VOL. XXI, FrfatMOtttatKonik. concord, n. a: 23.1911 Bligls Oopy, J Cents, TjuDAYJJfiE AX XXEQAXT IXCEPTIOH. OiTw Friday Ersninf at Hr. D. B. OottnaVa U Honor of YUtiiif Yea-Ladis. KJsmw Ruby Elliott, of Durham; Eugenia Franklin and Juanita Has ten, of Winston-Salem, and Laura MoQill Cannon were the bonnrees at an olegant reception last evening, giv en by their hoatees, Misses Ruth and Elisabeth Coltrane. Tbe elegant home presented spectacle of rare beaut j and grandeur and the lovely decora tions throughout had been planned and executed with tbe utmost care and precision and these, together with a row of eleetrie lights stretched across the entire length of the porch, made a scene of unusual brilliancy. On hundred invitations had been is sued each gtoet being invited at half hour periods, beginning at 8:30 and lasting un;tf 10:30. Iiie pawing of each thirty minulis of the evening marked the approach and departure o a concourse of young people, causing an intermingling of each group of visitors and the ex change of fricmilv greetings that ad ded a pleasant ciiarm to (he occis sion. The guceU were met ac the porch by little Misses Nannie Lee PaKerson and Bessie Wooley and at the door by Misses Minnette Marshal and Mary Branson Coltrane, who presented to the receiving line composed of Mrs. D. B. Coltrane, Misses Ruth Coltrane, Eugenia Franklin, Ruby Elliott, Jann ita Masten, Elisabeth Coltrane, and Laura McGill Cannon. These were in tbe parlor, which was decorated with yellow camias. Misses Lillie Howe and Jenn Coltrane received in the hall and ushered 'the guest into the dining room, where they were served with ice cream and anel food cake by Mesdames J. H. Rutledge, L. D. Coltrane, D. L. Boat, E. C. Barn hardt and Miss May White, the dining room table being covered with a huge bower of magnolias. They were directed from the dining room to die library by Mesdames P. T. Durham and Eugene Cannon, where frojsen fmit was served by Mesdames J. ty. Cannon and A. M. Brown, as sisted by Misses lis Thompson, of Salisbury; 'Alice and Marshall Cole, of Raleigh and Blanche Brown, the room being profusefy decorated with nasturtiums. The reception last evening was one of the crowning events of die summer season in Concord and seldom, if ever, has it been surpassed -in magnitude and splendor. IN MEMORIAM. Whereas, Our Heavenly Father has removed from our midst to the home above our friend and co-worker, Mrs. Frank Brown ; therefore we, the mem bers of the Young Ladies Foreign Missionary Society of "the First Pres byterian Church, Concord, N. C, wish ing to show oar sorrow in the loss of this faithful member, do hereby re solve: First. That while we bow in sub mission to tbe will of God, who "doeth all things well," and who makes no mistakes, we feel "that our Society has sustained a great loss in the removal of one whose gentle in fluence and quiet consistent life will be greatly missed both in our church and Society. "We see but dimly through the midst and vapors: Amid these earthly damps ; What seems to us but sad funeral tapers May be heaven's distant lamps! Second. That we extend our ten derest sympathy to the bereaved fam ily. Third. Thai these reslutions be published in 'the Tribune, and entered upon tbe Secretary's book, and a copy sent to tbe family. MRS. ELAM KING, MRS. ED MOSS, -MISS ROSE HARRIS, ' Committe. Three Items From the China Grove Record. "H. T. Graeber left Tuesday morn ing for Genesoo, 111., to visit bis son John and other relatives in that section of tbe country. Mrs. Graeber has been there for several weeks and iber will return together. Rev. and Mrs. M. M. Noaker are making preparations for an extend MualaMl inn. viotttno, TkonVAl flan Francisco, tbe Yellowstone Park, the .Grand Canyon and points in New Mexico. They expect to leave about - July lOtih and will be gone about five weeks, "j "- Walter Graham, whoh as been fn the service of the Southern Railway for four years, has successfully stood an examination and has left to enter , tbe navy. He left yesterday moring for Charlotte.' From there he will go NewDort. R. I., and from there be will go to Norfold, Vs. Miss Carrie Heilig, of Mr. Pleasant, s visiting Mrs. Alvin Peck. ASSAULTS AS ZDITOR. City Editor of Durham 8na Eu raaie Tiros at Iflsv Durham, Jane 23. City Editor Eft fus Iaonbonr, formerly of tbe Char lotte Kews and of (be Salisbury Post, now of tbe Durham Son, won fame here today by being assaulted with a caue in tbe hands of R, HL Wright, tbe wealthy traction company president and large capitalta. The blow did no damage. Mr. Wright's anger was aroused by a recent article in tbe Dnrahm Sun whirl) Editor Isenbour wrote making mention of Mr. Wright's decision to live in Durham and extending to him the glad hand of fellowship. The ar ticle grew out of a story that