t 1 a?t it t it J 7 V f -: J. - v -.-- - J I . 1 II, -! I 1 1. cauraoa KATS. uhe II . - 7 - U r ,4 fcontha . ri iuuai ajntochcratEWT. AdrtlilBr ratee ee "ed 1 "V". tpy for CkUM BlUBt.be I If o Hoc e. m. ... , Crii of ThuU FeolBtlaa of apart and almllar article ara eara;ed . el U rata Bt MM oaah ' iMartd ea oon dn mall iHr April Jl 11S. at the to f Co -ror4. N, C, ader " e of March & mil nmli - - "e . Moath ! . . Month. waive Months . i ... JOBlf M. WLIIK. -dtr Ooneord, N. C, July 6, 1911. THE PKESS CONVENTION. 1 AH who aiteirdod the meeting of the North Carolina Press Association at Leooir last week are of one mind in - pronouncing it .one of the very beat an' most thoroughly enjoyable the ' Association has ever held. The entire week was a rainless one, and both for ,, (he sessions at Lenoir and the moun- tain- excursion wihkh followed the weather was ideal The editors and members of their ' families accompany inn them were given a special car from Raleigh to Lenoir, and they filled it. At Hickory ' during the two" hours wait for the eastbound train on the Western road the editorial party was delightfully . entertained by tho people of Hickory at the Hotel Huffry. ' Lenoir, twenty miles away, was reached in just 35 minutes Jby the spe- . -. eial train carrying the editors. This little eity nestled among the hills was a revelation to those editors who never visited it before. Instead of a small mountain town depending on summer boarders, they found a live place of - 3364 inhabitants. It has adopted the - slogan, "The Town That Grows," and bow religiously it lives up to it is shown by the fact that it has increas ed its population since 1890 nearly thiee fold, as in that year it number- , ed only .1286 souls. It is a town of factories of various Mods, cloth goods and furniture being the chief pro : ducts. It is a seat of learning, ibhe long-famed Davenport College being located there. It is peopled by a highly intelligent citizenship, people . of open-handed and open-hearted hos pitality. There are no better people in the world. While in Lenoir the writer's wife and himself were guests in the charm- ing home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Max , ti n, and nothing cor.ld have added more pleasure to the stay in the town than to be thus delightfully situated. The attendance was one of the larg est in the history of the Association, and the sessions were among the best. Three sessions were held and many ' excellent addresses were made and pa pers read, On Tuesday morning the visitors were taken up on Hibriten mountain live miles away over a splendid moan tain road.' A roomy pavilion has been erected on top of tho mountain, and from this there opens a view which ia not exceeded anywLtre in the moun tains. , On Wednesday afternoon the ed itorial party waa token to Blowing Book, nod on Thursday to Boone. In that mountain town, which it distinct ly aui generis, they were v enter tained to such a dinner as mortal man sever saw Ibefore and will not see again. ' No pen can tell adequately about the free ul cnbounded hospit ality of these people who are truly the "people thai Gxd niad'V; The day will long make a bright spot in the lives of those who were fortunate enough to be present to enjoy it. On Friday the' editors were driven to LSnville over the Yonahlosae turn f ILe, "another fine mountain road like tLe one from Lenoir to Elowing Rock, and snt the afternoon and night at tie excellent Esoeola Inu, situated in a ieautiful plateau 3800 feet above t!,e e a. If there is any hotel in the r ' . which excels this one in t. c, ;ointment," wo have never i ,i it. The ei'ilpiiK.nt, service and ' ( i 3 - r . dcc, and it k no : ' '' I 'lit f'Vl to the 'trt (u V t'lais! aaea ba'or yon !.r