r . V t 1 r 1 b. r H K:c:::::jc:jLTiFJ-:ri A iHUtaiU. I re swat r uucaimoi bya' JIM . MS . 1 . . rare. Moilbl Averttalaa ratee a4 (Sm Ctst for caBee "e Hh "cSTit lllik Ka-rfatiaae .t Ra- ict ana ft '" ertlelaa are ehrs ITf tiji mti ner Une-aeh la nU HTCU aadar MTch Vrtw - k'j-ffijr'iir: M priM Ik Knaaan Trtaeuae will arrraUt . ,s . HMtk . t Mentha w.lr. Months ' .tOB M. OOLKSST OHy Katt Concord, N. C, July 13, 1911. The pastor of tbe Washington Square Methodist church, in Hagers town, MJ., is a roan of good sense Last Sunday he called upon the ladies of his congregation to vote on tba. question of whether gentlemen should be allowed to remove their coats in church. The vole was unan imous, in the affirmative, whereupon many of the becjuated individuals immediately took advantage of the permission and proceded to throw oft their coverings. The Baltimore Sun aptly observes: "No man can keep himself in proper devotional frame of mind while dissolving in side a smothering coat at the same time that the thermometer is striv ing to establish a new altitude rec ord for all times and all places." Mr. E. B. Jeffress, special corres pendent of the Greensboro News at Raleigh, in his letter to that paper of today has the following which will be of interest: "Chief Justiale "Walter Clark is back in the city, but was not seen today. He ha9 just been in the west ern part of the state and how succes ful his trip was cannot b learned. There are rumors that Chief Justice Clark is not getting as much support a he thinks he should. There is a little rumor afloat here that Chief Justice Clark feels a little bit sore that Editor Josephus Daniels, of the News and Observer, is supporting ex Goveraor Aycock in preference to him, especially when the platform of the chief justice as to trusts," in . iative and referendum anil his gen eral course on thQ bench has fitted in so well with the Daniels point of view." The doctors have got Bob Phillips all bumfuzzled. This is the way he puts it in his paper today: "It seems only a short time ago since the doctors advised people not to drink water at meals. Now a med ical authority is quoted as saying it a good thing to do. First thing we know hookworm will bo somethin else." Mr. Eller lays it on a clerk at headquarters. Rather a bad admis sion, we think. PARAGRAPHS. Castro is said now to be cruising off the coast of Venezeula in company with the sea serpent perhaps. It is hard to get much excited over tho price of woolens, this weather. mysterious tnerts oi revenue stamps in Indianapolis have been traced to rats, and another burning Indiana political issue has been basted. e e Senator John Sharp Williams uses a rough currycomb on the Insurgents. www Over in Washington the accused politicians, deny the allegation and defy the investigator. a The Emperor of Germany has given Mr. Morgan, of Wall street the Urand Cross of the Red Eagle. Mr. Morgan's habit has been to hand out the Double Cross with the Golden Eagle. y. Hay Fever and Summer Colds. Most be relieved quickly and Foley's Honey anS Tar Compound twill do it E. M. Stewart, 1034 Wolfram St, Chicago, writes: "I have been great ly troubled during the hot summer months with Hay Fever and find that by using Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound 2 get great relief.' Many oth ers who suffer similarly will be glad to benefit by Mr, Stewart's experienp?. M, L Marshy Druggist. Tboss Who Take Foley Kidney Pills. For their" kidney ad ' bladder tSt ments ,and for annoying urinary ir regularities are always grateful both for the quick and permanent relief they affordy .and for their tonic and atengfhening effect H welL Try Fo ley Kidney Fills, M L. Marsh. , A small boy no sooner breaks in a pai of shoes v than they'' begin, to break oat XX2C01IAL SSXTXC1 AT Vmr OTT.1UD. Xaftmattaf Ail in mi Vf Mm. Ear item,a4 Qmr 4 Mr. J. c ruk. Soon last Sunday moraine paopW began te arrive at New Chiaad for the Memorial service and by tba time for opening a large number bad jeiWed. The opening consisted in songs by tba choir, Scripture reading and pray er by tha pastor, after which recita tion vera rendered by five girls. Also the song,' 