HSHDOIfflOOa HO. 5 TOWHSHTP. A protracted meeting is being held at Mount MitcbeU this week by the pastor in charge, Rev. Heath, A protracted meeting is announced to begin at Mount Carmel Methodist church, in No. 5 township, by pastor in charge, Rev. MeOee, next Sunday, the 30th, at 10 a. m. Rev. J. II. Keller, of Clairmont Fe male College, Hickory, N. C, will hold services at Keller Reformed church next Sunday. 30th, at 10:30 a. m., and at New liilead at 10 o'clock p. m., the same day. Rev, Mr. Keller has many warm friends in No. 5 who will be glad to hear him. The Children 's Day sen-ice, held at New Gilead last Sunday, was a suc cess. All did their parts well. Rev. 1). C. Cox made a fine address on Sun day school work. Mr. Will Earnhardt, of No. 5, has put in new machinery and a new cot ton gin, all first class, at Dayvault ft Neisler shop, near Concord. One day last week Mr. Will Penin- ger heard some lumber falling on the floor of his work shop. V ben be en tered the room he found a black snake clearing a place for baseball with rats and mire. The length of the reptile was 6 feet inches. No. 5 is power ful snakey. but they are of the chick en variety (as we have two more to report later), so we can get along well in No. 5 without the potash popskull. We are plad to note that the health. of Mrs. Joanna Cline is much improv ed. Miss Mamie Cox of Thomasville, is spending a few weeks with her pa rents at the parsonage in No. 5, Rev. and Mrs. I). C. Cox. Mr. Guy Bernhardt, whose illness was noted in our last notes, is quite sick with fever. On last Saturday the children, eight in all, the grand children, seventeen, met at the old homestead of Mr. R. J. -Cook and daughter, Miss Annie, of No. 5, for a reunion. All present of the family were twenty-nine. Two sons-in-law could not be with us. Messrs. J. S., I. O. and Miss Annie Cook furnished the dinner. Mr. Reece Long, of Rimer, was the in vited guest present, outside of the family, and he was there on profes sional dutv. Also their pastor, Rev. D. C. Cox, was invited and made a short stay. The children from home were J. J. Cook and family, of Albe marle; Mrs. Mary J. Barnnger and children, of Salisbury; Mr. and Mrs. V. R. Weant and daughter, of Spen cer, and Mrs. Rhoda Oohel of Rock Hill, S.C. The four sisters will stay at t he old Inline tor two weeks. I. ' " CODDLE CREEK. Tlic infant daughter of Mr. K. (!. Sea ford died last Thursday and w as buried at (iilwixul on Friday. Mr. Mason Benson, of Charleston. S. ('.. spent two days last week with his a;uus. Mrs. E. M. Field and Miss Maggie Hell. He was accompanied by his sister. Miss Addie Smith, and inend. Mr. Gussie Aimers. Messrs. . L. Smith, J. L. Archer, J. C. Williams. C. O. Cashion and C, P. FieUl went on the excursion to Johnson City. They report a fine time. Mr. Chas. X. Field sp nt a few days last week in Greenwood, S. C. Mr. W. A. Craven had the misfor tune lo lose a good horse last Satur day by choking. This was the only horse lie had and the loss will fail quite heavy on him. The negroes had a picnic at Henry Little's, two miles east of Coddle Creek church, last Friday. A number become loaded loaded up on liquor and as is usually the case, began shooting, as a result Lucy Torrence, wife rt' John Torrence, was shot and died from the effects on Saturday. Jim Fisher was also slightly wounded. We have been unable to ascertain who did the shooting. July -J5, )li. Mr. Ed. SiftW. of Barker, enrol Monday with Mr. W. Q. Hobeyratt. Th tU. Stepliea's Sunday school will bold their annual picnic Satur day, A usual 5(h. Lverybwdr cordially invited to attend. Refreshment anil masie on the ground. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Ritchie, of Sal isbury, visited Mrs. M. L. Ritchie Thursday. Quite a number from here a ill go on the excursion to Asheville August 11th. listen the wedding bells will ring again soon. Mr. Alfred Sheffield, of Lexington, is spending the week with Mr. Thoe. Van Connon. Corn and cotton are growing very rapidly on account of the recent rains, we are very thankful for, would be pleased to see more at this time. "Iriquois." npe Refonnel churci August 23rd. ifeitde the toasie sad dinner quit a nuaibrr of adtlreee mill be delivered. All fiieuda and relative arc cordially invited to toco. Brut. J oar beakeU. Refreshments will be on tbo ground. R. NEW LONDON. Miss Ruth Ingram, of near Rest, left Tuesday after a week s visit with Mrs. Mag Nash. Messrs. George and Henry Kendall of McFarland, S. C, and William Harris of Virgilina, Va., are here spending a few days with Reese Ivey, Mrs. Nannie Newton and thr-e chil dren and Mrs. Beck Hambright of Charlotte are here spending a few day Charlotte rre here spending a few days with l)r. and Mrs. R. W. Ivey. Miss Lucile Ivey, is in Norwood, the guest of Miss Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris of Green ville S. C, are here visiting Mr. Har ris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Har ris Among the New Londonites who joined the camping party who are camping on the Rocky River near Norwood, we note: Misses Lottie and Edna Ivey, Messrs. James Austin, W. X. Letter. Everette Xash, J. B. Palmer and Alex Xapier. Mrs. T. Ben Ros. is spending the week with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Brown near Bloomingtonv Miss Fannie 11c iris and Ellen Huckabee spent a few days here this week with Mr. and Mrs. Olias. M. Harris. Will Lefler left Saturday for Mor ven, where he goes to accept a posi tion with the Morven Telephone Co. The mail route from this place to Tuckertown will be discontinued July 31st, on acount of the mail service on the Southbound. Capt. M. S. Parker, Rev. Otho J. Jongs, Rev. Daniel C. Still, and Rev. Isaac Cotton of this place are attend t he Methodist conference being held m Norwood this week. Mrs. J. A. Allen and little daughter, Julia left Tuesday for Statesville, where they go to visit Mrs. Steel. Mrs. Chas. Parker, and attractive daughter. Miss Miriam, returned home last Wednesday after a week's visit with Cant, and Mrs. M. S. Parker. J Miss Mary Crowell. of Norwood, spent last Friday night here with friends. J. J. Kelly, of Eldorado, spent Fri day night and Saturday here on bus iness. Eugene T. Russell has accept ed a position as manager of the Sib ley Manufacturing Co.'s shops at Al bemarle. Herbert A. Hirdsall. who holds a position with an electrical firm in New York, was here a few days last week visiting his siter. Mrs. T. C. Thompson. William Russell, of Ohio, spent Fri day here visitinsr Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Russell. " ' HUSTLER. NO. 11 TOWXSHIP. Mrs. Q. F. Litaker fcad tweaty eight vautom at hm time on bat Thursday afternoon from Concord. They bad nice time eating water mellon. Mis Mary Furr and Mr. Lather Honeyeutt, Mis Minnie Furr and Mr. Tom Morrison are expecting to go to Mooresville to attend the picnic Thursday. Miss Lucile Lowder, of Concord i visiting her brother, Mr. Lineberry Lowder. Mias Blanrle Lowder spent Satur day night in Concord. Mrs. John Gorman and mother, Mrs. Stillwefl, of No. 2, visited at Mr. Win. Goi man's last Sunday. Mr. Randolph Smith, of No. 9, agent Sunday evening in onr midst. Mr. Luther Litaker was unable to be out at church last Sunday. Mr. Van Lowder, of Concord, spent Sunday evening with bis brother, Mr. Lineberry Lowder. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Faggart and daughter spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Will Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krtmminger en joyed themselves eating watermelons at Mr. George Litaker s last Sunday. Little Miss Blanche Litaker spent from Thursday till Saturday visiting at her sister's, Mrs. Ruf. Bost. Mrs. William Stalhngs and two daughters spent Friday evening with I Mrs. J. E. Furr. Mr. L. D Alexander, of Mt. Pleas ant, visited Mr. J. C; Furr recently. There was service at Center Grove Sunday by the pasior, Rev. J. A. J. Farrington. Mr and Mrs Asa Blackwelder went to Albemarle Thursday as delegates 1 from Mt. Hermon Lutheran church and returned home Sunday evening. I The people of this district would like very much to have their teacher, 1 Miss Mary Isenhour visit Uhem some time soon. ANXIOUS GIRL. ; NO. 7 TOWNSHIP. Rev. B. A. Culp, of Gastonia, is visiting at his father's, Mr. John Mr. V. C. Lentz and son, A. C, spent Wednesday in Albemarle on Culp. Wheat all threshed, with fairly good results, the farmers say. business. Mr. Clyde Propst, of Concord, is visiung ai nis grana iatner s, Mr. l). L. Barringer. Misses Nora and Esther Honeyeutt, who have been spending some time visiting m bahsbury and Barber, re turned home Thursday. Mr. Lee Honeyeutt, of Concord, is visiting relatives nere this week. Mr. H. B. Rinehardt, of Palmers ville, is visiting his sister, Mr. Wm. Hammill, this week. Rev. Geo. H. Lingle returned home Monday from St. Martin 'a E. L. church, Stanly county,, where be has been attending conference. Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Honeyeutt, of Concord, spent Saturday at Mis enheimer Springs and Sunday in No. 7 with home folks. Nuasman and Gold Hill crossed bats Saturday on the Gold Hill diamond. The score stood 4 to 13 in favor of the former.' ... ;-'-.'V...''- . , Mr. and, Mrs, J. G, Honeyeutt, who have been attending conference at St Martin's E. L. church, Stanly coun ty, as delegates from- St. Stephen's, returned home Saturday. '' - Mr. M. G. Misenheimer returned bom Thnrsday from Petersburg, Va., where he has made a business trip, , LOCUST. rains ciops ..re lookilng Heavy fine. Wheat threshing is almost over. Mr. P. M. Ijove spent Thursday in Albemarle on business. Protracted services begin at Love's Grove, August 13th. Ou August 19th there will be a grand picnic in M. P. Love's pasture. Music by tiie O. G. A. band, mcrry-go-round and baseball at 4:30. Five dif ferent kinds of mineral water and re freshments for all. Let every body come. ROCKWELL. The wheat through this section is now all threshed and made an aver age of one-half bushel to the shock. The crop this year was much larger than last year. Miss Barbra Smith, of Charleston, S. C, is now visiting her sister, Mrs. H. A. Wise, of this place. Burl Miller and Guy Bost aie here on a vacation from Dnrham. Mr. Clarence Peeler is now at home for a few days after a two months trip as salesman for the Rockwell Mfg. Co. Mr. J. W. Peeler Is better and has rptnrnfid home, we are clad to note. I I Mr. Lawson Goodma . l.as accepted j me position mane vacant oy viiaine 'Kluttz at the livery stable here. It ds almost impossible to judge the i present cotton crop as to what it will make, but at any rate it will be short on account of the present drought. Wells and branches tliat have never bM'n know nto fail are going dry. (iiauite Quarry defeated Spencer in a game of ball last Friditv evening by a score of 10 to 8. Fully 500 people witnessed the game. Gold Knob defeated Rockwell last Saturday by a score of 12 to 9. This, too. was an interesting game and was largely attended. Peeler was in the box for Gold Knob and struck