iea' ia hit Jotlry n.lea cio- aUa. i ' . . . Saturday U adiiora war irirea to Edgaoat turnpike, whare they took tha traia for kocaa. " ' ; . . .. ... r . . Mr. L. T. KWbob, (Wral Maaagar, and Mr. E. F. Beid, General Paaaengar AgDt, of tha Carolina 4 Northweat rm railroad, and their charming wives aeeoaapaniai tha editors on tha entire trip. Meaua. leboU and Bad had n tkipated every poasrbia want for, a pleasant trip,, and tnair thooghtfaV ess was continually in evidesea. Tbey not only furnished n special train on rhe going trip, but at Lenoir on the return trip tha iiandsome chair ear waa turned over to the editors, and when they atopped at the Cliffs or dinner they were told Itat their money waa not a legal tender. Mr. H. C. Martin, who had charge of thes.rrangementa at Lenoir and for the mountain trip, kid every editor under never-ending obligation to him by the elever manner in which he man ed it. No man could have done it bet ter, and the job waa no small affair, as this writer well knows. We could write volumes about this incomparable outing and then touch only the edge of the circle of enjoy ment. J. B. S. Honest Medicinal Venus Fakes. President Taft 'a recent message sug gesting an amendment to the Pure Food and Drugs law in its relation to Prepared Medicines, does not refer to such standard medicines as Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and Foley Pills, both of which are true medi cines carefully compounded of ingred ients whose medicinal qualities are recognized-by the medical profession vtseli as the best known remedial agents for the diseases they are in tended to counteract For over three decades Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound has been a standard remedy for coughs, colds and affections of the throat, chest and lungs for children and for grown persons, and it retains to day its pre-eminence above all other preparations of its kind Foley Fills are equally effective and meritor ious. M. L. Marsh, Druggist. Approximately 600,000 acres of land have been opened to settlers un der the regulation plan through a proclamation signed by President Taft. 150,000 acres being within the Fourth Bertholdi Indian reservation of North Dakota, and 450,000. in tha pine ridge and Rosebud Indian res ervation in South Dakota. Hay Fever and Summer Colds. Must be relieved quickly) and Foley's Honey and Tar Compound will do it. K M. Stewart, 1034 Wtolfram St, Chicago, writes: "I have been great ly troubled during the Lot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound I get great relief.' Many oth ers who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr. Stewart's experience. M. L. Marsh, Druggist. Mr. Alfred S. Miller and family, living a few miles south of Thomas- ville, were poisoned last week by food which 'had been put into a galvanized bucket and bung in the well over night. The food had been prepared for a wheat-threshing force the day before, Tuesday and on Wednesday for breakfast the family ate of it heartily and soon had to call a phy sician. By heroie efforts the physi cian saved the family. Foley's KUnegr Eemady. Is particularly ' recommended for chronie eases of kidney and bladder trouble. It tends to regulate and con trol the kidney and bladder action and is healing, strengthening and bracing. M. U Alarsn urnggist. , Foley Kidney Pitts are composed of ingredients specially selected for their corrective, healing, tonic and stimulat ing effect upon the kidneys, bladder and urinary passages. Tbey . anti septic, antuitbie and a one acid sol vent. Marsh's Drug Store. ,'toSH-;"V ' FRECKLES New Drug . That Quickly . Eemorea These Homely Bpota. There's so longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles for a -new drug, Othine