Mr. Wright bod listed $70,000 personal property in Durham "under the per sausion of a county road sentence held over him by he county com- mUeioners." Tbe article telling of his listing his taxes declared that in New York Mr. Wright made affidavit that lie lived in Durham and was not liablo for claims there, and that in Durham the rich man claimed New as his home and evaded taxes here. It was caustic and direct in its charges. The Sun declared thac he listed twice here, first several weeks ago and last within a few hours of the close of the books. When Mr. Wright saw the reporter I ixl ay he is said to have asked: "Are yon the damned scoundrel who wrote that article?" An admission mused him to strike. It was the cause of a good deal of fun. Mr. Wright has demanded a re traction under ithreat of suit. To Jail Because He Wouldn't Tell. Charlotte, June 23. For his refusal to divulge the names of the persons or persons from which he had purchased liquor illegally in Charlotte, William Owens, formerly a member of the fire department of Charlotte, was sen tenced by Desk Sergeant J. M. Scul lion yesterday afternoon to serve a sentence of ten' days in, jail. Owens was summoned to testify under the capias ad testificandum proceedings. He was given two opportunities to an swer Sergeant Scullion's question, but stoutly refused "to "peach" on bis friends. He is now in jail and as the sentence is for contempt of court there is no way to obtain his release except through means of a pardon. The examination of Owens was part of a general campaign being waged by the police department, led by City Solicitor John A. Parker against vio lators of the prohibition law. Three other witnesses were examined and all gave testimony vhich will lead to the issuance of warrants. One of the witneses, however, hesitated until stared in the face by a jail sentence and he then reluctantly gave in. Three Big Events at Misenheimer Springs. In this issue Mr. V. L. Norman is advertising the "Three Big Events" at Misenheimcr Springs this summer. The first is the Monster Fourth of July Celebration which is an annual occasion and is attended by people for miles around. This year it will eclipse all former occasions and it is if iwtely prdlcted ithat five thousand people will be on tho grounds that day. The most refined and cultured people attend this event and they have long ago eschewed going to some hot, dry dusty town to spend the Fourth. Go where you can luxuriate in the cooling shades and' quaff the health- giving sulphur water of these ccle- rated spring. At night tihe grand promenade con cert and lawn party will be a fitting close of the day's festivities. The gounds will be lighted with bonfires and Chinese lanterns and youth and beauty wil bold full sway. Music, refreshments and s hne din- nr will be a feature of the occasion. Amusement, contests and games 'will be indulged in,' such ai bowling, ten nis and croquet. Bring your tennis raquets and shoes nith you. Horses well cared for at the barn. Be sure to spend yonr Fourth ct Misenheimer Springs. Low Rates to Rochester. The Southern Railway offers ex tremely low round trip rates to Ro chester, N. Y, account Arabia Order, Nobles of the Mystie 8hrine, Impe rial Council, July 11-13, 1011. Tick ets on sale July 7, 8 and, 9, final limit to reach original starting point not later than midnight of July 18, with privilege of an extension of final limit until August 15, by depositing ticket with Special Agent, and payment of one dollar. Fare for round trip from Concord, $25.60. ' Middle Aged and Elderly People, Use Foley's Kidney Pills for quick and permanent results in all eases of kidney and bladder troubles, and for painful and annoying irregularities. M. L. Marsh, Druggist. : WITH THE CHU2CHE3. Anorists Esformsd Presbyterian. Sabbath school at 10 . m. Preaching at 8 p. m. by (be pastor. No morn ing service as pastor will be at Kan noplis. KcXinnon Presbyterian Church. Rev. T. H. Burney, of Texas, will preach tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock and tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. Central Methodist. Services at 11 a. m., by the pastor. At 8 p. m. there will be union service of all Saints' Episcopal and Central Methodist ehurebe at tbe latter church, to be addressed by Rev. F. H. Ball. Episcopal iChurch. Only morning service will be held and there will be a union service at Central Methodist church tomorrow night. Trinity Reformed Church. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Church services at 11 a. m. At 8 p. ra., Chil dren's Day services will be held. Con siderable time has been spent in pre paring this service and we feel sure in promising an interesting and in spiring service. Tho public is cor dially invited. First Baptist Church. Regular services ct First Baptist church tomorrow. Preaching at 11 m. and 8 p. m by the pastor. Sun day school at 9:45. Cordial welcome to all. First Presbyterian. Regular services at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m. tomorrow by Rev. George H. Atkinson, of Albemarle. Bayless Memorial. Services at Bayless Memorial Pres byterian church tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 p. m. by Rev. P. II. Burney. Cannonville Presbyterian. Regular -services ac Cannon ville Presbyterian church tomorrow at It Mr. Swink After Good Roads. Salisbury Post.. Editor Post : I suppose you know there is a great awakening in our county for good roads. Every meet ing of the county commissioners is at tended by our people asking for good roads to be built. The commissioners are in lavor or building more and better roads, but qay they have not the money. Surely roads cannot be built without cash. We understand the commissioners have tbe right to in crease the road tax ten cents on the hundred dollars and we hope they will do this, that we may be able to do more road work and repair the roads we have. Anvone that travels from Salisbury to China Grove will testify that the macadam road needs attention. Unless we do something Cabarrus and Iredell counties will take half of our trade by building good roads to the Rowan line. Very truly, W. J. SWINK. Four Suspects Arrested in Spencer Burglary Case. Spencer, July 23. Suspected of complicity in the robbery and assault of Mrs. C. Rozzell in Spencer last night four persons were arrested by Sheriff McKonize in various parts of Rowan county today. Two were re leased for. lack of evidence, and two are held for investigation, A laree butcher knife and a chisel j were found today wiere lef i in the room of Mrs. Rozzell last night, and it is believed murder as well as rob bery was anticipated. The njured woman, who was knock ed senseless with a bedslat by the burglar, is resting well tonight. A Practical Course for Young Men For particulars call at Dr. Lang's Office 'Phone 837. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A (rUtIU(Uf far JtoTerlesweM, Geaeilpatleii. H ha, gMBUk TrMkleeiTceihlaf vizil v wsV.vir2 Tnoewrm. m 1 1 bout, a isiiuraainu, uate, ikslilE. A. i. OVsMTED.Uftev.N.Y. R MIGHT SCHOOL rZlSOIAL XZHTIOV. Bom it ts Tsonk Hart sad Ebs vasrs WVe Oomt and G. Miss Alios Brown is visiting friends in Salisbury. Mr. Victor Means is spending the day in Charlotte. Mrs. G. U. Rutledge and children are visiting in Monroe. r Rev. T. H. Burner, of Texas, is visiting friends! in the city. Mr. T. J White has returned from a business trip-to Rockingham. Mr. Sinclair Stewart, of Charlotte, was a Concord iaitor last night. Mis Ila Thompson, of Salisbury, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Jones Yorke. t ' Dr. S. W. Wdliams Las returned to his home in Raleigh, after spending several days in'. the. city. Mrs. S. J. Lof e and Master George Edwin Lowe returned last night from a visit to Fort Mill, S. C. Mr. and Mrs.fR. E. Cline and Miss Grace Brown will spend Sunday at Connelly Springs. Miss Myrtle Goodman, of Mt. Ulla is spending afcfew days with her aunt, Mrs. L. E$ Moore. Prof. G. F. icAllister, of Mt. Pleasant, spent yesterday in Charloite in tbe interestji of Mount Pleasant Collegiate Institute. Mr. C. E. Boger attended the meet ing of the board of home missions of the Lutheran canrch, which met. in Salisbury yesterday. Messrs. J. E. ilavis and Lewis Hart sell have returned from Henderson ville, where they attended the meeting of the North Carolina Retail Mer cians' Association. Mrs. P. B, Parks, of Yorkville; Mrs. J. H. Mewborne, of Kinston; Mrs. J. N. Sloan, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Will Johnson, of taliebury, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sims. i July 3 Big Evntsat Misenheimer Springs The monster Fot'rth of July Celebration. Plenty of amusement, oceans of Ice Cieam, Soft Drinks and Cake, Splendid Dinner, Barns full of llore Feed, Music, Pretty Girls, and fun galore. Dou'i go to some hot, dusty town to spend your Fourth, bin come to Misenheimer Sprinsrs. July lltn. ; The great Lutheran Reunion. Adresses by Rev. K. L. Patterson, I). D., of Cliuilwtte, Rev. H. A. McCullmigh. of Albemarle, and Rev. J. J. Ixing, of St. John's, Cabarrus; Music by Mt. Pleasant Cornet Band. Lu theran Hymns, Lutheran Speeches, Lutheran Hospitality. AUSUSt lOtH The Big Tri-County Farmers' Picnic. Gold Prizes for the most beau tiful young lady, the prettiest baby.and the best horse on the grounds, open to Rowan, Cabarrus nd Stanly county. Plenty to eat and drink. Amusement, Music, and pretty girls. You will lie the loser if yon miss this occasion. Cornel At night after each of the above events there will be a grand Prom enade Concert and Lawn Party. The grounds will lie lighted