1 ,4- i r 1' :i c:::::j ly mm 4. Ml SMKaSULU I siascsurTtva 1 is Tr . Bi Moatae .TkJ-W Moat h 1 6m MnU .. . . . it . .4 rvMLitJiaVI AJtHV dl. CKXKJtT. AwrtUlti rmtM cms sad at the Ac. Copy for ikuM aauat !! It evfecs: a. as. Card of Than fteeolatleaa r e Sscl amd similar artfclaa are ck.rsW I tfca rata of 1 caau par Una oaaai ta U eaeaa,' . . Knt-a 'aa aeeaS claaa mall Butter April tt, 11 at the peeteAre at Coa rord. N. C uM Ue act el March a, ma. mt eta tty tad ft? aass) tfca will I Month afoatha welre atoataa t . 1.M I.M .ohm n.roatsaT.. -CHy BdMae Coneord, K C, July 10, 1911. The Democrats are sincere in their efforts to run the House of Represen tative on an economical business - basis. The report of Jerry South, chief clerk of the House, just made public, shows that during the month of June a saving of $8,501.90 was effected as a result of the abolishing of uselesss offices. This item, which does not include the bisr reduction on the police force which the senate has not yet concurred in hut will approve shortly, means a sarin of $102,742.80 a year. This is not a sttiemlous sum it is true, but the spirit is in striking contrast to the $35 waste pa per baskets in the offices of Postmas ter General Hitchcock and t lie ex pensive recreations taken by the Aldrich monetary commission at pul lic expense at Narragransett pier. Oscar Underwood, of Birmingham, Ala., the Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, of the House of Representatives, which Committee as is well knovSii prepares all tariff measures, is showing himself to be a statesman of great ability in shaping tariff legislation along Democratic lines. Mr. Underwood is an earnest tariff reformer hut does not believe in going so far with the tariff agitations as to seriously disturb the business interests of the country, by too radi "':tcb1 a change. "Its an ill wind that blows nobody good," says an old adage: It is pub lished that the Piedmont Traction Company has called in the engineers on the interurban line between Green ville and Spartanburg, on account of the difficulties they have met in se curing sufficient rights-of-way and ap proaches in and about Spartanburg. It may prove, that the opposition to the interurban manifested in Spar tanburg may hasten the. building of tae line north of Charlotte. PARAGRAPHS. Mexico appears to need a new ac counting system, too. a a a But, gee! This weather is awfully hard on the iceman! a a a Wonder if that army gun silencer could be applied to politicians, a a a The Dayton, Ohio young man who was buried alive the other day in a landslide will hardly relish the humor of his friends sending the fire depart ment to dig him out. a a a A lady in Accomac county, Virgin ia, has a servant who has been with her forty-six years. Hats off to that mistress and that servant. a a a The New York federal Grand Jury is trying to make it look as if they ought to be called the Steal mag nates. a a a If yon should be accidentally in jured And have no insurance policy in force, there will be fifty agents around' the next day to tell you "I told you so". Nearly 2,000 Chicago children have eared permits to work during the ' summer . vacation. Summer time is certainly not play time for everyone. .-v;v -, a a a Castro separated from his beloved i Vevesnla,' is paying her the highly satisfactory alimony of absence. Gp Castro should cher up the vaudeville season will open early this -year. .. -i.- y- Just la Time. Gantonia Progress. A Gaetonia coup's who had been anticipating getting married for some time, took advantage of the last day to get married in South Carolina be fore the license law became effective, and Fridav afternoon Mr. Jerome Hicks and Miss Bessie Lingerfleld of the Old Mill section, journeyed to Bowling Green (Where they were joined together just in time to save license ' expense,' The happy couple it just aa well pleased as they would have been had they married under the new law. ' i-y T'acy a man's bluff isn't sailed un til he gets married., DAXOE&OTO FILLOW. Entire, Train Faaaed Over Kegro'i Bead. Wttaoat