'Tell Mother 111 be There," was impressively sung by a chorus of girls. Bev. Paul Barringer was then presented and gave an address for which no one was better fitted. He spoke of the peculiar interest be has in New Oilead, having served as its. pastor for 21 years. Very touchingly be described find ing the child in its mother's arm and laying his hand oa their heads in baptism, of their growth, confirma tion and marriage and of visiting them in their own homes and of how he bad been burdened for their de velopment into citizens of high character. He also paid a beautiful tribute to the faithfulness of those that labored with him, whose bodies lie in their graves near by. A collection was taken to be used in cleaning off and beautifying the grave yard. One enjoyable feature of the day was the dinner which was in abund ance and most temptingly prepared. Warm hand-shakes, kindly greetings and a rehearsal of the past filled up the noon hour which seemed to pass all too quickly. We were entertained in the after noon by addresses by Bro. J. C. Fink and Rev. W. H. Causey, of Concord. Bro. Fink said that he was taken by his sainted mother near half century ago to the altar in Gilead church and there consecrated to the Lord and in coming back Sunday he felt like he had gotten back home. His sub ject was: Time Past. Present and Future, and was full of rich thought. encouraging all to act for God in the present, live in the sunshine of His love and be controlled by love, for God is love. Mr. Causey spoke on our Sacred Heritage. Rejoicing in the heritance we have received from those that have lived before lis both temporal and spiritual, emphasizing the im portance of our being diligent in la bor so that those coming aftrr ns should have a large heritage. He said there would likely be a day similar to this in 75 or 100 years, then what would those living see in the history of our lives that would inspire in them nobility of purpose. With singing "When the Roll is called op Yonder,"" Benediction by Mr. Barringer, the Memorial service was a record of the past. D. C. C. Charlotte Citizen Killed Instantly by Lightning. Charlotte, July 12. While standing in a doorway of his residence in the Chadwick-Hoskins village, a suburb of Charlotte, during a terrific electri cal storm this afternoon. Thomas J. Capps was struck by lightning and instantly killed. The bolt struck the chimney and then flashed down to the doorframe, shatterins it to frag ments. Capps was turned completely around by the shock and thrown on us lace. Shake it into Tour Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, the anti-septi powder. It cures painful, smartinr nervous feet, and instantly takes the ting out of the corns and bunions. It the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen's Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous, swollen, tired, acning leet. Always use it to break in new jhoes. Try it today. Sold everywhere. By mail for 25 cents in stamps. Don't accept any substitute. For FREE trial package. address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, Men might talk about women more if they talk about themselves less. Kidney Diseases are Curable. under certain conditions. The right medicine must be taken before the dis ease has progressed too far. Mr. Perry A. Pitman, Dale, Tex., eavs: "I was down in bed for four months with kidney and bladder trouble and gall stones. One bottle of Foley's Kidney Remedy cured me well and sound." Ask for it. M, L. Marsh, uruggist. Some men waste half their time in getting ready to waste the other half. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Is effective for coughs and colds in either children or grown persons. No piastesy no banafnl drags. In the yellow, package. Refuse substitutes: M L.. Marsh, Druggist Some, men look upon laws as things merely to oe Droicen. Foley Kidney Pills are composed of ingredients specially selected for their corrective, healing, tonic and stimulat ing effect upon the kidneys, bladder ana urinary passages. They , anti septic, antilitfcie and a uric acid solr vent. Marin's urag mora. ' Anyway, there is nothing monoto nous about the weather. . - XXUXOXAKT DAT AT ; LVTSS&Air . CHAPEL, The Viesionsry Workers of Luth eran Chapel, near China Grave, K. C, feela that their year's effort have aot been in Tain, for their cloning work of the year on the second Son day in July was the crowning soe ca in the history of the Society. Each year finds them advancing in missionary intelligence as well as fi nances, which marks "onward" as their motto. At 11 o'clock Rev. J. J. Long, pas tor of St. John's, Cabarrus county, delivered a scholarly address based upon Acts 3:6, "Silver and gold; have I none, but such as I have give I unto thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise np and work." His eloquence soon grasp- ,a u.i .ii i, could give something, and that Jl , , , 7?. T . i that was needed was a willing heart. ' "t MtXJ iiww uj Ml iSAell 'Wl 11 T 111 IT I IWU oi in groat est anruments or anti- missionary unbelievers. The address !or haul lumber when thev should be throughout was coached in language J making improvements on the farm, and delivered with clear diction. In This is poor economy. Thousands of appreciation of Mr. Long's services ' dollars every month sent outside for he was made a life member of the I flour and meal, and disease brought Woman 's Society. The morning ser- into our splendid health country, vice was interspersed by music (when we ought to be shipping these specially prepared by the choir. Con- 'bings out, tells its own story." spicuons among the songs was the selection, "Nearer My God to hee," Honest Msdidnoa Verros Fake, as a ladies quartette by Misses Mary President Taft's recent message sug Bostian, Lala Brown," Edna Brown jesting an amendment to the Pure an,l Marv Patterson. The forenoon ! collection, together with the birth day and thanks offerings of the mem bers of the societv, amounted to fH'.fil. In the dren and voun afternoon the chil-A"la, people very credit-1 alilv rendered the service. "Sone of June tide. This was followed by an i recognized by the medical profession address bv Mr. George Park, of the!186'1 M to known remedial chiss of '11 of Roanoke College. In;agent for the diseases they are in liis address Mr. Park showed careful ! tended to counteract For over three thought imbued with true missionary j decades Foley's Honey and Tar Corn spirit. In tender language he touch-1 pound has been a standard remedy ed upon tho great need of workers for eougbs, colds and affections of the nmW the different imtions: mrnli throat, chest and! lungs for children lastly upon our own work in Japan,! telling why our forces are concen- trated upon' that one irreat nation. 1 The children brought in their mite i boxes which contained the results of j their efforts to increase a nickel. A prize had been offered to the one who had gotten the most. This was won by Master Frank Bo.tian, whose box contained $3.00. The prize was a hip. Th0 contents of the boxes re- turned with the afternoon collection 1 was $20.27. making Tor the dav a! grand total of $02.88. There is still a little more to come in from each of these two societies, and the Young Peoples' Society has not yet made any report of their work. This will come later. B. ZEMO CURES ECZEMA, PIMPLES, RAND RUT F, PRICKLY HEAT , SUNBURN and affords you skin comfort daring the hot weather. We give you three reasons why we recommend ZEMO for skin trouble. 1st. ZEMO is a clean, scientific, liquid preparatiqh, pleasant and agreeable to use. 2nd. ZEMO stops itching at once and allays the irrritation and prompt ly soothes and heals the skin. 3rd. ZEMO gives universal satis faction and is recognized by 6kin spe cialists as the standard remedy for all skin and scalp troubles. If you wish to try a bottle of ZE MO for yourself or one of your chil dren and it does not do exactly what we say, we will return your money without quibble or question. M. L. Marsh's Drug Store. Ex-Jndge George P. Pell Very 111. Greensboro Record Mrs J. B. Gunter received a mes sage today conveying to her the sad intelligence that her brother. ex- Judge George P. Pell, of Winston-Sa lem, is desperately ill at Hygea Hos pital, in Richmond, Va., to which in stitution he was recently taken for treatment. Several months ago Judge fell sutlered a stroke of para lysis and since that time he hag been quite feeble. Deafaeaa uiutt aa Cared by local applications, aa they cannot rem n me aiaeasea portion or the. cat. There Is only one way to cure deaftuiu. la caused by an Inflamed condtlon of the mucous UnlnK of tha Euatachfan Tube. When this tube la Inflamed you nave a rumbling- sound or Imper feet hearing-, and when It la entiralr closed. Deafness la the result, and un less the inflamatlon can be taken o- -and this tube restored to Ita nern. condition, hearing- will ba deatroye.