out 8 men. Miller, for Rockwell, struck out 10. Each pitcher allowed one man to go to first on hit ball. SANDY. the Children Wunderhosc axe made to withstand hard knocks and hard wear. They are knitted of the staunchest and finest wearing grade of yarn known to hosiery making. Let the children romp and play to their hearts' content. See how much better their stockings fit look 'and wear. ' We stand responsible for VVunderhose. An investment of one dol lar for a box of four pairs carries with it our guarantee of four months' service. If holes appear in toe, heel or cole within this specified time, we will gladly furnish new VVUNDERHOSE free. Children's Wunderhosc in all sizes of black or tan, one dollar per box. For father, Drotner and mother, too. One dollar per box of four pairs. White-M6rrison-Flowe Company, Mosquito Perfume WILL KEEP THEM AWAY 10c per bottle QEBSON DB.U& STORE Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Now on I Big Reductions In Every Department! Come Todayy! Cannon & FetaerCo. Trinity - College 1859 1892 1910-1911 ST. STEPHENS. The. farmers are about all done lay ing by in this community. Crops are looking fine considering the recent drouth. Threshing is about over within this section the yields are the best ever known. Mr. G. D. Honeycut leads the township with a crop of 800 bushels Mr. J. R. D. Lentz spent Tuesday in Concord on business. The Nussman baseball team journey ed to Gold Hill S( turday evening and played an interesting game, the score being 4 to 5 in favor of Nussman. The annual Sunday school picnic will ke held at St. Stephen's on Satur day before the first Sunday in August. We are expecting to have something far ahead of any thing we have had heretofore. In the evening there will be a ball game. Mr. Gej-ge Rinehardt, Buchee Lit tleton and Solomon Rinehardt, of Whitney, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. W. H. Hamilton, Jr. ROCKWELL. An ice cream supper was held at Mr. John Beaver's Saturday . night. The crowd was large and the' people enjoyed themselves very well, for. the refreshments were greac. Meeting at Mt. Mitchell M. E. ehurch this week. The attendance is very large. Ton had better come out one night. -Ww' - ''- A magic lantern show will be held at Organ E, L. church Saturday night All are cordially invited, s The ninth annual reunion ox the Tost generation is to be held at M t. Deataens canaet be Cored hy local application, as they cannot reach the diseased portion oi me ear. There 1 only one way to cure deafntas, is caused by an Inflamed condtlon of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed vou have a rumbling; sound or Impor feet hearing-, and when It Is entirely closed. Deafness is the result, ana un less the Inflamntlon can be taken o and thts tube restored to Its nam condition, hearing1 will be destroye. orever; nine cases out or ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nomine out an Inflamed condition of the mucous nur- We will give One Hundred Dollars for nv case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hen a lor circulars, iree. P. J. CHENEY CO, Toieao, u. 8old by Druggists, 7SC Take Hall's Family Pills for Consti pation. ,. JikL-! ' m'mtmiai Maai anaia Noak'.LIalaiaatai tM best remedy lor Rheuma tism, Betatloa, hunt Bsok, BtlS Joint and Hades, Bars Throat, Cotdt.Stislns, Sprains, Cuts, Bruls Colic Cramps, Neuralgia. Toothache, and all Nwts, Bone and ItoadeAehes and Pains. The genuine has Noah's Ark on every package and looks like this cut, but has BED band on front of package and "Noah's LhhW always In RED Ink. Beware of Imitations. Large bottle, eenta, and sold by all dealers In medicine. Guaranteed or money re funded by