rilnm& 3. VOL. XXI. Trie, 40 Cnai XoaU. CONCORD. N. C WEDNESDAY. JUNE 21. 1911 Slagl Copy, J Oast. N0.293 LONDON AWAITS TES . . GREAT SPECTACLE. Oonutfcm of Xing Gorg and Qni Mary tlM n Topic ef Intrat Tamtam tit World. London, "Jon 21. The coronation of King Gorge and Queen Mary is lbs on topi uppermost in the minds of tb people of London today. For wfcil tb brilliant ceremony will toe one of world-wide interest, it is in London diet tbe great and glorious scenes associated with tbe event will be carried on. London tomorrow will be the scene of saeh magnificent pageantry and representation of power and might as well eclipse the glories of the jubilee celebrations of 1887 and 1897 and the coronation of Edward VII. in 1902, . and will provide for all who have the . privilege of seeing it, a vision of splendor ttaequaled in recent times. King courtier, military and civil offi cials, lord mayor and citiiens. have all, in their respective spheres, concen trated their efforts in the welding to gether of the multifarious parts in a pageant which will lack nothing in its wealth of color and brilliancy. The Coronation Processions. With that willingness which has ever characterised the King and Queen to study, as far as possible, the wishes of their loyal subjects, ar rangements have been made for two morrow's processions. The most of the great stands that bave been erec ted bav been placed on the route of Friday's procession,' which is ex pected to afford a more elaborate spectacle than that of tomorrow. Patient folks, who rise esrly, may se cure standing room along the street curbs, tout they will have to stsnd on tiptoe to see over the bearskin hats of the Foot Guards, tall fellows, all of them, even if they endure the hours of tedious waiting and have the luck to retain their places. Many Royal Visitors. The coronation has attracted io London more royal visitors than has J ' . ( ' - , I'll. J . k.K. j ; V - ,-yv'J tt' . T--V - It I ? s5 Kf WESTMINSTER ABBEY, THE FAMOUS CHURCH t WHERF KING GEORGE AND QUEEN MAKI WILL BE CROWNED AND EN THRONED. OBKBBAIl 4DOWHCS W. OKI LT, WHO BBP BSSBNTB TBI UNITED 0TATK8 ABUT AT B OOBOKATION. ever been seen here at one time be fore. In the State rooms of Si. James' Palace tonight the Duke of Cpnnaught gives a dinner in their honor. One of the most distinguished of the foreign delegations is that from Japan, which includes Prince Fushimi, Admiral Togo and General Xogi. Prince Henry of Russia and his wife, who represent the German Emperor and Empress, are doubly re lated to the King, through Prince Henry's mother, Empress, Frederick, and Princess Henry's mother, Princess Alice. The Crown Prince and Prin cess of Roumania are well known in 'England, r ;The Crown Princess is King George's first cousin and spent her childhood in England. She will "OLYMPIC" ARRIVES AT NEW YORK. The Creates Steamer of Modern Time Arrives on Tris Side. Xew York. June 21. The world's largest an J linest steamer, the new, Iriple-sercw S. S. '"Olympic," of the White 'Slnr Line, steamed proudly up the Ambrose Channel today, and is now moored at ihe Chelsea pier to which a hundred foot extension was recently made so that this great ves sel, 882l2 feet Ion-; might be amply protected. Throughout the voyage the "Olym pic's" giant engines, the largest afloat WAS WITH JEFFERSON DAVIS. Old Negro In Senate Stationery Room May Lose Place. Washington, June 20. Jim Jones, an aged negro for many years employ ed in the Senate-stationery room, is in danger of losipg his place. Jones was the personal servant of President Jefferson Davis, of the Southern Confederacy, and was with him when the Union soldiers effected his capture in Georgia after General Leo's surender. A year ago. Senator Money, of Miss issippi, saved . old Jim. Other Demo- ! crats aregojng to , try to save him THE GAME AT KANNAPOUS In Which tha Cincos War Walloped By tha Y. M. C. A. Team. Mr. Editor: Some one writing in Saturday's Tribune, giving an account of the ball game of Friday evening, between the Cincos of Concord and the Y. M. C. A. team of Kannapoliti, gives a very unfeeling account of same. 1 be writer must be a rooter lor, a metropolitan league team, possibly ; of New York, or Chicago or Philadel- phia, where the players are profes- TWO WINDOWS AND ONE TICKET SELLER. STATE NEWS. The Arangement at the Passenger Station Hera Worse Than Before. Two new igns have been added to the numerous collection thai adorn the walls of ilie iiaseenger station, one biariug the words "For Cash Kare" and the other "For Mileage." One irt nlllcpil iYr tlio Klv rinitniv iir .. . i . .i i .i .Li ' rresbyienan ai least the w indow that has been m j Due West use suue I lie Mauo -was Diuit anu Items of News from all Parte of Um Oid North Stat. Dr. R. M. Stevenson, who has baa living at Hover for tbe last several years, has resigned m pastor of tb A. K. P. Churches