Mi cc:ce:3 dilt mm a. a. unMU, i a. So . Kstcmirnoii ava' OH Toof ... Ms Moolaa ..... , Tarwo atoatha . M Moata '-- J.M . LH 1 rvaaaaRBM oiscaiiairr. ASvartlalna- nlH can do had at tho atea, Cosy tor chaasoa auat ia at.apoke and was frequently interrupt ad VavsotVuuik Raaolsttons or Ra-1 by Senator who by thou questions pact and almllar artlrloe aro charaad j .howed their keen interest ia the tub al tho rata of t eonia par Una caab In . . , , . eaaal J" Among boe who thus contn Bntercd a second i taaa mall mattar 1 bntj , tJ) dbCTWaioB of the desir a liia at tli iMifltottlcr at Con- i .... . cord. K. C und th. act of March I. ability and feasibility of a eompre IM ..... .... I bensive scheme of internal improve- as off taa rttr or mmu imm t. w- tmm ptirrm oa tha ! THbom wtu pmHi i T'aion'th.":::::::::::::::------- welva Months .oo ..oir EdMoi .OHM M. OOI.BSBV. Comtnd. X. I". June 27, 1911. i ' THE DEMOCBATS MAENQ GOOD The Democrats in Congress, making potnl l he pledges that are they made to i lie eople last fall. Tlie House of Hepreseutatives wihch is overwhelmingly Democratic lias pass- ed ihe Wool Hill by a majority of more than two to one. This bill cuts the duly iu half on raw wo 1 and makes a like reduction in t H tariff on manufat'tuted woolen goo Is. The effect of this bill if it ever bo comes a law. will enable the poor people and the middle classes tj buy woolen goods at reasonable ntves. a blessing thai they have n. t enjoyed during the reign of Republicani-m which began in the year af 181" un der Wni. McKinley. It ts uncertain what the fate of this bill will be when the Senate acts on ii, as the Senate the national government was under is still overwhelmingly i?1nbli.'!in. as great an obligation to aid the President Taft is just now placed (&rm " to "J oth C!aSSeS .. ' i manufacturers. The Western rail inamost singular position, and from anJ riyerg anJ harbops were a partisan standpoint, a very em-' mentioned as instances of the benefit barrassing one- The most aggressive support that his Canadian reciprocity! ..a, .e.c.-cu ... . from the Democratic members who re-, gard it as a step in the right direc- lion, hut a preat mnnv Republicans are openly and many others are se cretly opposing Ihe passage of this bill which was so promptly passed by the Democratic House. The Democrats are also endeavoring to establish a parcels post in the Post Office Department whitfti all European countries enjoy, by allowing articles of not over 11 pounds in weight to be carried bv the mails at. n reasonable rate. However, The Adams Express! Company, the Southern Express Co., the Wells-Fargo Express Co., and the United States Express Co., are work ing with undiminished courage through their own attorneys and through the many II. S. Senators which they absolutely own, to pre vent this Government from establish ing this measure. Gome of the fruits of the Demo cratic victory last fall are beginning to develop in the Departments. A number of small acts of burglary by the Republicans in Washington have been unearthed, for Instance, the picture of Win. R. Day who was Sec retary of State during a part of Mc Kinley 's administration was painted at the expense of the Government. The painter swears that he received $850 for the paintting and that he signed a Toucher in Wank. The voucher was then filled out, making It appear that the artist received $2450 for tbe painting, In other words some of the big thieves in the State Department robbed Uncle 5am out of $1600 on the price of that painting. It has also developed that Senator Hale's son received $5000 for doing an im aginary service for the Government. Senator Hale was a great Republican j power in the Senate for 30 years, and of course his power became so great that his friends and relatives enjoyed (, very unusual privileges in regard to Uncle Bam 's money. The Democrats in Congress are locking into all sorts : of nooks and corners and it ia ezpect f. ad that many more acts by big thieves ft will be discovered in the near fn- I tore. . icujtfopo&T. fcThere will t a picnic at Page's mill t pond on Saturday, July 1 1911, and i there will be a large new merry-go- round to run and ona or two ball games on the ground. There will also j be plenty of eold drink; alee bathiag I suits. We want everybody to, come j,, and spend tha day witb us. Flint Ridga and Bear Creek crossed 'r- bata last Saturday evening and the . score was 0 to 7 in favor of tba Bear Creek. They only played 7 innings. ' . Tha fanners ot fcbia community will i have cotton bloom by the 4th of july. turn cotton blooms by tha 4th of nouTOK mocoxs tilts. Ia Xaasreat ef