Noah Remedy Co, Ibo, Richmond. Va. DR. T. H. SFEriCER VETERINASIAir Office back of Davis Drag Ctmpany, DR. J.VS. LAFFERTY Practice limited te Erei Bar. Noaa ana Throat ana rutins; mass. Office In the Morris Mldlna. (toon He. t ever Cabarrus Savings Baak. Offlee kears: I to 11 a. nv, and I te i Wt SB , . ' :, DENTISTRY I am now in the Morris building, over the Cabarrus Savings Bank. SL 0. HEBBTJTO. Asthma! Asthma! POPHAM'S ASTHMA REMEDY gives irtant relief and an absolute cure in all cases of Asthma, Bronchitis, and Hay Fever. Sold by druggists ; mail on receipt of price Si.oo. Trial Package by mail 10 cents. WILLIAMS MFG. CO, Props, Cleveland. OUt Sold by Davis Drag Oompa&y. y Vt y, Yi y y TEE JiViL'.E E3TEL Seventh Avenue at 38th St. Short Bloek from Broadway SEW YORK. Center of Everything. S50 Rooms 200 Baths A Room with a Bath for a Dollar and a Half A Boom with a Bath for a : Dollar and a Half A Boom with a Bath for a - Dollar and a Half Other Rooms with Bath ; ; ; $2.0Q and 12.50 Rooms for two Persons 20 and $3.00 Summer Roof Garden. Nearest Hotel to the New Penn. R. R. station. Conven ient to all other Railroad De pots and Steamship Piers.' . Dutch Grill Music. Finest la Town (a la Carte) Send . for colored Hap of New York . PLAZA HOTEL, Chicago, under the same management. EDGAR T. SMITH, Managlni Director ' ' en te W M H iyi i Money to lead on Cabarrus real estate, in city or-jtounty. J. L. Crowell, Atty, m2i-tt Three awararlal dates i The Graafian; of the Charter for Trinity CoUeawi The Renraral of the College to the rowln and proaneraaa Citr of Dir bant) The Balldlag of tbo New and OrcateTTrlait. MnvnUecat new baUdlng with boot eoalpneat and enlarged facilities. Conafortablo hytfeale OonmUorles heantlfnl nleaaaat aerroudlaXa! Flw departmental Aeadonmte Mechanical, CItII, and Electrical Eataoer ag) Law) Edacatloai Gradutlea. , j , Por catalon-ae and other laforautloa, address n. Im FXOWEHS. Soentaiy, Dmrhnaa. IT. V. Trinity Park School " . ESTABLISH EX 188S. I.ecatlon Ideal) Kalpmant naanrpaaaed. the Mhrary, a-raiaaalaat, and athletle Said of Trinity College. Sneetal attomttea glTen to health. A teacher tm each nmlorr looks after tho llvtes eondltloaa of bom wader his care. nwrnnHory $Z?lErti mnim m'th94a " -"--- - Fr niant rated Catalan go, addreas W. W. FBKI.b Bcadaunter, Dnrhana. IT. (X : ' ' ' l - i II I Spend Your Vacation at Ellerbe Springs. The hotel at Ellerbe Springs will open June 1st. Health and pleasure seekers will find this th most delightful place to spend a vacation in the state. The hotel is an elegant new one ,with large spacious verandas, electric lights, baths, hot and eold water, and with daily manil and local and long distance telephone services. The ground are shady and cool the hottest days of summer. Many attractions here for the pleasure seeker. Health seekers will find the Ellerbe Springs water to be the best for the cure of Indigestion, quick relief for Hay Fever a nd Asthma, and an ex cellent water for general debility and run down condition. A vacation at Ellerbe Springs will cost very little more than staying at home. The re sort is "ched via Seaboard to Rockingham, N. C, thence by automobile kne to the Springs, 11 miles over good roads. For booklet and rates address ELLERBE SPBUTOS HOTEL, A. 0. Corpemng, Mgr., Rockingham, N. C Yoim ciTYjq Offers All That is Best in Hotel Life iff Recognized for years as the headauarter r,f NY,l'. a rnrmbntnlrvi nnlmi. f.- ... t . h mi --r- uuui every mxt m tbe union, J VaV 1 r U A'r'-T. - bl-bd rn-ol Hotel l . "'WUIoentopohfcdnBund. V5 HOT HOTEL PERFECTION AT CONSISTENT RATES BOOKLET . 5th Ave. and 30tK S For Any - Kind of Job hinting Come to The 7 imca Printcy.