XajarUg Bis. WilmiMrtoe 1A patch. ""Night before last the ineoauing Sea board Air line train which pases d late at night, narrowly sussed killing a negro about 20 miles from this city. The escape of the man, from possible death, the stuation having been brought about by his own eareleamv aeae, was truly remarkable. While the train was speeding on toward Wilmington, between the 19th and 20th mile posts, the engineer noticed a man's body at retched from the edge of one of the tracks. The train was going at a great rate of speed. Be fore the engine eould be stopped the train had passed several hundred yards beyond the point where the man's body had first been noticed. Can tain W. L. Been was in charge of the train. He immediately went forward to ascertain from the engineer what was wrong. The engineer then stated that he thought he had killed man and that it had been im poss ible to stop the train before the en gine and cars had passed over the man. Lanterns were secured and I ap tain Beery and the engineer then went back fully expecting to find a dead body. When they reached the man they found him asleep with his head resting along-side the track, and his bodv extending outward. The entire train had passed over the negro. If he had lifted his head onlv an inch or two his skull would have been crushed. Impossible as it may seem, the man had not been awakened bv the rush and roar of the wheels as they passed to closely to his head. Those in charge of the train were com pelled to shake the negro several times in order to arouse him from his heal thy sleep. He was then informed how narrowly he had escaped death. The man was given some timely in formation as to selection of sleeping places, which will probably teach him in future to select some place for a nap other than a sandy spot between railroad cross-ties and track, as a pillow for his head. Excursion to Richmond, July 18, 1911. itia'iM Railway will operate Annual Popular Excursion to liich ... .i... Ti.os!.:iy. J ly 18, 1911, at very low round trip rales. Tickets will be good to return on any regular trains leaving Richmond, up to and including, Thursday, July 20th, giv ing two days and one night in Rich mond. Special triiin consisting of first class coaches and Pullman cars will leave Charlotte, at 8 p. ia., Tuesday, July lSiili, and crrivo at Richmond, i a. in., following morning. Very low round trip rates from all branch line points, tickets from tr.ese points good on regular 'trains connecting with special train. Rare opportunity to visit historic Richmond and the many nearby points of interest at small cost. Following round trip rato will apply : Concord $4.50 Albemarle $5.25 Salisbury $4.50 Rates from all other points in same proportion. For oihor information, Pulman reservations, etc., call on any Agent, Southern Railway, or write, II- l Butts, T. P A., Charlotte. Don't Get Sun Down. Weak and miserable. If you have Kidney or Bladder trouble, dull head pains, dizziness, nervousness, Pains in the back, and feel tired ail over, get a package of Mother Gray 's Aus tralian Leaf, the pleasant herb cure. It never fails. We have many testi nonials from grateful people who have used this wonderful l.medy. As a regulator it has no equal. Ask for Mother Gray's Australian Leaf at druggists or sent by mail for 50 cents. Samp.le free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LeRoy, N. T. Engraved Wedding Invitations and Announcements. We hope our friends will not for get that we furnish the most ele gant marriage invitations and an nouncements that can be obtained. We have a book showing a beautiful line of samples of the very latest styles, which will be sent to anyone on request. All orders are considered strictly confidential. tf. HOME NEWS WHILE AWAY. To keep in touch with home news Concordians leaving iche city should not fail to have the Trio- une mailed to them. It will be sent promptly and addresses may be changed as often as desired withooc interroDtion of aerviee Mail order or phone 78. Ten cents a week in advance. : tf A 8URE CUES FOE o IN 1 TO 8 MINUTE. Is say part of the body Inside or Out DR. FENNER'S Golden Relief , RELIEF rrrSTAJTTANEOTJS. Vied titersally Cnre Wraralrta, Tooth kuhe, Enxlachaa, Backache, Chilblains, Oramna, l jiin, C"id-Sroa, Sprains, Cute, Biiuaes, V wuaua, treated feet, Craiupe.ete. TT4Ir.'"