with Bon fires and Chinese Lanterns. Refreshments on sale. Youth and beauty will predominate. V. L. NORMAN, Proprietor Misenheimer White Sulphur Springs. Improvement in your office methods , you naturally expect to cost more money, but ACTUALLY SAVE MONEY. Let us show you why. Instruction book free. "We have a few copies of 'Moore's Modern Methods", a M f 160 page book illustrating 40 record forms and explaining how they are kept Call or phone THE CONCORD TRIBUNE, CONCORD, N. C. PROHIBITION FIGURES. Quantity of Liquor Shipped Into Dry Territory Startling. j Washington, June 23. Approxi mately trenty million galkws of li quors annually are shipped by ex press principally from mail order houses, direct to consumers in pro hibition Slates. The startling fact was developed today in an inquiry conducted by the Interstate Commerce Commission into proposed changes in express classi fications which may result in an ad vance of rates on )ackages contain ing liquors. ("immissioner McChord, who con-, ducted the inquiry and prepared the opinion of the comuission, points out that the industry directly concerned is that of the mail order liquor houses. "It was the spread of the prohibition movement," the opinion says, "-ihat gave vitality to this char-, acter of traffic in liquor. With State-1 wide prohibition came the interstate I traffic in liquor. Tho decision of the ' Supreme court t!'at this traffic was interstate and, iherefore, superior to interference by the State govern ments gave the industry a tremendous imputus and established the express companies as the carriers of prac tically the whole of this traffic. "Jacksonville, Fla.. probably the largest shipping (xiint for liquor in tho Souih, sends out between three and four thousand packages of one or two gallons dally, or a total of about one and one-half million gal lons a year. Chattanooga sliis about "8B.000 gallons; Richmond 546,720 gallons; Petersburg 2(8,128; I'ensa cola 287,7(50; New Orleans 2"5.8."6; Augnsla 21,K0, and Norfolk, Va., Cario, 111., Enqioria, Va., Louisville, Ky., Portsmouth. Va.. Roanoke Va., and Savannah Ga., ship more than 100,000 gallons each annually. "TlTe movement is much more ac tive in the South than in other sec tions of the county, partly because of the extent of the prohibition terri- 4tn for one. modern i tor) in that section, partly because of the larjre quantities of very cheap whiskey manufactured and shipped. tlere for the ronaumptiun of the negro opiilaiion." j The opinion concludes with the statement that although it is not the! intention of the commission to dwell upon the moral aspect of the situa tion, it is considered that the traffic has an evil effect on. and is one of the most iniMrtnnt factors in the race problem of t tie South. At Central Methodist Church To morrow. Services at 11 a. n., by the pastor. At 8 p. m. there will he a union ser vice of the congregations of All Saints' Episcopal and Central Metho dist churches i't ('.Mitral church, to be addresses by Mr. Francis II. Ball. His subject will be, "Life and Customs of Xaiive Africans." Mr. Ball is icriiliarly fitted to tolk on this sub ject and the public is cordially in vited to bear him. IP IT'S A QUESTION OP SAFETT-OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT WITH THE MONET rOO FIND NtCES SAKT TO HAVE. ON HAND-IVST DRAW DAllX THE AMOUNT NEEDiV, WHETHEH. ITS A HOUSEHOLD ACCOUNT OR FOR S USINEfS -PUVfOSEi CONCORD NATIONAL BANK Oanltal f 100,000 Surplus $3? 4 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time ... " jfesOBltsr"" Country4Club , . . j. 'it -; ? t- Mill Yi .' y M? (if cf ' v The test of a collar is the number of its trips to the laundry. Get Cforliss-Coon Maanc Collars An. 1h and keep tab on You will find that sist wear, but also Corliw, ASK The Newest Collar out. 50c Silk Half Hose, 3 pair for $1.00. Silk Lisle Half Hose, 25c. H. L. PARKS & CO. I lie's From Missouri; ; You Have to Show nia 1, Governor Folk Is from Missouri He's regarded as a pretty good cttlMB himself, gee what be says about a certain sort of citizen: "I do not believe in the mail order citizen. IT IS BETTER THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A THOUSAND TOWNS THAN ONE LARGE CITY. If a plaoe is good enough for a man to make hi money in, it certainly (hould be good enough for him to spend his money in. The merchants have a just right to all the business of the town fn which they have their stores, and every good citizen will help them to get it." Phi yon ever see a FINE LAROB FACT so simply stated? Lilly Residence k Sila I offer for sale the Dr. Lilly resi dence, one of the most trainable prop erties in the citj . J. B. SHERRILL, Eitr. M. E. Lilly. if- their laundry trips. they not Only r hold their shape. Coos C. llslMfS TO SEE ftO ' ill JJMPkA AJr -a & B-L i I 1 if