double trength has been discovered that is a positive cure for these homely spots. ibratpiy get one ounce of othine double strength, from Gibson .Drug store and apply a l:l tie of A at night, and in the morning yon will see that even the worst have begun to disap pear, while thr-Jirtt freckles have vanished entirely. It is seldom that mora than an ounce ia needed to com pletely clear the ekin and gain a beau tiful clear complexion. ..' . Ee sure to ask for the -double sfrer.jth otV'ne, as tlsis is sold tinder , , , T -7 1 mS if it t 'i to tics date nr estoxx, , ' : t - . July ft, . ' li33 5Ur Thomas Mure, CUaeeOor - - of England, beheaded ia Loa - doe. 1777--Aaerisos evacuated Tieonder- oga and Mount IadBdenee. 1802 Gn. Daaiel Morgan, one of the eonspietooa leaders ia the ' American Bevolntion, died' ia Winebestar, Va. Bora ia New Jewey ia 1734. ' 1835 The Bostoa- and Worcester Railroad waa opened. 1861 Uaioo forcea driven ' back at the battle of Carthage. Mo. 1868 Samuel Lover, noted Irish nov- " eliat died. Born in 1797. . 1872 Democratic , national conven tion met at Baltimore and Dom inated Horace Qreely for Presi dent. Mnrrifcge cs the Prince df. Wales (King George V.) and Princess Victoria May of Teck (Queen Mary.) THIS IS MT 64TH BTRTHDAT. Katherlna A, Tingaley. Mrs. Katherine A. Tingaley, leader of the Theosphists and founder of the colony at Point Lome, California waa born in Newburyport, Masa, Jo- ly, 6, 1847. After attending the pub lic schools in her native place she completed her education in a convent in Quebec On leaving the convent she took up her residence with her father in New York. Here she in vestigated Spiritualism, with the re sult that she openly opposed physi cal manifestations and seances. Her investigations, however, led her to becoming a strong Tbeosophiat. In New York she spent much of her time in missionary work among the poor. borne fifteen years ago, m company with other prominent members of the Theosophist Society, Mrs. Tingley conducted a world-wide tonr in he in terest of the Theosophistical move ment. Since the death of the late W. Q. Judge she has been he acknowl edged leader of the society not only in America but in the world at large. Those Who Take Foley Kidney Pills. For their kidney and bladder ail ments ,ana lor annoying urinary ir regularities are always grateful both for the quick and permanent relief they afford, and for their tonic and stengthening effect a well. Try Fo ley Kidney Pills. M. L. Marsh. Kidney Diseases are Curable. under certain conditions. The right medicine must be taken before the dis ease has progressed too far. Mr. Perry A. Pitman, Dale, Tex., says: I was down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stones.- One bottle of - Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. M. L. Marsh, Druggist. WASH THAT ITCH AWAY It Is said that there are certain springs in Europe that give relief and cure to Eciema and other akin dis eases. If you knew that by washing' In these waters you could be relieved from that awful itch, wouldn't yon make every effort to take a trip to Europe at once? Would yon not be willing to spend your last cent to find the cure J But you need not leave home for these distant springs. Relief ia right here In your own home town! A simple wash of Oil of Winter- green,' Thymol and other ingredients as compounded only in D. D. D. Pre scription will bring Instant relief to that terrible burning itch, and leave the- skin aa smooth and healthy as that of a-child. If you. have not already tried It, get at least a 2&-cent bottle today. We as sure you of instant relief. Gibson Drag Store., Concord, N. C. MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A OnteinlMteiforrevaTtsbaeML i:atipKtla. Htidtr