st Clover, Bethany and Crowders Creek io accept tbe edi torship of the Associate Reformed which is published at jinl jri iilt ov the aiMiearanee and anti- -,,r- Jonn r. cooo, grandlatner 01 .. '. .. .. . T I . i , ... sionals of the highest tvpe drawing qaiel looks ot things around the lat-: us . , moim -, me worm IS nrincelv salaries. Therefore he is too ,er il must ''" ''"' he time "" baseball player, died at Morgan- much of a critic to enjoy amateur playing, when possibly some of the players are not yet in practice. It seems to vour scribe that the criticism the Cabarrus Blavk Bovs became ! Saturday night at midnight at tha known to fame) and the other just j State hospital. Mr. Cobb was eighty above a lit le window about three ! ver8 old and was a ni-tiv of Cbero inches from the first one. The onlv dif-l ke" county. His remains will be ta- was unjust, but as for the game being) Ierem tM'twen "iin;nlrtiiiir" uni.l.t not or -I Proposit loll as the two window Ken 10 1118 old home for burral. eondnete,! here and Hampton Moore, a member of tha pect it to intercut anv one used to . ",e ""e ,s "lal lne , house the Pennsylvania and president high professionals; and as to its being arPnt st',ls a Ut kel 1" nght j 0f the Atlantic Deeper Waterways' a "slow" game we do not know what sl,1e nml H,s vt,,lr mileage , assocUtion, will be one of the speak he would call n fast game, but feel I 011 V,s 1'ft a"'1 doesn't! ers at ihe North Caiolina Press asso sure that the fines did not find the'"ave !""e 1,11 wrl,' a fheok f"r i ciation convention, which meets at Le gume Saturday evening so "uninter- vo"r1 baWage, whereas under the June 27, 28 and 2. Mr. Moore esting" when the Y. M. C. A. bovs w"',low. I'lan ,le ',"1'' se" tlcket9 an(1 , is well known as an orator, and -will made three doubles and so easilv , ,n'U mllpa' a,11 occasionally have , doubtless say some interesting things. reversed the score of the dav before.; ""V ! , "aa wiioih uaving making it 9 to 4. Perhaps the game , ' sl':!',' back and toil h between the was so "slow" Fridav that the Cin-j 'wo ,llke a JllmPS nck. If the cos were smoked ra: her short causing s"ll7 Railway could secure some their tire to die out rather early in ; Jamis-fa.-e.l individual to sell tickets Saturday's game. Our bovs are 1 nder the present conditions rs.s smoking ten cent cigars now for thev 8 ,ly ' m-ght "'V,e t,,e rilb,, ?me ai'commonauons ai icasi, out as long as the road has only one ticket agent be perhaps the handsomest of the j President of the International Mer worked smoothly, and the 800 cabin 'this time, but -may ot succeed,-as passengers landed well pleased with 'the Republican, steering committee their crossing. Mr. Bruce Ismay, j has recommended numerous discharges coaoaanoM chaib, nr wnoat Burma MoaABona hav Ban oaowmo roa aaaaATioxa loyal processions through tbe streets of the .metropolis. Tbe first will take place tomorrow when their Majesties go from Buckingham Palace to West minister Abbey to be' crowned, and tha second on Friday when they pro ceed from the palace to the city prop, er, where 'hey will be received by the lord mayor and corporation in state. This will mean a drive through the center of London, and then, in order that all classes may have an oppor tunity of taking part in the celebra tions, their Majes:ies'will cross Lon don Bridge and return on the south side of the Thames, passing through some of the meaner streets of the metropolis. To nine-tenths of the people of London, seeing the coro nation will mean merely seeing the great procession of Friday. To The Abbey and Return. For the coronation ceremony to morrow the King and Queen will go to Westminister Abbey by the shortest route from Buckingham Palace, through the Mall, the archway and court-yard of the Horse Guards, Whitehall, Parliament Street and Par liament Street and Parliament square, Returning after the ceremony, which will last about two hours, a longer route will be taken, by. way of Char ing Cross, Cockspur Street, Pall Mall, foreign Princesses attending the cere mony. Duchess of Aosta a Beauty. The Duchess of Aosta, wife of the heir presumptive to the throne of jll J ' . j ' . ; - '. ' - ma Bar" baitdall . DATTDeoa, abobv aiaaor or OAnrmaatiBT, wbo itUi cmowa thb aiaa qcsbx. . f mm cantile Marine Company was a pas senger, anil expressed lumseir as oe- ing delighted wi:h the latest andgreat esi steamer to join the White Star fleet. The passenger list included many well-known persons. The "Olympic," 4")..'