Good Wsuli Fat Tax ef $11 Sack ra AO Aate ohfloa JPssd ia latent Travel Washington, Jans 23. Senator Simmon But da a really notable speech today ia support of ak bill for Fed eral eo-opsretioa and aid ia behalf of highway improvements. He beM the floss attention of tba Senate while he - . i , meots looluilg to the buudlog of good roads, were Senators Gallinger of Hampshire, un of Masaaehu- amj Works of California. Each discussed what his particular section was (loin?, and proved that enthusi- asm for (rood roads is nation-wide. Estimating that one out of five of -the five hundred thousand antomo- biles in use in the ntry is m. Ivloved in interstate travel. Senator Simmons expressed the opinion that a million dollars r.nnually can be raise,) tor the improvements ot wagon roads by imposing a license fee of $10 each on such machines. He also prophesied that the improvement of the roads would have the etlect oi gieatly increasing automobile travel ami therefore enhancing the fund. The proposition for an interstate lax on automobiles is embraced in a bill of which the North Carolina Sen ator is the author and which pro poses the appropriation of $1,000,000 annually for the benefit of the roads on which ihe rural mails are car ried. He contended for the equity of the general scheme bv the use of the roads by the government and also because of the benefit ihat would accrue to the farmers of the coun try. The argument was advanced that of government. "We have," the Senator said." the ! nnest railways m "e oriu auu mi . highwavs The govermrient hag helped to 'buiw these railroads aD( develop this splendid system of i long distance transportation-. Why hould it not build the equally im- I portant system of short distance transportation the country high I ways over which the product of the ! farm must be hauled before it reaches these national highways V I Mr. Simmon's said that of the 2.- 150.000 miles of dirt road the oun try was using one million in carry ing the mails and contended that it ' was under obligation to the farmers ! to aid in maintaing these. Tiu saving made by a general improve ment of the highways was placed at $10,000,000 to $15,000,000. He esti mated that the proper improvene:it of the wagon roads would save the farmers $300,000,000 to $400,000,000 in the cost of transporting their crops. Concluding, Mr. Simmons said: "Shall the government, having so anspiciously started upon the work of reclaiming the great and honorable calling of agriculture from the drudg ery to which eonditions nave con demned it now bait and hesitate to do the one thing needful to restore it to its rightful position of primacy among the great industries of the na tion T I hope not, I think not, and I had almost said I know it will not." Tour Neighbor's Experience. How you may profit by it. Take Foley Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. G. Whit ing, 360 Willow St, Akron, O- says: "For some time I had a very serious case of kidney trouble and I suffered with backaches and dizzy headaches. I had specks floating before my eyas and I felt all tired out and miserable. I saw Foley Kidney Pills advertised and got a bottle and took them ae- coring to directions and results showed almost at ones. . Tha pain and dizzy headaches left me, my eye-eight be came clear and to-day I can say I am a well woman, thanks to Foley Kidney Pills." M. Jj. Marsh, Druggist. The football and the highball are neck and neck in tbe knockout game. Don't Get Ron Down. Weak and miserable. If you have Kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, dizziness, nervousness, Pains in the back, and feel tired all over, get a package of Mother Gray's Aus tralian Leal, the pleasant herb ears. It never fails. We have many teati nonials from grateful people who have used this wonderful limed y. As s regulator it lias no equal. Ask for Mother Gray's Australian Leaf at druggists or sent by mail for 50 cents. Sample free. Address, The Motbet Uray Vo., heaoy, N. T. Fools jump at conclusions, but the wise run tbe other way. HEY: - For tender face and Back after shaving, for pimples, black beads, snarls, for pimples, black heads, aaadraff or any akta or scalp" disease use ZESiO tad ZESSQ 60AP. ; ZEMO is guaranteed to relieve all soreness and itching. Tha soap is part of tha treatment best for all toilet purposes.