae l tk , mn Co p f-c eaaacse asuei a la at 1. c'etock a. aa, - Carta of TkMU Raaallae W e Mrt a&4 alrallar arttcta arc efcaiwad at taa rate ( t M La aar Ua. aaia. la Knlar-4 aa ihI elaaa " aaeoa April . Ilia, at tha atolTu- at Coa corn. K. C. ta Ml of aiarck 1 UTS. "tSUS 1 1 M Heath Moatha MeaHBl .1 . . IN wtia Cfcaxtee ATM Vi TV) eortO-wt vale res Had la ala da plj ot bra-ar- e eerred m the LeuarrUla Naah Tlila railroad at WMf apaaalac the. C si bar at ad liTar at Clarks-Ule. The 4 raw wee opm to permit ta aaaaaj-a of etaauaboet. bat Ua aattaaar of a paiaanyar train failed la atop kJa traJa, aad Ua toco- C. Ci- Gut Xraa A.',, JLl Vi,a Mark Santa aa la CuafTx, f oaa Ariauaia, he wee anauiag fnxe hie asual kaaata dunnf holiday pariod, and a friend aaeaxiag hia oo his retaj-a, asked: -.' "Haw vera yum daring the ht4i- "Dgwn la Alabama with' Ktu7 Clayie taking a kaat," he replied, "ad, aT, a traeer lain harjpeaed. Think l 'Now Henry 'a Stala it fo tag "dry" sad he Baj format the yhaakey. Bo ta uU tare I aant oa twa raaea of Old Jordan. It hap. pened, toe, tkat my eeusia, eotniAg oa fraa Kee tacky a-ilk tba dogi, aatit taro eases. To een All, Henry who never forysta thing of real impor tant Uka thai had already Laid ia e ease. Tbera we war with ais .cur mwi Coneord ,N. C, Jtttia 3, 191L TIME IS NEEDFUL. Ha that lacks tima to mourn lack! tlma to mend. Etarnlty mourna that TU an Ul cor For llte'a worst llli to hare no tima to feel them. Whare aorrow'a hld IntruatT and turned out. There wisdom will not enter nor true power Nor aught that dignifies human ity. Sir Henry Taylor. bjoUto and twa oars pluaAad taroaah the epea draw lata the rlTar." which timaa aa saarh whiakty as you'd nat waa lood high, with a a win eurraat. ! urally think wt'd need, and at that we : aad fun of tooting drift. The eogt- oaly rsmf oat even." I aoer was killed. Twa Ball clerk. J, - . 0. Martin aad Thomas A. rraser, and I Cows That Krvar Drink. ; the baggageman. Robert U Morris. Wide World Maaasina. ' , ware la the ears which went orer. v, .,, ,, , , .. . , Although they were badly Injur! . ,OW.t,A,?H ) they manage to eUmb out of the cars ,,Tn "'''"l. n oryi it and to obtain place- of temporary Mui Bevfr ,0 Jnnk. wh,en probably aaety oa the roof a. It was night, and rrrri- onUt these animals can 1 dark. The ears Boated down stream d"rnd the well they can And no I with the ourrant drinking water for ten months in the Arma, who ItTad on the banks of ?'r- There Ls no surface wster, and The rejection by the caucus of the Bryan doctrine of free wool and ihe adoption of the Under-' wood policy of a reduction in wool du ties to a revenue basis was a scath ing rebuke lo Mr. Bryan, who hal thrown himselC into the tight with all J his force and used every effort, as he has alw ays done heretofore, to bend the party to his will. The Washing ton correspondent of the Baltimore Sun says the result is taken in Wash-' ington as ''harking i lie real end of Bryan's influence as a dominant fac tor in Democratic politics and as meaning that he will' be powerless to dictaleto the nest national convention either as to its candidates or its plat form." Every one of the hundred and odd Democrats who attended recogniz ed that this was Bryan's fight and that it was Bryan who had stirred up the discord, characterizing 'the men who differed with him as Democratic Aldriches and endeavoring to read them out of the party. Yet no speak er except Ollie James referred to him either directly or indirectly. Chair man Underwood in the course of a two hours' speech, able and convinc ing, completely ignored Mr. Bryan and the part in the contest taken by him. He confined himself wholly to an explanation of the bill as submit ted by 'the committee and emphati cally denied that free wool is a Dem ocratic principle. the rlrer a short dlatanoa below, was ra hut precariously during (he til tn his bad with malarial ferer. He winter. Only once during my journey