- orever; nine caeea out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucoua sur faces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafnese (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured bv Haifa Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O Sold by Druggists, 76c Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. Some of the most important in formation in a newspaper is to be found in the advertising columns. HOME NEWS WHILE AWAY. To keep in touch with borne news Concordians leaving the city should not fail to have the Trib- une mailed to them. It will be sent promptly and addresses may ' be changed as often aa desired " witbow interruption of service Mail order or phone 78. Ten tf " cents a week ia advance. e..a e ' a a - a a e a e . FiUacx to EarveoA Thirtee eaaea of pellagra, hare bean rtpecta U Caatoa, and aA a eliaie euaewoad by Dra. Brownaea an Oleu in. the office mt Dr. T. T. Keynolde- .lb other day W eaMa were preaant, Kip rawing its arm pathy with the afflicted ones, the Can ton Observer aaya that "the fnet of pellagra in Haywood county is a pro teat against, ear Jannen. "God has never made finer farm ing country than Haywood county and the Pigeee Tailey alone should make corn enough to teed the entire county. But we boy the western earn and wheat with -the disease in perking, feed to ear people and oar beat peo ple die with these dread diseases, ail on aeeoant oX the fact that so many of our boys would rather wear tan shoes and silk stockings and clerk in a city store at 30 par, instead of pull ing the bell cord across old 'Kit' and making a garden spot out of our beau " thing that helps these conditions mof WT tTfBtn Ukf to see the ready money flow at once ti .,.,1 n,.- i ooa na urugs law in us relation W Prepared Medicines, does not refer to such standard medicines as Foley's Honey and Tax Compound and Foley xth f Which are true medi- clne carefully compounded of lngred- ients whoso medicinal qualities are ani" for grown persons, and it retains to dav " pre-eminence above all ot,ier preparations of itj kind Foley Pil,s are equally effective and meritor- ,ous- M- Marsh, Druggist, Freckle-Face New Remedy That Removes Freckles or Costs Nothing, Here's a chance, Miss Freckle-Face, with the guarantee of a reliable deal er that it will not cost you a penny unless it removes the freckles, while if it does give you- a clear complexion, the expense is trifling. Simply get an ounce of oihine double strength, from Gibson Drug Store and one night's treatment will show you how easy it is to rid your self forever o fthe homely freckles and get a beautiful complexion. Rare-1 ly is more than one ounce needed for liiv nvtoi vaov Be sure to ask Gibson Drug Store ior me uouoie sirengin oinine as iuis is the only prescription sold nnder guar a ntee of money back if it fails to remove freckles. The more rapidly a man goes the more likely he is to be overtaken by misfortune. Engraved Wedding Invitations and Ajuututcamenta. We hope our friends will not for get that we furnish the most ele gant marriage invitations and an nouncements that can be obtained. We have a book showing a beautiful line of samples ot the very latest styles, which will be sent to anyone on request. All orders are considered strictly confidential. tf. A Milwaukee woman is so jealous that she won't allow her husband to gaze at the stars.. Desirable Offices Morris DuildiBC Beat location ia- dty. Steam heat, light and. janitor eeryioe free - i , ... Also -. aleeping rooms, bath, fight'i' and janitor" service free. , - - Phone