- Sold by druggists everywhere and ia Concord by M. L. March, druggist WESTERS STANLY. Tbocaaa a largo crowd preaaai at ie Children ' Day cxarriaat at Smyrna, the third Sunday. Coania Tartar is right sick. Mr. Martin Baoeoav of Union eouaty, visited in thie rommu&ity Saturday night. Crops are lowing siieh better sines tba rain, wheat and oata are all ia the barna, and tba tUreshing machine will soon be on ita rounds. Mrs. Henry Long ia ripht sick at this writing. Louis Love and Grady Green bare new buggies. John Love, who has been sick for some time ia convalsrent. Come to the picnic at Garmond, Saturday, July 8th. We read in Tbe Times aom time ago that Mr. Dry was going to have his merry-go-round at Mission July 4th. If tie would come down to (lannond on Saturday, it would pay him. for there is always "something doing down here. NCXTIUS. GLADSTONE. Farmers are busy working crops and hauling in w heat. Have had some rains hut would be glad for more. The wedding lias not came off yet, but it will be soou. The Farm Lite School is being much discussed in Stanly wiih opposi tions. Blackberries and cucumbers are be ing served along now. The Ladies' Home and Foreign Mis sionary Society of BelI.el Lutheran church will serve ice cream, lemonade and other refreshments at Bethel church lawn Saturday evening be fore the first Sunday in July, to begin at Ii o'clock. Everybody is invited to attend and have a pleasant time, A large crowd is exacted. XZ. Drafnena Caaoot be Cores by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho oar. There Is only one way to cure deafneaa. Is caused by an Intlamed condtlon of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When tills tube ts inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imper fect hearing, and when it is entlruly closed. Deafness Is the result, and un less the Intlamatlnn can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed orever; nine eases out of ten are caused inflamed condition of the mucous sur by Catarrh, which la nothing nut We will give One Hundred Dollars ror any case oi i-fe.i.iiena uauiwu j catarrh) that cannot he cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Cause of Falntnaaa, Fainting Is a loss of oonsciousnssa due to the diminution of blood supply to tha brain. It occurs most frequent ly In weak, sensitive women, but may occur also to men aa well. It usually occurs In crowds or In crowded halls, theaters and churches where tho at mosphere Is close and the air foul. Foley's Kidney Remedy. Is particularly recommended for chronic cases of kidney and bladder trouble. It tends to regulate and con trol the kidney and bladder action and is healing, strengthening and bracing. M. L. Marsh Druggist. Immediately after his brilliant victory over the British at Chalmette in 1815, he went direct to the French Market for a cup of the even then famous coffee. Then, this famous beverage could be had nowhere else. Now you may serve it daily at your own table. For the old French Market blend ia per petuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process "There is but one French Market flavor." For a general, all around, satisfactory cup of coffee nothing can approach French V New Am 1892 area BMaaorial J RoaaovoJ ot a. Collcew lo taa Krowta mm peaapotwas CHw mTlOmV aaoM Tha Ballala of taa New a4 Oroatev TriaUr. - mm aw. CMfortaklo hralaale aoramMorlM aa4 aooatlfol plaaaaat MrmaSlaaa. ' Five drfirtM.1., Aaoml Meeaaajeal, Civil, aaa Bloelrteal BosIsmt tar Law Haoeatlaa) GraaaaUoa. . iasioir. Wm aaloerM aai atkov - ttis." situsa ' l' f ' , 'r- " - rfcOWims,, Sanlajf. JlMfcaa , . a. ' SamHail sflattM riaa snaasaamwIWov -.) alt.. - - - - aaa-a . ... M Trinily Pcrb .SCccl " ESTABLISHED MM. lallos) Mrali Besloaaaot art aaaia. Btanta bavo aaa ( tha libra rj, (raaulaa, i Collcsc Ssartal atlratlM lm. a' . tooka mtlrr tba llvtast aoaattloaa of boas aaSn bio M7"r araaoatoa. Maot aiarSara mmV rmmt inai wrrmm oroieaiBor la. " "' ' - -l'lssiL aSinas ''Ml! MY PIMPLES CONE lrt Talis Haw a tl-asay tVaa , ,Claarsa ty a aaVaaA - -. -j sis ulim-J f a7 facO- wHtsa Miss Mlaala P)ckarw ot Akaaaaaa; N. C "It ae all fall ot ataxia aa4 aeara. bat artar aatag D. D. D. Pra acrtptioa I caa say taat aaar tasra la aa atgaaC taat Ecsaata. aaa iw waa tbroa years ago." U IX IX has kseosss aa taawas as a cura aa4 taataaa niW la Ceaasaa aa all etkar serious skU diaaasoa. tkat tti ysiva U soomUbms OTOriookod ta cleartag ap rasa, ataaplos, black fcaada, u4 aU otaar atlaor forms ot sals taparltlas. Tba taet ts, that ahlls D. D. D. la so penetrating that 11 strikes to ths Tory root of Xcsema or any other sert ons trouble, the soothlac OU ot Wlator groan. Tfermoi sad other tnirad loots are so earafully compoanded there to no wash for the skla made that caa eomnars. with this rroal hoasahold rwnny tor erery kind ot skla trouble. D. n O. fat plaasaat to ass, pertactlr harmless to ths most delicate skla, and . absolutely