heard the nolaa of the accident, and did I find s pool of rainwater, caught hla littl daughter came running to in a hollow rock, and even this I his room with the news of It Ha lm- should have passed by, without know mediately arose, and without taking ing of its existence, bad not my cam tlme to clothe hlmeetf. ran out and! els sniffed it from a distance and Jumped Into a skin. Hs appealed to obsiinatelr refused to be turned from some of the bystanders to go with . b'm.ht0l,"""t'n? .' tP,r,?! lol- wwt. are provided by Natura Democrats the drifting cara. but nobody would wi,h fooJ . ' :. aEKaaTt nett for him to go out alone, that if wh'ch. ,?row the TU the current did not awamp htm per- of he d5ri bu"he9 nd forn ,on sons leaping from the cars Into his sf,8,11'1 ful! of w,er D1 Th fraU boat would. But In sDlte of his '""P a'R P notes in the sand in TUt la a lkT LfcK los Chroaielaw What is a katkt The .oaauioa astt anas .aa (hat hathlBg ia to hwoae eompalaory. Is it the simple hath of hot or sold water aad eoapt Or the Tarbak kath af hot air at the Rasaa one at atrsamt Or the mud hath ci Sain t-A.mand ax, or the eoapnassd tig bath at Baichaokail, ar tha hat be at via favored by xamoas heautaea, or the aaa hath ef aaodan hyfieniats, atka LtplandaT'i piuags iato the hot bladder of a just-killed whale, or tba bath of asses' milk, to prvvUa which for Via eoosort aa Earl of Partmaa boaght ebeap the Potv ms estate aorth f Oxford afreet at t farm to heap a hard of asset t Now which bathf . At FcuntzLit & Dstwhr . i Ask for COilLICIv'S" Til Griflul ul fiBBlnt HALTED ILK Til FMtfrfak tt A3 kfu Ax rsstauranta, boteb, and fountaiDt. Dcsoouajkrigorktint tad auataining, Keep k oa your tideboaro! at home . Doot trtveJ wkboU A tyakk hack fwrfaiW hi saiaara. TabMUUtiam, )atty"BOll(ri" lm Ufa Oomblam or Trumt 111 condition Arms went out and alone. He pataed the baggage car, with Morris on top. But aa the mall ear waa drifting further down stream toward a dangerous eddy, he put out after that one flrat, finally came up with It and took off Martin and Pra ter. Returning he picked up Morris also and landed all three aafaly on shore. The president shortly after ward had the honor of sending Ami. although he was not a railroad man. one of these hero medals which tre the red badget of courage In the whole railroad world In America. order to get at thes-e. Senator Simmons was asked yes terday by a Washington correspondent in regard to the report current in the State that an agreement had been reached between him and one of the other candidates for the senatorship by which one of ihem was to retire and not finish the race. So far at be is concerned, he asserts, he has no such understanding and will remain in the race until the.last ballot is count ed. Any one who knows Senator Simmons knew before his utterance that the report was untrue. A Notre Dame Lady's Appeal. To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, whether muscular or of the joints, sciatica, lumbago, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia paint to write to her for a home treat ment which hat repeatedly cured all of these tortures. She feels it her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. Ton cure yourself at home aa thousands will testify no change of climate be ing necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the blood, loosens the stiffened joints, purifies the blood, and brightens the eyes, giv ing elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests yon, for proof address Mrs. M. Summers, Box R, Notre Dame, Ind. A Rett Farm For Animals. "Rest Farm," where decrepit hor ses unfit for work and stray dogs and cats and other animals may be taken care of is planned by Kansas City women. The humanitarian plan is now in effect in Boston, New York and other Eastern cities. The women ex pect to organize an animals' rescue league. A small country place will be secured where a shelter will be