?24 tons regis ter exceeds by IIJ.OOO ton and 120 feet in length any steamer in the world. A crew of 8G0 men is required to operate her, and H.OOO passengers can be carried. Hello Girls at Statesville Quit Job. The "hello girls" of the Iredell Telephone company at Statesville went on strike Tuesday. All of the sev en young lady oerators of the com pany wore in the "walk-out" and since they quit the job the eompanyn's electrician, lineman anj others are operating the switch Board. The young ladies Monday morning served notice on W. M. Barringer, manager of the system, that they must have $2.50 additional per month and demanded a definite answer Tuesday. Mr. Barringer called a meting of the board of directors and laid the matter before them. The directors refused the demand on the ground thai the present pay $20 a monthis as much as is paid elsewhere and as much as t lie company can afford to pay for eight and a half hours work a day. The decision of the directors was an nounced to the operators and they picked up their "duds" and inarched out without even saying good-bye. to cut down the Sennic force of em ployment. Jones claims to be the only man liv ing whoe knows where the great seal of the Confederacy was secreted. "I buried it myself, he eaid re cently, "and gave my word of honor to Mr. Davis t'hat I would never tell. I kept my word to him while he lived anil nm not going to break it now that he is dead. On the day that the Jefferson Davis Monument was ledicated in Richmond two men of fered me $l"i.000 to tell them where the great seal could be found, i! looked at the money mighty hard, for I'm about the poorest man you know, but no amount of money would make me break my word to Mr. Davis. There ain't money enough in the world to make me forget that pledge." Jones was "free born, and says he is pronnd of ihe fact that he was never a slave. His mother was two thirds Cherokee, his father a Creole, and Jones was hired by Jefferson Davis in New Orleans. say Cincos are too cheap. This game was played on the Y. M C. A. diamond. Game called at 3:10 Time, 1 hour minutes. Umpire Boger. Cincos. Struck out by Cline, 5. Base on ball off Cline, 3. Hits off Overcash. 2. Hits by pitched ball. Cline. 1. Patterson, hard run, 1 hard catch. Y. M. C. A. Team. Struck out by Overcash, 4. Base on balls off Overcash, '.I. Double nlavs. Anderson to Irbv t liagley. Hits off Cline, 9. Hits by pitched ball, Anderson, 1. Running catch by Childers. The features of the game, were a home rjin by Utley, with twojueu ou bases, and two three baggers, Irby, with two men on bases, Chil ders' nice running catch and Patterson's hard run one-hand catch. H. (Tlip editor regrets that he cannot publish the full score in tody's issue.) The fourth annual joint normal school for Sunday school workers to be held by the North Carolina con ference of the Evangelical Lutheran Synods of Tennessee and North Caro lina will begin at Lenoir Colege, Hickory, on July 24 and continue through to and including June 27. On and require him to sell tickets, pull ' Wednesday evening of the conference . i r . IT. t o ..ii...' .. mileage check baggage and incident ally do the slide back and forth act ' Ihe amount of travel done here, it ! is no wonder that the traveling pub , lie has to go to the staiion long before I tiain time and he forced to stand in ; line on the elegantly polished hard ; wood floor and wait and wait and wait to gel a ticket, to say nothing of having tlie liaggage checked. But j it is not so bad for the ladies as they can wait, as r.rlitor Harris says, in the comfortably appointed waiting room and enjoy the cooling breezes from ihe numerous electric fans. Officials of the Southern promised a number of citizens of Concord sev eral weeks ago that they would pro vide a baggage man at the station within a short time. " Red Men Meet in Macon. Macon, Ga.( June 21. Macon is en tertaining for two days the auual Slate convention of the Improved Order of Red Men. Several hundred delegaies weie on hand this morning when the gathering was called to or der by Gyeat Sachem Henry M. Ward of Savannah. A parade of the dele gates was held this afternoon. KB. MS MBS. JORB HATS HAMMOND MB. AMMOKD IB TBB aPBOIAt, AMBASSADOR VBOK HB OMITKO ITATB8 TO ATTKND TBB OOBONATIOB, Italy, will be the Crown Princess of Roumania a chief royal rival in the matter of good looks. She was mar ried, when Helene d 'Orleans, to the Duke of Aosta, at Kingston on the Thames, and she made her social de but at a Marlborough House garden party, so a visit to England is rather likr a home coming to her. Other interestin foreign visitors here for the ceremony tomorrow are Prince Henry of the Netherlands, the Crown Prince of Servia, Prince Yusur med Din of Turkey, the Archduke Francis Ferdinand -of Austria, ihe Crown Prince of Denmark, the Crown Prince and Princess of Sweden, and Prince and Princess of Sweden. - Baby Eats Strychnine Tablet and Is Killed. Wilmington. June 20. Melissa, the nine-months-old infant of Mr. and Mexicans Celebrate Diaz Victory. City of Mexico, June 21. Elaborate precautions were taken 'by the Provis ional government to prevent any dis orderly demonstration today on the occasion of the anniversary celebra tions in memory of