reliable. A IS-cent bottle wtU give you positive proof of the wonderful effectiveness ot this great remedy. Gibson Drag Store, Concord, N. C. F. S. Rexford, 615 New York Lifs Bldg., Kansas City, Mo, says: "I had a severe attack of a eold which set tled in my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble. A friend reeeommended Foley Kidney Pills and I nsed two bottles of them and they have dona ma a world of good." M. L. Marsh, Druggist. MY DOCTOR MIGHTY FINE Hrs. Battie Cain of Carrsvlile Think all the More of Her Doctor Since He Advised Her to Take CarduL rarrsville. Kv. "Mv doctor." VriteS Mrs Hattie Cain, "who advised me to take Cardui, for my troubles, is a mighty fine doctor, and I say God bless Cardui ind the people who make it. "Before I took Cardui. I sutfered witn female troubles for sixteen years. 1 would have to send for adoctot even' three month, and oh! how dreadfutlyl uttered J "I would cramp and have convulsions and it looked like I would die. At last I took Cardui and ohl what a surprisel I found it was the medicine for mcl "From the first bottle, I began to mend and now I am well, can do more work, can walk and go where I please and it don't hurt me, and I owe it all to Cardui Cardui helps sick women back to health. It has been doine this for over 50 years. It is not a laxative, or a heart or kidney medicine it ia a woman's medicine. If yoa are a woman, try It w n nrflw a. IiAm tiMm Deot Chstta eoofi Medicine Co., ChananoosV T taa,. toe Inttraclioiu. aadot-oan book. "Homo Tit for Wooks. acat is pUla wrapcxr, oa re ncapecaa Traatawsl See The Times for Job Pi in ting. What .Andrew Jackson Asked For Market, it ia snipped all over tha country in hermetically sealed tins to preserve the natural strength. At ail grocers. Packed ay Orleans Coffe Co., Ltd. New Orleans, La. m 1910-1911 4 afblstls tolas of TrlaHy a asea SanoJlary ihoaa of tostvaetlss),,,, : w m. o oxxAT suzscsirnoY orm TU Daily Trtbaaa. Eaaytoh'i Vaga- atsa, Snau Llfa aad Unci a .mas' KafnU til taa fatt for aaly v Ws kava taada airaagasMata with tli publishers of tha sugatiaea ahors named wharaby wa aaa aaad Tha Coa eorH Daily Tribune. Hampton's Maga dim, Homaa Life and Uacls Bom as ? Maganaa all one year for only $5.25. Haaiptoa'a Magasina k said ta be tha most intarastiag asaguina ia America. Last year ii eontained tha exclusive Parry Trip to ths Pole story and later Dr. Cook's confession besides many other in Urea ting fea tares. Tba retail priea of Hampton 's as yoa wall know, m $L50 par year. ' Human life ia second in tha eoav bination and ia one of tbe best one dollar magirinea published. It ia full of fascinating human interest stories and interesting articles by tba beet writers on all subjects that yoa want to know about. Uncla Remus, another ona dollar standard magasina, which no doubt many of our present subscribers are now paying $1.00 a year for, ia also included in this list. No greater subscription offer has ever been made, as for very little more than our regular subscription price you get not only The Tribune but all three of tha magazines named a wholo year each. VEST LOW BATES VIA. SOUTH ERN RAILWAY. $9.05 Concord to Knozville, Tenn and return, account Summer school of the South June 30-July 28, 1911. Dates of sale; June 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, July 1, 8, 9, lo, only. Final limit to reach original starting point returning, not later than fifteen (15) days from date of sale. $84.15 Concord to San Francisco and return, account National Educa tional association. Dates of sale : June 26 to July 4, inclusive, 1911. Final limit, September 15, 1911. $18.55. Concord to Atlantic City, N. J., and return, account Internation al convention, United Society of Chris tian Endeavor, July 6-12, 1911. Dates of sale: July 3,' 4, and 5, 1911, final $io.bt) Loncord to Koebester, N. Y. account Ancient Arabic Order, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, Imperial Council July 11, 13, 1911. Dates of sale: July 7, 8, and 9, 1911; final limit July 18 1911. $14.50 Concord to Monteagle and Sewanee, Term., and return, account Monteagle Sunday Sunday School In- stitute. Dales of sale: June 30, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, August 11, 12 and 18, 1911; fiinal limit, September 6, 191L $18.45 Concord to Atlantic City, N. J., and return account Grand Lodge, B. P. O. E., July 10-15, 191L Dates of sale: July 7, 8 and 9, 1911 final limit, July 20, 1911. A Leading California Druggist Pasadena, CaL, March 9, 1911 Foley and Co., Gentlemen : We have sold and recommended Foley's lloney and Tar Compound for years; We believe it