pro vided for the homeless animals and the best of attention given them. Daataaaa Caaaat kw Vmw tiy local application, aa thy cannot reach tha dlaeased portion of tha ear. Thra ia only ona way to cur drafneaa 1 cauafHl by an Inflamed condtlon of l he timeout lining of tha Eustachian Tube. When this tuba la Inflamed you have a rumbling aound or Imper Tcct hearing:, and when H la entirely closed. Deafness ia the result, and un less the Innamutlon can ba taken out and this tube restored to Ita normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflnmed condition of the mucous aur- facca. We will nlve One Hundred Dollars r any case of Deafnesa (cauaed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's atarrh Cure. Send for rlrculara. free. P. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. Sold bv Druggists. 7rc. Take Hall s Family Pills for Consti pation. Sagacity. One would hare it that a collie is he most sagacious of dogs, while the other stood up for the setter. "I once owned a setter, declared he latter, "which was very intelli gent. 1 had him o nthe street one day, and he acted so queerly about a cer tain man we met that I asked the man his name, and " 'Oh. that's an old story!" the col ic s advocate broke in sneeringlv. 'The man's name was Partridge, of course, and because of that the dog camel ii a set. Ho, ho! Come again! 'You're mistaken," rejoined the other suavely. "The dog didn't come quite to a set, though almost- As a matter of fact, the man's name was Qtiayle. and the dog hesitated on ac count of the spelling! Just Received ! -NEW FABRICS For Summer Wear The mass meeting to consider the es tablishment of a hospital in Con cord will be held in the court house next Thursday night at 8 o'clock. The several fraternal oaders of this have appointed Hospital Committees to represent them in this meeting. Ev ery citizen of the city should be pres ent m this most important1 meeting to give his aid an dadvice for the fur therance of this movement. PARAGRAPHS. CoL George Marcellus Bailey, the . beautiful primrose of the Houston post's garden of genius, las been ending a large Uranch of gardenias to Supreme Deacon Hemphill fit the Richmond Times-Dispatch, which the , . latter say he enjoys . .very ? much. Cooked 'em, no doubt, for turnip greens in a gallon of pot likker. . ; . - Ruine of town said to W at least 10,000 yean old have been found in Arizona It takes Arizona a mighty Jong time to get statehood. ' ' If Charleston's claim that it Wat toe me oi toe uaraen oi JUdett it true, t is a matter of congratulation mat paradise was lost. . . ' v -:;',.'''-';;. e . I In 'addition o having served in squadron A, Mr,, Stiniaon, the new Secretry of war saw tome ervioe'on the staff of Col. Roosevelt in the bat- CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To AH to Whom These Presents Ma; Come Greeting : Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, de posited in my office, that the Hanover Manufacturing Company, a corpora tion of this State, whose principal office is situated in the city of Con cord, county of Cabarrus, State of North Carolina (L. VV. Brander being the agent therein and in charge there of, upon whom process may be served) has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisal of 1905. enti tied "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dis solution: Now. Therefore, L J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 28th day of February, 1911, file in my of fice a duly executed and attested con tent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, whic!t said con tent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office at provided by law. In Testimony whereof, I have here to eet my hand and affixed my official teal, at Raleigh, this 28 day of Feb ruary, a. U., 1911. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State, on. t. n. sFEncEn - VETERINARIAN Office back ol Davit Drag Company. The Poultry Yard. Farm Journal. These are gala dayt for lice. Fight them strong and hard. Kerosene will do deadly work. Pour it in every crack and crevice. Don't spare it. Watch the grit box. The hent are doing so. Don't let them catch yon napping and the box empty. Allow the cool air to enter the houses at night by taking out the windows, but do not forget to have inch-mesh wire netting fastened to the opening to Keep out tiie enemies. Watch the condition of the young enickens. if they are moping, look for lice, especially the ltreg gray loose found on the bead of the chick. A drop of sweet-oil will soon end hit career. NCR WEIGHT INCREASED FROM 100 TO 140 POUNDS. Wonderful Praise AmirHerl remnathe Household Remedy Mrs. Maria Qoerts, Orients, Okla- Doma, wniee: "MT husband, child ran ami mvaalf have aaed TOUT mediolnea. and at al. waja aeep wem in me bouse in eaae of necesaitv. I waa natnrarf in baaitk t this medicine, and Dr. Hartmaa't ln- Tainaoie advice and books. People ask about me from different places, and are surprised that 1 can do aU ot my house work alone, and that I was eared by the doctor of chronic catarrh. . My bos band was cured ot asthma, my daughter ot earache and catarrh ot the stomach, aad my eon of catarrh of the throat. When a was aica l weisnea liU nonnda a welsh 140. - " .-' . "i have recained mv With mis aiut I Cannot thank vm anono'h for advlos. May God give you a long Ufa aw was jvum wore." : '. CHICHESTER S PILLS Laataal Aaa jmmr a)i ah h I 1 V I J PI1U la twa nd 4I.M aruuf Mia, Mtea Mat tins SIMraa. Tak a ataar. 3.. J .. P"i". Aikl ri in'Ift a-TVat Mousseline Bordurc with beautiful Floral Border at 25 cents. Novelty Foulard Champane ground with different dots and figures at 25 cents. Near Silk Foulard, look like silk and wears better, priced 15 cents. New Cluny Lace and New Inserting at 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c. Flouncings at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Baby Irish Lace and Insert- ings at 15c, 20c and 25c Wlut5-Miui::3-FlowS k Yi $tf wvmvm Seventh Avenue at 38th SL Short Block from Broadway HEW YOKE. Center of Everything. . 350 Boomi 800 Bathi A Room with a Bath for a Dollar and a Half A Boom with a Bath for a Dollar and a Half A Room with a Bath for a Dollar and Half Other Rooms with Bath ' $2.00 and $20 Booms for two Persona'' , 2.50 and $3.00 Summer Roof Garden. Nearest Hotel o the New Penn. R. R. Ktation, Conven ient to all other Railroad De pots and Steamship Piers. Dutch Grill Music IIms it Towb ( to Carte) Send ' for colored Map ."of PLAZA HOTEL, Chicago, under the tame management. EDGAR T. SMITH, afamgtng Director . 1 aL - - - C fc. . V . a - a a , ' Iot Only a Lev PrcHi 0.:Cc;t, . : But a Lov Profit Orcr a Lo- Cost " , ' - ' .... sBWaaaBawaBaSBaal Have You Ever Vcr.hrcJ - .--A trsrdler la Switzsrlani eaW Why Moit Good LLcti ' 5 Jrv1. cf doing- a won- Come From MawacLusetU? d Pja embro dery and mar- vuw iwu i,awu.uiu vt"ed tX the proficiency of . each youthful fingers. " It Isnt Euroriiiii5,w Eaid his guide - "That girb' , parents, granaparenia ana great crane its, back aa far as she can. reckon, were all lace or embroidery makers. They do nothing else In this valley. The best of the world's best needlework comes from here. Hie Regal Shoe Company Ha Long Been the Leader ' In that section of Massachusetts where Regal Shoes are made, shoe- ; TrmldriO' host Wn f Vio nrinrin'il In. - dustry for more than two hundred years. The best shoes made in the world come from this section, and it has been the Regal policy, from ita beginning to make Regal Shoes lead all the rest in quality. ivri' -..i ? - To lead In boih ouality and low price is liardertlian to lead m either alone. It is easy to get quality if you don't care what it costs - but to give that quality at a low price means the highest degree of . science m inanufacturing in large volume, and straight-line, eco- , nonucai, uirect, selling metnoas. Why Regal