ka, Hloiaara Troablea, Tertklag l I r d er , ud Deatraf Waraii.. The, Break an C'alaV . in at Bonn. Atauuracruti,iiaia. Ooa I accept Bwpla nsilad FREE. Add ran, rutuUt(a. A. S. OLMSTED. LeRov.N.Y. FAR.V.ER'S WIFE IIADKEAP TO DO Urs. Shepherd Was, ia Bad Shapt f; wnen uie Could Not Stand on ; v5 "Her Feet Durham, N. C "! am a farmer"! wife," writes Mr. J. M. Shepherd, d this city, "and have a heap to do." - : , : "Foot months ago I could not stand on my teei, to oo anything much, but at this time 1 do the most of mv work. I took Cardui and it did me more good than all the doctors.' i ,, , "You don't know hall how I thank you for the Cardui Home Treatment. I wish that all women who suffer from womanly trouble would treat themselves as I have." - Lames can- easily treat themselves at home, with Cardui. the woman' tnnir It is easy to take, and so gentle In its anion, uiai cannot ao anything but Belne ccmnosed excluslvelv rtfr. table ingredients, Cardui cannot lay up trouble in yotir system, as mineral drups C.;cti do. Its iitr;redients having no .Misii, nicaikinai cuecis, ana oeinsnon pr 'Minus nd perfectly harmless, Cardui u aiisolutely sale for young and old. A'k your driest. He wlU ten ycu to ty waiuui. . ....-.' . a- w 1 -TO ',' r One of the 'chief causes of i high .prices: IshigH n?Vj. Any plan that reduces the size br the number of profits that stand v between the i xactory ana -Refill Heretofore, all , good shoes . have been built to sell at fixed "eveh' prices $3.50 , : $4.00, $450, $5.00 and so on. If a shoe could sold aV say $4.35, .shoe traditions" , would not permit it. It had to be "built up" by adding, unnecessary ; expense to sell at $450, or "cut down" (to its hurt) to -sell at-$4;00. r T-- All this has been changed by thc Reoei CompanyVnew plan of selline shoes 'just as many other necessities are sold ana just as all necessities should be-r& a definite: small commission over cost of manufacture in ouf case only 5 per cent. :plus the cost ot selling. .; ' Thl U tha ttamp. that will hartal tar be foiwd oa Bagal Shoaa. It la roar (uvaataa that Um price appaariBf In its caatra is tha lowest for which a hoa of uch iuaUty CU habMsbt. THE NOETH OAEOUNA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for tha Wo men of North Carolina. ' Five regu-q lar Courses leading to Degrees, Spe-H eial Jonrses zor.teaehera. Free tuitr ion to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Session begins September 13, 1911. For cat alogue and other information address Julius L FOUST. President, jy3 ... Qreenseero, S. 0. v Asthma ! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY vet inataat relief and an - abaolnte - core i all utaam ot Aathma. BronchiUai-and Hay Ferer. , Sold by drngguU: mail on receipt of price ftoa. ' f c Trial Packaca fcy mall 10 eratai " -WILLIAMS IU COtVaaCfareeMaYOia. 8ol4 byDayta Dru OonTpaay. DR. J. S.i LAFFERTV Practice limited tm Bra, ar. Moaa and Throat ana Uttlnc OlasMav OfflcaT in th If arrla hllillna- ttnonr No. is ever Cabarrus Sarin sa Bank. pfflee konrsr ItoUi m. and l to 4 p. Ok --i ... ., . SISSOLTJTXOS KOTI0E. : The- firm of Smoot ft , Pemberton has dissolTed. : Please eali and settle your aeoeunt as we wish to close up onr old boohs. - ' , 10-tf & SMOOT 'ft PEMBEBT0N. KOHCEt ' . " Hy bealta aaving tmprored I here by notify my former patrons, friends and the pmblie that my serrieos are at their command for any legal business entrnstsd to mi. ' ';:, -W. J. M0NTGOM.EEY. ?r : Attorney at Urn. mErsrlY I am now ia tie Morris building, dTer the Cabarrus Savings Bank. ; , X'l t - virrrr Am an '-' : Office back of Davis Drug G mpany. '- Tr- its. - Foley's Coney and Tar Compound.' Is effective for eons and coUa in either chilJrn or p-own persons. No