No CO i a '. . list II I ' LIQUID CUBES tA" . ivurnrfiivF rma in cat OA4.it raiu la reswra km akla diseases ejealeal aoUorluos or aow save oa this: DoaVt tarkrieoa the eieeaee fame ra your skta by the eee of greasy salves, aad than ea courage Uoai to aiaJtlnty. A tree ewe ot all ocseeMtoas Onaies eaa bo broti about oalj by as las the beallsa- afeata hi the form of a Uaal, WASH TUX CXJUU . OUT. . A simple wash: A eomsonad ot CO ot Wlatergreaa, Tkroi, aa4 other sgre Hants as combine la the D. D. JX PraoertpUoa, aeoetrmtee to lie ol tarns mat destroy U. taea soothes and heals tho skla as aotbim has over dose. A ta-eeat trial bottle win start tha tore, aad give fom Instant relief. Gibson Drug Store, Concord. N. C AWFUL PAIHS FULLYDESCRIBED; A Udy of Pizarro Teds Story of Awial SuiWing That tarda Finally Relieve! Plnrro. Va "I suffered lor several rears," writes Mrs. Dorma A. Smith, "with that awful backache and the bear ing down sensations, so fully described in your oook. 1 tried doctors and other medicines nd found little relief, until 1 was induced to try Wine of Cardui. when I found in stant relief and today 1 can heartily recommend Cardui to all suffering women and think there is no other as good." In some instances. Cardui rives instant relief; in others, it may take a little time. But in all cases of female trouble Cardui can be depended on to be of benefit, as it is a specific remedy for women and acts in a curative way on the womanly organs. As a general tonic for women, to build up your strength, improve your appe tite, bring back rosy cheeks and make you look and feel young and happy, nothing you can find will do so much for you as Cardui. Your druggist has it. n. o. wrm to: un- Mvfsan Dipt. Chm. Boon Medicine Co . Chatuiwmsa 1nn ln.CAil iMfrnrftotumnd 64-paec book ''Home TmtoMa 64-paie t tiacUia WW Wl Good Work! No Experiments ! That's our Trade Mark. That's what we do. Shall we pot a Tin Boof on your house?. May be youn want slate? SEE BEADY THE KOOFER. Grady-Brady Co. Telephone No, 331 I . wm mwm ar a I IV. .1. S. LAphhK I Y Practice, limited te Bra, Bar, Nose ana Tbroat ana rutins; ui Office, In the Morris blldlnr. Room No. 20 over Cabarrua Savings Bank. Office hours: I to 11 a. m, and 1 to t p. m. DENTISTRY I am now in the Morris building, over the Cabarrus Savings Bank. h. a. HEEunra. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The firm of Smoot & Pemberion has dissolved. Please call and settle your acocunt as we wish to close np our old books. 10-tf SMOOT & PEMBEBTON. NOTICE 1 My health having improved I here by notify my former patrons, friends and the public that my services are at their command for any legal business entiuslsd to mi). W. J. MONTGOMERY. Attorney ut Law DR. T. II SPEl'CED VETEBINAEXAN Office back of Davis Drag Ct mpany, PHONE 115. The ideal Health. Rest and Pleasure Resort. Crowded each season. Not too high (1100- ft), pleasant -days and nights. No mosquitoes. Unsurpassed mineral water. . Resident physician. Room for 200 guests.. Sewerage, baths, electric lights. Splendid fare ana service. High-cU Orehtrm or row Bowling, skating, tennis, boating, bath ing, ete." - - - .-, -,.vj .f- - 'Teletrnoh connection at 8tateavfllev Bell phone Two through trains front Charlotte. - , - 'Special low rates for June and 8ep tember. $6 to S8 dot week: Julv and August, t8 to $10 per week. Special rates to i amines ana ministers. " Open June 1st to October 1st, 191L Write for booklet to . . DAVIS ErvOS. Owners mt frastiatara. mileage. M.C Trua Economy in Shoe Regal Shoo quality is famous. Tho trreatcst success that the shoe business has known is built on it But in Regals you get this superb quality at a reasonable price because Regal Shoes arc Sold Direct from Fac tory ta Wearer at Corf of Making - Plus Five and the low Regal and delivery. High quality and 3 reasonable price havsthu3been vedded in Rcfral Shoes by X I (AC. e49 L K iW JlMeV S0 means of this new Reralclan. unique in the shoe business. Regal prices range from $335 to $g85 Thao nalmniilontha aolea ol Keial 8mi la yaur auatanty that on arc getting the hi 11, famous wUca-auch quality can baaecund. RGALSlfOES