the taking of the City of Mexico by the forces of Gen. Diaz, June 21, 1867. For many years the anniversary has been observed as a holiday in the capital. The fall of the City of Mexico to the liberal troops under Gen. Diaz marked the last blow io the Imperialists and practically ended the long war of the Napoleonic invasion. Out of a list of sixty graduates from Manual Training School in Kan sas City who were questioned as to what occupation they intended to adopt afier completing their educa tion, ten declared for the farm. That number exceeded the declaration for anv other profession, civil engineer ing coming next with seven, while the lawyers and bankers numbered only two each. President Taft at Yale. Now Haven. Conn.. June 21. Presi- Mrs. J. W. Walton, Ai d Sunday af-j ,ient Taft was among the distinguish- ternoon following the eating or a box e,i guests at the comencement exer Got. Marshall at U. of P. Philadelphia, Pa.: June 21.M3oveii- nor Marshall of Indiana delivered St. Jamea' Street,' Piccadilly, Hyde the Commencement oration at the Park Corner., and Constitution Hill, Bat few persons, in comparison with the enormous crowds now in London, vt ba able to get a food view of to- University of Pennsylvania today. Mor than 850 students received dip lomas, tb elasa being the largest that ever graduated from the university. of strychnine, quinine and iron tablets. Tho child was lert alone in tneroom for a few moments and got the box of medicine from the lower compartment of a washstand. One of two of the tablets would hardly have harmed her but the infant nte the entire contents of the box and death resulted in a few minutes. The death is peculiarly sad in that her father is critically ill. It j was to minister to him that the mother left the infant alone tnly for a few moments. - Eagles of Three States. Charleston, S. C, June 21. A tri State convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles opened in this ciiy today with large delegations in attend ant from Jacksonville. Macon, At lanta. Augusta, Columbia and other leading cities of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. The gai being will continue over tomorrow. , i ' Uta our Fanny Column It pay. eises at Yale today. The guests joined with the students, and faculty mem bers in the procession from the college campus to Woolsey Hall, where the graduation exercises were held. The assembly and dinner of the alumni took place this afternoon and were folowed by the President's reception in Memorial Hall. Kaiser Greets Americana. Kiel, June 21. The Emperor to day exchanged visits wirn vAamirai Badger and the officers df Me Ameri can battleships which are paying a week's visit to Kiel. Dr. David Jay- ne Hill, the American ambassador at Berlin, officiated at the introductions. The meeting of the Emperor and the officers was of a most cordial nature. Rev. Dr. E. II. Harding and daugh ter, Mrs. Nan Whitaker, of Davidson, are visiting at the borne or. juage w, J. Montgomery. 1 , II Dr. Henrv Louis Smith will deliver a lecture on "Luther Before the Diet of Worms." Pastime and Theatorium Consolidated The two moving picture shows, The Pastime and The Theatorium, have been consolidated and an arrangement has been made whereby The Pastime will be open six days in the week and The Theatorium two, Fridays and Saiurdays. The managers, Messrs. A. (1. Odell and C. M. Isenhour will run special pictures at The Theatorium on these two days and The Pastime will be conducted as heretofore. Miss Mamie Pitcher left this morn ing for Marshall, Mo,,, to 'visit rela- - ' ' "" ... ' it iv 4r it r&T .itxtrv ii I . ..JJh: ?:SiV J mm :- L ,.Zt IF Iff QUESTION Of SAFETY-OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH THE MONBT rou FIND NECtS S4KT TO HATE OS HAND-JUST DEA0 DAIlt THE AMOUNT NZEDEV. ITHETHEV. IT S A HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT OK FOE tusiNEH-rtmrosE I "Herald Square" Three Heights Hand-made quality see it ui the Sood looks, experience it in the long wear of hanj-madejwllars. Look at yourself in , Corliss-Coon Hand rvJlaV Made you II see tha differ ia a admit. Then couat tbe trip yoar Corliss-Coo, Collin make to tb lauadr.. That proves tb wfriut quality. 4 CwIIm. Com C Mate f ' - : CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Capital $100,000 Surplus $30 0' 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Tim Deposits. REWARD. I am authorited to pay a reward of $25.00 for the arrest or information which will lead to the arrest of the party or parlies wbo broke into BaN rier-Widenhouse Co's. atore Thurs day night and stole a lot of clothing or for the recovery of the stolen prop erty, or ror aiy mwrmauon wuicu will lead to the recovery I ine same. J. L. BOGER, 16-6t Chief of Police. on Men's Light Weight Odd $6.50 Serge Coats priced at $5.00. ; 4 $5.00 Serge Coats $4.00. at H. L PARKS ' CO.