-nnyit ewes Orlr, Cold, Sore Throat, (-una, raver and nua, Diarrhoea,. Colio, DyeenUry, all Bowel TreauieS, biiUiUmia, fcuronle BroaeUUa, ete. Druitalata aTarywhara, tSc.Me. aad SI. aheaa. - -SureOura. ClrcnIar.Dr it - . .. aaunar, riadtmla, ti.T. Im Imus ly C.Maoa Drag Lion, . TTT - Xias Banmaa'a Scheme. Shelby Star. " When we over at Lenoir the other day we wanted how Miss UoUaaa stirred ap some of the northern peo ple snout tbe pttirul (T) condition of the "mountain whites." Most readers remember tbe sensation she caused and 4be leaghty newspaper ar ticles that were written on both sides. This Miss H oilman was' a northern woman who went to the mountain dis trict of western North Carolina where some of tbe biggest hearted people of the South live. There she opened a school and after it had been running s short time she had a tacky party. All the children wer asked to come dressed in the tackiest clothes they eould find. When she got tbem there she had s pietuie made of the group. Some 4ime later she had a. swell drew affair. Everybody came ii their Sundav best, then she had another picture made of tbe frroup. These two pictures she sent back I north as a sort of "before and after! taking" her dose of civilisation. The! pictures were such a contrast, that sympathetic people of .the North! thought she was doing a great and i worthy work and gav liberallv to the1 cause. Then she began writing news-i paper articles, .telling her Northern I friends that the mountain whites of the South lived the most pitiful en-: vironment and asking aid to edu- i rate .them. Her articles were highly I exaggerated if course, but she got . what she wanted .big donations from ! the North. She had misrepresented , the good people of the mountain dis trict, gjt nuinev under fa'se pretense and sw'ndled her Northern friem's. i And this in the nr. me of churitv. j Senator Simmons to the Front 1 Charlotte Chronicle. Senator Simmons has introduced in the Senate an amendment to the Canadian reciprocity bill providing 1 for putting lliuir and tresh meat a well as wheat and live stock on the ; tree list. This is probably the most , important amendment that has been1 uigirested tor the reciprocity bill in! either the House or the Senate and1 the effect that such a provision i would have is readily apparent. ! have is rapidly. This amendment : probably means as much to the ulti- i mate consumer in the I'nited States! as does practicaly the entire bill as it ; was hrst introduced, because it will I alow strong competition airainst the. beet' and Hour russ and result in ' greatly reducing the extremely high j prices ot flour and meat. 1 Deafaaaa cannot be Currd by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure deaf mas, ia cauaca oy an innamea conation of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube la Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or lmoer- fect hearing-, and when It is entirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and un less the Inflamatlon can be taken o and this tube restored to Its norn condition, hearing- will be destroy orever; nine cases out ot ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. We will irive One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused bv catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. J. CHiSNEI & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists. 