Maniifachimg To begin with, the Regal factory and Selling. Coats are Low. ' equipment is perfect" The Regal - . i manufacturirig system ia a marvel of economy. The Regal cost-accounting, for example, shows the cost of over two hundred operations and more than-one hundred parts on every shoe turned put, down to a hundrtdth 0 a cent. ' But most perfect of all is the Regal, direct-line tny systemthe Regal's own, although copied to some extent by other manufacturers. ' Regal Shoes go direct from the factories to you by the straightest, most economical route, cutting out Jobbery middlmen and large . retailing profits. There is no loet motion, no lost time, no "over , ' Btocks,'rno unnecessary expense, anywhere., ;;,,',:,v U v. i - And Regal Shoes are ncu) sold at cost :of f. manufacture, plus five per cent, commission, I and this hwjibsfl of-scluns a:" s ty.'; Regal Shoes are the only shoes priced l this wayr It is the only scientific, economical, ''square deal" way of selling shoes. You gain not only by the low margin of nianuictaiing profit but by the fact that this low inargin isiieckoned on a tow cotU s, ' 2 ' Buying shoes as you buy ' . Wheiiyoubuyiiugar. flour, eggs, beef, ofher necemlie. of life' rS.fe' wholesale market cost If the wholesale or mamifacturing cost goes down, the retail price goes down. If it goes up, the retailprice goes up iu pruuuruuu. vvuea uw ivuuierB prows are xair, uus is iair co you. . ; But this is not the way that shoes have been sold Shoes have 1 y -a. A a di - ta ! . t . l.t i a .1 tuways boiu at uxeo, - even money; ! pncesaiwaya muiupies ox , me nan aouar. But Regal Shoes hereafter will be'sold in the Bdentific, economical way with the profits kept low, and . the manufacturing cost as ''! 'i " , This Stamp - Thepnce of every Regal Shoe is now reckoned at 5 per ' uvourcm&r- fl cent over actual cost plus the cost of getting the shoe "'TJrciX " from the factories to you. This price is ClSlTIFIED t lowest pos sible price von BY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND STAMPED ON THE SHOE ATTHE FACTORY. It is stamped iustaa it figures out in '.'odd prices or in "even'!' prices and the old-fashioned arbitrary custom is done away with.' : une stamp is your guarantee that the price is lata s -LOWEST FOR WIIICII A SHOE OF THAT CHAR- ACTER CAN BE BOUGHT, that nothing has been added to conform to shoe-trade custom, that MORE of the price goes Into quality, and LESS for profit and expense than in any other make you can buy. . , ; . Regal Prices Arc.Noi7 $3 .35 5.05 C ; aaaaj W ;:".toaEa- 1 fezer Co. Good Work! No Experiments I - i X That'i our Trade Hart (3 That's what we do. ,i 4 Shan we pm a Tin Koof 1 j on you honaet. Hay i v 1 you want ilateK ; ;'v j SEB BBAOT I teu Eoorra. g Grady-Brady Co, I hare parehtaed ontright irj niwnaratlaav tar lmnlna? ladiea' arar mentt that I rnarantet to girt aatit- a i. .. 1 1 i m laeiion, or i wui di b wuuiw iw the work. I am tola owner of this preparation an i on aeeoant of the ex client tatisfaetion it hat giren I make iKta nmnndltins tA Ih. IffiSiaa tit VifV. eord and vicinity: nd na any ar- ticlet or garments you want cleaned and after we use thia dry cleaning preparation o nttem, if they are not entirely nti.Sed.with the work I will make no charge. .; ';;;-'..,,'" Aslhina ! .rsUaaSia! POPH AITS J ASTHMA . REMEDY siras tcatsnt reliai aad aa absolate cara ia all eaaee of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Feror. - Sold by droggiats ; null ew receipt of price i.oo. . , WBiJrlaaa-laHa. CO, Psaas,. awitaaa. Oaaa - fold ly Dait Drat Oompaay. DR. J;; S LAFFERTY Prartlea llmltad te 'Bye. Bar. Heae and Ibroat aad ritUng Olaaaas. Ofltee In ttia Morris btldlne-, noeaa Mo. 1 erar Cabarrus Sarins Beak. ' Offlee heart: I to U a. ul, and te 4 tie of Saratoga last fall, v . PH0NB118.V '- 41. -M M W W Thona See the Timet fox rdaiiiif, , . 4 r '.;v;'; ,'t.

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