wales, no L. - 1 tj In tlie ypllow- fa--' . m.l latea. ?: fvejaf aaaaar fa 3fl I acM moc la n 1 L- you is a pian.m.your "IT7 ShocaSoIdLTO to tWearcr at jGoatIus 'Firo Per 5 Cent: Gom xrdssion and " the iLow Real ; S ollimr I Cost? ' :-' :' " ' :' -;:-:-vt-f - It makes no difference :whethef of hot the price figures out in "even , mbney.' The new plan eivesyou Regal Shoes nearer tc acmal xstt and ; charged-with smaller ana fewer profits than any other make. jThe price , is stamped on the shoes at the factory, This stamp is your, guaranty that j: more of your money goes for quality and less for profit than in any other shoe you can buy. ' - - - ' .- ; - egtd Pneeaiore nov33S - ' 'VFORI-MEN - '.; -'c'C--.', THE GOOD V'1 .. NEWa SPEEADS. tErElQEEATORS. KODAK llako the "Mar. walk more enlovabla by taking a - - 'KODAK Then yoa will have sot only the pleas ure, of the outing, but the added pleasure in. the picture which, pro serve the memory of the funVaC; J , - fi.ooio 120.0?.; : : ; Gccd Worh! : No Experiments l ThaVi '-cur Traie Kari. " That's what w ( . " Cl'Jl we f t a Z' Hoof , on yotsr Is- :?. I:y be G c Dencuc. . ;r 1 r- 'H 30; sac And one business grows larger and u y eome here from all parts of ths tity and eonnty. Whenever they. need :?:M&ttJ thing, ia our toe, they thinkofis.; t; '-We have furnished more eosy homes than we could poiaibly c name. ' r W did it to our owner's ataafaUon and we can do tie same thing to you. . S'S1""' I. -v :&"' -r'-''sr ;"' ' -'-: Dnly.a iew:ftnd.tiie7 aunt go at a price. Come, and get-oney to? -' 'eap.;;:; Connelly; ' Wharo health 4aata m erarr hfeeae." - AOa th mala line of the Bontharn Katlway. midway .between Aahevllle and :' . Ballabury. In the foothills ot the Blua Aldsa. - , . -r- ThoroushlT modarn la all Ita annolntraaota. Tlnnma' artth ' nrlvat fclh.'r ' Very beat eaialnaii table aupplled with bast eountrjr.produata. . i, Tennia, Bawling-, Danolna-, Orchaatra of tha very finest mnalclana, Mineral 'Water Bpeolflo for dyapepala and all forms of stomach and kidney Olaeaaea. It , ': : eoothes the narraa. bullda up a run down ayatem. - Raaldent phyalcian In bo. tel. . Sataa and Information gladly furnished on application i - , ." , Speoial rata to famlUai and parties, " " ' - : " . ' -:-.:.'Cbnnclly-Mtneral.' Gprlnfjo Co. ' "l rv . HENHY VAWSTOHT, Saaratary - . -. v Oaaaelly Sprtmaa, JTavth Carallaav ' . ' Connelly Mineral Bprinas Water shipped the year 'round lOo per aaUofci r t' f ' I, a B. Connelly Sprlnga. .t.-" :,.;. -.. ; ' -: Spend Your Vacation at EUerbs C;ri2ssr,.v; . The hotel at Ellerbe Springs will open June 1st. Health and pleasure seekers will find. this th most delightful place to spend a vacation in the state. . The hotel is an elegant new one ,with large spacious verandas, electrie lights, baths, hot and cold water, and with daily manil and local and long distance telephone services. The ground are shady and cool the hottest days of summer. Uany attractions here for the pleasure seeker. Health seekers will find the Ellerbe Frrim"-! water to be the best for the cure of Indigestion, quick relief for Ly evcr and Asthma, and an ex-' eellent water for general debility and run- down condition.. A vacation at Ellerbe prins will eost very l"".'a more ban staying at home. The re 6 rt is rf fir' ed via Seaboard to I V inc'iam, N. C, thence by automobile line to tie r.-rirrs, 11 milt s over i roa;!s. For booklet and rates address TZ.1ZZZZ z a. c. c-peninjr, L'pt., EotUo;.'..--, it. c. a Li IV 1 o ... , S 4 ' -,,.. S85 r price s -- : - - - m Springs, N. C. r i V .7 . 1 i -?f ' ... .- . -! ' : v''-t'."""';' - .: . ' v . 1? sJ.V.'S :' ';r -1 ;-ro: : ?V ( 'fyr''- .'.Ari; ... i'Jm 7.- . - 5. ii:,.

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