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Sometimes it is better to wait un til the bridge is finished than to at tempt to swim across. On account of the Summer School of the South to be held at Knoxville, Tenn, June 20 to July 28, the South ern will sell round trip tickets on June 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, July 1 8, 9 and 15, 1911, final limit fifteen days from, but not including, date of sals with privilege of extension of final limit until September 30th by depositing ticket with special agent, and payment of one dollar. The round A man never knows much until he is three score and ten, and then he hasn t much use tor knowledge. Those Who Take Foley Kidney Pills. For their kidney and bladder ail ments ,acd for annoying urinary, ir regularities are always grateful both for the quick and permanent relief they afford, and for their tome and stengfhening effect sL, well. Try Fo ley Kidney Pills. M. L. Marsh. It is better to owe rotti iwmlo a grudge than to have them owe you money. Be Prepared for Emergencies. 'When a cold comes to you or in your nunily era sadden chill if yon let it alone you are making reoorerr hard. Ateaapooa fn) of Perry Davis' PsinldUer in half a glass of hot water er milk will be the thing tosars later aad greater trouble. This old reliable family remedy ealls by millions of bottles annually.- 85c (Ute-cew sise) and 60c When a woman is color blind she is apt to get .more on one cheek than the other. "., . v . v KOTICEI - f My health having improved I here by notify my former patrons, friends and the public that my services ara at their comtdund for any legal business entmsl id to m i. ' W. J. MONTGOMERY, - Attorney ut Law. Asthma ! - Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA : REMEDY tflvaa tnt.nt TmMmt nnrf an .Klnta mmm fit all eases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and nay rtret. bold by druggists ; mail on receipt of price fi.oa Trial Packaara b Man IS mmiIs. ' - WILLIAMS MFG. CCPaaaa, Ornate old by Davla Drag Company. One of the 'chief causes of high prices is high profits.' Any plan that reduces the size or the number bf profit that stand between the factory and you is a plan in your benefit . RegdlSho to Wearer afcG mission and the Heretofore, all good shoes have been built-ta sell at fixed "even" pricea-7$3.50t $4.00, $430, $5.00 and so on. If a shoe could b& sold at, say $435, shoe traditions would not permit it. It had to be "built up" by adding unnecessary expense to sell at $4.50, or "cut down" (to its hurt) to sell at $4.00. - All this has been changed by the Regal Shoe Company Vnew plan of selling shoes just as many other necessities are sold and just as all necessities should be at a definite,' small commission over cost of manufacture in our case only 5 per cent. plus the cost of selling. v" jffa2r tan ar . Tab Is tha stamp that U1 aaraaiter be found oa Karat Shoe. It ia rur guarantee that the price appearing in Its centre is the fewest for which a hoe of such quality can be bought DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Smoot & Pembercon has dissolved. Please call and settle your acocunt as we wish to close ap our old books. 10-tf SMOOT & PEMBERTON. A 01SSISSIPP1 JHTHUSIAST Mis. Lena Groham, of Clinton, Miss., Has 4 Few Facts to Tell Our fieaders About CafduL Clinton, Miss. "Thanks to Cartful," writes Mrs. Lena Oresham, of this place, "1 have been greatly relieved." "I suffered for three years from female mflammation. and -had taken medicine from four different physicians without much benefit "1 have received more benefit from seven bottles of Cardui, than from all the physicians." Just try Cardui: That's an we ask. It speaks for itself, it has helped so many thousands, tt must be able to help you. Trying Cardui won't hurt you. It is safe, harmless, gentle in action, and purely vegetable, bjdvfoi!' weak,ared "ad out, If you are sick,, miserable, and suffer from womanly , pains, -like headacke, backache, dragging feelings: pains in side, arms, legs, etc try Cardui. It is the medicine for all women. It Is the tonic for you. ' N t--Vrtk ft UaW AMsmt Dect, Chat. Soars Medicine Co.. C)urUnoota,.Tcna., lor Sptcial If tractim, sihI rVHwR bookTHonw Treataieal lot WanKa," seat ia piaia WTtapct. aa nqueal. MECHANICS iVlaAClAZINB SeTsaCarAaVntaB4 300Pictares 400 Articles: 250 Pages : Month A wmeerM story eftna rVacnaanf thia M aiAaa. InatrucUwa, but awra (aadnating that far nuloo. A maame far