to be one of the most efficient expectorant on the market. Containing no opiates or narcotics it can be given freely to children. Enough of the remedy can be taken to relieve a cold, as it has no nauseating results, and does not interfere with digestion. Yours very truly, C. H. Word Drug Co., C. L. Parsons, See'y and Tress." Get the original Foley Honey and Tar Compound in tha yel low package. M. L. Harsh Druggist. On account of Jhe Summer School of tha South to be held at Knoxville, Tenn, June 20 to July 28, the South ern will sell round trip tickets on June 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, July 8, 9 and 15, 191L Anal limit fifteen days from, but not including, data of sals with privilege of extension of final limit until September 30th by depositing ticket with special agent, and payment of one dollar. Ths round trip rata from Coneord is $9.05. Wlwt "ITier, ym Do for Yoa Thewmcwyoarbftckach atreagthen jroor kidneys, cor rectarinarjrirreKularitioa, tmild op tho worn outv tisanes, and elimlaats the oxeess nrie scW that causes rheumatism. Pre. vent. Bright's Disease and Dia. bates,; and restore health and strength. , Refose snbstitateo Sold at iMarsh'sDrng Store. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Smoot ft Pemberion has dissolved. Please call and settle your aeoeunt as we wish to close op Our OM DOOKS. 10-tf BMOOT ft PEMBERTON. - , -' K0TI0EI .- My health having improved I here by notify my former patrons, friends and tha public that my services are at their aommand for any legal business enuusiM to ma v - - . W. J. HONTOOMEttY. Foley 1 Id IF YOU can't make up your mindj remember the smooth fin ished worsteds, cool to the touch and the eye, and shed; the dust easily Wear iron arid hold shape well Mighty pretty lot of patterns to choose from. Plenty of rough weaves if you like them better and best of all, made by Schloss Bros & Company. That's a positive guarantee of ex cellence in tailoring and materials and of correctness in style. Cost no more than the ordinary $15.00 TO $25.00 Camion & Fctzcr Co. IrftM Desirable Offices Morris Building Best location in city. Steam beat, light and janitor service free. , Also sleeping rooms, bath, light and janitor service free. Phone No. B 9 E, I. T.StllTH, lr, ITaaager. Piles! Pilss! Piles! IVUIIams' Indian Pllo Ointment will curs Blind, illeoains and Itchlns Fllaa, It sb sorbs ths tumors, sllavs itching at ones, acts as a poultice, elves Instant reUot WlUlsms' Indian Pile Ointment Is ora- pared (or Piles and ttchlns ot the private parts. Druarsists, mail Seo and fLta MU1AM MFfc CCVPfaafc, C MS, QMS ; . Sold by DstIs Dmc Omasajr. ?y DR. J. S. LAFFERTY s Practice limited to Era, Bar. Rose ana xnroai ana nuiii umssoo. ' Office In ths Morris blldlnr, Itoom Ko. ts ever abarrss Bavlnas Bank. Office hoars: I to it a. at, and 1 to 4 P. B DENTISTRY . I am bow in tha Uorria building, ever the Cabamu eavingt Bank, - Office back of Davis Drug Company, Foley Kidney Pills contain just tha Ingredienta neeessary to regulate and (trsngtben tha action of ihe kidneys and bladder. Try them yourself. Jd. cji Wi it ia a, "aa I I ntnt am a CO No Experiments I That's our Trade Hark. That's what wa do. ShaQ we pot a Tin Boof on your house?. Hay be yonn want slate? SEE BRADY THS ROOFER. Grady-Brady Co. Talepaona No. 834. ' THE NORTH CAROLINA btate Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the tate for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar Courses leading to Degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers. Free tuit ion to those -who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 13, 1911. For cat alogue and other information address JULIUS L FOUST, President, Jy3 Greensboro, N. 0. K OD A K Make the Hay .walk mora enjoyable by .taking a . . KODAK Then yon will have not only the pleas ure of the outing;, hut the added pleasure in the pioturet, which pre serve the memory of tha fun. f L00-TO f 20.00. QHCOIT SZLUO SltDRE Cily Prcsstra Clut ill bsve.pdrehased outright, a dry preparation for cleaning ladies' gar ments that I guarantee to give satis faction, or I will make no charge for ths work. I am sole owner of this preparation and on account of the ex cellent satisfaction it has given I make thie proposition to the ladies of Con eord and vicinityt Send as any ar ticles or garments yoa want elesned and after we use this dry- cleaning preparation o nthem, if they are not entirely satisfied with ilia work I will make no charge. ' . 0. B. F0WXUBS, Y0Brietar. ' ,--., 4 ... Attoraey at Law. u Marah, Druggist. . Fhone 181.

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