FOR MEN Gannoii & Fetzer Co. Spend Your Vacation at Ellerbe Springs. The hotel at Ellerbe Springs will open June 1st. ITealtb and pleasure seekers will find this th most deligh state. The hotel is an elegant new one , with large spacious verandas, electric lights, baths, hot and cold water, and with daily manil and local and long distance telephone services. The ground are shady and cool tho hottest days of summer. Many attractions here for the pleasure seeker. Health seekers will find the Ellerbe Springs water to be the best for the cure of Indigestion, quick relief for Hay Fever and Asthma, and an ex cellent water for general debility and run down condition. A vacation at Ellerbe Springs will eost very little more Than staying at home. The re sort is resched via Seaboard to Rockingham, N. C, thence by automobile line to the Springs, 11 miles over good TiTiTiTSRBB SPEDTOS HOTEIs A. G. Connelly When health Soala aa cveiy On tha main Una of tha Southern Hallway, midway between Aahavllle and Salisbury, In tba foothills ot tha Blue Bldsa. Thorouchly modern In all Its appointments. Roema with private bath. Vary beat cuisine, table aupplted with beat country products. Tennla, Bowling. Dancing-, Orchestra of tha very flneat musicians. Mineral Water Speclflo for dyspepsia and all forms of stomach and kidney dlseaaea. It aoothea tha nerves, bullda up a run down system. Resident physician In bo. tel. Rates and Information gladly furnished on application Special rates to families and part lea, Connelly Mineral Springs Co. BEHKT TAHSTOKT, SacrXary ... Ceaaelly Sarlae-a. ITerth Carallma. Connelly Mineral Springs Water shipped the year'round lOe per gallon. P. O. B. Connelly Springe. Offers All That is Best iccwauaove vmton irom every state in the union. Aatogki appciatod and eaadacta Bad as eaiUaUl irateai of Hotd a .1 ... - " jjp; wiaipaiiai mat battel UATfl. PrDLrIAU trMM YV 5th Ave. and 30th St. e- City Pressico Qui I bave pTirehased outriirht a drt preparation for cleaning ladies' gar ments that I guarantee to give satis faction, or I will make no charge for the work. I am sole owner of this preparation and on account of the client satisfaction it has given I make this proposition to tba belies of Con cord and vicinity: ; Send us any ar ticles or garments yoa want cleaned and after we use this dry cleaning preparation o ntbem, it they are not entirely satisfied with tba work 1 will make no charge..., ": V : D. B.Jr0v7XLE8. Xinrlatat. 'ttoiMi 181 ;;- h ? ; WILUAT.IS' KIDNEY PILLS Have yoa overworked your nervous aya Um aad eauacd trouble with your kid neys ana Diaaaerr nave yoa paina ia loins, aldsV back and bladder? Have yoa a flabby appearance of the faca, and oa. der tha eyeat A frequent deal re to pas urlaeT If so, Wllllama' Kidney-IHIIa wlb eure youDrunlat, rlce Wo. ' : . . ' WUUAMS atFO. CO., Vmmmm, Clm J.ajOala . BoUL by uavu Drag Loose loaf ledger sheets for Moore 'i ninderax.tept.ta stoelLaC The. Trib aae odea. U Buying Per Cent cost of selling . ful place to spend a vacation in the roads. For booklet and rates address Corpening, Mgr., Rockingham, N. C m At- Springs, N. G. Ba H . -w in Hotel Life ctawd te pgHw daniad. am Afttwimi i i . .- hi wnsiatani -KAlaS - A BOOKLET . jSL r '; The Nortb CaMUaa , . COLLEGE OFAORIOULTTJRB - . AND MT.CHAlflO. ARTS Tho State'f Industrial College' ' " Four-year courses In Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical,' and Mechanical Engineering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-year "courses in Mechanic Arts, and in Textile Art. One-year course in Agriculture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Exami nations tot admisson are held at all county sets on July 13. For Catalog, addniss . . - TBE BEdSTSAX,' Pg WertRaletgn.ir.0. .THE NORTH, CAEOLEIA , State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State tor tha Wo men of North Carolina. , Five regu lar Courses leading to Degrees, fipe cial Courses for teachers, Free tuit ion to those who agree to become teachers in- the State. Fall Session begins September 13, 1011. For cat alogue and other information address .JULIUS L rOUST, President,, JyS - drseniboro, H. Ct ,