Buikera, Lwctota, uwyera, Teaehara, t aimers, P'wmeas Men, kaaa), uiacturera. Mechauica, haaU ' wraaaeraaenT saoolh. Iraareara amyrxif. Vioea rat aaaona m laratanl wKt. Al the ma who read, au ioot eewatiraier wul ahenr ytm anas ar wxaa tha mraafa,afcaaa.mnop wwraeiaal Ut t ' " ? I "i. oliaira,e!aj . ; , . waajr wars aa So Pwaa-how b make aapaira, aa4 attaJas Sot tana and shop, eta. . j - f 'f Wpae-a.taflatMNr $iM pm pmr, afatajaaalaj It AaOC YOUU t X.'t.JOXaL Or AAlraat It makes no-difference whether or not the price figures out in "even money." The new plan gives you Regal Shoes nearer to actual cost, and , charged with smaller and fewer profits than any other make. The price is stamped on the shoes at the factory. This stamp is your guaranty that more of your money goes for quality and less for profit than in any other shoe you can buy. Regal Prices are now1 S35 to ? S85 K ODAK Make the May walk more enjoyable by taking a KODAK Then you will have not only the pleas ure of the outing, but the added pleasure in the picture which pre serve the memory of the fun. f 1.00 TO 120.00. GIBSON SEUCr STOXtS Good Work! r No Experiments ! - That's our Trad Mark. That's what wa do. Shan wa put a Tin Boof on yonr houset. May be yonn want slats? .7 SEE BBABT THE BOOFES. Grady-Brady Co. Telephont ZTo. 831 " THE KORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Wo men of North Carolina. Five regu lar Courses leading to Degrees. Spe cial Courses for teachers. Free tuit ion to -those who agree to beeome teaehers in the State. Fall Session begins September 13, 1911. For cat alogue and other information address JULIUS t roUST, President, . JyS , Vr l . . Greensboro,' If. 0. - 4 DRefjLAFFERTY Prartloe limited te Era. Ear, Noa and Throat-and rutin Qiaaaea. - t Offlra In tha' Uorrla blldlna. Tioora Na. IS over Cabarrus Savraga Bank. . Office hours; 8 to 11 a. aa, and 1 to I a. as. , ,,7 .. , . m -DENnSTRYi I am now in the Uorria snuMing, over tbe Cabarrus Bavings Bank. ., FOR MEN Connelly Springs, N. C. Where health floats crery hreeaa. On the main line of tha Southern Hallway, mldwar between Ashevllle and Salisbury, In the foothills of tha Blue Ridge. Thorourhly modern In all Its appointments. Rooms with private bath. Very best cuisine, table supplied with beat country products. Tennis, Bawling-. Dancing-. Orchestra of tha very flneat mualolana, Mineral wates Speclflo for dyspepsia and all forma of stomach and kidney diseaaea. It soothes tha nerves, builds up a run down system. Resident physician in ho. tel. .- Rates and information gladly furnished on application Special rates to families and parties. . Connelly Mineral Springs Co. IKHaVT VUfSTORT, Sweawtary Connelly aflneral 8nrlna-a Watar , O. B. Connelly Springs. Spend Your Vacation at Ellerbe Springs. : ' The hotel at Ellerbe Springs will open June 1st.. Health and pleasure seeker will find this tht most delightful place io spend a vacation in the state. The hotel is an elegant new ene ,with large spacious "verandas, eleetrie Kghts? baths, hot and eold water, and with daily ananil and local and long distance telephone services. : The ground are shady and cool the hottest days of summer.; Many attractions here for the pleasure seeker. Health seekers will find the Ellerbe Springs water to be the. best for the euro of Indigestion, quick relief for Hay Fever and Asthma, and an ex cellent water for general debility and run down condition. "A vacation at Ellerbe Springs will cost very little more than staying at home. The re sort is reached via Seaboard to Rockingham, N. C, thenee ty automobile line to the Springs, 11 miles over good roads. For booklet and rates address ELLEiBE BPRINQH HOTEL, A. 0. Corpeninft Mgr., 'Rockingham, N.' C. For Any Kind - of 'Mob": Printing 1 cmcurT TnrnTPriiioii hxztd Come to The ;ime8jPnntey.n TtaWsT k Simpler and a Cheapr Waj to Ilamyoitr-' Office Detail - -rT ...' -4 . -i i;. sssatV ' .- - -.v -'?. Tiz: cc::cc:iD tridune, 2. . . CaajaeUy Spriaca. WeHh OaralUa. ahlnnarl' ' '. . .... ' ; t .I , KOORE'S tlODERN METHODS 3 tave yon Money . 1 f W V " i. ,